TfftnSDAr,_APRL 12, 1936 TffE CA!NADIAN_ STATESMAWq, EOMAqVTLL. ONTARIOPAE!VI Pee Wee Hockey Teams PIay Fine Games at Parry Sound Both of the Bosvmanville Pee iead on goals by Alex Wiseman Wee toams played exceptional- and Ray Crombie wlth John ]y fine hockey at the Ontario Terhure assisting on Wisemnans*,; Little N.H.L. tournament in goal. Hosvever Thosohd fougt Parry Sound hast Friday and back to tie the score aI 2-2 n"d Satunday ith the Junior Peel force the gamne imb a sudden Wees winning the American death ove stime. After a minute League consolation sesies by and forty seconds of overtimne clefeating Gravenhurst 1-0 and Thorold blinked the light fsr! Colllngwood 4-3. The Senior the winning markes. Pee Wees also gave a good ac- count of themnselves but 1o-ýt Bowmanville 1 Gravenhurst 0 out to Welland 4-2 and Hunzs- Dropping int the consolation ville 9-0. round the Junior Pee Wees The tsvo day tournament was picked up their first svin by 'Veell organized and thoroughiv blan#ing Gsavenhurst 1-0. Alex enjoyed by the players and! Wiseman scored the sole goal xTany parents and friends whoý of the game on a pass fsom also made the trip. Each of thr Das'e O'Rourke. Art Fortin boys was billeted in a private earned the shut out. home over night. On Saturday1 a banquet was heid withi Tod Bowmanville 4 Colllngwood 3 Shoan of the Toronto Maple In the American League con- Jipeafs being the speciai gue3t. solation finals Bowmanville igi~e to the large number Of came fsomn behind a 2-0 deficit boys present il svas flecezsary to eke out a 4-3 %vin oves Coi- to hold the banquet simultani- lingwood. Alex Wiseman once eously in thsee separate church more spearheaded the Bowman- halls, ville atîack as he notcbed two In the final round Toronto goals. Single talles wvent ta, Township blanked Thorold 3-0Ligh Sommerscales, and Rav to win the American League - 1Cromnbie. honours whiie Weland edged Weln4 wavie2 Coppercliff 3-1 in the NEH.L.1 Wlad4Bomnll Thorold 3, BowmanvlLle 2 In the opening sound of théi Amnican League Thorold nip- e ed the Bowmanville Junior ee Wees 3-2. The Bowman- Ville lads had buiît up a 2-0 hopes for the N.H.L. tille as lhey defeated the Senior Pee Wecs 4-2. Both teams wvere tied 2-2 going mbnt the third stanza but Welland came through with two quick goal:s. Bihl Osborne and Ah Woodlock 11dented the tsvine for Bosvrnar,- 1ýville. t Huntsville 9 Bowmanville O 1 In the N.H.L. consolation iround Huntsville blasted Boss' manville 9-0. This strong Hunts- ville team svent on 10 wifl the consolation finals svith a 7 2 s îctorv os er Toronto Township. Many Attend Hockey Games ýAt Parry Sound One of the best reasons !or' Bowmanvile's success this sen- son in the hockey champion- ships is the vast number of sup- porters who travel Nvith the teams on their "away games*" on a strange ice surface. In keepîng with this spirit are the number of parents and friends1 who went to Parry Sound hast weekend for the annual Little N.H.L. Hockey Tournament. Among those present were Mr. and IMrs. Fred Wright, Mss. Wiseman, Mr. and Mrs. John M. James and Bob, Mr. and Mss. Tom Turner, Mr. and Mss. Geo. Piper. Ms. and Mss. Mos- ley Oke, Mr. and Mss. Ed Run- dle, Ted Bagneli, Andy Thomp- son, Doug Rigg, Mr. and Mss. Norm O'Rourke. Mss. M. A. Yeo, and Don Williams. al àUtilities Ask Deposit Before Moving Potes 1 Properly owness requesting Ç!M, ONE CENT SA LE to have hydranîs and poles e locate d in front of their prem. 'se'" berequired. in future TWO 1, four big days NEXT WEEK to deposit with the Public tl advertised lities cmiso a sum equa Rtxii prduts WED. THURS. FR1. SAT. :ng poeor hydt ~rans efina for reguluta ny such work is started]. T.iiý ~ep ib" aeotdm., Me A. fetfff.was announced at a meeting oi p..C Fked do"I et yon IIXALL STORE. the Bowmanville Public uti:î To, , .d . JHuheM Nnd,-aU et t. ft 0. Pk ofý_ i« ** ct.lies Commission, Thursday Dco., t jIo ...g. otTURshom of t.î ci rue.April th. Op the QGA letter from the Depasîmeni m. $E AS of Labour, was received, advis- ALL ~ ing Ihat R. V. Bradley. concUl ~ "<~~ j ation offices. would convenea P', meeting at 10.00 a.n. Monday -C d ~ April l6th with members oi SInternational Brotherhood of ~J I Electrical Woskess and the 1 Bowmans'ille Public Utilitips m .1956 Unionagareement. o - e '..Accounts totalling over $64,- 000.00 were approved covering the Electrical, and Water De- J URY and LOVELL prmns Your Rexail Drug Store !ncluding progsams now un- derway, new investment ir PHONE M1A 3-5778 BOWMANVILLE plant expansion byv Canada'. four integrated steel milis has - - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- cost $4.50.000,000 osince 1950. Xbuir cliild lias TWý,O SJTTERS watcingo over lier O'TELEPHONE AID for your Baby Sitter"~ A personal directory to keep beside yourteie- p1oisw, telling your iitter wvhere she cmu reach Nou; listing naines and nuinibers slir- ean cali in case of Pnipigency. prôviding a hatid>' paI for her to rec- ont iocornitig calls; and <otering >okî a convenient babvsisttei e. FREE: Just col us undi we'l gIadly mail ymw a copy. i.,- I - 1- p.-" ~ \2X ~,- 2 You neyer see this second sitter. Yet sho is just a moment away -'alwvavs aient and rcady for help - at the other end of your t ecphlon e. Nonînally, should you wçant to make sure that evenything is ail right at home y0u just calli -our si ttcr, or have ber cal vou. But situations do anise iwhen youn sittr or y'ou, or anvo ne may be faced %vith an emiergencv. 'ihen a direct cati 10 Operator can brin- help in a hurry. She is therre to sers e voti - to make the telephoiie a guardian (if our securits' and )our prace of mmird. TrHE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA .1 Legion Branch to Honor Juvenile OMHA Champs A Legion Juvenile Hockey give financial support to the Banqet and Dance wiil be littie 1N.HL, players in sending held in the Legion Hall Satur- themn to Parry Sound April 6th day, April 28th. to honor tle and 7th. O.H.M.A. Champions, the Bow- At the Banquet, April 28th, manville Legionnaires. it is planned to have a N.H.L. Sponsored by the Bovmari- player from the Toronto Maple ville Branch the ultimate resuit Leafs on hand for' the presen- of the teami becoming Provin- tation of Legion Jackets to the cial Champs exceeded al ex- O.H.M.A. Champions. pectations. But, as Legion offi- Tickets for this event will go j dais caim, "tIhe biggest orchids on sale to the general public go to those kids for their wvon- April 2lst and may be obtain- jderfut display of hockey. They ed from Bill Bates or liap Icertainly earned their titie as Hobbs. IChampions". A general meeting of thjý The Legions' work with mi- Branch wil be held Thursday, nor sports has taken on another April 12th and Thursday, Apri] spur whien it was decided to 26th. Arnold Wade President Lakeshore Minor League With teara representativcs present from Port Hope, Ken- dal, Orono, Newcastle and Bow- manville, the reorganization meeting of the Lakeshore Min- or Basebaîl Association was heid in the dining room of the Ehmhurst Hotel, Newcastle, on Tuesday evening, April 3rd. The minutes of the October meeting were adopted as svas the treasurer's report. which reveahed a balance of $11.80 as of January Ist. Five communi- ties signified their intention of enlering teams in the league this summer. Port Hope, Ban- tams and Pee Wees; Newcasth Pee Wees. Bantams and Mil- gels; Bowmanvi]le, Pee Wees, Bantams and Midgets;, Orono, Pee Wees and Bantams and Kendal, Pee Wees. It was decided that ail en- tries must be in the hands of the Sec.-Treas. C. R. Carveth of Newcastle by May lst. date of the next meeting, and that entry fees of $8.00 per tearn be paid. AIl certificabes must be given to the Secretary by July 1 s t. Business Direcfory_ "Accountancy President Honoured Mr. Ted Watts of Pont Hope wbo presided for the election of officers, spoke of the bonour bestowed on the Association in baving ils sepresentative, Ar- nold Wade elected to the O.B. A. Executive. In addition 10 Mr. Waiker of Oshawa who was elected Vice President of the O.B.A. He said these t\vo men should be of great value 10 the Associations east of Toronto. 1956 officers of the Lakeshore Minor Association are Presi- dent, Arnold Wade, Newton- ville;, Vice President, Murray McKnighb of Bowmanville, and Secrebary Treasurer, C. R. Car- veth of Newvcastle. The folowing nepresentatives were present at the meeting; Pont Hope, Messrs. Ted Watts, H. Baxter and G. A. Trumper; Kendal, Mr. Ned Foster; Orono, Messrs. Samueis and Russell; Newcastle, Messss. McCullough, Dickinson, Spencer and Pearce; Bowmanvilîe, Messrs. McKnigh-t and Mutton. The next meeting will be hehd on May Ist. in the Elmhurst Holci, Newcastle. PONTYPOOL " Floating Down the River" 2 RAY J. DILLING is the song being' sung by the Certified Publie Accounlant nesidents in East. Pontypool. 93 Church Street. For a distance of about 30 rods MArket 3-3861 the County Road is covered 7, withi waler from a depth of a WM~. J H. C,)GGINS few inches bo two feet. Sevesal it Chartered Accountant cehiars are flooded and cars are -64 king St. E. Bowmanville having considerabie difficuity (Above Garlon's Bus Station) getting through the water. a 64 King Street E. Township and County Roads YALE, RIEDLNDER, are badly damaged wibh the f YALENTRE &NDco.flood and some culverts have I ýf HUTER CO.been washed out. The weekend le Accounlants and Auditors snows storm will no doubt cause s64 King St. E. RA 5-1621 more flood damage. Oshawa twsgo oseRb.Cr B. L. Yale, C.A.IlwsgotoecRt.Cr F. Friediandes. B. Comin. bett out for a morning walk ra- J. Hointes. C.P.A. centhy. While in bis nineties Ibis grand ohd man stihi enjoys <" hi r ile. For the history of our C h r p r a c tic community Robt. can tell youj about bbe good old limes and G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. timers. Chiropractor Ms. Ken Moses and J. Payne i Office: atlended the funeral of Lt. Col. sSpecialty Papes Products Bldg. Earchrnan, .., BEan s 63 Temiperance Street Croix de uDr.S.of 08E.ani e Phone MA 3-550.9 ceased for several years resid- Office Hours: By Appointment cd near Bethany. Funerai ser- vices were tînder the auspices D e n t ai of Branch 402 Carjadian Legion, Milhbrook. DR. WV. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Due to road conditions no Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. services were hehd in the Unit- 40 King St. W. Bowmanville ed Church on Sunday morning. Office H-ours: Sevesal fsom here atlended 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily the funeral of bbe labe Mss. 9 a.m. 10 12 noon Saburday James McRobests held in Orono Closed Sunday on Saturday. Deceased for sev- Office Phone MA 3-5790 eral years lived near Manvers House Phone - Newcastle 3551 Station. DIC. E. IV. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Mr. Bill Rennie lias purchas,- Office in bis home ed the fine new home recently 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanville erected anîd ossned by Ms. Fred Office Hours: *Mi gon. 9am106pr.divMs. Elgin Budd, Siinicoe, was 9 a.m. to 12 noon Wcdnesday a re-cent visitos bere. Closed Sundav We ai-e glad to report that Phone MA 3-5à04 IMrs. Sam Manetta bias heen able to return home fromn St. DR. C. F. CATTRAN. D.D.S. J .oseph's Hosp 'ital. Peteshoro. Off ice 1i Mss. Curtis MeKay received 23 Kine St. E. - Bosvmanvile word recently of the seriois ili]- Office Hours: necSs of lier mothes who residt2s 9 ar.. b 6 p.m. daily in Peterboro. 9 a.m. 10 12 noon Saburday - Closed Sundas- Teiephone: Office MA 3-459B RK TO L e gasa i evening, April 3,Mr. Wes ice nd r. JmesBlack- j ST RIKE and STRIKE * wood camie 10 the churcb withi Barristers, Solicitors filinis foi' Lasîci- by Dr. Bob Notaries Public !Pierce, and Mr, Mel McCoy sang W. R. Strike. Q.C. i and plaveci Easler music. A A. A. H. Strike. B.A. social tîie s-as enjoyed and 40 King St. VJ. - Bowmianville i greais' appreciated by al Telephone MA 35791 preserit. MUrs. Tom Baihey and Miss LAWVRENCE C. MASON. B.A. Rubv Daikey were at their home Barrister, Solicitor for Easter. Notary Public iMi,. andINMss. Il. Abbott enter- King St. W.. - Bosvmanville tainci their famihv,, ancd friends. Phones: Office MA 3-568J A family gathiering at Carten's Residence MA 3-5553 home. Ms. and Mrs. George Tomp- Miss APHA 1.. HODGINS i kins and George Jr.. Mr. and Barlister. Solicitor, Mss. Arthur Tomipkîns, Toron- Notary Public to, wibh Mr. and Mss. J. Tonip- Temperance St. - Bowmanville kin5. - Ms. and Mss. Ross Hubbard and Janice, Trenton-, Ms. and M o r tg a-g e s Mrs. A. Br-an. Courtice, wt Mr, and Mrs. B. HIibbard and LEROY HAMILTON - ORONO 'famih.y. Phone 1r 16 Mi. and Mss. Fsank, Allison, First iniorîga2e funds Oshaswa, wilh Mss. Pearl Avery Residences - Farms and famils-.r 1 Business Properties Misses Beth Dean, Shirle.N and .Joan wsith Ms. and Mss. Russel Dean. u p o e IriyMis Beverley Gatchel i h relatives for Easter week. KEITH A. BILLETT Mr. Keith Wather of R.C.A.F., Optometrist East Coast, with Ms. Mel Mc- 141 King St. E. Bowmanville Cov and Mr. and Mss. H. Trick. Offie Hurs 8v pponîrent Sgt. R. Ward. R.C.A.F.. o! P. Telephone MArkeb 3-32152 ElI. spent Easter with his sister .Mondav to Saturdav 1 and brothes-in-law-, Mn. andI à .m o .n.De.M epesî sn.tvb G Mena.m. 1 90 12 - Mss. .Pesn. Ms vtnNs. G Wednsda v' ii 10 M. Lutes (nec Eft'îe Everv) and Tbursav eeruns î-lativem in t1ieir sudden be- JOHN A. OVENS l reavement in the dealh of Mn. Optometrist i Lutes. Jury & Los-eli Bowmanvile NMss. James Gatchell. spent a Phone Mm 3-5778 fesv çlas-s in Oshaswa with lier familv 'and fienis. - f Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Ribev spent Piano Tuning a day in Toronto with relatives. Ms. and Mss. Clarence Avery Professional Piano Tiiînîng iand the fanîilv were iin Toronto ARTHUIR (OLLISON Io attrni bbthefineral of tîteir! phone 314 Prince St. brothem -in-lav, Nlr. George M.i Bowmanvi.lle ILutes. iAppointed Registrar!Minor Basebail Leaaues h1A 9 v7&U Ed. Moody Molson's bowling clinic CORNER PINS One nmust have a lot or confidence when bowling for either a 4 pin or a 5 pin. Folloss%-îhrough is most important, because if you do not follow tlirough with the bal, it is often lcft to its own deviccs to gel down the alley the best w'ay it can. New bowlers, or bowlers who have a lot of trouble gctting the 4 pin, shou!d imagine that the 2 pin is standing beside it, then aim hctwveen the 4 pin and the imiaginary 2 pin. This helps Ito keep the bal] from cutting off before ever reaching the 4 pin. The saine thing appiies when the 5 pin -bas been ieft standing. Imagine that thc 3 pin is standing alongside and direct your hall between the imaginary 3 pin and the 5 pin. Another little tip wlhen bowling for corner pins is to turn the body very ,%IightIy toward the corner pin sou are afier. You wiil also find that your position on the approach may have to he chaniged slightly, to cîther the left or the right of the spot where ýou m ormally stand to deliver your irst bal]. One thing-never try to do the work of the haIl, but let the bail do the work-often due to over aniousness one is inciined to puqh the bail too much instead of rolling the bal] right Mt. A question which we are asked so many times is -What happens ini the case of pins being actually knocked down and thon restanding?" Thi% happens quite frequently and we quote OBA Rule No. 21A "Any pin or pins remaining standing after a fairlv delis'cred bail, shali romain ai they are and take illeir value fromn the ticarest unoccupied pin spot hefore the ne'ct de!îvery is made, this value to remain unless the pin is again mos cd." Mabel McDoweiI Cou for Local- Players Plans are well under way for so fer, is: John Mason, Bill Cole, baseball in Bowmanville this George Kennett, Curtis Van- year. as newlv elected vice- stone, Bilîl fates. Maurice Rich- president of the Lakeshore ards, Don McGregor. Ron Pol- Minor Basebail executive Mur- lard, Ron Mutton, Jim Master- ray McKnight announced the. son, Rob Allun, David Vivian. j. forming of a Pee-Wee, Bantam Bob Abbott, Glenn Crossey and and Midget teams to compete in Robert Marjerrison. the Lakeshore League. Murray McKnight. manager of The Pee-Wee team is sponsor- the Midget team. has announced ed by Bill Mutton, of Mutton's that positions on the Midget Service Station; the Bantam uine-u r tl pn team by Bowmanville Branch Through the courtesy of Bill of the Canadian Legion and thej Steven. complete uniforms lxill .~ ~s Midget team sponsored by Bill be issued to the final roster. V1Steven. owner of Robson Motors. __________ Along with the intermediate team this could mean a lot of The first airpiane flight in basebell for Bowmanville and Canada took place at Baddeck, district this year. Nova Scotia. in 1909. six years Ages for the different teams after the Wright bi-others flew are: Pee-Wee, under 13 years of at KittVý Hawk. North Carolina. Reglnald 0. Jones age as of 1 May 56; Bantam, Business firmp in Canada pRid Theappîntentof egiaklunder 15 years of age as of 1 $1.154,000,000 in corporation in- Th. J oin t s egtrarfr eg Mav 56, and Midget, under 171 corne taxes in 1954. a sum equal W.Jest asdn g f Drham oun- as of 1 May 56. to near]y half of ail corporation ty was made known tbis week.. The Midget "B"' tean- roster, profits that year. His appointment is effective 13 IUUUUMUMMUUUUUUUMUUUUUU March 1956. Mr. Jones, a former Mayor of ' Bowmanville, Reeve and in 1937, Warden of the Unitiet Counties, was superintendent of the R. H. Hollitigshead Co. of Canada Ltd., for over thiirt',., years. Formnerlyv. both East 'and1 W\est Ridings wsere under the one registrar but, with the ap- pointmènt of Mr. Jone's btYh West Riding, the ridings ai -i once again divided mb tssto ad-! jministrations.Na on lW e The new registrar is a natixeHa dw r of Bowmanville being so f N to a a d a e W the late Mr. and Mrs.Jn tJones and his wife is the foprlr2-o 2 mer Lottie .Cawkcr. A r t 1 o 2 LESKARD* SPECIALS' Sympathy is extended to Mrs. J. Cameron and Roy in thz Two-piece 1" and 2" - Reg. $1.90 death of their husband and fa- n ther, James. He will be greatly P in r s Sets Iny$11 missed in the village of Leskard Pant D srI by îsmay fieds A No. 1 Mixture Big 2-1b. bag Mr. and Mrs. Ross Robbins; and Gail, Toronto. witti Mr. c L and Mrs. Art Robbins. i SuburLban Mss. Herb Thompson ari family visited their country' Grass Seed only s1,49 home, briefly, on Sunday.____________________________ Mrs. Casý,an and Margaret, 5PeeHses oordRg 25 Everett, Toronto, with Ms. and 5PeeHses oordRg 25 Mrs. E. Green. Mrs. A. Loucks on the birth of r r e e 1. their daughter, Shelley Joanne, Three-Piece with Gloves Reg. $1.49 a sister for Peter and Philip. Mrs. E. Warbuston, Oshawa, bas been spending a few days Garden Tools Set $119 with her daughter, Mrs. A.« Loucks. Other vîsitors were Mr. A QUART FOR THE PRICE 0F A PINT, and Mss. D. Smeathers and Bni- ChnLqiSecoteg$19 an, Kingston.ChnLqi peotRg$19 Mr. Lorne Robbins, Mr. Frank Robbins and Mrs. N. Bradshaw, Floo r W/ ax p ca 80 Oshawa, ttenpec hal huOc service Thursday night for Jim SneLnso Cameron. SreLnso Mr. and Mrs. A. Young andt son, Toronto, and Miss L. Mr- Paint I % OFF tin, were weekend visitors with _____________________________ Mr., and Mrs. Clase Martin. Besides beîng isolated in mudSE TH EAN MAY OR this weekend. we were a1,o HARDWARE WEEK SPECIALS AT without long distance phone. We would like to thank the Sunday afternoon operator n saepse hr n o ne La nder Hardware bu tre rfor ies ndr 7 KING ST. E. PHONE MA 3-5774 great difficulty, but vesy cheer- fully. PACM LpLrvm