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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Apr 1956, p. 7

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THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 1958 Mn. Russell Alîdreati, Toronto, sjtent the weekend at home. Mrs. William Cunningham, Toronto, was in town anc day this week visiting frientis. Mn. H. E. Vosburg, Rochester, N.Y., visiteti Mn. anti Mrs. Edigar Wright, Enniskillen. Mrs. Paul Chant spent Easter Week with ber sister, Mn. anti Mns. K. S. Bunnsîde. Montreal.; Mn. anti Mns. Geralti Talcot have returneti from spentiing a montb in St. Petcrsburg, Flan- Ida. 4*« '*Easter weekenti guests witb Mn. anti Mrs. C. P. Barnett wene Dr. anti Mns. John Robinson anti farnily, Ottawa. Mn. anti Mns. Don Shay, Sirîi- coe, werc weekent gucsts of Mn. anti Mrs. Raîph MeIntyre anti took in the Connz A Poppin' ,i"Ir anti Mrs. W. R. Etiger anti taughten Debonah, Peter- borough, wcne recent visutons with bis mother, Mns. W. A. Edgen. Nancy anti Jimmy Hall ne- turnedti taChatham on Sunday aften spcnding Easter bolidays with thein grantiparents, Mn. anti Mns. James Hall. Mn. anti Mrs. Roy JacksonE anti Brenda Jean, Marmora,t ripent Suntiay with Misses Flan-t ence anti Leta Jackson anti caîl- et on other relatives.t Mn. anti Mrs. William Nelson,a Toronto, former owners of bbc Bowmanville Cleaners & Dyers, were in town this week rencw- ing aIt acquaintances. I Miss Karolyn Stewart, Reg.N.,V Meti apoliban Hospital, Windsor,a spent Saturday evening witb . Miss Mary Alitineati, Reg.N., anti attendeti Cornz A Poppin'. Miss Marion Warden, St. d Mary's, wbo atendedthbb O.E.A. t convention in Toronto ast week,U spent a few days renewingn acquaintances in Bownianville. Mn. Craig Langie, a son-mn-C law of Dr. Norman Aluin, ne- S cently arniveti in Ankara, Ton- S by bbc Dept. of External Affairs. p Rcv. anti Mns. Gea. Mundy tl anti son David, Sebrighb, gave The Statesman a fientily cali S last week. Mn. anti Mrs. Mundy A are bath former Statesman cm- Y ployces. a Mrs. Maitland Goulti. North a, Bay, (formcrly Dorothy Bonnv- Iý castle of Bawmanville) in ne- S newing their subseniption ta The Stabesman says: "We still cnjoy a the home bown papen." b Mn. Thornas K. Stewart, B Blackstock, Roati Superintendent xw for Darlington Township, soi-n feret a broken pelvis early Sun- se day wben bis car skidtied on lo slippeny pavement on Higbway h W ar ST. JOHN'S e CHURCH d (Anglican) ar th Second Af 1er E aster, L 8 and 11 a.m. - HOLY COMMUNION 1Q and Il a.m. - CHURCH SCHOOL 7p.m. - EVENING PRAYER 7, west of Marmora. According ta the Northur berland-Durbam Healtb U: repart for bbc wcek cnding Ap: 7, Bowmanville bati a dlean b of bcalth for communical diseases. Darlington bas oi case of chicken pox. Mr. E. B. Cox, Taronta, fanr erly of - Bôwmanville, whc *work in sculpture bas becor wcll known, was in Oshaxva l- wcek addressing the Lyceu Club anti Women's Art Associý tion meeting at McLaugblý Public Library. Mr. Donald Buchanan av Miss Lois Kimberley, Smit] Falls, spent the weekend wit Mr. anti Mrs. W. 1. Smith ar Alan. Alsa guests of Mr. ar Mrs. Smith are her mother ar sister, Mrs. J. W. Wilson ar Corinne of Smibhs Falls. A brass cross for the Conr munion table, anti two bra. vases were presentedti t Trinit Unitedi Church on Easter Sur day morning by Mrs. J. F. He.î landi on behaif of the W.A. Th gifts xverc accepleti anti dec icateti b. Rex-. T. A. Morgan. The Dim anti Distant of 2 years aga in last week's issu asked if anyone knew wha rai the Royal Tea Room, locate( two doors east of the Roya Theabre. Mrs. Stanley McMur tcr 'phoneti in ta say that Mr. F W. Bateman xvas the proprieto. andtie cbusiness vas sponsore( by tbc Canadian National Insti bute for the Blinti. A card has been receiveti froc Mr. anti Mrs. F. O. Mcllveec wbo are reburning to Canati after spending four months iL Florida ant ilvii make theii home temporanily with their soc Dr. C. E. MeIlveen, 21 Aber. deen St., Oshawa, baving solc their home in Auburn, Ont rbey xviii probably take up per. manent residence in Oshawan. The W.A. of Trinity Unlitec Church met in the Suntia. School room on April 10. Grou;ý Seven hati charge of the devo- tional. Mrs. Goheen openeti xvitl prayer, Mrs. O. Plummer read the scripture lesson anti prayer vas offereti by Mrs. Entiersbv. Special speaker was Miss Laura ijîlyn who bas spent over 35 years in India. Pat Cheetbarr and Carol Plummer sang a duet accompanieti by Margaret Go- icen. Mrs. J. F. Heylanti pre- sitict for the business. Friday's Toronto Star featured a picture of J. Etiward Breslin, brotber of Maurice Breslin af Bowmanville. He was shown wilh a seven-foot-one inch sail- ish, caught on bis first deep- sea fishing effort off bbc coast of Florida xvhere be lias been holidaving. The 53-pounti beauby,ý was booketi on April Fool's Day and after 35 minutes of frantie ffort, gave up tbc ghost anti was lantieti, l was almost as xhaustcti as ils captor anti far lss tbrilleti about the affair. Miss Leslie Luffman anti Miss Lillian Marlaw receiveti their Golti Corti Certificates on Fri- ay evening from. Mrs. Louis O. Breibbaupb, wife ai bbc Lieuten- nt-Governor. Those attending te presentation cerernonY fromn oxvmanx-ille xverc Mrs. L. W. Lufiman. Mrs. E. L. Marlow, Mrs. D. McDonald, Mrs. N. Os- orne, Mrs.. Ames, Mrs. T. W. Butbery, MIg.R. Dilling, Mrs. A. 1Frank, Mr. George 1\'arloxv, liss Pat Conxvay. Also attend- ng the annual meeting sessions Fritiavxvere Mrs. T. lM. Chant ind Mrs. C. L. Warren, Hamp- on, anti \'rs. Gea. Stephen, ;owma nvillc. Inspireti by'a children's pro- Zramn hearti over CBL an Sat- rtiays, six girls met at bbc orne of Denise Wcssells on uesda.y, April 10, ta forniaa 'Sountis Fun" Club, their main )bect toi help the Auxiiiar.y ai hc Memorial Hospital. The ne- ults of the election of officersý vere: Pres.-Sharon McMurter,; cc'y-Judy Scott; Treas. - )enise Wessells. Other mcm- Trinity United Church,ý41 Minister - Rev. T. Arthur Morgan, B.A. il A.M. - "In Another Form" 7 P.M. - "Ezekiel Saw a Wheel" w< OraitM.ArhrClio, u.Bc. .R.. I' A NADIVAN ST~ATEP AN' BOWMANV .-NTRI Brothers Join in Birthday Celebrations nit ble )ne :se' ne lis m ia- lin id id i id n- Iss Mr. Wesley R. Allin, centre, on April 4th celcbrated his 85th'birthday. Friends and relatives, including his two brothers. Mr. S. C. Allun. shown left. and r.oranrui- 'Allun, right, surprised the octogenarian at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Douglas 5Cole, 6 Ontario St., Bowmanville, where he now resides. Mr. Aluin for many years e farmed at the lake front where Mr. Norman Brown, his son-in-law, now lives. in ýd bers presenit were Elaine'Biggs, C ubto-be was the recipient of al Cheryl Scott and Linda Jane Lin many beautiful and usdful r- Steel. Shirley Williams and Lo s C u gifts. Lana Morrison were absent due (Continued from page one) On Sunday, Mr. L. D. Pike r 10 Illnless. It was decided thatclbwildthisar of Gravenhurst visited bis par- tas soon as there is sufficient clb insdote ertae ents, Bey. andi Mrs. S. J. Pike. fonds, the girls' ~first project Lo usObrecar a so gîîests at the parsonage will be 10 boy material for tea LinRsOsoncar nonS dv e M .B.N - an towels whicli they would hemn of the Minstrel committee ra-onSda wreMsB.N- n b mahin ani dnat totheporteti that the club realized a 'man, Mr. anti Mrs. R. Gi, dti- lahsia profit of $220 for this vear'sgheJocanisn iread hoptarichni show. Lion Russ felt that the Ms. C. PeIly, aIl of Torornto. Book Weck in Canada begins Lions bati not done their fuit Bey. andi Mrs. S. J. Pike left r1, i 4 achfrdsly share of the ticket selling and o Mody 10 meel a brotherc sponsoreti bY Bowmanville Pub- he believeti that there i s sti and bis wvife of Virginia. To- te Lilvro Sinhp, Ndsoftt&mocli potentiality in a minstrel gether they plan to proceed fur-E d te lyro ho, orheut sowif the Lioso ei. ther south bI Plorida.c tSmiithi,*L. A. Parker & Sons, also s1wos5 eie Mr. anti Mrs. Cecii Williams, -on the Recreation bulletin board Lion Ron Hetherington an- Port 1-ope, visilet iMr. and Mi's. at the Post Office. There will nouniced tbat the Lions' HoekcvY Geo. Stapieton during the holu- aibe spec'a radio and TV pro- draw bati been very successful day.-- t y risover the CBC including tbis year with 228 tickets be- P an interv iew -w ith Lionel Sha- ing solti. 1- piro on the TV program "Graph- Lion Fred Cole and Lion Herb h le*' at 9 p.m., April 20. Through- Goddard, who both joined the d out the weck on Trans-Canada club at the same time, were r \Iatinece there will be readings the recipients of 10 year per- froni Frances Shelley Wces' pect attendance pins. The pres- '~Lord, I Arn Not Guilty."1 entation xvas madie by Lion 51 In Toronto, J. B. Priestley, George Vinish. i famous British author. xiii be The club approved the House ,t g u e s t speaker at Smitb's committee plan to construct a -Luncheon, Mondayv, April 16, at $2500 fence arounti three sides the Royal York Hotel. of the Community Centre to prevent childrcn 1'from cutting Sk tnaI.IDcsnhbuigpoet f ska ing C ub Te birthdays of Lion Joe Cooper andi Lion Clare Hockin 'Jdepeaident j (Continueti frorn page one) were calledti t the attention of 0fU02;1te, tthe Oshawa Arena burnecltemmes.dIiuc down. I was in Toronto that day anti recciveti a call fromn Bob Watt t0 enquire if xvŽ C * i ,w'1' * would share our ice t irne with S bJ ier 1 1Cshawa. The resuit of Ibis was Qikrle r a joint meeting betwcen aur (Continued from page one) Quc eie rmChes 3Cldi, board and the Oshawa Skating made for a sub-divider to have Lumbaàgo, Neugitis, Neuralgia, Club boarti out of wbich the an avenue of recourse sbould Sccie Rheuttc Ache. Central Skating Committce was any dispute arise over terms of. od Paiumw boi'n. This amountcd ta in the agreement. association between the Bow- Councillor Norman Scot manville, Oshawa and StQuff- saiti, "one man coulti tic up69 ville Skating Clubs. the whole works if he just Early Tee Time didn't feel that a certain phas 1e UNrf "Thefac tht ech lubof the sub-tiividers work was - gîtaranteeci the Central Corn- according to specifications". "It'.2 rnittee $1,000.00 enableti us-to was necessary t- be just as fair bire 17 hours ice lime a xxeek btesb-iidr st h hcre, as well as further timec Town", he continucti, "anti I at Stouffville andi Port Perrv. hope that tbc presenit agree- j This aemn man I ment isn't t00 much of a head- our members hati much morei ache. We don't xvant to scare ice lime than xvoult normallî builders away", he conclutieti.e -** bavebeenthe OY Deputy Reeve W. Carruthers "The nexI season, the lq I rose bo say, cTi gemn 55 ~f~ tre clbs acbj as been fasbioned after a gwaranteeti $1.2000 which ca.reful stutiy of other munici- àA again enableti us bo hire sof- palities nii atclrta fiient ice time anti a profes- esMn Cpatclrthtà % fie ~~of. Whitby and it's just as len- -EI sional. jent andi fair as many' othecr PEROXIDEý "In the spring of 1955 il Wa plans". tiecided 10 dishanti the Central Mayor Nelson E. Osborne re- market, i,'My sentiment regard- TOOTiE? AISTE Commiittee and the Bowman- igti atratrtligi ville Skating Club vins com- oing thater afer otaloinl 0 pictely on its own. The menn oe-'ihanmero oa ber ofihebord bic is10builders is that thcy do flot retre oftoihe tarteti meestnganticipate any recession rnf last April anti in accortiance buidin oràrsip as wi:hthe isbs cxressd ~of this Ag1rernent. As a malter the îast annual meeting worl-- of fact the general concensus ccl nt vey bltibudetof opinion is that it's ten years contracted for 12 bours pe Oate" ohe onludeti. llo week of ice lime anti untirtook Sonta o tion btCoucluor to bire a new professional. By Sot h rfeitecas Joccotacsbnibendrw for a committee of atijustment, Jiinecontrcts hd bee dwas up andi signeti with John Rod ti- a passed by Counicil that way~~~~~ atthAenacrI î any dispute arising betwee i design comymittee formed antiasbdvtd at n ft agnrlpafotecanvlTown's representalives, &i d eieti pl n orth crnv" sub-divitier will have the riglt GET FAST RELIEF with decidd tion."anti privilege of appearing bc- Thanks Arena Committee fore a committee of adjustment jR Mr. Hughes paiti tribute to appointeti by counicil, whii the Arena,ý Management Corn- final disposition of any differ-1I mittee anri in particular to Bob ences will be matie". Watt anti Cliff Samis xvho co- Council then moveti that the F OR T HE oprtt-ith the Skating Club draft Agreement wîth indlu. - 100 percent. He atite t ta the sions ant i mnor amentiments Club was fortunate in securing be accepteti. Motion was car-1 Reqi. Size 590 John Rotiway as the profess- ried. jonal, bis tcaching ability vzas proven because a higher pro- onm 98 portion of candidates hati pass- NEW O VIL cd their tests than ever e NE T VIL fore in the history of the club. Mr. Hughes thanketi the Mrs. Wm. Uglow who spent 1955-56 directors of the club. the winer witb Mrs. Morislh bard thinking anti bard work- to ber own borne. ing anti that il hati been more Mr. anti Mrs. Edgar Wbittak- than a pleasure to work wizîi er, Hamilton, and -Mrs.. Peter s themn. He particularly* men- Bradley, Bowmanville,' spen t SOFTEIt tioneti Bill Bagneli and Alex the weekent i wth Mr. anti Mrs. ' Anonichîîk for the diesign anti Arthur Redknap. R Ne t construction of the splendid Mr. anti Mrs. Murray PorterTE carnival properties. Mrs. Nor- are vacationing in Detroit. Ms maxn Mulholianti for supervis- Porters sister, Mrs. Harness of ion of the2 Juniors anti assist- Bowmanville, is in charge of anc wih fmii sktin. Fankthe store wiletbey are away.1 Il i~ i< tIi j &ociail &Ie rsonial I Phone MA 3-3303 ie Directory MVaiIed Ouf ,w Listings Line. COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS Pl OVER 500 T.D.A. STORES THROUGHOUT C IShop at YOUR DRUG, STORE - the saf e, logical anid jdependable place to buy drugs, medicines and other products for health and beauty care. Special on I.D.A.B rand I TOILET TISSUE Extra sof t - Extra strong Full size 750 sheet rolis 1Reg. 2 f or 25ce 2 F.r 23c Stopett e The original SPRAY DE- ODORANT with Anbi-im- munity factor. Gives tcf- mnite untierarm protection. 75c - 1.25 Vif, 7 Vitamins 100 Save on these J.D.A. Brand Specials! I.DA. Brand Heavy Grade - MINERAL OIL An odourless, tasteless ail especially refineti for internai use in trcatment of chronie constipation. 16 oz., reg. 55e 40 oz., reg. 1.10 I.D.A. Brand COLD CREAM SOAP Bath size cake that "lasts anti hasts" Pleasantly scenteti anti conlains Lan- olin ta heip keep skin soft anti smooth Reg. 2 for 25c 2 for 23e 12 for 1.49 or 12 for 1.29 MILK 0F MAGNESIA Creamy, pleasant tasting 16 oz., rcg. 35c 32 oz., reg. 60c MILK of MAGNESTA TABLETS Palatable, cçQnvenient 100's, reg. 39e 300's, reg. 89c CASCARA TABLETS Chocolate coateti, milti laxative 100's, reg, 39c 33C la Diet ý q 7 Mineras DCapsules 4.50 DENTAL CARE TOOTHI PASTES I.DA. Brand TOOTH PASTE Gives yau spark- Jing dlean teetb antidniint-fresb Lbreath Regular 57e tube 45e 2 for 89e TOOTH FASTES Amm-i-dent Forhan's, Ipana, Pep sode nt 33c - 59C - 85e Antizyme - Special! 2 69e tubes 89c ('olgate Special! 2 33e tubes 49e Kolynos Special! 2 59e tubes 89e Maeiean's 43e -69e Scquibb , 55e Family Pack of 3 tubes 1.45 TOOTH POWVDERS Dr. Lyon's 33e - 590 Pepsodent 33e - 59e TOOTU BRUSMES Masso - 29c Pro-phy-lac-tic- C'h i1d's ---69ci Adult's 29e, 59e Squibb's Angle Brush - -- 60ci Dr. 11est- 1 ('hild's -3We Youth's 40c: Adult's -6Wc COREGA Denture Atihes- ive - holtis den- tures firmhy and, comfortably -!i Eases sore anti aching gums. 33c - 53e - 89ci 1956 Phor Now BeingJ 16,-004 Nei A drawing of the famous Mc- Laughlin Public Library ai Oshawa brings a definite region- ai flavor to the 1956 edition of the telephone directory, now being mailed to Bow.manville telephone users. J. W. Lowry, Bell Telephone. manager for this region, said the cover illustration is the wor< of Canadian artist, Lorne Bouchard, A.R.C.A. "The library symbol- izes this area's ever-increasing cultural interests," he remark- ed. Donated to the city by Col. R. S. McLaughlin, the library was officially opened on Decem- ber 1, 1954. The drawing replaces the figure of the "Spirit of Com- munication," which adorned the front cover of the local directory for many years. The new illustration is noti the only change to be found in this year's edition, nor is it the most important. The 1956 book contains 16,004 new and changed listings. For tbis reason, Mr. Lowry recornmended that ail Bell customers discard ]ast year'se issue and start using the new issue immediately. He also urged telephone users to bring their "Blue Book of Telephone Numbers" or other personal lists up to date by com- paring themn with the new direc- tory. "Telephone users will find the blue books handy for listing both the local and the out-of-town numbers they caîl frequently," Mr. Lowry said. He added the assurance that fresh copies of the blue books, regular- and pocket size, are available on re- zuest at Bell business offices. Besides Bowmanville custom- ers. the new directory lists those of Oshawa, Cobourg, Port Hope, Whitby and surrounding ter- ritory. The continuing expansion of bhis area is reflected in the in- ERSONAL SERVICE )NTARIO TO SERVE YOUJ i Now!«Your choice 0f 3 GHIette SL7PER-SPEED ]RAZORS! One ha. cxactly the right odiu angle, edge expoeure and weaghcte match your face for superb ahavea, Cican, comiortabie, long-Iasting ahaves are guarawneed. VithBlueBla e sitiv be hi Fotr ae rae cs e. YFor menaice ýeatured on Gillette's Worid Serhu TV and Radio Broadcaata, NEW LOTION ' s DISCOVERYJecp deep flowing aq facial... <leonsel, clbans your shin up to 3 TIMES CLEANER Drugs À '1hone MA 3-5792 I F4 PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY McGregor, I Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store F .crease in the number of tele- tphone directonies needed for dis- . tribution this yean. Altogether Ê38,030 copies are being dclivered r in the area covereti by the book, *as opposedti t 35,183 in 1955. The number of copies for distribution this year in Bowmanville alone' amounts to 3,050, compareti witb 2,8-70 last year. MAPLE GROVE The C.G.I.T. meeting openeti with tbe purpase, prayer anti h.,mn. The roll cali was answcr- cd by sornething you titi in the Easter holidays. The worsbîp service was taken bv Joyce anti Barbara Milîs anti includeti a stary "King Daviti". Next week's rail caîl will be the date of your birthday. Betty Hempbill anti Vella McLeani will be in charge. We hati a sing-song, which was folioxvet by crafts. We adjourn- cd xith baps. Many of thie former residnt of Maple Grox'e will rememnber when Mr. Attrce resideti in the 'home now occupieti by Mr. anti Mrs. Arthur Gibson. Ahl are snrry ta bear Ihat bie passeti away last Fritiay in Toronto, in his 96tb year. Sympathy of this comniunity is extendedti t the relatives living in Bowmanvillc anti Base Line. We welcome Mr. and Mns. Stan Goleski anti family. Tbey have built a nexv home on Higb- way No. 2, first bouse east of Maple Grox'e corner. Miss Miltireti Snowtien spent bbc weekend witb lier sister, Mr. anti Mrs. Obis Pritchard anti famnily, Manotick. Master Peter Pritcharti returneti home with lier. Master Glen anti Paul Stev- enson, Oshîawa, visileti iast week with bis grantiparentF, Mr. anti Mrs. Boy Melcaîf, Base YOUTH. FOR CHRIST SPECIAL TEEN-AGE NIGHT with 'Guest Talent front Port Hope High School Duets, Trios and Solos Special speaker ,Youthful Rev. Ed. Prosser from Part Hope, Ont. BOWMANVILLE TOWN HALL Saturday, April l4th al 8 p.m. EVERYONE IVELCRNIE k 'r". fqÀVAnTAM CFrAMV-QffAW le 1 1 Bey. and Mrs. George Munr and son David, Sebright, vwsted with Mr. and Mrs. Morley Burg. ess. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Metcalt son Grant, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Stevenson, ail of Oshawa, were Sunday visitors with their par- ents Mr. and Mrs. Roy Meteaif. Glen and Paul returned home with their parents. The service on Sunday will be in charge of W.M.S. with the music being furnished by mem. bers of Evening Auxiliary; guest speaker, Mrs. J. H. McKinney. President Bay of Quinte Con. ference Branch. April meeting of the W.M.S. was held with Pres. Mrs. Ross Stevens conducting the business. The C.G.I.T. will re-affiliate with the W.M.S. on Tuesday ev'- ening, April 24, at 8 p.m. Miss Marion Beilman will bring the message. Mother and Dau ghter banquet will be May lst. It was decided to have a home- baking sale which will be on June lst at the Hydro Shop. It *was decided to have a Presby- terial officer to speak at our next meeting. Mrs. Morley Bur- gess took charge of worship and program. Worship: quiet music by Mrs. A. Beech: reading. Mrs. Burgess; scripture, Mrs. R. L. Worden: prayer, Mrs. M. Bur- gess. Mrs. Hodgert, Bowman- ville, sang two solos. Theme for prograrn, "Mission Tides" was taken by Mrs. H. J. Brooks and Mrs. C. Jeffery; reading, Mrs. M. Burgess. Meeting closed by ail reading in unison prayers ini mon thly, and the Mizpah bene. diction. V.0â 4VL "4qr. L"V. bdlàuu- m 0

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