THUffSDAY, OCT. 25th, 1958 L(Socîal & £->rsona/ 1. Phone MA 3-3303 Mrs. Gus Bounsail recently ed home by motor after spend- visited her sister, Mr. and Mrs. inig several months visiting rela- J. D. Fluker, Brockville. tives in Saskatchewan and the Mrs. D. M. Palmer, Oshawa, United States. Was a weekend guest with her Mr. D. E. Peddie, Vancouver. daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph B.C., is visiting with Mr. and Ames. Mrs. George Thrasher ths Dr.RayondRogrsOttwaweek en route to St. Peters- spent the weekend with his burg, Fheoriatere ev mother, Mrs. W. P. Rogers,spnthwier Centre Street. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Smith, r-q-Mrs. J. W. Noble and Miss Gait, and Mr. Robert Carruth- ]Relen Noble, Annapolis, Indi- ers, Kémptville Agricultural Col- ana, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. lege, spent the weekend with H. L Godard.their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- H. L Godard.frid Carruthers. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Fladd, entvsor wihM. Teesater wer weeendGus Bounsail were Mr. and Mrs. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles .Wilfred Addinall, Vancouvr, Denton, Temperance St. B.C.: Mr. and Mrs. Jack Addin- Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Cowan al, Laura and Cherry, London, and Mrs. Perey Cowan have Ont., and Mr. and Mrs. J. D. vret ned home after spending Fluker, Brockville. ~~ekn i NwYokCity. In the 126 stucients who have Mr. Clare Garton attended the enrolled in the first year of1 annual convention of the Ontario the 4-year Degree Course Ct Motor Coach Association at the -the Ontario Agricultural Col- King Edward Hotel, Torontâ, lege at Guelph, R. S. Couban, last week. R.R. 1, Hampton, is the onlv Mrs. Albert MeMahon return- student from Durham County TRINITY UNITED I CHURCH Minister - Rev. T. Arthur Morgan, B.A. Organist-Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus. Bach., L.R.S.M. Anniversary Thcink-Offerîng "The Quest for Certa inty" ~ REV. S. L. OSBORNE, B.A.? B.D, Th.D., Mus. Doc. Music by the Senior, Intermediate and Junior Choirs Soloists: MRS. ROSEMARY MERKLEY and -MRS. ARLENE AYRE. "Offering Our Best To God" R4E V. RQBT. B. GREEN, M.A., B.D. Specal Msicby the Senior Choir. - THEZ CANADLA-1 STATESMAN. BOWMANVMLL._ONTARIO- 1 ~IOLY COMM~UNION 10 and il arn. - CHURCH SCHOOL il a.m. - MORNING FRAYER Preacher: MR. G. E. GROOMBRIDGE Diocesan Lay Reader. Peterborough EVENING FRAYER ofo«» ero.1 Jewellevy & HoopegrS.'s.Gi*ft Shop 28 ingSt.W.Bowmanville MA 3-57,47 Uji L. Out-of-town ¶uests attending the Stainton-Jeffery wedding in St. Paul's United Church, Bow-1 * .-L:Vil1.' o-' "y'-. 20 included Miss Betty Randall, Whitby;.Miss Jane Passant, Mr. and Mrs. Day- rId Halewood, Mr. Wm. Bonk, Mr ' and Mrs. Sid Martyn, Mr.'andj 1 Mis. D. Glover, Mr. and Mrs. - Walter Bestwick, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Walters, Mrs. Elsie O'Neil, ail of Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. H. Martyn, Blackstock; Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stainton, Enniskil- len; Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Towns, Peterborough; Mr. and Mrs.N Mollon, Sunderland,; M[r. andi Mrs. Harold Wotten and Ross, Mrs. C. Davie, grandmother of1 the bride, Mr. and ,Mrs. John jDavie, Miss Janet Davie, ail of 1 Toronto.1 1 Attending sessions of the 32nd annual convention of the On- tario Hospital Association this week at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, were, from the staff of Memorial Hospital, Bow- manville -Miss Irene Shaw, Supt.: Mrs. Ev Morrison, Asst. Supt.; Mrs. Jean Brownr of Maternity; Mrs. Mary Cann, nurse's aide; Mrs, Ruth Culley, Miss Marion Vanstone, Mrs. May Pickard, of the office staff, and Miss Mary Chaplin, office supervisor; Miss EdnaI Campbell, Miss Velma Gay, operating room, 'and Miss Phyl- lis Craig, operating room sup- ervisor; Mrs. Dorothy Childs, maternity supervisor; Mrs. Jes- sie Prout, dietitian: Mr. Denis Piokard, laundry manager. Del-1 egates ta this convention from the Women's Hospital Auxiliary were: Mrs. Gea. Young, Treas.; Mrs. Thelma Mutton, lst vice- president. Also attending were Mrs. J. W. Braden, 2nd vice- president: Mrs. E. V. Hoar, Mms. Duncan Smith, Mrs. Normani Allin, Mrs. L. T. McLaughlin. Fromn the Board of Memorial Hospital those attending were: Mr. Harry Cryderman, chair- man; Mr. Joe O'Neill, Mr. Ivacn Hobbs, Mrs. Charlie Warren, Hampton, 'member for Darling- ton. Mrs. Braden, Mrs. Mutton and Mrs. L. W. Dippeli are Board members as weil as Aux- iliary members. Gus Cornes ji Winner of Solina's Community Hall Car registered in the cou rse. of his old friends will be look- So, the officials returned to Club 15 regrets that in theling forward to hearing and itheir homes or their office3, names of hostesses of the Stay- mneeting 'Stan" on this occas- well fed but sleepy and the gray At-Home Party given ins~ t 'On. and blue Consumers' trucks and week's report, Mrs. S. Dunn's At the annual meeting ani I personnel carnied on without name appeared instead of Djrs. Pioneer Day of the Peansyl- incident to complete a most Muriel Dunn, who entertaii!d vania German Folklore Society complicated, expensive opera- eight tables at euchre at her of Ontario, held at Waterloo tion which, in future, undoubt- home, on Oct. 20th, Dr. G. E. Reaman edly will mean much to this The Durham County Club of was re-elected presiderit of the, area's progress. Toronto will hold its first meet- society. It will be of further ing of the 1956-57 season to- interest to many of our read- Dight (Thursday) when Mr. ers that Mr. James Lovekin,5 Joseph A. Caulder wiîî give a Toronto, native of Newcastle, B o y S ou tfs talk on his recent world tour was guest speaker whèn he which took him into 48 coun- gave a most enlightening his. (Continued from page one) tries and covered over 64,000 torical address on The Quakers looks for a reward because he miles. of Eastern Ontario. believes in Scouting which i ini On Saturday night, friends His many friends in Bow- turn self rewarding. of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ellisimanville will be pleased to Last Official Visit gathered at the home of Mr. know that Col. J. H. Fox has Field Commissioner Charles and Mrs. G. Badger to enjoy a been pramoted to vice-president Billing regretfully told the large social evening and presented in charge of sales of the audience that this would be his them with a walnut coffee Honeywell Contrais Limited of îast officiai visit to the Bow-, table, prior to leaving Bow- Toronto, formerly known as manville Association due to the manvilie to make their future Minneapolis - Honeywell Re tremendous growth of Scouting home in Coî'borne. gulator Co. Ltd. Col. Fox has os the province. Formerly Among those from this area Weenst Si er iea t ot tBe B- anville was in the Central attending the Geissberger-Yy- etSd ec Pr o- Ontario section but it is now man wedding at St. Andrew's manville for sa many years necessary to decrease the size of United Church. Oshawa on Oct. that xve look upon himn as onee staff. n and ta add more 20 ereMr.Maric Stphesof our own citizens. Ththe section 20 werne: r.n MauîeStpes, Statesman joins with bis hast Bowmanville is now in the Bonrymavile Mr. and r.Frd of red in extending con- Eastern Ontario West Section of Dart, Mr. Robert Dart, Mr. and gratulations ta the genial Col.- the province he pointed out and Mrs. Arthur Dart, Mr. and Mrs. The Goodyear Tire & Rubber is under the supervision of Field Otto Strehl, ail of Hampton: Mr. Company is evidently enijaying i Commissioner Art Jackson. Be- and Mrs. Herman Schmnid, New- a year of world expansion in 1 fore introducing the guest speak- castle. its many plants as is announced er, Mr. Billing urged that the The Thankoffering Services in this issue giving particulars 1 sponsors of Cubbing and Scout- and Anniversary of Trinity of the large addition ta the1 ing groups carry on their sup- United Church on Sunday locl ubber plant. In the- port and nat feel that their job mornng nxt ill c a omeOctober issue of The Wingfoot lis finishied after launching the cmring fo text wîllsbeakhoe Clan it nientions the formai Pack or Troop. opomin cfforewtGoeyeur Nt Cspeakere Dr. Stanley L. Osborne, Prin- oeigc e oderNwCmisoe cipl o Onari LaiesColegeTire plant in the Phillîppincs Following Mr. Billing the new Whitby, for he was a' former 1 on Oct aber 6th on a 43-ac'-e Field - Commissioner and guest memfber of Trinitv from which 'site 12 miles from Manilla. Thet speaker, Art Jackson, briefiy ad- he entered the rninistry. Manv first historic tire from this dressed the audience. Mr. Jack- -plant was presented ta Presi- son was a teacher in the Toronto dent Ramon Magsaysay, Re- area before he entered Scouting public of the Phillippines. as a commissioner 12 years ago. STý o« SMr. Ken Crawford, son of The speaker feit 'that parents T. un~ - Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Crawford, were a part of Scouting just as 52 Concesion St. W., Bowman- the boys and should be eager ta ville, is written up in "Forano encourage their boy ta fully par- UPersonalities," a feature of ticipate. Scout Headquarters he CHURCHForano Machinery News. The said gives only a method or pro- f irm of Forano Limited whose 1 gram ta follow and it is up ta head office and works are in the adults ta what. extent the (Anglican) Plessisville, Que., has sales of- program is applied. fices in Toronto where Ken The program hle continued is has been an employee since an active program and flot pass- Twenty-second 1955, in the Mechanical Power ive. Distinguishing between act- Transmission, Conveying and ive and passive Mr. Jackson 1 Elevating Equipment Division. stated it is far better that a boy 1 Aller Trinity Ken is a graduate of Bowman- do good rather'than merely be- ville High Sehoal and Ryersori ing good. Institute of Technology, Tor.- 8 a.m. - nom $1.40 $50 $3.95 It's Time to Buy CHRISTMAS CARDS An assortment of attractive designs ta suit Ievery taste. Top quality at an economy price. 50 Cards and Envelopes j98c Additional Assortments Ialso available 18 for 49e 50 for 1.98 12 for 98C 1.D.A. Bronchida COUGH SYRUP IA prompt, safe healing pre- paration for the relief of Bronchitis, Coughs and Colds 75C m esVITAMINS frHut aIt Ayerst t tOUCIk Aiphamettes Capsules 1.00, 1.85, 3.50, 8.00, 15.00 4cAlphaniette Aqueous 1.45, 2.65, 4.85 10-DCod iverOil- 1.00, 2.25 EX Alienbury's Haliborange 1.00, 1.75, 3.25 10-D Cod Liver Ou----------1.00, 2.25 Oleuni Percomorphum- -- ---1.10, 3.00, 4.75 tPoIy-Vi-Sol 1.55, 2.80. 4.00 IGER Vita Diet - ----- 1.95, 4.50 IR Wanîpole's Cod Liver Extract-------1.35 I.D.A. DRANDS Cod Liver Oil_____ 90c, 1.50 Capsules ------------------1.19 Idafer Capsules with Vitamin B12-- 2.00 Liquid - ---- -------- ---------------------- 1.50 20c Halibut Liver Oil Capsules .- 1.15, 2.29, 4.29 Idamait Extract of Malt and 35c Cod Liver Oil - 75c, 1.29, 2.29 I.DA. Brand Speelals SPOT REMOVER Simple and safe to use, cuts cleaning costs 4 oz. 10 oz. reg. 40c -reg. 75c 33c 59C STOMACH POWDER Stops stomach distress fast 4 oz. 16 oz. reg. 75e reg. 1.95 591C 1.49 SHOF AT VOUR DRUG STORE - the dependable place to buy ail your med- icines and health and beauty needs. Save on These! Jeanette BATH SALTS 3 pounds for only 59__ Orient TALCUM POWDER 16 oz. __29c POWDER PUFFS Reg. r 3 foer 29c _ U Fr2c- I.DA. Toilet Tissue 2 for 25e I.D.A. Tooth Paste 32c, 57c I.D.A. Paper Napkins 17e 2 for 33o The modern way to winter ivarmth and comfort HEATING PADS 3-heat Swifeh 7-foot Cord 4.95, 5.98 6-95, 7.95 I.DA. Brand HOT WATER BOTTLES Dependable A strong, extra-heavy rubber bottle guaranteed for 4 years 2.19 Utillty A lighter- weight but strong, sturdy bottle guar- anteed for 2 years 1.79 NEW LOTION f DISCOVERY je deep flowing niagtc facial cleanser dleans your sin up ta Drugs. Phone MA 3-5792 Gillette SPER-SPEED Râzor Cand.,,ed Venioe of fomcw $593 book -e.'., lFà *129*. si, GIN PILLS FOR? THE KIDNEYS/. ECONOMY 980~ (Continued fromn page ont) ing service of high standard ta, gas consumners at competitive rates with other fuels and, h,2t feit, that thi3 district would benefit (considerably because ofM the natural gas power which1 would now be available. Looking For IndustryBoof1 Replying, Mayor Osborne spoke on behaîf of Reeve Sidt ney Little, Councillor Keidi L E bers of council who were nut ' present, in complimenting Con-I sumers' Gas on the efficiency of the change over operation and A o for their exceptionally fine co- A.STRI operation with the town. Hej mentioned that Bowmanville WH was most interested in new in- dustry and urged out-of-town guests ta, remember this local- ity if and when they camne in contact with an industrial pros- pect loaking for a new location. He recalled that it was 25 years ago since manufactured gas came to this area. Darlington Represented F ACKAGI 0F On behalf of Darlington 3#SSOOIsn63/4,è ' Township, Deputy Reeve Gar-1 net Rickard thanked Consum-' 0 ISS.9 0 ers' for the fine breakfast, and1 MAN'S SIZI 12",x12" was joined by ail those present including Darlington Council- lors Ross C. Stevens, Arthur L. Blanchard and Charles Osborne.i Two other guests present in an observing capacity were Osh- awa's fire chief Rae Hobbs and cange ove Mrray. wee.Jon l change Bh Mray. Osw a iJohlle M. James. M.P. for Durham was aI-zo prezent. recording the event We Deliver j ihPhoto-praphs which appear in this issue. PRESCRIPTIONS x.McGrego. Your Local l.D.A. Drug Store ASPECIALTY SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR, THIS WEEK Mr. Foster Snowden, R.R. 2, Oshawa, is shown here taking delivery of the Chevrolet sedan he won at the opening of Solina's Community Hall on Friday even- ing. Mr. Snowden, as you would expect, was quite pleased with his xinnings, because he does not own a car, only a truck. The winning ticket wvas drawn by Bill Wade, popular young entertainer f rom Courtice. Tom Baker at right, who conduct- ed this draw is shown presenting the keys to Mr. Snowden. Harold Gibson thanked Mr. with Miss JaneHodgkinson Iead- from Jamaica who is now acting. Bîlling and Mr. Jacso for ing in a rousing sing song withasSotserofhel Bw their enlightening talks. assistance from pianist Tom a cumse fteltBw Singing played a major role Park. Two solos were suing by manville Troop4 during the evening's program Mel McCoy, a former Scou t* COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE DR-UG STORES,.. 1 1 1 1 - PAMM RKUR ,leýj