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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Oct 1956, p. 10

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.~ fAWAflTAW WY'A~UAW U~.IAWVff ?~ ~~~~~~~0C~~* -- ..... *~a. .. * t.n.t iàI Agm.w, Edilor Ph.. 3821 Social and Personal Mr. and Mrs. Milton Robin- trict, where Mr. Fisher was son spent Thursday with Mrs. the anniversary preacher on the Geo. Smith. Enterprise charge, one of his Mrs.qeo Smih sent ues former changes. Mrs.qeo Smth pen Tus-m Master Gregory Gray, son cf day with Mn. and Mrs. Gordon Mr. and Mrs. AiU Gray was a Drew, Oshawa. dinner guest with Mn. and Mrs. Mrs. Fred and Mrs. Sams Percy Hare on Wednesday. spent Tuesday with Mn. and Mrs. Authur Drew, Oshawa. '%r. and Mrs. Percy Hare vis-L ca L ited in Peterborough on Sun- Lo a ady day on the occasion ef their ~ 'v.c.iding anniversary. [Hasel-ist r A 'number of relatives and ~ ~ I f riends etfMN H. T. Manes ga-C n cio thered at Éh omne on Saturci evening to hor.our hîrn on i 8P4-c bîrtlidav wiçh i ne observ- Nwate nS.Tea n edI on' Tiieci, October l6tà. Nwatebn t hmsAi Cu t of lown gucsts were pres- glican - Church in Belleville' eni !rom Mounitain View, Lea- (Mýeyer's Creek) on Sunday, sc.,Toronlo. Oshawa, Colum- September l6th, 1956, a bronze U.and Orono. plaque was unveiled to the Mr. he. îieuhb ' memory of Captain John Wat- Thos Wiloughy ofden Meyers, founder ef Belle- G-naxva, visited, ,with Mr. and ville and famouss British spy of 1.1 l:,. W. R. Carveth and family the American Revolutionary on Tuesday. War of 1776-83. Dr. J. A. Butler, Miss Cora Captain Meyers was hemn Butlen and Mr. George Butler near Albany in 1745. hie died at were Sunday guests a week ago Meyers' Creek (Belleville) iu with Mr. and Mrs. Dick Aiw 1821. His funeral service was derson and Richard in Oshawa, held in~ St. Thomas' Church, Miss Ivy Harnis of Brookliri then a 'small wooden structure. spent the weekend visiting with Sir Henry Clinton, the Eng- 1V1:ýs Velda Fisher. lish Commander at New York, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Kelsey during the Revolutionsry War spc-nt the weckend in Toronto . seîected Meyers as the mo.t vL'sitng with Mr. snd Mrs. Ar- suitable messenger te convey chie Martin and fsmily. lettens of great importance Mýr. and Mnz. Ian Hr.'kendorn, overland tei Genenal Haldimsud Marllvn sud rruce or Burford, at Quebec, through a hostile Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Agnew and country" (Cruikshank). MisSusan Brook of Peterbor- GnrlHliadgv i MissandMn. and Mrs. H. C. iGeenea Hcodmandgaeting lgekwerandssit ons. ave-oubis missions under that Gen- loc wee Sndy vsitrsw1it eral's own pensenal direction. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Aguew. Messages were sîso carried by The occasion being the bîrth- Myr oNaaa day anniversary of Miss Heck- Myr eNaaa endoru and the wedding anni- Mrs. David L. Bennett, "The versary cf the Gordon Agnews. Hollows', Newcastle, a descen- The Rev. M. C. and Mrs. dlant of this pioneer or the Bay Fisher spent the weekeud at ef Quinte, is a deeply interested Enterpnise in the Kingston dis- student of pioneer history and _____________________ is at present sttempting te ne- discover for the Canadian put- lic, this man who emerges as Jone of oun bast Canadian her- Among those present at the' impressive ceremeny were the Mayor and Council, nepresent- ing the city ot Belleville, the Masonic Order, ef which Cap- SERVI ~tain Moyens was the first Mas- BERIR SALE ~ ~ton in 1801 and numerous des- cendants who welcomed this SALES AFT. first siguificant recegnition ef 3E/?*I./E ~K~ thein forebear. va' GRL B.6 NWASL NEWCASTLE GARAGE FRANK IIOAR, Propnietor Phone 2671 C. G. GGULD Heaiing and Eavestroughing Authorized Chalco -Dealer Newcasfle 3686 CONCRETE BLOCK Contact ONTAIO BLOCK and TILE LTD. For QUALITY and SERVICE en your Concrete Block Requirements -Cali Dlacksiock *88W Port Perry 513 Suaderland, *123 Game Laws Is Subject Lions Speaker Newceatle: Highlighting the regular meeting of the New- castle Lions Club, held in the Queen's Hotel on Tbunsday evening last, was the addness hy Mn. Ken Tolmie of Oneno, of the Department et Lands and Forests for Ontario. Intnoduced as eue frem home, by Lion Gerald Duvall, I the speaker addressed the members ou "Game Laws" lu Ontario as they applied te ducks, pheas- ants, deer and moose, and the interpretation of the laws. He emphssizod that a Game Wardeu is not a seeken et guns, but is the manager, or caretaken, et the game sud wild life lu the province. Iu this regard, he stated, it is his duty te se in- struct the hunton thus preteet- ing this wildlife. Mn. Tolmie funthen ententain- ed the members with the pres- entation ot somne fine films ou fishing sud forest fine fighting which were thoreughiy enjoyed by ail preseut. On behait et the members of the club, Lion John Rickard, exnressed appreciatien te Mr. Tolrnic.for fan inst-rctivea nd Centennial Committ ee Me ets ts Own Expenses Now that the Firýance Cemmittee et the Newcastle Ceutennial Cemmittee bas completed its work and closed its books, it is showu that the celebrations were a real success without undue expense te the taxpayers, with the original donation cf $200 te the committee by the council a yean age covering the entine expense cf the celebrations. With this donation and receipts from the varieus events, the finance committee has been able te pay the entire cost cf the celobration which ameunted te $3»25.97. This celebration has givon uuteld thousands cf dollars wonth cf adventisiug te the village at the small cost ef $200 te the village administration. FINANCIAL STATEMENT Receipts Advertising in Centennial beokiets_________ Village et Newcastle --_______________ Variety Show--------- Satunday basebaîl game Band concert -----------_ __ ___ __ __ Baseball tournamnent Cburch collections Street danco ($288 less orchestra $205) Dance rofneshment booth------------ Bail park booth------------___--_--_---------- Souvenir books, matches, handkerchiefs and mugs Donations and sundry __ Movies, August 3rd Lionettes ------------------------------------- ----- Refund ne overpaymeut te Fife and Drum Baud Lions Club, ne Carnival _____ ____ Total Roceipts Expenditures Letterheads and envelopes Tolephone calîs ------_________-___- Girls' softball team......._----------____-_-- Beard-gnowing centost prizes ----- _______-_ Orono Basobaîl Club, ne tournament Varioty show---------- ----- -- ---______ Phonograpb records------____ R. Fawcett, eld cars, ne panade Canon R. W. Allen -- ---------_ _______ Salvation Army---- Unitod Church (These payments wene made at the request of R ev. Dewdney, Rev. Fisher when Church collection was given te Centennial Committee) Bonathan Hardware Ltd., pnizes ----------------- Elmhurst Hotel - Meals June 29 and July 2 L. W. Jobuson, pnizes ------- Fireworks------------------ _________ Parade pnizes ------------___________ Prnting Centennial Books ______ Ramn insurance ---------__ ___-__- __-- Sound oquipment -_______ Handkerchiets ______________ Guost book ---------_------ Basebalîs, ne tournament -___ 1Movie film containers aud-splicing cern;ent _______ Soft drinks, ne dance booth ___ Umpining at bahl touru amont ___ Haydou MacDonald Ltd. Advertising, etc._______ _____ Postage --- Sundnies - -- - --- V. G. Blake, Historian ______________ C. R. Carveth ________ G. Agnew ----__---- Fife and Drum Band ($10,00 refund) Markham Girls' Band----------- _ _____ Bowmanviile Legion Band___________ A. McGill -------___ _______ G. Agnew, publicity Returned te,,Club -____________ $1,347.50 200.00 135.75 206.75 71.70 165.85 66.18 83.00 37.72 40.94 438.95- 7.60 56.90 35.00 10.00 3S32.12 $3,235.97 $ 25.30 15.65 35.00 50.00 15.00 155.00 4.05 30.00 15.001 3.00 30.10 73.70 7.00 45.00 40.00 1,326.56 64.80 15.25 45.36 4.00 24.75 28.78: 17.50 264. 15 512.68 18.00 23.00 25.00 21.01, 3.05 35.00 1.60 50.00 68.79. Total Expenditures $3,235.971 PERCY HARE J. C. PORTER Chairman Finance Committee Treasurer Finance Committee C.N.R. Agents Honour P. F. Hare ct Banquet Newcastle: Some twenty-tive active sud retired agents et the Canadian National Railways line frorn Tornto to Bellevile gath- ered lu the Eimhurst Hotel on Saturday evening at a banquet and presentation in honoun et Mn. Percy F. Haro who retired on June 26, 1956 after torty- five yeans employment with the railway. Mn. H. J. Willis, fneigbt agent at Port Hope, acted as Master of Ceremonies for the evening and, on behaîf et the assembled agents, presented a purse of money to Mn. Haro, speaking et bis long association with the Railway prier te bis retirement, the last tbinty years et which had been as Newcastle Agent. There were a number et cem- plimeutary addresses from men who had served with Mn. Hare, the senior guest beiug Mn. E. H. Brown, retired freigbt agent at Bowmanvilie. MF'. Hare respended very capably, thanking those preseut for their gift and ki.tid expres- sions of goodwill. Agents were present frem To- ronte, Pickerng, Oshawa, Bow- mauville, Newcastle, Port Hope and Ceiberne. Following the banquet, Mrs. Hane was presented with a love- ly bouquet ocf Amenican Beau- ty Roses. Huillowe'en Party Enioyed entertaining evening. a~G o p OBITUARY Newcastle: The members of e theFrendhi Clbwitb mem- MARJORIE ELAINE POWELL bers of the Eveuing.BrancofR t r id Newcastle: The Newcastle sudStGer'sCuchW i a Lakeshore cornmunities were their guests, held a mest eujey-M deelysadeed n husdyable Hallewe'eu Party in the M eeting on ;September 20, 1956, te learn etfLs Wdd o tevComnit the sudden pass":ng, as the ne- sal on Wenesday enig ls P' suit cf s motor accident, et with about sixty preseut. C~onference Marjorie Elsirie Powell at the . While awaling the arrivai et tender age of tifteen years.. their galy dressed guests, the The Rotary Club of Bowman- Born May 27, 1941, the daugh- membens jeiued lu a lively ville at thjein meeting, iast Fni- i te cfMn.andMrs Sauolsing-soug led by Mrs. Wilma day, in the main dining-rom c f te Pofel eM rad alm uheel Scott witb Mrs. Marion Allun the Balmoral Hotel, discussed Newastethelae MssPowllat th e piano. Followvîng the final plans for thein participa- xva s opuareleent grdegrand march, the judges bcd tien at the District Rotary Con- student cf the Orono Hig-a s difficuit task choosing two ference iu Toronto, tomerrow Shool at the time cf hon pss-wînners tram the costumed sud Saturday. throng: hewever, the pnize for The meeting was cbairmaned berpsensth ltethe best cemic costume was by Merley Vanstone. Song lead- Besides epaettele awarded te Elvis Pressley, wvhoeor, Keith Siemon, iuspined the Miss Powell is survived by tbree turned eut t ô ibe Mrs. Yvonne club te some fine harmouy. They sisters, Mrs. Donald Coulter, Williams and the pnize for the will lead the singing during the (Maurice), of Downsview; Mns. best costume weut te Mrs. Peg- Conference. Jack Crago, (Hazel) and Dor- gy Boyd with honr bustie sud Au atteudance pin was pre- reneo f Newcastle sud tbnee tîowen bedecked bat. sented by Tom Rehder te AI. brothers Floyd. Ronald sud The evening was spent in Stnike on the completion cf his Thse fueall ercte.i teplaying games et musical chairs, finst year et perfect atteudance. TAe uneal srvie i therelysbebbing for apples, Six guests jeined at the table Newcastle United Chunch on souare dancing sud charades, including Fred Rhodes, a Re- Saturday, September 22, 1956, atter which the guests adjeuru- tanian frem Madison, N.J.; Oeo. wss largely attended sud con- ed te the kitchen where, from Charlton, Wilbert Charlton, Han- ducted by hon, paston, the*Rev. a beautifully decorated table, old Spnoule sud Ed. Stenie, al M. C. Fisher snd interment was Groups 1 sud 4, led by Mes- Retarians trom Oshawa, sud mnade in the Orono Cemetery. dames Kay Powell sud Wilda Bill Smith, et the O.B.A., a guest, The esteem in which the de- Johnson. servrod a lovely lunch, et Garuet Rickard. ceased was heid vas evidenced The prize fer the lucky cup wvas by the many beautiful floral won by Mrs. Helen Boweu aud triute whchwere received the dean prize by Mrs. Pearl ZION (Hope Township). includiug those fro th Lake- Sharp.f shore Community, Newcastle On behaîf of the members of (Intended for last week) United Church Choir, the Staff St. George's W.A. Mrs. Dew.i- Mn. sud Mrs. Edwin Ruthven! and Students of Orone High ney expressed appreciatien te spent Thauksgiving with Mr. School. Graduaites cf 1956, Gen- the Friendship Club for the ou- and Mrs. D. Foster, Toonto. eral Moters Stock Room 420 tertaiuing evening. Mn. sud Mns. Hugh Anderson Staffesd f Students ane threl The party was breught te a accempauied Mr. sud Mrs. Mike Htair dssin tsoel. rve close with the singing et Taps. Claucy te Montreal, Thauksgiv-j alîbrers. ail chousnse. teiug weekend. Palleares. Il cusis oftheMn. and Mrs. Den Symonis deceased wuer-c Messrs. Allun A financial,grant bv the Can-'sud daughterF, and Mrs. Aikier, Holdaway. Gordoni Tonkin, adian Government enahled Mar- of Clinton, spent last Friday Sta nley Powell, Newton Selby, coni te continue bis expeninients with Mr. and Mrs. Tiuthven. BW Laverty and Jack Laverty. on wirel eaitlegraphy. Air. ad Mm. Kelly. Uion- THRSDAY. OCT. 23th, 1951 ville, with Mr. and Mns. Fred Tufford. This Week Congratuilations to Mr. and Mns. Maxwell Moore on the bfrtb ofa son at the hospital, laut week. Church services were held Suinday at 10 a.rn. Rev. Mr. Harding gave a very fine ser- mon. Sunday School followed at il a.m. with a fair attend- ance. There wull flot be Sunday School next Sunday, Pct. 28, as thisi will be Anniversary ser- vice. The October meeting of the Zion Woman's Association was held Thunsday evening, Oct. 13 at the home of Mrs. E. Ruthven. There were nine membens pres- ent. Mrs. Meneilley led in pnay- er. Mrs. N. Gerow read the minutes. Treasurer Mrs. Ruth- yen gave the financial report. Miss Raby reported for the Comfort Comm. that several cards and flowers had been sent to sick membens, and thank you cards were nead.. Ail unfin- ished business was taken care of. Various plans for the anni- versany this coming Sundayv were made, r-- the decorating, lunch for the visiting choir etc. Thursday afternoon there wil be sweeping and dusting to be done. Ail the ladies are invit- ed te the church that afteruoon. Details in 'connection with the faîl bazaar to be held this Nov. 23 in the evening, were discuss- ed. The shîpment of blankets etc., arrived and were partially distributed. Mrs. Meueilley arranged the devotional period, and program in the abseuve of the commit- tees. Mrs. N. Gerow read the scripture. Topic was read by Mrs. C. Raby and followed by prayer, closing with hymn. Rol cail was answened by donation te the Wishing Well. Frogram-A reading by Mrs. Th e Orono News Telephone 127 Mi,.. Erniest Keat, Toronto, spent the weekend at Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Blewetts. Mr. anid Mrs. Albert Arnold and family, Wexford, spent* Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hancock and family. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Corn-. forth, Lindsay, spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gib- son Jr. Congratulations to Mr. Rob,. Lunn who will be 88 on Sun- day, October 28th. Mr. Clarence Duncan was a patient in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Barra- bail spent the weekend atl Courtice. Mrs. Roy C. Forrester has ne- turned home 'from Western Hospital, Toronto. Mr. and Mns. S. D. Keats, Chatham, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. D. Harness. Mr. and Mrs. Edgerton Han- cock, Mrs. Robt. Hancock and Ruthven, "Judge Not Ton Hard"; reading by Mrs. R. Ge- row, 'Tomorrow, A Day That Ain't Ben Tetched Yet". This was followed i2y a Hallowe'en contest, Mrs. N. Gerow getting the highest number. A pleasant social hour and lunch brought the meeting te a close. Anniversary serviA!s will be held Oct. 28. Rev. C. C. Clark of Frankfort will be guest speaker. Special music provid- ed services at il a.m. and 7.30 p.m. seas Missions, was' the guest Mr. Alan Hancock, visited Mr. and Mns. Harold Hancock, Bellevil.le. Mn. and Mrs. Stanley Chap- man and son Clair, Kirby, at- tended Orono Anniversary Sun- day and were guests cf Miss Bertha Cain. Mrs. F. F. Morris, Miss B. Morris, Bowmanville, and Mrs. J. E. Richards, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Dixon, Markham, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Barrabali and>Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Bar- rabaîl, Courtice, spent the weekend in North Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston, TQ-, ronto, were recent visitors wth IMn. and Mrs. Geo. Morton. Mn. and Mrs. Carman Cor- nish vîsited last week with her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Jones, Montreal.' The Public Schoel Teachers cf Clark Township with the teachers of Port Hope and Coi- bourg, held their conventions last Thursday and Friday, with a bus trip to Cornwall and the St. Lawrence Seaway. Orono W.A. Turkey Supper is on Nov. 21st. See Ceming Events. Mn. and Mrs. 0. Chatterton and Carol, Miss Jill Chapman visited Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Heri- derson, Oshawa, Suuday. Mr. W. C. Crossley is a pa- tient in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. The Rev. Dr. A. E. Armstrong, cf Toronto, the former General Secretary of the Board cf Over- speaker at the Anniversary Ser- vices on Su.nday at Orono Un. ied Church. The Rev. John Kitchen baptized David George Gilbank, Robert William Snell, Paul Donald Staples and Ro- xanna Marie Tremaine Watt. also by transfer, Mrs. Kenneth Gam- sby and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd W. Wilson. on a local business property on the following terms: (a) $17,000 Cash for $20,000 open lst Mortgage (b) Perlod: 5 Yetra (e) Interest :-6% payable twice yearly (d) Principal Repayments: Monthly Aggregatlng $2 4,000 per year The business bas recently changed hands for $60,000 with a $25,000 down pay- ment. Ample real estate security plus an exceptional remun- erative business makes this a first class investment. Previouis owner will go cov- enant if desired. FURTHER PARTICULARS WRITE BOX 58L STATESMAN Healthful - Invigorating - Drink your apple a day Allen's 48 oz. tin, Apple Juice Adds zest to any meal Pure Tomato - Hein z Ketchup Makes floors glisten Johnson's - Hard Gloss Liquid - Pt. tin Glo-Coat Wax Margarine - Regular Alls weet Bon lb. pkg. Delicious in sandwiches, salad plates, casseroles Clover Leaf - Fancy Red - %/'s tin Sockeye Salmon Bonus - Free Silverware ini every Detergen t1 Tender, Sweet, Kernels Fancy Quality - Vacuum Pack - 14-or. tin T.endler andi Sweet Fancy Quality 15-or. tin Special STOIKEMLY'S P E A S 3 Saving at time of purchase 2 C Shield Gt. Tube TOOTH PASTE ius ]?ack Lipton's - Orange Pekoe Pkg. of 63c TEA DAGS Toilet Tissue Economical - A meal in itself 3 5 cClark's SPAGHETTI DIU Special 2Fr33c Special 2Fer 35c 15e Off Pack 44C 10c Off, Pack 72c f60 Special Richmello - Creamy 16 or. jar 47c SALAD DRESSING 35c iscovery r package 5c Off Pack Lge. Pkg. 38C 10c Off Pack Ut. rkg. 1f Save on Motor Oul - S.A.E. Grades No. 10, No. 20 Domnol Qt. T in 6 Qt. Tin Motor Qi! 27C Make your own Hallowe'en Taff y Apples Bee Hive Corn. Syrup 1.35 2-lb. tin 32C Fresh Fruits & Vegetables Sheli Out for Hallowe'en! Attractive Hallowe'en bag containing 7 lbs of Ontario Fancy Grade S now Apples SUNKIST Oranges 53C Sire 289's 2Idoz. 69C Sweet Eating New Crop California Emperor Grapes ibs. 2.9c, Rell Ilc 16-or. pkg. MNER 53c 32 oz. jar Quality Meats Fresh - Grade A - 2% to 3 lbs., roasting or frying Pre-Dressed Chickens lb. 3 5c Devon Brand Rindless Bacon lb. 75c Caldwell's Skin!ess Wieners lb. pkg. 3,5c Hallowe'en "Trick or Treat" lM. cello pkg. BEAver S IN SHELL 21c Howe's Howe's 12-. pkg. HALLOWE'EN JEULY DEANS 29c DOMINION Values effective in Bowmanville- until Saturday, Oct. 27 DOMINION STORES LIMITED 16-or. pkg. 35c 15-or. pkg. $Party lreafv' coçf lç ,but {hey go o facf- -When 1 lrat hought Party Treat Biscuits Bt Dominion. 1 f thoughc IFd aave pienty hucause oftch. low. law price. "Buttch.y tante 80 900d chat the childien pollah off a package ç Y In'no ime. Their fathor in no help . .. ho lovez thora too. And even ch. politeat quasi reaches again and again for 'Take a ccp front me, Mary. Stock up on Party Trait Elaeulte th. ita week -..4n d aveiT week. Ther. are 10 different varleties . a. l.11crumptious . .. ail low priced ... and you cans gel thera on!>. at DomWnos.' Sparby teat BISCUITS 1 -VAGZ qw TM CUi-'qADL« STATIMILAN- nwmÀ&wTe% 11-oz. bottle 25c 29c 4ý a ic

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