'rHURsDAY, OCT. 25th, 1956 CIasslfimed Help Wanted IMEN wanted. Apply Down- ham Nursery. 43-1 MAN wanted for wood working. .Apply Wm. Aflin, 19 Scugog St., Bowmanville. 43-1* TrHE selling f ield pays most. Want to become a member of a progressive company and mtake big money right troam the be- ginning? Interesting openings Jn your surroundings. Familex, Dept. D. Station C. Montreal. 43-1 ASSURE yourself Jito business Jn good vacant territories. Num- erous advantages. Free specialsi each nionth. Advantageous com- mission. You will win easily from $50 to $75 per week. $18 requested. Jito* Dept. 6 - 5130 St. Hubert, Montreal. 43-1 WANTED -- Reliable man as dealer in Whitby, Darlington .d Bowmanville. Experience tnecessary. A fine opportun- to step into old profitable lustiness where Rawleigh pro- ducts have been sold for years. Big profits. Products furnished on credit. Write Rawleigh's Dept. J-140-TT, Montreal, P.Q.f 43-1 HELP WANTED MÂLE, OR FEMALE Sfeady or pari lime Days or evenings for Christmas free harvesi Cali between 7:30 and 8 ar. or 5 - 6 p.m. Blacksiock 80 r 13 SCHWARTZ BROS. 43-1 Cars For Sale '46 PANEL truck, good motor. Sign of Big Fish, Newcastle. 43-1* 1956 CONSUL, new car con- dition, 4,500 miles. Apply Ivan Mountjoy, Blackstock 87 R 4. 43-1* USED CARS-1954 Plymouth sedan, newly painted, power steering, tinted glass, only $1,395; 1953 Plymouth station wagon, radio, signal lights, complete motor overhaul, $1,350; 1950 Ford business coupe, signal lights, good tires, new paint, a bargain at $575; 1948 Plymouth coupe, radio, in good condition, 5, lomw down payment with MIrot s to pay a t Cowanl lWuipment Co., î134nKingE Bowmanviile. Phone MA 3. USED TRUCKS-1954 Int tional J,'-tan pick-up, -wbeelbase, helper springs, shield washers, signal1 $975; 1952 G.M.C. 8 foot body, tires perfect, rebuilt nr, ready to go to work for $1l,375; 1950 Thames pane buiît motor, good tires, 1949 Chevrolet /.ton pic good tires, top shape, for $425: Iow down paymen months to pay at Cowan E ment Co., 134 King St. E., manville. Phone MA 3-5( Work Wanted PLUM\BING, heating, e troughing: free estimates. Hi Partner. Tvrone. MA 3-22ý PLACE orders noxv for C mas knitting. Phone MA 3: Mrs. C. A. Vivian, 81 Ontari Knit King district repres tive. OSHAWA WELL DRILL Commercial Industrial and Residenti Days Phone OSHAWVA RA 5-7 Evenings Phone OSHAWVA RA 3-7: MASONRY and CONCRE Repairs or Structural Brick, Block or Concre Estimates Fre r.O. Box 177 L. TUE Phone MA 3-3231 Evenlngs MA 3-3338 SAVE MONET DAVE' SHOE REI AT 's p A Fast, Prompt Serv 5S TEMPERANCE ST. tinr Winners at Orono Draw The dance and dmaw spon cd by the Orono Odd Fell Hall trustees pnaved a1 popular event with an ati ance o! 195 for the dance. The prizes were spread al cansiderable district. ('b-vxrolet Corvette ta Sta Ball, Leskard, table lamps ?%i. Buillock. Oronn, Keri Ble%%ett, Nec<astc: tri lamips. Fred Adair, Newca '%. A. Cole, Bowmanville: IV Eeth Siaples, Guelph. Ele mraos, Mes. G.- Boundry,1 Hope: A. W. Brown, Oshî Mr-z. Rcta Paterson, Orono, The trustees express thei tere gratitude te thec t setiers and purchasers. It wa ' -vs happy gathering and di vw-.:S enjoed by all. i -tprds v-rnt toward the1 bwldm n eLtud TE£ CANADIA:N SIATEMEMAN. BOWMANVffLI. ONTARIO Retailers Make Plans Christmas Decoration Discuss Town Manaaer Christ-mas planning by the retail merchants of Bowman- ville was discussed by the di- reciors ot the Bowmanvile Chamben ot Commerce at their monthiy meeting held Monday, Ociober 22. Representing the retail mer- chants were Keni Nicks and Art Hooper, of the C. of C., who have undertaken the planning and co-ordiriating o! sineet and store front decarating by the merchants as well as other tes- tive arrangements. To turihen amplify the pros and cons of a town manager system, the C. of C. will invite an outstgnding speaker who is thcrougbly versed on the sub- jeci, te attend the annual C. of C. Banquet, tentatively set for Mcnday night, November 19, ai the Lions Centre. Tickets will be available sbortly for ibis banquet anid as many as possible et the gener- ai public are invited ta take tbis opportunity of hearing, discussing, and learning more about ibis new fomm o! 4cown administration. Aitending the C. cf C. meet- ing were Elmer Banting, presi- dent; Gea. Hacking, Gea. Mao- dy, Rick Rickaby, Bill Smith, Ab. Sturnock, Art Hooper, Bernard Kitney, Ken Nicks, Keith Lathangue and Ken Morris, secretary-manager. Ki-nette Club Hears of Work of Cancer Unit Mrs. O. D. Friend cf the On- tarie County Unit of the Cati- adian Cancer Society, Oshawa, wvas guesi speaker at the firbt meeting cof the Bowmanvllle Kinetie .Club following its Charter Nîghit lasi monili. The dinnen meeting was held ai the Balmoral Hotel on Wednesday evening, Oct. 17, with President Helen Dunri presiding. Mary Syen introduced the speaker who is in charge o! visiting and transportation for cancer patients. The arca serv- ed by the Ontario Couniy Unit aise includes Bowmgnville and district. Mrs. Friend spoke in intercsting fashion cf ber work in the socieiy. She stressed that the Redi Door ai 84 Athol St. E., Oshawa, is there fon anyone wha wishes ta receive advice. A 'nurse is in charge. Mrs. Fnicrid assists there each Thurs- day afiernoon. The speaker was ibanked by Frayne McDenald for ber in- teresting address. Pins were presentcd te four new members: Betty Panker, Pearl Frank, Audrey Smith and Doraihy Dewcll. The club is planning a doîl draw comn- plete with wardrobe, to coin- cide with the Kirismeri train draw ai Christmas time. Dur- ing the business penled, minutes were ead by Helen Sturrock for Secretary Elearior Larmer whe could net be present. James "Ticker" Crombie Appointed New Coach For Infermnediate Team Those hockey fans whe have been wondening how the Orono- Bowmanville Combines mIer- mediate hockey team could op- craie efficiently wiih two play- ing coaches, Junior Wcst and Frank Hooper, need wonder ne more. At a meeting tellowing prac- tice las' Friday, the committee and the two coaches came Io the conclusion that it would be best ton the team if one man were appoinied te look afier the ceaching duties fremn the bench. The mari selected for the -job is ne siranger here, having spent mosi o! bis lite te date conneci- ed with sporting activities here. He is James "Ticker" Crombie who lias refereed O.H.A. for several seasons until retirement ibis year. He has agreed to aci and will be given full charge of picking the teain and pitting ihem againsi their epporients. His daytime job is as officer in charge of the local Customs port. The teamn is rounding ie shape very quickly and should be in excellent form for iheir firsi game early in November. Fnom all reports, it wculd aD- pear ta have plenty of power in ail departmients and local fans cari look forward te a sea- son o! excellent intermediate hockey. -8 Bowmanville with Mnr.aand - .YROL1JE ' Mns. Roy Maynard.1 terna- Mn. John Van Geleuwe, R o- > long Tyrone Thank-offering Ser- chester, spent a few days lasti wind- vices were very well attcnded. week with Mn. and Mrs. N. ligbts, The church was arranged wiih Wooiîey.1 dump various bouquets of! llwens, Mn. arrd Mrs. 'A. Youngmari Smoi- fruit and vegctables. and boys visiied Mr. and Mr£. r* enly Rcv. D. J. Lute, Gares Land- E. Yourigmari, Bethany. 1re- ing, v-as guesi speaker for boih M.adMi .Sephes $200; services. In the afiernoon, hie M. aMdM KriE.Sutins, 1 ck-up, speke on "Thc Withercd Hand" n Mrs. C. Tayl, to, Mea .w * oly nd n te eenig, Pown ~vale, spent the weekend with t, 24 Stiilness". Mrs. D. Davey was Mr. and Mrs. W. Park Sr. Mn. ,quip- organisi. and Mrs. A. Geisbcrger anîd Lyn- 689. Mn. Rowland Coombes, lead- da, Zion, visited thcmn on Sun-i 43-1 em of choir was soloisi in the day. 431afiernoccrianid Mrs. Russell of Mnr. John Maynard visited Maple Grave was soloîsi in the Mr. and Mrs. C. Temry, Oshawa. evening, accompanied by Mn. Mn. and Mrs. Don Real, -Leslie Collacuti. Bath broughi Markham; Mr. and Mmi. A. Tay- eaves-1 inspiration ta the services. Our ler, Mn. and Mrs. L. Phillips, lavey chair also contibuted twa3 Bowmanville, with Mr.and Mrs. ý40. splendid numbers. We were W. H. .Taylor. 16-tf pleased ta have a large nurrber Congratulations te Mr. and bnrisi- o!f fiends fromn neighbouning Mre. Harold turgcss, Salem, on 1-3692. cammunuties join wiih us. their 251h wedding celebration -i St. Mrs. D. Cale, Allan, Jean which was held ai the home of senta- and_. Helcn, Bowmanville; Mr. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Taylor Sat- 42-2* Grant Herron, Countice, wene urday evening. ING Broome and famiiy. girls, Salina; Mr. anid Mrs. Herb Mn. and Mrs. T. Hipsori and Siainton, Hampton; Mr. Luther family, Toronto, speiit last Staintoni were suppen guests ef Mrs. L. Bourne. Mrs. G. Siephens, Tarante, 828 Mn. Harold Awde, Miss Ma- spent the weekend with Mrs. bel Awde, T,)rünto, visited Mn. IR. Burgess. =33 and Mrs. Russell Wright. * Mr. and Mrs. W. Murphy and 40 -4: There will bc no church ser- fami ly with Mr. and Mrs. R. - vice a, Tyroî;e ibis Sunday McLaughlin, Blackstock. TE owing ta Salem Thankoffening. Mr. and Mmi. Ross PooleY, 1 Mr. and Mrs. L. Coambes Oshawa: Mn. and Mrs. A. H. te and Sbfrlcv. Bowmanville, vis- Brent, were tea guests of Mn. i itccl 1\1hM. and Mns. Row- and Mrs. Lamne Phare. land Coonibcs. Suzy Lute visited the Ycllow- KNER Air. and Mis. R. Pcrkinis, To- lees girls alse Sunday evenin-1 rrnta. withi Mr. and Mrs. K.!i Rev. and Mrs. R. J. Lute vis- Cobay ited1 their home. Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Barber, Bey. and Mns. D. J. Lute, Taranto, spent tbe weekend Goces Landing, were dinner with Mrs. Florence Scott. guesis on Sunday et Mn. and Mrs. L. Bourne accompanied Mrs. A. Hamilton and teai bier sisten Miss Margaret Cnowe xuesis et Mr. and Mrs. Walte r of Whitby and visited in But- Vaneyk and John. IRfalo las, week. «John Vint-uc returned ta Mr. and eMrs. Nelson Wilkins,! scbool after thnee wvceks' ab - - Bowmanville; Mr. Ray Wilkins 1 ence suffering from a broken, vice f Bloomfield visited Mn. and'bonle ili bis neck. 1Mn . Bglo:Mr. Eh-a Beek'ti spent the! rear) Mr. J. Hatherlv and famil..: eekcnd with friencis irn To- 42-id Ncwtonvýillc: Mr*. and Mi7Ž. ronto. Kirk. Pontypooil, visited Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Woad. Annie Hathenly. Millbroak. were tea gucîts of Mr. and Mns. R. Perfect and Mn. and Nirs. H. Brent. Richard, Bo-wrnanville, wcre Mn. and Mrs. A. H. Brent are Suriday dinner guesis cf Mr. spending a tew days wîth Mr. and Mmi. J. Gibbs and Michael. and Mrs. Ross Pooley, Oshawa. David Lute, Gone's Landing: Mn. and Mns. W. Park and ýner- Mrs. Fred Smith and Miss Douglas, vlsited Mr. and Mrs. lows' Grace Smith, Long Sauli, wene C. Mumncy, Peterborough. very ea guests of Mn. and Mns. K. iMn. and Mmi. E. A. VirtueJ tend- Hardy an d Jerry. and John visiied Mns. C. Shaw, l Mr. 1. W. Larmen, Millbrook, Oshawa. 1 with Mr. and Mcs. J. A. Rose- Mlrs. W. Miller spent a wcek thr ear , witb Mn. and Mrs. C. D. Hodg-, t e Mns. L. Webb and Jean. Pan- son. 1 U yNpool. visited her parents, Mn.1 Bruce Coombes visited Robert e U. and Mrs. H-erb Cameron. Iîwin and John Hamiilton. ieh Mrc. Arthur Rahm j s co- Ir. and Mci. G. Beckett, Mr,. Sii'; ý ecn ai lier son*s. Sianiev, D. Conlin. Mn. James Wallac,-. ast1., RhmBlacksiock. aftra Oshawa, wcore Sunday ;uestsof *cMry eye operatian in Tarante last Mn. qpnd Mrs. O. Beckett, ert week. We wish ber a speedy Sar-yto hear Mr. Fred Page recovery. isn't very well. We wish him al lawa; Mn. and Mrs. S. Hall and speedy recovery. . g irls wlth Mr. and Mmi. G. Congratulations to Mr. and r în leech, Burketan. Mrs. M. Dubyk on their 36th icket Mr. and Mci. H. Wood and wedding annivnay Oct. 23. vas a farnily. Mr. and Mms. C. Terry, Mns. V. E. Milnis visiting lanc- Mn. IKen Chamberlain, Mi;s Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Webb, Ot- Thc, Ve-na N.cRooerts, Mr. Raiph tawa. hall Mp-vnard And Miss D. Gibson. Sunidav suLppen guests of Mr. Oaiàawi; Mis. Sid *Walker o 1,and Mn.Ji .Cook wer;Mmru 1 - - - ---- - - .. 1957 PAGE MFYIN OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS YO UR KITCHEN MAPLE GROVE Mr. Fred Ormiston, Brooklin, who occupied the pulpit on Sun- day spoke at laymen's special service on "The Obligation of! the Laymen to the Churcýh. Rev. F. J. Jackson, yrne, will occupy the pulpit on Sun- day, our pastor taking the th=nk offering service at Salem. Following the church service on Sunday Rev. L. M. Somer- ville christened the followlng children: Marie Elizabeth, Mar- ion Eva, Carol Ada, Harold Roy, Judy Anne, Linda Lou, Sandra Jean, the family cf Mr. anid Mrs. Harold Cooney. Mrs. C. G. Kerr, Town, spent Sunday with Mrs. L. C. Snow- den. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Foley, Miss Dorothy and Master Donald Poley, Base Line, were Satur- day evening visitors with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hockin, Town. Mr. and Mr% C. H. Snowden, Miss Marion Snowden, Toronto, were weekend visitors with the former's daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brown and family, Ham- ilton. Mrs. H. G. Freeman spent Sunday with bier daughter, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Gilbank and famîly, Orono, when their young- est son, David George, was christened. Annie Miller and Miss Beth Miller, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. C. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jones, Sheryl Lyn, Brampton; Miss Linda Watson, Orange-, ville; Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Mc- Clure and Miss Jane McClure, Mr. Donald Thompson, Salem. Rev. and~ Mrs. D. J. Lute also called at their home. .Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. John Van Beek who cele- brated their 25th wedding an- niversary Saturday evening ai Tyrone Community Hall. Glad to se% Mrs. Otto Vîrtue back in the village. Mr. and Mrs. A. Planke and boys, Oshawa: Mr. and Mrs. D. Phasey, Orono, were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Philp. Rev. and Mrs. F. J. Jackson, and John, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Jackson, London. Mr. and Mrs. James Sinmpson and family, Trenton, spent the xveekend with Mr. and Mrs. D. Staînton. Mr. and Mrs. K. Acheson, To- ronto; Mrs. H. Grant and chul-1 dren, Oshawa, with, 'Mr. and Mrs. J. Hilîs, Sunday. Mr. and Mr. g . Vivian and family, Janetville, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Vivian. Mrs. G. Bradley, Burwash; Mrs. E. Bennett, Fenelon Falls. were Monday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahm. Miss Jacqueline Rosevear at- tended the 4-H Club inter-coun- ty cornpetition at Guelph 1lat week. Mr. Norman Collacott bas sold bis farm. The Tyros met Monday even- ing in the Sunday School racm. K ENDAL M. Don Gordon of the/Sixth Orono Saturday. Miss Margaret Jackson, RXN, Building was booming in Ken- and Miss Ruth Jackson, nurse- dal lait week. Orley Mercer [intrinigai Civic Hospital, put ul> the trame work of Eddie Ottawa, spent a few days with Couroux's niew bouse on the their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. corner and Wes. Tebble is bav- Jackson. ing the new variegated. stone Mr. and Mrs.. George Clarke, iding put on his house. Toronto, were ai their summier The beautiful warmn suminer- home for the weekend. . like weather of the past two Mr. and Mrs. C Else and weeks bas been a real treat for Cy seyail, and la especially appreciated daughters, Oshawa, were weèk- by the farmers who have been end guesis of Mr. and br. eld back by wei and cold George Mercer. weather so much this faîl. Mms. Hattie Martineli went home with ber grandson, Bob Martineil to Hamilton at Thanks- B R E O giving and bas also been visit- B R E O ing at St. Catharines and Inger- soli. She returned home Sunday A quilting was held at Mrs with Mr. and Mrs. Ab. Colan. Harold Llrner's home last Mrs. Ted Coathamn and family Thursday in aid of the bazaar,i spent Sunday afternoon with ber Nov. 14. Everyone is busy sew- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ing for the same. Mercer. The Tbank-offering services ee-were well attended with gcod Miss Clara Seens cf Petr weatber and beautiful flowerE bareugb visited ber sister, Mrs. donated fmom Enniskillen Flor- Reg. Ellioti.. ists and neighbors. and a lovely Mr. D. Vannatto and Cecil basket of 'mum.s in memory cf were with Mr. and Mrs. Percy the laie Miss Annie Mountjoy, Burley, Sunday. a former worker of the Fred Miss. McBride Wa with ber Victor Mission, Toronto. The sister, Mms. Chas. Thompson. flowers were later given to ill Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hughes and or shut-in niembers. The Rev. Gloria, Port Hope, and Mr. and R. R. Bonsteel cf Manvers, gave Mrs. Orval Zealand and Johnny, a most encouraging talk ta al Campbellcroft, weme guesis Of ai bath serviceq. The choir sang Mrs. Luxon, Sunday. We are several speciat numbers under Lpleased Mrs. Luxan is feeling direction of Mrs. Kenneth Rab- somewhat better now. lin, organist. Mr. Mel McCoj, The Anniversary and Tbank- with bis sister, Miss Joanne, Offering Services were held in sang a lovely duet, whicb waz ,Kendal United Chumch, Sunday, greatly appreciated. Oct. 21, with the Rev. J. R. Mr. R. G. McKeachie, Ce Trumpaur of Canton taking Hill, was guest cf Mrs. Newton bath morning and evening serv- Taylor and son Stanley. They ices, while aur minister, the Rev. also atiended the Ploughing S. J. Pike teck the services at Match, Bmookliri. Elizabeibville. Ini the inorniflg Mrs. J. Carter was in Toron- Kendal Choir witb Mrs. Wmn. ta with relatives last week. Jackson ai the organ sang two Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hubbard pleasing anthems "Behold" and and Janice, Trenton: Mr. and "What Have You Done For Mrs. A. Bryan, Courtice, with Jesus". Mrs. Clarenice Mercer the Hubbards. played the argan in the evening Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Garrow, when the Elizabeibville Choir Oshawa; Mr. anîd Mrs. A. Lunri favoured with two fine antbems. and son Gerald, Kirby; Mr. auJ Some of the visitors rioted ai Mrs. McCorinell, Westan; Mr. the anniversary service (and net Elwoad McKee, Port Perry, already mentioned) were: Mr. were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Hartwell Lowery, Mr. anid Mmi. R. Dean. and Mrs. Wm. Wannan and Evan Mrs. R. Gardiner, Niagara Quantnilis frem Kirby; John Falls, is now staying with Mrs. Patton and Roy, Anson Gilray, E. Caughill and cousins. Lonne Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rev. and Mrs. R. Seymaur Robinson fram Orono, Mr. and were Sunday gueits of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hall, Taranto; Mr. Mrs. A. E. Rlbey and attended and Mrs. Alex Hoy, near Osha- service and called on several wva, Mrs. Pîke, Mrs. Don Vinkie others here. and Miss Iriez Gardon, Newtoni- Mr. and Mrs. Deug Lane ville;, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Reid and were in Whitby lasi week ta daughiers and friends, Craoked attend the funeral of Mrs. Creek. We were also pleased te Lane's father, Mr. A. Henry cf sec Mrs. Roy Mercer and Mrs. Wbltby. Our deepesi sympaiby Blake Alexander oui. is exiended ta the family. We undcrstarid Mrs. John Patton is progressing favorably. after her opematian Friday ini Peterboro. Her Kendal friends H s ais ie t again. NamCeKned, Gt Pepp Vim; Feel Younger Mrs. Nra endwbo Thousande of couples are vnesk, worn-out, "x- bas ben tairig coure in hai &ustd luit because body lacks fron. Foi new has een akin a ours in airfeejling &a r40, tsy Ostrex Tonie dressing and massaging in Tor- r.b1. Contain ir-- f-r P-D, suppIlntn onta sirice Sepiemben, was home doses vitamn a ~. "Cet-acqutinted" slze cotte for te wceend.littl*. Be Wise, et pop, new hcalth, qflck ongtltioekns e r.ardthrifty wy W 8 >'-trez today. At aU druzaiste. RA 3-4661 MARCONI Fer Quallty ani Low Price! TOP CONTROLS FOR, EASY TUNING mumFEA TURES * Cascode Tuner * Full Power Transformer Operated * Signal Monitor PInterference Rejection * Removable Tinted Safety Glass # Push Button On-Off Control # Jlluîninated (Channel Indicator REAL VALUE AT $269.00 'a M\atchiiîg B&;ýe Available BIG 21" ALUMINIZED PICTURE TUBE Choose From the Largest Selection in Bowmanville! BACKED BY OUR OWN SERVICE DEPARTMENT SALES TELEVISMO 33 King St. W. AERIALS SERVICE c.. MA 3u3883 SERVICE 0F TO-MORROW TO-DAY This Modern Kilchen can ho purs for as Iow as $14.00 per month Your kitchen wIlI be the pride of the household when you convert te a -MODERN SPACE SAVING KITCIIEN. With the help of Oshawa Wood Producta you ean make use of the moat modern materials and newest design to have a kitehen of tomorrow - today. Remember Dur Dowxuanville Phone Dial MA 3-2130 NO DOWN PAYMENT 24 MONTHS TO PAY OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS MA 3-2130 Courtico