mUfblDmAY, !iO. art,1954 - TIM CANADIA2i BTATESMAN. EOWMtA»vILLZ.m",& aRI * iyDudley Exem lfe ~Spritof Young Canada 'EOWManvile and t*1z L. -4 - __ OOmunity regards Ray Dudley, - OuadLan concert pianist, wîth - aPlde and affection whichi mo<>4Ak«eîY to dim With time. 1F*oUowlng a summei spent in "theBritish Iles, Ray Is about -1 to tart hua wlnter tour with 'ColUmb1a Arthsts. His career, front his early struggles ta his 104«t achievemnents were told -An Interesting fashion by Hugh ThàffiÉon Music Critic of The 'Tento baiy Star in an article aDmsring in lait week's Star Weekifly. Because we know il W111 be 01 interest to Statesman rea4ers who mnay flot have seen ltin The Star, we are reproduc- Jnt the article in its entfrety Mi' Thoniaon's article follows: Ray Dudley, the concert plaii- 1it fIrom Bowmanvile, Ont., »aaY b. only 25, but already he is a veteran with the world's highest comPetitlve honors....... heaped on his head. He As only holder of the liarwiet C1 en rneai as "the Ray Dudley Outstanding Young musician of the British Commonwealth,," cd to record t by prince«i but winrier of the "'Unanimous rie Louise, great aunt of Medal" of the International Mu- Queen, so that it might bc aie- Competitions at Geneva, Swltzerland. There he compet: sented to the Queen. eaainst the cream of 33 na- For two seasons the b <-tAons Young hopefuls. The age Ray, who epitomizes theà limxit was 30, and he *onl it of Young Canada, has appE when he had Just turned 21. Ile with London's leading was, "the baby" o! the finallsts, phony orchestras and with W-he had ta play a fuil-scale re- BBC Symphony over the citai before a pafxel of nine lsh network. eninent Judges. He recently returned ta Another hlgh honor came his ronto after highly successfui way. at the tinie of the corona- pearances in England and tAon. He was in London and and. e performed as soloi Save a recital in Wigmore Hall, Rachmaninoff's Third P where h. played his own Cor- Concerto witji the Radio1 onation March. It so captured ann Symphony under 1 theý excitement and solemnity Neel, and broadcast over of the event that he was order- BBC seven times. Two of t programs consisted of ail-( adian music. At the end of October, wiil begin an extensive N American tour in London,( as soloist with the LondonS . Oshawa and France. And May 4,1 [~tmora1 ervce will 5àe a date to remembei Natumri atone monuments but with the New York PE -msekerx and corner atones harmonic-Symphony. «Np. 3s mGHWAY E. OF Considering these accompi: [ CITY LIMITS menti, you wouid expect to 1 D1IQ OSHAWA RA 5-6611 hlm, when he isn't touring ~ tie ad reers chages concert* circuits, practhuing L=______ andreversecharger- some studio at a concert-gri P.F.M. - 5068- ONTARIO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD IN THE MATTER of Section 14 of "Tht Municipal Act" (R.S.O. 1950, Chapter 243), as amended, - and- IN THE MATTER Of an Application of the Corporation of the Town of Bownian- ville for Annexation thereto of part o! the Township of Darlington in the Caunty o! Northumberland and Durham and mare particularly described 'in Schedule "A" attached hereto, _ and - IN THE MATTER 0f By-law Number 1634 of the Corporation of the Town o! Bowmanville. APPOINTMENT FOR HEARINC THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD HEREB' APPOINTS FRIDAY, the 9th day of NOVEMBER, 195E at the Hour of HALF PAST TEN o'clock (10:30 A.M.) ii the. forenoon in the Council Chambers in the Town o Bowznanviile, Ontario, for the hearing of ail intereste( persons ini support of or in opposition to this application. l9516. DATED at TORONTO, this l7th day of OCTOBER, 3d. "Owen R. Chapman' OWEN R. CHAPMAN, Secretary. "SEAL" ~ALSCHEDULE %%A" ALTHAT PART of the Township of Darlington In the County of Durhami comprising Lot Number 8 in the Broken Front Concession of the said Township extending fromà the Southern linit of the said Broken Front Conces- sion. road to the water's edge of Lake Ontario and includ. ing ýLots 1 to 24 inclusive, Crescent Avenue, ail lanea, gavel beach and other lands shown on a plan made by W.-£. Yarnoid, 0. L. S., for Alice Mallory and reglstered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of the West Ridiug of the County of Durham on the l6th day of Spii.ember, 1899, together wlth ail titie and Interest of * thTownhipof Darlington in the allowance for the Con. cession Road Iying immedIately North of uaid Lot Number 8,for its entfre width and in the unopened allowance for a *road known as Mearus Avenue lying immediateiy West of the uaid Lot Number 8 for its entire length. CONTAIN- INO by admeasurement 140 acres more or less. "6SEA» Piano. It's a little surprising, there! are, ta go ta bis home and flnd him Ain the Dudley ga- rage, hard at womk at a second- hand, $75, upright piano. This ha bis workshop. But then, Ray bas neyer bad It easy. He can look back on his early student deys when he * ad ta keep stepping, even at the expenhe o! his health, to -keeP body and soul together. If ever thene waS a young artist who "got there" the bard way, it la Ray Dudley. Ray was destined ta be a musician. He taok to bis lessons llke most children ta toys. His mothen s a music teacher and organst of a chunch n Bow- manville, and she taught Ray the piano until be was 16, and bad received bis ATCM fromn the Taranto Conservatomy o! Music with !ist-class bonors and gold medal. That summer be womked as a porter on passenger boats ply- ing the Great Lakes. The mon- oMey be made, mostly n tips, paid Mahis tuition the finît terni of the fthe Toronto Canservatomy, but no * e. more. He shared a room with a yaung art student, and ta pay for ent and food he spent evemy >oyish weekend In and around Bow- spirit manville, giving piano lesson.s ,eared ta childmen who met him in the sym- littie red schoalbouses alang bis i the rural route. Brit- In the winter he bad ta tend the waod stoves and coal-oi To- lamps in the one-raom build- ings. Me charged 50 cents an 'l~ ap hurper pupil. Later he had Pin bad paid travelling expenies, Eire- bie waund up with $7 ta the Boyd goad each Sunday nigbt, out of Sthe which he paid, $4.50 for raom. tee After the first Christmas be -Can- neceived a private bursary that covemed tuition for the balance o! tbe ichool temni. Mis summer Ray aig as lake-boat porter weme Forth exbausted. Ot, Prom then an the picture ;r-brightened frhim duing bis g3or conservatory yeas. He was Ge.awarded scholarships wbich ýua took cane of tuition, and he rose 957, ta the rank o! waiter on the ýr in summer jake-boats. Sometimes de- he gave necitals for the passen- 'b-gens in the sbip's launge and the bat was passed for bim. isb- In bis second schooi year, he find had ta do those exhausting ru -J the al ounds o! teachings only in every other weekend. In bis .and third year, the conservatomy's concert-placement bureau be- gan ta get bim engagements. -56 In bis !iftb and final yeam be graduated with the $1,000 T. Eaton scholanship awamded "the~ maît outstanding graduate o! the senior scbooi." This made his trip ta Geneva and interna- tional victory passible. Farty-ane candidates from 33 other countries were entered, and Dudley was the 4lst ta play at the preliminmnies. In the fi- nals be chose a pogrami tha! took 45 minutes. The ather six finaliste'took as long as an boum and a bal! ta plead their cases befome the judges. Ray's reci.- tai may bave been the shotest, but it pmoved the sweetest ta the judges' cars. Then be set sail for England and gave a debut-recital in Wig- more Hall. Debuts theme, as ini New Yomk's Town Hall, are tra- ditionally financial lasses, the unknown ecitaists usually con- soiing themselves with their ar- tistic tiumpbs. But the news o! this young Canadian's Geneva victomy tra- velied fait, and be waund Up making $75 profit at Wigmore Hall, a practicaily unheard-of event! Since îigning witb Columbia Artists o! New York, be bas given more thaj 100 concerts tbroughaut North America. In Glasgow, Montana, the carn- munity went ta the consîder- able expense a! baving a con- cert-grand sbipped irr 350* miles for their visltlng artist Me sbook Sthe town o! Stroudsbuing. Pa., Jby weamlng brigbt diamond -socks witb bis full evening dress. After the concert, well-wish- yens backstage were inquisitive. 6, «"Is it the latest concert style?" Stroudsburgers asked bim. He As setu n a a te do stagee audience rose ap- padng and cbeering. Hli mother was weaing a corsage from the town council and she C stood wiping teans fmom ber az *yeu. wI Ray was so tauched ho could cn hardly play the national an- thena. However, he speedhly ne- covened bis poie, and as the warm bheart o! his town opened to him that night be rose ta aurtistic heigbts. Ater a long string a! encane at lie pro,. "a'sclsehobs ignalled ho had' paed ail ho could. Once aain bs hmo town paid hlm tho bugbest bonon a concert ar- tist can roceivo: a standing ava- "That wifl always ring in nay good-bY, and returnsd te bie "tUdio." It was odd tck hear raantic t.iut, sa boiutifully plaYed. coming fromn a garagel H or e a d S hoo As 'n. na, the girls had two contests OBIUÂRYarold Turner conducted Mr. and Mrs. Liew Hallow- ?S Narthcutt and Smnith Funeral cil and Jina spent Thursday in MRS.A]K.R H. ENSEM Horne, Division St., Bowmnanvile M arkcs First Birthday Toronto and visited Mr. Victor In failing heath for sorn:ti on wersay, fOral.Thr Farrow.mewr hn oe flrltks MapIe Grove: On Oct. 1Oth Miss McHolm's room won the Congratulations ta Mr. and passed away An Memorial H os- Chapter, O.E.S., BowmnanviUe; Maple Grove Homne and School prize for moît parents present Mni.John Stark on the birth, pital, Bowmanville, on Oct. 16 Pythian Sisturs and Pythian Past Association beld its regular with 22 points. of their daughter. at the age o! 77. Chiets, Oshawa. e, meeting. President Mrs. Wm. Mr. Hymnan o! Oshawa spoke The turkey dinner at Shiioh Mrs. Densem, the former were Messrs. W. e O'Neil was in the chair and in expianation o! the First Aid lait week was weil attended and Bessie Williams, was a daugh- J. E. Ormiston, R. Byers, Lamne L- presided aver the meeting which Course to b. given on Thursday greatlii efljoyed by ail. With ter o! the late Mr. and Misq. Wiliams, Alan and Erie Den-. !- opened in regular faim. eveninga during the next six the inducement of fine wea- Edward Bice Willilams and was sena Gardon Wiicox. Interment LS A weicome was extended to weeks under thc auspices of the ther and well laden tables born in Bowmanville on April was in Bowmanvllle Cemetery. ail those present and the min- St. John's Ambulance' Brigade. many !rom a distance attend- 30, 1879. Mer busband predeceas. Out-of-town frlends and rela- i utes o! previous meeting were The meeting ciosed and a de- cd and enjoyed the deiicious cd her 14 years ago this month. tives attended fromn Niagara s read and appmoved. Mrs. Robt. liclous lunch was served by dinner, Mri. B. Armstrong, Mrs. Densem was a memb.r Falls, N.Y.; Oshawa and Port eBothwell, Treas., read the fin- mothers of Mr. Rowan's room. Orono, showed some picturesofS.Pu'UntdC rcadHpe ýt ancial report. A very attractive birthday and later in the evenln aof St.rhaum s Unted rch1, adHpe 0 President reported that the cake was presented ta the As- short prograna was providee by o! the Eastern Star, Bowman- -lawn had been completed and sociation by Mrs. Geo. Larocque Mns. Harry Rowe, Orono, Mrs.vil.Ses uiedbbrt- EcritYOt nYaot5 tthanked al the people who in bonour o! Its !lrst birthday. R. Cbapman, Kirby, and Mi ll. se issuorvioed;y Rots-el letcty coîa 00atslabout5 belped with the project. The candle was lit and the cake Morley Robinson, with Rev.Niars Faim , Por Hoe; uil, entso ta0 keep a 100 n wa iam li Discussion took place on hav- cut by Mns. Larocque, the first Pike in charge. The ladies o iaara Fwal NY; W and ormachoursfor ta horunashin ing the bazaar. A majority o! president. the W.A. are very pleased with FriankBomas .nvi; and sie Tmahinesfor two boums. u the inteneit o! aU and assist- Louia(r.JNebt)Jsse Te .twa tabngu members approved o! having t Next meeting wili be Nov. ance and willingness o! ail in (Mms. J. F. Goyne), Oshawa; dildmen As to never let them saround end o! November and l4th. Ail parents1 and inter. the communîty. A little over Thea, Toronto. down the following conveners were ested friends are cordiaily in 30wstkn-ndnn h ____________________ named: Mini. C. Cullen, Sewing vited. $0 a ae ndrn h and Knitting; Mrs. G. Beech, evening. Home Cooking; White Elephant, * Mr. Lloyd Hallowell in To- Mns. Holmes; Country Store, rog0u! recentiy andwa dinner Becaus. we hancl Mis. AI! Aluin; Used Children's STRn KVITTTt' r ihMr nw 8i a.E Clothng, rs. Coneyand Ms. ith Mr. and Mn. Leetooze; Candy, Mrs. Ray Bath- Miss Sylvia Westheuser, To- ________ m m well, Flsh Pond, Mrs. Labrecque ronto, spent the weekend at TV r1V, and Mrs. R. Barrabal'. home. 0First Fire o ' WTM ER VCEYoU ettop> value Having regular card parties Mr. and Mrs. Erlan Casweil aio e was discussed and it was decided spent Frlday evening at Mr. We kindled aur !irst fine, àrestaIts whea 7Y« ta let this matter rest for the Alec Martin's, Newcastle. tonight,'Iuusfrerce timne being. Mmi. R. Bothwell Mns. Victor Farrow with Mn. «Iathuas wotchd it C"' reported an the Christmas cards and Mmi. James Lawemy visited Upan the bearhan .chdi sold and said any orders would Mr. Victor Farrow who is a pa- giow. C£j be gatefully received. tient at the General Hospital, Bright flames sent up their WORK and PARTS Miss McHolm's oomn, under Toronto. flickeming light, the direction of Mm. Ross Met- Miss Donna Stark, bide-elect Then later on they sank down -GAATE calfe, sang sevemal selectians for this week was fpted bY low, wbich weme much enjoyed. eigbteen of her girl fiends at Leaving coals in a crimson bcd,! Mrs. Howard Jeffery, Bow- a linen shower Saturday even- JNo need for happy heants ta DON'T PUT OFF TV REPAZRS - CALL USI manvilie, spoke on Oblîdens ing at Mrs. AI! Dobson's and oam, Art. She was introduced by arranged by Miss Mary Lau 'Na saund was made, noa word M Y LES TV Radio Service Mri. Ai!. Allun. After her very Dobson and Mrs. Brian Cas- was said, interesting and entertaining re- well. Aftem the admiration Wbiie we sat there, contcnt with, 3 Silver st. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-3482 marks, she was thanked by Mrs. of the gifts and the deiightful home. R. Wilton. appreciation for themn by Don- -Louise Darcy OMC BUE CHIP MONFYMAKERS forI8195 with Speed-Line Styling, "Performance Pac ked" Power-Troint a, ia cc Engineered for TeammWork--Engine to Axie DM CeWUIUN end Doeuxe cubs have spectacular all.'round pana. imic view. And there's new :mfort and color-a new seat -a new non.glare instrument~ mcnl. lew Reer Axies. GMC's vider- >50-ever range of Hypoid rear riles makcs it easy ta find juit 'bat you need-custom. meated ta fit your job. Pew.r te Spore ift BMC V8i. GMC for 19 57 offers you a performance. proved selection of V8 power 'units with up ta 2 10 horsepower ta hsadie any job. iq th"-u ef 0OMC Vs fer '57. Many truckens swear by a 6-and no wonder, with the rugged power plants GMC bas ta offer!1 Up ta 148 driving borsepower. VieSfurdy Stmàdrd Trenuses. Now, for 1957, GMC bnangs you everYthing that'sncv in standard transmissions. Truckersecvery. twhere knaw the feliabuhitY cf famous 3.apeed Synchro-mesh,th Heavy DutY Synchro.mesh and the 4-speed H.D. Bu t GMC alio bas tva nev .5.sped units .. . the New Process transmission for mediumn duty worxand a rosi vorkhorsetghe ali-new Spicer 5-spced Heavy Duty truck transmission. Throo Autemelle Trahsmssons fer 'Shlftless" brivl.g. Proven, popu- lar and powerful, Hydre-Moue, in Standard and Heavy Duty modeli, really saves wear and tear on trucks and truckeors. on 9700 through W.9900 Serins, therc's o ptional pewwruîe empioying campletely new principles in automnatic power transmission. Poweralide, for light duty work an Sedan Doli,- cry vehîcles, is the simplest, logst -ON DISPLAY TODA&y Gmc.l1 New, mue.teuged Fraises. New load-carryln gcapacity il another sgu o0 '57 GMC new. nesf-new safety, ton, with a s tr9ngen.tha,>. over. freine design. Welded channel sec. doans, roitforced wigh alligator- iv.CroisuPiaces, provide maxtimum strength for GM(C's backbane! Soides SindileL service suspension points up GMCs eye on the. future for ncrs. prnt gshackles are RoL 16o ngticE I I )son Motors Buick Vauxhal Cars 166 King St. E. MA3S.22~21 ww~ e ~u *~ ~ Lim qited GMC Trucks mugi cg ,» a mm -.À- m MA 3.