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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Apr 1956, p. 13

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TRTYRSDAY, APRYL 12, 1956 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONrARTO PA~~ TTh1¶~T~M efuDT Time for Change Over Rather Than Roil Over For Your, Family Auto Do you drive a car? Do yon the dangers inherent in worn- know where x'eur four fenders' eut treads, faulty brakes, crack-; are? Sure, vau sec themn evcry cd headlîghts, detective stepr- time you c'limb into the, fain- ing, and s]rilar defects in the ily bus. reminding yeu te gel famiily bus, nut to mention thei those denS fixed on the rigli:t driver. rear. Which fonder can you But. despite all the well-in- ~par? O, ar ye goig t ~»tentioned warnings, traffie fa-j whole hog and roll your car talities continue te soar at a over three or four times. fightening rate. Apparently, Ever sinco new cars and re- many drivers are just as rusty condîtioned cars, tires and re- as their machines. So, if you conditioned tires rotucned te, hope te get through the 19516 ,the peace-time Canadian seene, soason unscratched you'd best police and traffie officiais have put your driving habits, and been issuing selemn wacnings your car, int first class condi- about the perils cf modern, tion. high speed traffic. Motorisis Practise handling your car have been told and retold ofutlxuuk~wisbuks 'l _____________________ yuu cdxi case between park(cd _________________________cars, street cars and other &>i structions without holding your E lbreath .Get the feel cf the D A widthan length se you a 13 A N C E judge quîickly xx %hether or nit she'll fit into that space at, the,, OLD TIME - MODERN curb and net tic up a whoie block cf traffic: Know whaer' your fonders are. A b i orTrac igns r nterc A b iefo T rai ign bsare vaotncetis says. 'Watch eut for Childrcn" A nd rew s which doesn't mean they ar,ý ADHIS CANADIAN third stoî'ey class-romr w RANCH BOYS dow. Children are quite of'en found on the ccad in front cf Stars of you. Your care wili prevent Radio - Records- TV them fcom being found under- neath your car. Fr. 4p. iEver since you trediv that other drivers are a cra zv 9 P.m. tili 12:30 lt,-both sexes. No nced te ho ADMISION - ~ surprised at, what 'they' cie. ADMISION 1.00 Leacn, instead, te anticipate the *other fllows' meve. If you'î'ei B waiting at a ced light and se"'ý Red arn the wheels of the car across the * inersetionswing te the leit, O sCiw it's a safc bet that the driver O*.shll trn in front cf you, whte- ______________________1 ther he signals or net. Don't _____________________ Istop on the gas and try te b",aý For your JOHN DEERE EQUIPMENT, PARTS AND SERVICE - SEE RAY GIBB3S MAPLE GROVE SERVICE No. 2 Highway Maple Grove mix for gaseline. There's mer than a headache te. be had fror this mixture. The rail\vay crossing say "Stop - Look - Listen": "Stop' when you want to,look at somý thing: "Look", when you ar driving: and -Listen", pa heed, to train whistlcs. It is nc the callcf the wild. ,.Happy motoring. Spencer Corseliere Reg. 1931 Mrs. J. E. Richards PHONE 127 ORONO WHY PAY MORE, For YOUR V1~* CHECK THESE PRICES FROM OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS TOP QUALJTY SPRUCE lx 5 2x 4 2x 6 2x 8 2X10 $ 105.00 per M BMl. $112.51) Il" l I $1 14.00(Il"99 ' $118.00"" $118.00"" Lifi Truck Loading Speeds Delivery The Oshaxwa Wood Prodcts yard at Couitice bias been mechanized to provide the fastest, rnost dependable deli;-erY possible. We invite youc inspection cf our modern .-ard. mill and nex%- shcx irn. Visît us today anîd joii the' hundî eds cf 'atisfied custoineis. PLAN SERVICE FREE ESTIMÂTES Your Home Deserves the Best When y ou buy nmaterial for vour new hioie- there are three important thi ngs to consider, Price, Quality and Service. Oshawa Wood Products prices are low because of volume bu yi ng. We take great pride in the qualit.v of our stock and the fast, dependable service is second to none. Corne in today. BUILDER BARGAINS Gyproc Lath $38.00 per M Sq. Ft. 7/16 Tentest Sbeathing - 65.00 per M Sq. Ft. 210 lb. Asphait Shiingles-- $9.45 per Sq. ASK ABOUT OUR T131E PAYMENT PLAN WHY PAY MIORE WHEN TOP QUALITY AND LOWEST PRICES ARE AT Oshawa Wood Producfs Ltd. YARD AND Bowmanville SHOWROOM MA 3-2130 COURTICE Oshawa RA 3-4661 M Organist 1 him. If you're in a devilish mood, go home and untie your wife's apron. Tractor-trailers and buses, be- cause of length, often have to make a right turn from the lcft of the road and a left turn from the right. Watch for signa.z1 when you see a truck or bus1 slowing at an intersection. Don't! pass until you are absolu'ely' sure. Alwavs. in traffie, watchi for signais of trouble ahead, or you max' find yourself in trou- Give the other fcllow plenty of room. but don't give youi- sefd t itl Some day you'lI road and a driver will attempt toecut in: suddenly, you'll need more road than yeu've go t. A' soft shoulder, ditch, or side- walk with lamp pests or pedc'z- trians, is the only space left. Keep te yoursclf, but allow' a margin of driving safety-space. There is still the possibility, i cspecially in the spring 'het,- rods' that hit the road at this time of ycar, for a blow-out. if your car 'slews' don't brake or try te jerk ihe car into con- trol. Take your foot off the gas and steer carefully in the direc- tion cf the skid to regain coi- trul of the car. Don t disengage yçur clutch.Only when the car' is under control should you think about braking. If you keep your head, you will keep your life. Remember not te break the cardinal rule abatt stopping on a highway. Pull11 xvell off and away fromn the stream cf traffic because youi are just one step from eterni'y attempting te fix a flat on the side cf a highway. Temperature and cil gaugesý are the most important instru- ments on your dashboard. They indicate the health of your en- gine. And remember: the 0.1l1 gauge doesn't register the amount cf lubricant in the en- gine. It can indicate reasonable pressure even when the cranlz- case level is dan gerously low. Worn eut and leosened fan bclts; soon over-heat an engine. The speedometer, like a rising temperature gauge, spelis dar- ger,-watch it! Then there's a widespread but i erroneous belief that if vou 'gun the motor,' just beforle shitting off the engine you w:tl have an 'extra shot' of gas in thc cylinders te make starting casier. Priming the engine, it's cailed, but the extra shot cf gas doesni't stay in the cylinders. It leaks eut past the rings. washes the film off the cylk-. der walls and dilutes the crank- case cil. In the morning - you start with ne cil to proteet the cylinders, just when the enginie nceds it most. Finally, alcohol is a lousy j ce YEL ERTON staying at Yelverton's Service YELV RTONStation had the misfortune te ho bitton bv a deg this week Y, April I A. Meeting necessitating medical attention. >"April W.A. meeting was heid Master Murray Hendersen. ,~at Joyce Malcoim's on the after- Bethany, on holiday with the c e noon cf Thursday, April 5, with Ralph Malcolm's. aya fine turnout. Following thel A numiber cf Yelverton mes-j Ot Ode, Pat Wright eonvonod tilt dames are planning te attend devotional: a reading, seripture the Coeking School in Bethany read by Isabelle Wilson, singing Town Hall. o f a hymn, and concludod with Mr. Donald Whittaker with prayer.. Lorna Wilson presided the Jas. Sheekietons for the over the business session and welcomod visitors present. Min- weed utes wece read and the roll cali Master Dale Stinson with the, answered with suitable gîftg for Geo. Pages and the Ciarencel the bazaar held' in conjunction Page's for*Easter helidays. with the dune Gardon Party. A Miss Em Henders accompan- charter mernbeî', Mî's. Em Heri- ied the Jack Wilsen's te visit ders, was serenaded en the oc- the Donald Berry's cf Toronto. zJcasion of her (39th) birthdavy. Master Terry Malcolmn with The fcllowing dates were dlaim- the Jas. Sheekicton's duringi cd: dune 8th for Chucch Garden Easter weok.1 Party; bako sale at Hydro Of- Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Malcolmn, fiee, Bowmanville, on April 27. Cindy, Karen and Jav xith Mrs. j Au cppertunity is afforded bore E. Henderson, Bethany, Sun- foc those out that-a-way te pro- a. cure somne good home-cooking, the like cf which we have been We note that our Yelverton xvant te brag! May meeting te ; cf last wcek ,vas ex'en lessj ho heid at the home of Poggy coherent than tisuai xvith ourî Staooy. Family Club meeting *utting The rogainin carg ofinto the Cui-ling recport in î'ather Jae proanceci cae f a astartîing if unique imanner. rednet Spenarey Monssted cf aAltheugh we hesîtate to accept rst ieadi by Mary ec'on- the blame (or creclit) foi, this j i time"wi Rth furhercon- we hesitate toe eîulate th e aributes by nRuthMa,'olr, Blackstock cerr e s p o n d e n, t's and he envnor Majore thceat some timne hack, "te cat Stinson gave a humnocous i-ed- our shirt" if so. For the os ing, 'Cooking a Husband" xvhich. cfa Is- xva fllwe b- eizeotet.ibîlity f ' old snap imîghit Ha fosessesfor heim onlunch catch us back in oui'" long1 Hostssesfor he pime unc jobnis" and thie prospects cf such, served were Ei'nistine Robinson, - a dish, scarcely xith anY Mrs. Jirn Shackleton and Joyce, stretch cf the imagination a! Malcolmn. gourmet's deiight cx'en if On Fidayevening the last sprinkled liberallv with salt and heid in church luall with a good de-cologne". xxould ho enough' attendence. Sponsors on behaîf, 10 givc a boll-xveex'il the hic- cf the Farnilv Club. the Art, cocîghs ci- a moth's larva the Rowan's. are It e ho emmencled Iheartburn! on the fine job doncnoct onilv -________ in this depeîtrnont but the extra curricular self-imposed task cf 1baby-sitting as one after an- N IL othot cf ccir petulant charges were oascd into slui-nbet'landi, (lntendcd foi last xwcek) lc1xi'Z parents frc to enjo1v Mr~. anîd Mis. lnîi Le andi unmiolcstod plav. Prîzo Winners faîiilx ,vîsitolet Mr1.11,llarî'y \voro lcî'îjOe si nan i-MCKCOxxn .SOuxa bort Mallcolm: on talauend weie Mi.adIrs lacPa.() Mary Moore and Lloyd Wilson. il-adMîs aiacPso Mr. eand iVrs. Donald Stinsonvsîeiwt Mr.t Sit. and Carol, Cornwall, with Mi- Blackstouc k. anîd Mrs. Percy' Sain, Burke-! Mir. anid i\rs. Donaldi Prescolt toi). ancd their parents, Mc. and and Mar'iol, Weccxx iti Mi. r-alý'. Mrs. Robt. Stinson. Lotuis, dur- Mis. Allen Tay lor, I3ownîaîî-_ ing Easter holidays. ville, recontlv. Mc. and Mrs. Hoxvard al-! Mr- and 111-. Edgar Prescîtt colin and famiiy, Mr. aind Mrs. wcre gcIesýs cf 'Mi. and MVrs. Fiovd Stinson and family weî-e Wilbert Smith, OShawa. j 1ecent visitors ;in Toronto. Mr. andMirs. Fer-u-: Aber- i Sevecai Yelvertonians attend- I nethy. Manille. spenýt Sundcay, cd the Union meeting in Enni- wiith Mr. and Mvis. MIîltoni Sant-i skilien xxhon Donald McDonaid, is and Miss ElsiLa andI attended' C.C.F. Leader, and A. V. Me- the Eester ser vice with tiiem. Cormack, Pres. cf Farmcers'; Mi-. and M-s'. iR. Sinilh. Mis,; U'nion, vere the talented guest! es- Mvrie Smnidi andi Yyrtie speakers. MNr. Douglas Bactonl, Tamnblyri, Toroii-o; vIr. Jinm local. F.U. Piesident. codnct.edi'anîbîxn and RosGrenu, weroý the meeting in a inenner 1emin- v.ith lhe W. E3oxx mans. iscent cf those blood and thun- Mir. andiMi.Murray Prcs-' der revix'al mneetings in days of!- %ore, a sort cf a Bill- G raham 'colt and Suaii, Toionto, xxere of the Fermiers' Union,.t Rather vstî Ito ro oe nerx'e-u-racking if arnusingî. 1Mr. and MiA. George Bray, Messis Jack and Norman Wil- Raglan, xxere with Mis. W. J.' son en ee- n f npeinOmis.on last week. to Shur-Gain faims atMpY The neighboîs gathered at on Tesda. jthe home (;f Mi-. and Mrs. dcii Mr. and Mcs. Norman Wilson Vos last- Wecnesday evening. wepi-osent et thé 5th wed- Wallace ?.îýscoe called tlhe din anniversarv, cf Mi . andý meeting te order and .Mis. Wil-, iMrs. Melville Johnson cf Spring- fcid Boxy-nan read an addice.;is ville this xxeek. ; oilowed bv the pi-esentaticn cfý Mrs. G. E. Robinson spent the a pîcture by Cccil Hubberd. Easteî holidex' xxeek with bieri Mr. Vos expresscd hi-: appie- dtLIu9hler Edna, Mcs. Bect Visece ixtion tor thoie reirbrance. of Cavait The Vos famnilx-'%-liaslivxed lic-!î2 Miss Elizabeth Rowan spent onîy a shorttlimie but xiii h_ the holiday with hec cousin, missed as good neighbors and Shei-vl Roxvan cf Enniskillen;1 friends. The ladies . ,oceved 'l Master Jim- Roxsaiî. Enniskiiien.1 lunch anc as Îhe guests depa.-- spent lus holidaxs 'at the Art ted ihex ' \ aid 40clea.idi Rowima's. p : on)i ed l Ioxi it îh#n Vo-:' ij Little Mis5s Margaret Young tiÂe:r new hoine in Osii4%Va. FAST RELIEF FOR ACHINO MUSCLES, IN THE INTERESTS 0F BETTER and SAFER DRI VING Robson Motors Limifed DURHAM COUNTY'S LEADING GARAGE 0f fers these Services Sales and Service Sales and Service of New PONTIAC, BUICK, VAUXHALL CARS G.M.C. Goodwill Guaranteed Used Cars and Trucks of ail makes G.M.A.C. Finance Plan Availabie for ail Cars and Trucks Completely Equipped Stock Department for ail GENUINE PARTS and ACCESSORIES GOODYEAR TIRES AND TUBES IMPERIAL ESSOGAS AND. LUBRICANTS VEEDOL MOTOR OIL Our Service Depa rtment Is equipped to handîe 1. GUARANTEED REPAIRS to ail makes of cars and trucks 2. FRONT END REPAIRS AND ALIGNMENT with the new Bear Telaliner 3. COMPLETE BODY, FENDER, COLLISION AND PAINT WORIC Free estimates 4. LATEST LUBRICATING EQUIPMENT for cars and trucks of ahl sizes 5. COMPLETE WASHING, 'STEAM CLEANING and UNDERCOATING EQUIPMENT Free Estimates G.M.A.C. Budget Plan Available for AIl Repairs and Purchases in Our Service Department Robson Motors Limited PONTIAC, BUICK, VAUXHALL CARS - G.M.C. -TRUCKS 166 King St. E. Bowm anville Phone MA 3-5585 guest at the home cf Mr. and Mrs. W. Jackson, Saturday ev- cning. Then the three proceed- ed te Oshawa and visited with Rev. Atkinson and family far the balance cf the evening. Leonard is staying a few days. Pauline Minshall and boys returned home from Water- ford where they had holiday- ed. Robert Prosger and famLy visited with Keith Hooey of Port Perry Sunday. Vie Mal- colm picked up their biggest sprout at Yelverton and som-e riew syru p besides. Little Paul Feddema wn'S taken to Sick Children's hiospi- tai Monday. We ail hope 'le will soon be. returned home well again. TRUCKS to be Guest at Concert NESILETON There are many brave sou'isg who dare the mud and the fog tof North Cartwright, but Mr.1 i Grant Campbell, native of the1 dsrcis braver and more persiceering than most. Whcni the flood waters of the 141h : concession (that strip long for-i gotten by the Counties , Road Commission) are at their max- imum, then Grant fords nis Pontiac into the stream and when the water rises haîf way! Up his shins, the motor quits But, does he quit'! No, he's made of sterner stuff; fer ne1 wades out into the flood, bor- rows a tracter, tews his car ~-~ thoug -proceeds te and re - turns fZem bis destination, then tews bis car back throurn again and on home, with Brie Staples of Lindsay bis par- senger fer one way. Ask him if he's glad his Easter holiday dit trip is ovei'!1 Wayne Malcolm spent a fewl days at Yelvcrton hielping htsl grandfather Kerr persuade the trees te run a littie sap. Friday evening was a busy, night. A euchre party at C.O. hall. Nestieton, saw only fi), tables played. Winners wcrc, iVrs. Chas. Fallis and Mr. Gra. Bewers: door prize te Johni Nesbitt, consolation prizes Io IRalph Bowers and Winnie MValcolm. lus ne consolation cither. Several of the Nestieton and Cartwright boys took in the Grand OIe Ospree" at BalIv-1 ~ ~ duff Friday night. The Wren Construction have completed -" their contract at 7A and are packing Up ready te move on Monday. The first Bingo of the year is bcîng planned and will be held in Blackstock Town Hall The 90 ladies of Cartwright Farmers' Union are baking pies for the (hoped fer) big e vent. A surprise party was sprung a t the Malcolm Emerson home Ih ere recently by the kith and km te show their love and de- votion on the coming up 45thl w edding anniversary. Thirty Geoghegan, well known concert organist people made the bride and n' recital in England andi Europe and wvas. groom cf 45 vcry happy A tri- anists chosen to give officia] Festival of mink stole and signet ring werea cople of the beautifffl ýi the Westminster Centra] Hall, Loî-don, tr'ibutes. We of the commnunity uest artist at the Spring Concert of Boxv- wish themn every happiness on Society. A concert Hammond organ will the 12th and for years te comne. Town Hall for the occasion. The concert We are glad te know Leonn 1 onWedesda an Thusda nigtsSadler is home again frem Pirt d onWedesda an Thusda nigtsPerry hospital. n the Town Hall. Mr. Geogshegan came Leonard Joblin was a supper Ho Jer Gu - If Pays Township of Car twri gh t REQUESTS SEALED APPLICATIONS addressed to the undersigned for TREASURER and TAX COLLECTOR Applicant to state age, qualifications, expeience, if any, and salary expected Office in Community Hall Office Hours: 10 to 12 a.m. and 2 to 5 p.Iu. Monday, Wednesday and Friday Applications to close Saturday, May 5th, 156 Lowest or any application flot necessarily accepted. HENRY THOMPSON, Clerk. to breed your herd artif icially through the service of the QUINTE DISTRICT CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION Improved type and production means more profit for you. Service is available for the following breeds: )Istein Hereford (polled and horned) rsey Dlual Pirpose Shorthorn ernsey Scotch Shorthorn Ayrshire Whether you have one cow or a hundred, pure- bred or grade, you get full value for our $5.00 service fee when you breed artificially. For complete information or service, telephone our closest representative between 7 and 9 a.m. MR. 'DICk WOOD, Bowmanville, MArket 3-3405 MR. JAAN TAAVET, Welcome, 2231 MR. KEITH WOOD, Orono, 171-R-10 0 0 0 0 Frederick G Who lias played in cne of tht-ce orga Bnitain recitals ir in 1951, xviii ho i manville Choral S bo installed in the will be presented April 18 and 19, ii to Canada f rom E director of musi( Tronto. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE TEMT=N 1 If Doesn'f Cosi England in 1953 and is now organist and .c at St. Stephen's Anglican Church, -Photo by York Studio, Torontoi

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