TWE CA~AflIAN ~TAT~MMA?' ~OWMA TT.T~ flwrAutn U A lIV UI¶~U dZ5~,NEI K £ V - Mr. & Mrs. George Page 0f Lifford Celebrate Golden Wedding I By Harvey Malcolm In the manner ai tnue loyers. Mn. and Mrs. George Page chose the mast fitting day- St. Valentine's Day in 1906-to wend their way ta the altar ta dedicate themnse]ves ta the vaaisof married life. An- ticipating somne parental abjec- tion due ta the stern, some- what stiif viewpoints ai the brîde's Scotch parents they committed a breach of the on- thodox by procuring thein i- cense (necessitating a small white lie concerning the bride- elect's age) and taking themn- Lcelves off ta Peterboro to the 'United Church George St. Par- sonage ta be united in Holy Matnimony by- the Rev. J. W. Crothers then stationed there. One of 12 Children The bride (nee Mary Kerr) was one of 12 children-4 bro- thers and 7 sisters.-bonn ta Mn. and Mrs. George Kerr wlio had emigrated irom Scotland ta Canada follawing their mar- riage there. Her brothers and sisters nclude: John Kerr, nov 1'UmpS & LIà LONDON JACK PLUMBING Division of Toronto (associated for years with the Warren Paving Ca.); George Kerr in the U.S. A. <deceased); Andrew Kerr af Oshawa (deceased); Robt. Kern, late af Yelverton: Agnes Gardon ai Toronto;. Bella M,- Ghee ai Edmonton; Usley Gil- lis ai Toronto, who was the only member ai the family able ta be present on Sunday: Mar-- garet Grey ai Bethany (deceas- ed), Mrp. Jas. Strachan ai Bethany (deceased), Jennie Kerr ai London, Ont. (deceas- ed), and Elsie Grey ai Bethany (deceased). Mrs. George Page was born nean Bethany on an adjoining farm now owned by the Ed Beens and later moved ta Yel- venton ta live an the farmn now occupied by the John Wrights. The groom, one ai a famiy ai three brothers and twa sis- ters, was bonn nean Kendal ta the late Mr. and Mrp. George Page, later living in Pontypool and Millbrook. Brothers af the groom are: Tom Page ai Ed- monton; Harry Page of Ton- rence; Fred Page ai Orono. His two sisters wene, Leone Kerr oi Oshava (deceased> a-id Mantha McAllister oi Newtoîi- ville. - f ILived at Pontypool Foilowing their mfarniage, Ge.and Mary made Ponty- CUSTO MADE 'pool their home till they mov- ed ta Yelverton ta live in the £ * house adjoining the cemeteny, which was tamn down this past faîl and nebuilt on caunty road ' land noxv occupied bv a grand-~ niece of the Pages. Fnom Yel- verton they jaunted ta Toron- a ~ ta for a spell only ta neturn in 1917 ta the iarma on which they still reside. Born ta this union were two giris and twa boys: Loneen (Mrs. Earl McGili) ai Peter- g o;Clarence ai Yelverton; Harold of Peterbono, and Mar- OYAAchildren -icue Dl n Pamella Stinson; Gardon Page, Ian and Adelle Pagte. 100 Guests Present ýý_1 In tnîbute ta the popularity ai this couple more than 100 guests braved the inclement weathen, diiting roads and , ~ wedding bell. The bride wvas - Iavely in a two-piece black Ncrepe dress with a bnooch con- sisting ai an amethyst cluster *--the golden wedding present- a giit ai the ladies ai St. Ma- ry's Guild, and a Iovely orchid ~ L-J~.~corsage set in a base ai purple ~ ("- ibban. The groom sported a white carnation bautonniere for the occasion. The tea table hadl as a cen- RO PUMP trepiece a three-tier wedding ~eter ivig !! ake-a work ai art baked anci 3etterLiving decorated ion the occasion by (JR Waer ys- the daughtens and daughters- iv'es us fresh, pure in -lawx. Reposing in dlear twîn en an whee we cnystalware vases on eithen . adds ta aur con- side were beautiful single red md comfort of daily roses set in fern. Relatives Pour Tes Pumpsare aail- Pauring tea were: Mrs. Jack Psiz aro e avin- (Usley) Gillis; ai Toronto: Mns. nesizes t TfCCt1fl Gladys Armstrong ai Peter- îeeds Sceyour bora; Mrs. E. S. Beer and Mrp. or DURO dealer A B. Sisson, (the last three, formationi or write cousins of eithen the bride or 'folder, URuflhng groom>. BFarm Necessity. Receiving the guests at the door wene Mrs. Keith Thorn- dyke, Toronto, and Mrs. AIf Parish, Oshawa, nieces ai the \ h onored couple. Assisting witlî the serving were: Miss Dianne -~ Phases', Mrs. Ed Hiscox; Mrs. J. H. Capel. Miss Winnie Kerr. 17 Mrs. Vera Timms and Misses * .Shirley. Norma and Manie Thorndyke as well as daugh- tens and daughtens-in-law. Cus- tadian ai the guest book was Dale Stinsan. Aogthe floral tributes was a lange bouquet ai red iamily; yellow daifodis, gift 'f Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Johnson )f :SOFTENR.nç1Mîmico: .an 1 cia lovely bouiqut. MITED PP 8 I Mes.ageýz of onzratu1a*:onc! - CANA D/ were received f-orn as far away! ________as Edmonton and lilinOis u S.A. Prized amonz w-as H on e from Prime Minister Louis BROU CEG t Laurent and one frorn Missi Cana Bailey af Peterbono. and IIEATING Among the gifts was a BOIV'MANV~ILLE matelluci set Of hOsýess ha1i Rvnd rockin- chair, a goid,.:i 1 Stret out jbon-bon dŽ h irom i riends in U.S.A, and a $50 bill Iroit friends of Oshawa and Toron- to. Guests Front a Distance Guests from a distance ini- cluded the Keith Thorndykes and family, Mimico;, Edward Hiscox, Allan and Usley Gillis, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Capeil, Mrs. John and Winnie Kerr, Toron- to. Mr. and Mrs. Alf Parish, Mn. Fred Parish and Miss Di- anne Phasey, Mr. and Mrs. El- don Kerr and Norma, Oshawa; John M. James M.P., Bawman- ville: The Earl McGills, Mrs. Florence Smith, Mrs. Gladys Armstrong. the Harold Pages. Mr. and Mrs. Don Armstrong, Millbrook; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Strachan and Mrs. Ola Finney, Omemee. Many Fine Qualities Mr. and Mrs. Page have made many outstanding con- tnibutions to their community. Former members of the Pres- byterian and United church they amalgamated ta support the Anglican Church at St. Mary's. An ardent sports fan in his youth. specializing in football and basebaîl, Mn. Page encouraged his own family to be proficient in the sports (sf their choice. Mrs. Page, an im- maculate housekeeper and a willing worker in hen own community. has instilled the same spirit in their childnen ta make them welcomed assets in the communities in whîch they made their homes. Our hearty congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Page on this Valeri- tine*s Day on the occasion of their Golden Wedding Day. KEDRON Youth Week Observed An inspiring service was at- tended by a large cangregaticni at Kedron on Sunday aiter- noon when Youth Weekc was observed, with the yaung faik of the United Links Class leading in worship. Speaker for the service was Brian Lee, vice-president af the group, whose address was based on "My Father's Busi- ness". Class President Ronald Werry conducted the service, giving the Caîl ta Worship, In- vocation Prayer, Offering De- dication and Benediction. He was assisted by Keith Martin, who led in the responsive reading: Robert Spencer, wha read the Scripture Lesson. and Douglas Love, who led in prayer. Members of the Class form- ed the choir, and special mu- sic was provided by themn in the fonm ai a mixed .quartette, and a solo. "Praver Perfect"', sung by Mrs. Douglas Love, with Mrs. Ross Lee presiding at the organ. Brian's message included gleanings from his recent at- tendance at the 35th Session of the Older Boys' Parliamient held in Toronto. He was ac- companied by Glen Pascoe ai Oshawa. This interdenomina- tional pnoject is promoted by the BoYs' Work Board of the Ontario Council af Education. The oath af allegiance taken before the parliament began j was: '"I hereby promise that 1 will be faithful, and bear trucjý allegiance ta the King of Kings." With refenence ta de- cisions that must be made by youth, Brian challenged the young folk with the question: "What do you put inst in your life? Seek yefirst the King- dom!" Bnian's cancluding pnay- er wvas: "Help us this day ta discoven those things that are of greatest ultimate value, an d help us ta give them first place in aur lives." Boys' Class Organlzed The Boys' Class ai the Sun- day School has been organized with teachens John Gloven. Bnian Lee and Douglas Love and is enjaying wveek night, meetings under John's gui',- ance. Keen enthusiasmL was shown in the hockey game an Satunday last when these Ked- non boys played against the Columbus "I arn His" gnoup, led by Marshall Francis. Col-1 umbus boys came off as vic- lors, but an equal amount of fun was had by bath graups. (Black and blue spots wene also quite evenly divided, we're told). Members of the United Links Class are invited ta the homo of Mn. and Mrs. Ross Lee on February 21. New membens will be made welcome in the class. Bible Class Enfertained The Aduit Bible Class were guests of Mr. and Mers. Harvey Crossman on Monday last wheni 32 members attended the' monthly get-together. A d.' votional period with the theme, 'Frienidship" was led by the committee in charge of the evening: Howard Farndale, Russell Down, Albert Wood and Harvey Cnossman. During the social hour Pro- gressive 1Lost Hein was played, and prizes were awanded to the winnens: Arthur Stainton, for the men, and to Mrs. Alvin Spencer, who tied with Mrs. Foster Snowden, for the Iadys MORTGAGE LOANS " To buy a home " To build a home * To miake major improvemen ts " To refinance Vfictoria and Grey TRUST COMPANY 437 George St. Peterborough 1 . prize. The committee for the, evening served bountifu i - F riends & R la ie HoId freshmnts, as-Relativesh -hostess, and Ross Lee express- * ed appreciation for the fine Pa rti esFo y n Bael jhospitality extended to theFo Ly n B aei clas.Miss Lynne Bagneil who last 14 friends on Friday evening, Congratulations to Mr. and week signed a contract with Feb. 9, at Mrs. Dickens' home, *Mrs. Allen Cameron on the' the Shipstad and Johnson Ice Maple Grove. Each guest birth of a son at Oshawa Geti- Follies has been feted at a brought a personal gift fori eral Hospital on Feb. 3. number of parties before leav- Lynne, and after these werej Mrs. Fletcher Werry was a ing to join the company in Bos- opened lunch was enjoyed. dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. ton.OnSnyateonLne Cha. Wrry Ohaw, a a On Feb. 9, Mrs. Don Gilrooly was completely taken by sur-t I enig party on Saturday ev- and Mrs. Fred Cole entertained prise when she faund that about enin. i herhonr attheformr's18 Bowmanville High School M.and Mrs. Albert Wood 1 home, Ontario St., when about classmates had gathered at the entertained friends on Friday 28 relatives and friends from home of Miss Marlene Peel, evening when 67 gathered for Oshawa and Bowmanvile were Scugog St., for a farewell party an evening of dancing and present. Mrs. John James made in her honor. The girls present- cards. the presentation to Lynne of a ed her with a pair of slacks Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Werrv loi'ely black wool suit. A so- and a sweater. A social time accompanied by Frank Lee of cial time was enjoyed and a wvas enjoyed and a deliclous Oshawa are enjoying a five-dav lovely lunch served by the lunch served. holiday in the Goderich and hostesses. The Bowmanville Skating London area, with a visit at Mrs. Ernie Dickens and Mrîp. Club presented Lynne with aný the Andrew Scott home in- Geo. Piper entertained about engraved gold wrist watch. cluded in the plans. Misses Ann and Donna Glov- " er were recent weekend visit- ors with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Malcoln, F i a n .Brougham. F i a n Mrs. Harold Werry with Mrs. Sam Brooks, were recent e guests of Mrs. J. Brooks, Oh MARCH 2n awa, following the latter's re- turn from a holiday in Florida. And speaking of Florida. friends here about might bej Bow m ci interested in a letter from Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Smillie whu were caught in a storm whileI doing some deep-sea fishing strikes while fishing but an et c extremely interesting boat tn;p bordering an the dangerous " r u d t e W side, in their chartered craft."A r u d t e W and Mrs. Arthur Stainton who with Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Sleim- Glamour - Different SkaI on of Bowmanville, have mot- ored to Florida this past week See - Hawaiian Hula -N fran extended holiday. Mrs. R. Lee was hostess to a few friends on Saturday, whcn VstE gad F she entertaiiied at dinner in1'VsfE gad - honor of Mrs. Ray Scott's lom n m ref birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Love were the honored guests at a'B family dinner party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold on ylathednoccasoof teBowman ville Werry onstheds"nesdyofte former's wedding anniversary. Spring must indeed be "just Tikt around the corner" as we hearTi es - - u of renovation projects already Now available from McNulty underway by some of our am- bitious home-mrakers. and the Royal Theatre where Lynne has been an usherette. presented her with a gold and mother of peani compact suit- ably engraved. She has also received a great many other gifts fromn friends who have been delighted to hear of Lynne's success in securing a position with the well known Ice Follies company. Active Program At Bowmanville Baptist Church The broadcast 'Friendship Corner." which goes on the air eveny Sunday evening at 6:159, had as its special guest February 12, the Calv'ary Maie Quartet ling Gorgeous Costumes lexican Fiesta - Harem Life rance . Hollywood iscinaling numbers Skating Club 0 m $1.00, 75c, 50c y 9s Store and Club members i h h AT OUR M Our EtireStock 0 F Fumnimture -mAppikunces - TV Must AT be G IVE-AWAY 0 Da«rgagins for Cleared PRICES! Erveryon e Ail goods may be purchased on our Mont hIy Payment Plan! COME EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION I JOHN' HEATLIE Corner Division and Queen Sts. OPEN 9 A.M. "TILL 9 P.M. FRIDAY FURNITURE Bowmanville 9 A.M. TO P.M. DAILY 'Il Church. They alsa sang ut the regular 7:00 p.m. church service at Bowmanville Baptist Church. The pianist at both the hroad- cast and the service was Miss Beulah Collins. In the after- service, communion was ob- served. 4-B Ranch was held as usual in the Bowmanville Baptist Church on February 15th, at 4:15 p.m. The Cottage Prayer Meeting was held on February 15, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donaid Spencer, 30 Silver St., at 8:00 p.m. Pastor Halse presided over the gathering. Church School will be held as usual at 3:00 next Sunday af ternoon. In the first eight months of this year federal sales and ex- cise taxes on new cars, collect- ed at the factory, totalled $127,- -TMMSDAy. M. Igth, 1956 TRE CANAIDUN STATESMAN. BOVUANMLE. ONTARIO * IpAezv. VTVM à ILI I Satu rday id and 3rd inville's Carnival orld 'on Skates"