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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Nov 1956, p. 6

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'e --. ~Wf AA l"E e"AnAW U#%TER A MWVU ~ A BM . opm~mv- MAWI -la* oge Dàvid Werry Winner 0f Speaking Contest Sbaw's: A large number of bers pro vided by students o! thb Intereste6l parents and friends junior room. Ann Marie and were aI th. schoob Tuesday Maniene Downey sang two duets night ta bean the local finalists, and a trio composed o! Antor, in the Darlingtqn Ratepayers. David and Linda Chopilinski Oratonical Contest. sang twa numbers. While the A previaus screening of 20 judges were reacbing their de- young speakers by teachers Mn. cision a rhythm band led b: Hill and Miss Aiken had narrow- Richard Robinson penfonmed in ed the field- ta fine contestants perfect lime. and the final decision rested Rev. Turner gave the decisian wiîh Miss M. Couch, Bowmýan- which showed David Wenry Io ville; Mrs. Austin Wood, Shaw's, be the winner and be wil-nô'v and Rev. Harold Turner o! St. go on bo semi-finals at Hamp- ]Paul's Church who acted as ton. Mn. W. M. Rabb, vice- judges. president o! the Home & Schooc Mn. M. J. Hobbs was chaIr- Association presented David man for the evening and the With a pen and congratulations meeting opened by singing from oun bocal Association. A]l ",0 Canada" with Miss Aiken at the runners-up neceived a boa] tb, piano. in token o! their efforts. The contestants then took the Coffee and doughnuts weme floor and were as follows: Ruth served by Mns. Byron Cryden- Marie Werry -My Favounite mpn and ber commitlee anda Book; James Lane-Ho\v Apples social boun follnwed. Thanks are Pnoduced; George Van Dyk wene expnessed to 1h. leachers -.-Tobacco Farms in Canaîla; for the extra effort Ihey put Florence Van Dyk-Our Arrivai forth for th. future betterment in Canada: W!.ilma îîogteîp- o! these sludent,. Florence Nightingale; Jim Finn ~2The Monarch Butterfly; Don- aid Rickard-My Tnip to Nova KEDRON Scolia; Douglas Lane-Monarch Butterfly; David Wrry-Pro- Now that we have ceased gres. o! Hydro in Canada. reckoning tirne by the lunkey Interspersed duning the speak ' dinnen, as before or aften Ihat ing were several musical num-1 event, we review the whole affair with pleasure, and grati- e w. -~ - ~ e r' C k- 's. r' .4' One A Day Multiple Vitamuns 1.40 - 2.56 - 3.95 Neo Chemical Food Capsules-- 1.85, 3:45, 7.65 Llquid 1.95, 3.95, 6.85 Heating Hot Water Bathroom Electrie Pads Botties Scales Shzvers 4.95 -5.98 1.79 -2.19 6.95 - 10.25 19.95 ChritmasTake Dd' Cards PUIS 49c-98c-1.50 Extra Vitamins 596 Woodbry'sAiphamettes 1.00, 1.85, 3.50 Ak Soap Wampole's Extract .- 1.35 Slz. Pllpspholecethin 1.50 4 cakes 31c Geritol Liquid or 34o - 68a Tablets.- 1.35, 3.29, 5.49 Woodbury Halibut Oil Absorbine Shampoo Capsules 69c, 1.15, 2.29, 4.29 Jno Shmo. Waterburys Comp.--- 1.50 Spec. 696 Infantol ---- 1.00, 1.90, 3.25 1.19- 2.39 New Creamy Prom ----- 2.00 Swedish Mllk Diet 1.98 Tonette for Chlld --1,75 Trims 1.98 Bobbl Pin Curi 1.75 Vita-Thin _____ 6.95 New Toni--- ------1200 Melozets___ 1.50 Nyal Creophos stops Stubborn Coughà 1.50 COWLING'S PHONE "'~ OE WE FIT MA 3-5695 .J¶UG SOR TRUSSES IRoyal Theatre Bowmanvilk Thurs. .- Sat. - Nov. 1 -? .Matinee Sai. - Open 1:30 'The White Tai Buck" (Color) (½hr. story featuring fundarnentals in hunting) Thurs. & Fri. - Main feature at 7 and 9:15 Last complete show 8:35 Saturday 6:30 - Last complete show 9:30 Nexi Mon. - Wed . Nov. 5 - 7 "The Court Martial of1 Billy Mitchell" (8:30 only - Tech. - Cinernascope) Gary Cooper, Rod Steiger, Elizabeth Montgomnery also "111e gai" Starring Edw. G. Robinson (at 7 and 10:15 p.m.) Now Nov. Calendar 529 worth $15. Expirps Nov. 4 OBITUARY E. WILMER FITZE In failing bealîbo fan 1h. past year E. Wibmen Fitze passed away at the Oshawa Genenal Hospital on Sunday, Oct. 28. The deceased, who was in hi. 701h yean, ived aI 65 Division Street, jOshawa. Born in Cartwright Townsbip, i b. deceased was a son o! he bale Edwamd and Ellzabeh Fiîze. H. was mranied at Bowmanviibe in November, 1923. A resident o! Oshawa fan eight years, Mr. Fitze farmed in the Nestieton district until bis netinernent in 1949. He was an adherent o! Kipg Street United Chuncb. Mr. Flft. was a mem- ber o! lb. Royal Black Precep- tory, the Loyal Orange Lodge and Fidelity Lodge, A.F. & A.M. He leaves bis wife, the former Leta Cornisb; a sisten, Mmi. G. Stinson of Cartwright Township and a brother, Lewis o! Biack- stock.' The funeral service was beld at tb. Mclntosh Fianenal Chapel, Tuesday, Ott. 30, followed by inlerment in Nestieton Cerne- teny. The services were conduet- ed by Rev. M. A. Bury, min-. ister o! King Street United Cbuncb and Rev. S. C. H. Atkin-i son, minister o! Albert Street United Church. ing through of this project,' sponsored annually by our 381 uLocali W.A. members. Although the financial gain is probably not the greatest good A ri that evolves from these affairs,iiwî iit i. gratilying to know that ne- r ..D ýd ceipts totafled $93 1.67, with BoM vLlMe tsome smaller amounts stili toBo anle corne. Kedron folk, the Jack School and :i,, Francis anrd Alvin Spancers sup- aSccey, mi ie plied the fine fowl fan the event.adSine e An unusuai occurrence has ton, Saturday, ibeen bnought to our attention by eighth annual Mr. P. H. Short hene. Mn. Short ference o! thE has five ducks that normally lay area, which wi ýn eggs in the Spning, but appan- and modern i Sently the weathen hi year has coo. Shopelessly con! used them, and Principal St three o! the live have aineady ard, a B.H.S. laid 12 eggs durlng the past few staff welcomi )l day.. teachens pnese: d Our synipathy once again ta ducted a tour Mr. and Mn.. Howard Farndabe ànd grounds. .and sons beiéaved during the cey, chairman k week, by the death o! Mr. Farn- ference, pnepE dale's -father, the late Samuel and conducte< -e FarJidale of Whitby, who would -M.Nra 1day on November 3, had he liv: topic, "TheF :s ed. Predeceased a short time S ago by hi. wife, the deceased Shad' declined steadily in heaith, e c L until hi. passing on Wednesday e c night. Kedron relatives and service beld in the Robinson T kj Funeral Chapel, Brooklin, on1 Lindsay: A Saturday, conducted by Rev. R. questing the H. Rickard. Euaint d The Parable of the Talents Ection 10m y was the subject for Rev. R. H. cognz summaiss ýt Rickard's sermon at the Yegular aaeî u e Sunday afternoon service. The athemic su maie quartette with Jack mthemOSSTF a 0 Francis, Murray Mountjoy, Biblnl inde SSa o and Ron Werry contributed UnLndsaythe speciai music. Mrs. R. E. Lee 7was organit. Beautiful !lowers impossible for ;t in loving memory of the late f pass arts degre, n Samuel Farndaie wene placed at A centificate,t Sthe aitar, as well as flowers from he returns ta t he. garden o! Mn,. E. Mountjoy. extra year o! Onby univen Inbth Sunday School hour, hanor courses Mr.Ray Scott showedth Tem- e iiu tperance film "'Alcohol is Dyna- se a inim ur ýt mite". Mr. Frank Lee led Aduit ps specials e Class discussion. topassesecia t Faîl Thankoffering will be a cetinsare cii specîaliy pand service Hwetr r Kedron on Nov. 11, when Rev. catoes in phs - John Smith, Wbitby, wiil be the -tinsnc, hati r guest preachen. inncees in The C. K. Young People'stan thog Union met on Tuesday evening And teachers iin Coiufnbus Church withDoug- arrangements Ilas Love, convenor. Miss Ann academic subje Snowden, President, conducted The resobuti business in which it was decid- c d to order 25 United Chunch *calendars for sale, and to hol.ç the Faîl paper drive in tw o s ai Friends are aslced ta assist with the usual co-operation in this M r project.JonM Frd oh Grunseil and Mrs. Abu 15 FrdGrunsell,Owen Sound, vis- bu 5 ited their niece Mrs. Albert friends gathere Wood and f amily. Mn. Harry United Church, Grunsell, Brantford, joined the brate the tient] group for a happy dinner party. the Presbyter, Severai I<edron couples enjoy- those presentv e d the Saturday evening dance formailties ten i n the new Harmony Hall. same churchN Mn. and Mns. Douglas Love Sturtridge, Mrý and Neil, with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. GeorgeP j esîje Booth, Oshawa, were to, and several guests o! Magnetawan rebativesi wa Presbytery. for the weekend.I Congratulations ta Mrs. Clif- Other viistorE ford Hopkins on winnlng a cash were Mrs. W. prize in one oo! the Golden DaydetothBa draws in Oshawa. ference W.A.; We are happy ta know that hurst, Presiderl Mrs. Nelson, Brown ha. been Presbyteny W.1 able ta return home after some Jacobs, Presidei lime in Oshawa Hospital . Ked- Presbytery V1L. non friends sincerely wish for _______ her a complele retunn ta good bealth soion. Mn,. John K. Glover bas been ili in Oshawa Hospital but we are glad ta hear that Doris i. well again, aI lime o! writing,o and about ta return home. Mrs. Howard Brown attended 50th anniversary services at Sea- grave ecently and visited rela- tives Ihere. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Èohaker and Rosemary, Mrs. J. Gbover, Mr. and Mn,. Harold Werry en- joyed the Philharmonic Piano Quartet, broughîta Oshawh last - Tuesday by Community Concert P.Sp Association. 1h ue Mrs. H. Crossman, Mrs. H. Pascoe and Mrs. H. -Werry GIL O- attended the Oshawa Presbytery W.A. in King SI. Churcb, Osha- wa on Thumsday. As one o! the al i8 Aresolution re- aDepartment of Sorganize and re- ner courses leading s'certificates in bjects' -Englisli, - was passed byJ it a closed session aThursda'Y. present setup it is r a teacher with a ,e, wanting a Type to get one, unless university for an study. !rsity graduates in ;who have obtain- i standing in their îbject, and have al OCE examina- Iible for Type A specialist cer\tif i- ical education, for t bring automatie ;lary, may be oh- ih summer courses. feel that similar are necessary for jects. tion will be pres- ented for discussicn at the an- nual assembly of the OSSTF in Toronto in December. Not Benefltgg Teachers quashed a resolu- tion requestYhg*the Department of Education to- change the adolescent schook attendance act to allow schools to remove high sehool pupils of any age, who are flot benefiting from school attend'anèé. The act requires school at- tendance up to th e age of 16 The Oshawa local who submit- ted the resolution stated be- cause of the critical shortage of teachers, time and effort should be spent on students who wifl profit from attending school. Many teachers agreed that there are a large number of students, particularly in grades1 9 and 10, who are deriving no benefit from their presence in school. And they feit it was a growing problem. But the resolution was nlo' passed. iwa Presbytery W.A. [s lOth Anniversary )members andt -ed In King Street iOshawa, 10 celc- bh annivensary o! 'y : W.A. Among who altended the r years ago in h were Mn,. W1 C rs. D. P. Carruth, Paul fnorn Toron- al from the Osha- rs for tb. occasion .T. Eiliott, Presi- îy o! Quinte Con- Mn,. A. C. Crow- il o! the Cobourg A.; Mrs. Norman ent of the Lindsay .. and. Mrs. J. L4 ýr-Efflcient -MAGIC leating UR PRESIENT EQUIPMENT .S GOOD u Money on Puel Costa or consuit BROUGHI . HEATING ie MA 3-3964 tece MA 3-5615 treet South ANVILLE Ist Mortgage Required on a local business property on the following terms: (a) S17,000 Cash for $20,000 open lst Mortgage (b) Perlod :'5 Vears (c) Interet :- 61% payable twlce yearly ffl) -Principal Repayments: Monthly Aggregatlng $2,400 per year The business- ha. recently changed hands for $60,00 wlth a $25,000 down pay- ment. Ample real estate security plus an exceptional remun- erative business makes this a f irst class lInvestment. Previous owner will go cov- enant if desired. FURTHER PARTICULARS WRIT BOX 580 STATESNIAN Halpennyý from the Dominion Council. Mrs. V. W. Kinsman, Presi- dent o! the Dominion Council was the guest speaker in the cent visits ta vaniaus churches throughout the wbole o! Canada and o! the reabization o!. the great Work o! the United Church -the evidence o! the good pat- terns being used for oun Christ- ian service. Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn, Onono, President o! the Oshawa Prcsby- teny W.A., presided during th. entire day, during which there were' reports fnom. deicgatcs to tbe two Bay o! Quinte Confer-, ences Ibi$ year and an enîhus- -lastie and educalional talk by Mns. George Paul about tbe great variely o! literature available at Dominion Council. Mn,. Frank Baker o! Pickering sang "Just As I Arn" by Hark- nes., accornpanied by Miss Mar- ilyn Davies at the organ. Mn.. W. T. ElliobI was lb. guest speaker for the morning session, and used as her text the 122nd Psalm "I was glad when they said unto me Let us go into the House of the Lord", sayîng what a happy occasion il was ta be in the church 10 celebrate this binthday o! 1h. Oshawa Presbytery W.A. Mn,. L. F. Richardson and Mn.. H. Quantrili o! the Whitby W.A. conducted the devotional pcniod after which Mn,. W. C. Sturtridge pnesented two new officers. Mns. Clayton Lee and Mn.. A. A. Cnowle werc named Honourary Presidents by Mrs. Stuntnidge. This honour was confenred in recognibion o! the service done by these two Presi- dents o! the W.A., the first and second 10 bold Ihat office since the W.A. was crcated ten years ago. Mn,. Lee rcsponded to the honour, thanking the member- ship and telling some o! the expeniences and work o! the first execubive. Mns. Crowle gave a history of this first ten years as rccorded by the secretaries dur- ing bhab lime. Durîng the noon hour th.e rncmbers o! the King Street I UJnibed Church W.A. served a delicious lunch which inciuded thc ccrernony o! cutting the candlc-lighted birthday cake by the first president, Mrs. Clayton Lee. Rev. Mervin Bury spoke iuring the lunch hour, wclcorn- ing the ladies 10 bis church. BETHANY The tunkey dinner served in the United Church basernent under the auspices o! thein Woman's Association was a de- cided success on Friday even- ing. More Iban 400 pensons en- joyed the dinner and prognam which was given by the Knox United Theatre Group fnomn Pe- terbonough. Many visitons weri, noticed as being present from Toronto, Lindsa, Peterbor- ough, Bowranviie, Milibrook and sunrounding district. Dr. John Clark, Niagara Fals, spent several days lasI weykl with his ipother, Mn,. J. J. Clark. Mrs. Ina Gribble, Lambeth, visibed with Miss Launa Morton; during the w.ekend. The many friends of Mrs. George Waddell will be pleas- cd to know that she ha. r e- turned home !norn Civic Hospi- tal, Peterborough. Hen daugh- r ber, Mn,. M. McGte o! Raglan,1 i. staying witb ber.1 Mr. and Mns. Frank Marti-, chenko and family spent the! weekend with relatives in Kit- chener. Mn. and Mrs. Mansel Wright, Mr. and Mn,. MiltonWngt were in Toronto on Sunda ii 1Teacher Chairman cultural Conference iËeli, principal o! Agriculture and Agricultural ~is In ic t High Science." Teachers taking part Mn. W. Manseil in th. pnograrn were Elmer Lin- ier o! Agriculture tofi, Brock D.H.S., who dernon- motoned la Canning- strated caponizing; Wmn. Camp- y,- Oct. 20, for tbe bell, Richmond Hill D.H.S., wbo 1Agricultural Con- gave bis impressions o! agricul- .e Central Ontario lune in Scoîland; and Wintron 'as beld in the new Schneider, Coilingwood D.C I., Bnock District Hligh who discussed pnobiems in sg'l,- culture. tanley J. W. Rick- At the luncheon served mn the graduaI., and hi.seshool cafeteria, guests' were ped some eighty lntroduced by Mr. Rickand and ;nt and bater con- the guest speaker, Prof. Baker, ir o! the buildings for many years buology pro- .W. Mansell Sta- fessor at O.A.C., Guelph, was nof the 1956 Con- lntroduced by Mr. Lamne Hen- pared the agenda, derson, Pickering D.H.S. Prof. d the meeting. Baker spoke on "Present Con- nDavies, Inspector ditions in Agriculture." The e, spoke on the, ,1957 'Conference will be held Present Status o!f"in lb. Newmarket D.HS. mers Ask for'Credit mg Summer Courses iting with Mm. and Mns. Ralph Whetiauffer. Miss Marie Carm, injumed in an automobile accident on the Queen Elizabeth Hlghway near Stoney Creek on Sunday, Oct. 121, remains in.critical condition in Hamilton Genenai Hospital. The Women's Auxlliany o! St, Paul's - Church held a sale o! home-baking in Watson's store on Saturday afternQon. Mrs. A. Fubien and daughter LPatricia o! Toronto, spent sev- erai days last week with Mr. and Mr.. Leonard Driver. Mn. and Mrs. Glen 'Wfent- worth and son Ricky spent the, weekend with relatives in Brantford. Robent Rybey and Allen Bige- low netunned home on Satur- day. They b~ave spent the -past two months in the western provinces heiping with the fanm harvesting. On Sunday, Mr. and Mn,. Reg. Edmunds and their child- ren Bob, Joanne and Murry, wene hosts at a surprise party~ fr thei mother and grand- Zter, Mn,. M. Mcflowebl o! Miilbrook on the occasion o! ber 72nd birtbday. The famiiy gathering inciuded Mn. and Mn. Eric McKinstry and thein chul- dren, David and Karen, Peter- borough: Mn. and Mn.. Reg. Mc- Knight, Paul McKnight and Maribeth McKnight, Onu.l; Mr. and Mrs. Ted McDoweli and their children Roddy, Brian and Anne of Millbnook and Mrs. Bessie Edmunds, Milbook. Mn. and Mn.. Charles Cutts and family. New Hamburg; Mrs. Leonard Merrick and fam- ily o! Kingston, spent the week- end with Mn. Ernest Stacey. W. I. Meeting Mn.. William Mark entertain- ed the members o! lb. Wornen's Institute on Monday evenîng, with a record attendance o! 38 members and 12 guests. Mrs, Thomas Jennings presided. The roll cail was answereý by "My favorite Sandwich". An invita- tion was received from the Jan- elville Institute ta qttend Ihein extension course bon "Salad Making". Mrs. Mansel Finney and Mn.. Ralph Preston wene appointed leaders o! the Girls' 4-H Club, for the carning terrm. Arrangements were compleled to have an entertainment on Nov. 15, when Dr. . L. B. Wil- liams o! Bowrnanvilie wibl gîv-- i, t-,niv7logue and show ,colored pictures. 'l'he program, featuring Wz::~ppp;~TzpSUS~zpp~pSISz s~es~~ Lb. 69C LEAN BONELESS STEWING DEEF Lb-.49c SWJfmT'S CRYOVAC PEAMEALED COTTAGE ROLLS Lb. 59C SWIFT'S - Sllced Park & Turkey Loaf 1/2L b.45c L~OO I"Hoqne Economics and Heallh", was in change o! Mme. Manset Fin iey and membems. o! hem gnoup, with the mollo "Laugh More apid Worny Les.",, ex- plained by Mn.. Ralph Preston. Mrs. Clarence Page, graduate nurse, demonstnated dmessings and bandaging, which could ba done In the home in cases o! emergency. Mrs, Thomas Jen- nings led In gmoup singing. Mns. Mansel Wright, who had been leader o! the 4-H Club last yean, described the club'. activities. and their course which bad been *"The Club Girl Entertains". She introduced five o! the members, Misses Leone Smith, Joan Morton, Dianne Bigelow, Donna Durbam and Leone Jordan, who in tun demonstmated the proper way o! making fan'cy sandwiches, commenting as they wonked, on the ingredients. etc. AI tb. con- WALLPAP ER C LEARANC E AýBOUT 50, PATTERNS for any room to clear at bargain price. FOR EXAMPLE 45 .c regular for 32C 70c regular for- 3 .5c These papers must go before we move. e> Corne early and get the best choice. '54 :1 WIT RED & WHITE PURE Peanut Butter 16-oz. jar --29C LIBBY'S CHOICE Sliced Pineapple 20-oz. lin 33C LIBBY'S FANCY Pineapple Juice 48-oR. tin 31C STOKELY'S Honey Pod -1 PEAS Fancy - 15-oz. tin 2 For 35c ROSE BRAND - Reg. Pack MAIRGAIRINE 2 Lbs. 53c ALLEN'S 48-oz. tin APPLE JUICE 2For 53c AYLMER- 15-os, lin FRUIT COCKTAIL 2/45c GERBERS STRAINED - 5½,-oz. tin BABY FOODS 4 For 35.c WAGSTAFFE'S Sirawberry Jam 24-ot. jar 45c' MONARCIH TEA-BISK ?.%-lb. pkt. . 45c HEINZ CREAM 0F TOMqATO SOUP 10-os. 11, 3.ikor31u Wisk Detergent COUPON 3-z % -v.77C Brown Bear No. 1 Red & White - 5-oz. jar Popular Brando of WHITE HONEY, 2 lb. tin 65c INSTANT COFFEE- 1.41 CIGARETTES, etii. of 200 2.99 Little National - Pkx. of 12 Granulated Aylmier Choice Bartlet.t POCEET MATCHES ---17c SUGAR,5 lb. ag 42ePEARS, 15-oz. tin - -- 25c Bee Hive - 5-1b. tin SUA, b bg --4eCORN SYRUF -------------- i General Electrie Electro SILVER POLISR Five Roses - 25 - 40 - 60 Watt' Free Applieru and FLOUR, 25-lb. bag ------- 1.751 LIGHT BULBS -- 4 for 79e Pollshing Cloth, Jar 89o Birds Eye Frozen Foods VelAeTaCes ORANGE JUICE, 6 oz. tin 2Fo 37c lb. pkg.oes STRAWBERRIES, 15-oz. pkg. -_-_-- 43e LIMA BEANS, 12-oz. pkg. .--------- 33e i59c Fresh Produce New Crop Florida Seedless - GR AP EFR UIT 48 size 5 For SELECT QUALITT GOLDEN RIPE BANANAS Lb .17ci THOROUGHLY ÇLEANED, SPINACH. celo bag POT-READY 2 For 25c MILD, SWEET. LARGE SIZE SPANISH ONIONS 3 Lb.. 29 MARSH GROWN - No. 1 - 3-lb. poly bat COOKING ONIONS& 23c, TH ERE'S A RED & WHITE STORE NEAR YOU BOWMANVI LIE MAPPE GROVE - ORONO - *~S* - ast - ~gN. A.%. TV CVCI * dA., ~flN * *A.L,4baflA, *~V. *MI~ J tude once again to the many who attended from far and near. Officially welcomed by W. A. W President Mrs. Grant Clover, I Grace was sung, and the first I - sitting began dinner. Later in CUSTOMMADE the evening two things causec us concern. First, in spite of ar increape in theturkey poundage, P the supply was iinally exhaust- ed (we have made a note that more should be ordered next * I> Pyear) and secondly, some lt arrivais seeing the large num- bers waiting, decided to miss it a i i jthis year, and try to corne earlier next year. For these two dis- appointments to some of oui friends, our sincere regrets. For the patronage of the man'y who came for dinner, some fron B OW ARas far east as Belleville, . and west to Toronto, we say thanks, D~&PR>ES and we say it as warmly ta the 9261 WA ' -jj4 m any outside our W.A., and our 92$MOfA W. Church, whose generous assis- tance meant much in the carry- 4 Abernethy's Paint & Wallpaper 85 King St. W. " Phone MA 3-1 - __Quality Meats' BONELESS 29ci ROUND STEAK R&OAÀStLb. 69C ROUND END RUMqP ROAST - Yeo's Marketeria Maple Grove Groceteria Cornish Marketeria I r f- 1 ý 1 - ý- - - clusion of the demonstration. Mrs. Wright produced a fancy loaf sandwich decorated for Hallowelen. Mrs. Ralph Preston gave a talk on "The Essentials of Sandwich Making". Past club leaders, Mrs. Harry Ryley, Mrs. M. Finney. Mrs. Hugh DeGeer, MArs. Douglas Smnelt and Mrs. Mansel Wrighz were each presented with a git frorn the Club mhembers in appréciation of their leadership. During the social hour-which followed, lunch was served b', thé hostess, assisted by Mrs. Morgan Bigelow, Mrs. Orloe Wright, Mrs. Harry Ryley. Mrs. Ina Palmer, Mrs. Gervin Mul- ligan, Mrs. Clarence Page and Mrs. M. Finney. Mrs. H. F. Rayson expressed the thanks of the group to Mrs. Mark for the use of her home and to ail those who had as-- sisted in e~n !hteresting and worthwhile prograrn. d ýy it le i-

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