___________ *~~~~~CANAIAfJ14Ji1 S.LATE.I'A' . 1iWMAIVV.LIE. VNTAEUfU WV Durham County Club Hears. World Traveller M re ua foi ed is lai aci in * Pa of lon ta iet 'y SPE as nat wo for *the v/it are refi *cii Gai strE littl 50 kil] The Durham County Club ai partition, anci at the ghats h oronto at its first meeting last saw thirty-five funerals in pro ,eek learneci with regret ai the gress without a maurnen. H ness of two of its membens, naticeci aiso thot the Indian ns. Akeci anci Chief Justice the nreverence the caw ta the poil on. J. W. Pickup. Miss Akeci whene there are aid cow kaown ta the readers ai this homes, but he dici nat see an, ýport as the member wha us- homes ion aid people. liy wnites the club article, Ethiopia was the dankes r The Statesmon. spot ai ail. Oi 11,000,000 i, The guest speaker was J. A. the population, aonly 24 boy auîder who has just complet- gnaduated last year from Higl i a wanld tour that took him School. The anly private]: ýta farty-eight countnies and owned property in the natioi 'er 64,000 miles. Mr. Caulder is three acres helci by the Y.IM a past Dinector ai Rotany C.A. The Emperor owns al tennational ad he has been the rest, anci he either builct tive in Y.M.C.A. work, anci the house aci rents it ta you the countnies he visiteci paici ar lets you buiid one ia whicl rticulan nothe ta the wark case he con take it withoL, Rotary ad the "Y". compensation or notice when. HIe carnied awoy twa impress- ever he likes. Yet in the mii is ai his tnip that he wished ai ahl this paventy, the Eni clearly leave with his auci- penior' haci just baughtî ice, these were that. where $1,600,000 dinner senvice. country was flot predaminant- Konea praveci to be an iran- Christian, there was littie re- bounci dictatorship. Oi 2,400,- ect for lufe or praperty. The 000 people, 1,000,000 were her was that everywhere he Chistians. In Seoul, 15,000 war at, Canada was thaught ai orphans roam the streets and the land of promise ad the gaverament is sa induffer- iad higher thon any other ent that he trieci ta get atten- tion in the goodwill ai the tian for a littie girl dying as nild. the noaci anci no one -~woui< He singieci aut three cauntries stop. Theft is 50 genenal that rsnecial mention. The iirst yau have ta keep two guards s India. He tolci ai iooking on your house or it wauld be wvn from the aeropiane on strippeci bare. Corruption in evillagés ai the plains af the goverament is so genenal ,Îa, iifteen ta a scouare mile that the best hotel in tawn is h aaiy one well for the owned by Mrs. Rhee aciai- a. Ia Karachi, he saw 80,000 though it' is iliegal ta bning ,ugees at the edge ai the inta the countny Americar y without homes or jobs. money without exchantging -it, ýngs ai chilciren roameci the the hotel wihi flot accept poy- ,ets iaaking for food like ment in anything but Amer- le animais. Human lufe is ican money. In -other words, cheap that 15,000,000 were you have ta break the law tc Led in the riats foiiowingr stay in the hotel owned by the [Trhe Uýncom mon Hoe of 1956"ý If you have any hoeing at ail to do whether woman or man, in garden or field, among f lowers or vegetables, you owe it to yourselves to sce these hoes in action this fine weather before-frost. And what you intended to do sometime do it now and order your hoe to have it ready for spring. I would be plèased to demonstrate. Jas. A. Werry, ENNISKILLEN., NA TIONAL1 FISH WEEK Choice Quality SOLE FILLETS lb39e Porterbouse, Sirloin, Wing, Boieless Round, Boneless Rup, Boneless Point Sirloin STEAKS .« ROASIS lb 6 9 TU RKEYS Wheatley Brand, Cookced PERCH FILLETS 12-oz pkg3 9c n>53 c Choie. Quality, Whit BASS FILLETS 'b49. TRUL Y FRESII FRUITS ÀAND VEGETABSiES GRAPEFRUIT SPI NACH ORANGES STRAWBERRY JAM TEA BISK IONA PEACIHES sa CORN RELISH JAVEX Pri.u ffeWveUntil U.turdffl Nevemier srd, 1i5& Florida Mfarsh SeedIsss, No. 1 Grade, Fresh Nevv Crop, Size 96 FreaN Crisp No. 1 Grade, Washed, Clean.d, Ready to Cook California Valencia, Faney Grade, Now at thoir Bout imith's Pure SAVE 4o M onarch SAVE 2o ndard Quality SAVE se MoLaron's SAVE 2o ,.iquid BI.acih SAVE 20 10for49c 2oello baos 25C 5-lb cOU ellba 5 9C 12-oz jar 33< 21h-lb pkg 45C 2. 2"-z tins 39C 16-ex ar 35< 32-ex bd 23C 'I Married'in St. PauI's Church President's wife. It was impossible to listen ta Mr. Caulder 'without think- ing that here was the best missionary sermon one would ever hear.. And let us hope he that some group will find it .0 possible ta bring him ta Dur- ham for a missionary sermon. us ENNISKILLEN Enniskillen W.A. was repres- stented at the Oshawa Presby~.1 in tery W.A.'s tenth anniversary Ysheld October 25 at King St. Un-, D ited Church,* Oshawa, by Mrs. F. Werry, delegate, Mrs. R. B. ý' Green, Mrs. J. Siemon and ) Mrs. M. J. Hobbs. L1 The Waman's Association met ds at the home, of Mrs. Milton u, Stainton on Wednesday even- ,h ing Oct. 25 with 26 members La andi four visitors present. De- ~.1 votional was in charge of Mrs. st A. Sharp with Mrs. J. Slemon .and Mrs. H. Ashton assisting. a New folding chairs have been purchased for renting. lMrs. F. Werty was nominated as a delegate ta the Oshawa Presby- -e tery last Thursday. Program ini tr charge,- of group 2 with Mrs. ýd Sharp as convenor. We were -pleased ta have with us once -again Mrs. Seymour who spoke ta us and based her talk gn d "Going Which Way". She spoke ýt af some interesting happenings os'n their trip ta Florida andi af ethe friendliness of the people n they met. A paem was read by dMr§. H.. McGill. Mrs. Sharp 's thanked Mrs. Seymour, alsa, SMrs. Yeo voiced her thanks ta her and the group and Mrs. 9Stainton for opening ber home. Sang. Prayer followed by a lovely lunch. Congratulations ta Bert Wer- 1. ry and Garth McGill wha were' a winners in potato judging at *the recent 4-H- Club competi- tion at Guelph. c Mn. and Mrs. W. H. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Beckett and family enjoyeci supper with Mr. and Mrs. Reg Weav- B, ing and Rickey, Thornhill, on C. Sunday celebrating Mr. and vi Mrs. Moares 45th wedding an- niversary. Mr. andi Mrs. M. Tabb, David and Kenny, Bowmanville, were Sunday guests of Mn. and Mns A. -Leacibeater. Mn. ad Mns. Walter Cale- nutt, and gnand-daughter, Lea- mington, were recent callens with Mn. and Mrs. Earl Trewin Mr. and Mrs. H. Heaslip, Ruth andi Ralph, Janetville: Mr. andi Mrs. Allan Werry, and Sandra, Mr. andi Mrs. Ralph Virtue were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. H. McGill. Miss Anne Darland, Lapeer, Mich.; Mr. Clarke Werry, To- ronto; Mr. and Mns. Allan Werry and Sandra with Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werny. Mr. ad Mrs. John Oke, Ran- dy and Sherry, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mns. Walter Oke. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Werry, ad June, Mr. andi Mrs. Boyd Wenry, Mrs. McKinnon, Miss Louie McKinnon, Mrs. Walter Murray, Taronto; Miss Flor- ence Werry, Hampton, wene weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ormiston, an Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Bowman, Bruce, Loura and Eric, Enfielci; Mr. ad Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Ronald and Ray, Mn. and Mrs. Ross Ashton and fomlly, Hay- Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McQuarrie are pictured as the bride, the former Florence Elizabeth Chartran, signs the register foilowing their marriage which took place on Friday evening, Sept. 21, at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Sidney G. Chartran, Liberty St. North, Bowmanviile. The groom is the son of Mrs. Angus McQuarrie and the late Mr. McQuarrie. Mr. and Mrs. McQuarrie will reside in Highland Creek. clan; Mrs. Ivan Sharp, Mn. John Tamblyn, Orono, were visitons Cnrysie H a Misses Doreen Trewin arnd oe i spent the weekend with their grancipareats, Mn. aci Mrs. C. IP L E. Horn, Oshawo. CreuIit on ro The Junior Football boys aci coaches enjoyeci a supper and Windsor-"-If necent gavern social evening ot the home ai ment credit crintrols are direct Mrs. H. Milîs awekag aù.ec only. ogainst the automabili urday night. and appliance business, then wt Mastr Roaldmust emphatically pratest ou: Mastr RoaldForsyth has being singleci out for unfair an returneci home ta his mather, arbitrary tneatment," Iton. w Mrs. Verna Forsyth,- Toronto. Todgham, president ai Chrys He hos spent sometime with ler ai Canada, saicFnd y 1 Mn. aci Mrs. R. J. Ormistoli rdy his aunt ad uncle. - He was speaking ta about 4( WnyWestern Ontario newspaper. Mn. anci Mns. Ailan er men here during a special pre. andi Sandra wvene Sunday tea view of his campany's new mo. guests ai Mn. aci Mrs. H. Mc- dels. Gill. .Mr. Todgham said 1 he mel Mn. aci Mns. Don Carr ad Thursday with the heacis of foui family, Bowmanviiie, with Mr. major finance campanies ta dis. aci Mrs. C. Ferguson. cuss the restrictions. Mn. anci Mns. A. M. Wearn, "These campanies have beer Claremont, accompanieciM,-. asked by Mn. Coyne, governor a: aci Mns. A. L. Wearn anci foi-Bank of Canada, .ta 'voiuntarily, ily ta, Toronto anci were visit- impose a fonin ai credit contra: orsof r. nd rs.A. elfrbY either a cap on the volume Mrs. H. Milis, Chestenroaci or iess attractive tenins," M:, Bruce with Mr. anci Mns. C. Todgham saîi. Milis, Mapie Grave. "If the situation demands Miss Gertrude Gnieves, Lon- ir astic remedy, then let the don, Ont.; Mn. aci Mrs. Floyd rneey be applieci aven the Pethick aci Robin, Toronto, hl econamy by legisiation,' were visitons af Mr. aci MrG. h si "Let's be fair abaut this S. R. Pethick's. thing. Our industry is already CMrtieatnc Mrs. G elcz ar rying a special and highly do o . ie t r n M o- discriminatany tax." don eo.He saici the automobile indus- Mn. aci Mrs. Buci Jeffery, try wants ta cia its part but South River, spent the week- "'We do nat want ta be a ane- enci with Mn. aci Mrs. E. Mc- mon parade headeci straight fan Mna. HrllWbeMnw th e ash-heap. Anci that is where Mr. arol Weer, an. wit wewill enci up uniess this prob- Mn. aci Mrs. Ross Sharp. lem-if it exists-cantinues ta Mn. ad Mrs. Walter Rahm, be met in an inrequitoble anci andi Clem, Tyrone; Mr. ad Mrs.abirr fashion with aour in- Gardon Whittaker ad Eva dsty inl a ut, îrom al Ana, Hamilton, Mns. Gea. Braci- athers, ta, bear most ai the ley, Burwash, enjoyeci a turkey loadi" dinner at Mn. aci Mrs. John _________ E. Griffin's on Sunday. Congratulations ta Mn. oaci Mrs. Keith McGill on the ari- SOLINA val ai a fine baby boy. Those otteadiag the Giffin- Four babies were baptizeci by Garrard wcdding an Saturday Rev. Fred Reed at the church at Blackstock Unitedi Church service on Sunday aiternoon. were Mn. aci Mns. John Grif- They were Kcnneth John, son ai fia, Mn. ad Mrs. Wallace Grif- Mn. aci Mns. Tam Baker; Susan fia, Mr. aci Mrs. Russell Gnif- Faye, daughter ai Mn. aci Mrs. fia, Mrs. T. M. Slemon, Mrs. Murray Vice; Larry William, son John Siemon, Eniskilien, and ai Mn. and Mrs. Ross Cryder-1 Mrs. Geo. Bradley, Burwasn. mon; Brion John, son of Mr. and n- et le ar id r- 'I prices and have passed the saving on to you. 1 IHilltoppers Me Pans Mns. Rae Pascoe. Each bob: was presenteci with a Bible b> Mrs. Bruce Tink, Nursery Roll Superintendent. The Temperance program ar. ranged by Mrs. Howard Miîlsor for Suaday School includeci a reading by Mrs. Don Taylor anc a vocal sala by Gail Baker. Next Sunday at the Churci service, a missianary on fur- lough from Japan will be the guest speaker at 2:45 o'clock. Any girls 12 - 26 years af age who are interested in the pro- ject "Cotton Accessories for the Club Girls' Bedroom" are in- viteci ta attend the i irs.t meeting af the 4H Homemaking Club ai the home of Mrs. Ewart Leasl, on Saturday, Nov. 3 at 2 o'clock. Hallowe'en Party Mrs. Burney Haaey, Mrs. A. Patter and Mr. B. G. Stevens were the juciges for the Hal- lowe'en party at Sauina School Friday night., Prizes were awarded toa ah the pre-schoa] children in costume. Boys 9 years anci under-Kenny Vance; girls 9 years andi under-Lorna IWilliams; chilcinen 12 years and Punder - Kenny Spires; best dressed couple-Marie Flett and Dianne Tink; adult-Mrs. Percy Westlake. The splendid pro- gramn prepareci by the J. Craw- 1iords anci E. Vances consisteci of Spanish top dance numbers by Lamna Williams; vocal solos by Irene Dyl with self-accompani- ment on the piano; piano ac- cordion duets by Slim Lash ad Pete Siblock, ail of Oshawa. Lunch was serveci by the com- mittee in charge, Next meeting will be on Nov. 23 with the W. Paninder's andi Frank West- lake's Jr. as convenons. Recent visitors at Mr. Roy Langmaid's were Mr. and Mrs. Haroldi Hunter, Streetsville; Mr. and Mns. Harvey McIntosh, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. T. G. INorton, Locust Hill, ad Mr. and Mns. Lloyd Preston and sons, Bowmanville. Mrs. Addie Tink was at Mr. Percy Dew.;ell's, Hampton, for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Fronk Coak ad chilciren, Bowmonviile, were Sunday visitors at Mr. Frank J Westlake's, Jr. y Mns. Tom Westlake end chilci- y' ren of Millbrook were'at Mr. Il Frank Westlake's, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank West- -lake Jr. ad children visited at n Mr. Nelson Fice's, Taunton, aMr. andi Mrs. Roy McLaughlin, cl Donna anci Dennis, Nestieton, visiteci at Mr. Lloyd Broame's. àMr. andi Mrs. John Law, Toronto; Mrs. W. J. Spires, e Millbrook, visiteci ot Mr. E. Spires'. eMrs. J. W. Dyer, Mr. and Mrs. -A. Beevor and Davidi, Mr. anci Mrs. E. H. Peever, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Glen Glaspeil and sons, Zion, were Sunday guests at Mr. t Rae Pascoe 's. .c Mr. ad Mrs. Don Taylor were Sunday tea guests at Mr. t. R. Taylor's. S Mrs. S. Runcile, Bowmaviile; - Mr. andi Mns. C. J. Wray and 1doughters, Oshawa; Mr. and cMrs. E. Cryderman were tea 1guests at Mr. Ross Cryderman's. Mr. ad Mrs. George Knox and children anci Russell Sloan were t Saturday evening guests at Mr. 1George Hamlin's, Oshawa. t Miss Jean Cryderman, Osha- 1wa, speat the weekend at harneb Mr. andi Mrs. H. Malcolm anid granddaughter, Elizabeth Mal- colm,' Brougham; Mr.,ad Mrs. Ralph Crawford ad sans, Whit- by, were at Mr. John Knox's. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Smith, St. Thomas; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hamer andi daughters, Bnooklin, viisted at Mr. Campbell Hamer's. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Yelaowlees and Murray, Mr. and Mrs. J. Yellowlees visiteci on Sunday at Messrs. J. ad Roy Grills, Val- entia. Mr. E. Ormiston, Ebenezer, visiteci on Sunday at Mr.,.Tom Baker's. Mr. and, Mrs. Stan Milîson anci sans ottendeci the 'Unveiing- and Dedicotion Ceremony of the Ontario Regiment Memorial Plaque at the Armauries at Oshawa on Sunday. Mn. andi Mns. N. Wotten were Sunday guests ai Dr. andi Mrs. L. B. Williams in Bawmanville, whea, with severai others they sýaw some oi hîs lovely pictures, inciuding some taken at the International Plwing Match. cils The New Model -Cars wiII be 'coming in very shortly. In order to make room for 19 53 Ford Coach- 1953 Chevrolet Sedan 1951 Plymouth Sedan 1951 Ford Sedan M M 1950 Prefect Sedan 1949 Ford Sedan M 1949 Meteor Coach 1948 Dodge Sedan 1948 1947 1947 1947 1947 1947 1940 1936 1954 Chevrolet - ton 1953 Mercury ½-2ton 19 53 Chevrolet 'A-»ton Panelý 1952 Chevrolet '/mton- Pickup m 19 51 Chevrolet Sedan Delivery Po ntiac Sedan Chevrolet Coach Ford Sedan m m Pontiac Coach Dodge Sedan m Chrysier Sedla n Chrysier Sedan Chevrolet Coupe -$11*l50 --$650 --$795 --$175 --$595 --$595 --$450 --$495 --$425 --$295 --$250 - -$350* --$250 --$95 - -$95 -$109 5 -$895 --$895 --$895 IRobson Motors L.muted BUICK - PONTIAC - G.M.C. TRUCK DEALER 166 King St. E. Bowmanville MA 3-3321 M Pictured foliowing their wedding in1 St. Paul's United Church, Bowmanville, on Saturday afternoon, Oct. 20, are MIr. and Mrs. Ray Arthur Stainton. The bride is the former Marieann Jeffery, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Jeff ery, Bowmanville, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Stainton of Oshawa. They will reside in Bowman- ville. -Photo by Rendcer Wed in Home Bridai ê - ~ - TO EVERYWHERE Air, Rail or Steamshli Consuit IJURY & LOVE! Bowmanville 15 King St. W. MA 3-51 Grade A Oven Ready, Broier Type 4A ta 6-lb average USED TR UCKS irzlxjb x &Y je 778 Ennlskillen: The Hiîltoppena Club met for the first gather. ing ai the season in the Suaday School roam aif Enniskillen Church. During a short business per. lad, plans were discusseci foi future *pragrams. Mn. Ross Ashton was appoint. eci ta make arrangements for a social evening ai bowling. Mr Ralph Lamb was appainteci tu make arrangements, if possible,- for a tour ai the General Ma- tons plant in Oshawa, in the evening. A short devotianai peniaci was conducteci by Mr& R. Virtue, with the group seat- eci araunci an imaginany camp fine. A very pleasant penioci was spent looking ot coloureci pic. tures, shown by Mr. Bowersi ai Enfielci, ai the trip taken by his wife aci himseli ta Capt Codi, also some ai local interest. While the gnouip remained rounci our camp fire, o de- lightful lunch was serveci by Mrs. R. Virtue, Mns. R. Simp- son aci Mn. R. Ashton. Next get-tagether will bu Nov. 22 in the basemeat, and we hope we wili meet aIl the folks there. Came join us for a goad evening. Ah e ducation shoulci contri. bute ta moral anci physical stnength aci fneedomn. Mary Baker Eddy. .Householci electric appliances first appeaneci in Canada z,£ü.ind if a a lut, 1050 1 1 Fqr new cars.- 1 -we.have drastically reduced our 0