'!!RSl[oseB 3r.I 5 TRE C»N - ~ .1 * .J V .LIV JJJL, i, LJA J. F 'LLJPAGE THEE Present New T.V, Set To Mr. & Mrs. Geo. Pageu On 5Oth Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. George Page, Wçýho celebrated their golden WIedding anniversary at their hoeon Sunday, were on Tues- day,., given a television set by their many relatives andà friencis of the community who gathered in the Bethany Town Hall. Robert 'Sisson read the ad- d-'ess, expressing the wish that the future years would hoid mruch bappiness and thanking Mr. andi Mrs. Page for theirI cOmmunitY efforts in the pas'. Allan Beer, Edgar Beer and SGeorge Timms presented the gift. Mr. and MNrs. Page ex-1 pressed their tbaiiks and theiri son, Clarence Page, also replie, on bebaif of the parents and their family. During the evening, Eari Argue, reeve of Manvers town- JACK DROUGHI PL UMBING MA 3-5615 Division and HEATING BOWMA NVILLE Street South ship, expressed congratulations i of the township. Mr. G. E. rMeades, minister of St. Paul*! ICh urch also spoke briefly. Mis, Joy DeGeer sang "Bless This House". Murray Hendersor ilplayed "For Ever and Ever" as a cornet solo. Mr. and Mrs. Ralpli Preston. in the costume of a bride and groom of fif ty 1years ago, sang '-When You yand 1 Were Young" and "One Thing at a Time". Miss June Wrightgave a tap-dancing num- 1 ber. Marguerite Beer and her brother Ernest, dressed in old fashioned costumnes sang "School 71 Days". 1 Ted Spencely led in a lively sing-song. Mrs. Earl Argue gave two readings "The Smith Family Go To Church" 'and -After Fifty Years". Normia and Wilma Jakeman gave a tap-dancing number. Allaai Beer sang "I Wish I'd Bepn Married To Geordie" and "The Same As His Faither did Be- fore Him". Mrs. Verda Hîscox read a poem -Wedding Anni- versary" composed by Jack Gillis of Toronto for this occa. sion. George Timms gave two violin selections, accompanied at the, piano by Miss Janice Timms. Miss Judy DeGeer sang "Put On Your Old Grey Bon- nett". Mr. Edgar Beer was the genial chairman. Lunch was served and a hap- py social hour spent. during wlhWh the bride and groom of fifty years ago greeted their friends. Mrs. Page looked verv charrning in a black dress an-id bat with an orchid corsage. The remainder of the even- ing wvas spent in dancing wih music provided by Robert Sis- son, Donald Ham, David Mas- ters; and George Timms. T TCRE TS 8 I TO EVERYWHERE Air. Rail or Steamshlp IJURY & LOVELL j3owmianville 15 Ring St. W.- MA 3-5779 us,, So easy te apply, me superlatively safe, so pure ... Elizabeth Arden's new Deodorant Stick is anti-allergic, controls perspiration and deodorizes. And it is'the only li quid deodorant solidified into stick form that vanishes on contact iwith the skin-and leaves you not onuy '~cnnpltely protected but givei a light clean scent as wel-Blue Grass! It propels and repels like a super-sized lipstick . . . good down te the last sliver. Rotarian Tom Palmer, part- ner witb bis brother, "Hap", in Palmer Motor Sales here, was given a "boost" in the last is- sue of the Rotary bulletin. Mr.1 Palmer was born in Osaca, Hope Township, and received bis early education there. After a brie! period of farrning at Garden Hill, lie came to Bow- manville in 1917 to work for the Goodyear Tire ana Rubberi Company. He was later trans- ferred to the New Toronto plant and recalîs that lie was in the group which cut stock for the first tires turned oui from that plant. In 1918 Mr. Palmer left Goozi- year to go to work at the Gen- eral ýMotors plant in Oshawa. Several years later, lie decideci to increase bis mechanical knowledge and wvorked at var- ious plants for this purpose un- tii going into the garage busi- ness bere witb bis brother in 1945 at the location which Pal,* mer Motor Sales stili occupies. To bring the business up to modern standards, the original buildings were demolished and the present modemn garage and showrooms erected in 1951. Mr. Palmer joineci the Bow- manville Rotary Club in 1946 and hlas serveci as Chairman of the Transportation, Programt andi Special Events Committees over the past years. He is pres-1 ently heaci o! Memnbership) Committee. lie las also beena a member o! Jerusalem Locigea A. F. & A. M. No. 31 ,G.R.C.,i since 1926.1 An enthusiastic sportsman,D Mm. Palmer neyer loses an op- portunity to go bunting or fisl,- ing, and also trains dogs andD plays some golf, During the summer months lie and bis wîfea make gooci use of their cottage at Gore's Landing. Robson Motors Limited 166 King Si. E. Pontiac, Buick, Vauxhal 6.M.C. Truck Dealer Bowmanville jFIXER iSERVICE: iANYWHERE USE OUR BUDGET PLAN Front Wheel Alignment Checked and Re-Setj $6.00 Complete SComplefe and Proper Brakes Adjusied u Lubrication for ; iFluid Added ý Ail Work Guaranteed . -- Ill its Elizabeth Arden DEODORANT STICK Blue Grass r ~IISSo fresh! So fragrant! So wonderfully sure! 'JURY & LOVELL LONG SAULT . Ray Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Duval day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Orme Miller. i is extended to Mr. Gordon Fletcher in. the sudden passing A of bis brother at Cornwall. Mr.i Fletcher left earlv Monday Ray DudiE momning to attend the funeral bis parents, Tuesday afternoon. Our sym- H. Dudley,. s pathy is also extended to the days before Sfamily of the late Wm. Trewin, ther engager S Haydon. bia Artists X Mr. and Mrs. Fred O. Smith, sas and Tex Gloria and Bob, Bowmanville.1 two weeks Swere Sunday guests of Mr. andi His next Mrs. F. G. Smith and Grace. lance wiIî be e Mrs. Hazel Ruttan, Hampton, Symphony C spent the weekend with Mr. and 13 and 14 ini Mrs. G. Baker. the world.( Mrs. E. Campbell and Iris, conductor, Bowmanvil]e, were Sunday sup- Monteux, w rper guests of Mrs. S. Kovacs and ducted the1 jGabriel. monic Orch( 1 Mr. and Mrs. R. Gibson were A highligl Monday dinner guests of Mr. inerary will and Mrs. W. Blaney and family, in the Royal Bowmanville. don, on Sepl Mr. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk and ing London John wére Saturday evening of the famou guests of Mr. and Mtrs. H. De- certs. Ray ha Mille, Bowmanville. invitation . F 1 Mr. Jim Woodley was 'a Sun- ment. These iday afternoon visitor at the. tended bya Murphy home. and are also Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Parkinson out England. and family. Fenella: Mr. and To Play li Mrs. J. Wright, Muriel and Next year Bobby, Messrs. Morley Wright the youngp andi Norman Kerr, Janetviîîe, highest distir *were Sunday> supper guests of si world. H( Mr. and Mrs. R. Gibson and to play onl Ni Sandra in honor of Patsy's 21st the New Y birthday. Orchestra ir Mrs. Vivian Lince, Pori Perrv, New York.C was a weekend guest of ber par- year presents ents Mr andMrs J.Jolinston. artists as Ii ents Mr andMrs J.Horowitz anc Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Penwar- in addition pE den and Wade, Mrs. Wm. Pen- most outstai warden and Mr. and Mrs. Earltit are cho Penwarden were Sunday visitors tion That Re of Mrs. Fred Cornisli and Jack, eci' il u Port Hope. is evidencec Mr. and Mrs. John Malette, music circles, Tyrone, were Sunday visitors of His New Yc Mr. andi Mrs. A. Milîson. Hall last De Mr. andi Mrs. Fred Partner. receiveci by were Saturday evening guests at Newv York N the Milîson home, magazine resi est (riticism music teache T. Paimer Gets UntdSa ythful Can E TI be proud o! "Boost" In The Ersied a fine lyrict Rotary Bulletin panuistf 23rd. Il 1 1 1 ý 1