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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Oct 1956, p. 4

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PA TO~l TEE CANADIAN SIATESMML BOWMANVILLL ONTARIO Tm JRSDAY, OCT. 18th, 1950 Cu~rrent atýd Con fidential e 87 Uùe .Carruthers Lunney LAKESHORE DYNASTY wife was a Marsh from Ver- Follawing the aid Lakeshare mont. The Spp)ers settled first ]Road from Newcastle ta Port li the Bay of 'Quinte region, Hope one hazy Indian Summer and their son Timothy barn in day recentiy, we identified some 1789 (the Sopers preceded the aid landmarks that have long Marsh brothers> was the fir.3t interested us. This was part of white child born in that town- the road that Captaîn Asa ship. The Sopers in 1795 moved Darîforth laid out in 1798 fram ta Hope Township and the lo- Kingston to York and- that is cation was close ta where Port why you wiil find an it houses Britain arase. Samuel Marsit more than a Century oid, and and his bride joined them i the site if you know where ta there ini 1796. look, ai others built befare 1812. ** Armed with the Écrgp book A GROVE OF LIILACS com pled by Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Reynoids who for many For years in going throughi years lived near the famous old this quiet village, we had noted Marsh house on Highway No. a very aid stone house, and we 2 near Welcome, we journeyed were deligbted to find this pic- once more ta the village aitfedin one af Mr. Snider's Port Britain on the Lakeshore columns. It was buiit in 1853 by Road. The clippings in the 1Robert Marsh, a son of theI scrapbook are f romn C. H. j. pioneer Samuel who died of Snider's column, "Schooner ague in 1813, and a brother of Day 'z' of 1939 wben Mr. Snider William who buiit so many did a series on Part Britain ships, at the mouth of thej and the U. E. Loyalist Marsh creek and shipped s0 much tim- famiiy wbo founded it and ber from bhis forests. buiit a fleet of schooners for In its heyday in the 1850*s, Lake Ontario from the timber Port Britain had 350 ta 500 in- xvIiich grew on the grant af habitants and was a tbriving several thousand acres which community. There wvas a griqtJ thie pioneer Samuel Marsh re- miii and saw mili (older inbab- ceived from the Crawn, and ta itants remember the grist miii); which he added as bis fortunes also twa cooperages on the road pr-ospered. running south to the lake, and Samuel Marsh came to Can- one of the coopers was William ada in the winter of 1794, cross Dinner. There are stili Dinnerst ing the Bay of Quinte on sleighs in Port Britain. There wereV with bis brothers. At the Car- stonemasons, an uphoîsterer, an rying Place, Mr. Snider tells, blacksmitb and a veterinarian t he saw a group of skaters and who was Hiram Soper, son of i fell in love on sight with ane the pianeer Leonard. And manyu of themn, Jane Ostrom. In Feb- others.0 ruary tbey were married and East of, the aid stone housep so was founded in Canada the we had wondered about, is a Marsh dynasty. grove of lilacs and this alwaysS An interesting connection indicates that a bouse onceL witb Bowmanville occurs here, stoad close by. Who had lived t for Leanard Saper wba came here, we wondered? From thea to Bowmanville in 1805 and scrapbook we found that it wasd built the first saw mill in Dar- none other than the pioneerT ]ington Township, was a kins- j Samuel* Marsh. His. first log a m-an af Marsh, and Leonards bouse was near the lake.on thek gC *C tkeOr7iMa JURY -& L@VELL PHONE MA 3-5778 BOWMANVILLE ra ot rmtevillage, 1~ .* A A I but his second bouse was ai1 This A ~rec W lu 1 framne one mare fitting ta his station on the Danfortb Road. AI Believed ta be located near A b r a a u a the site of' the figst log cabin, iij e t l N t a is the iamily vault, still visible TORONTO-Signing of a 20- Trans-Cana from the sideroad taday. The year supply ai western Canada million. crypt was the heart's desire ai naturai gas was annaunced ta- "The co Susannah, a sister ai William day by Mr. A. -L. Bishap, pres- very muci and Robert, and at the urgings ident ai The Congumers' Gas western ga ai herseli and her sister-in-law. Company, and Mr. N. E. Tanner ered feasil it was built. The parents were president ai Trans-Canada Pipe the result moved tg it and others, ai the Lines Limited. @ompany 's family were placed there in Bath Mr. Bishop and Mr. Tan- introductiai time. ner expressed satisfaction with the Taranti According to Mr. Snider's the terms ai the cantract, sign- 1954. Threi stary, a mast dreadful thing ing ai which ioilowed more than ductions h; bappened. Following the death two years of market study, ana- tirai gasa ai Susannab <Mrs. Scuitharpe), lysis and flegatiatian. Mr. Bishap petitive wi grave robbers laaking for ai) stated that the natural gas irom Bishop sair anatomy subject pried openi the western Canada, when it arrives "It is indic crypt and took hier body, s he will be iully competitive with astic -public who had se wanted a nice that now being received by ural gas on marbie grave when I die". In Consumers' from Texas and La- available a 1939 when Mr. Snider was writ- uîsiana. l . "We beliei ing, ber grandson. Walker Volumes ai gas involved ran- lence will t Scultharpe, was keeping vigul ged iram 82,500,000 cubic feet Canadian c with a shatgun at the family per dey the iirst year iailawing ropolitan vault, but as he was in bis conipietion ai the transmission where in9 70's then, this staunch defend- line irom Alberta ta I65,000f000 vice area er must now be within the cubic feet daily in the fifth year. been influi crypt hiiýiseif. It is estimated that for the fifth lines, conve We hope before long ta mak, year alone the grass revenue ta perior quai: a visit ta the fine Marsh Georgian style bouse on Higlt-~ way 2, begun by Williamn Marsb in 1824. It is usuaily stat- Pit Turns D ow n ed that an east wing ai this bouse was Marsh's TavernIn P r Ho e A weetestage horses were n P r H pe A changed and wbere traveilers were put up. Mr. Snider, how- evrsatsthtthsisico-Position with Pav rect, and the botel cantaining a baiiroom, and the stables, Port Hope's newly-hired town ising as tih were a mile further east on tb'z foreman. *accepted iast week in ta," e said opposite side of the road. a stormy session ai To\n Coun- 'Iamn veý * * * cl, said today lie bad changed 1ta lask the1 STREET NAMES We bave been nating la Bowmanville and elsewherz the rather contrived names xvbich appear in new deveiop- ments. Plainer names wear bet- ter, we think, and aiso wouid it not be a good tbing ta perpet- uate the names, if flot tbe mem- Dry, ai same ai aur earlier im- portant citizens in this way? We do bave Simpson Ave., Smart and Coleman Streets, Lowe St. and others you wil tbink ai, but the iist ai saunil and important men af earlier days is far from exhausted. The Burks, Beiths or Fletchers are not sa bonored, ta aour lcnowiedge, and we did havei Cubitt's Lane, but it bas been bhanged ta Brawnx St. If there are ta be any mare new ýtreets in the Simpson Ave. vicinity, what about remembering the pianeeer Leonard Saper wbo buiit a milI nearby? Old time residents will think of Dther names wbich. migbt be fitting- y remembered in this way. KEDRON * Promotion Service * Youthfui schaiars noe the Promotion Service on Sun- day afternoon, arranged by Mrs. Wm. Werry, and tbey f heiped ta decarate tbe worsbip c entre witb their contributions of beautiful leaves, wbile quiet !music was played by Jeanine Werry. As those pramoted pass- 'ed tbraugb the gates, made by j lmer Parks for this purpose, LusVaiilancourt sang "Open the Gates". Miss Ann Snowden 1 pened the gates tç graduates from Mrs. W. Davis' class ai Beginners. Mrs. Grant Glover will teacb one ai the new class- es formed. John Glover receiv- ed the Intermediate Boys, Jack Frances and Alvin Spencer, teachers for the new class of Senior Boys, weicomed them. Mrs. Harold Werrv received four new' members added ta the Young People's Class. Mrs. E. Mountjoy's group remained un- cbanged. The variaus classes contributed speciai numbers, under guidance ai their teach- ers. Grant Spencer, Temperance convenor, gave a fine reading following the class periods on Temperance. Biankets ai gladioli and au- tumnn flowers beautified the churcb front, and members un- ited for the Tbanksgiving ser- fvice in tbe observance ai World Wide Communion. Mrs. Regin- aid C. Green was recdived inta membersbip, by transfer ai certificate. Tbe text used by Rev. R. H. Rickard was "For He is aur Peace, who bath m ade bath one aid hast broken Idown the middle' wall ai par- tition"-words ai the apastie Paul. Severai visitors attendedf the service. jMembers ai the Ontario County choir from Kedron, ac- companied the ather members ta Woodgreen United Cburcb, Toronto, wbere tbey were tbe guest choir on Sunday evening, Linder Mrs. Dobson's leadership. Later they contributed num- bers at Woodgreen Community Centre, where they were en- tertained following a musicale. This week is being set aside by many Kedron men as Plougb- ing Match week, witb the boys busy each day serving barbe- cued cbicken at the -Jr. Farmer's Booth, and other men taking their turn at guard duty tbrougb' the night ta assist in the funds fer Kedron Cammunity Club Projeet. The 4-H Grain Club held its Achievement finale on Tuesday evening at the regular Jr. Farmers' meeting. Bob Holiday gave an interesting accaunt ai bis recent trip by bus witb other Jr. Farmiers, ta Quebec, as the main item on the pro- grami. Our congratulations and good wisbes ta Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Ogle, on the arrivai of their new daughter, ut Oshawa Gen- erai Hospital. Miss Mavis Tregunna has ac- cepted a new position in Ajax, and bas taken living quarters in Whitby for the present time. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hitchen entertained tbe Kedron Com- inunity Club at their home re- cent]i'v wben saine 50 n-embers enjoyed the corn and wiener roast arî-anged by Mr. and Mrs. B. Hitchens and, Mr. and Mrs. W. Snowden. Misses Lazeile and Pearl Krick. Hamilton. spent a fewv da.vs with Mr. and Mrs. Mur- tan Walter. bis mind and' turned down -the releaý ai fer. ment, Couison Pitt, Bowmanviile, Mr. said he bad written ta counceil aver tbis week asking ta be released Nover from the appaintment. 1forem "I've accepted a job witb past Municipal Paving and Sprayîng wbicb bas a future far beyond ThE municipal wark," Mr. Pitt told at $4 The Statesman. ev The acceptance af Mr. Pitt at Reevi $4,200 a year, touched off a heat-Octl ed debate in council aver town salaries. said. Mofre Future mht "'It is not a matter ai salary xith that bas cbanged my mind,'" Mr. "Th Pitt said. "But in comparing *.ilî municipal and industriai work 1 affor, feel there is more future in troub industry. 1mentS "Municipal work takes a great 1 $4 200 deal af time, andl tbe chances aofCoU advancement are not as prom- ered ise ME " be r.Pitt the rn ber man af severa "Ridi Le resol 4,200 èi re Gec ber 1i s a r 'The :wn ci -vill their 'us is have ,d.W ble wil Ls if w ).," be wn cilla that, Have' SGas ,da wUll be about $20 ontracting for these ih larger volumes ai as than were consid- ble twa years aga us aio Consumers' Gaî s xperience fallowing, si af natural gas ta at area in Navemier, ee voluntary rate irs- ave maintained nat- at a price level crni- ith other fuels," Mr. id. cative oi the enthusi- ic acceptance ai nat- ice it Iïas been mpade and used,". be sjated. ashamed ai the salaries it pays' tce town clerk and others." DIdn't Hear Resuitz Mr. Long aisn said the tawn was gaing ta sec a lot ai growth and "we will need gaod men iar planning lnstead ai carrying an the balf-baked attitudes ai the past.Y All membera ai couxicil ather than Reeve Phillips vated te engage Mr. Pitt. Asked if he had beard ai the controversy bis saiary bad toucb- ed aff in the council meeting, Mr. Pitt said: "No I didn't hear any resuits of the meeting. My only reason for turning the aifer down is that the other position promises a better future." ZION ve that our exper- (Intended for last week) be duplicatea in other communities. In Mot- Sunday Sehoal was held atl Taronto and elsp- Il a.m. with a good attendance.f Consumers' Gas ser- Ali afficers were present and ail this acceptance bas " le nced by the clea n- teachers excepting teacher for ,riience and ather su- Junior and Primary Class. Mrs.1 lities af natural gas." j Meneiliey took these joifltly. i Mrs. Raby was present ta teacbl the Bible Ciass. Our Church; Jo services are rather few and far! between, due ta anniversary, services and World-wide Com-1 cceptsmun ion at the aider churches on the circuit. Sunday, Sept'. 9tb was aur last church servicel wring Co. until Sunday, October 2ist. .Miss R. Raby, Mrs. C. Men-1 e work I amn goîng eiiley spent last Monday even- ing witb Mrs. Elsworth Casweli wha had just recentlv returnedi ery sorry ta have bad from a stay in the Memorial Hos- Port Hope Council ta1 pitai, Bowmanville. - fro te ppin Mr. Elsworth Caswell whoj said.'bas been confined ta Mernorial was ta bave taken Port Hope position 1l. He lias been town E onville for the Safr rs culons Figure" Iwoi i tao hire Mr. Pitt M nm na ok [rew objections fromn orge Phiilips at the Phone Wbltby eouncil meeting. MObawk 8-3552 idiculaus figure," he 318 Dandas St. E.. Whitby echief ai police and FINE QUALITY lerk don't receive that! MONUM1ENTS AND 1tbey be satisfied j MARKER$ salaries? a smali town and we' Precise workmansbip and to pay wbat we cani careful attention ta, detail e will be having are vour assurance when th aur other depart- Vou choose tram thc wide ve hire la foreman at selection af imported and said. domiestie Granites and or Frank Long caunt- Marbies i stock. Port Hope shouid be Hospital, Bawmanville the last1 ing. September 2lst. week, was expected home this1 Congratulations ta Mastet Monday. 1David Gerowv Qp hisninth birth- Mrs. Emma Ruth%'en attended day. A party wvas held at hie the Inâtallation Ceremony af the home last Saturday afternoQn Grand Chapter of Ontario, Orde; Iani a gay tijTie as had by all. ai the Eastern Star, heid et thei A wvhale afternoon ai fun and Royal York Hotel, Frlday even- games wound up with ieasting. *Trado-in SALE 05 Two-tone Finish 0 ou choice 0( colours or aiillwite 1,if you gorer. ouble-wailed Stainleas Steel Tub. Six-minute washisi gaction. Waskes averythins frot op to baltom of- tihe tub. NoerM been equal.d for for YO UR OLD WASHER, Regardless of Ag.l Mako or Condition on this BEA UTIFUL >NEW NO MONEY DOWN 1 *35 A WEIK stting cdothes dean. Indestructible iron Wring.r. Wrngs duier. Cannot warp or twist out of shape. Four-part bail-bearin Ce#nSm, Stronger, sturdie, t h an * thers. 6 yearQechgnism gucronteu MASON & DALE NIA 3-5408 Bowmanville 36 King St. F, I Again... for jour NAT U RA L GAS FURNACE O&WATEI HEATER. preset fua,.. over te moltai Gisheting, er te MeW furne $I oooo gu rat (ut EASY PAYMENTS OVER .5 YEARS ON MONTHLYýGAS., BILLS Now you con enjoy silent, clean,dependable and Iow cost compl.t.Iy automatic Naturql Gus home or water h.ýting without paying a cent fot- *qMipmont until next Apriti Act NOW! A. or carefres home heating, CaOi your heating contractor prompty.. toarn how litti. it cout f change your present furnace over f0 Naturail Gai, or f0 mattf a new, modern compact unit. Act NOWI .. . for lots of hot water for off youu' needa ach y..., cai your plumber and learn how economical it lî f0 hat wator aub@mak.lly with Naturat Qas. Not only will you sOve mon.y on thee tower cost of Naturat Oas oquipment-not only will you ânjoy thue entire winter wifhout Iayinq out a cent for this oquipment or service on lt-but thue new lower Natural Gas rates wiiI save you more money year affer yeari And rememberp with Iow cosf Natural Gas you qat Free Service. OFFER GOOD ON ALL INSTALLATIOI- MADE BEFORE DECEMBER l5th, 194P Lait year thousands of home owners took adventage of tht. wonderful LWI e now, once agacin, Consumer&' Oao repects if, sivinil you the saine opportunity to have the finest of automatié home heatlng and for automatic water heating without payinq a cent for the equipment untilr E next spring. New installations can b. qutckly and conveniently complet. ed without interrupting your normal famliy routine.CN YOU-LL ALWAYS DUE SLAD YOU CHOSE NATURAL OAS Boa your Natural Ou* H.ating Dealier. Plumber or C@ntrao@or lâ - - - - - - - - - - THU UMDAY, OCT. 18th, 1958 TUE CANADIAN SIATESUM. BOW?4ANVnJ.ýZ ONTAILIO PACM rolm

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