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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Feb 1956, p. 6

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PAGE ~ ?~ CAIIADMI STAT~SI~A2i. EO MA21VflL~ ONTAR» ?HUM~ATI F. ttrd. iON_ F~ Sp' 2 2 10 eci ais Colgate's Paste,330e ise BOTH FOR 49e Pepsodent Faste, 33e aise BOTH FOR 49c 1 Brylcreem - 69o 1 Pocket Comb BOTH FOR 69e oz. slz# Noxzema - 1.25 *Bayer Apri Anacîn Tabs 25c-49c-79o For teBaby Bottle Warmer -___ 3.25 Baby Hot Water Bottle 1.89 J & J Baby Shampoa - 59e J & J Baby Fowder 33c, 59e Mennen's Baby Magie 79e Diaperash - -- 95c, 1.49 Diaper Liners - 30c, 1.50 Bufferin Tabs 39c-79e-1.89 Instantine Tabs 25e - 75a Hazel Bishop Home Permanents Compact Make-up - 1.50 New Tont!___-___2.00 Llpatick - - 98c, 1.50 Tip Toni _______1.25 Complexion Glow 1.25 Hudnut's Qulck -___1.75 Nail Polish -_____ 65e Tonette for Children - 1.75 Liquid Make-up - 1.25 Bobbie Pin Curi ---1.75 NyaI Creophos Stops Bronchial Coughs Large bottie 1.50 Vacuumi 100 A.S.A. 6-oz. size Halo Botties Tablets Noxzema Shampoo 79c j 190 980 36C-65C-98e COWLI NG'Sý 'ONE "'~ SOE WB FIT nA 8 5695 DJIG STORE TRUSSES * This Man May be You An Old Established Real Estate Firm, the largest in Canada with 56 years experience, is undergoing anc ofti iggest expansion periods in its history and is looklng for another Salesman aged 45 ta 55 ta locate on the Highway at Bowrnanville. 'The. Job An opportunity ta work with one of the mnqt congenial and co-operative companies cnTil business, and is a great opportunity for a man of integrity to do well on com- mission if he is the right person. Apply by letter only ta: J. A. Willoughby J. A. Willoughby &Sons, Limited REALTORS 44 Egilton Ave. E. Toronto Training School Head Outtines Ifs Workt At Rotary Club Meet A.t poliey of beung "firm but available ta residents of the 18 the principle that town in summer and wintem ide thie staff at the Ontario for classes in swimming in- a ing Schoal for Boys bere, struction. to ian Kenneth Wemmy, Su- M. Werry pointed out that itndent of the School, the Bowmanville Rotarians during his classification continue to take an active in- at the members of thc terest in the work of the school and tInvilie Rotary Club last and each year makes an award Were .ta the boy who shows the best et .of the greateat campl- character traits. This yea's Jm i, have ever receivel winner, Gregory Anderson of Mr8svben I was being intro- Toronto, was present at the the boys as the new meeting and was introduced by Dewelitendent last summer the Superintendent. Hoe also day cf placement officer with stated that the Toronto Rotary B- W I bad womked many Club visits the school each J"Mr. Wonny declareci. Christmas and stages a Christ- td them that they would mas paty for the boys. id 1me firm but faim. If I can Going Wrong Way liv VOUp to that principle with On the motor trip back fmom ýth the st4f and boys as Su- New York, Mm. Werry saîd that pemntendenf I will feel that I when hie was leaving Syracuse amn per!omming rny job woll", on the new New York Thmu- lie said. way, he helieved for some time Visited New York that ho had mistakenly headed Mr. Werry told o! atteriding, back east, when hie was actual- tlie Superintendents Conference ly driving west. "That is what of Amenica ini New York cet bas happened ta many o! the recetly "On o!the igh boys who came ta the school", lights o! my trip was the two beoid. "one wyad think e r boums I spent at a Rotary Club gîgoewy n etm meeting there", he stated. At tbiey are going another. Our the meeting there were 97 job is ta chart their course and visitoïs fram 22 of the Ameni- to give them the proper bal- can states and 16 from 12 for- ance of education. athletics, eign ounties.home life and rost. It us usual- eign not too long after they ar- Whlà on the subject of Ro- rive befone we sec a complote tary Interfi'ational, the Supenîn- change in their attitude". tendent ;stated that he would Proof that the Boys Training be, r emisas if hie dici not express Schooî bore is doing a good job the ppeciation of the De- in putting boys back on the ,,Patmlent o! Refanm Institutions right tnack may ho found in the ta the Bowmanville Rotary Club fact that people coming ta On- and Rotary ini general for the tario ta study the province's assistance it bas given in con- social work prognam are usual - nection with the work ai the ly sent ta Bowmanville ta ohl- Boys Training Schaol. He men- serve the school's methods, Mr. tioned that the Bawmanville Wermy said. In the past year Club was hast ta Ontario Ro- they have had social warkers *taians at the school in the late inorn countries as far away as 20's ta publicize the wark af Pakistan. the institution. In 1934, ho said, The school superintendent tbe Rotary Clubs o! the prov- ended bis addness hy unviting Ince pesented the school with the Rotarians and their wives a gymnasium, and the school ta make a tour of the institu- naow makes the swimming pool tion, since ho said it would ho much casier for them ta learn about its womk hy sceing it rather than having it explain- Stafford Bros. ed. He was intnoduced by Rotar- ui.ian Garnet Rickard, wosae Nlonumenltal Woraks thÉat ho was bomn noth of the Phone ldtbytawn and attended Bowman- Plios Whtbyville High School. After grad- MOhawk 9-3552 uation hoe taught school for sev- 118 Dtmdaa St, E., WhItby eraL.years and joined the B.T.S. FINE QUALMT stafl nealy 20 -years ago as a MONUMENTS AND) bouse master. Ho later wonked MAIKERS as a placement officer and in other capacitios hefore being Precise wokmanshlp and made Supeintendent last sum- careful attention ta detail mer. Mr. Wery was thanked are youm assurance when for bis interesting classification vau choase from the wide talk hy Pesident Keith Jack- selection o! imparted and son. darnestie Granites and Oshawa Visitors Welcomed ~ ,$les ii SOCk~The President welcomed three Oshawa Rotarians ta the meet- I n Toronto Twenty-fiur fammers fnoma this district went ta Toronto last Thursday with W. H. "Mick" Brown, Bowmanville Case Implements dealer, for a tour ai the large new J. I. Case Company warehouse and parts depot at the junction ai High- ways 5 and 27. Thoy were shown through the plant by Case officiais, wene guests of the finm. for lunch, saw mavies and recoived in- struction on new types ai farn implements. Those making the trip weme: A. Thompson, Carl Bradley, Ul- mich Ruegger, R. B. Brown, Ted Hutton, Robert Coambes, Wal- lace Munday, Howard Bradley, Keith Ormistofi, Cecil Milis, Keith Crago, David Beath, Wil- liama J. Bragg, Henry Pearce, William Jeweil, Glen Pickell, H. J. Brooks, A. W. Martin, Pete fuma, Bort Mutton, G. Fayer, Gardon Barrie, Paul Kowal and Norman Brown. 1 LTw~ imtrl9MMM L? ,5Sympathy is extended ta I Nelson Marlow and iamily Mn. Mamlow's suddon passing 5 Tuesday Morning. He was b~ ued in the Union Cemetony Thumsday. r Rev. Halr Atkinson, IV, Atkinson and David, Oshai an Mn. and Mrs. George Jol on Fniday ovening. Mrs. Joi went out ta Oshawa with th ta stay with Mr. and Mrs. 'V nier Fitze a few days. Sa: Wilrner is no botter. Mn. and Mrs. Bort Howl Oshawa, spent Wodnesc evening with Mn. and Mrs. Joblin. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Williai Mr. and Mns. George Joh Mn. and M sr.L. Joblin spi Monday evening with R~ Hanry Atkinson and Mrs., kinson, Oshawa. The occas J, was Mrs. Atkinson's hirthda Glad ta report Dr. Bawles Sable ta bo homo fnom the b pital and Mrs. A. Mackie is covoning fmom an apenation. hopýe ho will soon ho ho: again 100. Mn. Edward Williams is Scovering fnom. the mumps.1 ~neighbors are busy doing Schores. Congratulations ta Dr. Ro eBanney and Mrs. Bonney (r Evelyn Campbell) from N' tieton, on the amnival o! tv daughters on Tuesday aI G Memanial Hospital, sistons Bobby, David and Stephen. M.and Mrs. Wilfred Vi an Herbent, spent Saturc evening with Mr. and Mrs.1 nold Williams. Several fnom bore attend the Higb Scbool play at Bla< stock and neoat a good pla, Mn. and Mns. Don Stutt, Boa manville, Miss Yvonne ChE and Mr. Bnian Hamilton, Blac stock, were Sunday supp guesîs with Mm.,and Mns. Emerson. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hunt, Part Penny. and Mrs. AI SWilson. called on Mr. and M eL. Jablin Sundev afterno Mr. and Mrs. M. Emerson a] called on Mns. Joblin. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Camr Zbell and family wero Sund supper guests with Mn. a Mrs. Victor Malcolm. Responsibility walks hand band with capacity and powî -- (G Hlad in ier. '-='4 . z*gW*mUG6 1 -8 Merlin Suggitt 15 App oin ted Cartwrigh t Road Superintendent ing; Lance Beath, Ken Coultei aPd Niclc Jenkins. He made a Pfrhday presentation of a Hoý- tary spoon to Rotariaxi Han Simpkin. Chairman Kelth Sieman of the comrnittee presenting the Rotary play reported that the first night had been very suc- cessful. He invited all nembers of the club and their wives ta a pamty to be held following the final presentation on Saturday night. An interesting feature of the sing song was the introduction of a new Rotary Club sang with words and music composed hy Rotarian Mel Dale. Mr. Dale sang the first verse of this sang, accompanied by Rotarians Dave Morrison at the piano and William Brown on the euphon- Eium. The members, led hy Alan Strike, then joined in singing this excellent new song wbich bas a very lilting tune and most appropriate lyrics. R. D. Jones To Be Speaker at Teachers' Meet The third meeting of the Oshawa and West Durham Teachers' Institute will ho held on Thursday, March lst at 8 p.m. at the Community Hall in Newcastle. The speaker on this occasion will be Richard D. Jones, well known for his work with the Canadian Council of Christians and Jews. Mr. Jones, as many may remember, spoke at the Oshawa Red Feather dinner ini the faîl. ancý was thamoughly on- joyed hy ail. Although ho is, pemhaps, better known for bis womk with Christians and Jews, Mr. Jones at one time taught at Athens College in Greece, was ordained into the Methodist Ministry in 1934 and served in the Merchant Marine during World War IL. He has been associated wlth the National Confemonce of Christians and Jews since its inception and was named head af the Canadian delegation ta the Second World Brotherhood Conference beld in Brussels, Belgium in July 1955. Mr. Jones will use as bis to- pic "The* School and Human Relations" and everyone will enjoy listening ta his many in- teresting experiences. Local Farmers Tour Case Plant YALE, FRIEDLANDER, HUNTER & CO. Accountants and Auditors 64 King St. E. RA 5-1621 Oshawa B. L. Yale, C.A. F. Friediander, B. Comm. J. Hunter. C.P.A. C h ir opr a ctc G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor Office: Specialty Paper Pmoducts Bldg. 63 Temperance Street Phone MA 3-5509 Office Hours: By Appointment D e ntal1 DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S.. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. 40 King St. W. Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 arn. to 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. to 12 rioon Saturday Closed Sunday Office Phone MA 3-5790 House Phone - Newcastle 3551 Dfl. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in his home 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daijv 9 a.m. to 12 noon Wednesday Closed Sunday Phone MA 3-5604 i. DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. l, Office .23 Kiniz St. E. - Bowmanvflle IsOffice Hours: 1 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. to 12 noon Saturdav Closed Sunday Telephone: Office MA 3-5459 y L eg a * STRIKE and STRIKE Barristers, Solicitors tNotamies Public * W. R. Strike. Q.C. 40 A. A. H. Strike. B.A. r40King St. W. - Bowmanville Telephono MA 3-5791 LAWRENCE C. MASON, HA. Barrister, Solicitor e Notary Public cKing St. W. - BowmanviUle Phones. Office MA 3-568J1 Residence MA 3-5553 MISS APHA 1. HODGINS Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public Tempemance St. » Bowmanvifll t Mo rig ag es LEROY HAMILTON - ORONO Phone 1 r 16 First mortgzage funds Residences - Farmi Business Propertios Opifo me tr y t KEITH A. BIELLETT Optometrist 141 King St. E. Bowmanville Office Hours: By appointinent Telephone MArket 3-3252 Monday ta Saturday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesdays: 9 to 12 Thursday evenings JOHN A. OVENS Optometrist Jury & Loveil Bowmanville Phono MA ý3-5778 Piano Tuning Professional Piano Tuniwg ARTHUR COLLISON --Phono MArkt 8900 _ A special meeting of Cart- wright Township Council was held on Monday, Jan. 23, at 2 p.m. to open application for road superintendent and ten- ders for an oi uruer. Applications for road super- initendent from O. Wright, M. A. Graham, Frank Baîley, Oli- ver Rohrer, Geo. Truman, Mer- lin Suggett, Wm. Jones, Jas. Gibson and the resignation of Merlin Suggett as Councillor were received. After long consideration, Merlin Suggett was selected as road superintendent and bis me- signation as Councillor was ac- cepted. On motion, his appli- cation as road superintendent at $2,800 per year was accept- ed. D. A. Gorrie, District Mun~- icipal Engineer, was present and approved the appointmnent. Tenders for an oul bumner were received from Selby Grant, Blain Elliott and Peel Hard- ware. Council decided to take no action at present time. The new road supeintendent was înstructed on the advice of Mr. Gormie to prepare estim- ates of road construction need- ed in the next three years and present themn at the next meet- ing. February Council Meet The regular February meet- ing of Cartwright Council was held in Community Hall at 2 p.m. Monday, February 4. Pre- sent were Reeve Sweet, Deputy Reeve Ashton and Councîllors Green and Black. The treasurer was instructed to pay Harry Van Camp $62.50 for work on Concession 4 last fall. A deputation from the Agmi- cultural Society was present and requested Council to pay the $200 grant to society now as they were short of funds. This grant was passed. Communications were recei- Business Directory_ Accountancy_ RAY J. DILLING Certified Public Accountant 93 Church Street MArket 3-3861 WM. 31 H. C06GINS Chartemed Accountant 64 King St. E. Bowmanville (Above Garton's Bus Station) 64 King Street E. Badminton Club On Thursday evening the Badminton Club played hast ta the neighbouring club ai Beth- any. The result ai a pleasant evening a! playing in contest with aur visitons was nino wins iar Bethany, eight for Yelver- ton. Reireshments cancluded the evoning and President Vernue Mulligan i ofBethany Club ex- tended a returu invitation in eanly March ta aur Club. Club Plays Crokinole On Friday evening the .Flovd, Stinsons sponsored a crokinole Party for the Fainily Club in Chunch Hall. Nearly $9.00 was gnossed (less expeuses). Win- nons by a trick aif fate and an ouîmoded system af awamding prizos were four males, wîîh lady luck smiling an Norm Wil- son, high gent, and Dave Wil- son, high lady.. Wbat av could do ta a Bikini sio vice versa! Low gent was'Ed. Lawson, low lady Kenny Wil-1 son. Lunch and the customaryl social hour. On Friday p.m. several "hog" mon attended the local Holz Producers' Annual Meeting at Onono. Sunday guests ai the Wmn. McCabe's wene Mrs. Margaret McKay a! Toranto; Mr. Arnold Hickson, Mrs. Jean McCabe and Eleanar Jean of Janetville, the Stan McCabes, Alex and Dawne af Lotus. The Art Rowans feted Mnr John Gnandy and Mrs. Joseph Gandy ai Brooklin and Miss Marie Southern a! Peterborough ta a dunner Sunday, evening. Mrs. Annie McQuade is cur- rently on holiday with the Alvin McGills af Lindsav. Mrs. Murray Malcolm and girls with Mns. He:-b Taylor ai Blackstock an Saturday. 1The Sammy Adams and girls with the Murray Malcolms on Sunday.0 Sarl-y ta repart that Mr. Don- ald Johnson had ta eturn ta bospital for a week but happy ta report ho is again home aidmi provi& Mrs. Hank Boon spent several days recently with her daugli- ter Carnie. Carnie, Mitzi and Marti returned the visit on Mon- day and Tuesday ta faon town. Mrs. Rae Malcolm visited with Roy and Mr. and Mrs. Les Wright of Toronto. Meanwhile, youms truly. in the urge. for knowledge (and a holiday) at- tended tbe two-day convention of the Association o! Rural Municipalities held in the King Edward Hotel in the Shematon Room. Rubbing shoulders with municipal officiais of all On- tario, some with several decades of service ta their credit. some vemsed ta the minutest detail in municipal law, we felt a deep ved fram Caunty Enguneer re steel girders they had for sale at about % priceofo new ones. Planning and Development Board stated that their repres- entative, Mn. Pearson, would ho in the Township at 11.30 a.m. Feh. 141h. Mr. Shields, Caunty Asses- sar, notiiying of a meeting ai all the assessors ini the united counties on Friday, Feb. 10 at 10 a.m. Dept. o! Highways stating that Dovelopment Road from Blackstock east was completed as far as Department was con- cerned and the road was now back on Township. ' Salvation Army equesting a grant. $15.00 ganted. C.I.L. with prices o! Wamble Fly Powder. Clemk ta, sec if M. A. Graham and Regie Nesbitt wîll do the sprayung this year at the same money as last and report rýext meeting. Seek Development Road A resolution was passod me- questung the Department of Highways for a Development Road from north end of Con. 9 between Lots 22 and 23, sauth 2 Concessions, wost 1 Lot, thence south between Lots 21 and 22 ta 7A Highway. This îs the Cedandale and Burma Road. Copies ta hoe sent ta Dept. af Highways, District Municipal Engineer, and Mai air John Foote, M.L.A., for Durham. As complaints had been re- ceived about lending the Fire Pump and Hase which was me- tumned frozen up, it was de- cided that pump and hase was ta be used for lire iighting only in the future. By-law No. 1011, appointing Merlin Suggett road superin- tendent, was read thnee times and passed. By-lay No. 1012, appointing Wm. Farder stock valuator, was mead three times and passed. Mr. Frank Hoskun was ap- pointed ta service the street lights in Blackstock at $150 per light per year, bulbs extra. Accounts amounting ta $2,- 505.71 were passed for pay- mon t. YELVERTON Yelvertonians have enjoyed a busy weok. On Tuesday even- ing a numbor wero present at Bothany Town Hall ta honour Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Page on the occasion ai theur Golden Wed- ding. The committee in charge is ta hoe complimented for the fine entertainment provided. Churcli To Be Sold On Wednesday evening the i Officiai Board ai the six ap- paintments ai Manvens United Church met at Yelverton ta conclude the business ai a form- er meeting at Bethany. Rev. R. R. Bonsteel as chair- man, opened the gathering ai delegates with scripture and prayer. Recomding Secy Mn. Donald Lowes ead the minutes. The inability ai the Janetville Charge ta meet their 24% obli- gation ta n'inisters' salaries ne- cessitated the revision ai por- coulage ates af the other charg- es. Following considenable quib- bling, a solution was finally an- rived at if not unanimous. Other items ai business weme: the approval ai the closing and selling ai real estate ai Ebenezer United Cburch, the arrangement ai a gathering ai all the charg- es in Janetville in June; the ap- pointment ai Allan Beer aw9 Recording Secretary in the place ai etimîng Don Lowes, the me- appountment of Mr. Porteous as Church Treasurer, solection ai Mrs. Ray Robinson as Treasurer of the M. & M., the appaintment ai Mr. Hanmy Prestan as Dole- gale ai Presbyteny with Horace Heaslip as allernate. The invitation ta, Rev. Bon- steel ta romain for anoîher year at some stipend was unanimaus- lY appnaved hy delegates pres- ent. JresIi Swif t's Premium - swift's Premium Fr anks Young - Tender Beef Liver humiity àt aur status orf rank gmateur in this field, neyer be- fore quite: soa impressed with the degree o! rankuess. We trust and hope the experience will be a potential benefit in aur future service to aur municipality. Our gratitude to the "Pater" for baby sitting the bany-beeves, thus en- abling us ta avail aurselves o! the opportunity. Sincere symnpatby ta the im- niediate family o! the late J. Chris. Cummiskey of Bethany wha passed away suddenly Sun- day evening. Chris. was well known and highly respected duing bis long term o! service ta this municipality in the var- ious offices which ie soa capably Selçct No. 1 Eastern Potafoes Lettuce meats Boneless tilled. His passing wili leave a vacancy in our township as well as in the hearts of inimed- jate family wvbich time alone wvill heal. Surviving members of his family are his wvife and two daughters Aileen (Mrs. Preston Neals) of Bethany and Myra (Mrs. Clarence Page> ot 1Yelverton. FSpencer Corseliere Reg. 1931 Nrs. 3. E. Richards PHONE 127 ORONOj 50 lb. $1,29 Mild, Sweet, Imported, New Crop - 20-oz. cello bag Carrofs 2 for 27c Solid Heads, Freuli, Crisp f;or29c Best for Juice and Every Use - 252 size Sunkist Oranges doz 3 9c Birdseye ,ili Frozen Foods FISH STIÇKS, pkg. -- 35o FRENCH FRIES, 2 pkgu. 39e COD FILLETS, lb. --32o Jello JeIIy Powders 3 New Flavors Grape, Black Cherry Black Raspberry 3forl9c Regular -el Pk:o lb. 19c Paramount Fancy 1i-lb. ti PINK SALMON 47c Reeves Whole lO-oz. tin MUSHRGOMNS 39C Kellogg's 51/-oz. pkg RICE KRISPIES 2/37c Blue 5c Off Giant Pkg Breeze Delergeni 76c 5c Off Giant Pkg. BLUE SURF 69C 241/-nz. Large 5c Off LUXC LIBUID 76c King's Choice 28-oz. tin TOMATOES 23c Libby's Cooked 15-or. tin SPAGHETTI 2 For 27c WHTERICE L. Pkg. 16C Johnson's 8-oz. bot. PRIDE PGLISH 2 R ED WHITE 8:001D 'SI ORES r e-.d L:-ýC 1 à 79c LUX TOILET SOAP 3/25c 2/25c Maxwell House 6-oz. jar - 15c Off INSTANT COFFEE 1,59 Velvet Tip try4srn B ROOK 1.29 Planter's Blanched - Sàlted - 14-oz. PEANUTS 44c Peter Pan 20-oz. tin S weet Polatoes 2 For 19C Supreme 12-0z. cello POT DARLET 2 For 23C Supreme Yellow 12-oz. colla SPLIT PEAS 2 For 29C St. Lawrence CORN OIL pittin pi37c Best Buys",>% KRAFT DINNER A Meal in Itself 2 ForZ25C BLUE BONNET MARGARINE YeIlow Quik Lb. 31c FIVE ROSES FLOUR 5-lb. bag ROBIN HOOD MTNUTE GATS 48-oz. pkg. 35c r~r il * I I I ~'1~-. * Crlsp, Juicy, Flavorful, Fancy Grade 3-1b. poly bag Mclntosh Apples 2.9c Fine Quality - California Red Emperor Grapes 2.Ibs.2.9c WHITE CROSS ALLEN'S FARD Toilet Tissue Apple Juice Dog Food 3 Fr48-oz. fUn 16-oz. Regulail 3o35c 25c 3 For 35 'I ~ ( Prime Rib lb. 5 9c Milk Fed - Boneles Veal Leg 1lb. c Roasts£ Lean - Peamealed - Serve Hot or CoId Cottage Rols lb. 37c Bath Size-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ BOWMANVILLE Yeo's Marketeria MAPLE GROVE Maple Grove Groceteria ORONO CornisFi Marketeria ý 1 zi.çý Ul-%% 1- - - 1 --------------- TRUIMAT. PM. 2b& leu TM CMAZOW STATEMUR. BOWMANV= OWAIqTO 1 PAM Mr v

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