PAG ZONTTE CNADAN- SATSMN. lOMAV Z.LILTI. %JIN 1tLn. LRCH 29, 1959 Voice From the Past Revives Memories of Battle of Bowman ville A letter arrived in the May- School for Boys-which, during or*s office, this week, addnessedj the xvar, was used as a prison- ta the 'MAJOR' a! Bowman- er cf war camp, were ta be ville which brought back te handcuffed in the same way. mind an incident referred te At this, the wholc camp re- by the Germans, during thel volted. Hockey sticks, chair -%ar, as having become famous legs, frying pans and any wea- in Amenica as "the Battle epn that came te hanýd vas Bowmanville". thrown into what was to be- Like mast battles, this anc cacme known as the "Battle of had a prelivninary history. A Bowmanville". German version begies with the The letter from Hamburg, aftermath a! the Canadiar. Germany, recalîs, howcver, raid on Dieppe. Following this tha't the eventual autcomc of raid a large numnber of Ger- this affnay was anc cf the '"aut-ý muan pisoners were bnought standing examples cf honaur-1 back to England-but, it was able and fair behavieur in said by the German High Coin- treating pisoners e! war". rnand, handcuf!ed. A reference, pnobably, that Sucb an act is regarded ieneo'firearms were ued in qucîl- Germany as a grass indignitv ing the upnising. te which a pnisenen 6f war The letter closes with an ex- should nat be subjected. Ac- pression cf warm affection fan cordingly, Hitler, in repnisal. Canada and, Canaciians. ordered that a number a! Can- adian officers who were pri- soes fwa nGermaey, he O JU R It was in retaliation o! this, a German repart dlaims, that W. J. TAPE saine 50 German naval officers, In memory et W. J. Tape who hcld at the Ontario Training, passed aaway Feb. 6, 1956 in Stafford Bros, Monumental Works Phone ýVhtb.v MObawk 8-3552 119 Dundas St. E.. Whitby FINE QUALJTY MONUMENTS AND MIARKERS Precise workmanshtp and careful attention to detai] are vour aissurance when vou choose from the wide selection of inriported and dornestic Granites and Marbies in stock. Foart Eriîe Hospital at tne age ef 86. Mr. Tape was born at Long Sault in 1870. He went te thre Long Sault school and chunc-. îIu. Tape was converted before he reached bis teens and as a follower ot the Lord he livedi a Christian lite, following his parent's foatsteps. Mn. T.Ipe livcd an the farin known as Xhitehall and work- cd with his father. Later lie was united in marriage te Miss Matilda Wilson, both enjaying the same spiritual lite, made their haome a happy and wel- came home to ahl those that went thene and still rcmained on the fanm wîth bis father. Mr. Tape took an active ,part in churcb and enjoyed belping his fcllowmen. He was a stew- ard and trustee e! the Long ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE This Badge Serves all canada THE FORCE PRO VIDES A CHALLENGE TO QUALIFIED YOUNG MEN WHO ARE WILLING AND ABLE TO MEET THE DEMANDS 0F A LAW ENFORCEMENT CAREER., Tihe prime requisites of a member of the Royal' Canadian Mounted Police are intelligence, Ioyaity, integrity and courage. Service requirements frequently entail long hours, inconvenience and -personal danger. Service benefits and advantoges include a certain prestige, good comradeship, a meosure cf adventure and satisfaction through service ta Canada. IF you are interested in a career mn the Force, some of the qualifications are: à%ge: Befwe.n 18 and 30 years, Height: b.tween 5'8 and 6'5", British subject or Canadian citizen, Unnmried, 0.04 phyuical condition, Ability to possuan education test boaéed on a Grade X leve..' IF you feel that you possess the basic qualifications, you àre invitéd ta apply ai the ne'arest R.C.M. Police office or write -TUE COMMISSIONER, .C.M. POLICE, OTTAWA I Mà'ny Prizes Given Awayl Veg. Growers' Banquet1 Sault church and on the churclh board trying to serve in what- ever way he could after his father's death. His first move off the farm was fo Woodbridge where he worked on a farm and some thirty years ago they mev- ed to Fort Erie and he and nis wife were members of the Fort Erie. United Church. His wife predeceased him in 1935. Mr. Tape was a regular member o! the Fort Erie church and Sunday School and receiv- ed a certificate for regular at- tendance until ill in 1955. Mr. Tape made his home with hîs son, Mr. and Mrs. William Tape. Mr. Tape usually enjoyed *good health and until the lasr year cnjoyed walking up to see his daughter, Mrs. Bert Haun. two miles north. *Mr. Tape passed away quiet- ]y and peacefully, was well re- spected and bore the good wish- es of all that knew him. Mr. Tape leaves te mourn his loss tan only son, William, and one daughter, Margarei (Mrs. Bert Haun) of Fort Erie, and one sister, Mrs. Annie Hatherly, Ty- rone, who of late years has spent part of her winter holi- days with him. Rev. Wood paid him tnibute and spoke very fitting words of the life of a faithful servant of God. The funeral took place from the Fort Erie Unitedî Church followed by ihtcrment in Greenwood cemetery. Pallbeaners were Warren Finch, Leory Nigh, Alfred Spear, W. Robinson, N. J. Job- son and VTm. McCarley. Flowers were sent from Fort Erie United Chunch, Goderich, Toronto, Buffalo, -Stevensville, Hamilton, Minnesota-, also froin his family and grandchildren and sister and family. Four heautiful Bibles were given ini memory to be placed by the Gideon Bible Society as a con- tinuing memorial of the deceas- cd where they will be read by the public and were given by Mr. and Mns. L. T. Jackson, Dr. and Mrs. Graham, Qucen St. United Church, Mr. and Mrs. Finch; and in honer of being the oldest memnber in church and Sunday School was presented with flowers ycarly. ýTrinity Choir Ertertained by Dr. L. Williams Dr. and Mrs. L. B. Williams were bosts to the Senior Chair members of Trinity Un- ited Church Sunday March 18 after the evening service. About 100 invited guests were pres- ent for the happy gathening in the Sunday School Auditorium whene Dr. Williams showed many beautiful colored slides o! the famaus Kew Gardens of London, England, and other histonical places mn the British Isles and elsewhere where the Williams' had visited in their fascinating hoby of taking pictures when on their many travels abroad and across Can- ada. Their Kodakc library contains well aven 20,000 colored films, systematically indcxed with ap prapniate notes wbich makes for handy reference for the in- formative carnmeetary, bris't- ling at times with bumor which the doctor uses in bis pepular illustrated addresses. It is doubtful if anyaee in Canada bas a private library o! colored films as large and covering such a wide range of subjects as the Williams' bave. As the' years go by these pictures be- came invaluable as many o! the views cannot be duplicatcd now ,and will be saught after for their histonical significance by future generatians. In other words Dr. Williams believes je and bas practiccd the Chinese praverb that "a picture is worth a 1,000 words." At the close o! the entertain- ment a social bal! hour was e- joyed while a delight!ul'lunch was served by Mrs. Goheen and her Liberty Street group. The thanks o! the choir for the honan o! beieg 50 graciaus- ly entertained by Dr. and Mns. Williams was suitably express- cd by Mr. Arthur Collisan, or- ganist and chair leader, and se- canded by Mrs. Ray Lathan- gue. Mn. Gco. W. James, a mcm- ber o! the Board of Stewards, aise took occasion te congratu- late the chair on the impressive service o! sang they render each Sunday, and he felt in express- ing thanks ta the choir he bad the backing of the entire cou- gregatian. STARK VILLE- (Intended for last week) Several ffrom this district at- tended the Vegetable Grower5t BErnquet in Newcastle last Fri- day evening. Wednesday afternoon last week fifteen ladies met at Mrs. Herb Reid's home for after- noon tea and spent a pleasant time together. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nimigon and children, Janetville, visit- ed at Mn. Victor Farrow's re- cently. Mr. and Mrs. C. Hoît, Toron- to, at Mrs. F. Stone's, recentl.y. On Saturday, March 10, after a slight mishap, Mrs. Westheu- ser along with Mrs. Boisver. Newtonville, and Mrs. A. Fos -1 ter, Kendal, joined District Commissioners and L. A. mem- bers of the Girl Guides at a i Conference in the Ontario La-! dies' College at Whitby. Many ideas of value and interest werc shared. Mn. and Mns. Milton Morris. Orono, were guests at Mr. Orme~ Falls on Sunday as also Mr and Mrs. Morley Robinson anli familv were Saturday evenin,, guiests. \l.and Mrs. Br-ian Casweli and Leslie. visiteci Mrs. Thas. Falls, Orono, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Todd at- tended the funeral of Mrs. Ma- ry Stevens in Port Hope lasti week. Mr. Llew Hallowell visitedi Mr. Jake Hallowell in Bowman-I ville on Monday.I The Boy Scouts' Group Cora- M mittec held their monthly meeting in Cnooked Cneek school, Wednesday cvcning hast week. After hèaring saine fine reporta o! Cub and Scout meet- ings and o! the wandcrful co- operatian o! the parents in the Car pool, tbey made plans for a cuchre party at the schcol Thunsday evening cf this week jen the intcrest o! the immediate needs o! the beys je their gnoup work. Sunday afternoon Rev. Pike summed up some a! bis pre- Easter tbeughts o! studies of the Hely Word, Christian Stew- 1One of the features at the annual Durham Vegetable Growers' Banquet held last Fni- day in Newcastle was the num- ber of prizes donated by Dur- bamn businessmen and these were presented ta a number of lucky winners. The winning tickets were dnawn by Johni James M.P. Following are, the winners and the merchants who donat- ed the prizes. One gallon paint donated by W. H. Brown, Bawmanville-ý Won by Jim Brown, Newcastle.1 Electric Fence Battery don-1 ated by Stewart Morton, Ma- ple Grove-Won by Mrs. Fred Lowery, Port Hope, R. 1. -Four quarts aol donated by Tom Cowani Bowmanville - Won by Keith Gardiner, Graf- ton. Seven 80-lb. bags fertilizer donated by Stewart Gray, G3ar-1 den Hill-Won ,by Ross Ashton,i Be wm anvil le. Six 80-lb. bags fertilizer don- a ted by Stewart Gray, Garden, Hill-Won by Mrs. Ernie Wer- ry, Enniskillcn. IFoam rubber tractor seat donated by Campbcll's Tire Shop, Part Hope-Won by Nick Senniak, Port Hope, R. 1. One gallon Spray donated by Harold Baxter, Cobourg-Won by Mrs. Ralph Russell,. Port Hope. One gallon Spray danated by Harold Baxter, Cobourg-Wan by June Inch. Port Hope. 25 Baby Chicks donated by Allan Curtis, Port Hope-Won by Don Davey, Tyrane. One quart motor ail donated by Sunoco Service Station, Bowe- manville-Won by Frank Park- er, Newcastle. Tee gallons gas donated by Post and Darling, Highway 35 -Won by Harold Austin, Port Hope, R. 3. 50 lbs. cal! meal donated by Durham Co-operative, Oron- eWon by Arthur Bruet, Eneis- akillen. 50 lbs. cal! meal donated by .Durham Ca-operative, Onno- SWon by Mrs. Ewart Robinson, btarkville. f 5 gallons matar ail donated ,by Sheil Service Station, Righ- i way 35, Newcastle-Won by Mrs. Ganet Rickard, Bawman- ville. Free grease job danated by Sheli Service Station, Newcas- tle, Highway 35-Woe by Tom Sîrneti, Cobourg. Five Dollar Food Voucher daeated by H. J. Taoms, New- castle-Won by Mrs. Murphy, Starkville. Five Dollar Clothing Voucher doeated by H. J. Toms, New- castle-Wan -by Richard Row- land, Eeniskillen. Walnut Coffee Table doeated by Mn. Carey, Part Hope-Won by Fred Tufford, Port Hope, R. Four bags fertilizer donated by Agriculture Chemicals, Port Hope-Won by Jean dilaspeli, Hampton. Five-lb. tin of grease donated hv Lawrence and Brown, Port Hope-Wan by Sid Lockhart, i-ont Hope. 2ý lb. pail grease donated by Deug Raby, Pont Hope-Won by Fred Wright, Bowmanville. Gas tank gauge donated by Ken Ashby, Port Ijope-Won by Mrs. Ross Sharpe, Enniski'- len. Five gallons metor ail donat- cd by Mn. A. Sturrock, Bow- maeville-Won by Mrs. Nich- olîs, Newcastle, R. 3. Grease gun donated by Vin-j tue Service Station, Tyrone-- Woe by Mrs. Floyd Beckett, Enniskillee.1 Pump ail can denated by W.. R. Greeeaway, Hampton-Won by Gardon Metcalfe, Caîborne.1 One gallon Prestone donatedi by J. E. Burnham, Bowman-i ville-Won by Mrs. Harry Da- vey, Orono. Iardship of the manifold abun-1 Idance and others in a fine, m es- sage on '*The Health of a Spir- itual Mind" and closed %viti- the illustration of the non.1 growth of a gold fish in a small bowl and the growth ut one in a bigger area. Wsth Mrs. Fred Todd, pianist, the children's choir gave a special seleétion before going to their classes. COURTICE (Intended for last week) W. A. Meeting The Courtice Woman's Ass- ciation met on March l5th in the afternoon. Mrs. Stan Taylor read Psalm 51 and Mrs. O. Rob- ertson gave the devotiona] theme. Mrs. Nictiolls led mn prayer. The committee for the Spring Tea are Convenor Mrs. E. Gatcheil, Mrs. E. Essery and Mrs. R. Cook as assistants. Mrs. E. Essery gave a musical num- ber on her accordion. Mrs. 'C. Penfound, convenor of Citizen- ship Group, led in a panel dis. cussior on "The Unmarried Mother and Her Child". The questions and answers told about girls going to Victor Home and the rules in general and adoption rules. Lunch wvaS served by the committee i charge. The next meeting will be on April l9th in the even- ing. Ebenezer Auxiliary The March meeting of the Ebenezer Evening Auxiliary was held at the Sunday Schi 'o room on Friday evening. At th:s meeting mothers of the Baby Band members were guest3. Mrs. Charles Elliott, president, opened the meetiPîg by welcom- ing the guests and gavèe a brief report of the Presbytery heid in Oshawa. After the short business period, Mrs. Elliott turned the meeting over to Mrs. Alex Muir one of the baby band leaders. Guests were wel- comed by Mrs. Muir. Mrs. Har- ry Gay in charge of devotional chose as the theme, "Mothers". Mrs. Robert Muir and Mrs. Murray Osborne favoured with a duet, "Beyond The Sunset" Mrs. Wilfred Brown gave sev- eral humorous .readings. Mrs. Muir then called on Mrs. L. M. Somerville who gave a very interesting talk on her work as a nurse in mission hospitals in Manitoba and Northern Ontario and stressing the need of woric- ers to carry on missionary work. A deliclous lunch was served with Mrs. Alex Muir and Mrs. Jack Gay in charge. The next meeting will be held at the Church April llth with Maple Grove Auxiliary as guests and Mrs. George Reynolds as speak- er. ENFIELD <lntended for las* %week) Mr. Walter Cochirane, Bo'.w manville, visited at L. Coch-i rane's. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Griffîn' and sons had Sunday idinnefr with the C. McLaughlin's, Nes- tleton. M r. and Mrs. F. Gniff in and Mr. and Mrs. F. Samis attend- ed the 10th wedding celebra- tian o! Mn. and Mrs. Vincent Redding, Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. Will White and Lawrence, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Les Cochrane, Ralph and Ken were visitons with the Lees. W.A. met at the home of Mrs. Fred Samis. There were nine members and nine childreri present. Mrs. Rod Simpson and Mrs. G. Bowman gave the de- votional. Mrs. W. Bowman read a hymn. Several small business items were discussed and se.- tled. Mrs. Samis and Mrs. Lee had a large variety of newv cards an display which were admired and several purchases made. Mrs. W. Bowman gave a reading and the remainder of the afternoon was spent in vis-1 You )PAY s6Il.02 fw iw a PER AMONTII ELLIOTT Phone MA 3-5431 0 ý 1 ER FRGE AN Uncontrollable FURNACEO Now is the time to instaîl an ESSO OIL FIRED on CONVERSION OIL BURNER SVE" You UP TO 5 YEARS TC FOR AS LITTLE AS1 Sa BLAIN HEATING an-{ PLUMBING 55 King St. W. Bowmanville Phone eMA 3-3348 Decorati*ng?) Be sure to see our lines of Interior Finishes- Spred Satin, Super Ke-m Tone, Kcrn-Glo, and many others Ful LineofaiWallpaper bath daxueslic and imporied We will be pleased to give you a quotation on any job, large or sniall Give us a call - No obligation A BERNE THY'S PAINT & WALLPAPER FURNACE 1. Low Spring Costs 2. Terrific Fuel Savings NO DELAY OR INCONVENIENCE DURING INSTALLATION iting and lunch. The Pathfindens held a social ev'ening in the school Friday night. Mrs. Ron Oke w-on the prize for courýt whist while Ronnie Stephenson was awar.l- ed thie consolation prize. WV Pazscoe auctioned off the boxas for the box social. and the hig!î bidding made a profiiable eve"- ing for the voung folk and a mýobt enjoyable one for every- one. Mr. Jon Vos hiad an aucioî sale last Fniday xvhich was weil . attended in spite of stornij weather. Mrs. Vos kindly turned over lier kitchien to the W.A. wnno sold :unch. MIr. Vos hias Sold his tari and the family 'x ilI rnove te thieir new haine ýn Oshawva somne time in April While they have lived in this community only a f ew yeari they have a large circle of fniends wlio are sorry to seu theileave. We hope for goad noads and a large number out next Sun- day which is Palm Sunday and will be a special re-dedication service for church members. Rev. C. W. Hutton of Black- stock exchanged pulpits eiwith Rev. R. B. Green for the pre- panatory service last, Sunday. ~ mý 1 1 - 1- 1 - Are 1 -- 1« 85 King St. W. PAGE LFIGET TITE CANADIAN - STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO @rUTTVC2nA'tP lt#Al