-~ - - - -. - - . .. -.* ,-..-.'-S~..e't.-.--.- ~. . r v ..¼.. PAGE 1lmE B.H.S. Runners Enter District ICross Country High Scoring Honors Men 's Major League BillPolley was 1h. hg g at thre alîcys on Wednesda winning the higir single wlti 334 and adding two more score- * of 246 and 255 for a total o: 835 to take the triple honors This in BiI's hast rugit of tir seàson and he deserves a lai o! credit as ha iras been bowl. * ing under a handicap withi sore finger Reg Hearle lis gradually find. Ing imseli and waund up sec. ond best in [ha singles 307. Karl Bickeli had 305 and Big Glar Lander wound up with 302. Seven bowlers were over 700. Bill Stevens 745, AI Osborre * 744, Hap Palmer 737, Russ Oke 722, Jin Levett 718, Fate Dai. B:tsý 701 and Reg-Hearle 700. Gôrd "wienér" Sellers finish- ed second, hast in 10w single hsving 115 wirile Dr. Ah Sylves- ter won the tithe by ana pin, 114. Byron Vanstone was in a class by irimself for low triple score. Barney had 441. Bill Pollay's teain was a dou- ble winner with irigir single 1248 and higir triple 3475. Dick Little's team had low single 937 and Fred Cole's outfit law triple 3010. Ted Bagnell's teani is in first place witir a 5-point edge avar Bill Stevens's Indians. Bagnel has 27 points. Mel Dale's out- fit is in 8th positionand yet they have tira most number of Wild Bill Oke and iris teain Prc' haviin. a lot of tougir luck aiid ta date have won only two gý4i1es. This sciredule is rolling right along and when you read tisj we wiIl have passed thre houf waY niai'k. n Men's Major Bowling Lueagne ýy Standing End of Sth Weeck ;h 1956-57 Besson bs )f Tearr W L Pins Pts. - Bagneil - - 12 3 16525 27 eSteven - - 9 6 15921 22 -Osborne - - 9 6 16225 20 a Milne - - -.. 9 6 15976 20 Leslie - 8 7 16330 19 Little - 8 7 15854 19 -Dala - - - 7 8 16889 18 î Bro*J - _ - 8 7 16484 13 rBrougr.... 6 9 16059 15 Polley 6 9 16059 14 Cle.. 6 9 15672 14 e Oke ......213a 15428 4 Averages Gaznes Ave. AI. Osborne - 15 243 Fate Doibins 15 238 Elton Broci ____ 15 235 Doug Taylor 15 227 Bill Hearle ____ 15 226 Ted Bagneli - l15 223 Bill Westlake 15 223 Dr. H. Rundla ___ 15 223 Frank Williams - 12 223, Ron Richards - 15 222 Ernie Perfect 15 818 Jack Gay....... 15 218 Hap Palmer 15 2171 Murray Larmer 15 216 Jin Levett 12 216 Bert Engley- 15 214 Dave McKnight - 15 214 Bll Steven ~ 15 214 Ron Maynard --. 15 213 Matt Harrison - 15 212 Jack Parker 15 212 Morley Vanstone - 15 211 Bill Palley -___ 15 210 Frank Lewins - 15 210 Ralph Kelly 15 210 Ed. Leslie .-- -__ 15 209 Jack Landar . 15 209 Russ Oke 15 209 Mel Dale 15 20d Jack Coole ------- - 15 208. Bill Bates- -------15 2()l Carl Leslie --- -_ 12 205 Geo. Stephens 15 204 Hank Jaii7en 15 202- Glen Lander _____15 2,01i Karl Bickel____ 15 201 Harry Gay 12 201 Bill Shotter ___ 15 200 Don Bisirap ___ 15 200 Gord Sellers ___ 15 200 Russ Halîman ___ 15 200 Having straightened out its early difficulties, the Durham Bowling League lias now taken the foi-in of a very competitive ten tearns. Because of player changes and general troubles a few of aur tearns have hiad to compete with under-rnanned units with the result, these teams coul-1 not offer strang opposition. But from this date on things should be different. With Bill Polley's team. lead- ing the standing at this time, there seems to be some line of thought that they are the team ta beat. However, down throughi the ranks the boys have let it be known that> they are not conceding first place that easy. Colli Woolner was heard commenting that when his team tackles "Bill's Boys" Fridav night next, the standings ~~ ýchange. He says five points are going ta be easy, maybc seven! Last week's aCivity at "El.- riott'g Acadeýny" was highlight- ed ty some high spirited action. B'Everett King came up with' a 320 single for top hon- ours in this department. AI Per- fect rolled a 304 and Chuck Dis- .ey followed with 300. High triple score honours want ta tire fellow with tire President's office, William rall- cd a 778 for tirrea. L. MacDougal cama close with a 736, fallowed -by G. Poulos with 710. Standrigs Pins Points Bill Polley 12,256 24 Earl McQuade 11,441 21 C. Woolner 11,735 19 Mult Carson 11,634 - 19 Stu Crago 11,413 16 Jim Mùrpiry 11,684 14 L. MacDaugal 11,381 14 Bert Englay 10,972 Y Don Bishop ý11,169 2i Ciruck Disley 10,589 2 Averages Allen Perfect 226 George Poulos 2 18 B. Henning .~___-2M4 B. Engley 2 12 B. Vivian ----- 212 L. MacDougal -_____210 J. Murphy 209 CWoolner-------2111 N. Henning- 206 J. Parker ------- -- - ---202 J. Lenron 199 E.K n -- - ---- --- 1 96 jR. Turner - --- ----- 196 R. Lane ----- --- - --195 C. Dislcy -------------------- 191 R. Mchean-------- ----- ------- 194 G . B rooks ------------------ 9 E. McCracken 190 E. McQuade -- --- - - ---- 137 R. Brock - -e------ -1--0--- ---- P6 G. Glanville - ------- 186 G. Bebee --- ----186 J. B ell -------------- - - 184 [R. Coombas ---- - -- 184 S. Crago ---123 W. Morris ---- -----182 S. Howard --------- --182' D. Bisirop --- -----181 B. Burgess 18o J. Bond---178 L. Dewell ___ 177 R. Gardiner - -176 L. Hamilton 175 D. Brooks 175 R. Meadows ___175 M. Adams -.-- ___-17-1 L. Bickla --173 G. Hea thr ________1731 S. Hunt - - 172 G. Jones- 171! L. Coomies ro17 T. Dadson 170 C. Ferguson 170o J. McNulty 1-40 M. Preston 169 M. Staphens 169 A. Marris ___ 168 H. Luxton 167 H. Kelly 167 C. Barr -~_____167 J. Bisirop 161 F. Luxton _______160 C. Swartz 159 G. Richards ________156 J. Telford ________156 J. Davis -.154 R. Woolner .-- - 1.54 Wmn. Yeo _______-148 D. Plain, ----147 B. Laask-- -~ 141 I. Munday - - 129 mHigir Single - Everett King. 32(). Higir Triple -- Bihl Po£IC " 778. Lemons--R. Woolner 94. 2, VM. Yec 98, 1W Cook 87. HIGHLY STYLET) NIODERATELY PRICED LADIES' WEAR La Vogue Com petition Is Keen in Durham League jUse of elèeericity in Cana doubles every i-*\years. MEMORIÂoL ARENA A CTIVITIES PUBLIC SKATING FRIDAY, OCTODER 261h 8 Io 10 p.m. Admission - .- . Adulte 40c, Students 25e PUBLIC. SKATING SATURDAY, OCTODER 271h 8GIo 10 p.m. Admission - - - PUBLIC SKATING WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31si 8 Io'10 p.m. SAdmission - - - Adulte 40c, Students 25e Adul ts 40c, Students 25c ida S"Breed Betier CaUIle for Bigger Profils" lmiproved Type and Production means miore profit for you. Brczd Ni our Herd Artificially : ta Quinte-District -Cattie Breeding Association Inc. Sires THE 310DERN.METHOT) 0F HERD IMPROVEMENT +Other advantages of artificial breeding are: Safety, economy, convenience, choice of breed, <: disease control. Whether you have one cow or a hundred, purebred: or grade, it will pay you te breed artificially. j éFor complet. information or service cail our cJosest raprasentative betwecn 7 and 9 a.m. MIL DICK WOOD, BOWMANVILLE, MArk t 3-3405 MR. JAAN TAAVET, WELCOME 2231 MIL KEITH WOOD, ORONO 17110i With nearly 3,500 cattie owners in the Quinte District using our sires the value cf this prograin bas been proven. The Quinte District Caille Breeding Association, Bellevile,- Ont. I A Fanmer owned Co-operative THE CAMADIAN SATIUA. EOWIAMMILI. Oq¶'MO, TNUPMSAY, OCT. 251h, 19U Tire are stil saine openinp in tieCoal Society for T,ýn- Srs.I you are intaresteà in joiing ftira Choral Society keàse cntact Miss Marg Pur- don t MA3-3184, and arranje an audition. Don't forget tire Choral Soc- iety's Winter Concert ta ha held in tira Town Hall on December 7th and 8tir. Mr. Fredarick Geogiregan, well known con- cert artist will again ha tira guast artist. A concert Hami- mond organi wilha installed I'ntire Town Hall for tira oc- casion. N[ILLINERY The Recreation Department's Millinery class regularly heldi on Thursday evenings. will be re-scheduled ta Thursday af- ternoon from 2:00 ta 400 p.m., beginnmng, Thursday, November lst. If you are interested in at- teluding the afternoon Millinery Classes please contact the Re- creation Office before Wednes- day, October 3lst. The class will be under the direction of Mrs. Y. Zavi. JUNIOR VARIETY CLUB Any children who are inter- ested in joining the Junior Variety Club are asked ta be at the Lions Centre this com- ing Friday, October 26th, at 4:00 p.m. Membership ta the Variety Cluih is open toa ah children af Bowmanville from six ta thir- teen years of age. Dead Stock ]Removed Highest Prices Paid 24-Hour Service TELEPHONE COLLECT C0BOU R G Fît 2-3721 NICK PECONI PETERBOROUGH RI 2-20801 L o A N s To Pay Past Due Bills 'o Consolidate Monthly Payments For Holiday Expenses For New Purchases For Emergency Expenses Corne i Today Try The Bellvue Way on a Pay froin Inconie Plan BELL VUE FINANCE CORP. G. a. WILSON, Mgr. 91j- Si.mcoe S. Dial 5-1121 OSHAWA - On Saturday morning Bow- manville Hlgh School Cross-1 country team ran in the Ail- Ontario High School Champion- ship at Higir Park in Toronto. Twenty-two schools entered approxinrately 120 boys in the gruelling 2½ mile race. Of tis number only 95 finished. Thre meet was won by Delta Colegiate of Hamilton with a low total of 27 points. A Brampton boy, Jin Irons, won the race in thre excellent time of 14 minutes, 29 seconds. Aithougir Bowmanville did flot place i the first ten schools; ah aof aur runners gave excellent accounts o! theuiselves. The competition was the very hast in the province. Our boys flnished in the fol- Iowing order: 1. Wilhert Lemon 47th, 2. Wayne-Mavin 58th, 3. Ross Kozzatz 59th, 4. Charlie Trim 75th, 5. John VanEyk 76th, 6. K Williamson 82nd, 7. Greg. Coper 87th. The Iiitra-mural High School Cross--country Championship will be held next Manday, Oc- tober 29, at 3.45 p.m. Thcre will be tirrea races-Junior, Inter- madiate and Senior. The finish line is an Simpson Avenue, just south ai No. 2 Highway. Speu- tators are cordially invited. BANTAM Game Times lst gaine - 7:00 2nd gaine - 7:45 3rd gaine - 8:40 4th gaine - 9:25 5th gaina 10:20 6th gaine 11:05. Nov. 3rd- Ist-Lions vs. Huskies 2nd-Tigers vs. Cuis 3rd-Pirates vs. Braves Nov, lotir- 4th-Tigers vs. Pirates 5tir-Cuirs vs. Lions 6th-Braves vs. Huskies Nov.l7tir- lst-Cubs vs. Pirates 2nd-Lions vs. Braves 3rd-Huskies vs. Tigers Nov. 24th- 4th-Lions vs. Pirates 5th-Braves vs. Tigers 6th-Huskies vs. Cuis Dec. lst- lst-Braves vs. Tigers 2nd-Huskies vs. Cubs 3rd-Lions vs. Pirates Dec. 8th- 4tir-Cubs vs. Braves 5tir-Pirates vs. Huskies 6th-Tigers vs. Lions Dec. Istir- lst-Lions vs. Cuis 2nd-Pirates vs. Tigers 3rd-Huskies vs. Braves Jan. 5tir- 4th-Huskies vs. Tigers 5tir-Lions vs. Braves 6th-Cubs vs. Piratas Jan. l2th- lst-Huskias vs. Pirates 2nd-Braves vs. Cuis 3rd-Lions vs. Tigers Jan. l9tir- 4tir-Lions vs. Huskies 5th-Tigers vs. Cuba 6tir-Pirates vs. Bravas Jan. 26th- lst-Tigers vs. Bravas 2nd-Pirates vs. Lions Srd-Cubs va. Huskies Feb. 2nd- 4tir-Tigers vs. Pirates 5tir-Cuis vs. Lions 6tir-Braves vs. Huskies 'ai. 9tir- lst-Pirates vs. Huskies 2nd-Tigers vs. Lions 3rd-Cubs vs. Braves Feb. 16tir- 4tir-Braves vs. Pirates 5tir-Cubs vs. Tigers 6th-Huskies vs. Lions All Gainas Must Start on Time 1. Bantam, gainas - two- 20 minute pariade. 2 . No ovartimne will ha play- ed during tire regular sciedule. 3. A teain not iraving tire minimum of 6 players on tire [ce and ready e ta play by 5 mutas past the schaduled time xi11 default tira gaine. 4. Players, missing m o r a àAa gi&a«witaOU4 aaod Polie y Captures Both1 L MINOR HOCKEY Last Saturday morning mark- ad the first practica sessions forthe eighfeen minor hockey teaîns spansarad by the Re- creation Department. The next practices will be held tis cotir- ing Saturday, October 27th. Below is a schedule of the practice [imes for thre diffar- ent leagues: Bantams: 7:00 a.m.-Braves and Cuibs 7:40 a.m.-Huskie4 and Pirater, 8:20 a.m.-Lions and Tigars Pee Wees: 9:00 a.m.-C'dians and Bruins 9:40 a.m.-Leafs and Hawks 10:20 a.m.-Rangers and Wings Atoms: 11:00 a.m.-Indians and Rains 11:30 a.m.-Bears and Hornets 12:,00noon-Barons and Bisons On Tuesday, Novamber 6th, at the Lions Centre'tire Re- creation Department in ca- aparation with Community Pro- grammes Brancir, Dapartinant of Education, will have a show- ing of "The World's first series of hockey instructional films in 16 m.m. sound," under the Tachnical Direction af Willard J. L'Heureux, Director of Physical Education, University of Western Ontario. A series of eigirt instructional films on tire aquiring af skills and haw ta use these sius as a team. SKATING - balance, stop- ping, start-ing, turning and speed skating. STICKHANDLING-the cor- rect method of holding and using tire stick. PASSING - tira techniques of passing. CHECKING - how ta use a pokc' and hook check and how to cover. SHOOTING - types of sirots. GOALTENDING - his de- fen se.. OFFENSIVE TEAM PLAY.. DEFENSIVE TEAM PLAY. Any persan. înterasted in hockey is invited ta attend. this sirowing. Be sure ta set November 6th aside so tirat you wvill be able ta attend this meeting. CHORAL SOCIETY 1 1 PER WEE HOCKEY ICHEDULE Gaine Times lst gaina - 7:00 2nd gamne - 7:45 -3rd gaine - 8:40 4th gaine - 9:25 5th game - 10:20 6th game - 11:,05 Nov. 3rd- 4th-.Wings vs. Hawks 5th-Bruins vs. Rangers 6th-Canadians vs. Leafs Nov. ltir- lat-Rangers vs. Leafs 2nd-Wings vs. Bruing 3rd-Hawks vs. Canadians Nov. î7th- 4th-Rangers vu. Hawks 5th-Canadians va. Wings 6th---Leafs. vs. Bruine Nov. 24th- ist-Bruins vs. Hawks 2nd-Rangers vs. Canadians 3rd-Leafs vs. Wings Dec. Ist- 4th-Bruins vs. Canadians 5th-Hawks vs. Leafs 6th-Wings vs. Rangers Dec. 8th- lst-Canadians vs. Wings 2nd-Leafs vs. Bruins 3rd-Rangers vs. Hawks Dec. 15th- 4th-Leafs vs. Wings 5th-Rangers vs. Canadians 6th-Bruins vs. Hawks Jan. 5th- lst-Rangers vs. Bruins 2nd-Hawks vs. Wings 3rd-Leafs vs. Canadians Jan. 12h- 5tir-Wings vs. Bruins 6th-Hawks vs. Canadianu Jan. l9th- lst-Laafs vs. Hawks 2nd-Canadians vs. Bruins 3rd-Rangers vs. Wings Jan. 26th- 4th-Wings vs. Hawks 5tir-Bruins vs. Rangers 6th-.-Canadians vs. Leats Feb. 2nd- lst-Wings vs. Canadians 2nd-Hawks vs. Ranigers 3rd-Bruins vs. Leais Fei. 9tir- 4tir-Canadians vs. Hawks 5th-Bruins vs. Wings 6',h-Leafs vs. Rangers -I.,t-Hawks vs. Leafs 2nd-Wings vs. Rangers 3rd-Bruins vs. Canadians Aill Games Must Start on Time 1. Pee Wee gamas - two - 20 minute periods. 2. No overtime will ha play- ed during tire regular schedule. 3. A teamn not, having thre ninimumi af 6 players on tire !ce and ready ta play by 5 ninutes past tira scheduled time vili default tire gaine. 4. Playars missing mare than 3gamas witirout gaad reason, wi11 be r-eleased from thre teain nd flot allowed ta play for Rny other tearn in tire league. 5. Playofis wiil be held dur- rg [ha montr o! March. Sami-finals will consist of a two out o! tirree saries or tire first teain ta acquire four points. Finals will- ha a suddeni death gaine ta ha played on Minor Hockey Nîght. j ITennis Club Winners For Ail Events In sema hotly contested bat- tics the Bowmanville Tennis Club took advantage of the good weather and finlshed their club tournament. The final winners for al events were as follows: Ladies' Sigles - Arna Strlke; Men's Singles - Keith Siemon; La- dies' Doubles - Pat Cheethamn and Anna Strike; Men's Doubles -Don Rundie and Bud Moses;, Mixed Doubles-Aura Trewin and Arnold Lobb. The executive would like to thank everyone for their co- operation [n completing their matches. 8creec.4 Dy Xvelyn Brown The magazine sale came to an end on Monday and an Tuesdlay morning the prizes were given out. A total of $ 1,348.7.5 was collected and from this the sehool keeps $490.53. The winners of the prizes are as follows: radio, Sylvia Laaja; camnera, Ted Bartlett; p a nda, Shirley Weatherup, Gwen Stark, Betty Locke; bin- der, John Dippeli, Trevor Alli- son, Sally Brown, John James; pen and pencil set, Brian Bar- raball, Shirley Lemon, Beverly Gilkes, Doug Lycett. The girls who sold the most subscriptions received friend- ship rings. These girls were: Marg Vanstone, Gail Snowden, Shirley Lemon, Helen Knox, Marilyn Pascoe, Shirley Knapp, Gwen Murdoch, Sally Brown, Barb Bathgate, Marion Buttery, Joan Buttery, Marilyn Quan- trili, Gail Armstrong, Betty, Branch, Gayle Thomas, Christ- ina Lamb, Eleanor Pickard, Elsie Down, Kathleen Mackit-, Mary Anne Heavysage, Joan Cann and Peggîe Slmpson. A safety campaign, ccrnduct- ed by Mr. A. Withe-spoon, Mr. T îss &n'W L. Lucas, has started thé school thinking. Last Thursday, Mr. Witherspoon spoke to the Senior Assembly on the theme, "I Didn't Know It Was Loaded". This did flot, as you may think, refer to guns, but to cars. Most people do flot realize the great risk they take on the roa ds, in traf- fic and where children are llkely to be playing. Very few k<now that there are more peo- ple killed by cars in North America each year than there were casualties in the Korean War. Statistics show that most accidents are caused by teen- age drivers. Mr. Witherspoon then told of several persona] experiences with such people. A car, filled with boys, squealed to a stop at the stop-light. When 0, One man tells another.. "Borrow with confidence from HFC" The word gets a.rourid as cone frfend telle anotirer about HFC-"They help you solve your money probiems!" Wirether you need expert counsel about your finances from our highiy trained staff .., or a cash loan of up ta $ 1,000. . . you can have complote con- fidence in HFC-Canada's first and most recomniended consumer finance company. For IOUSEH'OLD FINANCi 111/2 Simca. St. South, second floor, phone RA8-139 OSHAWA, ONT. PORT NOPE BRANCHi 71 Walton St., 2nd floer, phone TU 3.-80 reason will be released froin tire teain and not allowed ta play for any otirer teain in tire league. 5. Playofis will ha. held dur- ing .the mantir of Marcir. Semi-finals will consist o! a two out of tirrea saries or tire first teai ta acquire four points. Finals will be a eudden deatir gaina ta ha played on Minor Hockey Nigh. Toronto, Ontario-Mr. W. E. Waters, Sales Manager, writes: "1've donc a lot of winter driving since my family took up skiing as a winter sport. One week-end, on the narrow' snow-covered road from Huntsville to Limberlost Lodge, an oncom nàg car forced us into the ditch. But our Suburbanite tires got us out quite easily. Many turnes, my Goodyear Suburbanitcs have kept us rolling when cars with other tires were stuck in the snow or on his." Snow will soon be flying. Don't wait tili it's too late. Se your Goodycar dealer for Suburbanite winter tires (for your car or truck).-Then you're set for safe, sure wînteg [the light turned green, the boy started the car, gunned the mno- tor, and took off with his tires acreeching. He did the. same thing four times, before he be- camne tired of 'it. A car is flot a toy ta ha played wlth. It is a *weapon, which when ln the wrong bands, cari b. even more deadly than a gun. It daeflot seem fair that because of four or five teenagers' carelesaneas, hundreds o! careful teenaged drivers are condemned. * 0 0 dA one-scene, one--act play, 'The Unaccepted Apology", was presented by the pupils of Grade 10, in the Senior Assem-. bly, last Thursday. It did not advertisa a dance, rugby game, or any such activity. Apparent-j ~SEV - - you get top value resuits when youq c ~ eal us for service ~- '~- ~ WORK and PARTS GUARANTEED DON'T PtIT OFF TV REPAIRS - CALL US! MYLES TV Radio Service ly It was Just 4 break ini the usual routine. The Hallowe'en dance will be held in the Auditorium next Wednesday evening, starting ai 8.30. Reireshments wil hie served by the Student Council Grade Niners are ta corne in costume. Rugby The B.H.S. teamn was deleat- ed in Cobourg on October 17, 41-0. Mr. Dippeil says the teain looked rch better thian they did In Ajax, and the next gaine should b. everf better. Be sure flot to miss tihe lirai home gama next Wednesday ai the Creain of Barley with thre crowd behind thern, the boys should play a finer gaine._ 1- Bees..wm handie only hlgh quallty TV repair parts,ý 1 de .1 - : -7 - ýZ-. -,, ; -,ý; .: i 1 3 Silver St. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-3482 I _ j