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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Feb 1956, p. 13

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.LHIWDT, EE.2Srd leu -Imm Y A *'A UPA N WLD50N.IL1. J WD.5.V.LdW. IRuiANA AG OR !~ Tow h A lmost Certain Tc Have Municipal Garbage Collection (Contnuofrom page one) once it is in aperation and a member of council he bel iev- flot want ta go back toaa ed a municipal collection is best vate systcm. It's progres: for the town as a wbolc. "Wha- feel it bas got ta corne". wauld happen if Mr. Barrett The dep..4y-reeve also were ta go out of the garbage cd that fram the figures Collection business for somne conmnttee bad gatbcred he reasanl?" hie asked. He alsa flot thirîk the cast wauld pointedl out that the majarity toa beavy. He feit that the of hauseholders do flot have any ern could be instituted at £ollection system at ahl and lie cost ta the ratepayers t understood that some of the pri- wbat tbey naw pay for a Vb4.e colleçtorp are drapping vate collection. The big p some customers. is that a municipal collc Coun. Jack Brough stated systet» will be available ta that sanitation must be consid- he said. ered ini connection with the gar- In answer ta Reeve Litl Sbltge collectian question. "I saw statement tbat no campia a pile of garbage left in the had been received, he felt1 open with about seven dogs and the reason peaple baven't c( cats pawingthrough it", he de- piained about their neight ciared. "These dags might be burnîng garbage or leaving playing with children and lick- around in their back yard: ing their faces the next minute because anyonc hesitates for ail we know. The present fore laying a complaint agai system wbere a lot of people a neighbor wha is a "good don't get any collection at ail low" in other ways., ean't help but breed germs. I Could Controi Dump have the best collector in On- Mr. Carruthers feit that tario now, and the new system onîy way that conditions at certainly wan't benefit me-. per-dm ilb iprvc the lbt for the k tw as e tbrough a municipal colleci the bs orte"ona a systet» whicb gives the tc whole."control over it. 'Incineral Burn Garbage In Yards aren't the answer ta this He pointeci out that people cause they are far toa exp, are now burning garbage in sive", be declared. "As their back yards, creating dis- maving the dump, you will agreeable odors, and alsa dum'p- the same' complaints whcrc, ing it in back of the Arena and you bave it." down by the C.N.R. station. Coun. Keith LathangueJ Coun. Bra.ugh was dubiaus bow.. that the matter should hý ever, as ta whether one truck been put before the clectors and threc men- couid make cal- the last election and shoi lections frorn the rear of every stili be voted on before act: home in Bowmanville in a week. was taker'. He stated that thi I-e also wondered if succeedingz are few complaints under1 councils wouid throw Out the present private system a municipal callection systern if doubted wvether a municii It were set up this year. systemn could caver the whi Deputy - Reeve Carruthers town, including the beaches, stated that be did not know of a week. He also said that a single case where a munici- would not like ta sec garbE pality bad thrawn out a muni- cans on the boulevards in Bo cipal collection system once it mnanville waiting for the coll was established. "I think thpt tor ta make bis rounds as is 1 if this cauncil bhas the; I guess case in Oshawa. the only termi is 'guts'. ta put Coun. Lloyd Preston feit t] in a municipal collection sy- i the matter was tao importi tcm, the people will like It ta be decîded wtbaut a v( I The Topo0'the Mornin' Io You! Send a Coutts or Rust Craft St Patrick's Day Card. Serviettes, Table Covers, Shamrocks, Green Crepe Paper, Streamers and Candies. '~NITTING SUPPLIES - Wool, Nylon, Orlon, Terylene and French Penguin Wool in niany'colors. Fresh shipment of glassware arrived with rnany attractive designs. Corne in and sce these and many other interesting items at 1~ t- FROM OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS .LTD. Yes - This new home wiIl have the best LUMBER SHEATHING Fromt ONE LOCATI LATH SHINGLES For ONE LOW PR TRIM FLOORI NG Yard and Showroom, Cour IION [ICE 'lice Ask about our lime'payment plan DRIVE OUT AND DISCUSS YOUR SPRING BUILDING PLANS WITH US - OR PHONE NO MONEY DOWN 24 NONTHS TO PAY Oshawa Wood P.'roductS Ltd. MA 3.2130 OSHAWA RA 3-4661 will pri - S, I stat- the did 1be sys- less han pri- oint tion' ýtle's ints that aMm- bors git ýs is be- tinst fel'- the the is ion wn tors en- of the peaple. eIii~ for Coun. Dave Higgon stated ro eR . get that he had made it knawn P o e t n ver before the last electian that he was flot in favor of the matter feit going ta a vote. Severai other tave members had aiso heid this U nite Fo C ;at view, and they ail had been uld re-elected. This must be same ion indication of haw the people W orid15D ,y iere feel, he said. "Council has been the put in office ta conduct town and business and do what it fetels Ail Protestant congregatians ipal is in the best interests of the in Bowmanville united in after- ioe town. If it can't do this it noon and evening services heid in should be turned out", he de- in St. Paul's United Church on be clared. Feb. 17 ta mark the Wurld Day ~ge ftertheCommtte of heof Prayer. Mrs. A. C. Herbert, )w- Whoie bad voted against put- wf fterco fS.Jh' [- ting the matter ta a vote next Anglican Church, was tje the December the members dis- speaker at bath services. Theme cussed whether a collection of the services was "One Flock, ha'systemn under cantract with a One Shepherd". ant private coîlector or a system The form of service this year ,ousing municipal empioyees and was adapted from one prepar- Stawn-awned equipment wauid ed by Indian American work- be best. Coun. Higgon stated ers at Cook Christian Training that in the survey made by Schooi, Arizona. Leader in the his cammittee of the systems afternoan was Mrs. H. G. Shaw used in 34 tpwns of comparable and in the evening Mrs. A. Diii. size, 19 used a municlpaily-op- iiig, bath of St. Paul's. erated system and 15 had it Others on tbe platform at the collected under cantract. afternoon service were Mrs. L. Whltby System Cited A. Parker-St. John's; Mrs. L. Mayor Osborne stated that MT.WMcLauBron - St.andrew'o Whitby and Part Hope bath Ms m rw avto ooliect garbage ecanomically Mrs.; Christian Refarmed- using their own employees and rs Dykstra; Trinity-Mrs. F. equîpment, while Cobourg lias Heyiand. Special prayers in the it coliected under contract. He afternoon were taken by Mrs. and Caun. Higgan had studied Patterson and Mrs. E. Wilatts. the Whitby system, which In the evening Mrs. A. -Dill- works out very weli, he said. ing conducted the service andJ That town lias a population of was assisted by Mrs. C. Betties 7,600 and an acreage of 3,500, -St. John's; Miss A. Carru- bath of which figures are cam- thers - St. Andrew's; Miss parabie ta Bowmanviile. Three Marilyn Leask - Trinity. Mrs. empioyees there make anecocl- Brown and Mrs. Dykstra again lection a week from the front took part for the Saivatian Ar-1 of the bouses, using one truck, my and Christian Refarmedi and complete the job in four Church. Special prayers were days. There is littie caîl ta cal- take'n by Mrs. Meachin and Mrs.1 lect industrial garbage there, D \ lard.I but if tbey are calied on they '£he speaker, Mrs. Herbert, 2 do so. The cast is $11,000 per years ago went as a bride ta thea year, including an allawance Arctic and was there 12 yearso of 20 Per cent far depreciation as a nurse and missionary ha-v on the truck and van-body. fare she and ber husband came- Labour costs are $7,547, truck ta Sauthern Ontario ta fili var-b costs $2,622, inciuding depre- lous cbarges before coming toa ciation, and other expenses Bowmanville.J $730. "This is a wanderful day," c In Part Hope, with a papu- Mrs. Herbert said. "It is one in lation af 7,000 residents, but which We can feel we are aîîe S, only 1,400 acres, three men in Christ Jesus flot only here, b and ane truck pick up garbage j twie awek fom ores ndwith unsightly garbage canss three times a week from com- pae nte olvrs il ormerci ne sabis ens May- front of bouses. A motion by or shrnesad.Coun. Lathangue ta this effectn Members agreed that the was passed. Coun. Higgon t town-controiled system of col- pointed out that other specifi..t lection wauld be best and a cations as ta typeo cnaie motion by Caun. Scott was ta be used, weight and type of passed that garbage be picked gaaaet ecletdi Up by municipal empiayees un- be set forth in the by-law. >tder the direction of the town Coun. Scott stated that thep and equipment be financed by public shauld be kept well in- debentures on a l0-year basis. formed an what is being donc,v Colleet Through P.U.C. and sponsored a motion that o The counicil members then the proposed by-iaw be print- t discussed what would be the cd in detail in The Canadian b fairest method of collccting Statesman. This motion was l the charges for the praposed passed. ti municipal collection system. It Coun. Brough and Mayor w, was feit that if the cost was Osborne bath feit that the men 2 Put on the milîrate it woulcl presently engaged in garbage place the burden on the rate- collectian on a private basis beM payer, and those renting bouses given an opportunity ta work or having apartments wouid an the municipal collection sy- nat pay their share. Mayor Os- tem. Coun. Scott feit that they S borne expressed the opinion might be hired in an advisory P that the fairest metbod would capacity for the first two or c be ta collect on the basis of the three weeks the proposed new t hydro, biilings of the Public system is in operation in anysi Utilities Commission. event. o Coun. Higgon stated that the Mayor Osborne stressed thatM P.U.C. Manager was flot keen the actions taken by the meet- Di on baving the billings made ing were flot binding, sînce ar through that office, but hie council was sitting as a Com- ev pointed out that actually since mittee of the Wbole and not as dc it is a civie body it must do a council. He stated that sug- du what council asks. He stated gestions from the public would that tbe P.U.C. billing and sta- be welcomed by council. Coun. tionery casts are naw divided Higgin rcparted that the cost among the bydro, water, and of the truck and van-body, sewer rentai departments and which is made by a separate the garbage collection would firm wouid be around $10,50o be added on as another depart- and twa firmns would probablY ment. There is legisiation pro- want ta demonstrate cquip- vided for this in the Munici- ment. pal Act, bie said.____________________ A motion by Coun. Rehder, seconded by Coun. Brough wvas passed that charges for garbage collection be billed through1~~ tbe P.U.C. on their hydro bih and that industry and farmers 2 L jX be exempt, but aliowed ta participate if dcsired on the op- tion of council. It was decided that the sam e I ETN com --tee -n ga--ge- mad Magistrate Glennh Strike Honoured I In recognition of his 25 ycars on the Bench in the City Magistrate's Court at IOttawa, Magistrate Glenn E. Strike, brother of W. Ross Strike, Q.C., Bowmanville, Iwas hanoured recently at a testimonial dinner tendered by the Carleton County Law Association. Over 150 members of the Bench and Bar gathered in the Chatcau Laurieiý ta pay an outstanding tribute ta the Magistrate. Highlighting Magistrate Strike's career are the many publiç spirit ed activities with which he has been identified over the years with the Union Mission and Ottawa Boys' Club being especial]y notable. In the picture are, left to right Magistrate Joachim Sauve, chair- man of the dinner commîttec; Cuthbert Scott, Q.C., presîdent of the Association; W. Ross Strike, Q.C., Bowmanviiîle; Senior Caunty Judge A. G. McDougall, and the guest of honour himself. Churches of Prayer but in ail the Christian caun- tries of the world and the is- lands of the sea. Every Chris- tian woman sometime today is uniting in prayer, starting this morning in Tonga and Fiji witb the rising of the sun, and going on into 155 countries."l Interpreting the theme, "One Flack, One Shepherd", Mrs. Herbert said that in using the verse frot» John 16, "Other sheep I have wbich are flot of this fold", the Greek transla- tion had been given, making fold, "flock". Flock was a bet- ter translation, the speaker felt, denoting something alive, being composed of living sbecp, and spoken of in spiritual re- lationship with tbe Good Shep- berd. In the East, the shepherd leads ,his sheep and does flot drive them, and this is the pic- ture that Jesus had of himself. The shepherd leading bis sheep ta pasture, ta water, and home again ta the fold wberc be sits in tbe entrance ta pratect the flock from ail harm, is a won- derful picture of aur Good Shepherd, Mrs. Herbert said. Sbe also referred ta the picture presented in the 23rd Psalmn. An interesting Indian para- phrase of this psaim was used in the printed service. Speaking of the flock, Mrs. Herbert said, "We are His flock. Do we really know Hlmn as aur Redeemer? Do we foiiow hlm ail the time, in the small things of aur everyday life? The tbingsj which seem small ta us, pride, greed, a lying tangue, are big ta Jesus, and corne between us and Him. We must truly know Jesus, or we cannot truly be called his shecp." 0f Christ's wards, "Other sheep I have which must rie brought into the fold," Mrs. Hlerbert empbasized the respon- sibility of theW.M.S. and sun- ilar Christian organizations ta the peopies of the world wbo do not know Christ. Our gifts help ta spread the word of God -ta these other countries. She also pointed out that missionary work begins at home with tbose wc live with and work with. Offerings received'at Day of Prayer services are used ta prro- vide literature in English and otber languages and other aid to those wbo need it. Mrs. Her- bert drew the attention of ber isteners ta theitemized list on the back of the printed service showing wbat had been done vith the 1955 givings of $29,- 213.93. Soloist at bath services was Mrs. Kenneth Hull, wha sangJ Green Pastures" by Wiifrcd i Sanderson. Miss Louise Osborne presided at the organ and a -ombined choir of ladies from the variaus churches led the inging. Those taking up the )ffering in the aftdrnoan were: Miss Elva Orchard, Mrs. Ed >illing, Mrs. R. D. Whitmee and Mrs. S. McAllister. In the vening Mrs. F. Blunt and Mrs. Don Lawson performed this TO EVERYWHERE Air, Rail or Steamshjp Consuit J UR Y & LOVELL 3owmanville 15 King st. .m3-5778 May We Estimate - on Your Plumbingr and Heating Requiremenfs Elect Officers Sevcnty members of the Port Hope Brogressive-Conservative Association met last Friday night in Port Hope ta elect of- ficers for the year and ta hear Major John W. Foote, V.C., Min- ister of Reformn Institutions and M.L.A. for Durham. Mirs. Fred Scuithorpe was clected honorary president of the association, along with Major Foote and C. E. Stephen- son, former Durham M.P. W. R. Jex was re-elected president, and first, second and third vice-presidents chosen were Mrs. F. W. Diamond, W. J. Austin and Mrs. J. L. Sbee- han respectively. Other Officers G. L. Brackenbury was elcct- cd secretary, Mrs. E. Davidson assistant secrctary, and Mis. W. E. Tbompsan treasurer. The executive cammittee chas- en for the coming year consists of C. J. Smith, Mrs. Alex Mur- ray, Arthur S. Smith, Sherwood Hayden, Mrs. D. Wanner, Mrs. Randali Perry, Lewis Roberts, A. J. D. Johnson, Orme Beatty, George Phillips, Mrs. A. E. In- gram, W. E. Thompson Jr., Michael Wladyka and Miss Agnes O'Neill. Find Two Cases 0Of Rabies Two cases of animais infect- cd with rabies bave been dis- cavered recentiy in Durham County, Dr. R. G. Cowie, Chief Veterinarian of the Federal Hcalth of Animais Branch bere has reparted. Bath cases were found on, a farm in Clarke Township near Orana. One of the animais infected wias a dog and the other was a racoon found dead near the ±arm. The beads of the animais werc sent ta Toronto for exat»- 33 King St. W. Phone MA 3-3883 Skating Club- Busy Preparing For Ice Show Sparkling entertainment will keynate a campletely different ice show in the Carnival ta be presented on Friday and Satur- day, March 2nd and 3rd at the Bowmanville Memorial Arena by the Bowmanvilie Skating Club. "Around The World On Skates" is the titie of this yea:"-s show and it will offer a wide varicty of numbers depicting different countries. There will be colourful spec- tacles, glamorous acts featur- ing skill, balance and dancing on skates. Novelty acts wil have surprises and special num- bers will provide thrills. There wiil be solos by John S. Rod- way, the club professional, and other leading skaters. This will be by far'the best Carnival Bowmanviile bas bad yct. The seat exchange for advar,ýe tickets is now open at McNuity 6 Sports & Cycle shop wbcre tickets are also on sale. They can be purchased froin Bowmnanville Club members also. Port Hope Ralph S. Jones 65 rister and So. cio 65 S5-3e52.5S 2EXCEPTIONAL2 2.BARGAINS 2 In Next-to-New Bik No. 1 -1 1955 Buick Super 4-Door Sedan Fully equipped - including ail Power Features - Dynaflow - Selectranic Radio - Power Antenna, etc., etc. Owned by a G.M. Executive. New Caf Guarantee.. 5,000 actual miles. $1,500 OFF LIST PRICE No. 2 - 1955 Buick Century 4-Door Sedan Dynaf low - Heater - Etc. Like Brand New - Low, Low Mileage. Company-awned Car. $1,000 OFF LIST PRICE THE STRIKE'S OVER. WE MUST SELL 20 USED Oshawa1 ination and rabies was found in bath cases. The heed of azhr dag whicb had bitten a 1o was also cxamined, but rabips cauld nat definitely be estab-1 lished in this case. Te boy who ad been bit- ten by this animal was neyer- the1pss given the Pasteur treat- ment, which consists of a series of inoculations, ta ensure that he did nat contract this dread disease. Dr. Cowie stated that as yrýt no plans have been made for. a general inoculation. cf dogs and cats in this district. Memorial Hospital Every Used Car Going at a Bargain Price. See these exceptional values at Robson Motors Ltd. 166 King St. E. Bolmanville Buick - Pontiac - Vauxhali - G.M.C. Truck Dealer cJe!vson *Attractive niodern-styled Mastercraft cabinet *Complete with Matching Base as shown *Full Factory Warranty: No Charge Guarantee for 3 Months on Parts, Tubes and Service I * One Year Guarantee on Picture Tube HOME DEMONSTRATION 1~ NO OBLIGATION lu TELE VISION Need No! Be Ex pensive To Be-GOOD Televîsîon Try Our. 1956 Marconi (Complete as illustràted) At rnl. $15 9.95 We Guarantee Satisfaction jEach set sold is checked and serviced by OUR OWN SERVICE DEPART- MENT. Don't take chances on "haif" a picture - Be Sure - Be Safe - Be Satisfied Television Service Co. Students Make Use of Rotary Loan Fund One of the lessezr-known services of the Bowmanville Rotary Club is the Rotarir Stu- dent Loan Fund which makes money available Interest-free to students wishIing to attend college or teachers' colleges. A student may borrow up to $500 from this fund. Rotarian L. W. Dippeil report- ed at last Friday's Rotary meet- ing that six Bowmanville High Sehool graduates have borrowed money and were very grateful for this assistance. The fund haà been in existence for more than 15 years. 1 1 1 1 "M e!*VA"?Av otvrA"Jwàw OImpjkmvm For the week of Feb. 12 - 19: Admissions --------------46 Births, 5 maie, 4 female q Diseharges ---- ----56 Major operations 81 Minor operatians 14 Emergenéy treatments ----6 These facts are published weekly in an effort ta acquaint this community with the ser- vices of aur haspital. MO IfE Y I I AVAILABLE FOR -O RT GAGES 1 Report ig,56 33 King St. W. 3-3883 l",ÏÀ à ý Weekly :)bservance INear Orono Marconi" Phone MA

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