PAGE FOURTEI~N THE CANAD!AN STATESMAN. ROWMANVTLLE. ONTAR!O THURs: DAY. OCT. 2Sth, 1956 x~, ':~ ry~ BIRTHS LEHMAN-Mr. and Mrs. Brucel Lehman (nee Joan Craig) are, happy to announce the arrivai, of their son, Jeffrey .Bruce, ati Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville on October 5th. 43-1 PEEBLES-George and Nanc are happy to announce the birth of their son, Kirk James, on October l7th at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. 43-1l POTTS-Jack and Gladys Potts! (nee Martin) are happy to an- nounce the safe arrivai of their son William Gordon, born Octob- er 19, 1956, in Memorial Hos- pital, Bowmanville. 43-1 SHETLER-Mr. and Mrs. Frank' Shetler (nee Aileen Taylor) arel happy to announce the birth of their son Franklin Charles, Oct.1 19, 1956, in Memorial Hospital,l Bowmanville. 43-1 ENGAGEMENTS The engagement is announced of Barbara Joan, daughter of, Mrs. Edward Adler and the late Mr. Fred Cryderman, to Mr. Eugene Lindsay Bethune, Yar- Mouth, Nova Scotia. The mar- mage will take place in Novem- ber. 43-1 Mr. and Mrs. Russell C. Palm- er of Oshawa wish to announce the engagement of their daugh- ter, Carolyn Anne to Neil Allin Metealf, son of Mr. Bruce Met- calf and the late Mrs. Metcalf of Bowmanville. The wedding will take place on Saturday, November 24th at Simcoe Street 'United Church, Oshawa, at 2:30 ]y.m. 43-1*. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wil- fred Fenton of Oshawa wish to announce the engagement of his daughter, Kathleen Margaret to Mr. Howard Wesley Quinney,, non of Mr. and Mrs. Cyril W. Quinney of Newcastle. The mar- rnage is to take place on Sat- urday, November 24, 1956 at 4 p.m. in the Chapel of St. George's Memorial C h ur ch,j Oshawa. 43-l' DEATHS JARVIS-Suddenly at her resi- dence, 67 Temperance St., Bow-, ýnanville, on Friday, October 'I9th, 1956, Martha Jarvis, daugh- ter of the late Richard Jarvis and Mary Riddell Jarvis and dear sister of Lena (Mrs. George Preeland), Toronto. Service was held at the Morris Funeral IChapel, Bowmanville on Mon- day, October 22nd at 2 o'clock. ýnterment Bowmanville Cerne- lery. 43-1 ý1OUNTJOY, Annie-In Bow- Inanville on Thursday, October à8th, 1956, Annie Mountjoy, in ber 86th year. Rested at North- ctt & Smith Funeral Home, 53 ~ivision St., Bowmanville. Serv- 5ce was held Saturday, October :20th at 2:30 p.m. Interment -Bethesda Cemetery. 43-1 OSBORNE, Richard Hubert -Ati Toronto General Hospital on *Tuesday, October 23rd, 1956, 'Richard Hubert Osborne, hus- 'band of Rosaline Osborne, in his -51st year. Resting at Northcutt ~& Smith Funeral Home, 53 -,Division St., Bowmanville. Serv- tee on Thursday, October 25th '4t 2 p.m. Interment Bowman- ,ville Cemetery. 43-1 ,SANDERS, Charlotte-At Me- xniorial Hospital, Bowmanville, ýon Monday, October 22nd, 1956, Charlotte aSnders, widow of S. "W. Sanders, age 91 years. Rest- i ng at Northcutt & Smith Fun- ,eral Home, 53. Division St., Bow-' manville. Service on Thursday,l October 25th at 3:30 p.m. Inter- ment Bowmanville Cemetery. 43-1 VAN DUSEN, Frank Harold- I Suddenly at his late residence, '122 Bessborough Dr., Leaside, on :Monday, October 22, 1956, Frank' Harold Van Dusen, beloved hus- band of Melva Thompson and 1ear-father-of Allan, Mele -A last Will and Testament of the - addeceased on or before the lOhday of November, 1956, cafter which date the said execu- toirs will proceed to distribute the said estate, having regard ~onlv to the dlaims of which they ,shall then have notice. - ij.'ý ED at Oshawa, Ontario. -thàs,; Te day of- October, AD. 'w 19:15G. *STANLEY R. MILLSON and ~GEORGE D. MILLSON, .Executors. by Creighton, Fraser. Drynan ,u& Murdoch, 5 Sin'coe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario, aàkm .n1mwtom hafim. 4«-a COMING EVNTS Home-baking sale in Hydro office, Friday, Oct. 26, 2 p.m Sponsomed by Guide and Brownie1 Mothers' Auxiliary. 43-1 Avoid conflicting dates by registering your event with the Chamber of Commerce. Phone MA 3-5031. 38-8 Omono W.A. will bold their Turkey Supper, Wednesday,. November 2lst, eommencing at 4 p.m.. Adults $1.50, children 75c. 42-5 The Bowmanville Nurses' As- sociation wiil hold their annual dance at the Lions Community Contre, Friday, October 26th, 9 p.m. Informai. 42-2 Regular weekly bingo tonight at Union Hall. 20 regular games and a jack pot game. No game under $300. Admission 50e. 43- 1 Be sure to attend the St. John's Guildettes Hallowe'en Tea and Bazaar, Saturday, Oct. 27th, 2 - 5:30 p.m., in the Parish Hall. 42-2 Euchre party sponsored by Tyrone L.O.L. 764 in Tyrone Community H a 11, Saturday night, October 27 at 8 p.m. Ad- mission 50c. 43-1 Saivation Army Home League sale of work and afternoon tea, Friday, Nov. 9th, 2:30 to 5 p.m., at the Salvation Army Hall, Division Street. 43-1 You are invited to attend the Bazaar, Tea and Bake-Sale to be' hold at Lions Centre, Frîday, Nov. 2, 2 - 5 o'ciock under the auspices of St. Joseph's Chureb. 42-3 Hot turkey supper at Courtice United Church on Wednesday, November 7th from 4 o'ciock until ail are served. Aduits $1.50, ehildren under 12 years, 50C. e 43-2 Trinity Fail Faim will be held Friday, Nov. 23, from 2 til 5:30. Plan to attend and bring your Christmas list as there will be gifts to deiight every age. 43-1i Salem Harvest Home Service wili be heid Sunday, Oct. 281 at 2:30 p.m. Guest sepaker Rev. L. M. Somerville, Courtice. Speciai music by the choir. Lions bingo on Saturday, Oct. 27th at 8 p.m. in Bowmanville Town Hall. 20 games. 2lst game jackpot for $50 and three speciai games. Admission 50c. 40-4 'Don't forget the Monster Hal- lowe'en Dance at Pontypool Community Hall, Saturday, Oc- tober 27th. Prizes for best costumes, spot dances, etc. Music by the Northemn Ramblers. Gents 75e, ladies 5Oc. 43-1* Reserve Frîday, Nov. 2nd for a Bazaar and Tea at Ebenezer United Church under auspices of the Ladies' Ciass. Sale ineludes hand-made articles, home cook- ing and Christmas decorations. 42-3 Durham County Junior Famm- ers' Turkey Banquet, Saturday, Oct. 27th at 6:30 p.m. in Orono United Church. Dance in Town Hall at 9 p.m. Banquet and dance $1.75; dance only 75e. 43-1 Goodyear Empioyees Recrea- tion Club Dance, Legion Hall,, Bowmanvilie, Saturday, Octoberi 127th, 1956, from 8:30 p.m. to mid- night. Recreation members $1.00 pem couple, non members $2.00 per couple. Dress inform- ai. 43-1 You are invited to attend the bazaar and tea to be heid in the Lions Centre, Saturday, Nov. 3, 2 - 6 o'ciock. The sale includes maiiy hand made articles. There and many other attractionsfo children. The Bazaar wilb Dar lingto n Football League annual dance and cup presenta- tion will be held at Newcastle Community Hall on November 2nd, 1956. Bryce Brown's Sev- enaires Orchestra, Oshawa, will be in attendance for round and square dancing. Admission $1.0 per porson and tickets are ax'ailable from the following teams: Maple Grove-N. Both- Iwell: Courtice-R. Muir; Zion- B. Nomis; Hampton-G. Chant; Solina-C. Langmaid: Enniskil- len-G. Werry: Tyrone-H. Part- ner. 43-2 Room and Boarfd ROOM and board available for two gentlemen. Telephone MA CARD 0F THANKS 1 Articles For Sale We would like to thank our many friends and neighbours for their lovely gifts, cards and ex- pressions of good wishes on the occasion of our twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Burgess. 43-1* We wish to take this oppor- tunity to thank Sheppard & Gi, our neighbours, friends and relatives for the lovely gifts they so generously surprised us with. We certainly appreciate your thoughtfulness. Ceeul, Kay Tomlinson and family.' 43-1* We wish to express our sincer e thanks to our friends and neigh- bours of Burketon for the lovely Iamp, trays and casserole given to us on the occasion of our marriage. Each time that we use these gifts we will remem- ber the kindness of our Burke- ton friends. rn Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Grant.l Mere words are inadequate to express our gratitude. To each and everyone who has helped us through these days of sorrow with beautiful flowers, words of sypmathy and deeds of infinite kindness, we can only say thank you so much. We would also like to mention Dr. C. W. Slem- on, Rev. Mr. Honeyset, Rev. Mr. Morgan and Northcutt & Smith. Nephews and nieces of Miss Annie Mountjoy. 43-1 The family of the late Mrs. Bessie Densem wish to express their heartfelt thanks to the many relatives and friends for acts of kindness and expressions of sympathy shown at the pass- ing of their sister. Especially wish to thank Rev. Mr. Turner for his consoling words, also to those who sent floral offerings and cars, and to the palibearers, to Dr. Storey and the nurses at the hospital and to Mrs. Garton for her great kindness in their recent bereavement. 43-1 n. S Z~t rn. W - r 1IN MEMORIAMl.UV COUCH-In memomy of Harry Coueh who passed away October 25th, 1950. "Life goes on in various ways But I haven't forgotten bygone days." -Ever remembered, Sadie. 43-1 COUCH-In loving memory of a dear father, Harry Couch, who passed away Oct. 25, 1950. I have only your memory, dear father, To remember my whole if e through. But the sweetness will linger forever, As I treasure the memory of you., -Ever emembered by Denelda and Sid. Mrs. Sid Luxton. 43-1* WALKER-In loving memory of a dear brother Alex who passed away October 24, 1955. The eall came so sudden When the Master said foliow me. Just for a fleetinig moment we know His thoughts with bis loved, ones would be. Then be turned and whispemed I wiIî not go too far. He quietly entered the pearly gates But left them sligbtly ajar. i -Sister Nettie, Tom and family. 43-1 For Rent APARTMENT, 9 Duke Street. Phone TUrner 5-4554, Port Hope. 43-2 ROOM, central location, break- fast optional. Write Box 352, c/o Post Office. 43-1 SIX room bouse, just off High- way 115. Apply Keith Bradley, Pontypool. Phone 8 r 12 Orono. 42-2 TWO-bedroom, ground floor, heated apartment. Availabie Dec. ist. Adults only. Phone MArket 3-3186.431 SELF-contained heated 2-bed- room apartment, available Nov. lst. Centrai location. Adults. Phono MA 3-3690. 43-2 FARM home in good condition, i mile soutb of Newtonvilie, on good road. Available Nov. lst.i Phone Clarke 2814. 43-2* LARGE bight room for gentle- man. Phone privileges. 205 King East. Phone MA 3-3186. 43-1 IN BOWMANVILLE, Apt. 10, Doncaster Apatments, 150 King St. E. Modemn, heated apart- ment, central. Adults only, $50. Dial Oshawa RA 3-3972. 43-1 APARTMENT for rent, three rooms, kitchenette and bath,j heated, built-in cupboards andi laundry. $60. Apply Apt. 4 or 7, 63 Kinig West. 43-i SIX-room house with three-piece bath, bot and coid water, also garage. Availabie November lst. $50 monthly. Apply George Walton. Phone Newcastle 3261. 43-1 Business Opportunity Service Station for Reni GOOD LOCATION5 Capital Requlred, $2,000 Reply BOX 577 VANADIAN STATESMAN M 42.2* WOOD for sale and delivered. Phone Blackstock 87 r 4. 43-tf 21" WARDROBE case. Phonel MA 3-3169. 43-1' AFRICAN Violets, new varieties i only. Stewart's Seeds. 41-tf, FOUR new storm windows, size 34" x 571/2. Reasonable. Phone MA 3-5539. 43-l* NAVY station wagon coat, grey fur collar, notched lapels, sizeI 14, Phone MA 3-3853. 43-1 CHIINA cabinet, washing ma- Articles For Sale HALLOWE'EN costumes. masks, wigs, etc. McNulty's Sports & Cycle. . 43-1 RZANGETTE, Graham, automat- ie aven, 'excellent condition. Phono MA 3-3586. 43-1 QUANTITY of 2 x 4's. Bert Johnson, Tyrone. MA 3-2290. 43-1 FINDLAY Condor eook stove. Harvey Yellowlees. FMone MA 3-2268. 43-1 ONE 1952 G.M.C. haîf-ton pipk- up: one two-furrow tractor plow, chine. Phone MA 3-3949. 431 'w Phone MA 3-3098. 43-1* SILENT-GLO space heater, likeIBUNGALOW heater, liko new, coa i and wood, heats four to five new. Phone MA 3-5905 aftori rooms. Phone MA 3-5322. 5:39 p.m. 43- 41 TABLE potatoes. Telephone, BARGAIN-Used wooden storm MA 3-2016, week days oniy.; t* windows and sereens. Sizos up _________ __________43*1 to 6' 1", high x 40" wide. Phone COLEMAN oul heater, used only i A330.4- a few times. Phone Newcastle' LAY-Away-Pian for Christmas: 2201. 43- 1: Lamps, coffee tables, step-up SHOTGUN, Remington, 1'.2ac tables, mirrars, pictures and so tt' ne er oi 11?1ejforth. Trade-ins allowed on erty St. S. ~ 43-1 you r chesterfields, bedroom! ________________________suit2s and kitchen suites. One HARD or soft wvater. Robt. H. only, used three-piece chester- Cale. Phone MA 3-5476 or MA field $9-9.50. Murphy Co., King 3-5805 after 8 a.m. 33-tf West. Phone MA 3-3781. 43-1* FLOOR polisher for rent at Mason & Dale Hardware. 36 King St. E., Bowmanville. 13-tf LADY'S ali-weather coat, good condition, size 16, navy, $15. Phone MA 3-3568. 43-1 SINGER Sewing Centre, new. j and used sewing machines. Ren- tais or repairs. Phone MA 3-2155. 18-tf KEYS eut automaticaily, whiie you wait, at Mason & Dale Hard-1 ware. 36 King St. E.. Bowman-11 ville. 46 tf ELECTRICAL Repairs-Prornpt I service to electricai appliances, large and small. Lander Hard- ware. Phone MA 3-5774. 43-tf SPY apples. Bring containers and pick your own at $1.00 per bushel. Grant Bennett, Base Line. MA 3-2314. 43-1 WALNUT dining-room suite, solid oak; hand-carved bedroom suite and other household art- icles. 38 Jane Street. 43-1* FITTED eleetrie seal coat in good condition, size 12-14. Can« be seen at Mrs. Earl Osborne's, 175 Church St. 43-2* SPY apples, pick your own; eariy eabbages, pumpkins and carrots. Telephone MA 3-2886. 43-1* CHESTERFIELD, deep rose shade, in perfect condition.1 Reasonable. E. Laird, 4 Conces- sion East. 43-1 SAVE on lumber, direct from miii to you. Phillips Lumber Co., Kinmount. Ont. Phone 17r 11. 13-tf BUSHEL apple boxes, 60e apiece whiie they last. J. A. Carscad- den, Orono, North. Phone 35r9. 42-2* DO your own floors - Rent a sander or a floor polisher from Lander Hardware, 7 King St. E., Bowmanvilie. Phone MA 3-5774. 3-tf THREE h.p. electrie motor, 1725 R.P.M., 110-220 volt; steel truck platform, 7½/,'x12', with steel cab shieid. Howard Payne. Phone Clarke 1422. 43-1* FREEZER, suitable for ice cream or home freezer, perfect con- dition; also booth, 1'x18' with verandah, wired and insulated. Cash. Phone MA 3-5236. 43-1 INSULATION, blowing method, with rock wool. Workmanship gua.;anteed. F r e e estimates. Harry L. Wade. Phone Clarke 2420. 39-tf HEARING aid service, testing service and complete stock of batteries and cords at Higgon Electrie Limited, 38 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5438. . 20-tfl ADDING machines, typewriters, cash registers, cheque writers, filing cabinets, office furniture, new and used. Repairs to al makes. Water Frank, Bowman-1 ville MA 3-2403. Ncwcastl 2114. 19-tf WE have several used tractors which we have reduced in price to clear to make room for winter storage; we also have two 8lii foot heavy duty field cuitivators, reduced $40 at Cowan Equip- ment Co., 134 King St. E., Bow- manvilie. Phone MA 3-5689. 43-1 DRAPERIES and venetian blind7, custom made, or draperies sold1 by the yard. Our representative will eall at your home any time with a complete range of samples and suggestions without obliga- tion. Fabrie Town, 59 King St. W. Phone MA 3-3609. Bowman- ville. 48-tf NEW Wallpapers-A ful une of1 pre-pasted papers at standard1 prices: the regular line of papers fmom 29e a roll. For something extra special see our samples of Studio Masterpieces, Canadian« Originals and our imported1 papers at J. H. Abernethy, Paint j and Wallpapem, 85 King St.* E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5431. 43-11 USED manure spmeaders-130 bus. Cobey, like new;, 2 Coek- shutts, 1 case, 1 MeCormick Deering. New manure spread- ers-New Holland power take- off and wheel driven; New Idea power take-off and wheel driv- en.. S. S. Morton & Son, Farmi Maehinery. Mapie Grove, Éow- manville. 43-11 Mortgages_ PRIVATE party bas money on fimst mortgage. Strictly confi- dential. Write Box 579, Canad- ian Statesman. 43-1 PETS FOR SALE TWO maie hounds, two and three yeams oid, running good. Phone Clarke 3112. 43-3* HOUND pups, two months old. Maies $15, female $5. Phone 1 r 10, Omono. 43-1* TWO Budgies, one a brilliant yeiiow; one green; complete with wooden stand and cage.! Phone MA 3-3890. 43-if Wanted to Buy ONE used sping-fiiled double mattress, suitable for hunting camp. Apply Ray Lathangue, MA 3-5561. 43-1 SIX-room bungalow. Would ex- change l1/, -storey brick home. Must be in hospital area, Bow- manville. Phone MA 3-3877. 43-1 HIGHEST prices paid for lîve poultry, goose feathers, feather ticks, scmap iron, rags and metals. Phone RA 3-2043 Oshawa, col- leet. 28-tf ALL kinds of live pouitmy want- ed. Top Toronto prices paid ai vour door for large or smal] quantities. We have our own market. M. Flatt, Bethany R.R, 1. Telephone collect to Bethany 7 r 13. 28-tf Logs and Timberland HARDWOOD PREFERRED H. M. KYTE Blackstock 47-tf Boarders Wanted BOARDERS or roomers. Applyl to Mrs. Rosaline Osborne, George St., Newcastle, Phone 2896. 43-1 NOTICES Mr. Bert Payne, Hampton, will be pleased to receive pupils for piano in popular music in- struction. Phone MA 3-2091 for appointment. 43-1 The Village Grill, Nestleton, will close for the season, Satur- day, October 27. We thank you for your patronage and will be happy to again serve you in the Spring. Lucy and Tom Langfeld. 43-1* CLERK'S NOTICE 0F FIRST POSTING 0F VOTERS' LIST Voters' Lists Act, Section 11, Form 4 VOTERS' LIST, 1956 Munlcipality of IH TOWNSHIP 0F CARTWRIH County of Durham Noutice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 8 of The Voters' Lists Act and that I have posted up at my office at Blaekstock on the l7th day of October, 1956, the list of ail per- sons entitled to vote in the said Munieipality ai Municipal Elec-1 tions, and that such list emains there for inspection. And I hereby caîl upon al voters to take immediate pro- eeedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law, the last day for appeal be- ing the lst day of November, 1956. Dated this 2th day of Octob- e.15.Henry Thompson. Clemrk of Township of Cartwrirsht Fdr the Latest Papers Personail For the Finest Paints _______________ For the Best Workmaanshlp HYGIENIC supplies - (Rubber ecds) maied postpaid in plain G. Preston & Son sealed envelope with price list. Six samDles 25c, 24 samDles Phones $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28. 3-5912 MA 3-37011 Nov.-Rubber Co., Box 91, liam- ilton. Ont.. - 1.52 Auciion Sales The estate sale that wvas to have been held this Friday even- ing at the Durham County Sale Arena, Orono, has been can- celled. Please note - No sale. 43-1 Complete dispersal sale, pure- bred Hereford cattle, property1 of W. M. Thurston, V4 mile south of Dunsford, with added entries fromn George N. Oliver. Sale at 1 p.m., Tuesday, October 30. Auctioneer W. S. O'Neil. Terms cash. 43-1 Annual Blue Ribbon Short- horn Sale, Friday, Nov. 2, at 1:30 p.m. at Baker's Farms, Hampton. 40 registered, blood- tested top quality Shorthorns. Cows with calves, bred and open heifers and five bulîs. Jack Baker, Hampton, Ont., Manager.1 43-2 Community Sale will be heldi in Haydon Church Shed on Sat-j urday, November 3rd at 1:301 p.m. Vegetables, fruit. home-bak- ing and a list of miscellaneous articles to be sold. Any dona- tions gratefully received. Pie and coffee booth. Procecds for church. Cliff Pethick, auction- eer. 43-1 Two large estate sales wiil be held at the Durham County Sale Arena, Orono, Friday even- ing, October 26, commencing at 8 p.m. Bedroom, living-room and kitchen furniture, upright piano with bench. vacuum dlean- er, electrie stove, Quebec heaters, new oul stove, many other items. Terms cash. No reserve. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 42-2 The Durham Farmers Fifth Annual Stocker Sale will be held at the Durham County Sale Arena, Orono, Thursday i afternoon, Nov. lst. Sale to start propmtly at 2 p.m. 200 head of choice Durham, Here- ford and Angus cattle fromn 400 to 900 lbs. each. Ahl cattie to be sold in suitable lots by the pound. Plan to attend this im- portant auction. Terms cash. No reserve. Jack Reid, auction- eer. 42-21 Mr. J. Grace, Lots 26, 27, 28, Concession 3, Darlington Town- ship, a haîf mile east and one mile north of Courtice on the Hancock Road is giving up farm- ing and will seil by public auc- tion on Saturday, October 27 at 1 p.m., ail his farm stock, two tractors, tractor machinery, two- ton truck, baled hay, fali wheat, barnyard manure, D e La va milking machine, milk cooler, lit- ter carrier and some furniture. Further partieulars see bills. Terms cash. Jack Reid, auction- eer; Lawrence Harris, clerk. 1 42-21 The undersigned auctioneeri will sell by public auction the, household effects on Saturday, Oct. 27th for Mrs. M. Anderson, 16 George St., Bowmanville. Consists of a Hardwick propane gas stove, General electrie refx:ig- erator, Viking 17" television and aerial, eleetrie fan, table lamp, easy-boy chair and stool, end table, four corner sheives, easy chair, floor lamp, three-piece bedroomn suite with mattress and springs, bed with airfoam mat- tress, wardrobe, cuphoard, two pair drapes, cooking utensils, dishes and many other articles too numerous to mention. Sale at 1:45. Terms cash. Cliff Peth- ick, auctioneer. 43-1 I have received instructions to seil by publie auction a large quantity of furniture and bouse- hoid goods for Robert Hicks, Lot 16, Con. 3, Clarke Township, on Saturday, October 27 at 1 p.m. Property located 3 miles east and 2 miles north of Newcastle. Findlay Oval cook stove, Que- bec heater, 3 Coleman gas lan- terns, hanging lamp, sheep wool lined sleeping bag, rocking chairs, wash stands, cushions,I dishes, couches, sinks, bedsdin- ing tables, 20 chairs, dre;sser s, kitchen cuphoards, electrical f ix- CLOCK REPAIRS Al Vork Guaranteed Quick Service Reasonable Prices j Work CalIed For and Deliveredi G. A. BROWN 1 192 King St. F. Phone MA 3-51361 1 BOWMANVILLE 1 1 ~39-tf 1 Wanted DEAD and 'crippled farm stock, pieked up promptly. Telephone M\Arket 3-2679. MargwiJ. Fur Famn.. Tirone. 26-ti Real Estate for Sale WILL build on highway, nice four-roomed bouse. $1,000 down. Write Box 581, c/o The Canad-1 ian Statesman. 43-1* SEVEN-room frame bouse, 189 Scugog St., Bowmanville. Twol acres land. Could be subdivid- ed into building lots. Apply Lloyd Stephenson, Newcastle, 3211. 43-1-1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Properties Soid, Rented, Managed and Appraised L. M. A LLI1SO0 Real Estate Broker Phone 2566 - Newcastle. Ont. Two blocks north of traffic saal. Necasp~tle Real Estate for Sale NEW FRAME Six Rooms and Bath Located 10 Miles North-East of Oshawa, on corner of two paved roads. Close to School and Village. IVill seli with two acres or lot only. FULLY MODERN GOOD LOCATION REASONABLE Phone MA 3-2035 43-6 32 -tf CHARLES RANKI NE J. VA NEST $1,000 down makes o th owner of this 2-storey brick R ea Estte Boker homo, oil fumnace, batbroom, RealEsfae Brker modemn kîtchen, sunroom, 250' 118 King St. E. Bowmanville highway frontage, corner lot in MA 3-3230 Newcastle. Excellent invest- Moden si-roo 2-soreyment at $10,000 full price. Modmik-mo m 2-t t, yastold, Aîmost new, brick storey and bnri n Flet ., 6 yeoa od, aif. Two bathmooms, upstairs usner 11N5H0A. t4½$4m00tgage. apartmnent. Let the ent of Asking $11,50 ith $4ne. ash.apartment carry your home! Full. Asroto see ts one. seiprice $12,000. Terms arranged. detached, older brick, fiee lot. contrats armsgoingencem Asking $3,500.00 with easy termis. 52 ng t. as V. owmarnvll Why pay ent? 5 igS.W omnil 100 acre farm, just off 115 . MA 3-2453 or 3-2762 Highway, north of Orono. In Salesman - Everett Hanna splendid condition. Ownem me- 43-1 tiring. Asking $30,000 with terms. Price includes ail stock E and equipment. See this one. -E.'J. T'kTTtDR We have othors. 4- el Ett JAMES NIXON $7,500.00 full asking price for Real Estate Broker this 6 room brick and frame 6 room insul brick bungalow, home. Oul heating. Large lot. /acre lot, modemn 3-piece bath' $3,300 down. celiar', heavy wiring, modemn $4,500.00 full asking price for kitehen, aluminum door, storms a 5 room home. Inspeet thîs and and sereens, in village, close to make an offer. $500 down. sehool, chureh and stores on pav- 3 bedroom brick bungalow, ed road. $7,000. Terms. Many now nearîng completion. Mod- extras. ern in every way. Gas heating, Snack bar, living quarters, bot fireplace, attached garage. Alum- watr eaed,2 omlot wshinum windows, storms and wate heted,2 cmplee w se sreons. This bouse has every- rooms, shower, beavy wiring, thing. Corne and see it. Ful Coca cooler, now fridge, eleetrie asking price only $14,500.00 This stove, merchandise, ahl a going bouse is well worth more. Ternms. eonemn. Priced to soul. oet la 4 room insul stone dwellingMnyt a nice lot, landscaped, heavy wir: For resuits - list witb ing, 4-piece bath, full basemontTfUl ail fumnace, $8,000. Farms, bus- PETER .isuvIAi mnesses, lots, etc. New Address: 47 Queen Si. REPRESENTATIVE Box 941 MA ý3-5682 99~ King St. E. Bowmanville Bowmanviiie 43-1* MA 3-5868 - De With Real Estate H. C. PEDWELL 200 acre DAIRY FARM with full lino of machinery and stock, REAL ESTATE BROKER as a going conemn, 71/z cans, 75 acres, large frame bouse, milk quota with 175 acres work- 3-piece bath, large boen bouse, able land, 120'x38' bank barn, accommodation for 1,000 boens; ceek, water bowis, etc.; 8 room- creek, level land adjoining 401 ed frame bouse with beavy wim- Highway, 2 miles to Newcastle. ing. Situated 15 miles from $9,000. Will exebange for bouse Oshawa. Price and terms arang- or $2,000 down. ed. 2 acres with new slx-roomn 150 acre general farmn on pav- bungalow, attacbed garage, 3- ed road with large ereek, 110 piece bath, pressure system, acres womkable, 10 acres mapie ebieken bouse. Clos e to Mapie bush, large L-shaped bank barn Grove. $7,500 with $500 down. with water bowls, impiement Salesman - Daniel Boehm shed, honn bouse, garage; 10 Maple Grove - Phono MA 3-5512 roomed solid brick bouse with 100 acres with ail farm ma- running wator. Hydmo through- chinery and crap, large elap- out. Price $ 16,000. Ternis. board bouse, good bank barn 200 acre DAIRY FARM il 40'x65', on paved road. $10,000 miles fromn Oshawa, with 115 with $2,000 down. acres workable, 2 streams, 127'x $4,000 - Y¼-aere lot, basement 36' bank barn, implement shed, with 3 ooms and bath, bot and silo, lien bouse; 9 moomed rae old watem. heavy wiring, two bouse with batbroom, running greenhouses, ready market for bot and eold water. Close to plants. Owner offering this at sehool. Price and ternis arrang- a sacrifice as lho bas other bus- ed. iness. 130 acre farm with 25 acres 4 room insul stone bungalow orehard, mostiy Spys and Me- on No. 2 Highway, 2 bedrooms, Intosh, large barns, implement 3-piece bath, bamdwood floors, shed, honn bouse; 9 roomed white aîuminum storms and sereons, on clapboamd bouse with bathroom, 3 lots. $4,500 with $500 down. running bot and cald water. 10 acres witb 1000 ft. front- Price and ternis aranged. age on paved road, 700 dwarf 100 acre farma with 70 acres apple trees, different variotios, workabie land, creek, 20 acres 2 yoars old; $2,800 with $500 wood, 100'x32' bank barn, im- down. piement shed, honn bouse; 10 Mnyto lban. roomed frame bouse with furn- Mn ace, bathroom, beavy wired. H. C. Pedwell Price $11,000.00. Trade for bouse Newcastle Phono 3856 in Oshawa. 43-1 100 acre farm oni No. 2 High- T sokF rS l way, 85 acres workabie, 12 acre s L1ivesokF rS l in wood, largo L-shaped bank barn with implement shed, hoen 235 HENS, 10 months old (Hy- bouse, garage; 5 roomed stane brids), $l.45 each. Gardon bouse with water in kiteben, Strong, Blaekstoek 80 - 2. 43-1 heavy duty wired. Price $13,000. 22 YOUNG pigs. S. E. Thomp- Terms. Grist miii in goad farming son, north of ehurch, Solina. district with large turnover in Phono MA 3-2377. 43-1 farm feeds and fertilîzer. Ma- FILLY foal sired by First Sec- chinerv, truck, agendies are in- retary (Reg. Thoroughbred) cluded. Has ta hoe soid on Dam sired by Lazik (Reg. Arab- accounit of poor beaitb. Asking ian) R. T. Curmelly, Clarke 2934. $15,000. Terms arranged. 4- 4 roomed, new white clap- ' board bouse in Newcastle witb STARTED Chiek Bargains: non-'&' good well, garage, beavy duty sexed, puilets, cockereis; heavy wired. Price $4,500. Easy down breed assorted eockerels, 3 week payment. $12.95; 4 week $13.95; 5 to 6 12 roomed solîd brick bouse week $15.95. Puliets, assorted MM - - - - - TIM CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOVMANVMIýE. ONTAMO THURSI MAY. OCT. 25th, 1958 PAGE POURTMM