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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Apr 1956, p. 5

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Ut~m~DAY, APRff. ~I. ~~58 ~AWA¶'WAW ~A~7~VAW 'RAWMA~.?.W fWI9'A~w~ -- ~ ~ ~ FA~~ FIVU Littie Helpers of St. John's Present Spring Fashion Show Over forty children took part in the second annual Tiny Tot Spring1 supplied through the courtesy of the John and Judy Shoppe, King St. Fashion Parade presented this year at 'the Lions Community Centre, on East, Bowmanville, of which Mrs. Berniece Tuerk is proprietor. Not all Wednesday afternoon, April 4. A large crowd attendcd to watch the of the forty-six chidren taking part could bc caught by the photographer children model the latest in spring fashions for littie folk. Clothes were standing stili long enough for the shutter to click. Athletic Assn. Elects Officers Bethany: The Bethany Ath- letie Association held their an- nual meetin on Monday even- ing xith a good attendance oi sport fans. The minutes of pre- vious meeting were read by thý se'cretary, Mrs. Harry Rylev. Treasury report xvas given by Bruce Ryley, indicating a bal- ance on hand of $217.76, wilhi the main expenses of the year being incurred in the mnoving of the rink from its former lo- cation to the Athletic Park and the installation of hydro. Ross Carr presided for the election of officers as follows: Pres., Rcg,. Edmunds; immedi- ate past pres., Vincent Jackson;' first vice pres., Hope Rayson; second vice pres., Frank Mar- tichenko; sec't., Mis. Harry Ry- ley; treas., Glen Wentworth; Park Trustees: One year, Bruce Ryley: two years, V'erne Mul- ligan; three ycars, Vincen~t Jackson. The Park commitîce are George Smith, Haîry Rylcy, Or- boe Wright and Verne Mulligan. IGeorge Smith was appointed as caretaker with authority 10 have help when,.ver needed. He was also authoîized to have some repairs made for the pow- er lawn-mower. Bruce Ryley xvas appointcd auditor. It was unanimously dccidL'd to have the usual Victoria Day celebration, which Ibis year will be held on May 2lst. A committee to look afteî the en- tertainment was appointed: H.1 F. Rayson, chairman; R-oss, Carr, Glen Wcntworth 'andii Frank Martichenko. Afternoon Sports Committce: Bruce y iey, Mrs. Verne Mulligan, Ed win Challice and Kari Finney Advcrtising Committee: H. F Rayson and Bruce Ryley. Base- bail Commitîce: Oroe Challice, Allan Bigelow, Vincent Jack- son and Haîîy Ryley. Softbal Committee: Harold Page, Roy Ferren, Mrs. Verne Mulligan. Ticket sçllers: Glen Wentworth, George Smith, Rev. R. R. Bon- steel. Parade Committce: H. F. Rayson, Orboe Challice, Ronald Poie roy and Verne Mulligan. Prize Committee: Mrs. Vincent Jackson, Mis. Ross Carr, Mrs.1 Douglas Smelt.i The Skating Rink comm il- tee for next yeaî are Orbe- Wright, Clarke Pomreroy, George Smith, Douglas Smelt. Ronald Pomeroy andi Bob Ryley. fou Efr lu. It is estimated that inth u current year' the CBC will w~'APR)ES spend $42,200,000, of which 9263/corNs.~4 about 20 per cent will be ob- CISM WA tained from advertising and 80 24mi per cent from taxation. Here's your Spîingtime pick-up, dairy fresh, and brîmming with nouishment. In every glass, you get protein for the growth and repair of body tissue; calcium, the tooth and bone builder; riboflavin and vitanuin A for bright eyes and clear skin. Brighten up! Drink three glasses of milk every day. For delicjous ways to mae milk, write for Marie Fraser's new .411k Recipe Bookiet. Il3 ,DAIIRY FOODS SERVICE BURIIEAU DAURY FARMERS 0F CANADA 409 Hurgn Street, Toronto OBITUARY JAMES CAMERON Theî'e passcd aw'ay at bis r.ý' sidence. Lcskard, on April 4th, af:er several w'ceks of illness, James Cameron. For the past nine ,ears Mr. Cameron liad caî'ried on a ivclding business at Leskard and of which art he wxas a inost skilied craftsman. Born near Belfast, Ireland, lie came to Canada in 1923 and caîî'ied on a welding, business in Toronto, laler moving tu Leskard. Whcn Worid War I broke ont Mr. Cameron enlisted wiîh tiie Ulster Rifles and later saw ser- vice on the Western Front, ini the Daî'denelles Campaign, in Egypt and in Mesopotamia. He was with the troops that a:,- companied General Allenby when lie entered Jeîusalem in 1917'. Jim had a real Ir'ish person- a]ity with a great sense of hu- mour. He was a weil-informed conversationalist--had a love- ]y voice, and for years sang in the Kiî'by choir. As a craftsman hie was tîuly an artist. The funeral service was held at the Lang Memorial Chapel, Orono. on Friday, April 6th with the Rev. John Kitchen -f- ficiating. Mi. H. Bar'low had the undertaking arrangements. Mr, Cameron leaves to mourn bis passing bis xife Ellen Mar- garet Humphreys and son Roy. Bethany W.A. April Meeting Betham-: Mis. William Cav- ano entei'Iained the members of the Unitedi Church Woman'3 Association on Tnesday aftcr- noon, wvith Mis. Frank Bigeloiv presiding for the meeting, and leading in prayer. Miss Mand? Rodwell reati the scîiptnre lesson. Mis. Bigelow gave the lesson topie 'Victory Over Death". Mis. John W7hiîe had charge of the program based on Easîeî Gladness. Mis. Ralph Preston gave two rcadings: An Easter Message writîen by Rev. R. Rennison and "~He Arose" writ- ,en by Rey. Peter Marshall. Mis. Henry Jakeman gave two readings "The Message 0f Hope" by Nancy Cleaver and "Easter Seasons in *Oîher Lands". Mis. R. R. Bonstep]l sang "Weîe You There Whcn The,,, Crucifieti My Lord?" andi 'Low In The Grave He La;Y". Mus. Ross Davidson tolti th2 lcgend of the Easter Lily. Easter hymns were sung andi following the Benediction an enjoyable social hour was spený, wiîh Mis. Harry Ryley super- vising a "Hat Trimming Con. test", in which -al bbc ladies created an Easteî bat fîom a pie plate base. The hostess and members of Group Fouir serveti lunch. Misq. Otto Spencer ex- puessed bbe thanks of the la- dies to Mus. Cavano for the use of ber home anti to ail those wbo hati assisteti in a worth- wbile Easter pîogîam. MORRISH Thuîsday aI, the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Lord xvas xvell attcnded, the procceds bcing for the Wclcome hall tcam. The last social of Ibis season i ivii] he held on Thuîisdavl, 121h, at the home of Mr. and Mis. Norbert cIo. We are plcased to rcport thati 1\rs. D. Haines is flo\v able toý take a fexv steps with her ('rutch- es and use lier whcel chair. We trust this improvement xii con- tinue. Side-roads are in a terrible condition, miany are closed for the prescot and mail is being 'e- routcd until conditions are bet- ter. Sunday Sehool was held aI the egular boni of 1l a.m. The~ PIECE number present was smallem 40 ERIE O 8 than usual. No doubt the relu un of wintei weathei and preval- »PINE TREE" ence of colds kept many away. TRANSIUCENT CHINA The session of Sunday School - MORE FROM TH RIN xvas conducted b.y the Superin- - EXCLUSIVE WIrH TH&S dFFER tendent, Mis. Fred McConnell, - OPEN STOCK AVAILABLE aiso the popular Sunday Quiz. The hidden name of the c ity was Capernaum. Aftcr several clu esj the answer was given by Jim- AIL 82 PIRCES mv McHolm of the Senior Boys CIlass. The closing bymn "Jesus Loves Me". chosen by a Junior box-', %vas sung as a part song,9 the refrain snng by the Kinder j gaîten anti Junior Classes.I Next sunday tbc regular Chuuch service will be helti at 10 a.m., 7 Sundav Schooh at Ilba.m. We offer the sincere sympathv o hscommunnîy bo the family YOIJ SAVE$025 of the late Mus. Joe Sexsmnith who passed awav aI Lindsav on Thursday, April 5th. MVrs. Sex- smith w'as wxeil known in lb sm localit.v and severai frienti w.ere prescol at the George Fun U1OPERS eral Chapel andi inteument a t Union Cemeteix- on Satuudav: last. e elr Mrs. Vera Anderson and' ,'L few days in Bowmanvil le w th & (ift Shopj anci dauglt i Past > ý%ee. 28 King W.MA354 BLACKSTOCK A pleasant time xvas spent mn the Parish Hall Thursday eveîî- ii" ai. a euchre Party sponsor- cd by the Meni's Club. Prizc winuiers wei'e ladies first, 'Mrs * bMildred Colley; and Mi'>. 1-ac- r' v McLaughlin. Gents lirst, Mr. Langfelt, 2nd Chas. Smnith. Dooî' pî'ze, Mis. l\'airs. Theî c is 10 be another party April 201h. Rev. C. W. Hutton xvas guest speaker at a special service in St. Stephen's Church, Oshawa, Sunday nîorning. After a real stoîm Satuid-iy when five inches of snow feul. the country looked beautiful. Sunday niorning as the sun shone on ail the lics loadadI in snow and evcrything seemLd so pure and spotless. But step- ping out xvas a different story and soon ail streets and walks were tilleti with dirty wat'ýr and mud. This will surely taIwý the frost out of thie ground a .few more da.ys st aîi t homne 1viii likeiy make good roads again. Mi'. and Mvis. David King, Kc- g;>ka, Labrador, spcnt a f'ex aays last xveek xvitn his brother and family, the 'Tom Stevar's. OIn returning fîom there ',, Perth Saturday night, Mr'. Ste y- irI's car slipped on the siippe:'v road near MVarmora andi colligi- ed with a trec. Mr. Stewart suf- fered cuts and bî'uises andi is in Peterborough Civic Hospital. WVc hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mis. M'villard Fallis, 3aden ,Ont., spent Wednesday evening and Thuî'sday with lMr. and Mis. Norman Mountjoy and, Mlr. and Mis. Earl Doîreil. Mi. Jno. Edwards, Keno i' called on several of his nIil friends in the village Fri'ic'.y befoie rclnîning home aller h:xs father"s funcral which -xvash1 from Port Peîîy parlors Tur; lay with inteument in Nestle- ton. Sympathy is extencltit Mrs. Oscar Edwaids andfa- ily. Guess we are having a bit of violer or snow 10 let the folk a'îiving home from Floî'ida see \hat il is like. Mu. andiMs Arthur Bailey arrivet 'hurs- lay from Tamnpa and Mr. andi Mrs. Clarence Marlow on Fi- day fîom Daytona. Mus. Frcd Bailey also came home Friday from spending the winteu in Windsor. Mr. and Mis. Sandy Dawson~ nd Sandua and Mr. anti Mîs. Kenneth Swan, Windsor. spent 'le weekend with the Bailcys.. Mi. and Mis. Neil Baiiey, \Iiss Catherine and Mî's. VelIv'.i Bailey spent Wednesday with riends in Toronto, Cathci'inc remaining for the rest 0f the I Yeek.f Mis. Jim Marlow and Mirs. ceil Bailey visiteti Miss Pearl Yright in Toronto lasI week. Mrs. Velva Bai]ey and Mis. las. Parr spent Thursday with. Uis. Levi McGill, Peterborough. Mr. and Mis. Roy Avery, onna Marie and Carlisle, Tifl- )uy, spent the weekeod with Ir. anti Mis. J. A. ,Johnston md attended the funeral tif Zoy's brother-in-law. Mr. Geo. nItes in Toronto, MurîdaY. Sympathy is exîended to .rs. Fred Crawford, Port Per- y in the passing of ber mother ri Port Perry Hospital Thurs- îy. Also to Mis. McLeod andi mily on Mr. McLeod's passingl st Mon day. Mis. Osmond Wright spent a ouple of days last w'eek in owmanville with Fr'ank right's childî'en while the Par- nts went awaï. Mr'. and Mus. Harold Ky'e 7ent to Tillsonbuîg for the reekend and brought, home thý idren who have spent the olidays with their grandpar- Its there. Owing to bad roads there as a small attendance aI the aumer's Union meeting Fridayi ight. Mis. Prosser gave a talk ,heu mecent trîip to Otlawa -d Mu. Doug Barlon, Enniskil- i also spoke.Theîe xvas a gool- scussion andi resoîntions fî'orn hci Unions w~ere reati andi lpted. Slie of mieptingfs a ianged to the second Fridi. thie month.i Davidi Bahlingal and Gordie alcolmn had tonsileetom- op-1 Mr. and Mns. Fred Irwln and boys. Mr. Lewis Hemn, Thessmlon and Mr~. Fred Willan, Bowman- ville, visited Mrs. Ed. Darcy IWédnesday and Mr. and Mrs. JRussel Spinks on Sunday. Mis. Jno Mew and baby Jane spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Austin jBeacock. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms, En- niskillen, wvere Sunday gues!s of Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Dorreli. Mi. and Mis. Jno. Vepýnîng spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Me- Brien and Miss Pauline Jemi- son, Toronto, were week-end guests and Mis. Lee Poîgrain and Ruby Ranisy Rouse were Monday guests of Mr. and Mis. Bi11 Taylor. We welcome Mis. Cecil Hill as the new correspondent and wish to thank Mrs. Doris Mar- low for ber intercsting effoi-ts in this capacity during paàt years-(Editor.) KEDRON Somie of the country roads h ave been undergoing the anua spring break-up, with impa- sable spots here and there. Thcý e doubtful areas resulted in Sunida v services at Kedron be- ing withdrawn, and the Doubles Club meeting for Columbus- Kedron Couples was postponed until April IC, Friday cvening, at Mary and Grant Glover'si home. The April snow storm probably put the finishing touch on folks' ambition to drive on roads already bad, but permit- ted our litIle neighbour. Brian Starr. 10 make one more fine, snow-man - a full-sized wintry ispecimen. * Mrs. Grant Glover was host- ess to sorne 30 Kedron ladies on Wcdniesdav afternoon for the I *regular meeting of the W.A. Mrs. R. Down led in worship with the Theme "A New Be- ginning", in keeping xith *Springtirve and Easter. She was a ssisted by Mrs. H. Crossman, Mrs. J. Glover and Mrý. H. Werry,. The leader read a poem in closing, "We Haven't Time" and asked us to remember that the way we live today makes ouir Tomorr-ows". The President conducted bus-1 mness mostly relative to the forthcoming May bazaar, and announced Presbytery W.A. to he held on April 26th at North- minster. and Conference W.A. at Lakefield on May ist. Mrs. E. Mountjoy was ini charge of the missionary study, based on our "Indians" here, and used a question* and answeri session xith Mrs. R. Lee and Mrs. J. Glover taking part. Mrs. H. Rose and l\'rs. W. Sharp assisted the hostess in servingý rc'freshments. The next meeting in May will hie hcld at the home of Mis.' Allan Werry, Enniskillen, and; iwill be the first evening meet-, ing of the season. Thiere was an attendance of 40 plus for the Junior Farmers' imeeting at Brooklin oni Thurs- day evenirîg. Maurice Jebson, ,7incroft, was the boys' speak- i', with the topic "]astnie IManagement and Suitab]e Mix-! turcs", and Mrs. Alves, Brook- I lin, gave a demonstration and' lalk 10 the girls on "Fancv 1 Sandwiches". A European girlU from Pickering gave a mosti interesting account of lier ex- periences in Europe. and thcýrî escape froin Communist domina- tion. Ron and Jeanine Weîîy enter- tained a gîoup of friends at their home on Monday evening, in honour of their cousin, Anna- Marie Hoskin, and lier April groom-to-be Neilson Greentîce, both of Harmony. The evening wvas spent in playing games,, charades and contests, with prize-winners: Mrs. Dennis Pal]- ister, Miss Marilyn Davis, Elginl Mason, and Douglas Love, Ross and Howard Brown re-! turncd rccently from a visit, with Mr. and Mrs. Reginaldi Blackmorc and daughters, But-, falo. While there, they attend-, cd Easter services with the fam- ily aI Woodlawn "Chuîch of' Christ". and greatlv enjoved the message of the pastor, the Rev.: Mr. Stoil.1 Mis. G. Trevail reports a. pleasant Florida holiday withr Mirs. H. Colmer. Bowmanvilld.ý 'I'ravcel by Scenic-Cruiser wasý cno.ioe A&NOTH ER GREAT SPECTA CULA R Bresl'in's Ladies' and Children's Wear Thurs. m Friday and Saturday LADIES' SPRING COATS and SUITS Reg. fa 69-95 ÈS Rer e is one of the masi ouif anding values we have ever offered ! 1ligh styled Iuxury coats and suits of finest materials obtainable, and carrying Canada's foremost manu- facturers' labels at reduced prices right at the start of the season and just when you need them. These coaf s and suifs are from our regular stock and sold as hîgh as'69.95 Th ursday - Friday and Saturday-*-«only (Sorry wp, couldn't supply our inany disappointed customers with Iast week's spectacular offer. The demand w'as inucli greater than we anticipated.) le, go Dri eslin s BOWMAINVI LLE Need PLUMBER? look in'the 'CUICKL.Y FINI> THE NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMIBERI When.ver you want the telephone number of o busines firm the quiclc waY to find it is by using th tii EfflUW ME. supposie you want to cai Smith the plumber but don't know his number. You'Il find him listed under "Plumbers" in the. 'T" section of the YEU## P4$1$much quicker thon by Iooking under the Smiths in the "hte pages. FIND THE NUMBER ""QUI(K AS A WINK" IN THE YEUM AfflICE MR ta un onikv, AYM il, 1956 IMM CANAMAN STATZSMffl. iMNTAWTM mAjý

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