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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Apr 1956, p. 3

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.THfURSDAy. APRIL 12, 1958 - - -. **~1***4~**** I A NVU&IJLEL;. ONTA* RIO. AE'ZN Reports of Year's Work Fun and Games at Popular Jack and Jili Show Given at Blackstock W.le - Blackstock: WomnensIn- per dishes and sandwich maz-1 tute met in the community hall iog. A special day was held on Wednesday evenîng with Mrs. tUe 40th anîversary at which I-an Thompson, hostess. Thir- a review was given of the fo-y ty-four ladies and fîx'e cblîdrea years activities and among otherl present. Owing to a washedi out things a birthda *y cake complete culvert the sccretary, Mis. Mur- with cand]es was enjoyed. ray Byerz, was unable to oi- In August there was a picnic tend, so Mrs. Russell Movntjo.ý- for the childien. took her place. Meeting open- Donations were made to th," ed in the usual vay-. One Min- Mental Health and Fair Boardls. utes silence was observed il The W.I. assumed responsibil- memory of the late Mis. Vir- itx' for grass cutting, planting I ginia Archer, a former member and cau-e of flowers in the Merm- Who passed away one year ago. orial Park and paid hydro bdil Prayer xvas offered by PrIS. for the perpetual light in park. Mis. Loîne Thompson. A decorated float was enter- This being the last meetin g1cd at the Fali Fair. The stage '. the vear, reports w-cie giv'nl drapes at Community hall by group leaders. Report of Vie cleaned and repaired and fi!:v nominating committee was pic-- new stacking chairs were pur- sented but as the siate was nlot chased for the hall. comnplote it wa,; dccided to Awards were presented ta ]cav'e il open until next meet- high school pupils: a doIt given ing and prescrnt officers carry to Port Perr Hospital for tUeuir on until then. sale: Chrisîmas Cheer boxes _Thet Institute has had a vers' sent bo shut-in membeu-s; floxv- ,iv-e ycar. Monev -,as uais-d crs scnt in mcmory o! txvo meni- c, aterng to a banqte card bers who passed on during tU'-.ý parties and a spî-îng bazaar. xvear: baby gifts given the newv Other activities o! the ycaî- in- babies. and f-uit sent 10 sick cluded demonstrations of sup- memibers. A donation xvas mac.o from an PP it into a plant pot. Keep it warm and watered. And you'Il mson have one of the fastest-growing hniîp plants you ever saw. MoI. . CRWN& NCO BREWERY IMI t - - ~ - Elmer Banting acted as master of ceremonies for the sixth annual Cornz A Poppin' show presented by the Jack and Jili Club of Trinity United Church in the Town-u Hall last \veek. Ralph McInt 'vîe provided some between-acts comedv with Elmnei- and the "one-arm bandit" machine. There wvere over a hundred people in this bigra spring revue which drew large attendances during ils three-night run. to a gift for Miss Lewis, ing President of Home1 omics of Ontario. Mrs. Richard Bowles Mrs. Stuart Dorrell wilI charge of the Girls' Club for the coming year. Mrs. H. KYte gave ani csting readmng. foilowed1 hat-rnaking contest and a rade of the finished "E Bonnets" which was very aý ing. Lunch was served b ' group and a social time ci ed. Ei-Fortv-Six Lhildren ha wo iotE by a1p ias, m v t 113< Dead Stock Removet Highest Prices Paid 24-Hour Service TELEPHONE COLLECT COBOURG FRZ-3721 NICK PECONT PETERBOROUGH Ri 2-208 A e hegus iCO A i. ae lus- Live white bunnies, ceut-out ter Carol in a go-cart. Carol the- Easter bunnies, a white picket was in a three-piece matched OY- fence entwined with spring set in pink, Linda in a blue flowers, and pastel streamers, taffeta jumper dress and Mich- providcd a really spring-like ael in trim navx' background for the Tiny To, shorts and navy wool cardigan.1 d Spring Fashion Parade last Dress-up dresses for the lit- Wednesday afternoon in t112 tle girls were often in nylon auditorium of the Lions Coin- worn over a crinoline, and for munity Centre. street wear, boxy suits were This was the second annual favorites. A smart littie boys' fashion show presented by thie outfit xvas the yellow gab3ý-- Little Helpers of St. John',, dine coat and Eton cap worn by and drew a large crowd of in.- Ralph Bîidgland. Many of the terested ladies. Forty-six child- coats shoxvn had the popular ren, from littie debutantes of haîf-beit in the back. about two up to boys and girls Il would be impossible to des- of the advanced age of seven, cribe the many outfits shown displayed a variety o! children's bx these young models. Clothes wcar and were r-oundicly a p- for everv occasion, play-tim-'. plauded for their modelling ef- parties, church and bcd time, forts. were shown, providing a most Mrs. Robert Evans, Parochi-al enjoyable afteînoon for the Secretary of the Little Helpers, large crowd. convened the event and was the Bc tg able commentator. The smart Sig ack Stagum eig toggery was supplied by the Sih admnu ego John and Judy Shoppe, Kin, in t he Green R nom and the hiall Street East, Bowmanville. f 6yugîr eedcsd which Mr-s. Berniece Tuerk is cajoled, consoled, rourided up the proprietor. Mis. Jack Br;d_ and shepherded in fihe right glad a th pinocontributed order through the big dooms gleaan t hbacon msi. b tothe auditorium. A few pleaantbackroud muie. loud wails and -f don' wvanna s" Spring Outfit were heard berorehand, buti Among the mnany smiart when Ilhe cue of -on stage"' iprîng outfits noted was that o! came, littie brothers and sisters Yvonne Anonichuik in a black peaccfullv took hiands and pa-ý and red shepherd check suit raded dlown the long aisie. wîth boxy .îacket and ple.ated The live rabbits oni the stag.'. skirt. Brother Wayne was in a poie yM.JmRdod practical, crease-resistant o,- sometne rved an iîîc'sis- fit with double-breasted coat. bettesctio o h e Several family iîînits appear- voung who had to be gently i ed on the ramp, including thq, mmcnd about and started on the i Bedford children, Linda and trip bac-k. But the whole if-! Michael pushing their littli.,;- fair was really professionaM,) and highly enjovabte for' flîe auidience, if not for ail of the OBITUARY models. A delicious lea xvas served th) MRS W. W. HORN the adults, and cookies to the, chiidren at the close of the i In the early hours of Eastcr event. The Little H-eipers groun)! Sunda 'v. April Ist , 1956, in hlas 54 memnbers, and assistingl Bowmanville Memorial Hosp.- lin ils organiz.ation besides M--s. J tai there passed peacefully inlo 1Ev-ans are Mrs. Philip Pattrick- the Great Beyond Effie IMa', -Treas.; Mis. Vic Snider-J Robbins, beloved wife of Win. Sect.: Mrs. Et-nie Blake-lunchi W. Horn of Hampton. convenor. There w'ere Mailny Mrs. Horn was born on Ja n. others ,vho asse in presen'- 19th, 1882 at her parent's faim i ing this successful fashion home one haîf mile cast andi show. abu oemile north o! Hamip- Those Taking Part ton village and was a daughter The children taking part o! the late Mr. Ehi Robbins and were: Catherine and Roy Ati- Mis. R. Aver). chiîk; Michael, Linda and Carnl Io the year 1906 she was ui- Redford; Donald, Patsy and ited in marriage with Mr. W. Randv BlakePaul Bridgcsý sided i[nnToronto for a oumbyr1 Alani Calver; James Cobban; o! Years, then returned t o Robert, James and Johin DUS - Hampton to take over the Goil- tan- Bienda. Franccs andi Douig- eral Store formerly owned L)v las 'Hennîin": LaLlrie and Richi- Mr. Rd. Avery. -aid Littie:Janlet and Slephý-Žn Ms. Horn xvas a faith51Ii Livin g; s'epheiî Evan. Rhoil- m nbro aptn Uie aJohnson; Mary anîd Elizabeth'1 Church and sang in the choir 1Heibeit; JL1iie Harrison; AIjc' for many yeaîs. She held offic-e Yj~e Chittick: Karen MorriS: in the Womnan's Mîssionar S,)-.1]il] Nichois; PaLlI. Douglas and' cietv and the Women's Instittut, Mr a!:Bra ndér~ and wvas a group leader at thielinle Pattîick; Brock Siiider-: lime o! her death. Shnaron. Gary and Brian Stain-f Her tender devotion to ton: Virginia Viv ian; Jenniferj mother in her fadling ycai-s jamles: Christine Biggs; Douu- (she predeceased her five \ ears la.s Evans. ago) \vas indicative o! lier kind. ___________ ly, sympathetic nature. "Tho-ý e who newher best, îoved BTHAN Surviving, is ber hLI.baii-,,0 who with one son, Dr. W7allac'- Mcnibers of St. Paul's Womn- Horn, Montreal, mourns th",, an's Auxiliary- were entertaîn- passing o! a loving wife and cd bv Mis. G. E. Meades at ttia- mother. She also leaves uný Rectoîx- toi tUeir April mc grand-daughter. Pattie Horin.' ing. There weie 18 lireisent and 1and a brother, Milton Aver 'uto I'Mril . F. RaY. on pie idc-d ail(" I 1Columbus. Ohio. A brothi r.1 led in praxverý . ýr Î. Mead( s Murale Robbins, predeceascd'i ead lUe crptiu : eslcoi. It her in 1952. Was plauined io have a s1ale (I! The funerai service on April! home î roking at Wýatsoiis store 3,rd %vas held at the Morris Fuin- on April 281h.i l'sof lîu erai Chapel andi w as conduct-cdi îug were biou-ht in for ie iý' by lier pastor. Rev. F. Recd. It- Dorcas bae.. A donation o' wvas largelv atiended by reldi- mronev xiIi U forwarded to aý-- tives and !riends. Also pre.senti sist *Uc Xii':.n oikc-r's.Mnm. F. xxere twxo former pastors IS avradacîptr(o th Hampton circuit. Rex'. and M.mcii et su idxi% book deal ng w-eh G. Empev. lHighliand Creek ainrimodern nît- hock. ut faîrni ni Rex-. and Mis. R. R. Nicholson.itUe pi airi- e ~îe.Foiloxving Bow-manvillc. thebeud:ti, a . ociZ)I hn)ý TUe imanv heautîful flor;I xvas (njoved %v. ith :1-'. F. V-'. ributes w ere exprcsive o! the R cynolId., M,. fil. Kenniedy, an-i highesteeni in xvhich thed&içr, r1-runa.s tn Mrs. Ross Hall and daughter Mr. R. Simpson of Toronto; tai on Thursday. Lynda of Whitbv spent the was the guest minister at the Mrs. J. J. Clark spent the pDast weelc with Mrs. Thomas United Church services on Sun- past week in Niagara Falls vis- Jackson. day. iting with hier son, Dr. John The sympathy of the com* Mr. and Mrs. Creighton Carr Clark and family.- munity is extended to Mr. W31- and son Dav'id visited with M-. NMr. an-d Mrs. Addison Sc!t ter Rowland, in the sudden and Mrs. Melville Ml\cGee at 1 and farniilv noved from their death of his sisier, Olive, Mt-sz Raglan on Sunday.1 farmi home to the village last Stanley Staples, of Bindloss, Miss Lily Thompson, wiho %eek. Alta. 1 spent the %vinter months in Pe- Miss Joan SinglEton ot Brock- The ladies' Lodge held a suc- I terborough has returned to heýr ville wvas the gu st of Miss Joant cessful progressive euchre Par-1 home in the village. rso duigitehlda. ty in the Orange Hall on Friday Perry Bothwell, Peterbor- B sow d rng se oia s evening with nine tables of1 ough. spent the pa4 iweek wit'hi players. Prizes for iiigh scor'J Mr. and Mrs. John White. 1 Another Scotsmnan liad dicil went to Carl Porteous andý Miss Charlotte Rcynolds hiani as a result of a broktrn heart. William Phillips; consnlat im the misforîune to faîl on thlv t seenis that his doctor insis.- awards to Mrs. Bruce Smith aric ice at hier home last wcek an,, cd that lie give up smiokin.q Joseph Waganese; lucky door fractured her hip. She was just after hie had had his cigar- prize to Mrs. Fred Gray. taken to Peterborough Hospi- ette iighitcr fillcd. 16-oz. jar d43c Mazola Salad Oil 16-oz. bottie 39c CANADA White IVinegfal 24o.bottie ROSE BRAND MARGARINE 4 lbs. 99c CANNED MEAT 12-oz. tin KAM 35C Face-elle Tissues 200's EDIT * eO SOES BOWMANVILLE Yeo's Marketerta MAPLE GROVE Maple Grove Groceteria ORONO Cornish Marketeria M - i AYLMER DYSON'S FIVE ROSES -Ail Purpose Sweet Gherkins DILL PICKLES F L O U R 16-oz. jar 29C 24-oz. jar 29C 5-lb. bag 35C Bird EyeFroen FodsSUN PEP - FROZEN Bîrd EyeFroen FodsORANGE JUICE GREEN KtAZ, ig. 2.4C oz FRENCH FRIES 2 for 37C86 tns16OO Paramount Fancy 1-1b. tinf PINK SALMON 47c (re sfth 3roduce Ogilie Cke Mx SpcialEastern Canada No. 1 Ogivi CkeMi SecalPOTATO ES ba J5 Cocoanut & Chocolate Both for 50-1b. bag 4 CoconutandWhit t5 3 C Full Ripe, Juicy, Sweet - 200's - doz. Buy one at regular price and get the nks rn e d.M% C other package for 2,- price Solid Heads - Tender - Healthful ,Sbirriff'ç Lenion Bt o Iceberg Lelluce l9c PIE FILLING oh o Tender- Vitamin-ey, New 2 lbs. Shirr47f' Green Asparagus 49C Pie Crus! 'i1x 47 Fresh- and Crunchy S 1 Ontario Hot House - Juinl3o Size SALADA 60's CIUBIS o 5 TEA IBAGS 79 cUCMES o 5 TIDE Large pkg.cfe~ 77 u QUAKER iZ-oz. pkg.J eh i as CONFLKS ,c SWIFT'S - Shank Haif CORN' FLAKES , Vecal Leg ]Roasi lb. 47 POST'S8½-ozKnuckle Out SUGAR CRISP 2.8c 'VeaiRHump Roasi 55 c GFNERAL MILLS 7 % -oz. Lean and Meaty CHE ER 10S '19c Veal Rib Chops lb. 59c Boneless Plate Lipton's Chicken Noodle B e Pot H at l Tomato-Vegetable Bef Ra l. 29c SOUPMIX2pks. 5c SWIFT'S PREIMIUM- By Piece LitnsOUPMIXIpkgs.25 BOLOGNA lb. 23c Liptns Bef NodleSWIFT'S PREM. - Sealed '2 -1h. pkg. SOUP MIX 2pkgs.33c BACKC BACON 4.5c Crisco ShorteningULEBN 3c Off - 1 lb. 35c pkg. 27DRcE 10c O ff 3 lb. tin $1.O 1 __ __ __ ____27 c__ PERSONAL 4c Off ROYAL Save 5c lvory Soap INSTANT PUDDINGS 4 Bars ZSC 2 pkgs. 20c IM CANADIAN qTATrc;mA?ç- IRe)WMAM'M.T.P. MMMADTO% 1

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