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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Oct 1956, p. 16

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THE f!MAAUN M'ATrMAffl. EOWMLANVfLLE OfTAEIO Winner of Caif YoungerThan His Prize Solina Man Donates Parkin, When the lucky ticket was drawn at Solina, Friday, the name written on it was J. E. Davey, Leskard. J. E. turned out bo be Johnny, the three months old son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Davey, and he came in person as you can see and brought his rnother and father ta take delivery of this Purebred Scotch Shorthorn beauty which was donated ta the Community Hall cause by Capt. C. Mumford. At left is Ralph Davis whn was in charge of this draw. Solina Community Holds Officiai Opening Friday The Solina Hall was jammed to the doors on Friday evening for the officiai opening eeremonies, program and dance. While flot entirely complete, il was a thrill for those who recalled thedisastrous f ire last February which destroyed the former hall only four years aid. Within a few weeks everything wîll be in'ship shape and the nichtly activities of the community wiIl be in fui]. swing in this enlarged building. Ga coioured lights arotin(l the louir corners oh Solina vil-1 lage lent an air of joyous ceie-1 bration on Friday evening, Oct.1 19, 1956. Trhis evening long planned, and anticipated, n-)t oniy by residents of Sauina coin- munity but by many neighboc- ing districts, had arrvd TIhe commtteps in charge Rnd workmen iabored extïa hours to have tbe main hall ready for this date whicb haci been set in the spring. As lh-- Ceadline approached MRa n y wondered if the opening waîîld be carried ouI as pianned, but tbanks to al the workmen in charge and ambitions of our own folk tbe cvening- even's took place as scheduled. Cal! Greets Crow'd The weatber was ideal Nvith a full moan in a ecear blue sky. Outside the~ hall the mcm- bcrs of the finance co-iimitteeý were ready to sel the finali tickets for tbe draws. Trhc ýShor',horn caif, donaîed by Mr. Cyril Mumtord, extended i-i welcome from Ralph Davis' truck, and the beautiful Chev- raid sedari aiso gcaced tihe grou nds. By, 8:30 the main hall -vvas filled In capac!iy and many extra chairs were brought in.1 Mr. Wesley Yellowlees, chair- man of the Hall Board, called the company ta order. He wee comed ail present and express- ed the wish that the eveningc -would be a pleasant ane for ihem and that théy might re- turn aI a latter date for a turkey eipper when the base- mnent and kit.chen were com- pleted. Former Building Mr. Yellowlees spoke briefLy of the building o! thse other hall in 1952 on land donated by Mr. J. R. Kiveli and Ihen o! thse disastrous f ire whicli destroyed everything but the drapes which were at thse dleaniers at the time. Theýa have been remade for the wia- dows of the new hall. Afler a series of meetings the decis- joîs ta rebuild the hall was made and cornmitlccs were nanmed. à1c. Yellowlees then tlid nf lte -enerous gilt of Mr. B. G. Stevens - the lot jo-imng the hall to the west. This will be used for a parking lot for the present time. He expressed thanks for the flowers that graced thse piatform, a beau- tituI basket of bronýze 'mums I Mive for the ocmaion bj' the <ontracbor, Mr. Charle., War-1 ren of Hampton, and bis n- ý pinyees. On eithec side were yellow 'mums kindiy donatic: hy Buckle's Flower Shop ini Baw manville. Trustee Board The committees re.spansibie for the new hall wece cailed on in turn. Firsi, the Trustee Baard-Wes. Yeiiowiees, Ever- eIt Cryderman. Charles Lan- maid Tom Baker, Wes. Wcrry, Ernest Hockaday. treasurer, and Mrs.* Ralph Davis, secreîary. NexI, thé Building Commiîtee -Mc. Wes. Werry, chairman of Ibis group w'as absent through. îl-lncss. Ewact Leask, one of! tbc committee, presented the1 remaining members -- E. Cry-11 derman, Wes. His, Everetth Vice, Bucne Hooey and Char-j les Langmaid. Bake Sales Then Tom Baker, chaimnan of the Finance Comrmittce, gave a few rema-ks telling how Ibis 1 group bad been spurred on ov their wives \vho organized bak- inga sales and served meals ai, Oshawa Fair, and gol Ibis com-1 mithee off 10 a good beginninr. 1 Then, il xas decided to' have the twa dcaws previousiy miei- tioned. Finance Commit tee members I are -- Harry Knox, treasurer-1 Ralph Davis, Howard Milîson Percy Wesstiake. Donald Taylor, Murcay Vice, Rae Pascoe and Bruce Tink. Finaily, Mr. Yeiiowlees cal)- cd on the commilîce wbo not1 only worked for the other hall ta caise funds iby various means but coninued along wif h thse iew hall. Trheir latest activity was secving lunches at the In- ternational Pioughing Match at Brookiin. This was the Pro-1 gram Commitîce -Joe Snow- den, chairman a! this group, presenled the other members, Harvey Yellowlces and Pearl Leach. Eunice Leask is also a member but %vas absent at lhe lime. Billy Wade a Hit 1 Foc the, fine prograni wbich' followed Mir. John M. James, popular M.P. for tbis area, xvas the jovial Master of Ceremnonie.3 and kept the programn going at a lively pace interspersing il with humorous remarks. That young and talented artist BîUy Wade of Courtice who has made a big hit with bis audience when he has en- tertained with his drums here on previous occasions, was the finit WaPPeu. MI& numbers with his mother providing piano ac-rompaniment were enthu.i- iasticaily received. Reeve Roy Nicnols then. ex- tended congratulations to Sa- lina communiLy on their fine new hall and suggested that the, surrounding communities would aiso make use of il. He ais9o remarked that he could vouch for -the banquets served by Solina ladies in the past. It was at thi-, time Mr. James made the comment that aI the turkey supper here in 1952 some people ate so much they hadn't been hung-ry since. Tap Daneers The Davey sisters of Tyrone accompanied by Iheir mother. Mrs. Don Davey, providesi snappy tap dance-, dressed in their Scotch costumes. This numbgr set the feet tapping througbout the hall. Mr. Charles Warren, (ontrac- toc for the new hall, who spoke next tld of the pleasure it had been Io serve the commun- ity and asked Ewart Leask to, accept the keys. Ewart, in repiy, referred bo the fine work done in the hall and said tbc Building Commitîce had us- iiaily found il best tb foilow MVr. Warren«s advicc in al plans of thehall. 17amily Group W'ilh i2ccordion. moutho-gan and gtîitars, beautiful music bv Mrs. Er ic Courtice, ber two daugýhters and .son, fiiled the hall. Mr. .Janmes said it was pleasing ta see a family group making. music together. Al tbey needed xvas Mr. Courlice ta sing:'! Rev. Fred Reed then con- gratulated the Solina peopleý and cxpressed the wish that the hall would serve in an cd- ucational way-serviceable as xvell as for pleàsure. H-ere. Mr. James tld how Mr. Reed liad used a shovel along wilh the rest and aiso sold tickets, aI the Pioughing Match. Then foliowed numbers by Billy Wade. the Davey sisters and Mrs. Courtice and group. Archie Caurtice sang accom- panying himself on the !guitar.1 His rhythm and melodies out - class Elvis Presley iby far, ai- tbough he didn't sing Hound Dog! A letter fram Mr. F. A. Lasbley, Secretary of the Plow- men's Association, and who j was unabie ta be present, was read bN Mr. James. The pro- grain %%'as then turned back ta the Sauina Hall Boar'd. First Dance To thse strains o! Reed's or- chestra thse first dance in the new hall began. The beauti- fui new highly polished floor had its first christenfing as yaung and old lrîpped the ight fantastie. Mc. Jim Hollby calcd fori the square dances. He drev attention tu the beaut.LUIuJp- B. G. Stevens of Sauina has always played an active part in community affairs since he came to his present home around the turn of the century. Well known for providing entertaining readings at practically every local affair, he recently donated a piece of land bo make it possible for Solina Community Hall to have an excellent parking lot off' the highway. Our photographer caught this 8.3 year old citizen in the act of chopping his winter's supply of kindling. Jhoistered chair whîch the W.I. Bowmanville, visited at Mr. J. %.i]l have a draw for on Nov. KiveIl's. ]O in the hall aI the Variety Mr. and Mrs. E. Spires and IConcert. Anyone wishing tic-i famiiy vîsited at Mrs. W. J. kcts may contact Mrs. Eric Spires' aI Millbrook. Hodge. Mr. and Mrs. Frank West- During the evening it a, lake, Jr., a'hd family enjoyed announced that a dorration of a motor trip on Sunday and $5 0.00 had been received from «vere visitors at Mr. Bob Cai-* Mr. M. Moore, contractor of lan's, Coboconk. Bowmanviile. For this and Mr. and Mrs. Wes. His vis- n umerous other donations wýý ited aI Mr. M. McCarreli's at are most grateful. Omemee and attended anni- versary serfvice aI Bethel Dra"~ Made church and at Tyrone in the At 11:30 o'clock Tom Baker evening. Carol and Anne re- announced il was lime for thlý' turned home from Omemee draws to be made. Biily Wade after holidays there. w ho performed these duties, on Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mont- request, drew the lucky ticket gomery were Sunday visitorc for the winner of the Shorthorn at Mr. Bruce Tayior's. cait. It was Master J. E. Davey, Mr. and Mrs. Don Harris and so n of Mr. and Mrs. Harry John, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. O. Davey of Leskard. Mrs. Davey Mowbray, Columbus, were aI was formerly Gertrude Dewell, Mrs. Hazel Harris'. daughter o! Ai! Deweil, a re- Mr. and Mrs. F. Abernethy, sident of Solina for some Mr. and Mrs. A. Albernetby years. and Ellen, Oakwood; Mr. andi Afler the langer drum cor.- Mrs. R. S. Nichols, Bracebridge: taining the car tickets had heem Mr. and Mrs. M. Samnis and revolved more. again Biiiy E]sic. Enfield. xvere visitors ai Wade made the draw -_- Ibc Mr. Don Taylor's. suspense was terrific until the Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis w inner was announced -- Mr. and Patricia were Sunday Foster Snowden of R.R. 2, guesis at Mr. Ailan McKenzie's, Oshawa.' Foster was absent Columbus. nt the time acting as baby sit- Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Yellow- ter for his son Bill but wa- lees, laren and Brenda were later broughte b the hall t, Sunday visitors aI Mr. E. ci aim bis new car. As he ap- Larmer's nt Blackstock. pcared he was loudly chcered Mises Helen and Patricia and applaudied. This event was Knox spent the weekend with the climax of the evening. Miss Judith Drynan in Oshawa Until the smali. hours of the IMr-. and Mrs. J. Bromeli moringth orhesracontinued Toronto, visited on Saturday their music for dancing. atMr. n r. W. Parrinder The programn committce kept Mran s.W Pride eveyon reresed broghoit1 and Helen were Sunday visit- hevening withed hodogs an ors at Mr. J. Thompson's, sth dreins. o dg adWbitby. soft dinks.Mr. and Mrs. Meredith Mot- Opening a Success fatt, Oshawa, visited at thej Thanks are 10 be expressed Werry's. LIvan Ellicott of Peterbor- Mrs. S. E. Werry spcnt Sun- ough who made the new s;ign .day with Mrs. Laura Pcnfound, for the hall and to Jerry Heal Bowmanviiic. who made the signs for the Miss Helen Baker, Mr. and dra ws. Mrs. J, Spicer, 'Poronto, were The opening \vas a success in tMsrJ.adTmBk'. every way. Many thanks 10 ail Mrs. H. Freitag and Randy, w ho made il poýsibie. For Miss Jean Cryderman and Mr. those who have not seen th George Bittner, Oshawa, were Community Centre -watch tlie at Mr. E. Cryderman's. Statesman for Coming Events Mr. and Mrs. Harold St. sonto foliow ii the new Solina John and Lloyd, Toronto, visit- iO ed on Sunday at Mr. Ross Cry- CommurAity Hall. dras Mr. and Mrs. E. Cryderman, S'OTLIAwere Sunday visitors a r Mr. and Mrs. C. Hjamer and Mr. and Mrs. Bill an', children visiîed at Mr. Chas. Katbl1cc n, Mrs. Cross, Sr., of! Hamer's, Brookiin. lAgincour:, visited at Mr. J.1 Mr. and Mrs. George Knoll Yellowlees'. and family visited at Mr. H. You are invited to the Hall- I Farrow's, Starkvilie. owezen Party under the auspicze of the -'Three M's*" group i Oct. '31. Games, fi-n and lunch HAMPTON for ail. Those in costume ad- mitted free. nogrltvsfmT- Next Sunday. Oct. 28, Sun- rnong wrelatie fom sT- d 'ay School xilibe cat 1:30,on3 t thebo er hmendvisit o ciock and at 2:45 at the churcb r IteSltrhm ee service Rev. Reed wiil conduct' I'r. and Mrs. Hilton Peters, Mr.! a baptismal service. Ralph Peters, Mr. Roy Jamie- Bradley's Hallowe'en party Psoe n, Mr. and Mrs.h owatrd xiii be held Friday eveniný,PieadM. et ees Oct. 26. Those in costume xiii Rey. Ted Kerse y, Scarbor- be admitted free. East group ough, at S. Kerseyis, Monday. îs asked to bring sýandwiches, Mr-s. Sam Deweli attendedii the West group candy or cook- tbc funeral of Lieut. Walter les.1 Richardson in Toronto last rAt Solina schooi Haiiawe en ick Buriai was Pt Scarbor- parly on Oct. 26. A programn ough. o! outside talent will be pre- GaeKre a c Mcte. adis es elw cepted a position in thp Burns' Mr. nd rs- esYellw'!Jeweiiery Store. Oshawa. lees, Harold and Murray, Mr. Congratulations b Ir. T. and Mrs. J. Yeiiowlees were Sle h eertdhs8r Sunday visitors at Miss Ida Salter whon celebr ate hs 3r IRevnolds' in Toronto. bitda n ud y Glao rMî. and Mcx. Stan Milîso,1 knov he is enjoying faiiygo Glenn and Grant visited a i health and trust be may enjoy Dr. Jeîrry Millson's and Mr, 1înany more birthday anniver- Horace Carr's, Toronto, on Suin- saries. 'da'v.. Mc. and Mrs. W. F. Ste\lenz, .Mr5. W. Ormiston. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Doidge and Miss N. Mrs. A. Blair, Brooklin, -i-,ited HÏoîn visited friends at Cae- at Mr. Bruce Tink*s. i sarea last week. Mrs. Addie Tink and 'Mr. A number from here attend- Bruce Tink were in Peterbor- ed the opening o! the newî ough recently. Community Hall at Solina on Mr. and Mrs. D. Flett an- Friday night. children, Mr. J. Kivel andi Mr. Stephen Saywell of St. ' Miss Pearl Leach were Sunday Stephen's United Church, Noria visitors at Mr. Norman Leach*sl Oshawa, occuPied the pulip:t, at Taunton. tvery acceptabiy on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Sid Littie,1 morming and prescated au m r.ndZION M.adMrs. Fred Cameron, Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Hircock andBrian visited Santa Claus Village at Bracebridge. Mrs. Ray Cameron is home again after being a patient -n Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville since September 4. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Howes and Bobbie spent the weekend at Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sobil spent the weekend at A. T. Stainton's, Browning's Island, Muskoka. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Naylor, Stanley and Brian, Columbus, at Charles Navlor's. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sobil, Lorna and Diane at Lake Sim- coe. Mr. and Mrs. George Hilts, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Scott, Douglas and Lynda, Ke-- dron; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Glas- pell, Grant and Gwendolyn, Ty- rone, at Alex McMaster's. Miss Linda Howes spent the weekend in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Vice, Bradley's at Gerry Glaspell's. Mrs. Russell Stainton, Mrs. Keith Stainton, Mrs. Jim Stain- ton, Mrs. R. C. Stainton attend- ed a shower for Miss Grace Stainton at MiFs Pat Shaw's. in Oshawa on Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Keîth Stainton had a party at their home on Saturday evening in celebra- tion of their fifth wedding an- niversary, also Mr. and Mrý. Jim Stainton'Er. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Skinner's and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Johnson's wedding anniversaries which are aIl within a few days. It xvas also Mrs. Jim Stainton's birthday on Saturday. Thore was qi real good attend- ance at the Harvest Home ser- IUItSDA'y. CCT. 28e, 550 vice on Sunday. Mrs. A. C. Hier- Faren, Ebenezer. Mrs. Ivan bert cf Bownianville,,spoke on Cochrane, Mrs. William Prestoil. her excperkec as a rnksionary Courtice; Mrs. Delbert Flinthff to the Eskimo people in tha and Carol Harvey, Kedron; Mrs. Arctic. Mrs. Merkley, Bowman- Jim Killen and Janice, Mrs. ville, was soloist. Robert Killen, Mrs. Russell Mr. and Mrs. George Sonley. Stainton had dînner together at Toronto, at Fred Cameron's. Mrs. Wes Cameron's on Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pascoe Oct. 19, to celebrate Mrs. Cam- and daughters attended the first eron's birthday. birthday party of their grand- Congratulations to Mr. and daughtcr, Linda Sleep at Mr. Mrs. Hans Geissberger, Jr. and Mrs. Morris Slccp's, Cold- (Margaret Wyman) on their water. mariage on Sazurday at St, An- Mrs. Stanley Coverly and- drew's United Church. Oshawa. ed WateJl. Or ln the medium-prlee range, the Wittnuuer, distingu1uhed companion to the world- honored Longines.0 Lon- rines-Wlttnauer watcheu are designed wlth hIdl- vlduality, handsonie ln appearance. . . . made -wlth the akili of long y, ea r a of experience. iJome ln and let un. help yen Choose. A) w#TTNAuIR. AlerUy styet! and ultra-thin. Motnd-lopped, cMsOM.made 10K gold-fiIIed case. $93 a) wiTTNAuER. Smart and handsome. Custom-made 10K gold-fiIled case. Fineiy styled dial. Matching expansion band. $93 c> LoNGINIs. One of the world's finest watches. Handsome design. fijnd 14K gold case. Genuine alligator strap. $Ibo o) LoNGINES. Exquisite grace, a meticulous pioce of lewolry. OvI.shaped case in 14K gold. $et witia four fine diamonds. $183 Hooper's' I. <1 Jewellery & Gift Shop " A~ King St. W. BOWMAN VILLE MA 3-5747 AUIKORIZED ASENCY Foi SGNSU!NURUUE A Gai can't have too W. manySWEATERS! and BRESLIN'S have your Sweater Story here- for you! New additions of your favorite classics in Orlons and Wools - by Grand 'Mere and Helen Harper The new look in sweaters is softer, more detailed and very f lattering. You can choose now f rom our big selection. VAil wool pullovers, rçund neck, short sleeves, by Helen Harper or Grand 'Mere -- -- --3.98 \Y1Ail wool cardigans by Grand 'Mere and Hoien Harper 4.95- 5.95 VOrlon pulliver, short sleeves, by Helen Harper 4.95 <Orlon pullover, short sleeves, by by Grand 'Mere 5.95 j ~/ Orlon pullover, long siceves, round neck, by Grand 'Mere 6.50 N/ rlo pulovrlong sleeves, V neck 4by Grand 'Mere---------------- 6.95 Fuît fashioned Orlon pullover by Helen Harper -- ~----------------- .6.95 VFuît fashioncd Orlon cardikanis by Helen Harper 8.95 VOrlon cardigans by Grand 'Mere __ 6.95 'V Qrlon pullover, turtie neck, twenty-one fashion, extremely lotv priced 3.98 Slii Bulk lnterlock Orlon Pullovers ____ 3.98 CHOOSE FROM 28 SHADES FOR FALL BRESLIN'S lo re. im-ým Grand Opening of Solina Hall Was Memorable E vent i Bowma nvi lie Whitby rAGIE SIX-MOffl t g Lotpressive. soul-stirring message the children. A pleasing cho!t selection "Great and Marvel lous" was sung by the choir and was appropriate to the harvest season. Service next Sunday at the usual hour, 10.45 a.m. ini charge of our pastor who will admin- ister the rite of baptism. Sunday School at 2 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Hosken Smith were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Reed, Rea- bora, Ont. Mrs. Victor Peacock, Oshawa, and sister, Mrs. Milton Aviery,* Columbus, Ohio, visited Mr.' W. W. Horn on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Luke and 1 family visited his mother, Mrs. IRussell Luke, Oshawa, on Sun- Iday. 1

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