TN~ ANAIANSTATSMAi. OWMIqV!LE.ONTWTnPAGZ ELEVEN fweeklies la in exces et 500,000 reaching over 2 rrillion readers. Weekly Press Helps - Teavrg xitnefo hs stoohe eestence for tee Assure Success fui lies are thoroughly read.I oftehomes get the local week- lnewspaper. In Bowmanville, Werden Leavens. secretary- munities as an advertising me- Weeklies have establîshed manager of the Ontario Weeklv dia, Mr. Leavens said, "The standards to which advertisers Newspapers Association, ad- ' must live up to. Unreliable and dressed the Rotary Club of weekliee are no t in campetitian objectionable advertising is bar- Bawmanville, Friday, October with other mediuni. We are red. This policy has proved pro- 12, at the Balmoral Hotel in complementary ta them. But fitable for it has pratected the connection with National News- - dignity and integrity of the paper Week. He said, "in this printed word. country we mus-t have a suc- " The Newspaper la a visual cessful agriculture. A strong, medium aurrounded by inter- weekly press will help assure ',etngeperience of hometown this". and district news. The adver- As te gust f Edtar eo.tiser ini such company gains ac- W. Jmes Mr Leven wa ..cess ta attention under most ableta elat anexpeiene ~favourable cîrcumstances. To during the early days of Warld challenge the leadership of the War II when he, in company nespaper as a medium for ad- ~ithMr.Jame an othr d- ~vertîsing, which is printed sales- rectors of the Weekly Newspa- , manship, is ta challenge the pers Association had gathered poiyo ucssful advertisers, at te oficesa! he ten Pimenational and local. at te oficesof te thn Prme There isn't a successful in- Minister of Canada, MacKenzie dustry or a succestul business King. The Prime Minister. ac- i aaata sntàvrie cording to Mr. Leavens, airea- -thneCnda tat is.flt dvertisedg dy hepvily assessed with the inthneparsAdrtsn i5 of service ta thýe man who requests and ambitions ot many, produces, by enabling him ta enquiréd of the group, "Weil dispose of his goods, and the gentlemen, what can I do for man who consumes, by telling you ?" him what is available ta add to The reply. bold and precise, his satistaction and, enjayment came tram Mr. James, then pre- of lite. sident of the C.W.N.A., MI. "Advertising is an invest- Prime Minister if's not a case ment, flot a speculation. Adver- of what yau can do for us: IA( Werden Leavens tising is fruitless if the adver- came ta see what we as weekly" tiser does flot offer samething editors, can do for vou and the we are in competition with wvhich will genuinely serve betterment of Canada." ourselves ta improve aur pa- some human want. -The busi- 1 In speaking of the impact of pers." ness executive is headed for the Weekly in the rural com- "The irculation of Ontario, disappointment if he satisties a 1 4 RODYAL Instant Pu(fdin'gs:,," 7 Varieties 2 for 21ic YORK WHROLE - KERNEL CQ«RN.. 14 oz. V.P. $h» 2 , for 29.c~ Pour Your Shortening! ST. LAWRENCE Corn Qji 1, oz. tin3 5c SWTFT'S FRESH1 Pork Shoulder Boast Lb. 41C SWIFT'S FRESH PORK BUTT CHOPS SWIFT's FRESH VEAL FRONT BOLLS Lb. 59C Lb. 39c SWIFT'S SKINLESS - BROOKFIELD PORK SAUSAGE - Lb. 45c SWIFT'S FRESH - Sliced BEEF LIVER r F 31c I. i o t, 2 a ""Pancake Festival"' SHIRRIFFS OId Fashioned 16-oz. jug TABLE SYRUP, '27c AUNT JEMIA 20-oz. pkg. PANCAKE FLOUE 21c BEE HIVE 24lb. Un COIN SYRUP 31c Macaroni Week CATELLI'S 16-oz. pkg. Macaroni or Spahetti 2 F,- 29c SAVE 6'e - SARATOGA 914-oz. family pack POTATO CHIPS ~ 43c GERBER'S - Mlxed, Oatmieal, CEREALSý HEINZ FANCY - New Pack - TOMATO JUICE Cereal, 8-os. 2 For 37c 20-oz. tin, 2 For 29c IH D l cg 1) LI 25c 79c 1 6C 59C FAB - 10e Coupon enclosed - Lge. pkg. DETERGENT 41c PEPSODENT Larte Tube rOOTH PASTE 33c COLGATES - Glant 59e ize - Save 29e DENTAL CEA>! 2 For 89C FROZEN FOUS IBBY'S FROZEN p 1 lUIT PIES 3For 89C Cherry - Apple . Blueberry SWIFT'S PREM 12-oz. tin LUNCHEON NEAT SWIFT'S PREMIUM CANNED HAN SWIFT'S PREMUM BEEF STEW SIIFTS TEIVEL SHORTENINC SSWIFT'S PARD DOG FOOD 1.49 15-os. tin S For 49C Lb. Pkg. 25c 15-0z. uin 3 For 33c Swifi's Sandwich Special Swif t's Brookfield Canadian Cheese 1,2 lb. rolli -------- Swift's Preinium Franks, 1 lb. -- 43e Hot Dog Roils, pkg. - - --___ 20e Ail Three For 87c Fresh Procluce Sunkist Valencia - Full ORýANGES of Julce - 144 size à2 Doz. 65C Fine Qualty, Firm, ]Ripe - Celo Tube Tangy, Julcy . Cailforna LEM ONS 17c 4 Fer, 25c Select Quallty - Californla - Large Heads L ETTUCE za17c Marsb Gr;own - FIuffY Whea Cooked POTATOEL 5 Li.29c THERE'S A RED & WHITE STORE NEAR YOU BOWMANVILLE MAPLE GROVE - ORONO -- Yeo's Marketeria Maplei Grove Groceteriaý Ma rketeria C ornish Justadd% CP tOma afLb. FIVE ROSES WHITE SWIFT'S PREMIUM - Sealed package Cake Mix 15 oz. 25c BREAKFAST BACON Lb. 89C B IG FLARES LIKE THIS will light up the Bowmanville area from 20 locations just before dawn some lime wit'hin he next two weeks, signalling start of natural gas service in Oshawa, Bowmanvjlle, Whitby. First step is ta purge r burn off ail the propane air gas in the distribution mains to allow natural gas ta enter the system. There will be 20 burners in Bowmanville, 20 in Whitby two days later and 40 in Oshawa the rnorning conversion begins there. -Photo by Toronto Telegram bis ego merely by spending dol- lar for dollar with his competi- tor. Quality, originality and in- itiative are needed. Fads or in- novations do not pay off. 1' "There are two kinds of a vertising. Product advertising and institutional advertising. The first introduces a product, a service or commodity; the second, interprets a company and tells its point of view. "Product advertising is well known, but you neyer know the product you want until you are told about .it in advertîse- ments. Advertising has redue- ed the cost ot goods By stimu- lating large demands advertis- ing is responsible for increas- ing production which, in turn, reduces per unit price. In concluding his talk on the important part the weekly newspaper plays -in the com- munity Mr. Leavens said: "It irks me when some agency men tell me they can blanket Ontario without the weeklies. Nothîng of the sor.t. The week- lies have a leading part in every selling programn and the retai ler should demand that his selling effort be backed up by campaigns in the hometown weeklies." Bill James, president of the Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association, introduced the speaker who is the charter president of the Bolton Rotary Club and who has done con- siderable work with the Hum- ber Valley Conservation Auth- ority. He was thanked by Keith Billett. The club secretary, Gea. Vice, was presented with his birthclay spoon. AI Witherspoon read a "Pome" in honour of the club's latest father, Jirn Stutt. Mem- bers enjoyed cigars and cha- colates, fromn the proud daddy, w1iile Jrn was the recipient of many gifts for his baby son, in- cluding a blanket f rom the club president Bill Rudeli. The club expressed their deep concern aver the sudden illness of Rotary-Ann Edna De Geer and were much relieved and pleased at president Bull Rudell's report that Mrs. De Geer was showing cansiderable improvement. - nuat anniversary dance ta be - j eld an Nov. 9. The club bas *Ibeen askè,d ta cater ta a smal -wedding on Sfturday, Octoher S201h. A Brenda York, Canada *Packers Cooking School was rplanned for Nov. 13 and 14 to be held in the Recreational Centre. Tickets may be obtain- ed from any o! the members. A lovely lunch wvas served by the hostess and ber group. Next. meeting ta be held at the home o! Mrs. Jno Carnaghan. L Recent visitons with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hamilton were, Mr. and Mrs. Creighton Devitt, Bowmanville; Mrs. Geo. Fow- ler, Blackstock; Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Dawson, Windsor: Mr. and Mrs. Wallace McBrien and Mr. and Mns. Jae Rooking, To- ronto. Mn. and Mrs. Les Gibson, To- ronto, called on Mrs. Norman Taylor, Thanksgiving Day. A great number from these parts attended the Ploughing Match in Brookîja last week. On Wednesday the schoohs tram Grade V tip tbrough high school chartered buses and attended in a body. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Martyn and boys spent Tbanksgiving with Mr.,and Mrs. Don Warren, Nobleton. Mrs. Phena Mountjoy, Osh- awa, spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Swain and famnily and Mrs. Gea. Fowler and called on several other friends in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Arm- strong and Hughie, B urat Ri- ver, were Thursday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray McGill and aIl attended the Ploughing Match. Hu~bie remained until Mr. Frank and Mr. and Mrs. Friday evening and returne home with his sister, Miss Jun Armstrong. Mr. and Mr@. Morris Bartor Richard's Landing, visited Mn W. W. Van Camp, Sunday. - Mrs. Ernest Belyea and Nan cy, Bronte, spent Tuesday t Friday, -Mr. and Mrs. Loin Wannon and Carol, St. Cathar ines, the weekend, Mr. ar< Mrs. Bruce Mou.ntjoy and fan lly, Langstaff, Sunday, wil Mrs. Norman Mountjay. Mrs Mountjay is spending a 4rev days this week with Mr. anc Mr&. Murray Byers and family Miss Dareen Runtz, Oshawa spènt the weekend with thE Harris sisters. Mr.* and Mrs. Roy Taylci spent Sunday wlth Mr.- and Mr&. Anson Taylor at the lai. ter'i cottage, Rice Lake. Miss Dianne Blair, Oshawa spent Saturday with her grand. mother, Mrs. Geo. Fowler. Mn, Fawler, accampanied by Mr, and Mrs. Dave Wilson and Lloyd, and Mrs. S. McQuade, were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rutherford, Oshawa. Mrs. Geo. Hambly, Easswood, Man., spent a tew days last * week with the Bailey and Mc- Laughlin relatives. Mrs. Gertrude Stephenson, Willowdale; Mr. and Mrs. Doug- las Stephenson, Patsy and Gary, Toronto, visited the Cecil Hilis iand Stan Rahms on Sunday. Ivhs. Gea. Nesibitt, Orillia, visited Mrs. Thos. Smith, Mrs. W. W. Van Camp and Miss Ethel Thompson hast week. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Clements, Norwaod, spent a couple of days' last week with Mr. anc Mrs. Russell Mountjay. The Mountjays attended anniversary services in Hampton Sunday and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Mountjay. Oshawa Presbytery 'Young. People's executive held their felhowship hour Sunday even- îng atter church services et the home ot Mr. Glen Larmer. Miss Doris Hutton and Mr. Don Nelson, Peterborough, were Sunday supper guests af Rev. and Mrs. C. W. Hutton and family. United Church was filled Sunday evenîng when Rev. C. W. Huttan delivered a fine Thanksgiving sermon and bap- tized the fallowîng: Todd Har- old, son o! Mr. and Mrs. Har- ald Martyn; Barbara Lynn and Michael Robert, children a! Mr. and'Mrs. Bob Wheeler; De- bra Joan. daughter a! Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Swain; Marie Uynn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Merrihi Van Camp; Heather Jean and James Russ~ell, child- ren o! Mr. and Mrs. Jim Coates; Jeffery Benson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Benson Brown; Kathenine Chaire, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Blake Gunter: Janice Kim- berley, daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Dorreil; and Susan Ruth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Thompsan. It was with..deep regret that the official board of Cartwright accepted the resignation of Rev. C. W. Hutton who has accept- ed a call to Rockyford, Alta The Huttans expect to môve the latter part of October. There will be no service in the United Cburch the next two Sunday evenings awing ta Cad- mus Anniversary, Oct. 21 and Nestleton Anniversary, Oct. 28. Our Men's Chair furnished the musie for the Anniversary at Enniskillen Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Percy .Van Camp and Mr. and Mrs. Osmond Wright visited friends hn Mid- land and called on Mr. Luther Van Camp, a patient in Bar- rie Hospital followîng a matar accident several manths ago. In nual-Meeting Ont. Federation Set for Nov. 5-8 Plans are announced for the annual meeting o! the Ontario Federation of Agriculture on Novemben 5. 6, 7 and 8, in the King Edward Hotel, Toronto. It was decided that the dele- gates sit aptt ram the visitons in the meeting room since only delegates are autbanized ta vote or take part in the discussions unless the chairman recagnizes a visitor from the visitons' sec- tion. The women's committee will meet on November 5. Reports and nesolutions will be on the pragram and a spe- cial speaker wvill address the evening meeting on November, 6. The prognam will conclude with a dance, and thene will be no banquet, an innovation in- tnoduced last yean. H. H. Hannam, Ottawa, pre- sident ot the Canadian Federa- tian oft Agriculture, will give- an address on Wednesday monn- ing, November 7, and Agricul- ture Minister W. A. Gaodfellow wilh speak in the attennoon, The directons' meeting and election o! officers will be held at the lunchean, Novemben 8. Herbent Arbuckle, genenal secretary, reported that the Federation will have a deticit o! about $8,000 at ihe year end, Sept. 30. Questions oq how ta finance the Federation will be submit- ted ta the Farm Forums in On- IWiltred lVartin; Mr. Joe and Mr. Wm. Thompson, Oshawa; g. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wood and rEldene, Bobcaygeon, were vis- itons ot Mr. and Mrs. Orr Ven- ning during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Archer and Mr. Vincent Archer, Bow- manville, visited friends at (Lochlin an Sunday. jMn. and Mrs. Harold Cale and family, London, spent -Sunday with Mn. and Mns. Har- aold Martyn and family. Mr'. and Mns. R. Davey and tamily fram Tyrone. and ?&-r.1 and Mrs. McCormick and tam- ily, Trenton, have moved inta the two apartm-ýents recently vacated in the Martyn Block. Mr. and Mrs. Len Hooey, Orano, and bis sisters, Miss Lila Hooey and Mrs. Carey (Vera Hooey), Toronto, called on Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dorrell Sunday. W.A. o! St. John's Chunch held their Octoben meeting in the Parish Hall on Thursday atternoon. Devotional was tak- en by Rev. Nicholson and the membens' new prayer repeated in unison. Atter the custamary business and correspandence final arrangements were made for the turkey supper on Oct. 26. Mrs. Gea. Farder received a hearty vote of thanks for the O.N.O. birthday cake she made for the falfair. Mrs. H. Mc- Laughlin kindly offered to bc Living Message and Bulletin Secretary in place of Mrs. Lamb Who feit it necessany ta resign. The church calendars are still the responsibility of Mrs. J. McAr.thun. During the day two quilts were completed. It was decided ta, hold anothen quilting on Thunsday, Oct. 18 ta quiît two remaining quilts. At the close of the meeting, lunch was senved by group 3 with Mrs. Geo. Staniland, con- venor. Sympatby is extended ta Mrs. Robt Bruce in the passing of ber 'sister-in-law, Mrs. Ada King o! LittIe Bnitain. tanao for discussion ane even. ing this seasan. The Federation is hampered in dealing with farm problemns by nat having mo-e executive and directars' meeÀings, J. A. Ferguson, Port Stantey, said. He mentioned that the labour unions give adequate tinancial support ta their organizations. A house without books is- like a bouse without windows. -Horace Mann. CHAMPION AFRICAN VIOLET Buckley's Flowers King St. West Slewart's Seed Store Division st, Look whot. you- gev wlth a Coàlema.n OILIIAtR Only $71.95 EASY TERMS : Small in sizo -Small in price - g1ant In perform- ance I Pro- duces 32,000 BTUs of heat per hour. A really fine room heater -a dandy auxllary heater! See this shadawed mahogany beauty for yourself. You1l be amnazed at Its 10w price-its high power! -Corne la ond luspc. Ibs ha4er Lan'der Hardware 71 King St. E. MA 3-5774 BLACKSTOCK On Tuesday evening ini the Community Hall there was a meeting o! the executive of I.Blackstack Girl Guide Associa- Lion with prospective Brownies and their niothers ta acquaint the mothers with the work of the Brownies. Mrs. T. Buttery, Bowmanville; Miss Humpnrey and Brownie Pack from Port Perry were present and demon- 1.tnated a typical meeting. They lepaned the uniforms etc., 1 ad hemothers asked ques- tions. Refreshments were serv- ed. Finst meeting ta be held Oct. 15. Brown Owhs and Taw- ny Owls are Mesdames Gwen Ballingal, Jessie Gunten, Shir- ley Turner and Josie Ijamiltan. W.M.S. o! the United'fChurch met in the Parsonage Wednes- day evening. President Mrs. E. Larmer opened with a poern. Mrs. Larmnen gave a splendid Thanksgiving devotionai papen and offered prayer. Roll cail was Thanksgiving Gleanings. Mrs. Jno McKee gave a reading "Autumn Scene"; Mrs. C. Hilh read, .Why S<outheast Asia". Rev. and Mns. Hutton showed the film "If You Lived in Ma- laya", falhowed by same inter- esting local scenes that theý j ad taken. Meeting chosed with prayer by Mn. Hutton. Mrs. J. A. Johnston thanked aIl, a!ter which she and group served lunch ta 17 ladies, eight child- ren and four gentlemen. Wednesday evening a shower was held in the Community Hall in honor o! Mn. and Mrs. Pete Catherwoodi (Doeeca Cachrane). Mr. Bian Hamilton was chairman fon a fine pro- gram and preserited the bride and groom with a table of gifts. Atter refreshments were served an orchestra from Uxbridge f unnished music for dancing. Mrs Stuart McQuade was hostess for the October meeting of the O.N.O. Club on Thurs- day evening. Final arrange- inents were macde for the an-à HEINZ 1-z. bottie O MATO KETCHUP SALADA 60's TEA BAGS DAINTY 16-os. pkg. WHITE lICE, JOHNSON'S 1-lb. tin PASTE WAX eYj irimuMWAT, OM. làm a a a, m TIM CANAD" STATEMUN. 13OWMANV=E. ONTAIUO r Lb. 29c