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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Apr 1956, p. 1

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4Mb nrn t4tr~m~rn "Durham County's Gireat Family Journal"' VOLUME 102 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 12th, 1956 10e PER COPYNUBR1 Sub-Dividers' Ru les Approved By Coun cil At Special Meeting At a special meeting of Cour cil, Monday night, approva was given to the Agreemen which forms part of the Sun Division Control By-law. Th; ý ,&lwwas passed by Counci. 14arch 194h. This Agreement requires thai a sub-djvider shall construcl and install public services an works. This includes streets culverth, water mains, sanitar: sewers, storm sewers, service connections, and street sign3. lt also provides that on deac end streets in any proposec sub-division provision will be made for a sufficient turning area for maintenance equi.p mien t. In addition, a sub-divider wl] be required, where necessary, to provide access to the Public Utilities Commission of Bow- manville for hydro-electric in- stallations. Lands required for municipal purposes must hc provided where necessary. Be- fore a Plan is approved a sub- dîvider mnust agree to pay al! arrears of taxes outstanding against the property covered by the Plan. Littie Boy Runs in Front roassing Four-year-ohd Steven Balsarn o! 93 King West, Bowmanvil1e,ý suffened culs 10 the face Tues-ý day morning 1,hen ho dantedi out frou.V bchind a parked car in front o! the Balmoral Ho:- tel and mbt the path o! a car Driven by John Moyen, age 35, of Richmond Hill. Fortunately the driver waIs travelling slow and xvas able to bring the car to a hait as ib struck the boy. Meyers took the boy to the Memorial Hospital and then notified the Town Po- lice. No charges have beon laid. Dr. Allan Sylvester, the at- ge physician, reportedi jt y oung Steven is in fine 'C 6dition except for the cuts 1wsreleased !rom the bas- pa Tuesday evening. itt it ,t d s, Seek tc Scugog Queen'. "The only slip %vithout A payment o! all frontage ' hi"'hwa 10 charges with respect to exist- icipality", a ing local improvenients assess- I>eputy Ree ed against the property Must Riekard of Ibe paid before a Plan will bc Towvnshîip al approved. The proporty, cov- <ouncil me erod by a plan o! subdivision, bourg, last wihl then becomne non-assess- a resolution able. cil to petitic The Town*s share o! the local cial Governi improvements prosentîy asseý,s- SUggR. cd against property on a plan wy o! subdivision must be paid by. I *Many pe, a sub-dividcr, after which ýt not ive liere will become non-assossabîPi as a means t( when the Plan is negisterea ;laces of inc and approved. totniship rec A capital contribution of $4.091 ciai assistani per foot frontage for ahI bi]çt- 1frt lena col irîg lots shown on a propose% ar",li1c Plan - a contribution towai'ds ail other Town services, will 1 ie reuiedbYa Suhb-dividcr. M i While agrceing in the main, that sorte provision sbould hoFoe 't ior lm a .e, to nd oMake 1Street s Road rmajor town- la North-South serve the mun- statenient by vo Garnet B. [)a rli n g tou tthe Counties -eting in Co- xveek, brought 'rom the coun- nm the Proviii- ment to make aQueen's Higli- >ple, wsho de ýuse this road 0commuting (o fustry, but the ,eives no finaui- e for the main- bhis thorough- icluded. ; '..irî Tuesday onpgisvn At Niagara "Barons End Cao ae 2 missmng f S eason 'Nith mrnne nNiagara Fals. Mn. and Mrs. Frank T. Mace, .1 parents o! the girl. were over- Final Party joyed when they leanned that their daughter was safe. The Bowmanville Barons Carol apparenth.y wcnt 10 vis- 1955-56 hockey club closed their il an a tînt in Peterborough, Fri- season activity with a combin- day', and fromn there in coin- cd business meeting and partyliPanv ivîth two othen girls jour- in the Memonial Anona lobby 1 ncyoed on to Toronto to visit 1 Tuesday evening. Ahl present relative o! one o! the girls. The enjoyed the movies presenled parents had flot heard from by the Johnson Outboard Mo- their daughter since Sundav tors through the courtesy o! morning after recciving a call Palmer Motor Sales and the from Toronto. fine buffet lunch served by the Carter Family. hJ. F m r There was a break in th party at 9 o'clock as everyoneJr a m r found a place ini front o! th-. television set supplied by Jacý Elston to watch the final game Ben efit Dance between Montreal and Detroi The financial statement of the club's operation was roqd' For S. Turners and plans were outlined for the A vocy successful benefiti next season in the OHA. IAi- dance was held on Saturday termediate nanks Each playe r night i n Newcastle Hall. Dut- was given a split o! the season's'j .ng the evenirig, Junior Fari- profit and the various prizes ors' Past President, Bey Gray, which were won by the players proscntcd the net receipts ýif throuîghout the year were pre- the dance 10 Mr. and Mrs. Sarnm sented.Turner, at the srn me n-- hank I ing all who had helped. President Betty McHolm an- nounced several o! the Junior Farmers activities to be held in the near future, In Orono hall, a dance April 14 and a play and amateur night April 27; the, "At Home" to be in Bowman- ville Lions Centre May 11. Chamber Plans Special Night For Communify 1 A t'ommunity Night, isponsored by the Bowman- ville Chamber of Com- merce, ivili be held Mon- day evening April 16, in the Lions Club hall at 8.00 P.m. Designed as an evening for citizens lnterested in Bowmanville's growth and ivellare, several speakers xill be on hand to give in- formiativ'e discussion 011 '-arious phases of the town's develoPment. 'Ihere is no charge for admission and as mnany as possible are 1 asked to attend. Cen tennial Committee For 1958 Celebration Endorsed by Coun cil Council, Monday night, heart-. authorized by Council, ils mem - i.Iy endorsed the forming Of 9a bers 10 be members of the Man - Centennial Committee 10 man-! age, co-ordinate and to be re-, amement Comm ittoe and one sponsible for the drawing up of! representative appointed from' a Centennial Celebration Plan1 each of the following: Lions,! for Bowmanville in .1958. 1 RotarY and Kinsmen Clubs. Canadian Legion, Business and Mayor Nelson E. Osborne, who Professional Womnen's Club. Or- attendcd a joint meeting of mcanized Labour, Industrial Man- representatives of Townî Counicil' agement. Public and High1 and the Bowmanvillc Chamiber Sc.hool Teachers. Bowmanville; of Commerce, April 4, reported Ministerial Association and the on the recommendations made Bowmanville Recreation De- at that time.» partment. The recom men dations, approv- ed by council, caîl for a five- Dr. Geo. W. James, Statesman mail Centennial Management dtr vsapiîdHnrr Committee. consisting o! a Gen- Cara fteC-riaig eral Manager to be appoin ted bv an-1 Planning Cominittc. Council: two members to ho Accompan vine the Mavor to appointed bv Council and two flie ioint meeting ivas Reeve Sîd rnembers appointed by the Little and f rom the Chamnber of. Chamber of Commerce. Com-merce wcre H. G. lacking, In addition, a co-ordinatine'\V. I. Smith, B. R. Kitney and and Planning committe 10 be-Ken Morris. Forty-Two Welcomed Into Car In a most impressive ceremony on N'onday afternoon at the Counties Court room in Cobourg, forty-two former citizens of other countries ronounced allegiance to the country of their birth and became Canadian citizens. I-is Honor Judge Wilfred S. Lane of Picton conducted the moving ceremony ini the absence of His Honor Judge M'ýilIe vho is mn Europe. Following the distribution of Citizenship papors, the Cobourg! Business and Professionial Women's Club, headed by Past Presîdents Mers. Catherine Gaiger and Miss Madeline Rooney, held a welcoming reception for the large group. Short greetings wvere brought by Mrs. Gaiger, John M. James, M.P., Kenneth Symons, Clerk of the United Counties and Mrs. Jennings of the I.O.D.E., Toronto, who onîginally Iiad given the Cobourgý ladies the idea of the reception. Ail ladies xveee presented %xith a Mlaple Leaf pin by the B. & P. Clu.b. Scon in thiis p1hoto arre' ni, uf hooe fu-om Durham %vho ireç.eiÂed papers, In Lihe centre are the Un1tcd Nîo~ias There Is a F Local WorkE With General Motors at Osiî- awa topping the list with a 50- a-day hiring program, the ein- ployment situation, in the Bow- manville - Oshawa area has greatly improved. As a matter of fact there is a possibility of a shortage of workers for plants in Bowmanville as m-ell as soine of the skilled trades at the 'Motors'. The general maii- ager of the Goodyear plant, Chas. Cattran, comrnenting on the eniployment picture, -last week was a top peak in hiring, for us. We are tempor- arily alright, but next week we may have some difficulty in se- curing additional workers." 4 Mr. Cattran said that he was plcased w;ith the type of men the Goodvear Plant wa.s ab!e! Oratorical 1 )ossible Odds and Ends er Shortage Discussed By to obtaîn hayO.'f o n i With spring cornes a hayT w o n i demand ln several fields and, in1 Mayor Nelson E. Osborne particular, the nurseries flowwas nomninatcd by council, require considerable help both Monday night, to represent part time and full time.. Bowmaniville on the Regional The opening of new service~ Planning Board - A supple- stations and the increase Of Imentary expenditure by-law spring - to - summer business, passed by counicil for roads and creates a domand for personnel ,;treets construction $20,000.00- in this field. A deed to the Allchin parcel o! Incidentally, anyone consid-ý land was accepted by counc;i, ering the $800 per month and'. ith the provision that AIl- up on Canada's DEW line con-* chin will have to provide addi- struction wilI find/ a queue, tional roads - present storm stretching fromn one coast to,! sewers describcd as horrible the other. and with the exception of King Recent advertisements for! street, none of the others were men 10 go North brought a de- i worth a 'hoot'-excavation for luge of apolications with hun- ' a sewer- and water connection dreds a day clamoring for the on Liberty streot near Jaine jobs. came under fire Monday night as couincillors expressed consid- erabie rasent ment over the manner ini which the builder Finalists ddtejb Claiming that $500,00 won' repair the mess 'he' bas ef, counicillors criticized the build ers lack o! consideration in o placing lighted mankens and other warning devices 10 in dicate danger bo motorists. A question was raised as 10 whai authority the builder had tc block off the sidewalk and portion of roadway and stron- lysuggested that the malter bE taken up at the next meeting ci council. 'Bob Dykstra ,Wins $42.0O Cash Award In spite of the freezing mixture of ramn and snow close te 200 people gather- ed in front of the Bowman- ville Post Office for the In- Itial draw of the Retail M e rechlants' Appreciation Day Jackpot hast Saturday afternoon. The lucky win- ner ivas Bob Dykstra. On- tarin Street, who won the $42 in cash through bis 50 percent coupon which lie obtained on a purchase of a Garden Tracter from W. H. Brown. Tt was necessa.ry for the Judges to draw 4 coupons before. a winner could be found in the crowd. This Saturday's draw shouid lie another exciting event with the jaekpot now being rais- ed to $120. From Training School Speak at Lions Club Special guests at the Bow- Jim Parkhilh, assistant super- Imanville Lions' meeting last intendent at the Training Monday were the four finalisýýs Sehool bold the Lions that 34 o! the Lions-sponsoned Onatori- boys had taken part in the pro- cal Contest, an annual event nt liminary round o! the public the Boys Training Scbool. The speaking and the staff narnow- four boys, Roger Cook, Mich- cd the field down to the four ael Daily, William Matthews, best speakers. Lion Sam Black,1 and Howard Pane, each gave an chairman o! the Lions' Boysi informative and intcresting and Girls Committee introduc-i address on varions themes and, cd Mc. Parkhilh and Kennetn from lhese the judges pickcd-, Werry, supenintendent at thc the winner. school, and made the presenta- The judges, Lions Gond El-' tions to the boys. liott, Jack Ross and Andyý Basebaîl Invitation Thompson, gave their decisioti Lion Nels Osborne reminded 10 William Matthews for bis; the mnembens o! the invitation talk on hurricanes. He was pre- sent by Rudie Schaf!er, general senled with the cup which is' manager o! the Toronto Map;eC. awarded each yeae to the bes: Leaf Basebaîl club, to have ahl public speaker and another Bowmanvîlle cilîdren enjoy smaller trophy which ho keeps. an International League dou- The topics o! the other blebeader with the tentative ,speeches were as follows: Rogor date set for Saturday, May 5. Cook, the life o! Abraham in- The only obstacle, pointed out coin: Michael Daiiy, the con- Lion Nels, is how Io transport qucst o! Mount Ev erest How- the children 10 Toronto. Twcn- ard Pane, the importance )! . -five Lions volunteered ta plant life. Each o! these boysi take a cacload up and il is ex- was presented with an ident i- pected that the o)ther service ficabion bracelet.I (Contlnued on nage seven) Travelling Display of East Central Ont. Art Tin y Model at Tots Fashion Show 1't f . il to id TheEat enra Onaro itonofpaintings whîch Mr.J i n Elect Travelling Art Dîsplay wh-ch Honni Masson o! Otawa, gave was officially opened last Fn- considerable praîse in bis re-N day night at Trinity College marks and criticisma at the Pont I ew Die t r Schooh, Port Hope, will be on Hope opening. \'iew at the Lions Cornmunýtv Centre, Bowmanville, fnom Me. Masson, a Belgian artist!M onday Night Aprl 1 t 20inlusvein the now i Canada, congî'atuhated evonings, also Friday after- the artists on the quality o! th-- The 1956-57 directoi's o! th, noon.Tho ubli is ordilly show, at the sanie turne o ffering invied 0 aten ths fne i-'fi'ank and constructive criticisrnBm ravle in.lbwr invtedto tted tis inedis Nearlv 200) attonded theopn clccted at last Monday's regu- play. f1o pe-liai meetingyadfomtee1 Thr r 0pitnsby îng fy centres in the district.r-ad r ctee1 amaeu atiss n he a~ iFnm Bowinanville the folloxv- Lions a president and Central Ontario aiea, inchud 1I ng members o! the Art C3icatte pretidenssesw ionbe.ece ing four by membors o! the were presont: Mes. Alice P at h etLon'ssin Bowmanville Aduit Art Cl ass terson, Mrs. Grace Canruthers, The Lions who will be the o! which Mn. Arnold H@dgkins" Miss Agnes Carruthers, Missr directors are as follows: Fred A.O.C.A. is instructor. Mcme-n. Dora Purdon, Miss Alla Bon- Cole, Jack Colo. Art Constable,I bers o! the class wilî be in ai- tham. Others from Bowman- 0Joe Cooper, Lou Dewell, Laws- tendance each night and cala- ville wore Miss Janet Carru- ronce Goddard, Howard Je!- logues will be available, thers, Miss MÏargaret Pundon fery, Glen Lander, Ralph Mc- The four Bowmanvillc artists and Dr. W. G. Benthamn. Inlyce, Russ Oko, Norni and their pictures are: Betty, It is hopod that a large nurn- O'Rounke, Andy Thompson. Ktiox-Stll i Lfe; Aluce Palt'r- i ber fî-om Bowmanvihle and There will be two ballotsr son-Gateway 10 Phillips' Fc-' district wili avaîl thomsolves of taken at the next meeting. Tiir est; Alla Bentham - Tyrone the opportunitv offored to viewi first one will be only for tli,- Village; Bill Stewart-Red and Ibhis inteî'esting exhibit, opon election o! a president. Foilo'-- Gold. The publie Bs cordially in- ovcnings at, 8 p.m.. also Fnîday ilig Ibis lbc chection o! the vited to view this large cxlii-j aftornoon from 3 bo 5 nr.. vice presirlents will take ntlace. with the top three Lions fillin, at Coourg the three vice president vacan- at Coourg cies. Kinette Club Formed Here 20 Membersi The Upper Canada Bible Society presented new Bibles to each of the participants. Included in the group are: Grace Biersteker, Newcastle; Jouke Bisschop, Burketon; Jacobus Boers, Bowmanville; Elizabeth Buma, R.R. 4. Bowmanville; Anna Derowlaniuk and Gaaitske Dvkstra, Bowman- ville; Roolof and Jantje Flokstra, Ida; Jacob and Antje Groeneveld, Bow- manville; Jenneke Groeneveld, Courtice: Job Koone, R.R. 3, Bowman-. ville; Thomas and Maria Kolasis, Port Hope; John and Mary Kiopper, R.R. 5, Bowmanvîlle; John Knot, Bowmanville; Theodoris Kroekenstael Enniskillon; Leo Lootsma, Bowmanville; Rena Malda, R.R. 2, Newcastle;t Dr. Lazlo and Judith Mikios, Newcastle; Gay Mostert, R.R. 2, Newcastle;; Alfred and Beate Muiehlbach, R.R. 3, Bowmanville; Rose Pierssma, R.R. 2, Newcastle: John and .Maria Schoonderbeek. Bowmanville; Agnes Stnik- werda, R.R. 3, Port Hope: Huîgo Ueihart, P.R. 1. Camphellcroft; Maria Vermeulen, Bowmanville; Kari and Janet Waversveld, Bowýmanville. Wives o! Bowmanville Kins- mon Club membens have organ- ized a Kinebte Club and will be presented with their officiai charter at a speciai meeting ta ho held in September. In the meantime, th-e present membership o! 20, are holding meetings in the homos on the third Wednesday evening oif eacl' month until June, when the club will recess for the su rnmer. Office;'s have been eleclcd as foilows: Pros. - Helen Dunn: Vice-Pres. - Lil Hooper: S e^ . Treas.-Eeanor Larnier; Direc- tors - Helen Sturrock, Helen Brown. Mý,ernbership is opfl'o 10Kin~- meni wives. In the Fail. regular meetings wiillbe in the form c! dinner sessions. Friday the l3th If You survit'ed Friday the 13th, In January; If you miake It tofnorrow, chan- ces are, youlIl get by Fr1- day the 13th in July be- cause that's the end for this year. Superstitious . .. no. Wvell, tomnorrow. is Friday the j 13th just the samne, Ail dressed up in real dream dress for any littie girl is Julie $arrison, daughter of -Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Harrison, Brown St. Julie was one of the small models at the Tiny Tot' Spring Fashion Parade presented at the Lions Com- muniity Centre last Wednesday afternoon. With her is Mrs. R. L. Evans, leader of the Little Helpers of St. John's, who sponsored the show. Juiie's dress is blue flocked nylon worn over a crinoline. Her hat is a white straw sheil. The buninies in the cages are live white angora3 and attracted a lot of attention. Annual Meeting Elects Board of Directors Local Skating Club The annual meeting of thc acclamation 10 the 1956 boa-3. Bowmanville Skating Club was Two more are 10 be named bv held in the Town Hall on Fni-i the board. Those cected weve day vovning. Many memb--rsi Glenholme Hughes, W. W. Bag. attcnded. neli, Mrs. Robert Finnigan, Presentat ion o! club certif 1-I James Martyn, S. Mundock, R. cates was made by the presi- Armstrong, Mrs. George Hack- dent, Gleniholme Hughes, to ing, R. Richards, A. Samelîs and thosýe who liad passed Catiadian, J. C. Burdett, Fisure Skating Association tests!GvsPas thbis bccison. Tests passcd wore Io his address Mr. Hugheýs Pr-eliinaux't-ý Figure and FirSt gave an outlineofo the historv Figure, Sýilvcr Dance Tes.s, of the Skating Club. -~The ClP'Y Duth altz, cona;-ta Tantg,, was startod in 1951 as a Familv Swing Waltz, and thec Fiesta3 Skating Club. Mrs. Lawnen*cýe Tango of the Bronze Dance C. Mason, our charter presi. Tests. dent. is more than any other Rereves Awards individual. responsible for tle Tho, c who rceccved cci-tifi- existence of the Bown-anville cates vverc: Erlyne Barron. Gaîl Skating Club. Muiholiand, Virgînlia Brown, -'Wo did not stant figure Anne Ferguson, Evelyn Hughll s, skating seriously until the 1952. Carol FinnigIan, Carol Cooînbt's, 53 soason Mien we shared pro- Anne Wilsdln, Julia Allun, Ca- fessionals Wally and Bette roi Abbn t!', Judx' Jeffcry,Lv- Distelmeyer with the Oshawa da Rackliani, 'vnno Aiîon.- Skating Club. That winter \w' chiul:. fontiie Gaynor, C wl w'ere îiot mombers o! the Cao- Armsýtrong, Gai] Bagne],, Dor adian Figurie Skating Associa. cen Yco) and Anne Balson. Pro- t ion, but the Oshawa Skatingt iiîmiiuia-r nino- were i-cc'iverî f)- Club a ll nwed our sk-aters, Io Erl,,,rne Bari-on, Evelyn Hgc lake lests under thocir auspices. Yvonne Anionichuk, Carol Fî'o l 1 fact the Oshawa Club, Dick nigan and Gail 1iulollad. MLiughhlin and Dr. Stecklcuv Fii-st Tests bars by Gail Mlu!- diri a lot 10 help us got started. hIoiiari, Yvoline Anonichiik "In the autumo oof 1953 we and Bonnie Gaynor. had become a member cJub ot r ho club voteri t0 increa.-eý the Canadian Figure Skating the board of directors fro.n Association and were aIl set to nino to twolve. Ton mmrs trikeouot on our own, then wcie iiominatcd and cecced býv (C on tiniied on page seven) P lanning Board Us Busy Deciding Many Requests \Vith the passing o! the Suo- avcaui the board could more divi sioi Coutrot By -laxv anud fully look irîto the new Agnee- the Stib-dividcs agýreercin jwork nf the rBo\wrnanvile Plari- *i.-t by-laxv and bî'ing clown ning Boardcih tý greatl .< an in1îtecpuc;aIion. Mr. Bickle h!l 1 . ap au r i.m so s gbt advicc on a futher -nce-t Badlc df -au)-div;s uolîlbc plauu., soutb of oaf exc- heg u B odcidCount11 outs i Street and East of Charnbci s oj': the uIliunuheCl'O!fier ti'arisac:ionsilibb group was as-k- ' Request from Mr. Stanley cd to ruie on. Green for a building permit cwn Mr. Le-S Anderson first an)- bis properiy at. Liberty and n Concession was passcd. Thiî p e a r d b c o i e h e o a r d s e e h ) p o p e r t y te l a i t t i e s h o r t o ! on" phc cniz, ,On o aAerun ' ll hesq au'e footago rcquired but \Vas ucl'I cltn of o .l . Sni - ihb o h ard tet that it was net 1 ploruiuS. A: tii trans~action iad enough to boid up the building. ta-ri In ne c' 11 B. aý Th. o petitioii %were receive- hébi(l bc( nn .~ji if %asfoilu tt fri om en1011scekiîîg to ba Id ilinr ie] -Iioul(i gn o lut hom ru mthe centre o! bloc'kt 3 Ii1ý Býi(I dvidMr-. Ander- AS tue boaî'd Could find no rea. .- on ii ta t -.e -bonci bave a pua- ýon tbu stop Ibis the two pa,. peu~ plan niaced ou i bs propcrt)y1 tiCs were, so informned, Mns. C. beccrrcho made any future I A. Barthett sought permissioni sidu Io l sell ber ecar yard as a builul- Mc. ame Nixn sugli ~ rig Io*. This wvas turncd dowri on ille ~~a t irpr' ,0'.; short aimost Io per cent *Luuit o ntAheroperty a on- fthe mi îum square fout Prinuce St u-et lu Ce ;f iut ionui(1fonlage required. hoe l il ,e ilie new Bicwei' I Melville S. Dale asked per- Warc-ýhQUSc. ThiS rmatter woLu,i ni-sion 10 buiid an additionî to ho plut before the rc:ýidents o!il hi-s King Street Store. Permis- the district on the reccipt o! a sion was granted as it will be tii-ni request. as.dPlaced near the existing buii d- rc. ('raes Biokli.' s ,c ing line. wh:iche wouiid ha've t pulr The board meeting adjoumned liii oitugu' tax oit is blU:-"ritb coûnsiderabie business 10 r(àna îutr_ýtght-oui Couuce&-î'mn deai with letfl ntouched. This I ci <1'. hic '-i ] ilhc- arudird ; a ptd ~u.~un hu.~m~~tcE a~ cldIncellng 10 be heid ricXL we&,. nadian Citizenship on Monday e__ t i 1

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