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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Oct 1956, p. 9

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TNU'R~ÂT. OCT. 85e, 1850 .~. - T CANA~A2I S"IATESMAN. EOWMA2qVU±E, ONTA~O ---- PABU NU Durham Breeders Win ut Holstein Championship Show ut Peterborough The Elmcroft herd of George IL McLaughiin, Oshawa, car- rfed off both' the Premier Breeder and Premier Exhibitor bannera at the Bust-Central On- tario Championhip Holstein Show held October l7th at Pe- terborough. Runner-up for both these honours was the Brow- view herd of James T. Brown, Newcastle. Elxncroft showed the Grand Champion bull, and Browview the Reserve Grand Champion bull and the Junior Champion bull. F. Roy Ormiiaton,, Brooklin, showed the Grand Champion cow, the Junior and Reserve JuriloP Champion females, and the Best Uddered fernale of the Show. Ontario won the County Herd liii,'wlth Durham second, and York third. There were 217 .4hond uhown by 59 exhibitors 44,from the ten counties of Sim- coe, York, Ontario, Victoria, & Addington, and Prince Ed- ward. Judge W. Ray Wilson, Ken- more, seiected Ormiston's win- ning Dry Aged Cow, Balsarn Brae Pluto Savereign, as his fiGNE Y I AVAILABLE FOR M GRTGAGES I Ra!ph S. Jones Barrtster and Solicitor 65 Slmcoe St. S. Oshawa RA 9-3525 iSenior and Grand ChampDion te- maie mter placing her firat la the Dry Aged Cow ciii.. A cow with plenty cf acale and a gaad top, se carled an ex- cellent udder, good enougis for her to place second in tise Best Uddened clans. Standing next ta the Grand Champion in class, and iollowing through te the Reserve Senior and Reserve Grand Cisampiansisips was Sparlyn Savereign Dale, sisown by Torello Puccini, King City. Very similar in type ta tise Or- miston cow, tise twe made a fine pair of champions A daugister oi tise Grand Cham- pion, jointly owned by Ormis- ton and R. B. Brown, Ba*mnan- ville was an Impressive top in tise Dry Twe-year-old Heifei clais. Ormiston's winner ai tise Wm. J. Murphy trapisy ion Beat Ud- dered Female was Glenalcomb Man-O-Wan Pabst Francy, who stood second ta Elmcroft Sita Dewdncp M, the Elmcdoft entry in tise Aged Cow in Miik ciass. Tise latter combined with tise third prize Aged bull, owned by Sherman J. Moore, Lindsay, ta, win the Progeny of Dam dlass. These two were tram tise 1950 Peterborough Gr an d Champion Elmcroft Dewdrop M, and it was interesting ta see that tise second prize Progeny of Dam was a pair et grand- daugisters ai this same cow shown by Elmcroft. Roy Ormiston took first and second places in tise Senior Yearling Heifer class on Roy- brook Pabst Lociinvar and Roybrook Beauty, and these two went on ta tise Junior and Reserve Junior Championsis. Bath are flashy, stylîsh heifers, tise winner being smooth throu- ghout and particularly nicein tise til setting, while the Re- \Ton ac cangc Ourpmot oeafurnace to automatic ail butins with surprisinly lttis trouble or expenie. The Vortex Oil ,Eurner fits rigt inwhere the grate is now.It ives you umexoelled bogne opifor with IowoSt fuel cost, and withoot thec dirt ind hother of band firinsg. Exclusive Iron Fueman automatie controis take thse fuinace off your miid. day and n gt, and tum your ho= nî o a hayon of S wmter emoft.Phom us goday fet ru bs eau& gsurvsj. Le A. PARKER & SONS PLUMBING ,HE* NG-O B URNERS 47 RING ST. E. - BOWMANVILLE - MA 3-5651 Wouldn't this jar your sewer? This is a jar-type, unglazed sewer pipe used by a Iong.dead civilization. It was unearthed in Parthian ruina, 2100 years a! ter installation, ritili in perfect condition . . . vitrified clay lasts, And today's vitrified dlay pipe, regard- lesu of thse type of waste, ground condition or climate, is thse only pipe ta ensure service ta thse end af tinse. It will flot deteriorate in any way, even under thse demanding conditions found in modern sanitary sewers. For service as "Permanent as tise Pynamids", specify Vittified Clay Pipe. NATIONAL SEWER PIPE LIMITED Soles Offices 100 Ousen St., Swansea,, Ontario PhaSe: RO 7-7575 serve had exceptional depth of body. Rosafe Preceptor, Elmerott's son of the Extra sire A.B.C. Re- flection Saver.ign, ahowed great gcale and balance coupled with good legs and feet ta win the two-year-old class asd, g4a en to be Senior and Grand Chalu pionships for bulls. The Ko. serve Grand award went to the second prise two-year-old bull, Browview Pabst Walker Lad shown by James T. Brown. This bull has great depth, la excep- tianaily gocd in the quarter, and niovez well on good legs and feet. He was sired %yPabst Walker 0111e as was Brwn's winnin Junior Yearling, Brow- view abst Fity-five, who was named Junior Champion maie. Hoe is a big bull, deep at his heart and strong on top. Re- serve Junior went ta the very smooth strong-topped Senior Yearling, Glenpicomb Lucky Rocket, shown iby Allan B. Mc- Comb, Belleville. Kenevelyn Fond Ho pge won the Aped Bull clans, for Tor. Dist. <.attle Breeders Associa- tion Ltd., Maple, whfle thse joint entry of Bruce W. Naylor, Ma-i pie, and Pickard & Clark, Car- stairs, Alberta, was the fiYâ~t prize Senior Bull cali, and Robert T. Flett. Oshawa, had the winning Junior Bull ealt. McLaughlin won thse Senior Get-of-Sire dlass on a group by Elmcroft Sceptre that included the first prize Aged Cow in Milk, thse first prize Milking Twa.year-old, the tirst prize Dry Three..year-old, mnd the1 second prize mulking Four- year-old. Second place went to Arch Muir & Sons, Courtice, on the get of Eldersie Triune Sir Heiiv, while James T. Brown had the get of Pabst Walker Ollie in third. F.' Roy Ormist.on'st Junior Get by Pabst Roarner Admin won the Junior Qet-of- sire ciass with J. H. Jose & Son, Newcastle, in second place on the get of Pabst Walker 01- lie. The County Herd clans was keenly contested, with Ontarii first, Durham second, Yotlç third, Northumberland fourth Len. & Addington fifth, anâ Victoria sixth N. Craig Nelson, Campbell- ford, won thse Milking Four- year-old class on Pondcrest Coreen Sovereign who was thse third prize winner in the Boit Uddered Class, while T. Rob- ert Flett had the first prize Dry Four-year-old, Torello Puc- cini, the winning Milking Three- year-old, James A. McCague, Alliston, thse first prize Junior Yearling, on a daughter of.Ro- safe Centurian, and Aiex L. Merrili & Son showed the win- ner in the Junior HaiiCr caii class. A detailed list of awards Io as follows: Bull, Junior Cali-1 Robert, Flett Oshawa, on Flettdale Su- premî% Anchor; 2 Archie Muir & Sons, Courtice; 3. George R. McLaughlin, Oshawa. Buil, Senior Cali - 1. Pickard & Clarke, Carstairs, Alta., & B. W. Naylor, Maple on Roekwood Baron P. Anthony; 2. N. Craig Nelson, Campbullford; 3. James T. Brown, Newcastle. Bull, Junior Yearling -1. James T. Brown on Browview Pabst Fil- ty-five: 2. F. Roy Ormisten & M. H. Farms, Milliken; 3. J. H. Jose & Sons, Newcastle. Bull, Senior Yearing-1. Allan B. McComb, Belleville, on Glenal. comb Lucky Racket; 2. Tor. Dist. Cattle Breeders' Assoc. Ltd., Belleville; 3. Thamas I. &r Robt. P. Reeds, Reaboro. Bull, 2 Years-1. George R. Me- Laughlin, on Rosafe Preceptor; 2. James T. Brown, Newcastle; 3. M. H. Farms. Bull, Three Years and Over-1. Tor. Dist. Cattie Breeders' Association Utd. an Kenevelyn Fond Hope; 2. Clarence Nelson, Castieton; 3.. Sherman J. Moore, Lindsay. Cow, 5 years and over, dry-i. F. Roy Ormîstan, on Balsam Brpe Pluto Sovereifin: 2.Torei- 10 Puccini, King City; 3. S. Ed- gar Werry, Solina, Ont. Cow, 5 years and over, wet-1. Geo. R. M~cLaughlin, on Elrncroft Sita Dewdrop M.; 2. F. Roy Ormis- ton; 3. Geo. R. McLaughiin. te cý f Ak .FeinRaoo Heifer, Junior Yearling -1 ames A. McCague, Alliston on Lodestar Nettie Raxie. 2. F. Roy Ormiston; 3. M. H. Fanms, Williken. Heifer, Senior Caf- 1F. Roy Ormiston, on Roy- àook Joy Rose; 2. Torello Puc- cii; 3. Edgar Werry & Son, olina. Heifer, Junior Calf-. Mex L. Merril & Sons, on %erleson Pabst Man-O-War; 2. 7ec. R. McLaughlin: 3. Clarence relson, Ca.stleton. Senior Get- If-Sire - 1. George R. Mc- aughlin on get of Elmcroft ;ceptre; 2. Archie Muir & Sons: 1James T. Brown. Junior Get- 'f-Sire-i. F. Roy Ormiston on ,et cf Pabst Roanier Admin; 2. L H. Jase & Son; 3. A.1ex L. 4ernill, Campbellford. Progenv dDam - 1. McLaughlin & [core on progeny of Eimcroit ewdrop M.; 2. Gee. R. Mek- ,aughiin; 3. M-H Farm. Coun- yHerd-1. Ontario Ceunty: 2. urisan; 3. York; 4. Northum- arland; 5.Lennox & A.ddi1ýg- on; 6. Victoria. Prety mucis aIl the hariest ruth-telling there is in tise ïrld fs done by chi.den.- Man yHospital To pics Under Discussion 'at A nnual Convention hTopit2 covorng ail phases cf taria Hospital Services Com- hoopitu operation and adminis- mission, W. Douglas Piercey, tration, mien g witi. prablems M.D., Executive Director ai demling wlth lmproved metisods the Canadian Haspital Associa- and techniques af patient cale tion, and F. B. Roths, M.D., De- wero up fer discussion at tise puty Ministen ai Public Healts, 32nd annual canvention cf tise Province of Saskatchewan, were Ontario Haspital Associatian la amang those scheduied toa d- tise Royal York Hatel, Taranto, dress tise delegates. early this weok. Several irons Others panticipating on tise Bowmazsvllle expected te at- programme included the Hon. tend. Leslie M. Frost, Premier ai On- Lemdlag haspital personnel tario, Malcolm G. Taylor, Asso- irom varieus parts ci Canada ciate Professan ai Politlcsi and tise United States partici- Economy, University cf Toron- pated in tisis year's O.H.A. con- ta, David W. Ogilvie, Director, vention, which was expected Blue Cross Plan ion Hospital ta attract more than 2,500 dele- Cane, L. F. C. Kirby, Director, gates. Royal Columbian Hospital, New The three-day aseet Included Westminster, and R. In. Ceifey, addneuses, panel discussions, M.D., Consultant la Physicali forums, sectienal meetings deal- Medicine, London, Onitario. ing with vaniaus aspects af Formed in 1924, tise Ontario hospital services, and commr- Hospital Association is an or- ciali exisibits covering allisos- ganization af same 220 hospitals pital requirements. ai this province dedicated ta Outatanding isaspital muthor- tise promotion af public welfare ýties on this continent, inciud- through tise deveiopmnent «~ bet- ing Arthsur J. Swanson, Chair- ter hoSpital care and service for man cf tise newly-formed On- evenyone. District W. 1e President Visits Kendal Institute, Kendal W.I, members were at tise piano. peedto welceme tise District Tise roll caîl was ans-&ered Prsdnt, Mns. W. Brown L) by eacis teiiing their views on our meeting on Wednesday af- "How to be a good citizen". It tornoon, Oct. 10. Mrs. E. Cour- was suggested we ladies should oux, president, was in thse cha'r talce more interest in veting anid Mts. J. Stapleton assis'edl for aur govarning bodies, and 1 misa in agjy mehools, besides tise vanlous community activities. During tise business periad, the Area Convention in Toron- 'ta on Oct. 30, Nov. 1 and 2 was discusied and, while no ans could go as a delegîte far the three dmys, a number plan to attend for one day. Ten dollars was voted to, the Hospital Aux illary and five ta tise Blind. The training course for the leaders of the Girls Club is be- ing held la Bowmanville on Oct. 18 and 19. Mrs. H. Poster and Mrs. Luxon ffre peruuad- ed ta be leaders, providing there were enough girls interested enougis ta came out and cern- plete the course, "Cotton Ac- consonies for tise Club Girls' Bedrooni." As Fairfields are giving a discount in October it was de- cided ta send in our aid wool- lens, 5 lbs. per bianket. Tisey are to b. leit at Mrs. J. Staple- ton's on tise Sixth Lino or at Turansky's store in Kendal by néxt Wednesday, Oct. 24. Mrs. Greenwood, convener cf Educatian and Citizensisip, gave ýan interesting talk on lier mot- ta-Freedon is tise natianal henitage cf Canadians. Sise said we Canadians shauld not groucis but sisouid appreclate oun coun- try more when seeing the coin- ditions in othen countries whicb lack aur basic ineedams These included ireedom cf speech, f ress and wonsisip, freedôîn rom arbitrary arrest, vote hy ballot, aise freedom aof mave- ment, ai awnershlp and af en- terprise. Mrs. H-. Poster g ave an amus- ing reading entitled "The Kit- chen Sink". Mrs Couroux then introduc- ed our District President, Mns. W. Brown, who spoke cf ho w community activîtrèsiand pub- lic relations could affect our~ W.I. in Kendai and review dl Pre-Caist CONCRETE Approvod Sopio Tanks Sidewalk Siahi Porches and Stop:' Brooklin Concrete Producis Phono Drooklin 155 COLLECT CALLS ACCEPTED Hlem I. New TaskobForce 57 C hevrolet Trucks!1 Performance -pro ved in a history-making test on, the ALCAN Highway to Alaska Six nsw Chevrolet trucks - represontlng Iight-, msedium- and heavy-duty models - trav- eiled tise ler*th cf thse Alcan highway ilalest thmn À5 hours. Tlsey ran day and nigist - but this was no test cf speed. It was a nseasure et thse ability cf these new Cisevrolet trucks to pcrform under typicai conditions on tise truck- killing Alcan rua. Tise Chevrolet fleet mmde normai stops along tise way, and malntained safe and legai speeds. As a apeciai additionai test during tise run, two of the trucks went thse satire distance without once having tiseir engine. stopped 1 It's ail down In thse AAA record bock. And more besides! Neyer before ha. a neW truck been so thoroughly proved. Cone in and look aver tisese new Alcart champs! Like a crelessly unwound ribbon, tise Alcan Highway twists and reels for 1,520 miles. It turables over tewering mountains of awesome beauty and wanders tisrougis desolate Yukon forests. A miracle of engineering - but a brutal challenge ta trucks. 1lt's tise road where trucks grow old before their tume. Tise road where gravel cndlessly sledgeisammers tise lite out of trucks. Wisere a fog cf superfine dust chokes enoines, and vicious ruts subject cisassis te montiss cf wear in a fcw hundred miles. This is the road tisat was chosen to give tise new '57 Cisevrolet truckb a supremne test of stamina, performance and isandling case. Tise resuits cf tisat test madceisauling history 1 FIRST WITH THE MOST MODERN FEATURESI New 283-eubic-inch Taskmaiter V8 deliver, 160 high.torque harsepowsr. Standard ln Seies 1800 and 1700, eptionai in Soties 1300 thraugh 1600 at extra cost. Morsepower ranges up ta 220 in Chevrolets complet* lino-up of modern V8 and 6 truck orngine.. Revoluionary Powermatic Transmission 1 This six.speed automatie, deîigned specifleuily fer heavy.duty haulingf, ls an extra-cost option in seri., 1400 through W 1900 modela. Hydra- Matic Ia offoed in 1300, 1400 and 1500 Seriez modsat extra cout. New 1957 work-styling gives Chevrolet trucks an *von fresher, Rleser appearance. Thore or* three different and distinctive treatments. Proved on the Alcan Highway.. Champs of every weight class! Acun fleet reports up te 20 miles per. gallon 1 That's based on officiai AAA fuel consumptian figures for thse Carnee Carrier, pcwcred by the famous Thriftmastcr 6 engins and squupped wit Overdrive (optional et extra cost). AIl the wey ln DRiVI range wlth Powsrmaticl As a special test, this Pawermatic-equipped 1900 Scries tractor travellcd the length of the Alcan Highwmy - up mountains and through washouts - in a sngle forward-speed ranie! 'Ondy tranchised Chevrolet dealers ROY Chevrolet COURTICE w. displrzy this famous New Super Tuakmetor VS flattons Yukon Meuntains 1 'Iis 195t 1800 Senis. truck with its new 283-cubic-icisV8 engias wui more than a match for Alcan mountains. It cliibd tawerins grades wir.h jackrabbit agility. tra4Jemark1 Here ore. the trucks that con quered the Alcon Highway - one of the world's mosu choll.nglnir rmodil Six nsw '57 Chevroiet trucks, ioaded with cargo, rocred north from Dawson Crook, B.C., through 1,520 miles of mountalns and mire, ram aund hall - every concelvable natural roodblock - te, Fairbanks, Alaska. Running around the clock, they moide' thîs tortuous trip - normally a 72-hour run - in Ions thon 45 heurs. Low Cab Foward models *utdats the. COJ. because they're Iower, handiemer, @asier ta got into and out of, end seve time ln routine engins maintenante. yst they efft ail the traditional Cab Over Inins advantages. Heevyweight Cham~ps with Trle.Tsrqus tandem ore reted et 32,000 lbo. OVW, 50,000 Ibo. GCW. And Chevrlotas advontsd tandem toar axit unit offers a bulit-in thtos-peed pswer divîdet-plus a uniqusef.tsig action that reduces tire wear and Incrueas handllng -.te.. (AAA) The Chevrotet Alcon rua was sanctl.nscd end officiai results csrtiflod - by the Amer ican Automobile Associaton. m Oldsmobile Cors NiCHOLS -Chevrolet Trucks BOWMAN VILLE Wl. work ln thse District. A worthy motta for our Institute would be "Look up, net down". Lastiy she advised we should take Uirne for ten thkngs-work, think, play, read, w'brship, en- joy friends, love, dreani, laugis and plan-sa we can get tume ior ail. Mrs. Couroux expressed thse appreciation of thse W.I. to Mr. igrown for ber fine mddress and ta Mrs. MiUS for being chauf- feur. Mrs. H. Poster conductod a tea conteat which occasioned considerable pondering. Lunch was served at imal tables decorated witis purpie dahliasand yeliow 'munis and a social haif-hour was enjayed. Mrs. Jack Stapleton invited the W.I. ta her home for an evening meeting Nov. 14. Good habits are as hard ta break as bad ones - but net nearly as mucis fun. ý TRURUDAT, om. 25th, loge PAGM a" c Fined $200 For Obstructing Tomato Grader On Wednesday, October 17th, 1956, in Magistrate's Court at Picton, Gerald Vandusen, tom- ato grower, was found guilty' of obstructing Wmn. Emerson, in-the performance of his dutie$ as a tomato grader. The lino was set at $200 without comts and the defendant was given one month to raise the amount. The preslding Magistrate was T. Y. Wills of Belleville. The Crown Attorney who prosecut- ed for the Ontario Depariment of Agriculture was G. 'Wblms- Iey of Pictn. 1

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