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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Mar 1956, p. 16

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PAGE BrXTEm? TLRE CANAnTAN ~'rATU~MAM ~W~IA1~rUrr TV ~%~?'?'A ~ \' - -~ 'e Il 19 E BIRTHS 1 CARD 0F THANKS j Articles For Sale BOND-Jack and Dorotby Incec Mm. and Mrs. Wilfmed Weatb- HAY for sale. Phone MA 3-2964. Kilpatrick) are bapp *y to an- crilt o! Caesaraa wisb f0 sin-1 lt nounica the birth o! thair son eerely tbank their family and i1t John William, February 23, 1956,1I fiends for all the lovely gifts, McCORMICK-Deering bammer at the Memronal Hospital, Bow- 1 cards, flowvcrs and teleph one mill, nearly new, with two 1 manville.111 calîs that fbay neceived on thein sereens. Robent Parr, Enniskil- Sth wedding annivansany. 11-1 ian. 11-1*1 GJODMURPHY-Manford and W iht xrs u icr ADODéas 4 e od Muriel (nec Hindman), are W ihf xrs u icr ADOD~as 4 e od happy to announce the birth o! thanks f0 Dr. McKanzie, staff approximateîy f hree cords, saw- thein son, Staphen George, born and nurses o! Memroial Hospital, ed and delivcrcd. H. M. Kyte,E Manch 2, at Memorial Hospital,1 friands and neighbours for flow- Blacksfock. 47tff3 Bowmanvil]e. A liff le brother enes and acta o! kindnass during fo SelaMa.our recent bancavernent. 200 SQUARE bales choice aI!-1 fo SelaM1' Harold and Gordon Laking. alfa bay, also alfalfa seed. Mrs.h McCOY-Jack and Marilyn Me-i!____ ll*iSam Brooks. Phone MA 3-2227.b Coy (nec Hall) ara happy to 1 1 would like f0 thank Dm. Mc-j 11-1 announce the birtb o! their Kcnzie and the nice nurses at MIXED and wheat sfnaw,--also daughfer Susan Marie at Me-lMamorial Hospital who looked timothy hay, fwo and tbrec years0 rnonal osptal Bomanil1 affer me during my stay thera. old. Phone MA 3-2016, Bow- on March 6. A liffle sisten for Tak lot red n avle 11 _______ 11_ neighbours for their carda, gifts, I NICS-M. ad Ms. cnntb elaphone cails and visits. 1 21" TELE VISION, ca bi neat NICKS o! N. a Loers Lnat Wayne Stark. i modal; steel 'bcd, spring andc Nick of o. 4Loves Lae, 1-1*spring mattreas. Phone New- Bowmanvillc, Ont., announce the castle 3001. 11-1 birth of thair dauchter Lisa M~ William Hamblyn andi INSULATION, blowing method, jane, on March 12, 156, afamily wish f0 axtend tfheir wifb rock wool. Wonkmanshipy Memorial Hospital, Bowrn-1thankafo friands and neighbors1 urnéd Fee stme.m ville. Fimsf grandchild for Mm. for the *many acfs of kindniess garantL.éed Froe Cltarke v and Mrs. R. Herman Westaway. 1 shown both during flic ilînass 2Ha420. Wae. hon Clk Iî-lj and following thair recent sad 20.3-f _______________________bareavement. Also for the beaut- SWEET eider made fresh eachri EN A E EN S iiful floral fibufes. Special week. Will daliver in Bowman-a ENGAGE ENTS tanka f0 the nurses o! Memor- villa Satumday affemnoons. Phone S ial Hospital, Dr. H. Farguson, orders bafora 12 o'clock Satur- - Mm. and Mrs. F. Gordon Won-; Rev. T. Arthur Morgan, paîl- day. Phone MA 3-2298. il-i nacof t of Oshawa, announce the' bearers and F. F. Morris Funeral -a engagement o! their daughtar, Chapal. ll,.dl DO your own floons - rent a g Nancy Marie, f0 Alfred Philip sandan or a floor polisher from Farncomb LaGrasley, son o! Mm. I would lika 10 thank Dr. Landan Hardware, 7 King St. E., and Mrs. Raginald B. LeGreslaY Rundie, Dr. Hallen, nurses and Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5774.S o! Newcastle, Ontario. The, staff o! the Memroial Hospital, j-f marriage will taka place on Sat- F. F. Morris Co., ail who- sent E yorpmaetbfeC urday, April 14, 1956, at 2:30 fruit, flowars, chocolates, carda,iGE yurpmaetbor p.m. in Centra Street United' and the many friands and rela- Easter at a saving, 10 f0 30 par Church, Oshawva. . 11-1 tivas who vusifed or inquircd cent. Phone Huyck's Hainstyl-- about me wbile in hospital. The ing Studio, 67 King St. W. Sav-D Mn. and Mrs. George Edgar numerous aets of kindness and ing good until Mar. 24, '56. 9-3*et Allin of Newcastle announca the thoughtfuînass were deepîx' ap- j i engagement o! thair daughfer. - preciated. , HEARING aid service, festing w Gatch eli, o !Tholas eMn. :,aBobWilliams. service and complete stock of w Gatcellson f th lae Mr and11 -1*1batteries and corda at Higgon a Mrs.' Cecil Henry Gatceal of! Electrie Limîted, 38 King St. E., ti Bowmanvilla. The marrigge Wc wish f0 exfend our sin- Bowmanvil]a. Phone MA 3-5438. W will take place on Friday, April cama thanka and appreciation for 20-ff vi 6fh, 1956, af 7 o'clock, in New- kindnass, messages o! lova and castie United Chu rcb, Newcastle,. sympathy, f0 friands, relatives TYPEWRITERS. adding ma- Ontario. 11-l! and ncigbbours. Spaciaf thank' chines, new and used, for sale _______________ ________to rs.Dymnd nd enie,! or ent; also Cola steel f i]ing nu rss aDymstaffd Premry, cabinets, office furnifume, cash CO DEATHS I ospial, MeDarmott-Panabaker aits.WleFrrkMA3V BUTTONSHA W-At Memorial and for heaufiful flowera fromIPAINT sale -Reductionis from Hospital, Bowmanville, on Sat- L.O.L., L.O.B.A., Township o! 25%7 up on intanior and exterion Pl urday, Marcb lt, 1956, George. Cartwright, Toronto Genaral bouse paints, flat, semi-gloas, R. Buttonshaw, 54 Duke St.,1 Trusts, friands, neigbbouns and glosa and, enamel and ubberiz- Bowmanville, in bis 88tb yaar. Mms. Norman Mountjoy. cd painta. Coma in eaaly for Service wvas hcld at the Morris Mns. Hyland, Byron, basf saleefion at Lander Hard- Funemal Chapel, Bowmanville, Clifford and Arthur. wae1 igSt . omn on Mondax', March 1l'2fh af 2 p.m. villa. 1- Inferment BowmanvilcCre feny. lli '?M 4O AM\ TELEVISION-Motomola 21 inch i IN M Mf abl top swivel TV, regular CANDLER, Russell P.-Suddcn- $329 for $269: Motorola 21 inch Pl ly, in Bowmanvilla on Sundax', GRACE-In loying memory o! console modal TV, negulan $369 Mamch 111h, 1956, Russell P. a dear husband, father and for $275. at Farm Equipment and Candier, belovad husband o! gandfafhem, Alfrad Grace, who Aufomotiva, 134 King St. E., mrena Candier, aga 59 yeams. passad away Mamch 20, 1955. Bowrnanville. Phone MA 3-5689. Rcsted af Nothcuft & Smith No one knows how rnuch ec 11-1 Funemal Home, 53 Division St., miss you, P Bowmanville. Service waa held No one knows the bittean pain USED !arm equipmnt-Intcr- i Wednesday, March l4th at 2:301 We hava suffercd. Since we loat national 3-!urrow plough on ub- r p.m. Interment Bowmanville1 you ber; Masscy Harria 3-furrow P Cemeteny. 11 - 11 Life bas neyer bean the samne. pIougb on steel; Fleury 8 1 2-foot pi - .--In our bearta youn mamony dise, af Fanm Equipmcnt and Ne HAMBLYN-At Memorial Hos- lingers, Aufomotiva, 134 King Sf. E., 72 pifai, Bowrnanvilae, on Mondax',1 Swcetîy tender, fond and truc;- Bowmanvilla. Phone MA 3-5689. Mareh Sf b, 1956, Lillian A.,I Thare is not a day, dean fathar, 11-1 - Hamblyn in ber 79fh year. ba- Thaf wa do flot tbink o! you. i lovcd wife of William J. Hamb- -Sadly missed by bis wife and1 USED tractons - Farmail "A" sty lyn and dean mother o! Morley family. 11-4* with cultivafor: Farmali Super hci 0. Hamblyn, Windsor. Service "C", McCormick W-4, McCor- M, waa beîd at the Morris Funcral IVES-In lovîng rnemory o! our frnteknW-6loademanlivM" wif Chapel, Bowmanville. on Wed- dean dad, Arthur Ives, who pass-a- icn d lonader and ive S< neadax', Mareh 'th at 2:30 p.rn. cd away Mareh l8th, 1952. daui;FdsnMjrnd ib Intemen Bomanill Cee- Lve' gratet gft-son "H". Al fnactors are over-- termat ovravi ilCm-Love's greafea cgit-hauled, repainted and guaran- tr.1-1!' r emembrnc e. f m-feed, wîf h easy tcnms at Farm HOCKADAY-At the rasidence, -Ea rmmbrdbyte ai Equipment and Automofive, 134 Solina, on Monday, March 1.2th, iy 11King St. E., Bowmanville. Tale- PI 1956, Mary Elizabeth Hockaday, L R Y-novnmm or o phone MA 3-5689. 1- in bier 78th -car, daughtem o! the ie aretwopse Jata Mr. andy Mrs. Francis Hocka- my Mie ar lt, 1955. s 2 daN'. Service \vas hald at the I littla knaw when I woketht* o tPhies apr Morris Funeral Chapel,' Bow- momol,Foth ae Ppr manville, on W'cdnesdaýy March The sorrow the day would. * For the Finest Paints 14th, at '2 o'clock. Interment buing ' Cq Bowmanvillc Cencter'v. 11-1 For the eall was suddan, the * For the Best Workmanship LAKING At Memrial Hs- Toshock savane, eÎnSo LAKIG-AtMemrialHos- Topart ith one 1 ioved s .G.Prso & Sn pifai. Bowirianvillc, on Saturdax',i dean. JA March lth.' 1956. Lizzie Laking, Sornetirnes it's bard to under- Phones Newvcastle, in lier' 841h veau'. stand MA 3-5912 MA 3-3701 Ph( wife of the late WVr. R. Laking Why sou-ne thin"ýs hava to bc, 44ff and cear nmotheu' o! Harold and But in His wisdom, God bias Gordon. Service \vas lield at the ,pianned1 ON Sale-New floor eovering,- Morris Fiiocral Chapel, Bowx- Beyond rny poweur 10 secpc.s.fcl n bdon suites, man ill , n M nda , arc P Ev r ic rnie rb red by er bius- spta e savers. chrom e kitchen at 3:30 p.i. Interment sBondrobas Hea Crnfar. l- ý et, ardobscadar chesta, Hed ____r., i continental bada. Trade-in ai- N_._ d - 1ICKS-In loving mcmory o!foae nyu rsn uo STAPLETON.Eward Blake - m1darsser iniw o uture onestinfaresct rat31 dear fther ! Mrs.Wlta Huis h Minie, wy dd y uive t Mrphy rwdCo. îîemc+ - i' - cil'rilking coolens. - Higgon Only \Vanted tÇo Rent Electnie Limited, 42 King St. E.$ Phone MA 3-5438. 25-tf $4.95 YOU NG couple Nvith 3 childrcn- Pair require 5-room ground f loori apantment or bouse. Phone MAJ WATCH REPAIRINU 325.10-tfl at1 COUPLE with no children wish M AR R 'S to ent bouse or lower apant- E ment, in Bownianvilla areaE JEWELLERT Phone MA 3-3383, Constable D. 1143 Kin." st. W., Phonae IM. 3-5463 R. Stevens. 11-1: BOIVMANVILLE ___ __-___1tf Chicks For Sale Personal CANADIAN Approved, puillor- HYGIENIC supplies - (rubker um tested baby chicks. White goods) mnailed postpaid in plain Leghorn, Barnad Rock (fast Isaaled envelope wifh once list. feafhering) and New Hanip.X Six samplc.s 25c, 2-1 samples Barred Rock. Write or 'phona $1 OU Mail Onder Dept. T-28. H. J. Brooks. B3owm-anvillae, Ont. 1Nov.d<ubber Co, Box 91. Ham- MArket 3.3961. $ 7-t£ ilton. Ont. 1-52 0 4 PAINT AIL COLOURS $3.25 Gallon 95C Quart BOWMANVILLE SURPLUS SALES Articles For Sýale 1 .Auction Sales 350 BALES good hay. Phone 44Massey-Harris tractor, nean- MA 3-2283. 1- ly new, farm stock, .împlements. hay and grain, properfy o!f POTATOES, $ 1.40 a bag. J. H. Mervin Bird, 3 miles wc'st obfI Eikens, R.R. 3, Pontypool. 11-2* Enniskillen and 1 mile south, WATER-uHard or_ soft. Robt-. March 23rd at 1 o'clock. 11-2 H±. Cale, MAricet 3-5476. 4-tf GREY Gendron baby carrnage, excellent condition. Phone MA 3-3688, 11-1 BOY'S two-piece outfit, coat and bat, grey wool, size six. Phone MA 3-2208. 11-11 Registared Angus caffla, frac- tom, implements, hay, property o! Dora Bros., Lot 4, Con. 5, Danlington, four miles east o! Hampton, on Thursday, March 22nd. Terma cash. Sale at 1 o'cîock. Ted Jackson, auction- car. 11-v' VENETIAN blinds-Newest col. Holstein cattie. boga, Fer- ours with plastic tapas. Wa guson tractor, impianients, hay measure and instail. Morris Co. and grain, pmoperfy of John P4ione MA 3-5480. 6-tf Vos, juat soutb o! Enficld, Fmi- day, March l6th, at 1 o'elock KITCHEN table and four sharp. Terma eash. Ted Jack- chairs, cupboand, sink and taps. son, Port Pamry, auctioncer. Mms. V. Jeffany. Phone MA _______ 3:5748. 1- 40 rcgisfared and high grade KEYS eut automaticallywicHolstein catf le, fractor, hay'bal- you wait, at Mason & Dale Hard- cm, umplernants, hay, bogs, pro- wame. 36 King St. E.. Bowrnan- perty o! Clayfon A. Love on the ville. 46-ff Oshawa Road, juaf south o! Port Penny on Safundax', March l7fh. CLOVERS, Permanent Pasture Sale aI 1 o'cloek sharp. Tarma mnixtures, grasses, etc., including cac.tioedackoPrt.ry all the new varietis.. Steaat's ________. 1-1 ~eeds Auction sala o! megistemad and G. E. REFRIGERATOR, also! grade Holstain cattia, dairy apartment size elcri ïv ai quipmant, 1955 fracton, comn- goodconitin. TleponeMA bine, fractor drill, full lina o 3-2714, 11-1 modemn farn cquipmenf, poul- fmy, etc. The property o! Mr. SAVE on lumber, direct frorn Lloyd Brooma, Lot 22, Conces- mil] to you. Phillîps Lumber sion S, Darlington Township, one CO., Kinmount, Ont. Phone mile west o! Hampton on Saf- 17n1 1. 13-tf urday, March 24th at one p.m. jTc'rms cash. Propemty soid. DRAPERIES and venetian blinda Plan f0 attend this important :usfomn made. or draperies sold auction. Jack Raid, auctioneen. by the yard. Our reprasenfativa 10-3 viii cali at your borne any tîme The Communify Sala is baing with a compieta range o! samples beld cvery othar Friday night and suggestions wifhout obliga- in the Holgafa Building, corner tion. Fabrie Town, 59 King St. Quean and Division Streets. This W. Phone MA 3-3609. Bowman- is yoùr sale. Anyfhing you ville. 48-tf bave f0 saîl, bring if f0 the sales room. Evarything sold on com- T I L Emission basia. Next sale wili be T I L EFriday, March l6th, at,7:30 p.m. ceranaic - Glazed - Quarry Mr'. Heaf lia, manager. Phone Valls - Ail Kinds - Floors 11 MA 3-S5091. Cii!! Pcthick, auc- tioneer. Phone MA 3-2736. H. G. HEAL 10-2 Phone MA 3-2902 Bowmanville 1 have maccived instructions 44-tf from, Mrs. W. J. Millen, Lot 7,' Concession S. Darlington Town-1 H Yship, one mile east and one con-1 HAY cession south o! Tymone, f0 sali CHOICE CLOVER IIay by public auction on Satumday,1 March l7th at 1:30 P.m., entire Square Bales. IVill Deliver bouschold affects, badroorn and Discount for Quantity living-room furniture, aighf-i puace walnut dining-moomn suifa, HONE 13 r 21 GARDEN HILL oul space heater. elactnie afove. 11-2 clectrie washam, cook stova, dish- as, giaaswara, bedding, linen, kitchen cabinet, quantify # Work Wanted cedar posta. quantify o! hemloc.-, lumbar. Terma cash. No me- ILUMBING, heafîng, eaves-I serve. Jack Raid, auctionen. roughing, free estimates. H. 1 ,I. 10-21 3rtrier, Tyrone. 38-tf 'LASTERTNG and brickwork. iorman Pingle, Bowmanvilie. 2Elgin St. Phone MA 3-5518. 9-14 AM now equipped for ail tyles o! hairdnessing at my ome, Liberty St. North. Phone lArket 3-5383 for appointments. Irs. Joyce (Purdy) Rowe, formerly of Wanda's Beauty hop). 10-2* A. E. COLE PLUMBING AND HEATING Authorized Mor-Sun and Lennox Dealer POntario St. Bowmanville 'one Night or Day MA 3-3473 16-tf CONCRETE AND MASONRY REPAIR OR STRUCTURAL Estimates Free L. TURNER hone MA 3-3231 P.O. Box 177 ,Evenings Phone MA 3-3338 51-tf PLASTERING NJEW and REPAIR WORK STUCCO Free Estimates R. L. TAFT King East Bowmanville Phone MA 3-5030 10O-tf SAVE MONEY AT D'AV E'S 110E REPAIR asi, Prompt Service Skates Sharpened TEMPERANCE ST. (in rear) 42-tfj ALL KINDS 0F ARPENTER WORK WANTED CUPBOARDS RECREATION ROOMS BUILT and REMODELLED E. VIERHOUT NEWTONVILLE CALL CLARKE 10 11.1* NOTICES Fish and game liccnces may new be obtained at the North East corner of King and Liberty. 8-6 * Free Kinsmen draw tickets on 1956 Buick with every $3.00 punchase of gas, oul, batteries or tires at Allen's Service Station, 1/ mile east of Courtice on No. 2 Highway. 2-tf The Insurance Office of S. Everton White will* be closed fromn February 22 to March 25. During that time business will be carried on by Mr. and Mrs. Allan Down, Bowmanville, R.R. No. 2, MA 3-2498. Thank you fr vour co-operation. 84 The annual meeting of the Community Memorial Hospital, Port Perry will be beld at the Library, Port Perry, on Wednes- day evening, March 28th. 1956, at 8 o'clock. Tbe public are cordialiy invited to attend this meeting. 11-21 CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE NOTICE 0F BY-LAW Take notice that the Municipal Council will consider passing a By-Law fo close part o! the unopened oad aliowance be- fwecn Lofa 12 and 13 inftha Township o! Damington, now !orming part o! the Town o! Bowmanville, and known as Scugog Street South, at any tîme affer the 26th day o! March, 1956. Feb. 27th, 1956. Town Clerk. 9-41 PROPERTY SALE No. 603 LAND AND BUILDING FOR SALE 1.5 acres o! land and one- storey building situate East side Highway 115, north juniction, Highwaya 115 and 35. Tenders close 12:00 noon Eas- tarn Standard Time, Thursday, Apnil 5, 1956. Terms - Cash Information and tandem forma obtaînabia from Tenders Sccretary Roomn 1412, East Block Parliamant Building, Toronto or Department of Highways, Port Hope BRA ES ELIEDHigbest or -anytender BRAKE RELNEflot necessarily acccpfed. Ont ario Brake Drum Lathing Department o! Highways We can true up your 1- scored brake drums like new again Livestock For Sale For $1.50 Ea. SOW and cigbt pmgs. Phone on passenger cars RA 3-9081, Oshawa. 11-1i Truck prices vary according to size THREE lange gease and a gan- PHONE MA 3-5804 der. Phone MA 3-2571. 10-2* iBoh Stocker's Garage YOUNG grade Hrfr o wjth week-old haifar cal!: good BOIVMANV[LLE milken. Chester McGrath. Tale- 11-1' Phone MA 3-2713, 11-E Help Wanted SINGLE man f0 work on dE farm, good wages. Phone Brc lin 624 r 5. l SALESLADY wanted, part full time. Apply Hooper's Lad Wear. il MAN for work on dairv fai Write Box 492, c/o Canac' Statesman, Bowmarille. -il MEN experienced in woodwc. ing. Apply in person f0 Sin kmn Cabinet Co., 160 Church 1 RELIABLE man to work dairy farm. Mns. Luther AI] R.R. 1, Bowmanville. Phc MA 3-2434. il. MARRIED man with small fa ily, for general work on da: farm. separate house. Win. Nesbitt, R.R. 1, Brooklin. Ph< 607 r3. 10. WANTED-A man for geneý farm work. Appiy Scbwî Bros., R.R. 3, Bowmanville. Te phone MA 3-2895 or MA 3-59, Y BE your own boss in Bowma ville and surroundings. S products needed in every hot -high commission. Write n( for details to Familex, 1600 D1 orimier, Montreal. il KIRBY Public Scbool, S.S.P 14, Clarke, on Highway 35,1 quines teacher for Grades 1 to duties to commence Sept. 19ý State qualifications and sala expected, to Mrs. Wm. Wann Orono, Ont. R.R. North. Il. TEACHERS wanted for Ontai Training School for Boys, Bol manville, Publie School Grad and Grades 9 and 10. Music abiiity desirable. Duties commence Sept. 1sf. Apply person to Supenintendent. Il SINGLE man for fruit ai dairy farm or married man wl bas bis oxvn living quartei Modern equipment, good wor ing conditions. Wonkmen's Cor pensation covenage. Top wag( Wilfrid Carruthers. Phone Mv 3-5923. il- INTERESTED in dîsplay worl Maie or femnale requined by r tail dry goods store. Employý benefits, steady position. App by letter for interview statir past experience (if any), presei empioyinent, age and maril status. Wards Dry Goods, Osbý wa. 1. il. W AN TE D Telephone Operalor. for the Orono Telephone Co Phone Orono 300 for intervie, After 5 p.m. Phone Orono 14E Good Hours - Good Wagt for the right girls 11-1 WANTED STENOGRAPHER APPLY Goodyear Tire & Rubber Cc Bowmanville APPRENTICE to learn PRINTJNG BUSINESNI Must have at least two years High School and be anxious to Iearn the business. Apply The Canadian Siafesman WANTED Aggressive Men To supplement our salas staff for your district. The men we are iooking for must be willing f0 iearn and work bard as there are excellant opportunities fo. advancemenf. Direct salling ex- peience an advantaga, car. necessity. Same commission paid on each year's ranewals. Sales training provided. Re- plies confidenfial. Giva ful Pan- ticulars in firat latter including age, expemiance and Phone num- ber f0 Box 817, B-29, London, Ont ario. Ontario Automobile ,Association Fo11-1 BLACK female cocker spaniel, about six months old. Phone MA 3-5600. 11-1 Lost BLOND cocker spaniel, wearing ned collar, named Rusty. Phone MA 3-5776. 11-i* GERMAN Shepherd doiz. one year old, hrown and yel]ow. Phone MA 3-2584. H. Rozema, R.R. 1. Bowmanville. 1-1* LIGHT brown female collie, white legs. wearing red collar. Reward. Phone MA 3-2434. 11-1* 3-piecebathro-om, kitchen cup- i- - boands, partial basement, garage.1 The Hampton Women's Insti- Asking $4,500. Terms.1 lute are sponsorine a 3-ai jBesides aboya mentioned we comedY play "Crackeci Nutse are able f0 show approximately presented by Cartwright Hîgh 100 more fanms and homes in Scbool in the Sîînday Sehool the Oshawa, Bowmanville, Co- room on March l6th, 1956. Corne bourg. Trenton and Peterboro, and enjov a g<'od evening. districts., children 25c. 10-2 Contacj Teen Town. Jts biggcr and Jon .DeWih btetter. Third annual Easter John F. DeWith Prom featuring Paul Minicola's Realtor Orchestra at Lions Cornmun;tyv Newcastle Phone 3341 Centre, Friday, March 23. Pic- turcs, crown and vrizes for Doald Muntjyo avlcQtuen o! the Bail. Balloons and Donad mujojoyBowanvlleprizes for a]]. Welcome cvery. MA 3-3950 one. Dancing 9 p.m. - i arm. Peter Feddemna. Newcastle R.R. 2 Corsages suppliad bv Jackmrar, Phone .1204 & Son. Adrnission7 nmemben. 11-1 $3.00. non-memberâ $4.00. j. ( 1- Real Estate for Sale1 Real Estate For Sale airy E. J. SAUNDERS f REAL ESTATE FOR SALE )ok- REAL ESTATE Properties SoId, Rented, 0-* 3 bedroom bungalow located 1 Managed and Appraised onear new school, large living- L M. A ,LLI SO N oroom, large modern kitcben, Real Estate Broker lie,' beautiful bathroom, has a sum.- Poe26 ecslOt L*mer kitchen and an attached 1'w lcsnrho rfi garage. Heated by hot water 1 1 ick ot o rfi r.wîth coal. Has hardwood floors; signal. Newcastle [ian throughout. This bungalow is i 32-tf '*~located on a large lot. If you are looking for a bouse with 3 I LEASK REAL ESTATE 'rk- bedrooms at a moderate pnice 1 7-room frame house in excel- np- this one cannot be equalled. Full I lent condition, furnace. hard- St. price only $6,900.00 Terms an- wood floors, good garage, 15 Sranged.1 acres of land with good fnontag& We bave many to choose from. on No. 2, flowing spring in onl 5-room bungalow on a large pasture, good lawn: at Welcome lin, lot, centraliy located. Requires Corner. $ 10,500 with terms.1 one some repairs. This is a home Consuit us befone buyinftvd **~for the handy man who wants farms or houses f0 tobuy a home at a :reasonablel M. E. Leask, Broker ii price and do some work on it. 65 Ontario St. Bowmnanville .y 2-apartment bouse, 4 rooms Phone MA 3-5919 F. and bath in each apartment; 11-1 one priced at only $8,500.00 with 1-2 good terms. ,arzMoney tolon Harold C. Pedwell le- New homes built f0 order. I RIEAL ESTATE BROKER )3. For results - list with 135 acres o! land. liew bun- iPeter Kowal, Representativei galow, xith ail modern conven- -99 King St. E. MA 3-58681 iences, heavy wiring, gas tank, an- 11-1 eiectric weider, implement shed ell 185x52', 53 acres of orebard, best me JAMES NIXON vanieties; appie storage 96'x32' 0W Real Estate Broker and 30'x40', drive sbed 32'x63', el- 5-roomn insui-brick, semi-de- 2 cistenns and weil, clectric 1-1 tached, 2 blocks fnorn King St., apple grader, overhead conveyor, close to shopping centre; bath- 2 International tractons, 3-ton N-room, modemn kitchen, fully in- truck, ý,4-ton truck, 1 12-ft. cQm- ne- suiated, niceiy decorated, yen- bine, i sprayer (400 gal.), 1 ) 8, etian blinds, beavy wining. Hardie sprayer (260 gal.), 1 s56- Income home, 8-room, 2-storey weed sprayer, 1 Hardie concen- ry frame house with 2 bathnooms, trate sprayer, rotary pump, 80 an, basement, large lot with double gal. per min., sprays both sides garage, $1,000 down.1 a t once. Many more machines. xo Small frame bouse, insulated,! ast yaý utmwr ruh Iw- hyro. 1over $15,000. Revenue fnomn des Extra lot lOOxlOO, $500, bai! apples (all soid) oxVer $10,000. cal cash, bhis is a neal opportunity for to 7-room brick house in New- th ight man. $25,000 will incastle, 3-piece bath, oil heating, bandle with satisfactory ferms -1- fireplace, iaundry tubs, heavy for balance. AIl aboya machin- -wining, $2,000 down payment. eny practicaily new. ind Building lot on No. 2 High- Salfesman - Daniel Boehm ,ho way with more than 1 acre, west MA 3-5512 ns. o! Bowmanville. rk- 5-noom frame bouse in Burke- 110 acres, 8 room brick bouse, m- ton, shed, garage, approximate- bathroom, oil furnace, many :s. ly 11,4 acre, hydro at door, im- extras, bank barn 40'x100', stan- lA mediate possession, $2,'800. chions, water bowls. pressure 1* 100 acres medium soul, long system, 10 can milk contnact, A. - barn, full stable, implement .a cnes bush, balance workable 'k? shed, hen house, garage, 2 weIlsiland, 3 miles from Newcastle. 'e- flowing well short distance frorn $25,000. Haîf cash. ,ee barn; 8-roomn frame bouse, heavy 4 room frame bouse, filed ly wiring, 3-piece bath not con- floons, gas for cooking and fur- ng nected. This farm may have a nace, lot 170'x270' on No. 2 nt lot o! gravel. $9,000. Terms. Highway in Newtonville. $3,500 al Farms, dwellings and stores. with $1,000 down. ia- 160 Liberty St. N. Salesman - Ethen Jonies 1-1 Bowmanville R.R. 5 63 Centre St. - Phone MA 3-5683 -Dial MA 3-568Z 100 acres, 3 miles fromn Bow- 11*manvilla, close t0 pavement, all level workable land, 20 acres s De Wiih Real Esie faîl wheat, brick bungalow, oil heated, 7 rooms and bath, ýV- 60 acres land on Scugog road, floors, cuphoards, pressur, , excellent for market gardening, tem, attached garag,7e. bank" ,ýàv *etc. Pnice arrangeq. 34'xlOO', needing somne répaîrs. 'w 150 acre farm on No. 2Higb- Owinî ta death of owner, must 6j way at Newcastle witb 110 acres seli. Reduced from $20,000 to workable, 40 acres o! mixed1 $18,000 for quick sale. Ces wood, spring, well, good fences,l 20 acres o! land, 4-storey brick 80'x30' and 50'x30' banik barns;1 building better known as Crearni 1* 8 roomed frame bouse with 1o! Barley Mill, could be convent- -furnace, heavy duty wined, run- ed Io broiler plant or some nîng hot and cold water. Has inanufacturing business. A 5- water bowls in stable, milking room bungalow with bathroom. machine, milk bouse with cooler. Open for basf offer. Pnice $15,000. Terms. 6 acres in Bowmanville with 70 acre farm on Highway No. 9-room brick and stone bouse, 2 with 516 acçes, tfie drained loani tiled bath, 2 pressure systems, land, excellent for market gar- many extras. Can be bought dening, 7 acres in pine and without all the land. Phone for spruce, remainder in maple and inspection. ash, pond, wells, good fences, 4 room insul brick bouse and 85'x34' bank barn, lien bouse, garage, ½/ acre o! land, in Hamp- )implement shed, garage; 8 room- ton, $4,000. ed brick bouse with hàrdwood Montgage money to boan. floors, fumnace, heavy wiring, Phone Newcastle 3856 running water on tap. Pnice an- 1 -1 ranged. - 150 acre dairy farn near Pont Hope with 115 acres workable, COMING EVENTS 5 acres in wood, remainder in ________________ pastune, spring pond, wells, lange Aodcnleigdtsb U-shaped bank barn with steel Avostei cyoricntes byth stachins imleentshd, enCh amben o! Commerce. Phone bouse, milk bouse with clectnie MA 3-5031. 9-4 cooler, silo; 7 roomed solid brick_____ s ouse with nunning bot and cold waten, 3-piece batbroom, kitchen Plan fo attend the St. John's cupboards. Asking pnice $15,000. Church Guild afternoon tea and Terms. homebaking sale on Friday, 50 acres of splendid market Apnil 2Otb, frorn 2:30 to 5 p.m. gardening land on higbway, 161 1- miles from Oshawa, witb 8 room- ed frame house, etc. Pnice an- St. Patrick's Day dance will ranged. be beld at Bowmanville Bad-. 125 acre beef cattie fanm, near minton Club, Saturday, March bighway, with 90 acres work-1 17. Admission $2.00 par couplep. 1 TEE CANADIAN sTATzsmAiq. igtowm,&mm.t.r. mmTA1:?Tr% penrTrn"T% A " qkjpàl%#ý" au am..&

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