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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Feb 1956, p. 4

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PAGE TOUE TEE CANADTAM ~'rA*r1!MMAw UflWUAMV1T.T.~ AN'1'AWTrI U'UTUOY% AV VVU loti. toma .. ~ = ~ . *~5A, S, Current and CEqon fidential . 87 Elsie Carruthers Lunney LIVELY VISITORS ly do sometimes stay ail win- We do not maintamn a bird1 ter in parts of Sauthern On- ieeding station, but we usually tario. have a few winter visitors ne-J In the empty winter world, Vertheless. We were just re- it is wonderfui to have any marking the other day that we birds to watch from our win- hadn't had any birds this win- dows, and we enjoyed the vis- ter except a few English Spai-1 its of both these flocks. We rows and Starlings, when the have missed having the Juncos next day at breakfast time we with us this winter. Usually hiad a very active flock of lit- they make several visits to aur tie birds outside our front win- apple trees and the weeds of dlows around the big cedar tree. the ravine. We haven't been able Ia Usuaily toa, we have at least Identify them but feel sure one flock of Evening Grosbeaks they -were one of the many pay a brief cail. Perbaps they Sparrows. We were rather sur- will yet. We were interested to prised at having a flock o1 read in "Sylva", the magazine Sparrows, other than the coin- published by the Ontario De- mon English variety, in wîn- partment of Lands and Forests, ter. But a further surprise was that part of the Grosbeak's La- in store for us, for to-day we tin naine, Hesperiphona, refers had another flock, af a differ- ta the Hesperides of classical ent kind again. These were mythology. rnarkedly reddish brown on The Hesperides were the the head and bigger than aur nymphs who guarded the gold- other visitors, wha had black en apples given ta Hera on her over the head and distinct marriage ta Zeus. The author mnarkings on the breast. Tu- oi the brief article in Sylva, day's flock we think, were A. J. Herridge, says the namie Tree Sparrows, who apparent- recails ta him the quatation. 0 Looks andi washes like baked enamel. a The best enumel1 for kitchen bathroom 1 un aHl woodwork.IRCL e Neetis no LSR undercoater. EA E t; ti ABERNETHY'S a PAINT & WALLPAPERN 85 King St. W. Phone MA 3-5431 f ai p o Ail PRICES UP..0 BUDGET DOWN? Why noi barrow the maney you necd ta put your finances back on a aound, budgeted basis? At HFC you can get $50 up ta $1000 -usuaIly in anc day. If you have a steady incarne and can make regular manthly pay- nients, no endorsers are needed. Phone or drop In todoyi 6HOUSEHOLD FRINANCE 11 Sl'Smcoo St. South, sècond flo., phone RA 5- 1139 OSHAWA, ONT. 1 FORT NOPEI RANCRat 71 Watton St., 2nd floor, phone TU 3-BO5O "Daughiters oi the Night, dwelt ln the western edgi the world, whenc the sun down." The Evening Grosbeak winter visitor in aur area likes seeds from appies hanging on tic trees. We have some apples an aur t: thaugi thc Starlings have1 working an tiem, sa we1 we willi have a few ai t prctty birds caîl some soon. who ce of gaca is a and Ici t still trees, been hope ;liese day WINTER LANDSCAPE As in ail the seasons af thc year, there is beauty in these wintcr days; whetier tlie sun shines warmly in the brilliant air, causing the water to flow with spring-like eagerness be- twcen snow clad banka; or wietier tlie sky la heavy with the threat af snow ta came, "Whispering, settling, sifting through the trees" that stand stark and black, moving rest- lessly in the damp wind. Some of tic moat beautifu] sunsets we have seen have been in thc iast few weeks, and as the sun dips, a glowing bail, beiind tic. rim ai trees, we realize that it lias moved aur way again (or seems ta haMe, geaphysica notwithstanding) and tiat dayiight has lcngthen- ed more than an houn since the short days ai December. The line quoted above la from a poemn on winten by Bliss Carman, and liere are more from another poem a o Carman's wiici perfcctiy des- crube the winter dusk. "....and for a tranquil hour Tic lengthening bîniali sia- dows on tic snow Stole down tie orciard siope, and a rose ligit E'booded the carth witli beauty and witli peace. Tien in tic west bchind tic cedans black The sinking sun staincd red the wintcr dusk Witli anîlen flanc upon tic snowy ridge-" TALBOT 0F MALAHIIDE We are pnescntly enjoyin3g the story ai Colonel Thomas Talbot, "Lake Erie Baron" by Fred Coyne Hamil. Talbot, who established a semi-feudal es- tate ai thousanda ai acres or he shore af Lake Erie in 1803 and brouglit in settiers ta this ract from. tic Unitcd States and parts of Canada, was bomn of a long uine ai nobiiity in M'alahide Castie, nine miles from Dublin. While still a yonng man, he uddenly tirew up a favored position in Court and in tie English army ta came ta the vilda ai Upper Canada. He liad bcen an aide ta Governor John Graves Simcae in Canada in 1791-2 and whulc tiene liad seen tic tract ai land ta which he later returncd. His autocra- tic ways led him into a gaaci leai ai trouble in Canada, but he settied parts oi Nonfolk, Elgin, Middlesex, Kent and Essex witli a population wict by 1859 numbered 150,000. He alsa had tic "Talbot Road' from cast ta west, aurveyed, and for many ycara it was tie aongest and beat raad in tie province. Only last ycar tic Talbot Ifouse wiici lie called "Mala- hide" after lis birti place, came back into Canadian hands aiter bcing owned for 30 years by an Amenican, who however, did mudli to restore te aid hbuse ta its former aondition. At icast, sa Kath- rine Hale relates in her "Ris- torc Hanses ai Canada". -Tic Hamilton 'Spectator in c si ti d b Il p E 31 h ti ci ei tc The Bowman ville Rotary Club presents The Three Act Comedy Ài a "Nolhzag The Dut TMruth" with an ail-star cast of local talent to provide you with two hours of side-splitting entertainment ln the Town CURTAIN TIME AT 8:15 P.M. Thu rsday m Friday FEBRUARY 16 ADMISSION (by prograin) m Saturday m-17 - 18 - * 75e per per son Prograrns zay be purchased from any member of the Bowmanville Rotary Club, entitling you to admission on the date specified on the program caver No Reserved Seats il an article last October said tiat "it is said" tic hiou.ýe iad been unaccnpied for close ta a cen- tury when taken aven by the new punchasen, Fredenick I. Ker. At any rate, Colonel Tai- bot's original log hanse, on the cliff above Lake Erie, was ex- tended and renovated almost beyand recognition in is life- time by his nepiew, Richard Ainey. Today it is being fur- tier ncstoned and is still sur- rounded by 675 acres ai landJ. Et is about 12 miles from St. Thom as. Hampton W.I.e Holds Enjoyable Family Meeting The February meeting af the Hampton Women's Institute wvas ield last Tliursday niglit in the fonm ai a family night 1 and entertainmcnt ai tic menm- tbers' hushanda. Mrs. T. M. 1Chant was in the cliair and op- ,ened with tic Ode, prayer and ccollect. It was decided that the ýusual March 17 program wil] 1be ield on Mardi 16. Rail cal] was answered by a mai ority of the membens. Mrs. Caverley took charge af the program and tcafled on Ivan Woollcy, the popular Hampton senior roorn achool teacher, wio conductcd icommnnity singing. Miss Norah rHorn was at the piano. Mrs. Temple af Oshawa Busi- ness College, formerly ai Whit- by Ladies' College, came for- »ward and gave a nice talk on lier experiences and travels wiile Mr. Temple was alive. Following lier interesting talk, sic showed color pictures ai a five-weeks' cruise slie took ini the Pacific Islands. Sic cx- plained the pictures as they were siown. Included wcre beautiful flowers, treca and fruits and natives and boatew, Mrs. Lorenzo Truil introduccd Mrs. Temple. Around 25 school ciildren from the senior room sang tiree beautiful numbers; "The 23rd Psalm", "Fairest Lord Jesus" and "This la My Country" Tic latter was so wonderfut it brouglit down tic hanse and was encored at tic end ai the pnogram. Mr. Wooi- ley accompanicd tieccildrcn at tie piano. Betwcen Mr. Metcalf, tic music supervisor, and Mr. Woolley, the pupils re- ceive veny fine musical train- ing. Mrs. Sid Kersey as a man witi moustache and mcn's clties and Mrs. Farrow as lis wife, put on a very funny skit, "Bangain Day". Mrs. Temple siowed two more films. Deli- cians rcfreshments were scnved by same members ai every group, headed up by tic cen- tre gnoup.1 [IIGHLY STYLED I [MODERATELY PRICEDI LADIES' WEAR La Vogue Jfacqueline Cor. Athol & Celina, Oaha M 'ru QUICILES alto SUR£ ;'t 'WAVbTo Gel obACK S TI4RE PITCIING AG &Je TAt~NlPRECRIPT101'ç TO 4)u RY LOVELL'S ACCID.TgLy LW*VS Legion Donating 3 6 Pin fs of BIood For Memorial Hos pifai President Jim Firth thanked the members af thc Bowman- ville Branch af thc Canadian Legion at their regular meet- ing iast Thursday niglit for danating bload ta the Oshawa General Hospital ta replace biood ioaned by that Institution ta the Memoriai Hospital, Bow- manville. The Legion ha s agreed ta provide 36 pinta for this purpose and in tic past few weeks tie membera have given 22 pinta. Donations will be made each Monday night until tic 36-pint quota is reached, he said. Comnade Jack Knight, Chair- man af tic Poppy Cammittee, announced that Comrade Jack Bishop lias been named as the member ta look after the Le- gion's blood donor service. Collection For Fire Vlctlmx President Firth announced that a collection is being taken up for Comradc Murray Cow- ling, who loat has home and al has possessions in a fire on Feb- ruary 2. Donations could be made at the Hail and during the Legion Dants League dance ta be ield on Saturday night, lic said. Sparts Chairman Bill Bates annaunced that a bus iad been hired to take the Juvenile Le- gionnaires hockey club ta Gan- anoque for tie second garne ai their total-goals playoff series with the Gananoque Juveniles. A few seats would be availabie for Legion members ta make the trip, he reparted. With the total membership af the Branch now approaching the 400 mark three new mein- bers were added. New mem- bers are: Douglas Pickering, Enniskillen, and Ronald Ragers and Rosa Wright, Bowmanvilie. They were initiated by Presi- dent Jim Firth, lat Vice-Preai- dent Jim Fair, Sgt.-at-Arms Jack Knight and Comrades Rae Abernethy and Don Cameron. A letter was recelved frorn District Commander Brough- ton regardîng the Branch's bid ta obtain the 1957 District Drumhead Service ta coincide with Bowmanville's Centen- niai Celebrations. He advised the brandi ta find out thc exact date on which the Brandi wishes ta hold the event and then ta get the support of Zone Fl ta obtain the service whcn the site is decided at the 1956 Spencer Corsetiere Reg. 1931 [lrs. J. E. Richards PHONE 127 1 ORONO event in Fenelon Falla ths summer. A letter was receivcd froin the provincial secretary stating tiat the Dominion Legion Pre- sident would be unabie ta at- tend the Zone Raily here on March 3 at which silver 25- year pins will be prcsented ta long-service members ai tie branch. President Firth sug- gestcd that eitier District Comn- mander Brougliton or the Hon. John Foote, V.C., be asked ta make the presentations. Date ai thc Legion aummer carnival and car draw was set for August 17. Tickets for tic $5.00 car draw wiil be printcd ithe near future, lst. Vice- Peident Jlm Fair reportcd. ComadeRon Hall, former historian of tic branch, turned over his recarda ta the new I den. Comrade Elgie Harn- tîrement. Farm Forums Ail forums agrced wiîli Sliaw's forum that an adcqua'e incarne must be available f. r a fatier and son partneri-si.j. This agreement migit be work- cd ont on a percentage basis tis ta invcstments and returns tir ecd party also tiere shcouLll be separate dwellings or a dc- fimite effort by bath womcni ta get along peaceabiy. Ail forums agreed ticre should be an apreement drawn up by a lawyer. Tic forum thouglit that farrni, business conld be tanirre ta son by the fatier maeking a will. It was also pointed iti that some agreement made !ob provide for parents ater ne,- The finest ai-round B everage>ý Es GINGER ALE Ginger Ai. lu a wholosomo drinkt- a safe drink for young and oid. It is as good for .AthI.t.a as it is for Invaiids. It li a doudcous drink that con bo taken at any time. It refreshes and pieks y0u up. Aund it dues not lot you down. Ginger Aie fi the drink for Con,. valescents. When the cail Is ta drink pienty of Ilquids, what safer, bettor beverage thon Ginger Ali o * o o Thon agoin-with any Meal, Ginger Aie is appetizing, particuiariy at Lunch Time. Ginger Aie is a great Lunch Time beverage. YESI-GINGER ALE ES THE FINEST ALL-ROUND BEVERAGE AND YOU CAN BE SURE WILSON'S GINGER ALES ARE THE BEST IN QUALITY AND VALUE GINGER ALES E AMILY SIZE 30 OUNCES 18Ç FERSNAL 12 OUNCES Il ~ ~ PLUS DEPOSIT 5- 1~ -.Mm Hall, Bowman ville Ili - 1 REPRESENTATIVE MEMBERS of the famed Fort Henry Guard of the Ontario Department of Highways, serving as guides at the Kingston, Ontaria, fortress-museum, are shown abave with "David", drill-wise mascot, who will lead the guardsmen in their colorful demonstration of oid British Army drill at the Royal Taurnament in London, Engiand, this June. From the left, the guard members are: Guardsman in 1867 fuil-dress uniform; Pioneer complete with beard'and pick-axe; Goad-Major, who has charge of mascot; Drummer and Guard Officer. PACM IVU THE CANADIAN STATESMAN BOIVIUNVnIAL ONTAPM V#Imq"AV. vm- lafh- là-q& 0

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