THUILSDAY. MARCH f29, 1956 1yDogls ig Minor Hockey Last Saturday morning saw the last of the Minor Hockey Semi-final playofis. The final garnes will have been played by the tirne this goes to press. Bantam Hockey In 'the first game of the rnorning the Cubs again de~- feated the Huskies by a 2-1 score ta take their semi-final round 2 games ta one. Gary McCullough scored once in each of the two periods ta accourit for the Cubs goals. Crossey and Pollard each picked up an as- .WSM - Radio - TV Jim REEV' E RCA Victor Records One of America's Top C&Ujntry Music A4tistp with bis Grand OF' Op'ry Show witls many more RADIO STARS Coad Friday Show -8P.m. Dancing Follows RED BARN OSHAWA sist on McCullough's last goal. R oss Williams '(Gi) scored the Huskies goal early in the fist~ lperiod. In the second Bantamn game of the morning the Cornets de- fcated the Tigers by a 4-2 score ta enter Minor Hockey Nighi against the Cubs. Allin Cale led the Cornets t.a victory h3 scaring three goals. Paul Mc- Cullough accounted for the fourth Carnet goal, and- also picked up two assists on Cole's goals. Burgess, Lernon and B. Osborne also picked up assists on the Cornets goals. Dan Cat- tran again accounted for the Tigers two goals with Fred Vanstone assisting on ane. Pee Wee Hockey The big upset of the Minor Hockey season when the third place Hawks defeated the league winning Canadians 2-1 ta earn the right ta play against the Rangers in Minor Hockey Night. Alex Wiseman and Joe Bothwell each scored an unas- sisted goal to give the Hawks their margin of 'ictory. Ros- Turner scored late in the final period as the Canadians threat- ened ta tie up the score. Atom Hockey In the Atorn series the Bears scored twa first pemiad goals ta defeat tht- Barons 2-0 ta earn their place in Minor Hockey Night. The Bears will meet th .e Indians in the final night. Doug. Lane and R. Taylor (Leddy, Çýblwell) were the marksmen for the Bears. Pee lVee Consolation Series As in past years the two Pee Wee teams flot making the, ýplay-offs played for the Top of the Low Teams Award. The Red Wings defeated the Leafs in a free scoring game by a 5-4 score. Lamry Piper led the Red Wings attack by scaring two goals end assisting on two others. Larry Thompson (2) and Grant Flintoft (Rundle) account for the other Red Wing goals. Brenton Hughes with three goals was the big scorer for the Leafs. David O'Raurke was the other goal getter for the Leafs. David Thompson (2), Jirn McKnight and David O'Rourke picked up assists on Hughes' goals. The Red Wings are now the pmoud winners of the "Mug" donated by Duckie .Neads. Little N.H.L. Plans are well underway for the "Little N.H.L." Ontario Championîhipi being held in Pamry Sound on April 6th and 7th. Bowmanvillc bas two en- tries in this tournament. The Boys from Bowmanvillc wilI travel ta Parny ,Sound by bus May We Estim-af e n Your Plumbinri and Heafing Requirements f "fl!~'-NG LOL Igt.jHIN ~g TRE CANADIAN STATESMMf, EOWMANV!LLLE._ONTARIO Juveniles Receive Conacher Trophy President Bert Hicks of the O.M.H.A. is seen above ed game between the Legionnaires and Wingham. Others presenting the Lionel Conacher Trophy to Bob Fairey, in~ the picture include Coach Don Masters and Manager AI Captain of the Bowmanville Legionnaires, 1955-56 Ontario Clarke on the extreme lef t and Joe Christie, Secretary of Juvenile "B" Champions, after last Saturday's thrill-pack- the O.M.H.A., at the direct left of Bert Hicks. leaving at approximately 8 a.rn. on Friday, April 6th. The Amn- erican League entry will play their first game againît Thon- old at 4:30 p.rn. on Friday. The N.H.L. entmy will be playing their first game against Well- and at 8:15 p.m. on Friday. Aoril 6th. Each team will play at least two garnes. The Little N.H.L. Executive Committee has made arrange- nments ta billet all o! the play- ers over night in private homes. Meals will be pravided for the boys whilc they are away. * Franklin Park Franklin Park Association will hold their Annual Spring Dance at the Lions Centre on Saturday, April 14th beginning. at 8:30 p.m. Modemn and Square Dancing will be a feature of the evenîng with a doon pnize and lunch provided for ahl who attend. Choral Society The Choral Society will have as their gueit antist for their Annual Spring Concert a Con- cert Organiît. More details will be publishcd whcn they become available. A neminder toalal members of the Choral Society that the next practice will be hcld on IMonday. April 2nd at the Lions jCentre bcginning et 8:00 p.m. There will also be a practir'e on Wedncsday, April 4th at the Ontario Street Public School beginning at 8.00 p.m. Amateur Art Display The officiai opening ceremon- ici for the 2nd Annuel East Central Ontario Travelling Amateur Art Display will be held in Port Hope, on Friday, April 6th. The Travelling Art Display will he in Bowrnan- ville on April l6th and will be on display ail the following wcek at the Lions Centre. The Adult Art Clasi has sus- pended aperations until after the Eastem holidays. The first lessons aftcr the holidays will be beld on Friday, Apnil 13-th at the Lions Centre. Playground Supervisors The Bowmanviile Recreation Modernize Your Kitchen and mnake housework a pleasure Why put up with an out-of-date, unattraetive kitchen when ft's so easy and thrifty -te, modernise. Our room planning experts will help you design a tep-saving convenient kitchen with ail the modern and beautiful features you'Il sec in a new model home. Corne In today. HARDWARE SPECIALS Famous 'ONIVARD" LUne throrne Concave Round Pull with Back Plate Coniplete - - ----- ---_ _550 SPACE SAVERS Rolling Tou-el Bar $4.95 Rolling Cup Rack- 1.65 Rolling Pan Rack 4.95 FLOOR TILE Have easy to cdean tile floors in the latesi colour. and materlals. KffTCHEN 9x12 LOW AS $26oOO ARBORITE Ail the laIlW es t patterns sdi 0o,1rs, te make your kitehen parkle. 2x8 COUNTER ONLY I MODERNIZE TR-DAY - THE EASY WAY $9.60 NO DOWN PAIMINT 24 MONTHSiéOPAi q 1 O shawa Wood Pro ducts Ltd. MA 3-2130 Yard and Showroom RA 3-4661 OBITUARY MRS. JOHN C. HALLERAN A nesident of Oshawa for about' 50 years Carnie Mina Boyd, widow o! John C. Haller- an, passed away et the 'Clame- mont Rest Home on Friday, March 23. Mrs. Halleman, who was ln her 8Oth year, had been in fail- ing health for some ycars. She had been at the rest home for four years and formerly lived in Alexandra street, Oshawa. A daughtcm of the Late Wil- liam and Ruth Boyd, the deceas- cd was born in Hope townshiu. She was a member o! Simcoc Street United Church. Predcceased by hem husband in 1931, she leaves ta mourn hem passing one daughter, Mrs. B. Mutton (Thelma) o! Bowrnan- ville and four sons, Claude and Rae of Oshawa; Dean o! Mon- treal and Bruce, who is an em- ployee o! Uic Bank o! Montreal in London, England. Alsa surviving are a brother, Wilbert Boyd o! Ottawa and five gmandchildmen. The funemal service was held at the McIntosh Funcral Cha- pel at 3 p.m. on Monday, Mamchn 26, followed by interment in St. John's Cemetery, Part Hope. Rev. John K. Moffat, mini ster o! Simcoe Street United ChumchI, conducted the service. BLACKSTOCK Mr. Harold Swain and bis elder son Jack, competed in the Central Ontario Secd Show i Peterborough on Wcdnesday. Jack won first in the 4-H Club and Hamold ivas Grand Cham- pion o! alI grains end champion on aats. Congratulations ta bath. Mmi. Allan Moore and Shir- ley, visited with Mmi. Edward Darcy lait week. Mm. and Mmi. Austin Bcacock spent the week-end in Toronto witb the John Mew fernily. Sincere sympathy o! this community hs extended ta Mrs. James Lammer and family on the passing of Mr. Lai-mer. Mmi. Ernest McLean and two sons o! North Bay, arc visiting hem mothem-in-law, Mmi. Daviid McLcan, while Ernest is in Quebec on Air Force duties. Mrs. Luther Mountjay, Osh- awa, spent sevemal days lait wveek îvith the Harold Swain farnily and callcd on friendi. Mr. and Mmi. Russell Spinks, Oshawa, and Mri. Ira Argue, Bumketon, with Mns. Edward Darcy. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mms. Blake Gunter on the bir~h o! their daughtem on Monday at Oshawa Hospital. At the curling bonspiel li Department requires several personnel ta act as playgroui supervisors on the Bowma;%- ville playgrounds this coming su mmer. 1The wage scale will run froin $ 15.00 ta $25.00 per week ac- cording ta the qualifications and experience and the hours will be from 9:00 arn. ta 11:45 arn. and 1:15 p.m. ta 5:00 pm each day except Saturday %rid Sunday for a six weeks period starting July 9th. Application forms are aal able at the Recreation Office 4-n the Lions Centre. *These days Most people work under Ipressure, worry more, sleep leu. This &train on body and brain mnakes physical fitness easier t oie-liarder to regain. Todays tense living, Iowered resistance, overwork, worry-any of these may affect normal kidney action. WIun kidneys get out of order, exceas acids and watt-sa remain in the system. Then backache, disturbed rest, that "tired-oat" heavy- headed feeling often follow. Thats the time te tale Doddà Kidney Pilli. Dodd's stimulai.te th kidneys te normal action. Then you loti better-sleep licter-. work better. Aisk for Dodd's Kjdney Pilla at w:y dnq ceunter. à Sunderland- last Saturday, Mer- lin Suggitt, Bruce Heaslip, Neil Bailey and Ray Werry, were the lucky winners of a bag of groceries each. Mr. and Mrs. Orval Greer and daughter, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rahm, Tyrone, with the Stanley Rahms. Mr. Rudy Uswick, Erickson, Manitoba, a Farrner's Union member, visited several days with Mr. and Mrs. George Business Directory_ Accountancy RAY 3. DILLING Certlfied Public Accountant 93 Church Street MArket 3-3861 WM. 3 . .COGGINS Chartered Accountant 64 King St. E. Bowrnanville (Above Garton's Bus Station) 64 King Street E. YALE. FRIEDLANDER, HUNTER & CO. Accountants and Auditors 64 King St. E. RA 5-1621 Oshawa B. L. Yale, C.A. F. Friedlander, B. Comm. J. Hunter. C.P.A. C hi r op r actc G. EDWIN MIANN, D. Ofc: Chiropractor Specialty Paper Products Bldg. 63 Temperance Street Phone MA 3-5509 Office Hours: By Appointment D entfal1 DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Office- Jury Jubilee Bldg. 4n King St. W. Bowrnanvflle Office 1Hours: 9 a.rn. to 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Saturday Closed Sunday Office Phone MA 3-5790 Flouse Phone - Newcastle 3551 0KC. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S.. DD.S. Office in his home 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowrnanvlle Office Hours: 9 a.m.,to 6 p.m. dai]v 9 ta 12 noon Wednesday Closed Sunday Phone MA 3-5604 7R. C. F. CATTRAN. D.D.S. Office 23 Riniz St. E. - Bowxnanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.n. daily 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Saturdav Closed Sunday Telephone: Office MA 3-5459 L e ga1 STRIKE and STRIRE Barristers, Solicitors Notaries Public W. R. Strike. Q.C. A. A. H. Strike. B.A. 40 Ring St. W.- Bowmanville LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public Kine St. W. - Bowmanville Phones: Office MA 3-568J) Residence MA 3-5553 MISS APHA 1. HODGINS Barister. Solicitor Notary Public Ternperance St. - Bowmanvtflf- Mo0r tg age S LEROY HAMILTON - ORONO Phone 1 r 16 First mortgzage funds Residences - Farina Business Properties Op t om eitry KEITH A. BILLETT OPtometrist 141 King St. E. Bowmanville Office Hours: By appointrnent Telephone MArket 3-3252 Mondav ta Saturdav 9 a.m. ta 5 pa. Wednesdays: 9 to 12 Thursday evenings JOHN A. OVENS Optometrist Jury & Lovell BowmanvMfe Phone Mt~ 3-5778 Piano Tuning Professional Piano ARTHUR COLLISON JPI-na MÂrkat 3.-zona_ PAGE FI!rEE with a cabinet of silverware a and family and Ray Ashton, Bs. "Dffo il"tern.8 Tue Lea vside. and rcale onleMis Bretting fo ih atern.147 Roes visie Man. Murie BonlMiss d onors of this loveiv gift whiei Emma Werry on Sunday. was a great surprise were Mr Mr. and Mrs. John Liptav and Mrs. Harris, Pauline Jerni- and farnilv, were dinner guests son, Ross Jemison and IMarilyn at Mr. and Mrs. Steve Liptay's, Broddy, Gwen and John Ballin- Toronto. gall and Mrs. Norman Taylor. Sorry ta hear John Bertrim Anne Taylor had also received hurt his foot and has it in a a gîft of 25 red roses frorn her cast. husband. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Black. Mrs. H. BaiIey and Catherille hurn and farnily and Mrs. Cowl- and Mrs. Herb Taylor wei'e ing. visitcd Mr. and Mrs. Doug *Sunday dinner guests with Mr. Colbary and family, Toronto, and Mrs. Roy Taylor. onSauray BURKETON The parents and teachers held their meeting at the schoul, March 22, ini the evening. The National Evangelisti. Mission Service and reconsecra - tion o! members xvas wvcll aý tended, w'ith the minister, Rev. R. B. Green in charge. Our sympathy is extended to ~ the family and relatives uf the late Mr. James Larmer in thel bereavernent. Furcral service <~ was held at Port Perry a" ilVOU WOMN AE -ri)APOLOCIZE FOR burial at Cadmus cccetery. 1YOUP% $ET, IF 'W'U LET us SERVICE Il! Mns. Pearl Avery xvas in Os,,- -awa with relatives and frienus last weeekend.M " L Mr. and Mrs. J. Toi-npkî x- M Y E S with Mrs. Vera Hatherley, Pe I terborough. ýR DO T EVC Mm. . eek h r. RADIO TV SERVIC spentawe ihM.adsExrt Repairs ta Ail Nlakes. Merle Hubbard. Gay Hubbard went ta Nor- 3 Silver St. MA 3-3483 wich whien Mm. Vigar returncd L3OWMANVILLE ta his home. - __ Mmi. Walter Bryan spentt1h- weekend with Mr. and Mis' O- ville Greex'. Mm. and Mmi. R. Carter ani boys with relatives. . Mm. and Mrs. Ed Cochrane, Raglan, with Mm. and Mrs. 1l - Adarns, alsa Mm. and Mrs. Al- bemt Adamns, Bowrnanville, Wxthi Mr. and Mrs. E. Adams. Cheryl and James Rowan Miss Judy Green, weme Sunday visitars at the home of Mms. J. Carter. Home Baking Sale, Thumsdax (today) at Hydro Shop. Faor particulars sec 'Coming Events". S TAT E FARM Mm. and Mms. Fred Toms, Enniskillen, were d i nn e:' gucîts at Mm. and Mrs. LloydI Slemon's on Thumsday.I- Cer. aend , H.iaptn; i'.0 2 and Judith, Mm. and Mms. Clif- ford Trewin, Bowmamxville; Mrs. Bert Billett, Mm. and M'-s. 00 and Mrs. Leonard Bmadley, Mns. AUTO INSURANCEI Harvey McGill, Enniskillen, at Mms. Wmn. Trewin's. PY O S AL Mr. and Mrs. Stan Woollings, PASJO ISM L Mn. and Mns. Louis Ashton and A CDE T O ' Glen, Toronto, at Mm. a nd Mms. I iDN ISJO Henry Ashton's. U-d-thi policy. yo pay otdy 2o f Mm. and Mms. D. McKenzie cah 1.0on the first $250 of cdà and farnily, Mr. and Mrs. Doug-. o. Aliov that amount, State TaM e Fontaine and Neil, Toron ta, pays evertujn Can today for ume spent Sunday with Mms. A. Mc- ifomtin n"80-20l o" rS I Neil. Mm. and Mms. Ivan Pollard I and son, Lindsay, called on Mr. It puys te km.w "W and Mrs. Roy Graham and, famnily on Sunday evening. IMr. and Mmi. George Bodnam and farnily, Hampton, at Mr. and Mrs. J. Liptay's. weedinner guest of Mr adir rnka Mrs. Harold McLaughlin, Black- M'iii St. N. Newcastle stock on Sunday. PHONE 3671 NEWCASTLE' FESTIVE HAMS HEAD A&P's Pr os ser. Mmi. Edna Gibson, Nestîcton, with Mn. and Mmi. Mervyn Graham for the weekend. The Donlands Dairy Milk Shippers attended a meeting last Tuesday evening in the Comrnunity Hall. Mm. Fard, manager, Mr. Bee, chemist, and Mr. Causburn, acqountant, spoke and led a discussion. The meet- ing was well attended and the big issue is the adoption o! the new method of bulk shipment. The local shippems and the WV. Marlow Transport Company hope ta be ready by early faîl. The O.N.O. Club semved lunch. A fine rededication and com- munion service was held at the United Church on Sunday even- ing. The following young mem- bers were received: Dianr.e Blair, Patsy Hoskin, Alleen Van Camp, Sandra Ferguson and Bill Hutton. Beautiful flow- ers from the James Larmer family were placed in bath churches. Misses Gertrude Henry, Dan- cen Van Camp and Mabel Van Camp, Toronto, were at their homes for thc weekend. Mm. and Mmi. Harny McLau- ghlin and Lawmence, Mms. J. Forder, Mrs. John Watson and Darmell, were entertained at Mr. and Mrs. Roy Taylom's an Fiday evening on the occasion o! Mns. Forder's bithday. Mn. and Mns. John Ballingaîl, Mn. and Mrs. William Taylor were weekend guests with Mr. and Mmi. David Harris, Toron- ta. Mn. and Mrs. Taylor, whoSe 25th wedding annivemsamy was VALUES SMOKUD COOKED Shank Portion lb 4 7 utt Portion lb 5 5c BONELESS SMOKED COOKED HAMS Whole or Haif 6 9C Grade "A" Oven Ready Contre Cuts or Steaks 16 7 c T URKEYS fions (10 b 14 16 Ave) lb 59e Broilets (5 te, 7 lb Ave) 16lb J an. Parker 6aster SPECIALI A&P ayDoe$29 Layer Cake *&Ch~ 99c Tomato Juice 2 48-aztifs 49< Ion& Pectin Added BAVE Zo A&P Cajumnbia Dozen $2.93 Strawberry Jam 24.o. jr37c Raspberries 215 aztins49c Puddings and Jellies (Ail Flavours) BAVE 3c Aylmer Fanicy Dozon $1.73 jeII*so 3 p'gs 26c Cream Corn 220-oz tins 29c M onarch SAVE 2o Ann Page f3 Varieties) Dozen $1.73 Pie Crust Mix pkg 29c Baked Beans 220 tý ins29 N aîsoSAVE 20 Jane Par'ker Orange SAVE loc Shredded Wheat 3pkgs49c Chiffon Cake each 49C PRGDIJCE SPECIAL California New Crop, Extra Fancy, Tender- A Real Spring Tonio ASPARAGUS lb 35c Ie F o toe Pricea Effective Lintil Saturday, March 31st, OPEN THUItSDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9 P.M. Closed AllI)ay Friday Closed at 6 p.m. Saturday OPEN ALL DAY MONDAY =MI , 1 4e%ý 1 1 'HAMS