v - . ,-- s -r - TRU SDA , OT. StI, 150 '~ !APAfA q A @~IA % P~DA ft~? PY~ -- ~ 4*~~ 5~ ~J~1 * 'DUV WJI.iI A.AIz. JC1J. MUL M inor Hockey League's Start Practising Saturday Morning A total of 216 young hocke: players formed into 18 teani of the Bowmanvjlle Minor Hoc key League under the sponsor ship of the BoWrmanville Re creation Department will ho]( their first practices this Satur day morning at the Mlemoria Arena with the Bantamns start i.ng at 7 a.m. Four more teams have beer added to the league this seasor with two of these being in tht Atomn section and two in th. Bantam, Coaches and refereeý are stili needed and anyone iný terested is asked ta contact thý Recreation Office. A new ruling has been set ur this year and states. "Player; nmissing more than three games without good reason, will bc releasOd from the team and nol q Iloweid to play for any other ~earn in the league." 'Practicc Urnes for Saturday October 20 are as follows. Bantams 7:00 a.m.-Tigers and Pirates î:40 a.r.-Cubs and Lions lu:20 a.m.-Braves and Huskics Pee Wees 9:00 a.r.-Red Wings and Black Hawk. 9:40 a.-n.-Bruins and RîingerAz 10:20 a.m.-Canadians and Leafs Atoms l :00 a.m.-Bisons and Hoî'netý 11:30 a.n.-Rams and Barons 12:00 noon-Indians and Bears. Practice tinies for Saturday, October 27 arc as follows: L o To Pay Past Due Bis To Consolidate àlonthly Payments For Holiday Expenses For New Purchases For Emergency Expenses Conioin Today Try The Beilvue Way' en a 'ay frorn Incorne Plag BELLVUlEý- FINANCE COR?. G. a. WILSON, Mgr. 9~ Simeoe 8.Dil 12 1 OSHAWA !y Id Il n ,S r Bautama 7:00 a.m.-Braves and Cubs 7:40 a.m.-Huskies and Pirates 8:20 a.m.-Lions and Tigers Pe. Wecs 9:00 .m.-Canadians and Bruins 9:40 a.m.-Leafs and Hawks 10:20 a.m.-Rangers and Wings Atoms 11:00 a.m.-Indians and Rams 11:30 a.m.-Bears and Hornets 12:00 noon-Barorjs and Bisons Following is a list o! the players and their respective coaches. Alil players should be dressed and ready for practice a short time -before they ar(. scheduled ta go on the ice. Bowmanvulle Minor Hockey League Atom Teame Bisons - (15) - Michael Et- cher, Tommy Carter, Robin Vir- tue, Denni»s MeFeeters, Denni Secord, Walter Rickard, Paul Buckley, John Hughes, Terry Baker, Donald Thompson. Hon sWilsoli, Reginaid Robinson, Donald Sweete, Gary Crombie, Pat Vinish, (Coach)- Barons-( 15)-Lanny Burns, Terry Devitt, Wray Rendeil, John Lockhart, Larry PerriF, Larrv Taylor, Bob James, Bi.1 Depew, Alan Raby. John Bur- *gcýssTcd Bate, Gary Butler. Graydon Colville, Bobby Bry- ant, Ronald Wilson. Coach- *Tom Depew. Hornets-( 5) -David Wright, Douglas Raby, Dennis McDon- aId, Geoffery James, Dougla3s Parkin, Garfield Webb, Howard Burgess, Gerald McDonald, Gregory Hornigold, Peter Wer- ry, Philip Balson, John Depew, David McFeeters, Brian Brad- ley, Ricky Gay. Coach, Hon Oke. Indians-(16) - Douglas Mc*1 Feeters, Robert Barron, Dapid Puk, Ronald Hooper, Charles Evans, Donald McMrter, Lar- ry Lunneman, Ken Miller, Mor7- ris Honeyman, Paul Welsh, Ste- phen Witherspoon, Paul Peter- son Gene Balson, David Kerr, Fred Lucas Bradley Lucas. Coach-Len Lucas. IRgms (16)-Thomas Brooks, Jeffery Gilhooly, Wayne Leach, -L arry Lee, Norman LaBine, Ir- ,-%Win Colwell, ChVistopher Quin- ton, Gar-y Akey, Leon Carr, MdiëbJael-,Leddy, Jimmy Brown, Gary Gr49fin, Neil McGregor, PeterBbebwell, George Moore, George j9.el. (Coach)- -Wayne Hunt, .,hgie -LàWson, Peter Buekier, Bruce BâÜiett, Paul Sweete, Ar- thur 'Jacsson, Peter Vanstone, Stevern. -,3rns, Randy Cole, Jirn Dil1ing, Ijohn Kilpatrick, Halph Cole, B>~ Cobban, Larryr Rog- erBhBudai. Brian Forsey. Coah-Ke« Kelly. Bo*m 'anvillIe Mnor Hckey League ê.ee Wee Teame #ngs- (13) - Gordon Finney, Wayne Devitt, Bob T1C KE T S TO EVERYWHERE Air, Rail or Steamship 1 Consuit JURY & LOVELL1 BewnmanvilleJ 15 King St. W. MA 3-5778 a __________________________ I ___________________________ VIGORC SERVICE S' Two miles North of Newcmsthi on Hlghway No. 35 PHONE 3881, NEWCASTLE VIGOR STANDARD GASOUINE viGoRt 111GH TZSI GASOLUNE 3 9ç 4110 >IL Smith, Allan Brock, Andre' Woodrow Ferry,' Larry Welsh, Jon Hancock, David, WifliamE, John'Bruce%Gord Rundle, Bar- ney Hawthorne. Coach - Ed. Rundle. Rangers - (13) - Douglas Hurrie, Honnie Bry.ant, David LfIbRobert Maquire, Ted Gould, William Rudeli, Allax Andrew, John Goode, Alan Hooper, Don Kerr, 'David O'Rourke, Arthur Foran, John Twist. Coach-Walt Goode. Black Hawks-Leo McLanê, Doug Lane, Bradley Yourth, Kingsley VanNest, Paul Mutton, Bobby Lynch, David Gibson, Bobby Sleep, George Kennedy, Stephen Barclay, John Oke, Alex Wiseman, Lèigh Somers- cales.J' Coach-M. Oke. Canadians-(13>-Da%,id Sta- ton, Jim Collacott, David Go- heen" Gerry Wilson, Ken Veitch, S eba s ti an Sweep, Daniel Hughes, David Woolner, Alan Plummer, Walter Gibson. De- vid Thornpson, Blaine Pickard, John Terhune. Coach - Andy Thompson. Bruins-(13)- Scott Essery, James Lane, Don Rickard, James Wilson, David Allison, Don Butler, Douglas Gibson, led Brown, Norris Turner, John Allin, Don Masterson, Don Tor- diff, Terry Black. Coaches- Sam Black, Bud Oke. Leafs-(13) - Robert 'Black- burn, Ronald O'Neil, Robert1 Hellam, Ronald Garvock, Wil. liamn Taylor, Wayne Wray, Rir- ky Peterson. Douglas Hooper, John Carter,--Ray Crombie, Tom Stacey, David Hig.gonl, Mike Dickens. Coaches--Alvin Sta- cey, Joe Markle. Bowmanville Minor Hockey League Bantam Teame Tigers-(1î) - Jin- Vandçri Scha,,af, John Dykstra, Bob Ste- phn, ]eson Yeo, Doug James, Irving GilI, Grant Wri ght, Mon- ty Emmerson, Alvin Masterson, Wayne Mavin. Coach-Ab Ma-î vin. Lions-(1il)-Jimmy Ander- son, Philip Vowles, Glen Black- burn, Bill Bai-ton, Don Bagneil, Roger Meadows, Bill Osborne, Vincent Malloy, Paul Hancock, Allin Cole. Coach -Mike O s- borne, Pirates-(1) - Bruce Millq,11 Joe Schaafsma, Garry Ormis- ton, Brian Howcraft, Lee Rack- han,, Joe Bothwell, Winston Vanstone, Gan-y McCulaough, Ben Thompson, Larry Jamieson. Coach- Braves-CII) - Jimmie Mc- Knight, Larry Hancock, Paul Gearing, Gerald Balson, Ross Turner, Allan Woodlock, Bob Burgess, Murray Walker, Keith Welsh, Laird Wilton. Coachi - Tom Turner. 1a Cubs-(ll)-- James Rickard, a WaIlie Babich, Donald Welsh, J, John Clark, William Bickle,y Larry Piper, Wayne Therteil, Grant Flintof!, Harold Mutton,a rerry Wraight. Coach-Geo Pi- per. Huskies-(11)-Bryan Hughes, Bob Wallis, Tommy Wilson,V Ronald Welsh, Antoney Molloy,c Brenton Hughes, Bill Crossey, John James, Ken Park, Rich- ard MeLean. Coach - Harry y HIughes. Co. ýTATION Gai. Tan tai Gai. Ta n& ISTOVE GIL - For your convenieuco. in mual] quaniliés available ai the stationIiI OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS Gilhooly - Roils 3.3.3 To Take High Single Men 's Major Leag ue Br AI Osborne team and rolled 543 bis first Don Gilhooly in bis freshiman nfight out. Nerm is a good bowl- year proved thet he will be a er and na doubt will reised hic big asset ta the -.Major League average befare the ceasan is very by bowling the high single gare. ad. io! the week with 333. Thisj Team Standing [must have been Gilhooly's lucky W L Plns Pts. 1day as bis favorite team the Bagnell 9 3 13268 20 New York Yankees had just wonI Leslie ____8 & 13204 19 the Werld Series and Don was Brock 8 4 13338 18 $100.00 richer. Milne 8 4 12568 18 Four other bowlers bit aver Little 7 à 12712 171 the coveted 300 mark. Ed. Leslie Steven 6 É; 12537 15 bad 312, Hon Richards 305, Deug Dale - 5 7 13464 131 Taylor 304 and Bert Engley 303. Osborne - 6 Iî 12811 13 Hon Richards led the way in Cale ___ 5 7 12662 12 triples with 769 and Doug Tay- Brough 4 8 12985 10 ilor was e close second, 761. Gord jPelle y 4 8 125e4 9Q Sellers hed 7î44. Elton Brack'and. Oke 2 10 12336 41 ITeg Bagnell bath with 741, ýBert Aeae IEngley 7U5, Reg Heerle 720, Bd. Aeae Leslie 719, Pete Dobbins 709 Gaines Ave. and Bob Williams 703. AI Osboîne____ 12 241 Mel Dale's team for the third Elton Brock 12 240 consecutive week bad high ingle Pete Dobbins 12 239 score 1235. Ted BagnellVs pack-j Doug Taylor 12.. 230 cd tea;l won bigh triple, 3478. Ted Bagneil 12 230 Wild Bill Oke's Choppers had Bill Hearle 12 228 ]ow single, 818, while Jack Bill Westlake 12 9-27 Brough's team bad a 2926 triple. Frank Williams -- 12 223 Alley Chatter Jack Gay ------*-- 12 221 Rocs McKnigbt was baving Matt Harrison 12 221 nightmares as be neerly broke -Dr. H. RunElle 12 221 all low records for the Major 1 on Richards 12 219 League. Ross wvon low cingle Ernie Perfect 12 218 wîth 85 and came back with a Ed. Leslie-- 12 217 smashing 393 triple for-an av- Bert Engley- 12 216 erage o! 131 per game. Dave McKnight 12 216 The pressure of being Captain Jack Lander ---- 12 212 seems ta be telîing on Jack Murray Larmer 12 211 Brough as he came up with a Hon Maynard 12 210 nice game of 85 and hic neighbor Hap Palmer -- 12 210 Bob Kent bad a dandy 91. Bob Morlev4,Vanstane 12 210, was beard ta remark that bowl- George Stephens 12 210 ing is the most frustrating game Ralph Kelly ---- 12 210 in the warld. Mel Dale --- - 12 209 The race for high aveifege is Gord Sellers 12 209 getting tigbter witb AI Osborne Jack Coole 12 208 holding down top spot with 241 Jack Parker 12 207 and Elton Brock bas moved into Bill Bates 12 207 second place with 240. Pete Fred Cowle------- 12 207 Dobbins has.239 in third position Jim Levett -- 9 207 for 12 games. Frank Lewins 12 206 Ted Bagnell's team shellacked Bill Steven ------ 12 205 Fred Cole's team for 7 points Carl' Leslie..------ 12 205 and took over team -leadershili Dr. K. Siemon 12 202 with 20 points. Ed Leslie's out- Clarence O1<e 12 202 ftas19 points for second place. Don Bishop 12 2111 Norm Cowîe bas taken John-1 Russ Oke--- 12 201 Stainton«s ple1ce on Bill Polley's1 Ed. Rundle 12 201 *~~S (S.Ii c reec/i (9tI 3 'qy Evelyn Brown Gice ÇIub T1his year's Glee Club hac gat off ta a fine start, thanks ta Mr. Dhppell'c generous timeta- bic. Undier the supervision of Mr. Peters, the practices are held every Tuesday and Friday a!ternoon from 3.00 ta 4.00. He reports that he bas a remnark- able men's section and plans are being maide for male, fe- male and mixed choruses this year. On the agenda for this season, are the following: selections in Commencement and- Drame Nights, competition in Toronto and Peterborough Music Festi- vals, a Cantate, a Spring Con- cert, and an aperette, possiblyI "The Gondoliers", for next year. Sports Trhe rugby te.m lias been trining since early in Septem-. ber for the first game, wbjch vas ini Ajax last Friday. The' boys are laoking very well this cear, under the coaching oft Mr.t Ross and Mr. Swatridge wbo believe they Should wîn most1 of the games. Others in thei league are Cobourg, Port Hope1 nd Ajax. The first home game will be et the Cream o! Barley )n Oct. 31, with Cobourg as the pposing team. A Cross Country Meet was eid under Mr. Sheridan's su-r pervision on Tiuesday, Oct. 91 rhe winners were (1) Wilbur! emaon (11:51), (2) Ken WiI- amsan, (3) Rocs Kossatz, (4) 'ed Goddard, (5) Wayne Ma- in, (6) John Vaneyk, (7) bharlie Trim. These seven )oy.s wili run Rt Hîgh Park in oronta on Saturday morning,' )ctober 20, for the Ontario 'igh Sehool Cross Country .hampionchips. Around The Sehool Several films sponsored by he Student Cauncil, have been îown et noon holars in the As- embly Hall. A radia and scoreboard were, et Up In the Auditorium for' he basebaîl fans ta lîsten ta he Warld Series in Spare Per- ads Lieutenant Commander Tay- r o! the Canadien Navy spoke 9the students o! 10, 12 and 13 nOctober 11, about the future fthe Navy, and the great part tplays ln the modern world. [e elso spoke about the won- erfui opportunities for any oys and girls who plan ta nter the Navy, telling how imn- ortant it is ta remain in ýhool ta get ail the education1 Issible. The annuel Red Feather ,ames et the C.N.E. Grand- tand are being pleyed to-mr- ow night, Friday, October 19.ý %ose playing in the tourna- int will be the best High chool rugby teems in Ontario. Io busloads o! spectatars wili egoing ta Toronto !rom the -hool. ti b m y E ni 0] liq Ti '7 bi T( C th- si- se se tih i> loi ta or it Hi de en Po sel Po GE sti ro, Th Sc' TV> be &CI Flfth Forai Dance An Initiation Dance for Grade Nine was held on Friday, Oc- tober 5 et the school. Both girls and bays came wearing odd shoe and socks and the boys with their jeans rolled up lo j their knees. Thev wore a1 piece of cardboard on theïr; ibacks, bearing their -name. The next dane. spansored b;' the Student Council, will be at Hallowe'en. Richard 1l On y T. J. P. XII OnWednesday o! lest weem, thFora, and a few 5th Forni- p 'swent tn Tornntn to sec Richard il a:t te Royal Alex- andra. The play was presented by the "01d Vie" Shakespearean players. The production spark- led with jewels, multi-coloured costumes and scenery, and the acting was excellent. Afrýer the performance, we 1 Rock, 'nRoll 'Tou Ain't Nothin' But A Hound Dog» If you don't corne in and ses our selection cf Men's, SPORTS JACKETS Reg. 29.95 NOW $49 iPAGESEVEHTWM Club Voices Gratitude Brookdale Firmn Drops Sponsorship of Roses 1 went to Lichee Garden&, where we enJoyeci a waortrul ver. iety o! Chinese dishes. The management presented eacn person with a pair of souvenr chopsticka. We arrivod home around 8:30, a tlred but happP 4roup of voyageurs. The new cheerleaders we chosen Tuesday of this weeft by secret ballot in assembly. tThey are: Pat Marr, Sharon Kilpatrick, Mary Mitchell, Mon- ica Schlingenseipen, Barbai a Brown. Betty Mcponald, Ru.n Goheen and Mary Ann Heavy- sege. The spares are Jossie Barr and Audrey Spicer. These girls will make their tirst ap- Pearance, along with thef ma- Jorettes, at the rugby gamne on October 31. 71Speaking o! rugby, the 9-H iS. team were defeated in Ajax Son Friday, 26-0. Mr. Rosa still Jhas great faith in bis teamn thougli, and lie believes they will do better as thoy became accustomed ta çompetitio n. HAMPTON (Intended for last week) Miss Mary Lau Daw, Reg. N., Toronto, was, a Thanksgiving weekend guest with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Daw. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Chapman, Toronto; Mrs. R. J. McKessock, Oshawa, were guests of Mrs. Joe Chapman. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Jeffrey, Toronto, spent Thanksgiving weekend with Mrs. C. E. Je- frey. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Warren spent the holiday weekend with friends at Ethel, Ont. Miss N. Horn visited Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Horn, Oshawa, and attended the Ploughing Match' at Brooklin. Mr. and Mrs. A. Herring, Oshawa, visited Miss Wilmil Leach. Dr. and Mrs. Gordon Martin, David, Bruce and Ann, Rich- mond Hill; Rév. and Mrs. New- ton Reed and Susan. Sunder- land; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Heed and Carolyn, Scarbar- ough; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Leighton, Jim and Jacqueline, Niagara Falls, N.Y.: Mr. Mal- colm Reed, Toronto, were Thanksgiving guests with their parents, Rev. and Mrs. F. Heed, this being the first time îhe family have ail been together in this way. Mrs. M. Mountjoy attended the funerals o! Mr. Norman Mountjoy, Blackstock, and Miss Lulu Milîs, Whitby. Mrs. King who has been a patient in Memarial Hospla], Bowmanville, while receiving surgical treatment is now at home and gradually recovering from. ber ilîness. A few friends and neighbors gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Adam9on in honor of their 4Oth weddingl anniversary when they pres- ented Mr. and Mrs. Adamsori with an afternoon tea set. A pleasant social hour was en- joyed by' aIl. Bowmanville, Ont., 1 Oct. 15, 1956 To the Citizens of Bawmanvllle: On behal! o1 t.he executive and players o! the -Brookdaiel Roses" I would like ta take this oppartunity o! thanking al aur baseball.fans for their generous support this season, aIse the Bownxanville Rotarv Club for equipping the Vincent Massey School grounds with the best basebali park in Central on- taria, the Bowmanvile Board a! Education for the use of the preperty and asat but net least, Norman Scott,. General Mans- g er o! the Brookdale Kingsway I td., for being aur sponsor. IThe 1056 basebaîl season has beon a very succesaful ont, even if we did flot retamn aur Inter- m ediate B. Championship of On- t aria, and we are proud ta an- nounce that the bail club fin. l shed the season on the right side of the ledger. The ônlY gloomy note in an otherwise pleasant season came last week when we received word tram Norman J. Scott that the Brookdale Kingsway Nur- sery would nto langer act as sponsor. In 1945 when bacebaîl was being revived Norman Scott came ta the rescue and offered ta, keep the Ëowmanville Base. beIl Club the best dressed teamn in Ontario, if the Club wauld wear the name "Brookdale Roses" on the unîforms which be would pravide. We accepted this offer an>d Mr. Scott ful- filled'his obligations and mare. Our- relationshîp with our sponsor bas been over the past eleven years, a most enjoyable one. The executive and meni- bers o! the teamn have been en- tertained nt banquets, social events in Toronta and in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Scott many times. The mobile equip- ment of the Nursery bas ai- ways been at aur disposaI. Any That Venning lad that works down at Bruce Minns Clothing is no ELVIS PRESLEY but he's 'sure singing the news of their fali sale Men's Winter Underwear "Man You're Really Gone If You Miss These Bargains» COMEINATION < A Reg. $9.95 --__ NOW 9 2-PIECE UNDERWEAR NO $1,2 "Don't Be Cruel» Who . Us? Wby we're not cruel and te prove it we're offeringr WHITE SHIRTS Reg. $3.95 INOW reg. 32.50 Men's Trench Coats Engiish Poplin in shades of sand and navy. Daddy-O - These coats are just the greatest for the wet weather ahead. NOW $3.29 JEANS TANS -NAVY - BLACK (Counter soiled) Reg. up te 4.95 NOW$19 (Dgthat crazy price) NOTICE - When rushing for bargains please stay off My Blue Suede Shoes. Bruce Mrins CIlothfn4!j Men's and, Boys' Wear 59 King St. E. -Bowmanvdlle Phone MA 3-5423 I -~-wxwwwxwwwwwwwwu-w xwxwwwwwwwwwww~7 ********* *; A ... ... ...IA...L ReCAF CARRER COUNSELLOR Bowmanville Town Hall SATURDAY 20 OCT. 56 Be sure ta' have a chat with him while he's ln town! Find out how you, too, can join the RCAF and train as a Pilot, Observer or Aircraft E ) Technician! There's a great future in aviation! 1WURSDAY, OCT. lm, 1958 TM CAMAnTAN RIATP-qUAU nrWUAVVW.v-lP PwmAoTr% ,Norm haý% always been granted. i The financial assistance given by Mr. Scott will be misseci, but more than that 1Will be the e 1rnçfny ies he has Cômne to the ai fthe Cluab when we were ini hot water. We, the exeçutive of the Club and we know the fans ot Eow- manville wish te thank Norman J. Scott for a very plegsant rnemory of the basebaîl era of 1945 to 1956. What is the future of Base- bail in Bowmanville? We de flot know, but we know there would be no doubt about next se*son if the Brookdale Kings- way Ltd., were still connected with Basebail. And so, until next season, 1 remaiin, Yours truly, Alan H. Osborn. President o! the Bowmanville Basebali Club Everyone may see daily instances of people who corn- plain Irom the mare habits of complaining.-Richard Graves. CONCRETE BLOCK Contaet ONTARIO DLOCK and TILE LTD. For QUALITY and SERYICE on your Concrete Bloek Requirements .Cail Blacksiock '.88W Poil Porry *513 Sunderland *123 b a P a y ai c Yi ""PLANT A HEDGE" - "ORDER NOW!#" CHINESE £LM PRIVET RED IARIERRY t.mos~amiIammstOt.I.g "Amarume" cari. -12-inch ise, 2S fer 12-Inb gsine, 100 fer et,, madtiuu *.98 or $20 e ps.50; 11S-iveb sise..100 rotk.-thm n 82.00 y for 8.0;2-f t. viie, 2S lai, ykinî: 18- * fer *.9So 1.0~r o uh i. PEONY ROOTS * 100; 3-f i sise, 25 fr 23 for 84.91 orRemtorpat $4.98S or 131.00 per 100. 1 1900per 100. , àtfr 11.88. Ora RED UPIEA @UEVSFOR I L ODR CAàNADASb FINEST COLOURED GARDEN Grisbi * BROOKDALE-KINGSWAY NURSERIES BOWMANVILLE (?bhon* Day or Nitht, Market 2-334S) ONTARIO