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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Oct 1956, p. 14

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Lowering Four Ton Gas Pipeline Three giant bulldozers are holding in place this 40 foot section of the 12 inchl .ga-s pipeline prior to it being joined ta the next section which can be seen just pro- truciii.- out of the water bv the man on the bridge. The circular cernent 'weights rail bc, Seen around the pipe. TÈhese are used to hold 'it in place when the pipe is finally lowered. Each cernent weight is over 1,000 lbs. and is bolted around the pipe. N atural Gas Pipeline Nearing Completion Plan Changeover Soon By Wm. G. James glass in between for added', pro- Within the next two weeks tection. over200homs inBowanvlleAttach SInkers over200homs inBawanvlle In order ta sink the Pipe In will be using natumal gas that the streamn and the wet swamp has travelled aver 1,600 miles it is necessary ta attach sink- *from the Texa.s oilfields. Bow- ers ta the pipe. These cernent unanville has the distinction at sinkers weighing about 1,000 present of being the longest dis- lbs. each are bolted around the tance away frorn the fields that pipe with six of them gaing on this gas is transported by pipe- each length giving a total liune. weight of well over four tons Work -for the past few months per section. bas 'been going an at a feverish These sections are held sus- *pace ta complete the 28 miles pended in the air by huge bull- of pipeline from Agincourt to dozers until the sections are Oshawa ta conneet this area jioined together by welders. with the natural gas pipeline This welding job is quite intri- that has been supplying the cate with four different rings Toronto area for the past few of welding required ta do the years. This carnparatively short job. Every weld is then X-may- stretch of pipeline is costing ed an the spot with radioactive the Cansumers' Gas Ca. wefl material ta' make sure there over a million dollars, are no faults n the weld. Some- Flrst To Convert times there are up to 40 % Rowmanville will be the firstfatsi theweswic cammunity in the district ta be means' cutting eut the jain and changed frorn manufactured satn vraan gas ta the cheaper, higher b.t.u. Perfect Welding content natural gas. Work of, A perfect weldîng job means the changeover will likely take that when the pipeline is under twa ta three days ta complete stress the pipe will break be- but it will be done smoothly fore the weld. Ineidentally, if by well experienced change- you are thinking of some tiade over crews. As soon as thc for yaur son, why not welding? pipeline is completed womk These sturdy men on this job will start earlY in the morning are making $3.50 an hour but ta get the job1 done. wark from sunup ta sundown. Last week, accompanied by They know their job well, are Clerk Walter Rundle of Dam- well paid but have no soft ]ington Township and John M. touch; they must be prepared James, M.P. for Durham coun- ta wade through mud and wa- 1v. 1 had the honour of being ter in the normal work day. takýen on a personall 'v conduct- DriIIing Overpass ed tour of this newest stretch The second section of work of pipeline by Mr. Charles H. we looked at was a group oft World, District Manager for machines tunneling through a1 C onsumners' Gas. At that time, road averpass. A huge trench is Shaw Construction Co. had first dug for the machine and about eight miles of lune left Pipe ',0 fit ini and then another 10 complete before the target giant bulldozer holds a drilling date. machine suspended in the Through the Swvamp trench. Attached ta the driller We saw two different sections is a pipe with a large bit or beinu- laid. The most intere,,t- auger enclosed inside. This bit e Juug par-t was a long stretch ýe keeps chewing away at thec iiug put into place ac~ross a earth îîntil. it cornes aut the9 -4ueami and througha swamp. other side. Th,, 40-Io 0 foot sections of 12 At the tiie xve were there, loch steel pipe corne covered the crew had hit a rock and s0 w-eh protective layers of tai-- the progress was slow. How- -rer) paper with a lav-er of fiber ever they keep the bit chewing r _____________________________away tuntil they finallv break through again. As they keepa IIJIGHLY STYLED I naving uinder the raadw-ay 1IODEI1ATELY PRICED thex- adcl pieces to the bit. The L.DIS'1 ~ ,XR 2s pmuelne through ihis sec-Ja LADIog E S'WER ion will bp placed thu-ough an- d Nine Pounds Pressur The pipeline follows w-ber- Rl ~-,acc u iie evýer possible, publicl.v ownedw 1',oads. Comning into Oshiawa il ti- (or. Athol & Celina. Oshava follows the Base Line ta1 l zon Road. Here there is a regu- ai WtN1DIJ. MATEUAL' BOUMNYILI.ONTARIO Welders Join Pipeline Sections ri bi ci lator station which joins up with the line running 1o Boxv- manville. The natural gas tra- i vels fromn Oshawa ta Bowman- ville through a four inch pipe. When the gas arrives here it will be at about fine poundts pressure which is considerably' more than nIanufactured gas Pride in Their Wing* Consumers' Gas and their employees take a real pride in their work. Wherever the pipe- line crosses a driveway or ai boulevard is tomn up,' every effort is made to put the area back in better shape than when the work slarted. This also ap- plies when their work crews' make an installation ta a eus- tomer. Incidentally w hen you have gas installed in your bouse, Consumers' Gas put the pipe! 50 feet in from the street line free of charge. If it is necessary ta go beyond this only a small, nominal charge us made for! the work. Non Poisonous Gas It is interesting to note that4 natural gas is odourless and11I' non-poisonous. In rder th at: you can smell it a light perfurne is put in sa that in case of-' leaks you will know what is happening. This week, letters went out ta ail gas customners asking for their co-operation in the change- over expected ta take place in the next two weeks. The con«- version is done free of charge and will take about an hour ta complete. At present, a tai- get date for conversion ha,- been set at Mon day, Octobei, sent makin-g Ib.his officiai. YELVERTON A hectie week in Yelverton this--with fowl stîpper and cleanup, the local farm sale, the World Series. Ploughing Match ail vying with faîl farm work for immedjate attention. Little woruder farm. operations are lef t beckaning. Prices realized at the John Wright sale were not, we ima- gine, too satisfactorv ta the vendor as another young farrn- er dissatisfied with the low in- come inherent to the farming game seeks greener fields. Stili another joins the rank- of the "hobb 'y" farmeu- as Mr. Ray, Robinson accepts emPloyment in Lindsay ta abet the farm net. MOSt Velvel-tonians attended t least one dav of the Plaugh- iog Match. TÈhinik sorne day ,-e'll go and sec somne plough- ~iig Onta f droolin.t up and- own the rows of newx mach- uery. TaC.a lorn ng with thpir par- nts Currentîx*- ar ir. an d lVrs.j Robt AtckisOn J.1r.and farnily xith the Mult Stevensons and te Robt. Atchison Sr. Mr. and Ms Gordon Heaslip. ind Wxec daughter, Toronto, The man w:th the \veldor*s protective shield is Harold Herman of Willowdale zho is \vaiting to wveld two sections of the Natural Gas Pipeline together. Four weld .ings are nced for the job but .w7len a perfect weld is obtained it will actually e stron ger tJuan thie steol pipe. The other man in the picture is one of the construction ewsignalling thie bililozer opeorators to put the pipe in place. MWr. Herman has ust retuired frorn a wxeldingç job on the West Coast Transmission Line in British ýolumbia. nspect X-Ray Machine Photographing Welding raé an, eut tha the H. Sta The littie r'nachine sitting on the Nat ura' Ca-s pipeline countaurus radioactive dium which X-rays the join that has just been welcled. This machine xviii show up y' faults on the photographie plates. Any..Joins that have flaws are immediately tout and the job is done again. This method assures the Consumers' Cas CO. .t they xvill have a steady flowv of Natural Gas without any leaks. Shown inspectin g Eoperatuon are, left to right: Walter Rundie, Darlington Township Clerk; Charles World, Area Manager of lte Consumers' Gas Co., and Bill James of The Canadian aemDrilling Under Highway Overpass Suspended un this huge trench can be seen the giant drililxith its bit-Jike' uge diilling under the highway overpass. The pipe wýhieh vou can see xvili hold the gas pipeline .xhich within two xveeks v.-ll be car-.ying Natural Cas to Bowmnanville for the Consumners' Cas Co. At u tii-nie titis picture w-as taken thc crew hiad bit a rock and vei-e giindinr axvav ai th(, obstacle until thev could finally break through. kvith the Geo. Heaslipz . Geo. Butheiforris of Oshawa. Saturday at the trousseau tea: jTiie Badminton Club 01)"2uý e.Amiîroýe and Miý-s Xita heid forNi- abr4ne Mc zhop on Thui-r -da 'XîînPol lard, Poutvpool . Mrs Bertha rat ,ehmofe p- Oct. 18 for th(, i57season .AII ao vehML- i enders. O- t:ehm fhcpr intere.ted are inited to atten. W lr alrwt h ents. On Frida: night the au t. 'v-.j.:Iaîeol!n4Tahlyit e th- Visiting with the A-t Row- PbiSbool Speakin- C onit',,ta wr r n r: tý-r will be held in Yelverton, li r. ai-iri Mrs. Ra * yWerrv and aswr x.adMs twr interested are encouraged to' Debbic, Ottawa, home for thte- Walter and bcn.\s, Toronto: Miss attend ta lend their support tb Sharpe - Ashton nuptials, and1 Phîllis Crawford and Mr. A,- this important phase of public called on the Harvey Malcolms.1 fred Jackson, Braoklin.' sehoal MrsRotAchonjM. and Mrs. Harold-Stinsop On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Rve Jr. and familv, were callers at visited Dalton Browns of Fleet- Gibson and Sandra ,vith the the Ralph MalIcolms. Iwood on Sunday. i JhnWmgbs.Miss Emmna Henders called Sari-y to report ibiat Mrt.; The Llox-d Evans and famil", on the J. Porters in Linds-ay on Louis Stinson blas injured hec of Raglan with Ille Jack Wi' Saîriay. foot ncceýSîtating a hoý. sons. INMany 'Yel% crtonian p 1a and a 10-day conva:escenueI The avidW4âons with, the were Presentla~ Lin5y on a oe THRSIDAY, OCT. leth, Ion0 BÜ K T Nwitn rooni. There was ne BURKETONat in the roani and nOe&& Reetvisitors wvith Mrs. planation as ta the cause of the Carter were Mr. and Mi-s. .Air-!explosion has been found ta thur Beiry and Jimmy, Mr. and date. No damnage was done la Mrs. George O'Brien, Toronto. the station, but the loss of the Ali on il w as quite costly. The o:I. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Alisn contained in a glass jar, encascd Oshawa, with Mr. and 1%Mrs. in a wooden case, seemed -ka George Allison. be in good order when brought Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Ribe in for shipment ta St. Thomias spent Thanksgiving holidays bx- James Meltan early inth with Miss F. Riey, Baltinmore. day, but it exploded about .1ilUe Mr. and Mrs. Johin Jenrmr,. p.m. It hiad flot beeni moved in Chatham, are spending a week any way fromn the time of its with 4Mr. and Mrs. Ribey. arrivai until the time of the Miss Jean Smith, Toronto; explosion. Mr. and Mrs. Houck, Bowman- There was cause for alarni ville; Mr. and M\/rs. Cartlidge, at the C.P.R. Station on Sun- Philadeiphia, U.S.A., were oay when the stove-pipes caught weekend visitors with Mr. and fire. Mrs. Bone was preparing Mrs. Sam Hall. the breakfast, wvhen she deteet- Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Garw ed the smell of soot burning. Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. On inspeeting the pipes which Russell Dean and famnily. go up through one of the bed- Mrs.Selea Laervand iisj sy she found they were TrnoihMrs. GeeaLvrant Car-, ail burning and cracking. Due Torotowit Mrs Grnt ar-ta the high wind, it wvas feared nochan and Mr. Tom Trick. the chimney would catch ire The W.A. was held at the toa, but fortunately the chim- home of Mrs. Clarence Avery ney had been cleaned earlier when plans were made for the and aIl the fire remained-iii the bazaar, November 14. pipes and noa damage of any See Coming Events for Burke- account was done. ton Thankoffering w'hen Rev. Mrs. Howard Hubbard han R. R. Bonsteel f Manvers will retuned ta lier home in Carn->ý be special preacher. duff. Sask., after spending three '- Intended For Last Week months with relatives here and rHoliday guests at the home in Oshawa. of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bone for Many from here attended the the Thanksgiving wveckerid were Ploughing 'Match in Brooklin. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. White of ______________ McLaughlin Fisheries and Mr., and Mrs. George Wallen, Ha- T 1 C K E T S german's Sideroad, Milliken, TO EVERYWHERE A slight explosion occiirred Air Rilor Sutea i at the C.P.R. Station last week JU YConsuit wlien a five-gallon glass jar of, Bowmanville cedar ail burst andi spilled the 1 15 King St. W. MA 3-5778 contents over the floor of the ___ ______________ T-V SERVICE From antenna ta' picture tube, - Our expert tele- vision service men are qualifie I to give your TV top service! DAY OR NIGHT FOR EXPERT TV SERVICE CALL US YE Radio TV/ Service 3 Silver St. Eownîanville Phone MA 3-13482 LET US CHEM YOUZCAB M DRIVE IN TODAY! M%,ake sure that your car vil1 pass the safety check. Let our experts check your wheel alignnient now! Know thât your car is steering perfectly and that there's no wear on your tires. Robson Motors Limited PONTIAC - BUICK and VAUXHALL CARS. G.M.C. TRUCKS AD itiing M. 15. Ilowmanvihle Two telephones toserve you - MA 3-3321 or 3-3322 -~ '-i 4 ARENA A CT! VITIES PUBLIC SKATING FRIDAY, OCTOBER 191h 1 81Io I.1 .. Admission - - - - Aduits 40c, Students 25c PUBLIC SKATING SATURDAY, OCTOBER 201h 8 Io 10 p.m. Admission - - - - Aduits 40c, Students 25c PUBLIC SKATING WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 241h 8 Io 10 p.m. Admission - - Aduits 40c, Students 25e PAGE FOUR-TEIEN 0 riru class, tourist and coach 0 Scenic Dames for ail passengers. accommodation. 0 Reserved coach seaus at no extra cast sDiaing room and coffee shop serices. e Low-cost family fares. e Unique Murai Refreshment Louages. 0 Diesel Power ail the way. Informationi and renn'oio.s fro yous lcW g Ndret oo The enly 5<enit Domo tout, acres, Cancuda 62 -6 * IMM nAvAnTAU OnAngvemZA" iip%«ruma l'ver" v m ,,MEMORIAL

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