- -v - -~ -~ - - 1 PAGE fforTZEff TM AWADzRW wrATEBAW EOWMTVWI TKURSDAT. 1. 1 Bethany W.M.S. Feb. Meeting flethany. There were 1.5 members and two visitors pres- cnt at the meeting of the Woni- en's Missionary Society of the United Church, held at the home of Mrs. Winnifred Spen- cer on Wednesday with Mrs. George Waddell presiding. Mission service and citizen- ship was the theme o! the pr- gram, with Mrs. Mansel Wright taking charge o! the worship service, reading several por- tions from the scriptures relat- ing to the subject and leading a discussion. Mrs. Herber Cap- pins led in prayers. Mrs. Mervîn Porteous read the minutes o! prevîous meeting and the cor- respondence; also stating the allocation for alaxC year had beeh încreased ,y $25. Watch Toý'ér.ieralds repart- ing were Miss Maude Radweil Éiving items on temperance, Mrs. W. Rowland on Missions in Africa and Mrs. T. Jackson on Christian Stewardship. Re- ports from the recent Presbv- terial meeting held in Peter- borough werc given by Mrs. G. Waddell, Mrs. Henry Jakeman. Mrs. Clarence Rowan, Mrs Walter Rowland, Mrs. Donald Lowcs. Mrs. Mervin Porteous and Mrs. T. Jackson covering al the phases of mission work. There was a discussion re the forming of a baby mission band, and in this caniection the secrctary, Mrs. Porteous, was instructed ta write for fur- ther information. At the close of the meeting rcfreshments were served by the hostess. BETHANY Albert Caldwell of R. R. 1, Bethany is reported in satisfac- tory condition ini Civic Hospi- tai, Peterborough, after .a wood-cutting accident on Wed- nesday. Mr. Caldwell was working on the O'Brian farin near the Ski His, when he in- jured his right leg. His em- ployer, Harry O'Brian and neighbors carricd the injuro~d man ta the mnain road where he wvas rernoved by ambulance ta Peterborough. Dr. G. M. Longfield attended him and X- rays in the lbospital revealed two fractures. Mrs. Ernest Beer spent sev- eral days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur, Stewart at Ida. Mns. M. McDowell, Millbrook is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. R~eg. Edmunds. Mrs. Cecii MrGili, Toronto, I 1 Cook School At Bethany Betliany: Mrs. Carl Smith entcrtaîned thc ladies of St. Paul's Guild for their Febrti- ary meeting, with Mrs. William Mark presiding and leading the devotions. Main item of business was planning for thc Cooking School which will be held in the Bethany Town Hall on April llth. Valuable prizes will be given at this cookîng demonstration. Two by-laws were passed regarding expen- diture o!fonds in the future.' Several committees were appointed, with Mrs. Morgan Bigelow as convener for ways and means of raising funds: Mrs. Rupert Wood convener of social activities; Mrs. Jack Pal- mer, transportation: Mrs. Er- nest Lamb telephone commun- ications. It was decided ta purchase a new electric organ iight. Dur- ing the social hour, lunch wàs served by the hastcss, assisted by Mrs. Emory Smith, Mrs. Hugh De Geer and Mrs. Wm. Mark. There were 12 members present and three visitors. The new minister's wife, Mrs. G. E. Meades was welcomed and in- troduced ta the group. The la- dies were pleased ta accept thse invitation of Mrs. Charles Smith ta hold the ncxt meeting at her home. Laughs Galore ln Rotary Three Act Comedy li f 1 r k ý , I 11, .. "Mifj' non A $10,000 wager that he can tell the truth for 24 hours involves Keith Jackson, a young stockbroker, in some tense but hilarious situations in this year's Bowmanvjlle Rotary Club drama presentation, "Nothing But The Truth". Tickets are stili available for to-night (Thursday) and a few may stili be obtained for Friday and Saturday nights. Curtain time is 8:15 p.m. in the Town Hall. The entire cast ENFIELD There were 22 members an-l one visitor present at the Feb- ruary meeting of the Pathfind- ers heid at the horne of Cccii and Ronnie l-lubbard. It was decided to hiave a box social in the school on March l7th, The next meeting will be held st Mrs. W. Bowman's. Mrs. Bow.- man read the devotional pre- pared by Marie Prescott. The program was readings by Ruth Wilson and Mrs. Bowman fol- lowed by games and lunch. The W.A. met at the home of Mrs. G. Irwin with twelve members and one visitoi pres- cnt. Mr.s. Edgar Prcscott, first vice-president, presided at the meeting. Mrs. G. Irwin read the devotional. Mrs. Alex Aber- nethy of Manilla, played two accordion solos and played the hymn accompaniments. Mrs. Wilfrid Bowman gave a read- with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James McKinnon. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Cavano and Mr. and Mrs. Morris Mc- Gee left on Friday, motoring to Florida for a month's vaca- tion. Miss Marie Carr, Toronto, was home for the wveekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Carr. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Monk, Pe- terborough, visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Monk on Sun- day. The Ladies' Good Luck Lodge held a progressive eu- chre party on Friday evening with 12 tables of players. Pri- zes for high score went ta Mrs. Douglas Fallis and Clarke Pomeroy; consolation awards to Carl Smith and Tommy Ray- son; lucky ticket prize ta Mrs. Leslie Challice. Miss Josephine Nugent an'd Mrs. E. O. -Scott of Ottawa have been guests wîth Mrs. Winni- fred Spencer. Guild Plans BUSINESS AS j" is assembled in the above photo, with the exception of Bettie Stutt. Front row, lef t to right: Joan Mann, Jeanne Siemon, Lillian Morgan, Jean Steven. Back row: Tom Rehder, Ai Witherspoon, Ai Strike, Gladys Elliott, Walter DeGeer, Keith Jackson. The play is directed by Mrs. L. W. Dippell. No reserved seats. Admission by program. -Photo by Carson's Studio, Grafton ing. The ladies decided to have a concert early in March and are preparing a one-act play. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Taylor on the ar- rival of a son. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lycett and Dennis, Oshawa, visitcd at L. Stephenson's. Mrs. Alex Abernethy, Man- illa, vîsited at Mr. Milton Sam- is. Mrs. L. Pascoe, Oshawa, stay- ed a few days wîth her daugh- ter, Mrs. G. Bowman. Mrs. T. Taylor and Allan visited with Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Hughson, Myrtle. Mr. Keith Taylor and friend were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Smnith, Scarboro. There was no church service here Sunday due ta blockcd roads. DURING OUR EXTENSIVE MODERNIZATION WE STILL HAVE Three Floors of Fineî Furniture Bargalâns on display F. F. Morris Co. PHONE MA 3-5480 Everything is interesting, if on]y one makes a study of il- DID dT 1 v we e woel h(as we lI allowl old or si cannot get YOU KNOW S1iOlus lu -big demani? proU Up to mal I-screen enough used -slSO.oo for your set sets to seli1) There fore we can now. of fer you FAR MORE for "your present set oind enable you to own a bigger and more deluxe. set than you had planned. Ë. Here is just one examp le h of the, value, *' 20 Tubes - Fully transformer poivcred chassis * Top front tunine - Illuminated channel indicator' * Beautiful alI-wood cabinet * Tone control and ail front controis are instantly accessible PRICE $379.95 MU As illustrated Trade-in 17" set $110.00 You pay only. $159,95 ON CONVENIENT TERMS ONE YEAR GUARANTEE Uuinplcté cov'erage included at no extra charge TELE VISION SERVICECo j r r ~L1 r r Il, r U M r Il r III r v 'j' 'ut e wuII pay you To trade in your Television beca use - LATE- MODELS GIVE FAR SUPERIOR PERFORMANCE New advancements in television engineering give sharper, steadier pictures with much more contrast. - NEW SETS GET MORE STATIONS Improved circuits and tubes give greater pickup power. - NEW TV SETS REQUIRE LESS UPKEEP Which means fewer repair bis and uninterrupted television pleasure - REPAIRS CAN BE COSTLY ON OLD TV SETS If your present set is causing trouble, your payments on a new television mlay be Iess than your present repair bis. - NO MONEY DOWN Your old television w*ill amiply covcr the do,.%n paynsent - Ternis as iow as $2.50 per week - TOUR OLD SET IS WORTH MORE - RIGHT NOW We can give yoiu top allowance for your old or small sereen TV only w hile there is a demand for useci sets - so you would be wise to act soon! USUAL. - 5 BOWMAN VILLE 4 I ¶ i I 3 ) I I i £ i i I c f f .1 'I j I I I I 3'3 King St. W. Phone MA 3m3883 r'nf!Tt' off the hlghway on the Steve. MAPLE GROVE side road. The Sigma-C Group intenc The many fniends of Mrs. F. to take the papers from thc Swallow will be pleased ta shed on Friday. If any one ha4ý know she has sufficiently re- papers and no way of takintc covered from her recent illness them to the shed, please pho.lè to be able to leave the hospi- MA 3-3961 before Friday. tai and is recuperating at the Merry MiIk Malds Meet home of her cousin, Mrs. Alex The Maple Grove Merry Milk Creighton, Oshawa. Maids held their filth meeting Mrs. J. D. Stevens spent the on Feb. 2 with the fbur mem- weekend with her daughter. bers and two leaders present Mr. and Mrs. Ken Sumersford They had a very colourfu! and boys, Prince St., Bowman- cooking lesson making chow. ville. der, soup and junket. Tke MUiI Mr. and Mrs. Chester Me- Maids also had a very interesz. Grath were Sunday visitors ing- discussion on ways to make with their cousins, Mr. and milk attractive and tasty se Mrs. John - Middleton, Clare.- everyone can get their daily mont. requirements. Mrs. Charlie White, Mrs. Ed A quiz was held on famlly Hil (ne Grti Whte)andmenus. Some good recipes Hil (eeGeti Wit) ndhave been tried and tested i, daughter, Marilyn, Oshawa; some appraved and iome not~ were Tuesday visitors with the Th metn cosdwh formernsmohrr.JD. delicious lunch of carrot ai, Stevens.pea soup and crackers, a lunca] This community extends con- eon chowder, a pink junke gratulations to Mr. and Mrs. and milk drink. ' C. H. Snowden, who on Febru- ary 14' celebrated their 50th weddîng anniversary. Canadian production of pýrin: We welcomne Mr. and Mrs. i.ng inks rose to an all-tim~ Sam Piper to our community. peak total o! 25,735,017 e1,1 They have built a home just' in 1953.i' . i . i 1 1 - . fpr l