f - ?kfU&~UAY, .14<JV. ~ti1, Thal ~'i4UJIA.~ ~ I ~ I L~.L'~1 ~L> ~. :~a~ V.LLi.~.. U.\ I *'ÂL~ ikU4L~~'i Newtonville Champions Honored With Dinner Last Saturday evenlng, irn d 'trd ced Mr. Johnb tihe United Church Sunday James, M.rfP., who congratulate School Hall, members af the the boys on their success, be jýewtonville Women's Institute fore presenting the troph prepared and served a turkey mrhicý, ipcidently, will be 0 dinner in honour of the New- disply in each of the stor tonville Royals, the home town windows in turn. bail team, winneirs of the John Claptain af thet*tem, Johi 14. James Traphy for 1956. Holman, accepted and express About 135 guests andi inter- cd ,appreciation for the kin eàteci friends sat down at beau- wi hA.le referred ta thi tif Ul decorated tables and en- successful year they had er joyed a sumDtuous repast of inved. 'heglecthig to m ention turkey and ail the trimmlngs. through modesty, a few extri iI.v. Pike led i.n singing grace. such as thoir win or Presîdent of the teain, Mir. J une gth, at the Hamilton town C. H. Lane, acted as chairman, ship race track, also at Kenda H4eeC whaf~ qae IineeIof Why have whlesli gasoline prieu increased 0011 one-third as mach os wholesal pric.s ingae! since 1935-1939? Row moferial end other cosis have gone 'Wgy up. Whv flot lesolint? Gasoline Prices hava sfayed down becoue à rot ef ampants aithe 0o1 businss...producîng, rofining and selling, more aimr'efcet~ The consumer con shop around-Iooking for the hast producu ts i at u Dim comatiionfor the mootorits dollar r -- keeps thé price eofgpiétinéefort. LîMPEIAL OL M -i id I - Attention TV Field Day, July 28th. jInstitute President, Mrs. m Milligan, came forward at th:s Yoint and prliented a choque or $25..00, a donation tQ the team from the W.J., aiso accept- Sed by the captain, who express- ed ed the gratitude of the boysr e- for it, as well as the lavely hydinner given for them. n Coach Stan Rowe was next re! called on, and he responded with a ifew words of gratifica- in tion on the fie sason the s- toïsm bad enJoyeci, paying tri- d bute ta' the splendlid Individual ie characters'o! the. boys, as well i- as their gavd team spirit. He n, haped they woulci gg an tu .a furtiier aucces next y*Ar. The Presidant anq Vic-Pre.î- Mdent of the, Rural teagu, Mr. Arnold Wade and Mr, Nar.rn Dawley, aise spo1k. a few worcla of congratulationi. Mr. Dawleky referred te the gooci sports-j manship of the Newtonville boys, particularly when they were iaaing, as in his opinion, that is thé real test, Tribut* was paid te Mr. Earl Walkey in his capacity as um- pire, by th* te*m c#ptgin. Earl gave freely of his time, often at great ineonvenience, and as further proot et hia really sin- cere interegt, fret of charge. Mr. Gordan Martin rave an appropriate roat5ing, lollowecI by a short session of comMnun*. ity singing led by Mr. James and Mr. Lane, with Mrs, Gil- mer at the piano, Next Mr. C. Carveth showed s6me of lus films depictig the Newcastle Centnnial and other scenes of local iriterest. Singing of "~The Queen" brautht this e happy ovening te a close, The Canadian rn"anglacturing industry in 195set ne* record highs in valusetcfahipments,y earninga of employea and cost afi' materials; total emrpoymentr was higher t4an in 1954 but low- or than inIi13. tr Newtonville Royals Rece ive Bail Trophy At a well attended turkey banquet in Newtonvilie Unitedi Church, Saturday evening, Durham's Rural Basebaîl Champions, the Newtonviile Royals, received the rohnny James Trophy fromn the donor. They were also wvell fed by the Women's Institute and received surplus cash receipts fromn the Institute ladies, Mrs. William MIilligan making the presentation. During the evening, their achievements were lauded by several speakers wvho expressed confidence in a repeat performance next year. To conclude the enjoyable evening, Mr. Cecil R. Carveth presented colored novies of the Newcastle Centennial celebrations. Chairman for the event was Mr. C. H. "Kelly" Lane. Coach Stan Rowe and Capt. John Holman are shown holding the ,ophy. Jack Parker Captures --- Top Honours in Durham 10 ceain £eviews League Bowling Schedule yDulsRg The bowling of Jackc Parker paved tht way for a seven point sweep by Milt Corson*s crew over thté previous top team et Bih .Polley. Miit's boys had toe much punch for this one, asý Bill's team seemed to have a poor night. This is the only time first place has chang- ed since the schedule started. Jack Parker roiled tht high single, 286, as well as high tri- ple, 770. L. MacDougal - 17,558 24 MINOR HOCKEY Stu Crago ----- 17,433 231 Bawmanville Mitiar Hockey Jimn Murphy- - --- 17,851 17 Leagues got off ta a flying Bert Engley - ---- 16,698 16 start last Saturday mornxng Don Bishop '. 16.866 Il with twelve- teams. in action. Chuck Disley ------16,049 8 The Bantam League got started at 7:00 a.m. with the 200 Averages Lions playing the Huskies. The Bill Pofley -------- - -- ---- -2 Huskies defeated the short J. Parke - ----------- ------14 handed Lions 2-0 on goals by G. Poulas ----------------- 213 Brian Hughes (Brenton Hugh- A. Perfect .- - - 213 esý and Brenton Hughes (Mal- L. MacDougal -- ----- -- ---- -211 j1 T eam Stnifding 11. IVurpiJIy ------- 251-l the second game the Tigers Ille Atomn League have b Pins Points1JB. Vivian--------- ------ 2031 Milt Corson ------ 18012 .11 C. Wolner ----- ---------- 203; defeated the Cubs 1-0 on a goal practisiflg this week. The F. Bil Plly - ----- 1,18 29 B ngey----------------------201 by Alvin Masterson (James, nets and- Bisons held a prac Bul Poley18 58 BEnge Mavin) early in the first per- on MoiidaN'. The Rams Earl MýcQuadle 17,384 261 Hîgh Single, Jack Parker 286. bod. The Cubs collected three Barons had their practice t: Colii Woolner 17,357 251 Hgh Triple, Jack Parker 770 of the four penalties handed aon Wednesday and the ndi out in the first period. The praicti('e to-night (Thursd oeateams settied down and played at 5:00 p.m. and the Bearsi O 1 lfj ~score]less hockey in the final -hold their, final practice .l, rPý-.;,Pobbins i nsHoEJ n oED sD period. -- 5:30 to-night. IJn the third game the Braves The Atam ischedule is g defeated the Pirates 1 -0 on airf los In AIen's fMa jor Bowiin goalrnscrred by Grl asn Ao okyShdl (Tre)at 17:50 of the first Ao okyShdl period. There were& no penal- Game Times Gels High Single, Triple tuWes ~d~Hockae lst game - 5:4500m iInth first Pet Wee game i Nov.l2th- Pete Dobbins set tht pace 128, Pat Yeo;l1 4. i the H-awks defeated the Red 1i-,t - Bisons vs. Hornets this week and eâtablished the Eltan Brock was at the alîcys Wings by a 5-3 score. Alex i1 n-asx'.Brn high single game o! the season, as a spectator atter his appein- Wiseman and Bradley 'Yourth n Rasv.Brs 364. Pete added two more scores dix operation and looks in good led the Hawks' atîack asI 1'No. 9th- of 233, 245, for the high triple shape. each picked up twa goals. Leg Ist -Indians vs. Bears o! the week, 842. This total Somrclscletd aia 2nd--Barons vs. Bisons bumped his average ta 245 and Did you see the score in the Sond erscals ict d aoth Nor 6-- gaehim *'a 9 pint lead over Toronto paper last week for 3 Hawks' total. George Kennedy lst --Indians vs. Bisons, AI Osborne. garnes bowled by a Torantoi and Lea McLane each callected '2nd-Bears vs. Ramns Bill Hearle was next n line team. Believe it, was 4602 o-- an assist. David Williams led Dec. Ird- forhih inlewih 20 tr average et 303 per mani. This lther Red Wing goal getters picki- lst -Rarns.- vs. Indians Reith Slemon changed h lisr1!s a ol'rerd ing up two goals. The othex 2nd-Hornets vs. Bears and came Up with 311 Don i Wild Bill Oke aiso set a Red Wing goal was scored bY Dec. IOth- "Scooter" Gilhooley had 303 world's record when hp ýcored !Gord* Rundle (Dai-id Werry).! Ist-Rams vs. Hornets and Jim Levett 301. 52 in the last frame. Bi' hadr In the second game the Bruins 2nBsosv. ars Bih Harle gainwas rnner3 strikes and on the last strike1 defeated the Rangers 5-0. TerryDc.lh- up for high triple having 746, the pins j-umped from alley 5 Black was the big gun for the 15 - Bears -vs. Bisons Wild Bill Oke had 744, Ciar- ta aliey 4 and knacked down a Bruins as he picked up threeý 2nd-Barons vs. Indians ence "Tax Collecter" Oke 740, count af 7 more pins. This is 'goals and assisted an another. Jn7h Ha Plerad us almnactuaily illegal but it did hap- r Scott Essery and David Ailison Jn h tied Pitl7er. nd Gi Hlholey pen. 'accounted for the other Bruins' lst - Bisons vs. Ramns 732, Bb Ken73 7, Ron G May- egoals. John Allun picked up 2nd --Barons vs. Bears nard 710. Frank Wila mg 708 Men's Major Bowling League an assist on ane cf Black's Jan. 14th- and Dr. Keith Siemon 702 End of 7th Wrefk lst Schedule gls.II Hont S ni Ai sbon& teii~se th Tem n the third garne the Cao- 2nd--Barons vs. Rams Algh tripe f th seon, e591 agnel W L Pins Pts adians and Leafs played to a Jan. 21st- nd they Iso had high single anl 15 6 23297 .34 3- 3 lie. R.ay Crombie account- lst-- Bears, vs. Indians fo h ek 34: - See 4 29 ,ve for al Ihree Leafs'gol 2nd--Hornets vs. Bisons 'ta,, the eek, 347:sborne-- -- 1 822309630.1with Mickey Dickens pickingj Jan. 28th- Osborne 13h8a233r 30 ip two assists. John Terhune, lst - Rams vs. Bears Alley hatterMine------- 12 9 22606 27 David Thompson (Staintan) 2nd-Bisons vs. Indians Ken "Lucky" Luxton won l jLttJe------1 10 22521 26 e.4h the low honora' with his single; Brock ---------Il 10 22992 '-)5 I. eb t-ni s ai game, 111, and his 457 triple. Leslie ---- - -- 10 11 22686 2, 4lstndiarons Soe f urne ad 1i Brough - --- 10 Il 22605 -4 I nd-H-ornets v.Brn bowlers improved their stand- Dale --. 9 12 23502 23 To Pay Past Feb. 11h- ing this week by recording samne Colte - 9 12 222574 1 s er s ont 1good single games. Bob Kent P011ey . - 9 12 22304 18u:Bi 2dBaos s Bsn had 299 and -268, Hap Palmer --------4 17 21687 81 Feb. h8th- S295, Norm Cowie 27Î3,1c M- st- Hornets vo. Ranis Knight. 294, Clarenct Oke 2971 Averages 110 T osldt 2nd-Indians vs. Baron.s arud 261, Bob Willi'ams-f-287, Dr.! Garnes Ave. ft To onolidte Fe. 3---sn v.Ber Austin 270, Pat Yeo 276. Pete Dobbiris--------Li 245othy1s Bsn -~ er Somne of aur top bowlers had Ai Osborn - ----------- 211Pamet 2rd- Indians 1-s. Horuie:s sente rare scores. Dr. H. B. Run- Elton.Brock--- 15 2.35 Mar. 4th- dit 127, Ed "Flash" Rundle 129, T ed agneil21 :26 lst,-Ranus vs. Bisons Frank Blunt 134, Hank Janzen' Deug Tlaylor --- " --- 1 2 nd-Bears vs. Barons 148, Harry Gay 144, Jimn Levett Bill Hearie - . 21i 221 Frank Williams----- 18 2221 For hloliday AIl Gantes Must Start on Tirn JackGay ----- -------- 21 2oI. Atom League gamnes Bertckgly-----------21 2.11 Epe8sj Itxo -20 minute periods. Erie Perfect _ L,_ " 218 I 2. No overtime wi]i be play )Bull Westlake ----_21. 217 N ed during the rr'guiar schedule VVEE~D~ Di' ve McKnighit - 21 Form i u o Npa\reont r' ihH.Rudi - - 1 .lilPurchases juca i r Io- bplav b'. BilBates - '---i-- -- _ minutes pa.st he z(-Iediled tim( Raiph Kell 'y --. -----_2L 1. 5$ j vilI defauit the gaine. Hap Palmer------------ 21 21,5I For 4.Paesmssn oeIa Bill Steven - -- _21 .4.Paesmsgmoeha Ro ayad21 4jErergency .1 games ithout good reasor -~ JisLevet - s3 -wandnont allowed 10 play for any rotor aerials. Jac Laer t -- -- 13 2 9 her train in hie heague. Jaek Daer ----- 22 1 2A'Cn n oa 5. Playoffs - The first four Carl Leslie --- 18 209, .îearns ln the league xiii en:er te, We will fi tirJc akr* 0 Try The Belivue lVay the playofis. Clarence Oke---------2 1 '08 on'aSemi- finals - xvill consist oa iMurray Larmer 121 '081 oalaI.ou .iresrî rth ~STIMATES .Jack Coole---------21Pay frorn Income Plan aîoou0fhre r:srti ESTIATE Jac Cole I 0 1J first tcrm .o acquî2e four RuisaOke 21 'f207.ou~s Bill Oke----- 21 206 Finais - I e a sudder Rank Janzen------ 21 205 DIliUE eath îga,,e o he pla'-ed on i Frank Levis----------*211 20.5- i B L V E MnrNgtýi 1Mr RusHalirnan - -21 20 Mnrilc'rNmh a a-i -Bill Polley -- ----- 121 zU.51 INN CI M1-IINEflY CL.AS.- Ge.Sepes -.----- 211 CORI>1Due Io the lack of in:,erest Ga.tpHerisn-----1 2051COj shown tn the Millinerv Class D.K. Sleman - 21 204 GH 1.sNMu. his ycar it has been 'decidezl Do 1" oey-------- 21 204 1HA dîýcofltnue 47 ass fr Sh- S 22 Ed Leslie - -------- -j 2 Stmeoe S. [liai 5-112 faull c I'. is cpltt b àarry Gay _ _ 18 203 ios Trhe Atomn Leagues regular' schedule games will get under way next Monday. November 12th, at 5:00 p.m. tilI 6:30 p.m. Two gamnes wiIl be played every Monday fromn now until the end of February. The.games wull, consist af two, twentyJ c Now la the time te have yeur aerial checked We have the finest selection of retors andi If Yeu have trouble receiving Channel 6, Torent WORK GU'ARANTEED - FREE I TrOWNE Phone MA 3m5.' -lor- ctice and time lans lay) will tat.i as y- e; e i f !r 1 B.O.C.'s Defeat A114, îln Exhibition'Game An exhibition Same which tuie. gave the Bowmanville - Orono Some credft mus ICombines a decisive 7-3 victory be given te the ga: aver the Oshawa Ail-Stars af clubs for seme of the Osha.w,.a Mercantile League saves made by theri here Monday night gave some action was fast in1 indication of the better claýs their nets. There of hockey we can expect ta good show of stic set this coming season. ability on the èPhe game was ont showing players. p Igood offensive action on the _ _ __ _ _ _ Ipart of the Bowmanville.Oron.a ICombines who seemed ta keep Men enerally av the play in the opposition's end enemies-alcoh.ol is oi the rink a great deai o! the tien. Stars ast certainl,, ýaIies of both )f the gréât m when the the area of was also a ik handi.ng part of aIl koid knews san excep- Pre-Cast 0CONCRITE Approved Septic TaqýJs Sidowalk Slalis Porches and Stops Brooklin Concrete Products Phono Drooklin 155 COLLECT CALLS ACCEPTED For the very best in. ALL ALUMINUM STORM-SCREEN WINDOWS and DOORS Get ALLAkWMlNUM STORM.SCMIN WINDOWS 1%i ~i.t dvmovd dodosn irt a PO« te fft eV" ybud- gOO. instali'm. .fge mgs or stoning problem M Change% instantly roni iorm te screen wincjow * Ext"addelmiriun trme sises life-time service *Amodited track amues' nooih operation CALL Us FOR FREEC ESTIMATES Cowan Equipment Company '134 King St. E. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-5689R on rnoteration î~cr i cfa111 Ica n Pru (Rid'fter the Jlouse o lkn rL-ko thrnik of omorrotr practicej ~coq rain moderato,y'toda) -- - 1 1 1 bA 1 .