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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Oct 1956, p. 13

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TRURSDAY, OCT. 25th,~~~~irwi 19ETE AA!! TJMN.DWAqVLE NTEOIIWE m Newtonville W. 1. Hear District President The regular meeting of the Newtonvillé W.I. was held Wed- nesday afternoon, Oct. 17, al the home o! Mrs. C. Brown, with Mns. Milligan conducting the meeting. The Sec-Treasurer reported a balance on hand cf $65.05, and also nepoted on the proceeda frorm serviftg lunch at Mn. S. Rowes sale. The con- vention in Toronto, was dis- cussed and Mrs. Johnston is to be aur delegate. Mns. Milligan nepanted that there is ta be a Polio Clinic ini the church basement on Nov. 8, where chiidren o! pre-school. age may receive the Salk vac- cine. Volunteer helpers should get in touch with Mrs. Milligan, se that fimes can be arranged. The usual $2.00 was donated ta aid in the children's publie zpeaking contesf. The question of doing same- thing for aur winning bail teamn w& discussed and a committee JACK DROUGHý PLUMBING MA 3-5615 Division and HEATING BOVMA NVILLE Street South chasen ta plan a suppen. Mrs. Pearce, convenor of the group, then asked for the ral cail "Tell a joke"' to'1 which everyone responded. Mns. Me- Culiough nead a paber gn "Cun- nent Events." Mns. Peance then intmoduced the guest speaker, Mna. W. H. Brown, aur district president. Mrs. Brown spoke cf her plea- sure in meeting the group and told o! her very busy life as district president. She hoped for a lange attendance at thel district annual convention at Nestleton next year. Mrs. Brown hopes that the sacieties may be good-wifl arn- bassadons to promote a better -cammunity feeling, that new members be welcomcd and hap- piness be the spirit cf the meet- ing. Let us each try ta do what we are asked, avaid being cri- tical, look up, not down, and keep ourselves informed so that we may become better citizens. She clased with the thought that we shauld each take time ta do these thing-to work, think, play, read, warship, ta helD and enjay friends, fa lave, ta dream, ta iaugh, ta plan, and se ta live a better and happier if e. Mrs. Peance expressed the thanka cf ail ta the speaker, and fa the hosteas. The door prize wvas won by Mrs. Red- knap. The hostesa and gnaup served a delîciaus lunch. YELVERTON Yelverton Church Hall was the scene this week of varjous activities. On Thursday night a smali gathering of badmin- ton enthusiasts-a larger at- tendance la hoped for this corn- ing week. Speaking Contest On Friday night the Man- vers Public Sehool Speaking Contest with the following con- testants: Miss Carolyn Fallis, Pontypool, speaking on the R.C.M.P.; Miss Dianne Bige- low, Bethany, on ."Electrical Progress in Ontario"; Miss Di- anne Challice, Carscadden School, "Electricity. on the Farm"; Miss Elizabeth Rowan. i Arrived \c The Iatest IT' lglierand most THAN YOU THINK. cooru . .. .. ..selection of Iuggage ever.1 We carry in stock ail sizes and colours. IJohn St ut t Shoesi 15 King St. E. Bowmanville MA 3-5839 I 0 If you'ne interested in a 'Good Used Car wc've got them. Corne in and see the tremendous bargains we are now offering. Buy now to make sure of carefnee driving during the winter months. See oui GOODWI LL GUARANTEED USED CARS Robson Motors Limited PONTIAC - BUICK and VAUXHALL CARS G.M.C. TRUCKS 166 King St. E. Bowmanville Two telephones to serve you - MA 3-3321 or 3.3322 Yelverton, "My Trip to the Parliament Buildings"; Miss Wilma Jakeman, FallUs School, "Your Five Brothers". Missi Carol Jordan, North Janetviile,- "Pen Pals". Also from Janet- ville Miss Dianne Henry, "Trip to Niagara' . Contributing to the program as well was a girls' quantet from Falla School and Yelverton S. S. No. 1 sang two numbers. Howard Malcolm was the able M. C. and the capable ad- judicator for the contest wos Mr. Watt, Principal of Oroni High School, whose pithy com- ment created considerable in- terest. Miss Wilma Jakeman of Fal- lis, under Mrs. E. Argue's tutor- ship, was awarded top position with Miss Carolyn Falls of Pontypool a close sedond. The only crlticism heard was that these youthful orators who assembled their own material and composed their own speech- es were flot Siven any special recognition over thôse whose speeches were written for thern by qualified adulta bo be mein- orized and then recited. A tricky question!1 On Saturday night the W.A.1 gais garnered ample rernunera- tion for serving lunch to a se- lect group of t he "L.L.L."-a second cousin or something to the "Ku Klux' Klan" likewise a secret society whose object is to supply a special subject to a special place for a special reason at a fixed time. An- other meeting to be called later to probe further into probabili- fies, examine possibilities and provide solutions ta pressin.- problems. Poses a puzzle doesn't it? Wedding belis a-jingling! Con- gratulations ta Mr. and Mr3. Jim Spenceley (nee Cathanine McCrea) who we'-e marnied on Saturday in Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Malcolm wene among those In attendance. Mrs. Ernestine Hendersan and Master 1fturray accompanied the Ralph Malcolms ta Acton on Saturday ta attend a wed- ding. Velvertonians lent moral sup- port ta fthe adjoining commurni ties of Cadmus and Bethany on the occasion of their church an- niversaries. Sunday dinner guests o! the Howard Maicolms were, Mr. and Mra. Lawrence Malcolmn and !amily, Nestieton, and Mn. Stanley Malcolm. On Tuesday at the W. H. IStinsans, Mrs. Marris Walken, Bannie and Lynne. Mn. and Mrs. Stinson were callera me- cently at the Percy Swains o! [Bunketon. The Arthur Rowan !amily accampanied by Mrs. Mabel and Misa Annie Rowan, Ennis- killen - and Mrs. Patterson, ILindsay, spent Sunday with re- latives in Acton. Mn. and Mrs. Floyd Stinson and family, at the Gea. Pages, Lifford, on Sunday. Mm. and Mrs. Raiph Malcolm and family with the Allan Beers, Bet.heny, Sunday. The Cliff Snyders, Toronto, with the lrugh McGills. The Ed Lawsons and Bruce on Sunday éwith the Marwood McKees. WESLEY VILLE For one Sundey et leat ser- vices nreturned ta normal with Sunday , School in change o! Truman Austin and the Bible neading from Genesis by Yvonne Parnell. A Red Cross quilting was held al the home o! Mrs. R. Best on Wednesday efternoon with about a dozen ladies pres- ent. The quilt was finished, making the foumth in the past month. A bale for the Save the Chul- dren Fund was packed by Mrs. A. Austin and Mrs. E. Barrow- clough et the latter's home on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. E. Barrowecugh attend- ed the Feul rally o! the Cobourg Presbytery Woman's Associa- tion held in Warkwanth on Tuesdey, Oct. 16. Mns. A. Rock o! Part Hope, mecently of Montreal, has been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. A. Holdaway. Freddie Hoskin o! Welcome, spent Sunday with hîs cousin, Ronnie Dinnen. OBITUARY j MRS. WM. HENDERSON I thy o! this cammunity is ex- tended ta Mn. William Henden- son and family in their great bereavement of a loving wife and mother. Althaugh the late Mrs. Hendenson had been ili for a long time the news o! her passing in the eanly heurs of Tuesday, Oct. 17 came as a shock te hen many fnienda. Unfil ber sickness Mrs. Hen- derson was a constant worken in ail branches o! chunch work. :;ý For 20 years she taught th-, f cen-age girls o! aur Sunday S chool and the influence o! bez àenfle wey and teaching is to- ay one of the memanies treas- ured by those she taught. Mns.« Henderson was also one o! the finat ta jain the Woman's Asso- ciation and for many years took the part o! devotional reeding at eech meeting. In many ways we shall miss aur dean frîend and neighbour who was always ready to help In any wey whene help was needed. For the pat few yeans her suf!erings were great, yet shd t always had a smile o! welcome for ber many visitons and hem fortitude et ail fimes was an exemple o! hem Christian char- Iacter. On Thursday, the l8th in th%),' ;bright October sunshine Mrs. r Henderson was laid te nest inI Welcome Cemeteny, the Rev. A. W. Harding a!ficiating. Thse many beautiful fibutes and friends present festificd 40 the love and esteem in which she W&,.;held. Father, in Thy Gracious keepiî.& Leave we now Thy servant, 'IMan y Events lHeId For Popular Bride Pnior to her manniage last Satunday 'ta Mr. Ray Arthur Stainton, Miss Marieann Jet- fery was entertained at a num- ber of shoWers. On Sept. 25, Mrs. D. Glover, Oshawa, aunt o! the groom was hostess at a crystal shower when many iovely gifts were received. On Tuesday evening, Oct. 2, about 65 neighbouns and friends greeted the sunprised bride-to- be at the Memonial Park club house, Bowmanville. To the strains o! tbie wedding manch played by Mrs. William Mutton, the bride was escorted to a de- conated chair where she open- ed her many beautiful glfts. Pink and white streamers fonm- ed a pretty bridal background for the happy occasion. Mms. William Barrett was hostess, assisted by Mns. Gordon Wil- coiç. The evenlng concluded with a deliciaus lunch. Attend- ing from Taranto was Mns. H. Wotten, aunt o! the bride. Entertaining at a personal shower for fhe bride on Mon- day, Oct. 15, was Mrs. R. Heard, O4hawa, assisted by Misa Shir- ley Young, Bowmanviile. On Wednesday evening, Oct. 17, Mrs. Victor Jeffery enter- tained at a trousseau tea fan her daughter. Mrs. Norman Allison and Mrs. Harvey Lunney pour- ed tea and serving were Mrs. Rosa Jeffeny, Misa Catherine Stainton, the latter a sister o! the groom, bath o! Oshawa; Miss Shirley Young and Miss Peggy Barrett of Bowmanville. Assistino, were Mrs. Jack Braund, Oshawa; Mrs. Robent Evans and Mrs. William Bar- rett. Bowmanville. W.A. attended the W.A. meet- ing of the Salem W.A. on Thurs- day evenlng at the home of Mns. W. Craig. Mn. Lloyd Slemon and Mns. Cowling are delegates to the W.A. Convention which wiil be held on Thursday at Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Graham and Mn. Henry Ashton attend- cd the funeral of Miss Annie, Mountjoy, Bowmanville, Sat- urday. Oratorical contest of the pub lic school wiil be held at Hamp- ton on Friday evening. Joan Layng will nepnesent Haydon public achool. Congratulations to Mr'. Hen- ry Ashton who wil celebrate his 79th birthday on Monday, October 29. Don't forget the Cornmunlty Sale to be held in the Church Shed Saturday, Nov. 3. For particulars see the list in Auc- tion Sales in the Statesman. Mr. and MNis. Lloyd Slemon were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms, Enniskilen, on Sunday. Orsi Saturday evenlng about 65 neighbors and frienda gath- ered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Garrard in honar of Misa Jean Griffin and Mr. Alfred Garrard, prior to thei'" marriage on Satprday, Oct. 27. Mr. Arthur Tfewin escorted Miss Jean Griffin to a chair and Mrs. Cowling escorted Mr. AI- fred Garrard. Rev. F. Jackson acted as chairman and a short program was presented consistl- ing of readings, Mrs. Jack Jones, Mrs. A. Read and Mr. J. D. Cameron, solo, Mrs. C. Rankine; duet, Ina Beryl Read, and Lynda Potta. The address was given by Mrs. K. Cowling. Mr. Lloyd Slemon presented the couple wlth a floor lamp. A deliciaus lunch was served. W. A. Bazaar on Wednesday, Nov. 28. Church Service, Sunday at 7.30 p.m. Out-of-fown guesta lnclut.,ca Mn. and Mrs. John Davie, Mis JntDavie, Mn. and Mms H. ENNISKILLEN Watten, Tarante, relatives cd the bride. Service Club met et Mrs. W. The beautîful chrysanthe- Hawells with il members and mumas in autumn shades form- oevstrpeet nNv ingthecenre iec ofthetea9th the Service Club is holding table and decarating the rooms a card party et Mrs. R. Virtue's. were the gift o! Mr. and Mns. vroewlon.Te ex Norman ____Scott._ meeting is et Mma. R. Virtue's an October 30. Lunch was serv- 1'UT~I~T d by Mis. B. Reid, Mrs. W. E. HAYDONRobson and hosteas. Mn. and Ms-s. Eari Trewin, Mn. and Mrs. Deug Fontain Doreen and Donald, accom- and Neil, Mrs. Fontain Sr., To- panied by Mn. and Mrs. Fred renta, were Sunday visitons at Trewin ahd Lloyd, Blackstock, Mrs. A. McNeil's. weme Sunday guesta with Mn. Mn. and Mrs. George Ber- and Mms. Roy Tnewin, Mimico. trim and Georgie, Taunton, at Mn. and Mns. Rasa Page and Mn. and Mrs. M. Bentrim's. femily, Newcastle; Mn. and Mrs. Mn. and Mrs. Roland Themp- Jim Simpson and family, Tren- son and family, Hampton, at tan; Mn. and Mrs. Clarence Brad- Mn. and Mrs. C. Rankine'a. ley, Maurice and Beveniy, Bew- Mr. and Mns. Stanley Cowl- manville, were with Mn. and ing and family, Salem, wene Mrs. Leonard Bradley. Saturday evening visitons at Mn. and Mrs. N. Leadbeaten, Mn. George Tabb's. Betty and Jimmy, Mr. K. Lead- Mn. Bert Ashton and Brad, beater, Tarante, were ecent vis- Toronto, wene supper guests o!fitors o! Mn. and Mrs. A. Lead- Mn. and Mrs. A. Read Saturday. beater. Mr. and Mms. Ivan Sharp, En- Mn. and Mrs. H. Stevens et- niakillen, Ray Ashton, Toron- tended the Silver Anniversany te, at Mn. and Ms-s. Lloyd Ash- o! Mr. and Mrs. Harold Burgess, ton's. held at the home a! Mn. and Mn. and Mma. Silas Trewln Mns. Wes. Taylor, Tyrone, on and Judith, Bowmanville; Mr. Satumday evening. and Mrs. Wm. Riddell, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Wright ne- Howard Cale, Orona, Mms. turned home on Sunday fnom Stanley Preston, Bowmanville, spending a week's vacation wifh Miss Winnifned Trewin, Miss their son, Mn. and Mns. Arthur Grace Trewin, Mn. Fred Castle, Wright, Bannie. Toronto, at Mns. Wm. Tnewin's. Mrs. M. Steinton attended a Mn. and Mns. Cilffomd Tre- troussea tea given by Mns. Vic- win, Bowmanville, at Mr. and ton Jeffery, Bowmanvîlie, for Mrs. Arthur Trewin's. 1 her daughten Marie. Mn. and Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs' 'Steinton were guests at the Mrs. John Patta on the bisth Staintan - Jeffemy wedding in St. of a son. Paul's United Church, Bawman-1 Sympathy la extended to the ville on Satunday afternoon. relatives o! Miss Annie Mount- Congratulations ta Mn. W. H. jey. Moore on celebnating his 83rd Several fram Haydon attend- binthday, Oct. 23. cd Tyrone and Bunketon Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Gettins, Thankof!ering Services on Whitby, spent Sunday with Mn. Sunday. and Mrs. P. Ellis. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon, Mn. Frank Spmy, Rochester, and Mn. Milton Siemon attend- N.Y., necently visited Mn. and ed the funeral o! thein aurît, Mms. E. Wright. Mms. Spry re- Misa Annie Mountjoy, Bow- turned home with Mn. Spry.- manville, on Satunday. Mn. and Mms. Jack Hawkshaw, Several members o! Haydon Oshawa; Mn. and Mrs. Tom Williami Macready chalks up twobenefits fron, progress Hi gh school feecher William Macrcady speeks with authority about progress in Uie vitally important field of educetion. Troday's improved schools,»amys Mr. Macready, «are the resuit cf years of planning, nescarch and experiment. Modern buildings and equipment make for more effective instruction. New teaching meth- ods help students develop new skills and extra-curricular intercsa. Today, thc teacher'. task is more gratifying than ever." In another field, mca like Macady aise benefit frei progreas ina way vitally important te their fainilies . . . Iii c nsurance. Family met amc making greater use of its services than ever. Today, life insurance neprosentatives aec better tnained te hclp yen. Group insurance bas brought new security te millions. And rnany restrictions on obtaining life insurance have beca removcd. In these and other ways, the fii. insurance com panses keep pact ws:h the match of progrets. 8 NEW INFORMTIVE 32-PAGE IOOKL5T - Just publlshed, il informative booklet givng up-to-dat. fada aund figures about * if. insurance foi Canada. for free copy, write ta Roo. 1000, 302 Boy Street Tarent. -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - 166D ,1 Walker, Bowmanville: Mr. and Mns. Edwin Sandercock and Larry, Orono, with Mr. and Ms-s. C. Ferguson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Gniffin, Heather and Dale were Sunday ýavening tea guesta of Mr. and Msa. Ross Sharp's. Mr. and Mns. Len Cheeseman and Linda, Oshawa; Mr. and ,Mrs. Earl Cross, Maple Grove, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Howells. Mrs. Murray Mustard and Hugh, Sandford, were tea. guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. Dorland. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Coates and Shirley were Satunday ev- ening gucats at Mn. and Mrs. F. Toms. Mr. and Mns. W.ill Gray, En- field, with Mr. and Mrn. R. J. Ormiston. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Hubbard, Oshawa, witli Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oke. Mr. and Mns. C. Crawford and Georgie, Mr. and Mns. A. Leadbeaten, Toronto, were Sun- day guests of Mr. and Mns. A. Leadbeater. Miss Clara Page, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bradley and Brian, Maple Grove; Mr. and Mrs. Rosa Page and family, Nevecastle; Mr. and Mns. Ed. Coombes and Charlene, Toronto, with their mother, Mrs. E. Page. Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Pethick and Gail, Barrie, with Mn. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick. Mr. and Mrs. C. Milis, Port Perry, were necent visitora of Mr. and Mrs. L. Stainton. Mr. and Mrs. A'Ili Verny and Sandra were Sunciay even- ing visitora of Mr. and Mrs. Rosa Lee, Kedron. Rev.. R. M. and Mrs. Seymour' Battersea, are visiting A. L. Weanns and other frienda before making their trip to Florida for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. R. Virtue with Mr. and Mrs. Ai Martin, Bow- manville. Mr. and Mrs. M. Hope and family, Peterborough, were via- itors at Mr. and Mrs. A. Sharp's. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon, Haydon; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mc- Cathy, Fraserville, were Sunday dinner guesta of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms. Miss Linda Yeo wlth Miss Doris Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wright, Barrie; Mr. and Mrs. Pat Tresise and girls, Misses Annie and Effa Wright, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wright and fam- ily, Scarborough, with Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wearn, Lorna and Susan, visited Mr. and Mrs. E. Harris, Whitby, and attended Almond Church Anni- versary. Mrs. Geo. Bradley, Burwash; Mrs. E. Bennett, Fenelon Falls, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs.! John E. Griffin. a Oshawa Neiuorial Service Natural atone monuments markers and corner stones No. 2 RIGHWAY E. 0F CITY LIMITS Mial OSHAWA RA 5-6611 an. thne and reverse chartes HAMPTON Mr. and Mrs. Ken Pooler and family, Oshawa, were Sunday visitors with her parents, Mn. and Mrs. S. Kersey. Miss Audrey Macnab, Osh- awa, qpent Sunday at home. Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Mount- joy spent the weekend withre- latives at Athenly and Long- ford Milis, and also enjoyed a motor trip to Onillia and Gra- venhurst. Misses Ruth and Manie Pres- cott attended the Pathfinders' Club meeting held Saturday evening at the home cf Mrs. J. W. Bowman, Enfield. Mr. A. W. Prescott visited Mr. Bowman. Sungay callers at A. W. Pres- cott's were Mr. and Mn. Olivur Hubbard, Oshawa, Mr. Read and Mn. Leslie Hall, Union. Mn. and Mn. Bert Stevens attended the 25th Wedding ika- niversary party for Mr. and Mrs. Hârold Burgess, Tyrone, on Saturday evening. Mns. H. Brooklng, Port Br!. tain, is vlsiting her daughter, Mrs. Cecil Siemon and Mr. SI. mon. Miss Susan Kersey returned home tQ Toronto on MondaY after spending a month wt1b her grandpanents, Mr. and Mrt. S. Kersey. Mn. and Mrn. T. Wray weoe supper guess of Mn. and Mms Jackson Wray, Oshawa, .a Sunday. Why Fight the Weather? Now 15 the Time fo buya Westinghouse Now is the time te buy a Westinghouse Ciothes Dryer. With the wet Fali and Winter months ahead you will be able to get ail your clothes perfectly dry and f luffy in no time at ail. FRQM$239,F00 Lander Hardware, 7 KING ST. E. PHONE MA.' 3-5774 Grade "A' O'v.n-Ready, 2 to 3-16 avrage, for frying, roasting or bWing CHICKENS Super Right Smoked Rindiess ae Giblets VIc Removed lb 35 No End Slices SIDE BACON pko7 7 DEEP CUr SPZCIAL8: Llptem Chicken NOODLE SOUP Van Kirk Auorted CANDY BARS Ann Page Homogenized PEANUT BUTTER Ann Page BEANS wri mPORK Jane Parker APPLE PIE CAKE MIXES Prices Effctive until SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27th 1956 &AV£ 4. 2pkgs2lc SAVE 4o 401l0 pkg of 7 21c SAVE 4. 16-or jar 29c SAVE ?A 2 15-or tins 23s SAVE 10o oach49C SPECIALI 3 pkgs 1.00 W iim «Ui Ana«OISàaPA~C OM SAw Liq. Clothes- Dryer M THE [IFE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA P77-77-71 1- TEURSDAY, OCT. 25th, 1958 TEM CANADUN STATESMAlq. BOWMANVMIX ONTARIO PACM 1 1 . 1 [,A4p') Super Markets ý

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