t -- ?HVIt8DÀY, OCT. lUi, INS - Classifiai For Rent APARTMENÇr for rent. Phone MA 3-3573. 42-1 THREE unfurnished rooms, Up. ,stalrs, with separate entrance and bath. Phone MA 3-5393. 42-1 MODERN, bright, three-roomed apartment. C è n t r a 1, heated, adults. Phone MA 3-3843. 42-1 TWO-roomed apartment, heated, with conveniences. Apply 101 Scugog St. 42-1 * LARGE brlght roomn for gentie- n'tan. Board If desîred. Phone privileges. 205 King East. Tele- phone MArket 3-3186. 42-1 SELF-contained, heated, 2-bed- room apartment, availableS'ov. lst. Central location. Adults. Phone 3-3690., 41-2* SIýÇ roon house, just off High- weV ,i 115. Apply Keith Bradley, Po*'pool. Phone 8 r 12 Orono. 42-2 130 ACRES, good farrr Apply Mr. G. Kovacs, Tyrone. Phone Orono GROUND) floor apartn rent, King St. West, I ville. Phone Oshawa Ri SIX-room apartment. in Bowmanville. Immec: session. Telephone Os] 5-5920. MODERN heated ap central, aduits onlY, $5 Oshawa RA 3-3972, 34 rnond St. E. FOUR-room apartment piece bathroomn and entrance. Adults only. Box 145, Bowmanville, APARTMENT, 2nd fli Stedman Stores. Two i kitchen, living-room, par back kitchen. Possessio Monday, October 22nd. to L. C. Mason, Barrister EXCLUSIVE self-contair bedroom apartment, fi floors of hardwood ar modern kitchen, heated ment utility room. The1 Apta., corner o! Divisi Wellington Sts. Possessi îst. Contact Stuart Jarn phone MA 3-5681. Notice to Credi AND OTHEILS IN THE ESTATE OF EU O. MILLSON, Decea ALL persans having against thé estate of th Edward O. Milîson, late Township of Darlington, County of Durham, Farrr ceand, who died on or ai 14 ay o! January, 1954 TWuship of Darlington, County of Durham, are rt to file proof of the san the undersigned executori last Will and Testament said deceased on or beic loth day o! November, after which date the said tors will proceed ta dis the said estate, having only ta the dlaims of whic shall then have notice. DATED at Oshawa, C this 1 11h day of Octobe 1956. STANLEY R. MILLS() GEORGE D. MILLSOb Executors, by Creighton, Fraser,1 & Murdoch, 5 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario, their solicitors herein. Livestock For Si 19 PIGS, nine weeks aid. Perrault, Newtonville. Ï2 PiGs, six weeks oid. Ron Brooks. MA 3-3961. FRESH cows and somne freshen soon. Apply Z. . chop, or Phone MA 3-2926. PEKIN ducks, alive. Two worth sows, ready ta Leslie Taylor, Burketon. Blackstock 80 r 12. BARRED) Rocks. Pullets ing ta lay, S. E. Thor north o! Church. Solina. phone MA 3-2377. 700 - ½MONTH aidr New Hampshire crossed Barred Rock. Cheap for sale. Joe Miterer, R.R. 3, castle, Base Line. Tele Newcastle 2192. LANDRAGE cross-breds race X English Yorks). and sows. Five monthso ready ta breed in 3 ta 41 This cross was displayed Ploughing Match. Contact His, Enniskillen. MA T TC KE TS TO EVERYWHERI Air, Rail or Steamchi Consult j ua & LO0V E1 Bowmanvillo ning land , R.R. 1, TUE CANADIAN STATESMA4. UOWMANVIL& .ONTARZO 12 10 1 aU.I~J~ str. YV1rite wiegsI)ept '~.lj 42-1 J-140-2, Montreal, P.Q. 42-11~ ment for NEEDED, ambltious men ta Bowman-Icover good territories. Iiaterest- Happy littie girlsà A 3-3559. cd salesmen contact us immed- They are the daughtersc 42-1 * îately ta reservé your territory. manville. -Guaranteed products. Very good _____________ King St., commission. Assured success. daepas- $18 needed. Jito: Dept. 5 - 5130 I A hawa RA St. Hubert, Montreal. 42-1 4a2-1ntWOMEN WANTED A GasorCg 50. ih For lght factory work. f G s C 41 -t Rc- Steady *]Employment with 3- Apply in persan D *in h *private lt Ont. Fuel bill savings up ta ai 42-1* Prrodis Ltd. excecding $60 a year arei ucisprospect for larger volume u oor over 63 Temperance St, Bowmanville ers of propane air gas whe bedroomn, 42-1 natural gas arrives in the Ost ntry and - ada, Whitby, Bowmanville are n about MEN' WANTED in about two weeks. *Apply The Ontario Fuel Board -ha r42-1* For light factory work. lapproved the Consumers' Ga ned two Steady employment. Compainy's third rate reductio in 19 months, and it is Consum fireplace, Apply in person ers' policy that rate reduction nd tile, 1 vr~' pply in ail of the company' d. Base- Speciali y raper natural gas service areas. Octagon ian and l The new rates will becon ion Nov. rouUCiS bLU. effective in the Oshâwa, Whit nes tee- S Tulprane S., owmnvileby, Bowmanville districts whei 41et, te42-Te1rne tBwmnil appliance conversion has beei 4ltf 42-1complete<l. The change-over to natura itorsas will begin in Bowmanvil.i ithin the next two weeks. Ti conversion of appliances fro. EDWARD propane air gas ta natural ga ýaied.use will take two days in Bow Pad. manville. ýh nid 41'T itywhere canverio Lo!'the ~A p~licaions Will start immediately after thi ýin the .LjP. Bowmanville conversion i mer, de- will be reeeived by the completed, the job will take one bout the undmrigned up o, full day. 4, at th& Conversion date for Oshawz ýin the. Sturday, Of 7 96wl be announced later. Hert equired S Ot.he196f work will continue through ne with for. the position of three days. ri; o theIt is estimatcd that the 120( t of the roreman domiestic, 'commercial and inr tethe1 dustrial gas users in Oshawa are956ý for the Roads and Streets and, Whitby, Bowmanville bavea execu- Works Dopartment for the total of about 1600 iâpplianices; stribte T wnofaIl of which must be converted ý re gard Tw fB owmanville from propane air to natural gaE ich they 1 use. Better, more efficient op- AIl applications must be in writ- eration of appliances is antici- Ontario, ing, stating age, experience and pated as a resuit of the change- r, AD. salary expected. avern f A. L1 LYLE, Cost of the conversion work ON and Town Clerk.: will be borne iby The Consum- N, Bowmanvile, Ont. ers' Gas Company. October 16tli, 1956. 42-1 First step in conversion wi]l Drynanbe the purging of bhe mains- Dryan Work W anted burning off the propane air gas ta allow entry of natural gas. GARDENS ta fall rota-tiI!. Tele- This will take place in the early 42- morning, with purge burners 4-phone MA 3-5718. 42.1 lacated on the streets. XaÂe PLUMBING, heating, caves- There will be 20 purge burn- S troughlng; froc estimates. Harvey ers or flames used in the Bow- Lorne P&rtner. Tyrone. MA 3-2240.* manville district. absout the 42-1 le.t same number in Whitby and about 40 in Oshawa. Phone iPLACE orders now for Christ- Next step following purging 42-1 mai knitting. Phone MA 3-3692. is what is called the I'Make Mns. C. A. Vivian, 81 Ontario St., Safe"' round, in which conver- due ta Knit King district representa- sion experts must visit the rBens- tive. 42-2* premises of every gas user in . 42-1* the district being changed aven , a-OSHAWA WELL DRILLING 1T 15 ESSENTIAL FOR o Tm-Commercial SAFETY that the conversion farrow. linduatrial and Roidential men be able ta enter ALI 42h1oney prem-ises when the "Make Safe' - - Phone OSHAWA RA 5-7828 round begins at 7 a.m. sa they stan- Eenina jcan shut off or témporarily ad- sOn, Phno OSAWA l 3735 just ail gas appliances before Tele- 40neOSAW RA3-3 4 1actual conversion. 42l-14- Immediately ail appliances are "made safe" actual conver- pullets, MASONRY and CONCRETE sio n work w iii begin. J with 'Repairs or Structural Because natural gas has con- rquick Brick, Block or Concret. siderably more beat value (by ýNew- Estimatea' Froc volume) than propane air gaý, lephone PO. Box 177 L. TURNER ail1 appliances must be adjusted *2-1 honoMA 33231ta eut down the intake of gas (Lad-Phoeni MA 33331 by about one-half. (Lan- Eenigs M 3-338Aiso, natural gas burns witli Boams 37t! more air, so air shutters on ap- o! age, pliances must be re-adjustedi. wecks. SAVE MONE'Y AT About 140 men will be ea- at the - A E' gagcd in the work. Each man LRalph D VE' will carryv an identification 1- SH1OE1RE7PA. card which he will show on re- -- ~. Ail gas users will be given - FastPom tService adequate warning or notice of P r m p th e d ay a n d tim o f co n v e rsio n àlj 42-tf concernied. Letters and folders will be L L delivered ta homes and factor- LL Children neyer put off until ies, with complete information tomormow that which will keep and instructions on appliance .5778 them out of bcd tonight.-Glep use during conversion. Preston Burns. Custorners in Oshawa. Whit- by or Bowmanville now us ng -- - -an-ave-rage-o!. .he-eq-wvaent1in u'..WIIIîCsuvuuICg~ viquauimjll APPRECIATION DA Y DRAW EVEI, -ruEDATY 3 P.Nq. Jackpot Value This Weekb - $535 This week's wlnner, 5% coupon -$5O Mms William Smith, 44 Queen St., Bowmanville DONT FORGET - NEXT DRAW, TUES., OCT. 23 at à p.m.. Town Hall KIDN EYqCIDS, Rob your Rest.. ukmigt. nLTi. ua ad oa-ara - 'nea'-when- t ml I*hhà hiém. Hefi"y kideys 6ir pisonsaadexceas sodas fromeintt Mo.If tuaplad>and hffldties stay imsyshrn-dsbwwa rtaiaos. hiIlfpou do't rma»I pt ami osa Dedd's Kidoel PiD& Dodds Dodds KIdn.Plis Sparklinq Eved Sisters ed Ads, I Heip Wanted 1 W0MAN for general cleaning' o»me alternoon a week. Phone Nèwcestlo 2651. 142-11 iMEN wented, expenience la wood1 working requireti. Apply Peuh' IL Sltnpkln Cabinet Co. Ltd., 160 1Chureh St. 41-t! ]JT time for store, Friday 1 afrnoenu, oveningsaend Satun-: deys.- Write P.O. Box 205. 42-10 COUPLE or woman ta look alten, children in mothenless home Telephone collcct, Oshawa RA 5-1986.421 MIEN or wamen anxious ta hae their own business, we have' aplenditi oppontunity for you. No s.lllng experience needeti. Write for froc catalogue anti de-,j tailà to Familex, Dept. C. Ste-I tion C. Montreal. 42-11 IF you are ambitiaus, you cen meke gooti witb a Rawhcigh bus- iness Ia Whitby, Darlington ànd Bôwmenvilic. We heip you get; starteti. No expemience needeti '~~' Mrs. Fred Motyl and daugh- k,-- ter Janitè, Beàrdrnoré, Ont., is -. - ~visîting hem pàrents, Mr. anti r - Mrs. J. A. Wareck, and lier sister, Mms. Dodyli -White. Mr. and Mrif Bruce Power - . ..~. ~iandi family, Blackwitér, visitéd anti family SundaV. Mr. andi Mis. Keith Billet ~~j<:. ~ .....~ ... ~andE. amily, Bowmanville, a 4 . . illett's«. . ~"~' ~ Mr. andi Mrs Lealie IookE, theSteen siter, ind agd an Dan,18 onts.BoWmanville. wlth Mr. andi areth Stvn.sses id gd3adDw,1 ot. Mms. Bert Stevens. of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stevens, Steve Dale Farm, Bow- Master Wayne Àllin attended -Photo by Fitzgerald a birthday party of È littie friend la Bowmanville on $at- 5 Lucy andi EtselI Graham. M.Mm r.yatnor o b.tWrg, Ii~~MrsTIr1 andi Mrs. Cliff Reidi were Sun-; M, AnbtM.RotWiht o- p r t o day supper guests. MmAle- Heà$lip, Jenetville; Vistin Mr. R Brnchlas1tMr. and Mmm. Russélli Mount- Vistin Mr. . BanMrs ihjoy, Blackstock, Were Sunday 2Sunday were Mr. and rch iev;- itors with Mm. Meî%vin 553L4IIqrI Davy Jr., Mr. anti Mrs. Arciei outjy. Wattam, Miss Ruth Wattam, ReatclestA.WPr- VeandM. DulsWta i cott's: Miss Loraa, Cochrane Verona.r and Mr. Sain Adamns,*Bowman- an e v rVisitors of Mrs. Bmranch Sm ville' Mr. and Mmm. J., S.Edy tiiaewere Mm. Don Howse of Goti- en ro;Ms-G .Gioy ndaepaying at present rats frey, Mr's. Jacob Branch, BQw- Pveiand on; ls, G.Colmbys in $23.34. At the new naturel'aî gèvranville and Mm. WalterMr.p antid oug.Bla eolubns is- rate the bill per month would Branch, 'Oshawa. an Mi . BiNewaastae. h-n A us mr$18.19.ax iretMrs. Stan Porteous visit- Dr. and Mrs. L. B. Williams, îh-A gas or o ing poaeare with Mrs. Thompson Mon- Bowmanville; Mm. anti Mms. C. uegse f,000cubkic only, average dey evening in her new home. E. Horn, Oshawae Mr. and ase 6,cent per feet, will save Mr. anti Mms. Stan Porteous Mmi. Gardon T.eask, Saline, ýas Focetpr manth. liad Flossie Graham cali ta sec were Sunday visitorr with Mr. 'rs Frheating, cookiîîg and themn Sunday afternoon. and Mrs. Sarn Dewell. on bouse heating customers the M.ad Mr.J. Payne visit- a- savîng could be up ta $7 a Mr. and rs. - I Mm. an ns month. eti Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Eddy d ati Mms. hampayel atie 'sJn the commercial andi indus- last Frîday. Suntiay guests at andi Mmi. Ada Tanîblyn, Omono, trial fields, savings could range> the Eddy'É were Mm. Norman resprgutioM.an from more than $4 per month Eddy, Miss Barbara Evans anti wMsuPPe Wlr andetaso Mn. m me p ot 18 andti , $30 a Mr. Fred Yeo. cd on other relatives on Sun- enmot for very large uisers. (neddFrLs ek day. enMr. anti Mms. Bruce McClure iMm. - and Mrs Peney Carrol anti son Douglas o! Port Credit anti Mm. Wesley Carroll, Part ai Tird Lîn Clrke were visiting with Mrs. Ro Hope, visited - Mrs.W.G l hr ie ake Branch anti family over th Doidge. e Ms.A.Perntendbc holiday. weekend. Mm. Fmod Green, West Win- ta Plowing Match at Brookîja hast Mr. anti Mrs. Freeman Ed fieldi, N.Y., spent hast week at as Thursday. visited with Mr. anti Mrs. Har- A. L, Blanchard's. V_ A for'mer third liner, Mr. ry Stuckless in Toronto over John Lucyk, now o! Columbus, the wcckeati. Mm. Norman Eddy Mr. anti Mms. Burrows, Osh- 'fl anti Mr. anti Mrs. Ray ay wag at home for Thanksgiving awa, wcme Suntiay visitors with e of Port Carling, Mr.Penney ati. LrMrîR.e an a also visiteti Mm. and ,Mrs. Stan were visiting Mm. anti Mrs. Jack Mr' anti Mrs. Gardon Wakely, 'C Porteous. Bridger during the week. Mm. Dorothy, Catharine anti John- ýh Learning to drive? Want ta anti Mrs. Moon were aise Sun- ny, Toronto, spent Sunday with try your skill before taking day guests. hem sister, Mrs. Luther Allia ýO your driving test? We have just Mr. and Mrs. J. McLaren anti anti fmmîly. 1- the roadti t test it on, inl oLli fan)ily visiteti relatives in To- Mr. ana Mmi. R. Brown4, Port 8, district, îunning tî-om Brown*s onta SUnday. Credit; Mmi. William Rae, Mr. a Scbool north to the thîrd line. Dianne and Bruce Robertis anti Mrs. J. Brown, Miss Cheryl 5, Sarting at the highway Pro- have been confîneti to bcd since JNeii, Toronto, were Suaday ti ceti aorth witb a gooti grip on they moveti to Toronto a week visitons mt A. L. Blahard's. I5 your steering wheel until YO ago. Hope they're up anti> Mm. and Mrs. M. Termy, Osh- pass over the numerous pot aroui d o e wa, with Miss L. Reynolds hales. Alter bassing the scbool1 you cen sit back andi relax a Mr. anti Mrs. Bill Couch anti anti Miss Floreace Wemry Sun- shor ditane unil ou a~sfamihy spent the holiday week- day.. shorc istanhoue, wheme you cati visiting frientis anti rela- Ms.Cecil Lackwood anti *will observe wash-outs an bath tives inl Smiths Fahls anti Brock- MisMrlnL1kod ss side a!theroai. ow hisville, leaving carly Sunday awa, caileti on a number of Lroati is about 10!' ft. wide, momning anti returning hte'feni te vlae o thsewshousaie lset Moiîday night. Thurstiay. S3 t. in with ou te clverage Miss Flossie Graham andi Mr M. Ceci>. Shemon has be-n s. car being 5 fLt. 3 or 4 in. in anti iVrs. Clii! Reidi were Mon-coietwthfu y width, it leaves you wîth ap- day gucsts with Miss Lucy anti 73 poximately 21 in. clearance. Mm. Etiseli Graham. -oMs A L R V If you get bhrough consider Sympathy is extended aM: APE uu.. 1- youm sense of judgment gooti Baihey, who receiveti word o! -anti you shouldn't have any the dea th o! hem brother-m- Mm. and Mmi, A. P. Spencer e trouble passing an oye test. îaw, lest week. Mrs. Bailev îhave returneti home eftem spenti- d Continuing on dont travol a, flew ta Orlando, Floritia, te ing the past two moaths holiday- excess speeti, for if you maet atend the funerel.- ing with their daughters, Mrs. H. gan oncaming matomist you Mm. Al! Perrin anti sons, Tom-.C Hurlbcmt, Toronto, anti Mms. ewouldn't want t makea sud- my anti Douglas, visited KirbY Whitney Grose anti Mr. Gnose den stop for aur schooi chilti- hast Suntiay anti weme supperan rdauhe Dboh eren use this roati and some s at Mr. anti Mms. W. A' ati enddaunghtm r.Dah woultin't want some chîlti saii- Mm. Ingles of Tomante accom- Siag througb your back wintiow. VT ~ panicti them boome. n If, for sakoe o! argument, yoi.i MONI The church was beautifully L meet a car or truck travelling decorateti with autuma leaves south anti thcy have ehreedy Willmia Thomson, St. Mary's, and fruit for the special Thaks- crossedthebb bridge, you bave visiteti et Fred Camemon's, Wos giving service last Sûnday, also o nc o! two courses, eitheà glare Cameron's anti Russell Stain- beRtismal service. Our pastor e him aut anti wait until lie backs to'.le seilTaksiigms side o!thesfom orte tar Mmi. Chuck Tommy, Mrs.- Percylsage for ail. A sehection was sieoftebridge frhi oDevitison, Mrs. Wes Cemeron, 1 sung by a number of the Junior -pull over ta let you pass) or Mrs. Russell Stainton visiteti Sunday Sehool, anti a Tbanks- cise let bita cmawt you aver Mrs, Ray Cameron at MemomieliJgîvîng antheta by the choir. ta the side anti scratch your Hospital, Bowmanville.! The following babies were car up in the trees. We*ll pro- Mm. anti Mrs. Allen MeGinnis baptizeti: Linde Anae, cdaughtemi sume this oncoming driver is anti Neil, Hartley, et Russell' O! Mn. anti Mmi. Bert Snowden; a gentleman (or lady) antid ek1s' JRâlph Wesley, son o! Mm. anti shows somo cautesy andi lets Mm. anti Mrs. T. Thomas, Scer-! Mmi. Cecil Milis: Jeffemy Steven, yau pass, so on you gi but if borough, et Russell Staintoa's. son o! Mm. anti Mrs. Steve Doyle-, yau try anti pick eut the best Miss Janeen Cememon, Toron-f Colin Tormance, sono! Mir._ anti places in the oati, enyone foi- 10, at Rav Cameron's. Mrs. Wm. O'Ncil; James Law- lowing yau wiil think you . e Mr. anti Mms. Victor Hulatt [rence, son o! Mm. anti Mrs. Me], practising your rhumba lesson. Lois anti Diane, Oshawa; Mmr Edwards; Shamen Kristen, tiaugh- *As you came ta the bridge it- anti Mrs. Lorenzo Trul. Mrs* tem of Mm. anti Mrs. John Noble; self, bordeîîng the plaîiks is a Ruttan, Hampton; Mm. anti Mrs - Robent Neil, son o! Mm. anti Mmi. haie, dotige it, but dont pick Tom Samson, Mms. Samson Sm., Don Brooks. up toe much speedtil nk h Toronto, et Russell Pcrkins'. 'fMr. Fred Ormiston. Brooklin. * hil, for on the other adeo! Mm- atir.- CaresNyl%- ____- - - j iaMat Mm. andi Mrs. R. Han- Walt -Wbit'man.- lcdkat daughîor. Peggy from -, The devotion of thouglit ta te fourth lino.- an bonesi achievemnent makcs Phonc Miss FlosEic Graham w-as the aehîcverîîent Loossible.-Ma- visitixig aven the weekend wîth ry Bakier Eddy. will occupy the pulpit on Sun- day.1 Maple Grave Choir led in the 1 service o! sang in Albéýt Street iUnited Church, Oshawa, last Sunday evèning. Dm. andi Mrs. L. H. Coates, Brantford, wcre wéckend vis- itors wit their cousins, Mrs. L. C. Snowden, Miss Mildred, Mr. Bob Snowdén, aléà calléd On Mr. andi Mrs. H. G. Freéman. Mm. andi Mrà. Allia Butlér, Mr. andi Mrs. Percy Walters, Osha- wa; Mm. Bob Noble, towx, were' Sunday visitors with the form. em's daughtem, Mr. and Mrs. John Noble, Base Line.f . nsses Merle and Hazel Pow. er, Mr. Harold Power, 10shawa, were Saturday visitors with their cousins, Mm. anid Mrs. C. H. Snowden. Mm. and Mrs. Leslie Collacutt, were Satumday visitors with their cousins, Mr. andi Mrs. Sher- wood Collacutt, Oshawa. Sher- wood was a former resident of Maple Grave. Sherwood and wife are leaving this week for Palm Beach. Florida, where they will make their future home. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Millà, Mr. andi Mrs. Gordon Shunk andi family,, Mm. and Mî's. Lloyd Short, aIl bt Port Perry; Mr. Harold Milîs, Bruce and Chester Milîs, Enniskillen; Mm. and Mrà. Albert Short, Seagrave, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and. Mrs. Cecii Milîs and family. Mr. andi Mrs. Russell Ward, PAQE .- NTEN Mis. Helën Entwhistle, Mm. Bd. Hanson, Gloucester, Mass., vis- iteti their cousins, Mr. andi Mrs. Chester McGmatb. Mr. andi Mr. -Bill Davitison, Toronto, Mn. anti Mm .Sein Snowden, Blackstock-, Mr. anti Mrs. Howard lîigadamn, Miss Margaret Syîowden, Kitchencr; Mr. land Mmi. I!ery Snowden, daughter Debox-eh, town: Mm. anti Mrs. Ron Rogers, deitetr Nancy, naov residing at Mjaple Grave were aIl weekenti visitors with their parents, Mn. anti Mms. Allia Snowden. Many Attend Hampton- Than k-offe ri ng,.Service The FaIl Thank-offernn ser- ail. Our choir untier the dl- vice o! Hampton United Chumcn rec tion- of Mmi. K. Caverly, wes helti on Sundey aftténooi contributeti anc anthem selec- with Rev. F. J. Reed inh charge. tîôn, "Hia Namnei Excellent"~ Rev. M. T. Holmes, B.A., B.D., 6y Caleb, Simper, which also was welcomod ta the pulpit as receiveti favo.rable commen; guost miftistor anti presenteti Miss N. Horn was et the ogn an inspiming Thanksgiviag mes- Wewrepea oan. sage which wei much appre- ewee lasttahv a Wîllard number o! frientis from neigh- Mms. ilr Cook of 0mb-! borîng communities joining in awa, misa bmought inspiretion f ur warship service. ta the services la hàr twýo loves JCburch service next Suntiay ly solos, "O Lord Correct- Me" will be at 10:45 a.m. Mr. Stov- by Hendel anti "Hé Smiled On on Saywell o! Northt Oshawa Me" oby Geoffrey O'Hama, go Chumch, will ýoccupy the pulit effcctivehy rendened. Hem sing- i the absence o! Mr, Reeti. ing was vemy much enjoydd by, Sunday Schbolalt- 2 p.m. D A-6C E TO ANDREWS and fis Canadian Ranch Boys 9 p.m. - 12:30 Broadesting from aur stage - 11:30, CKLB, RED BARN NÉXT WEDNESDAY ,Rusty and 1lou1g and many ethens FROM WWVA, WHEELING, W. VIRGINIA OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS Gîvé YOUR "Car A HOME THIS WINTER Complete 12' x 20' Garage Material ONLY $1800ERMOT AS CLOSE AS YOUR PHONE Dial BOWMANVILLE MA 3-2130 Now is a good timne to build that garage you need so badly. It is easy ta "do-it-your-self" and yau will enjoy the friendly atmosphere at Oshawa Wood Products - Stop in today. MANY STYLES TO CHOOSE FHtIJM RElEMNER - NO DGWN PAYMENT OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS MA 3-2130 COURTICE RA 3-4661 'f"Always look ta Oshawa Wood Pmoducts for the Best" -a" 'n TV Owners! oe have your acrial checked before win)ter. nest selection of rotors and roter meniais. receiving Channel 6, Toronto, we %viII fix iL ANTEEI) FREE ESTINIATES 0V.N E TV MA 3»5522 There are now more than 70. diLUerent householti electnie ap- pluhaces la use in Canada, cota-. pared ta only 19 in 1930. HAMPTON ýK. a