w - Ma,- - .-.. -~ -~ ..I... t. ..- - - - - ~-¾-.~k - ..,t - F -i. E I B /' Si p Rot iveli trimmcd und Steal or Rump Roast. 69c IL Ning Steaks or 'Roasts 71c lb. Sirloin or Porterhouse Steaks or Roasts 73c lb. 3lade Roasts 49c lb. SHORT RIB 51C lb. STANDING PRIME RIBS 5 5c IL BONELESS SHOULDER 3 9c lb. oneless Plate Pot Roasts 29c lb. ýraising Ribs 29c lb.' Choice Lean tewing Beef Boneless 3 9c lb. )ork Chops Trimmed, Lean 69c lb.' ickled and piced Butts 5 9c lb. '4"Eo CR EA M / gallons 90C alon $165 iwuianville igid Locker Systes Phone MA 3.5578 Check Theui SpeciaI~ Your Weekenc POULTRI ROASTI NC CHICKENS 5-7 lbs. et cooking weiî 59C lb. SMALL ROASTERS 49c lb. TURKEYS Large or smell Cooking Weight 55C lb. Reedy mixed POU LTRY "'STUFFIN" 33c box Your Weekend ROAST oi STEAK jE __________________________ !m? CANADIAZI STATESMAN. BOWMANrIql=. ONTARIO TRUESDAY, NOV. let 1950 Betty Westiake Takes High Score for Ladies mmýý ýht al w S. Ri to w: By AI Osborne Whistling Ross Wright, Iht appy wanderer, won the higt, ngle game of the weck and iso the high for the seasani when be bowled 340. Frank 'amis was crowding Ross ail the vay and ended up witb 334. on Richards fjnished third ,ith 328. Ten bowlers were over 700 for gaines. Ralph Kelly, 768, was ops, Ted Bagneil 766, Hank înzen, 764, Bill Bates and Ron tichards tied 740, Pete Dobbins, 23, Bill Oke, 711, Jack Coaie, 10, Ross Wright, 706, Jack Gay, 04. Dr. AI Sylvester bested Bah îlIe by anc pin la win the law Igie. Dr. Sylvester had 110 nd Bob Cale 111. Byron Van- Lome was ail alone with 441 ta rin the low triple. Alley Chatter Elton Brock will be out af action for e !ew wceks as the resuit o! an appendix aperation. Latest word we have is thel Brocky is pragrcssing as wel as cen be cxpecled. The bowlers hope Elton wili soon be back tbrowing bis fast anc. Pete Dobbins and AI Osborne are lied for finst place in the avenages with Pete bavîng a few pins ta the gaod. Ted Bagnell's leain is stili holding down first place but Bil] Sbeven's boys bave cul Bag- nell's leed ta 3 points. Bagnell now bas 32 points. Ted's teain hed the high triple Ibis wcek 3515 and Bill Steven had bigh single 1335. Bill Pal- lcy's teain bad a dandy single game, 877, wbile Bnock's teain, minus Ibeir captein, bad low triple, 3074. This week wc will bave a replacement fan Elton. Tea Tea ým Standing - End of 6th Week Bagnell- Steven - Osborne - Little Milne Leslie Brock -- Brough Cale.--- --- Dale Polley Oke ---- Pins Pts. 20040 32 19353 29 19445 25 19100 24 19247 22~ 19513 21 19558 20 19405 20 19094 19 20106 18 19201 16 18558 6 VOUR HOME and the per- soae!things It holds eau be wiped out ln no lime! Windstorm, explosion... eau strîke wlth devastatlng suddenness . . . eau wreck a home as thoroughly as lire! That's the big neason why you need bnoad, up-to-date Insurance protection for your property . . . the kind of neliable, expert protection we en give jour home Inveilment! STUARTTIR. JAMES 'INSURANCE Offiles ,MA 3-5681 1Kint Street E. REAL ESTATE Reside. MA 3-5493 Bowmanvllle Averages Pete Dobbins 18 AI Osborne 18 Eltan Brock 15 Ted Bagneli 18 Ron Richards 18 Doua Taylor 18 Dr. H1. Rundie----- 18 Bill Westlake - -18 Jack Gay------------- 18 Frank Williams ------ 15 Ralph Kelly ----- 18 Bill Hearle--------- 18 Ernie Perfect 18 iBert Engley ---- 18 Dave McKnight --18 Bill Steven 18 Bill Bates - ----- 18 Morley Vanstone 18 Russ Oke ----18 Jack Coode 18 Jin Levebt 15 Jack Lander 18 Ran Maynard----18 Jack Parker 18 Hank Janzen -18 Hap Palmer -------18 Mcl Dale ------------ 18 Carl Leslie 18 Gea. Stephens 18 Murray Larmer 18 Bill Pailey 18 Ed. Leslie- 18 Harry Gay 15 Matt Harrison 18 Frank Lewins 18 Clarence Oke 18 Karl Bickell 18 Glen Lander 18- Bill Shatter-------- 18 ScreecA (9wlI .y Evelyn Brown Rugby 21 23 23 22! 221 22: 22! 22 22( 21! 2 E 2 1" 21', 211 214 :0 1;5 'J5 0E 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2: 2 2 2 2 2ý 2: 2: 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 A nuniber of new bowlers joined thc league this week thus rnaking a few changes in the teams. Stili a number of 200 games were rolled-B. West- lake 288; H. Brock 262, 251, 222; Orne Etcher 251, 219, 214: L. Bates 249, 229, 205; H. Dunn 212, 200; H. Gilhooley 207, 202; J. Engley 203, 202; Muriel Hol- royd 273; M. Wlcox 246; E. Whitehead 243; H. Piper 240; M. Kozak 238; Ada Luxton 232; D. Dilling 231; M. Harrison 231; 0. Patficld 231; L. Cannons 224; B. Disley 208. J. Baker 205; D. Crombie 204; Dot Mut- ton 201. The lemon league bas lessen- ed itself -D. Virtue 99; M. Per- fect 95; H. Corden 93; A. White 91; G. Rahme 86: R. Adcock 80; A. Perfect 77; D. Bell 66: Team Standings Points Pins H. Brock 26 13,614 B. Budai 26 13,358 O. Etcher 22 13,316 E. Etcher ___ 19 13,370 0. Patfield 19 13,019 V. Coole 19 12,321 [M. Wilcox 18 12,503 L. Bates 16 13,311 D. Joli --- 16 13,858 K. Beauprie 12 12,526 L. Wright Il 12,426 A~. Nickerson 9 12,092 High single-B. Westiake 288. 288. High triple-H. Brock 735. High average-B. Budai 215. E E I g e 2 2 i o 9 7 7 7 7 4 t t The rugby teain was defeabed 28-0 in Port Hope last Wednes- day. Tbcy plaYed bere yestcr- day against Cobourg. In las, week's news thene was an er- ror. The home gaines will be piayed aI the High Scbooi Grounds, not et the Creain o! Barley. New Scrcech Owl Staff The 1956-57 Screecb Owi Staff bas been formed. The cdi- ton, and president o! the Liter- ary Society le Jenni Ross. The other positions are fillcd by the following: Suzanne Tbomp- son, Hartley Lewis, assistant editors; Manlene MacDonald, sccrctany: Ed Kowal, breasurer; John Dippeli, photognapby. The first edition wili prabably be out sbartly before Christinas. ArGund The School Grade 9 bas been wniting exams during the past week. This explains the quiet abinos-f phene anaund the echool lately j The school was given a holi - day last Tbursday wbcn tbej teachers le! t town ta attenda Confenence in Lindsay. Mn. Lucas bad an openatianj on bis tbroat lest week. Wbile recuperating, be bad tb teech by whispens and sign language. Comlnt Eventa The Commencement will be beld an Fridey, November 16, aften wbicb thene will be a dance fan the seniors and gnad- uates. Drame Night, Navemben 27- 30, will consist of four anc.act plays and selections by the Gee Club. Plans are being made for a rea Dance, wbich wiil be beld sametime Ibis month. A dance of! Ibis sort bas not been held in B.H.S. for several yers. This affeir, sponsoned by the Libre- ry Club and cebered to by bbe Grade 12 Haine Econoiis Class, should be one o! bhc sa-! cial highligbts o! the school year. Intnemunal cross country run i vas beld on Mondey, October 29, ending et Sinmpson Ave. In te Senior Division, Chýanlie Trirn ran 2 8/10 miles in 6:47 8/10 minutes. Ken Wil- lernson camne In second. In bbc Intermediate Division,' adistance of 2 miles was runi by the following: 1. Wilbur Lem - on, 11:10, 2. Ross Kossatz, 11:17; 3Ji Trimble. 11:20; 4. John Vaneyk, 11:45, 5. Richard Strik- vend.; 6. Lionel Rowe. The Juniors ran 1 3/10 miles, wibb Wayne Mavîn plecing !irst, in 7:03 niînufes. The athers lac.d in the ioflowing ordez; 2 Don Bishop Takes Both Top Hon ors in Durham Lecigue Activity on the bowling lanes Friday last shows Bill Polley's teain stili leading by 5 points, followcd by Corson's seven men, who have tatalled 24 points. All a! the next six teams arc closely bunched witbin striking distance of second spot. Don Bisbop led the League in bowling with double honours, taking tbe higb single witb 287, alsa high triple 715. Harold (Porky) Luxton who secms ta be finding bis range on the alîcys' came up with his first two games Fniday night, over the 200's, then just ta prove he likes dauble billîng slipped in a 91l for bis third gaine. Carl Swarz also had himseif a good nigbt, with a triple 647.1 200 Averages B. Pollev ------------------- 232 A. Perlect-- --- - ------ -220 G. Poulos ----- --------- 216 Jim Murphy 2121 B. Englev --2101 L. MacDougal------------ - 209 B. H-enning ---- ------------ -2081 B. Vivian -- -- -- ------- 206 J. PaIrefr -------------------- 205 C. Woolner-------------------204, High Single-Don Risbop ---287 High Triple-Don Bishop ---7151 Lenions: H. Luxton 91, J. Lem- on 79.1 SOL INA ýýas tari -ivi bet igliL yet.- Congratulations ta Bruce and Tem Tearn Standings Jean Taylor (nec Montgomery) TearnFins pts. on the birth o! Iheir son, Law- Bill Polley 15,455 29 ence Elgin on Oct. 24 in Mcm- Mult Corson 14,889 24 oial H1ospital. Earl McQuadc __ 14,569 23 The annual Hallow'e'en perty Colli Woolner --- 14,484 21 was held at Bradley's School on Lowell MacDougal 14,729 21 Fiday evening wben everyane Stu Crago----------- 14,573 18 had an enjoyable lime. For the, Jin Murphy ---- 14,842 14 parade Mrs. E. Cryderman was' Bert Engiey- 13,911 14 at the piano. The prizes wcee Don Bisbop ---- 14,172 7 axvamded as follows: School boy Cbuck Disley 13,260 4 -Ken Ashton, school giri-Shar- on Huggins;; pre-school childrcn Don Bagnell, 7:27; 3. Joe Bath- -Camai and Marilyn Knox; well, 7:33; 4. Doug James, 7:45; comie-Lauma Bowman: couple 5. Greg Cooper, 7:46; Grantj -Ken Knox and John Hancock. Doren, John James, Jo1.1 The President Mrs. Wm. Ash- Moare, Howard Rundie, Loran ton was in the chair fan the pro- Pascoe. gramn which included piano solosI The twa boys who placed first by Laura and Bruce Bawman; in cacb division wiîî compete in sangs by the school cbildren; aj bbc Lakeshome Cross Country HalowÀe'eni story read by Jeanj Run whicb will be beld in Boxv- Hancock; musical gaines led by manville along the same course Mms. E. Cryderman and contests' as bbc previaus runs. Those in charge of Mrs. W. Bowman schools invited include Cart- and Mrs. R. Parr. wrigbt, Bowmanville, Cobourg, The officers for the coming Lakefield, Lindsay, Orono, Osha- season are: Honorary President wa, Whitby, Ajax and Pickem- -Mrs. G. Knox; President- ing. Mrs. Wm. Ashton; Vice-Pres.- SATURDAY EXCURSIONS TORONTO LOW FARES EVERY SATURDAY (TO AND INCL. DEC. 15) Tickets good going and returning same Saturday only. E B c p Excursion Fares From:- BELLE VILLE COBOURG PORT HOPE $4.40 BOWMANVILLE $1.75 2.70 OSHAWA 2.50 WHITBY 1.35 1.10 FULL INFORMATION FROM AGENTS CANADIAN NATIONAL CANADIAN PACIFIC T-6-66 Two Undefected Teams Meet in Town Hockey By Douglas Rigg Naine Ave, FB. Budai -_______215 0. Etcher __________211 H. Brock _________206 L. Bates -_______204 D. Joli __ __ __ __ _ M. Mairs _ _ _ _ _ _190 M. Holroyd 188 E. Etcher _______-184 V. Coole _________181 A. Luxton ______180 Dorc Mutton ________178 J. Tennant -_____178 J. Baker- 175 D. Bond -_ _ __ _ _175 L. Wright 175 D. Crozier _________17.1 O. Patfield _________174 Dot Mutton ____173 B. Westlake _______173 H. Dunn _____-173 H. Piper -_______172 V. Cowan -______171 K. Beauprie- 171 A. Nickcrson ______171 E. Whitehead ___170 D. Crombie _______169 B. Dislcy --168 S. Bucknell ____166 H. Corden -_______165 S. Bickeil 165 D. Martin ____183 V. Miller 163 M. Wilcox ___162 H. Gilhooley 162 Dot Brooks--------161 M. Harrison - ---- --- 161 J. Engley ---------- 161 V. Rogers -----161 J. Brunt 161 5 inrHokyThe club is under thc direction ý1-This coming Saturday, Novem- o! Mrs. F. Colc and Mrs. R. Hall- 6 ber 3rd, wiil mark the apening man. If enough interest is shown c4 f the Bowmanville Minor oy the childrcn il is hoped that 0 Hockey's regular schedule. A a production of "Tomn Sawyer"t o full morning o! games bas been may be put on some time next ý8 schcduled as follows: spring. 4 Bantam East Central Zone 1 7:00-Lions vs. Huskies Programme Exhibit o 7:45-Tigers vs. Cubs Not tao many communities in 8 8:40-Pirates vs. Braves Eastern Ontario swap ideas on BPee Wee recreation. However, there is 5 9:25-Red Wings vs~. B. Hwsn reason why they shouldn't 510:20-Bruins vs. Rangers strt soon. 5 il *05-Canadians vs. Leafs A one-day get-together bas .1 There will be no AtomF League been pianncd for Navember l7th 4garnes schedulcd Ibis Saturday.1 in Coîborne, starting et 1:00 3The Atom schedule will be pnint- p.m. The one day get-together c d as soon as dates become has been planned to hclp one 3available for Ihem ta play. another create better pro- Hoky2im grammes and ta cxchangc ideas 1 Hokey ilmswith one another and ta stim- 1 Any persan who is interested ulate better programme plans. 1in hockey is rcrninded of the If You are interested in attend- )Hockey Instructional Films to be ing this one day get-together ) pnescnted by the Recreation De- please contact the Recreation 3 partment next Tuesday, Novcm- Office at MA 3-5761. ;ber 6th, in the Lions Community Millinery 5Centre beginning aI 6:30 p.m. Ifyuaeitrsc inl- The senies of cight instructiorial Ifouaeitrsdinak films will deal with Skating, ing a course in Millinery an- Stickhandling, Passing, Check_ rangements have been made to ingShoting GolteningOf-hold an afternoon class o! in- fiehotingPlayanding, 0f- struction. The Millinery classi ieve Ta Play ad efns1 wiiI begin today (Thursday )at' ive cam lay.2:00 'pin. till 4:00 p.m., at the Track and Field Club Lions Community Centre. If you At a meeting last Wednesday, are interested please feel free ta in the Lions Centre, il was de- drap in on the class and look cided ta formn a Bowmanville around. Track and Field Club. The The Millinery class wilI be club will go int training next under the direction of Mrs. y. Wednesday, November 7th at Zavi, who acted as instructar the Bawmanville High School for the classes last spring. Gym, 7:00 ta 9:00 p.m. Anyone Arnica Club intercsted in joining the club Temmeso h el please be an hand next Wednes- Th bmbr fth el day, et the High School Gym. f îred Amica Club held a very The club is open ta anyone over at tsu Hr Tms ac 10 years o! aget The member- at he Lions Comimunity Centre ship fee is $2.00 for the season lastIOnday evening. Mn. E. Witherspoon and Bruce This is a club for working Calwell will be in charge of the young people. There arcefia ge club lcmitsese cept that yau must club ctiviies.have left school and entered Junior Variety Club upon your vocation.t If you are between the ages of The Arnica Club meets thei Six ta 13 (inclusive) and are first uid third Mondays o! each interested in joining the Recrea- moifth' at 8:00 p.m. at TrinityE tion Department's Junior Var- Unite*d Church. iety Club, the next meeting xiii Mernbership is open ta any% be held at the Lions Centr~e on i xoung aduit who would like ta Friday, November 2nd at 4 p.rn. c Ail of the Lakefield borne gaines will be playcd in tbc Peterborough Arena. Games will ail start et 8:30 p.m. wilh the exceptions af Friday home gaines in Part Hope, Cobourg and Lindsay which will stant at 9 p.m. The .playaff arrangements will be similiar to, lest scason witb the top teain baving a choice of playoff opponent fain the next tbnee highest standing clubs. The remaining two teains wîil mccl with the win- nries of the bwo senles playing in the finals. Foliowing lu the complete scbeduie: Lakeshore Schedule Bawrnanvillc will read B.O.C. No9Lidsayet Lakefield B.O.C. et Cobourg 10-Caboung et B.O.C. 12-Lake!ield et Cobourg 14-Part Hope at Lakefield 16-Lakefîeld et Lindsay B.O.C. et Port Hope 17-Lakcfield aI B.O.C. 20-Cobourg et Lindsay 21-B.O.C. et Lakefield Coboung at Port Hope 23-Port Hope aI Coboung B.O.C. at Lindsay 24-Lakefield et B.O.C. 27-Lakefleld et Lindsay 28-Llndsay et Port Hope 30-Lindsay ~Cobourg B.O.C. et Pont Hope December- 1-Port Hope et Lindsay Coboung et B.O.C. 3-Lindsay at Lakcfield 5-Coboung et Lake!lcld 7-B.O.C. et Lindsay Lakeficid at Cobourg 8--Lindsay et B.O.C. Cobourg et Lakefield il-Port Hope et Lindsay 12-Lakefield et Pont Hope 14-Part Hope et Cobourg Lindsay at Lakeficld 15-Port Hope at B.O.C. Cobourg et Lindsay 18-Lakefieid at Lindsay 19-B.O.C. et Pont Hope Cobourg et Lakeficld 21-Port Hope et Lekefield B.O.C. at Cobourg 22-Lindsay et B.O.C. 28-B.O.C. aI Lakcfield Cobourg et Port Hope 29-Lindsay et B.O.C. Janueny- 4-Lindsay et Cobourg Laekficld et Pont Hope 5-Port Hope et B.O.C. Lakefieid et Lindsay 7-Part Hope et Coboung 8-B.O.C. et Lindsay 9-B.O.C. et Lakcfieid Cobourg et Pont Hope il-Port Hope et Lakcfîeld 12-Coboung et B.O.C. Pont Hope et Lindsay 16-Cobourg et Lakefieid Lindsay et Pont Hope 18-Lindsay et Cobourg' Lekefield et Port Hope 19-Part Hope et B.O.C. 21-Part Hope et Cobourg 22-Cobourg et Lindsay 23-Lakefield et B.O.C. 25-Port Hope et Lindsay Leke!ieid et Cobourg 26-Port Hope et B.O.C. 28-Lakefield et Cobourg 30-B.O.C. et Pont Hope February- 1-B.Ô.C. at Cobourg Lindsay at Port Hope 2-Lakef.&eld at B.O.C. 5-B.0.C. at Lindsay 6-Lakelield at Port Hope Lindsay at B.O.C. 8-.-B.O.C. et Cobourg Lindsay at Lakefield 9-Cobourg at Port Hope. 1 2-Cobourg at Lindsay- 13-Lindsay at Port Hope 1-B.O.C. at Lakefield Lindsay at Cobourg 16-Cobourg at B.0.C. Port Hope at Lakefield Mns. E. Cryderman:, Sec'y-Mru. R. Parr, Treas.-Mrs. M. Han- cock; Sick Commttee-Mrs. W. Bowman and Mrs. Bruce Mont- gomery. IFor the next meeting on Nov. 23 the W. Ashton's and M. Han- cock's group will be ini charge. During the social houx lunch was served to the 44 present. Friends af Mxi. Bruce Mont- gomnery are pleaud te know oh@ is convalescing favorably follow- ing an operation ini Memorlal jiospit4 . Two Dances Are Popular On Weekend Two dances in town over the weekend provided pleasant entertainment for many. Bow- manville Nurses' Association held its annual dance at the Lions Community Centre on Frlday evening with a fairly good crowd in attendance, though flot so large as last year. Ted Taylor and his or- chestra from Oshawa provided the music. Fal flowers and greenery decorateei the plat- The committee in charge in- ciuded Miss Velma Gay, Mrs. C. Carnish, Mrs. Dorotby Childs, Miss Edna Campbell, Mns. T. Buttery and Mns. D. R. Alldread. Proceeds o! these events are used ta buy soame- thing fan Memonial Hospital. AUCTION SALE 100 BIGE GRADE SHORTHORN AND HEREFORD CATTLE The property of ALLAN BEER en No. 7A Highway, 3 miles West of Bethany at 1:30 p.m. SATURDAY,. NOVEMBER 101h Here is an opportunity to obtain a number of top quality Purebred and Grade Cows and, Young Cattle. ROSS DAVIDSON Clerk TED JACKSON Auctioneer Ir 1 M - 1 1 'q r% 3bffl 1 ili 1 ilqele M L. A. Parker & Sons HEATING and PLUMBINO 47 KInt St. E. Phone MA 3-5651 BOWMANVILLE SPECIAL LOW RAIL FARES to ROYAL AGRICULTURAL WJNTER FAIR TORONTO, NOV. 9-17 FARE AND ONE-HALF for the Round Trip Good going-Thursday, Nov. 8 to Saturday, November l7th inclusive. Return-Leave Toronto not later than mîdnight, Sun., Nov. l8th. Full information from any agent. (Intended for lust week> Miller's Taxi and Front Street stili continue to set the e ace in the Town League Hoc- ey as the two Bowmanvllle rivais defeated the two out-of- town teams lait Thunsday. Mill- er's picked up their second win with a 9-5 victory over Cour- tice whlle Front Street downed Newcastle 10-3. The Taxirnen started off strong against Courtice as they rapped in three goals off thc sticks of Don Childs, Don Mast- ers and Lloyd Hamilton before McGregor tallied for the Rockets laIe In the first perlod. McGregor - k c pi :Courtice's hopes alive au he opened Uic second staza with a goal to close the gap to 3-2 but the Taximen pokcd Ini five consec- utive goals with Buck Cowle scoring two and Lloyd Hamil- ton, Bud Perfect and Don Chllds scoring singletons. ilntermediates to Play First Game Here Nov. 10 p Si Ga 14 4 1' PUBLIC SKATING FRIDAT, NOVENDER 2 8 la 10 p.m. PUBLIC SKATING SATURDAT, NOVEMBER 3 8 Io 10 p.m. Admission - - - - Adults 40c, Studentu 25e PUBLIC SKATING WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7 8 Io 10 p.m. Admission . . . . Adults 40c, Students 25c 1The 1956-57 Lakeabore In-, termediate "A" hockey achedule opens November 9th with the Bowmanvllc - Orono Combines travelling la Cobourg and Lake- field playing boit ta Lindsay in the Peterborough Anena These four Ieams along with Port Hope will compete In the 80 game achedule for tbc Lake- shore title and the right ta enter thc O.HA. piaydowns. The Bowmanville - Orono Combines will play a total of 14 Salurday nigbt gaines and twa Wcdnesday nigbt gaines at Kelly Rolîs High Triple Wright Wins High Single In Men"s Major League tion Club dance of the season drew a full house at the Le- gion Hall on Saturday evening. Les Boston and bis orchestra of Toronto played for round and square dancing. Chairmnan for the dance was Russell 0k. and on the committeé were Edna Large, Jack Darch, Ron Johnson, Ray Westlake and Jack Coiville.I 1 - 1 , 1 period, Courtice slarted teral again as Glen Pickell, Grant Heron and A. Pipher each scon- ed. Wilh 40 seconds remaining in the game, Lloyd lqamilton sconed hi, third goal o! the game to make thc final count 9-5. Front Street - Newcastle In bhc second gaine o! bbc night, Front Street steadily out- played Newcastle ta cern a 10-3 win. It was 2-1 at thc end o! the first for Front Street, 6-3 at the end o! the second and finally 10-3. Front Street played a smooth passing game as all Iheir goals were set up by two playens. Don Rundie and Chuck Kilpatr1ck both scored lwicc for the win- ners wbile single taliies went to Don Bisbop, J. Cowling, Ron Burgess, Richards and Lyle. Brown, Shetier and Gilmer were bhc marksrnen for New- ýam Admission Adults 40c, Students 25e