TI!URSDAY OCT. I8h, THE ,A N.UAULIN TATESMAN. BOW M NILV l. ONTARIO J So0c,0/& Phone à Mrs. Minia Colwell Lis visit "nJ her daughter, Mrs. A.i Lymner, Oshawa Mr. and Mrs. G. Badger wer( guests of friends at Barrie anc Eranby Lodge, Georgian Bay over the weekeiLd. Mrs. Annie Bradley and Mr Gordon Bradley. Bond Head spent last week xith Mesdame.4 Mina and Hilda Colwell. Mrs. Thomas Wrigh* and daughter Joan, Leominster, ,XaSs., are spending a wee1k îJith Mrs. S.G. Chartran. ST. JOHN'S CHURCII <Ang!iean> Tw enly-Firsi Aller Trinify 9 and Il a.m. - HOLY COMMUNION 10 anxd Il a.nî. - CHURCH SCHOOL EVENING PRAYER -a ii! resuer Vnie dues on Monday for. the- new Wessells, was in charge of tic- season. A niumber of visitors kets. The tea assistants wer-*1wer -esent, and ail enjoyed Jane Oliver, Linda Steel, Elaine Biggad1hrl ct. the cathehaif-hour which pre- Y o u h o r C h is99dSsandnCeFalScot.:e ceun..th address. Mrs. D.P. other two members, Judy Scott M*rs n prsd d a 0epa o ,ntend to buy a doli which they NE WTON VILLE .Sasturd4ay7 October 20 ad ur rthe profits ~t the M. Wmi. Hallowell is inMe Ladies' Auxiliary of Memorial morial Hospital, Bowmanville, at p.. ii heHospi',al. for a check up. nt 8p.i. intheMr. Murray Barrie and Mrs. SSt. Paul's W.M.S. met al the, Geo. McCullough, accompanied home Of Mrs. Ross Stevens Oct. bvý Mrs. Bert McCullough and l6th. The president, Mrs. Har-j Mrs. Rock spent Sunday with TO W N HA LL old Ferguson opened the mee'- Mr. Sandford Brown of Ida. ing and welcomed the men-, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Clysdale bers. Suent prayer wzs offcred 1andclMr. and Mrs. Sid Stacey SPECIA GUESTin re-dedication to the service 1 are heolidaying at Wheeling, West SPEIiX GUSTof God and giving thanks for, Virginia. C H LK RTITOur many blessings, and the MVr. and Mrs. Sid Lancaster CHALK ARTIS our Dominion. Miss Elva Or- mother, Mrs. John Lancaster, chard and Mrs. H. Galbrai! "h1 spent Sunday with Mr. Thomas opened the devotional pcriîod, Lancastcr cf Toronto. DAVE HA LV RSENseveral members responding ton Mrq ' Wrn. Skelding is a patient DAVEqueALVORSEN ls conversa- in M\eînrial Hospital, Bowman- froii ufalo N w Y rk were educational. Mrs. Mr an Mrs. Hubert C r- Kenneth Werry closed the berry and sons of Peterborougin EVEYOE W LCMEmeeting wt h or Il spent Sunday with M.adMs EVERONEIVELOMETeacher", vsit p y m vI eCleland Lane. M.adMs Mr. Arnold Wade and hi _____________________________ ts:stec Miss Jean Wade left onf Tuesday bx- train 10 visit their C conco uclim aunt, Mrs. E. Holdaway of Bran- Mr. and Mrs. Verdun Johns- TRIÈ"Ilr UN TED lubton and MYles of Soperton spent TRI . TY U N TE C ubthe weekend withi his ohr M u (Continucd fromn page ont) Mrs. R. S. Johnstonî. C i R Hsome Mimo ui n eei \1s. Rod Gilmofic and son of t nive is one of the ý oungest wt her grandparents, Mr. and Mî,Inister - Rev. T. Arthur Morgan, B.A. of the irs-l aigfoi bu Mrs. Geo. Ovens. Ornist-Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus. Bach. L.R.S.M. 1240 and after some lapses Mrad s.WnStpeo reaching a period of great de-i left on Friday f0 spend thei Svelopment. about 1450. lil i veekcnd xith Mr. and Mrs. _______ music Mrs. Robert McHolm of Orono il A.M. -asan atw as n itsy stsaeLpennotheVas eekof Poth Mco. had already lived and dicd,"senth patwk ihM. Il A.31.Dr Osborne pointed out. Win. Uglow. ChnrehMusieMr. and Mrs. Geo. Beare of ChurchMusicGreenbank with Mr. and Mrs. "O rTWe are beginning to discover Earl Walkey on Sunday. "'u ermsofR erne how to use music better to-1 The sympathy ofth con day, the speaker feit.' How- < munitv is extended to Mr. Tru- ever, he was critical of the type man Henderson in the passing of 7 P. M.-lof music found in most chut,- his mother, Mrs. Wm. Hender-j ches to-day. He cited Dr. Hea- ison of Morrish on Tuesday. ley Willan's choir of 14 voices Weathec conditions were ideal E vening Service in as an outstanding example of for Mr. Stan Rowe's sale on St what can be done in church urday. A large crowd attended. Si.Pal' Uiid huchmusic. "They sing only that Ow,,ing to the anniversaryl he said SundaY, Oct. 2lst there will be- Dr. Osborne spoke of the ef- no service in our church. (Triityjois S. Pul' fo thir nniersry) fect of music on us, p hysically, Mr. and Mr,. C. M. Jones are emotionally and spiritually. attending the Independent Tele- _________________________________________ We do flot understand it, but phone Convention being heldi ~, .~~ ~.*r ~ ~__there is a definite connection this week at Toronto at the between the car and humnai Royal York. 1 ell-being," the speaker stated. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bruce One of several illustrations was spent the weekend with Mr. and PAUL UN TED HUR H te case of a young man uncon- Mrs. Chas. Watters of Blind a moor ccient nd now toing country about ane hundred be very fond of music, respond- miles north of Sudbury. in g ta the playing qf favorite On Wednesday, October lOth, 12 2 nd records. In World War Il, music a chieken dinner was held at was used as therapy for some the home of Mrs. Wm. Uglow battie fatigue cases with spien- on the occasion of her birthday. d, results. Those present included: Mrs. A n i e sa y S rv c sEmotional Effeet Wm. McHolm, Morrish; Mrs. A nni ersa y S rvic s ' i ffre moods of music, Robert OMHom and Mîrs. Cecil gy alively or majestic, af- Joes, a nd Mis ryBowll, Eoi- fects aur emotions, and listen-elanMis arPo l, iz Sund y U c ober~ is ta usîccan nspie plas-abethville. A beautifully decr P ~in t he mu ic est enspie of the ated birthday cake made b rs. I wod. Te efectof usiccanC. Jones centred the table, an- 7 also Te epoied tamuixca other table held the many ANNIVRSARY PREACER: * ero fo e p rt i a u-lovely cards and gifts f rom heri ANNIERSRY PEACER: row fo iom paticuar ur-many friends. We offer aur - pose. hearty congratulations to Mrs. I. .AP.DIn the spiritual realm, religion Uglow and trust she may cele- HERB RT . P U LE .A. PhD.p and music are naturally allied. brate many more such happy i In great relîgiaus music, man Secretary, Board of Information and Stewardship, senses his relationship wih the day o Vni, aesCs The United Churcho.f Canada. Divine. Dr. Osborne Went onl eîM ro ian CaselJanm eci ta ay hathe eitchuch u-Burley were duck hunting at sic is now far removed from Tory Hill holiday weekend bag- 9:50 a.m. - Sunday Schoo its Ith and 17th centur pur- gn 4dcs 9:5 am. Snda Shoo - ~ ty. -I feel the Church has last IrgIdctrmetn of W.M.S. Sits roots i church music," he w-as held Tuesday afternoon, stated, "and the way back is Oct. 9th, in the home of Mrs. J. 1 ia.m. -."Our Faith gigt eapanu xei T. Pearce. The president led, ence." It was in this connec- in the worship service with study' tion that lie cited Dr. Willan.% in Ephesians. Minutes were read *, Jchoir as an example of what and adopted. Mrs. C. Robinson 7 p.. -'To muncafig te Gspe" hefel chrchmusi shuldbe.and Mrs. Arnold Wade were p.m. - "C mmuncaîig th Gosel hfluch us sl affecthbu- appointed ta check missionary Soloist at both services - Mrs. J. C. Rundie mans physically, emotionally box in S.S. coomn and send what and spiritually, Dr. Osborne is most suitable to Overseas Mmiter- Te Rv. . A Tuner B..> .D. t~felt it had no moral effect. Depot in Toronto and the rest - iise - h-e.H .TreBABD He was thanked for his ad- ta Fred Victor Mission. It was *dreas by a former B.H.S. clas5- decided ta send for 25 U.C. cal- Organist and Choir Director- mate, Mrs. Fred Stevens, who endars with Mrs: Burley ap- Mr.C. H. Duly i.l-MLCCM paid tribute te Dr. Osbocne's pointed ta selI at W.A. bazaar. Mrs. Dudly, AT.~.,.M, L..C.M * eve~ments in the fields Of Presbyterial Eastern Rally on rigionh and music. 18th discussed and plans laid ta ALL ARE IVELCOME -ale Teacher attend. Mrs. S. J. Pike had jIn e introductory rCmarks, charge of studv pe.riod. Meeting -,à Mrs. Wight said that Vin 1con- cosd.w.h;th - izph.beedî Four Generations of One Family Billy, Bedford, NY., were weekend guesta of Mn. N. S. B. James and other relatives in r'( eirsonial own and Port Hope.11 T' Mr. Fergus E. Morriil and bis family formerly of Bowma- ýAp 3-3303 vivle, are now living in s..nra Barbara, California. A reent, edition of the local newspaper, - J isss EieenSpicr, uththe Santa Barbara Star reports J. tocer nd uneWood left by that Mr. Morrill h as beeen pro- pl. n Stckrad Jnegtfo moted ta Display Advertis îng plan Frday igh fortwoManager with that paper. 'eweeks' vacation in Miami, Flor- Ocoe CanarN.44 MrEid. and Mrs. Orville Ham- proved lucky for Mrs. Glen f rond and Bruce, Dundas, were Baber, tThRsdR"aN. 3,ch wan Mrs.Harod Hamond andthe Statesman carnies a Royal sfamily. Theatre advt. which includes a lucky calendar number. Mrs. Mc. Bert Syer of Hîggon Bamber won a jackpot of $35. 'Eectric wasinOtaw on St- hweelcalendar Ne. 674 i meeting of the Refrigeration Mrs. Harcy Hosback, (nee Engineers of Canada of which Leila Gale), and twin daugh- he is a member. ters. Misses Jean and Alice fDo you trust yourself or your Hosback, Livonia, Mich., xvho' wife in answering the ques- were returning home fcom a tions in the Municipal Affairs motor trip ta the New England, sue? It contains the $64,000 of their aunt, Mrs. T. S. Holgate questions right in your ownI and cousins, Misses Neil and town. Sybil Burke. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Strike Mr and Mrs. RCssell \Vîl. and Mc. and Mrs. Bob Stevens liams, Niagara Falls, N.Y., we cej weeekend guests of Mr. an d are on a mater trip ta Ottawa, Mrs. Frank Williams and Mr. iMontreal and Quebec City and an c.Pry Geni t on the ceturn trip will tour the Shortly before returning 1o site cf the St LwrnceSe1 way a tCo awrnc a-Tuesday morning they learned J way a Corwall .1cf the sad news cf the passing A family gathermg was held cf Mc. Williams' sister, Mrs. or at the home of Mrs. Peter Brad- Arthur Densemn, in the Mcm- cd le'y, 38 Jane St., on Sunday, anial Hospital. d Oct. 14, in honor of the 901h Miss Evangeline Klein, 932 kr birthday cf her mother, Mrs. First St., Port Credit, in send- mî Whittakec who received many ing in renewal subscriptitin foc to beautiful cards and gîfts from her mother, Mrs. P. A. Klein, iM relatives and friends. writes: "She wishes to be ce-1 u Mr. Herbert J. Hooper and membercd ta Editor George son anid daughter-in-law, Mr. James and any ether old ua and Mrs. H. R. Hooper and fciends in Bownîanville who toi: r'isughîcer.s Jacqueline and Fa- remember hec as Dollie Black, Mc tricia, Detroit, Mich., wece long before the turn cf th2 hel weekend guests af Mr. Hoopers 20th century." i brothers, Messrs. Lucius Hooper OnWCray c.13 h n and Roy Hooper.OnStra.Oc.1,hoi, Mrs. James A. Phillips, White Sounids Fun Club held an af- Se] Plains, N.Y., and son and dau ternoan tea at 131 Liberty St. bei ghtc-n-lwMc an Ms.N. The guests wece received by th, Wateri-A. PhMrip and ýýsn the president, Sharon MeMur f r to the meeting he mention- dhis study of the organi un- er Dr. Charles Peaker, weil nown Tor-onto organist and re- iarked that Dr. Peaker came )mean f0 him in organ what Trs. C. H. Dudley had meant hjIim in his study of piano. Women's Canadian i"ub us- illy opens its season ýn Oc- )ber, but to secure Dr. W,' -rt ICiure, an open meeting wa,- Ild in September. It was de- ded therefore, that there ould be no December meet- iý this year. By virtue of the ptember meeting the num- r for the season would be isaine. Membership runs Kilbnsni. 0n HoId Tag Day Continued frorn Page one) rCi.. 1 ikiIPrr Oct. 26 -27 About six hundred million children in the world live under the shadow çf disease and mal- nutrition. UNICEF, the United INations Children's Fund, s helping these children by Pro- iding food and medicine. In Bowmanville. the Business and Professionaî Womens Club has held a UN Tag for several years ta assist wvith this work and the response lias been very gener- Parking sponsored IOWflthe B. & P. Cub Oct. 26, and Saturda, ct 2, Loton down town streets. Do gv g as generous1v as . ,ou cati w-len Ready Shortlv the tagegers solicit % our donation. y A five cent piece buvs ten oi If fur gneraionsmeetng tgethr inthe ne frnil was The unicpcf acice inof rcoreaKothi- h knkhow f furgeeraon m e ogethrit e n faywshemu cal arkngltIs mcha dollar nîcans! Dinies or ýnt1. Inude areMrsundergoing ilts serni-final pc dollars, aIl denaiioxis; are ,%el- ntly Ioncu d aeMs.GoreWht, evanville, hold- paration tluis -week. A. H. Stuc- cerne. re mnîs idbayMrs. Earl Stephenson and Mrs. rock. of the Bowvnanviller Chanîber cf Commiere. w'nj hspecsonaliv fasliioned the Lae hre Cake parking.lot tliroughi a maze cf L k hrCak Jerusa Nervi Lodge H olds d1fficuthe s t eeral mote., Mr. aînd Mrs. Robin Alldreut gel the go ahead signal froni and Bruce spent Sunday after- ceuncil, Monday night, author- noon xith Mr. and Mr-s. Fred je jizing him to hire a bulldozer Henderson, NewZonville. Satur- M eeting of iaSt M asters land procure crushed gravel te day evening visitars with comlee te arkngarea. rand Mrs. Aflled wvere Mr. anîd A meetinîg of the past mast- Laughlin, Mr. Bro. R. J. Diling.1 The following day, a buildoz Mrs. Les Alldred and Dareen Pr was a, the job ta remnove and Mc. Boyd Wood, Orono, ers cf Jerusalemn Lodge A.F. & W. Bro. Owcen Nicholas, W. approxiinîately ten inches cf top- and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mc- A.M., No. 31, G.R.C., ,vas heid Bro. W. B. Re.vnoids, W. Bmo soit te be replaced by crushed Knigeht, Oshawa. Wednesday, Octaber 10, in the James Marc, W. Bro. W. J. gravcî preparatorv te hard top- The Lake Shore Ladies K.S. J >senic Hall, Bowmanviîîe. Faund, V. W. Bru. A. W. G. Pin'whiich will be doî,e next '& C. Club met at the home of V. Woc. Bro. W. G. Pasce o-o ctctV o.Bo .l.year-r.Ae ati.Ot 1.Tî NortheutTiiV.cer.viii bR.Epaved Mon- n ext Mtin Oci.l10e hel a cupied the Mastec's Chair and -Logan, R. 'Wor. Bro. E. 1-1. trances on cîther sîde of thec the home cf M rs. W Adaiî, welcomnec]. J. Jacksonî, Distr;ct Brown, V. Wor. Bro. W. G. lire hall; one off Division at the Oct. 24. Deputy Giqnîd Master cf On- Pasce, W. Bro. P. R. Ce in, ie cf the Bowmaîîville Auto taria District, who made an R. W. Bro. J. S. Emmerson and i Robnda15fotcve rt CI. an ro Mà unofical isi t( te ldge V.Wor Bo. ossSteens %ay between Mcl Dale's and Rbr lytoii, and Mr. and unofical isi u.thelode. V. oc.Bro Ros Seves. Mike Osborne's to facilitate Mrs. Ross Dean and famiîy, xvere: W. Bro. L. C. \ýite, W. Jerusalemn Lodge and Rev. A. 'passage for cars to park wi%,th Mr. and Mrs. Ken Dean. Bro. L. A. Par-ker, . £ ,o.C. G. Scott were also in attend- Mr. Stucrock expeets thaï the Mîrs. Paul Hetson <s cpendingý L. Warren, W. Bro. Mv. L. ance and wecon'cu lthe District parking lot will be officially a few days wich Miss Lucy Clemens, W. Bro. L. T. Mc - Deputy Granîd Master. cpened November 1. Graham, Brown's. COMPETITIVE PRICES' PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THIS WEEK" $1.40 $2.50 100's s3.95 t,- ~GTFAREI I!h GIN PILLS FOR THE KIDNEYS REG. SIZE 5f ECONOMY 98 SIIOP AT VOU R DRUG STORE the dependable place to buy ail vour medicines and health and beauty necds. A.S.A. TABLETS WRelieves hcad- aches, neutralgia, toothache a n d pain in general. E ach tablet con- tains 5 grains Acetysaiicylic Acid 100's 19C 300's 49e "Vacmaster" VACUUM BOTTLE C-an auian-mna ce 15-ounce bottle 19 with ced plastie cup.cap. 98C value 89c I.D.A. Brand Toilet Tissue - 2 for 25e Paper Napkins 17c, 2 fer 33c, CoId Cream Soap 2 for 25c COUGHc RE-M M- - - Aii vue 'I. Il j ' r,, Save 6e on I.DA. Chocolate-coated iId laxative 100's reg. 39c Save 20e en COLD CREAM% Evelyn Howard Theatrical Style. reg. 89c - 69c I.DA. Brand Hydrogen Peroxide 4 oz. ceg. 19e 16 oz., reg. 45c 39C 8 oz. ceg. 29c g mnd COLD Gi'llette RSPÉW.SP ID Razor Coond "w oa f *129 '" oc Vicks VapoRub ------ - ---------98e Caîîgh Draps -- - ---1 5e Va-Tro- Nol -----------------53e (ough Syrup ------ -------------- 59e Throat -Lozenges ------49e Medi-Mist Spray 98e Combat (oughs and Colds wlth ligh quality J.D.A. Preparation; BRONCHIDA. COUGH SYRUP A prompt, safc, healîng preparation for the' relief of Bromîchitis, Coughs and Coids. 8 fluid oz. - -- ------------ 75c Bronehida ('aId Capsules, 3O's 1.25 Idaphedrin Nasal Spray, 20 ce. 95e 1 oz. dropper bottle ---------- 65c [darub, Chest Rub. 3 oz. - 49o Buekley's Mixture -__--- 50c, 85e Cinnainated Capsules 35c, 79e W'hite Ruh --- ----- - - 59e Bufferin .---- --------39e, 79t, 1.89 Yack & Ji lCnugb Syrup ------. .- soc Pertussin ---- - 69c, 1.19 Smith Brothers Cough Drops -- 10e Sucrets 35e ,%14%MAN SIZE ,MLOINI O -SUPER STRENGIN DRYORWETI335C DIG BOX - 3-PLY.. McGregor, Alex. Ne Deliver Your Local I.D.A. Drug - Store Phone MA 3-5792 Drugs boy. The October birthdays of four Kinsmen were brought ta the attention of the club. Those ~celebrating the birthdays were John Stutt, Gord Wilcox. Ray Lathangue and Will Wallis. As an aid ta Seargeant-at. Acms Clark Wilson who bas a full time job in extracting fines fcam any Kinsmen wha stray from club protocol, Kmn John Wecry pcesented an at- tractive wood fine box. JThe Pot af gold attendance d caw was wvon this week by Kin Irv Brown who is inci- dentally chairman of the at- tendance commaittee. This unusual photo of taken at Maple Grave recer iîîg Stephen Nadeau the thi Roland Nadeau, Oshawa. -3 FIGHTS TOOTH DECAY CHECKS BAD BREATH MAKES TEETH WHITER PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY à THtMSr)AY, OCT. 18th, 195t, Inhaler -------------- 43e 1 OVVErv- rAvAnTAIIIP MPRAýý..- --- aqad