I~l rE CNAJJIAN STATESMlýAN, BOWMANVILLEP. ONTARIO __________________ 'llRDV According f0 the calendar Spring mnarked its officiai appearance iIarch 21. 7 We always pity the poor citv marn--he doesn't know anything of the rea] pleasure of spring fever. That's reserved for the *man and the boy w-ho live on the farm. The way to enjoy that deliclous sense of ]ethargy ta the full is by lolling on the sunny side of the strawstack whilc the warniing air of Spring bites into the Winter's snow and brings the first quiver- ing of new life. into the trees. . That's the time and the place for dreams. The boy's mind dwells on the happy prospects that lie ahead and drinks ta the full of the ycar's fun: fishing. once 7Spring's conquest of Winter is complete; picking wild flowers. if he's lucky enough ta live on a farm with a vvoodlot; swim- ming in the care-free, barefoot summer days. And if the boy is in his teens he may drcam of the man he hopes ta be. He may sce himself as a captain of industry or as a statesman. Or the dreams mav simply bc h of anc day when lie will own his owni farrn and raise his own fami]Y. The grawn mati, even the most practical type, Nvill dream tao if he'll just settie back and close One often reads in the 'press, as well as hears it discussed that Canadians as a whole do not take the interest -they should in politics. Nobody seems ta corne up %wilh the answer ta this problera ta stir up the necessary interest and action. How- ever, the Ottawa Journal gives its views on this subject in the fallowing editorial which we pass on ta our readers ta consider: One resolution Canadians mnight take and keep gainfully for 1956, is that they should make Canada's palitîcs Iess drowsy. m-ore alert, aI least rouse il from deep sieep. Britishi and American flewspapers on our desk are ively with palitical discus- sian, criticisrns, speculalions, signs of democracy vibranlly alive. Here in Canada mve seem ta have lost the f unction of political discussion, are seerningl'v bereft of politica] curiosity, satisfied fa take Ywithout question the officiai line. Thc truth is that aur boasted freedom That's a sensible idea Ilhe Lands and F'oreSt Dept. put into operation this montli. It requires ai] persons travelling in the Ontario bush to carry a travel permit. 'This lets the officiais kriov who may bc in the bush near forest fires.. Now that %varmer days are coming and car windows can be kept rolled down, we shial soon bc seeing the season's first mionkey drivers, those wvho hold the steer- ilng whiecl withi one hand and clutch thé car roof Nvith thie other, like a monkey hanging fromn a tree. observes The Brant- ford Expositor. Several papers have been having con- sidierablo fun ribbing the citizens of Kincardinc. It is cdue to a combination vote the electors of that enterprising toivn had on whether a liquor store and beer wvarehouse should be opened. The same day they voted on improving the water- wo0rks s-,stem. The citizens evidently (lit ROJaitabizaîî $WrsIII4II £stablished 1854 W th which is incorporated l'ho Bawmanvile News. The Newcstle ndevendent and The Orono News lOlst Yeai ol Continuous Service to the Town ot Sopwmanville and Durham County A4N INDZEPENDENT nEwspA PU? CI % SUBSCRIPTION RATES $4.00 a Year, strlcUly in advance $5.00 a Year in the United Stats AKuthtIÈzd au Sdcd Cornula pose t o. SDartmat tvo Pubaah.d à" THE JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY Bowmanville, Ontario GEO. -W. JAMES, EDZTO8 his eves, chewing at a fragrant piece oat straw. His dreams mav bc more dlown-t earth than the bo<'s. He mav combinef flighits of fancv with his farming plansf the year-the crop rotation he'1l fallow the corner field, raising mare hags if ti price looks good. And underlying ita the high hopes that this new season w, bring a good crop and a fair reward f the arduous labor that wvill begin as sac as the warming sun clears the ground its last trace of winter's frost. But the mnan's best dreams may bei dream again the dreams he knew whE Ne was a boy. Matter-of-fact folks may scoff at tý day-dreamer by the strawstack in tl- Spring. That's the short-sighted view. Who knows what boy xviII reali some day his dreams bv the strawvstac] If he dreams high enough. the world wi be the better for it. And if the man in his dreamns takE time ta remember his own boyhoad dayý Ne may find hope and determinationt achieve the better of his former amibition -and ta cleanse himself of the blindin vanities of age. What Are Your Income Tax * This is the month You rmusîpaythe f irst instalrnent of vour incarne tax ta Finance Minister Harris aI Ottaw-a. Sa te Owen Sound Sun-Tirnes advises fath- ers across the land ta start figuring their incarne lax exemptions . . . their children. *And. though the little dears becarne par- ticu]arly pleasant "liabilities" at this time othe v'ear, a litIle consideralion shows t e rell arn' wothmuch . as f ar as ie icom taxmenareconcerned. A two-child couple earning $3,000 a year pa.ys only S39 Iess incarne tax, $91 against $130, titan a childless couple earn- in- the sarne amount. The incarne tax cohpector thus allow's lte magîtificent sumn *of 38 cents a week for each child's upkeep. 0f course there are other allowances, the fami]y a]]awance.., For those who have no children no douht this "a]]awýance" appears v'ery worthwhi]e. For those who have, how- c'ver, il is flot a great deal mare than a token 'in the face of present day high prices. Some idea as ta its real value may be received from the fact that it lias remained unchaneed in a l-year infla- tionary period. The allowance is $5 a Exemptions month for smalll childreii, $8 for biggE ones. Then wvhen they gel realîx' cash: starî off ta hîgh sehool, for inîstance, an when cloîhing cosîs enter the aduit fielc they are cut off entirely. Perhaps thati as it should be. Perhaps Ottawa has n idea of subsidizinq high sehool educatiai for boys and girl1s and takes the stani that they should be out and warking i circurnsîances make the farnily allowanci mean ingful. Ottawa, it would seern. is o! the sami opinion as an unlcxowti corr'espondent v1î toundly denounceci an editonia] severa monîhs ag«o in whicli it mras suggested thý matter of famnilv should possîbly enteý into the malter of incarne. Whether or flot a persan got marriec is entirely a matter of persona] choice the writer stated in no uncertain tcrms Whether or flot couples broughî childrer mbt the world is also ini that categony. Parents, aur correspondent suggested shauld receive no cousideration. In faci there was even a hint that they mighi bettex' be penalized. ta criticize, ta darnn the gavernment pub. licly or privately, is ail theory, iu practice amounting ta nothing. We have a righl ta vote, and each succeeding election fewer of us vote. We have a twar-party systeni which we extol, but for neanly a quarter of a century, mainly because of lethargy and indifferen ce, we have made il into as much a one-parîy systemn as they have in Russia. We have a panliament, but year after year il becarnes increasingly duli, more and more a recording machine for the will of the cabinet shorn of adventurous or independent spirits ta give it appeal. What Parliament reflecîs, of course, is the drowsiness, the sieep of the people who elect it-the indifference of those in danger of forgetîing what democracy is about, craving only ease and tranquility in Iheir respective vocations. This in truîh is democralic sickness, ;i malaise af the source of aur boasted "way of life." prefer their liquor disti-aiglît" for lhev passed the liquor vote but defeateci th'e waterwvorks extension. Up anound Durham and Hanover a farm sale is causin 'g the greaîest excite- ment. A farrn on the eighth concession of Bentinck Tawnship bas been bought latelv, by a city man. Bentinck lies jusI îîorlh of thic Durham-Hanover road and it's a lovely district of his and litIle lakes. The farrn is la be used as a nudist camp. and the Fer ' us News-Recox'd says the ediloî-s up that way can harciiv waih fou' thi officiai opening. One of them is alread *v readingl tlic sunbathing. magazines (or looking raI the piclures). The mascttitoes of Berntiuckl aie aiso said ta be loakin1g fox'waird xith liungx-y anticipation. Onie of hie problenis w'e face iii 'lie uîear futur'e happens ta be a pleasant kiiîd of problem, thal of discov'ering wvays af rnaking use of increased leisure tirne. dlaims the Pont Penî-v Star. Unfortun- atelv, a great rnanv piobierns we have ta face are distasteful and sometirnes down- right 'ornery. Il is a hanpy thing ta stumble on oxne that is so different. Autlo- mation is, of course. the primo factor iii building up this new leisure but therr are ollîcu factons too, we undeu-staxîd. WeIl, wiîth the wvorking week clown to 30 or 32 hours what aire we going to do ,with our spare lime? *Il is raîher surprising just howv far pensons with liirited training in basic economnics can mislead Iheir fel]ow cil- izens. The United Church Board of Social Service and Evangeiisrn aI a recent meet- ing heard and apparenlx gave support ta a pelition urging that the federal govern- ment make the Wheat Board Canada's permanent sysîem of grain marketing, yel sirnultaneously asked ail church members to "refrain £rom speculation" in the stock and grain exohanges. Apuarently la the view of that board il is a Chrislian's duhv ta do his gambliiîg in grain futures only through his duly elecled representatives in the House of Cammons but iever on hi.n Sof ta- h is for in *, APRIL Sth, 1938 In the Dim and Distmnt Past Frum The Statesmau File, on this subject in our paper. 1 feel that if our local papers take upth orhon this subject aurl Durham Coun goverfiment will certainly lend a more sympathetic ear.a0 Ijust can't rejeet that nie o mental picture of men return-H o i a i g i ing from the city quietly riding alorig finishing a b'rief-caýe of work for the next day. insteaci, Attend Negro of fighting their neighbouringý motor ut nn i t:pm 1vnng~T We are looking forward ta the 25 YEARS AGO (1931) 49 YEARS AGO (1907) seeing yau and Mrs. James with Thaet alrcrelf AtteA oe fteFr Dr. and Mrs. Williams an June1 ill Tedahwsrcre f A h tHm fteFr 16 at the U.E.L. ce*emony ati John Casey Trulilat, bis hom1, esters, Mr. Win. J. Berry jgave Adolph'îistowni. Best regards ta [or 'The Grange", Darlington 1.two recitations iii his 'inim.:- Mrs. James. an Township at age 85. He wi,3 able style". Some atliers on the Sîncerely, of the aldest descendant af the pragram werc Misses Jennie H. Lovckin. Trull familv, pioneens af Du.- and Lillian MeLean, Robert __________ hani Couinty. It was his grane:- Greenfield, Mr. and Mrs. Sain ta father, John Truli. a U. E. Glanville, Howard Varcoe, Miss D O ien Loyaiist who came ta this dis- Beatrice Cowan, Robent Holmes. KED O trict ifl 1794.o. Tod and James Smithi Jams Cnnel aforermr- were ordained eiders in St. Large congregations attendiei Ne ber o! tire R.C.,M.P., bonn neïr Paul's Chiurch by Rev. H. Mu,,- Easter Sunday services. In the he Orono, told bis imipressions of roc. Special Easter services Sunday Sehool bour Mrs. Wni. tire West of 57 years ago. At 17 were held in ail churches. Werry canducted a special pro- he xvent West. Winnipeg tht.n Social cvening of the Excel- grain, assîsted by Eleanar ze wvas a village about the sîze o~f sior Club af South Danlington Mvountjoy at the piano, and su- k? Newtonville, and had no rai!- composed of aboutî 30 yaulîg perintendent Howard Farudale ri raad. j1epe a noyda hen-leading in prayen. Tire excellent Cobourg withdre'ý its petitiOn1 sidence cf 'Mr. and Mrs. Ge-). film "The Resunrectian w as« fan sepanation froom the Unitedi Peance, South View Villa. R. shown, with Heleni Werry read- :es Counties. The mave %vao3first W.Langmaid wvas president. iig the narration.1 vs, trade because of the increasci The club had been std1n, Rv.R1H1Rcar poke on1 ta) in taxation.1 Scott's pacrn, "The Lady of the~ "The Message of Hope ln Eas-c ris Maeadbks er tu'i Lake" duiing ,tire wintcr. ter", witli ka story for the giris 1ing up. Mr. P. L. Beckett, boai- j An editoria'l queny was "Whiv and boy's "Whv We No Longer E ag master of Box-s' Trainingj can't tfi !bbv oaifthc post office 'Fear flic Dark". Tire chair an-1 school hiad a Lutin histor; i1 bc left opLn on holidays sa thati thens %vere "Open tire Gaiesc printed i n 1533. He had. lu fact, box holders cau get their maIai] ftire Tenîiplu-" and "Eastcr1 a ivhole librarY af froin 100 tai at anv tirnc afi day?" Hlope" by Balson. l'le sacra-E avr 00yer ad.Itwas Uannounied that I\lc- ment oa' infant baptisai vasc The Royal Tea Romn. twu Clellan & Ca. had turned thenr perfonmed for Muniel Anniý cloons cast af the Hoala Theai.re,1 business into a joint stock coin- dauffhter af Mr. and Mns. James er rau an ad for pie wvith ko-ý panv, having obtined a Prov- I Peugelly. Godparents were M;.t cream and tea. 15c., bot do.,. incial charter. andiMrs. Joe Snowden. 5c. Query-Who rau the Royal A smaîî ad ncads: *'Get te' Seve al l white Mies, a' výTnRocenits worth af pop corn for th(, ranned about flie altar braughts id Floral cisplay in MI. J. Bagt- boys aI Murdach's ta bning them thîîi' uwn taster message, as t à nelî's winidow attracted fli2i haine ini the evenings". did the argan music played bys attention. Flowens and pat Wages as high as $27 a moalli Mns R. E. Lee. ls from S. J. Jackmati's against were offered ta imimigrants by C.K.Yun*colcsUno .o white and gold gates were an- farmers. C .YugPol' no n anged by A. S. Baker. And here's an interesîing met at Columbus w'ith eighteeii d Horticultunal Society hadl itemr: "Roads lu this town are present on Tuesday evenn. plans for beautification Of!'tle bad but iu Oshiawa they are Brin Lee xvas lu charge of ibis if eastei'n entrance of the town. much worse." Easter meeting and xvas respan-b ,e calling for pianting of trees and __________ sibie for a fine evening af wor- e a rock garden each sicle of the ship and recreation. l lîighlVa'V ijuSt west of the Cern- Ti 1955 tire number of auto. Mrs. Douglas Love, assisted « ýe etr'ry gales. Wc understand tlic- motive vehicles entering C âo - by Mrs. L. Booth and Nairnn, o rock gai'den was laid out anîd ada fromi thce1U.S. tota]led 15,.- saa nerie eaîc iltplauîed by A. S. Baker and 'the' 868,200, of which 7.139,ooo wene af bride-to-be Auna-Marie Hoi- late Charlie Bagneli utth'Canadian vebicles returning ta km uîiost plcasantly ou Fridavi e tawni allowed if ta deteniaraLte.1 this cauntny. evenring, at Mrs. Lave's bonri" 1I !r The guests showercd the brid,;ý- P _______eleet with guIfs of linon. Present cc from a distance were Mrs. ic G r ( u t a'n te i t n, W c ; M rs. - landl Love. Kingston: M r. 1 sM u t lu GLrant Homin, Wicke; Mrs. Le- n1 Frank Hoskiu, B]ackstock, and local members of the farnilies Ith fromi Hampton, Oshawa aid bE vicinity. s By "IF" agl Mr. and Mrs.ereM-I Mr. alnd Mrs. dGe orgertMc- Flett and Harold A. Werny at- w~ Il seems that Easten is one of minimum af S6.000 andti ibs tetidot the directors' dinner, the mast elusive halidays in hie gets whethen bu plays ornont. when the Ontario County Hol- aur calendan. la most cases it The stage star sticks la the aId Stein Association Executive beld is possible ta plan in aadvance adage that the show must. go a ladies' nigbit ln connection within a seven day period wvhcn on and no malter what bories with.a business meeting .Friday, the holiday is gaing ta flU, but are brokea or hoxv high hec evenring. , no, su with Ibis une. BacK in lever shre still, bas ta go on fr Mr. and Mrs. James Cookson E! the year 325, Constantine, the she cannat affoî'd ta be sick. and Victor, Maple Grave, were t first Christian Emperor ofaiorame Then there is the monotony. Thursday visitors at the Wal- met with bis counicil ta trY In a successini play you know ten Davis home. r aniong other things ta deter-1ta the second wvhat exactly is Mn. and Mrs. Everson Norton mine tlie date for Easten. ligoia)g ta bappen and no clima- andi Craig, Brougham, attend- ani r wvas custamary in thase daR ýsi'tic changes affect it but tht' cd Easter service ai Kedron un r for the devout ta make longi basebal game eau be callej andI were tea guests of Mr. and bai pilgrimages ta important teni- aften six draps of nain. Mns. W. L. Mountjay's. n pies andi shrnes as many do Then thenre is spring training. Mn. and Mrs. Andnew Scott, sid *yet and sa it was necessany ta While basebali ptayers 'luxur.*_ Gaderich. were holidlay visitars snr have as nîuch mooniight as ate' lu Flanida the stage star ne- af her brother, Frank Lee.. 1 possible, as tire jaurney was lîeanses in coltI halls, provides Mn. James Pengelly jolinet be done mostly an foot, sa Easler lier own food and lodgiiig for bis wife andt family bore fon tio wias planneti ta take advantage the princely suni of $55 a week. Easter at the Fasten Snowden ho, afthie maximum amaurttof Miss Bankliead says and 1 q1iote home. m moonlight. Tire moon however 'Basebal is a lazy man's game'. Mrs. Harvey Pascoc and rs. m the uew law had ta be worded 1 tIecided ta stay with the stagc Wednesdlay aflernoan, whcn the set in sucb a way that Easter falîs "Dabling", you wuuld look aZv- latter assisted on the prograîn e wheni the mooxi is bniglitest fui in those baggy patîts. Fanr ith a talk on "United Nations", an3 after March 2lst. Easten ibis, mly moîîey any play written by' Mr. and iMns. Raymndnt Crav- on x-ear fel on AprU l st, but next Noel Coward and played 1)y foi-ci anîd Sanily were Sundav, lin, year il will bo Apnil 2lst. Our you would be tops. guests af Mrs. Anthur Wray antIl calendan is only anc of the cau,-* * daugliters. an-Ms a- hc) iusinîg things inib tis conuu.ing Mary Smith liv'es at tire Mrîs. Ros îLe ng ges. s io wonld oi ours whicb we cali top o! the bill. Joan Thomp- oId Wenrv7ý were jmn uet a *jother day Joan saw Mary at an Easîor party on Tliurstiay as Two xnonks were cap- struggliag up the bill, tak- eveiîing. doc tured by'cannibais and they ~iti hr tp .d Mns. Arthur Wray~ attondedtu]~î listened to a discussion I stopping every now an then the fuerai of lber uncle, R on. about themselves as 'dclica- fo1ret.Bnilton wbo pa-,sed aw,\ay il dov sies. The first canitibal said fo rah mtsFls evc a rJifi he was st.arving and lie .Ioan rushed ont and ask- SithsaLsSrice was oh Furrn fn wvanted them thrown iin the Pd Mary if she felt sick, Houie, Oshawa, on Thursdlay. sil pot and boiled right away. a u ar ad no. he e Misses Beryl Mountjoy., Lon- The other said they could 1 ail right but lit %vas a W doxn, and Olive Luke, Toronto, not do that as they ivere fui effort to put one foot were weekend visitoi's in the S 'frars. Cn't1 b cony, in front of the other and W. L. MountjaY homne.ma Cat bocrn she Just couldn't scem to Mrn. r.LladLvthat walkstraght.Marilyn and Sharon, Kingstn, tre Tire baseball season is fastt Joan helped ber up the were Easter visitons af Mn. andti . approacbiîîg anti on that themne rest of the bill to her bouse Mrs. C. E. Love. a read an article by tire inirnit- and in spite of protest,% Master Lyle Matthîew "vas al . - able Tallulalb Bankhead. Sihýt caiied the doctor. Joan told receinI supper guest aIthi, ers campa"cs tbe 111e ai a stage star' her she ought to get into honme of Mî's. Arthur \Vray. ye witli ilat ai a basebaîl player her bathrobe and offered Mn. andI Mns. Wa]ter ai Dear Georj It givesi send You t xvhich yot that of Ab Tyrone. T] were the1 fish whicl deep sea fi Florida. T 25 lbs. and stakes. 1 th Cartwvright- Tampa enjc fish. This win an apartme Waltons af Edith John and the tii pleasantly. lot of fishl had begiri catching tw We had ence. when Newvcastle, oured churc gro section ed cour carà, or eight b] the heart black faces, elbow aur crowds of strange ta seeing a w the talk af South I wauld bet We arrn' without arn were escort rear by sme wvearin-, w] boutonnieres ed if the "w like to corne whereupont the front seî The first was very il aSunday 1 preacher asl congregation The chair could they vith obligal numbers. Th heart inta they loved beaming face such as wou Indian. dance ýeep your fe &JIe Jop Sh/eI/ (By Benjamin Beveridge) in the Canadian Statesman". My theary is that would be andi Donna, andI Miss Man:e 2 becuseit asthe gneatest boast ta real estate P-1 -)fS dy ust ,~vagxýa Regrettable, vlus. Whn ase h boe nard Mvres. Oliv e raax za-r loti a somucl ruiundestani- cpty station yards as patent ialB :nsl îngau l hu t s unc 'cr -aking lots I1 vonîder vhv ou ir Maserrer( ticism. gavernment xvants ta spent SC) ' bt. oh 1orw O al May il su fi e t s at a I i much m oney on îigîw ay s t aw a. h li L ' n' on the' farn n a tirne, as I bave also done in the 1bring cars inta the city anti aven) .ýaIt te H_- eyP1 in ain. Hlamilton Spectator. ltat 1 have crowti the limited space bore. j -1- a-r nev-er made sueit a statemnen*, The encolseti ciipping on Font lIn the caming .&rOtwl<) nat even by way afiminplication. jWorth descnibes il 'ery well, estiniates Ibtat fïtiiil.'aiaw be r which reads: '"Like most U.S. ance paymen'rsm'il] cost $399,' tmngi Therefore, again, I must deny cities, Fart Worth (pap. 434,000) 240.00 early îwice tbe au- dent ever la have nmade such bold suffers downtown indigestion. nual cost toit ear- ago, anti the % accusations against the Cana- Its business district, boxed in by the universal aid age pension it prc tien Public Sehools. nairoacis andtihie Tninity River, payments will cast $379,5 15,000. a wci t carrywhe r I hope anti trust that this is feti by freeways that ar Manufactures accounted for pl xvill dlean up the miscancep- motonists into a honeycomb, tin ihai-e the result of] wbere parking space is matie- Candiancn the nt vlu ai o .such a grave errai. 1quate andti raîîic motion slowsCnaa crodt pru'-av ta a crawl." tian in 1953. Cauîstructiarw 'V'S sayinu Yours trulv,I next at 16.9 per cent and agnu- whici tT s hall Ion k fnr%,,rc n q spine cult ure was third nt 15.4 per1 obser, ity Folks Florida 3706 Roland St., 1 ing or tapping. Tampa, Florida The sermon was short and 25 Mr. 956we]i respondcd ta by 'Amens' ge: and 'Ain't dot sas' by the con. me much pleasure ta gregatian. It brouglht back the enclosed snapshot, memories of bo3 haad ,years )u will recognize as when attending Trinity Meth- b, and Jack His, of odist church at Bowmalivilla hese four grouper fish when such worthy eiders as largest of 158 lbs. of Rev. Mr. Washington, John Hol- h they caught while gate anid your father called out ishing off Clearwater 'Amen' ta support the minis- T'he largest weighecl ter. 1won Jack the sweep- The subjeet of bis setmoin hink the whole of the was the sacredness of the mar- tDarlington colony at riage vows. At the end of -the oyed a mneal of these sermon he announced thafi a this was the time when onde a nter we have shared year they rededicated their tent with the George~ vows, he wouid ask ail married f Newcastle and Mrs. couples ta retire ta the rear of nstan of Newtonvllle the church. The arganist strct ime has passed very up the wedding march an dylu George and I did a the aisle in couples headed by ing and he certainly the minister and bis wife in nesiukusually wedding gown and veil they se. xa fish ta my one. dately marched and formed ini ali unusual experi- couples around the altar. n' with the Jases of The minister then praceed_ýd we attended a cal- saiemnly ta go through the mai.- ch service in the ne- nage ceremany when the rc- of Tampa. We park- sponses were gix'en seriausiv, a* and walked seven, and 1 am certain that those peu-' locks night throug;h pie would live in better bar- of it. nothing but mony in their homes for that at limes we had ta service. way through the At the close of the service negroes. We feit the minister exprcs>sed his plea- say the least at flot sure at the presence of the rhite face. With a-il white friends and cordially ini- f segregation in the vited us ta corne again, which, wondered hôw we we responded ta by thankîngo treated. them for their hospitality and ved at the church inviting any if in Canada tLa y' unpleasantness and attend service with us. Appar- ted ta seats in the ently no whites ever attend a iartly dressed ushers negra service here and vice hite kid glaves and versa. s. The minister ask- A word of \varning to any- white friends" would ane going ta a negro service: enearer ta the front, Take plenty of collection as yoii the ushers took us ta will bc called upon three or ats. î four times, and ît's mostly donc part of thec service by the congregation marching informai, more like up ta the altar and there plar- School class. The ing their gifts. king questions and Wc have certain]y enjoyed a answering. lots of your Statesmian as we Ir sang twvice and get tbree copies each week for sing. negro chanis the Durham County guests va- to solos, in bath cationing here. .îey really put their We are leaving for home ori it. You could tell the 26th of April s0 please for- ta sing by their ward aur paper to Foxboro, es. The rhythm was Ont. Trusting this finds ycu, uid make a wvooden well and, wishing to be remeni- e. You just couldn',t bered taoaur many friends. :eet stili, in fact the Sincerely yours, This bas been a hard. winler, nd many ai us have straincti intised musc les anti brougbt teck aid sciatica symploms try- ng ta keep the paths ta the idewahks andi sîreets cdean of naw. But folks in the country have ecxt hardest hit by the isola- in of winter's blauket. Some- ow. they scou.tot manage iucit botter, thougb; anti I was iade eware of titis while tra- elling by train thraugit Que- ec. I itoticedti ltIwhile bouses t back fromlthe higitway ure completely cul off froia ny fonm. o! transportation, in rout, thoy tati neal patbs nking thten witb each otter. Thtis simple illustration af ow mucit man reaihy tiopends b is ueigbbon maved me. A inxly may be tiown ta -the hast n in the larder, but as long lthe path ta thc house next :or romains open, iife-that ubborn, persistent thing-goos 1Tte telophone wiros may be wn, but titere is always a endly baud just across the e fonce, anxiaus ho hclp in ckness anti want. Some o! us wbo tfaoaften 75 ports o! the Vord there is ake the mistake a! titinking a Seamen's Mission wbere as- st olti things, andi aid waYs sistance, rost, necreation anti a ebest bave been thinking chapel is provitiet for scafar- ascbool cbiltinen are learn- ers. almost evorytiig titese* * ,'s except the Tbreo R's. Il Sir Haroldi Nicholson, wbo bams ahniglît for doctors andI law- just entered bis 7Oth year, ne- rs ta bo atrociaus poumon, if cammends gardon ing fan those ey must ho. And we migitt wha rock langevity anti whr en coucede that enginoors gel wish, ah tbe saine Unie, not to uîg well ciongit witbout be- ]ose interestin lu lfe. Ifle cite;, yable ta spell. But for the also, thte doctor's golden rab'- it ai us, spelliiig autdiwrihing &bout alcobiol: "A greal deal operly must ho amang aur sometimes; a littho always: but complishmients, evon if we neyer a great deal always". 'O lia other. o it is good ta kuîow that sù spelliîîg couîtests iu soute if K d o ie provinces, pantxculariy lin aria w-bore a grand spellinig impion bas bocu awardeti aCo m n n Se Igary Stampe-de. Such an lu- ornent woulti have made a Fo r S hut-i ione ont o! Hncklobcrry Il in Ttc Gooti Friday evening ser- lie contest roaiiy started in avice hcld lu Koinc urch Scountry scbools, anti from was attentict anti contiuctd V 'e lthe wiuuors compeled inla embers o!flthe congregaliaris ;t negianai anti thon zone of Columbus andI Kedron. Spe- .il-downs. ciel music was praviet by ie )ne ai the contestants fl'ight two chairs, anti Mns. R. E. ]e ,- gane along fartiter if lie presideti ah the argan. Voal ut caufuseti "bizarre" wit-h solos by Mrs. F. Snowticn andi iaar". I. was just lthe ti- Walter Davis; anti a mixed ne betwecn a "ba" anti a quartette composed of Mrs. L. Il. Tregunna, Jeanine Wcrry, Grant kzarre means atit or extra- Spencer, anti Ron Wenry contri- Ant, amang other things. Ba- buted 1 the service. rmeans a market place or a A special feature was tite Sat a fair. Botit wortis are proseutetion ai a persoae gift ncb iu anigin, anc wîth Utal- o! an individuel Communion anti the allier witit Persian set to ho used for shut-ins. :gxounds. But bizarre is ual Messrs. E. Mountjoy anti erMîur tie average man's vacabu- Smith matIe the presentation, .and il is as hard ho go andi dedicahion was complete<j ut on sncb a feuil as il is ta by Rov. R. H. Rickanti. nanketi wrong for not dot- an "i". Pcrhaps if thc stu- The film "Goti Sa LovodTh e tlied learnedti t pronounce Wanld" wa3 shown witit Mar- ,vorti ho would have speiled shahl Francis as narnatar. As- roperiy, fan no anc caa caîl sistinin l this part af thc sen- ort bis own until he knows vice were eiders Oliver MeCui- re it cames from, haw ta loiigh, Roy Ratcliffe, Ray Scott, 1it, and haw ta say It. Rass Lee, Walter Davis, Clan- on spolions always try .a ence Werry anti Stanley Weh- ýr up Iheir deficiency b ber. ng tbey nover coulti spel], Atteudeucoe t the service was ch is an obvious anti useless augmenteti by many Easter vis- rvalion. No one can speil ltors at home with parents, or - )F who don't are just lazy. * Vid readons can. become gooti ell- ers if thcy loak up wordlsthiev, don't understanti: but many of us just skip the wonds we clat knaw, unless tbey crop rip se often we just can't stand flot kuowing wbat thoy mean. Ia most o! the major poe.l 0- tics o! the wanld the Fiag of the Fiying Angol is a familiar sight, flying aven the hostels kuown as "Missions ta Seamen". The ccutenary o! Ibis fan- fluug welfare organization han been quietly manketi by tho3 Queea's presence ai a cammeni- onative service in Westminster Abbey. Il recaileti that in 1856 an Anglican clergyman, Jon Ashiey, entereti upon a strange careor ai exciusively tending ho the spiritual neetis o! sailori, fisherfolk alang tlie aulponts, ant h those who kept the light- houses. Others joincd iu tbe wonk, andti %r as uatl log before a sitip was taking lthe gospel la those wbo wcre unable to It- tend regular churches. The wark spread, as gaod work The Real Pleasures of Spring Fever Canada's Drowsy Politics Observations and Opinions , PACLM Two