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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Nov 1956, p. 17

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J- Story of a Cou ntry Doctor ln Recent Years Have Bercome Aîmost Extinct Many ai You have heard this He thanked them ail, but turn- stamy before, but it bears me-- cd aIl down. -I arn going bacic peating. It starts with a little ta MY mountain people," he boy, born in a small commun- said. "I do not know much yet, lty in the Blue Ridge maunteins but even whet little I knaw is of North Camolina. 'better than anything they have, Like meny ai the mountain for tliey have no ane ait al." And boys, he hed a consuming pas- baek to them he went. sioti to "go.ta town' ta see what He -"bung out bis shinglç" n a big eity looked like, and one the tiny çammunity wbere he 'day hi, father took him to Ashe- was bamn, taking two oams forj ~ville. Here he saw his first office and living quartiers over P-train, his first eiectmic lights, the village store. At the footI bis first telephone. And bore of the stairs he tacked a signj w as awakened his desire ta '*be reading: Dm. Carpenter is Up- à3omebody". The father, too, had stairs. once feit that urge. Unable ta The years flitted by. We pass gatify it, he detemmined that over the Joys and their sarrows, î thî& son shauid have the op- their isolation, their hardships. pomuniy tatwas denied him. We corne ta a time when we Me araned or the lad ta stay find bim aid, broken in health, wJ.t afrindin Asheville and and poor in packet for many ai î.r~ schoi. is ciassmates were taking in Th frendbecame a foster more for a single opemation than parent ta the child, and very he totalled in an entire yeam. znuch.attached ta him. When One morning ho was calied the boy bad finished high school out on a case that taxed his the man said ta him, "Son, go stength ta the utmast. It was out and look at the signboards his iast ermand of memcy. Hîs of life, and when you have de- tired aid heart gave aut. The cided the way you want ta go, isoiated little mounitain com- l'Il help you get there." munity was again without a "I don't have ta look," the lad doctor. mpied. "I know now. I want His friends made a simplef ta be a doctor." pine box, as they do in that c He was enrolled et Johns couîntry, and laid the worn0 Hopkins and was gradueted with bodv ta rest.i honors. His special skills caused "Seerns like ... someone f big city cinics ta make hini seid . . . -anybody who bas done c attractive offers, well above as much for us as Ol' Dac oughtc that of mes, of his ciassmates, ta have a tornbstone, se foiks'Il i know where ho is." t] giGot me an idea." said an- o ther. i"Hold on a minute." 0 Back he went ta the foot af S !testairs that had s0 long h D A N C IN G nown the tread of the doctor tl Safuray Nghi and off came the fad- a: Satuday ight ed sign. A hemmer and nails C q uickly fastened the board on ô IITH a narraw picket pried from an m~ olad fonce, Ia whose point the ai McL ANsoft earth of the new grave ci CY NcLE Nr egdIlY yielded. 0f course the o and Ilis Orchestra natives knew it already, but tc j ow it was for the stranger teala et nstirs too: Dm. Carpenter is Up- a at À - i -____ V A R C)E'SI PAVILIONI 9 fo12 $2-50per couplei TI1CK ET S TO EVERYWHERE Air, Rail or Steanishipj Consuit JURY & LOVELL Bowmanville 15 King St.WI. MAS3-5778 UNUSUAL OPPORTUNJTY The Pry a r,::e lZk72 feln1tis are: may be a farer.oficeor acoryworeror workinir at some o9ther trade. to make extra money in a high-profit, cash business- l'au llb handling name-brand pout aeb Ieadinx Canadien cornpany and callint on establisjxed retail store accounts in your are&. You wvill not be expected to sell, but wilI replace stock and collect cash. A cash investment of $800. to $4000. la requjred. For Information %irite 47 -ms.REGIONAL SALES DIRECTOR 2,Ot r MEMORIA I ARENA, \~-~ t~-'~' M I A CTIVITIES PUBLIC SKATING FIRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9 8 Io 10 P.m. Admission - --Aduits 40c, Students 25e PUBLIC SKATING WEDNESDAY, NOVENDER 14 8 Io 10 P.m. Adm ission - - - - Aduits 40c, Students 25c OPENING Hockey Game .5 ( A s Um ai 8:30 p.m. Safurday, Nov. lOth Cobourg Lumber Kings VS. Bowmanville m Orono, Combines -dmissio --------- Aduitz 75e for Reserved Seats and General Admission tudents and Children- --------50e TERe CAnADIANTATIBUM. OWRA2iVfLu O2T&M! FIL Bave E. eLcan -fShown above is F/L Dave E. ceLean, Navigator, son of Mr. lnd Mrs. Davis J. McLean, IBlackstock, an aircrev men-ber w ho flew the CF-100 jet inter-, ceptors of No. 445 AI]-Weather Squadron to Europe. During the fi rst week of November the squadron flew the North Ai- lantic route via Labrador and Irleland to No. 1 Fighter Xing atMarville, France. The first of four all-weather squadrons schediuled to join Canada's NATO Air Division, No. à44.5 î will replace an F86 Sabre jet day, fighter squadron. (National Defence Photo) ]BURKETON Mr. an~d Mrs. Claude Kotcha- Paw, Pictor,, spent a week with Mvr. and Mrs. K. Roblin and friends. Mvr. Alan Larmer, Toronto; iMiss Berthe Freeiand, Black- stock; Mr. and Mrs. Ted Me- Mahon, Mr. Joe Avery were Sun- day guests with Mr-. and Mis. Harold La-nier. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Johoston and farnilv, Tyrone: Mr. and Mis. ,He nry VWotion and farniiv. Purpie Hill, with Mi, and Mis. John Wotton, Sunday, Mrs. T. G. B'Ieck is in Ottawa with Mr. and Mrs. William Breck for sorne Urne. Mis. W. Breck underwent a serious op- eration in Ottawa General Hos- pital. jGlad ta sas' Mr. Wm. c I Lauighiin, in Memorjai HospîDitai .1 iBawnanvilie, is impr'ovîng inl hea]th. Mrs. Maud Brown, Alien and ýAlan with Mrs. Averv. jMr. and Mrs. L. Coates. Toron- to; Mr. and Mrs. Ted Coates, Brooklin; Mr. and Mrs. Ceei] Coates, Uxbridge, with Mrs.1 Carter and tarnily. Rev. McNeii, Seagrave, in charge af Sunday service. CThe flowers in Burketon Churh Sundav mroning in memary of Johrn Cgrter, Roy and Ethel. The loveiv fiQwers from Bumketon friends were given bv the neighbors. In addition ta the wreath a con tribution ofI $21 35 has been made through Burketon United Chumch to the Canadian Cancer Foundation in ZmenoMv c John Carter frorn ruketano commun ity. Words are inadequate ta express our gratitude for the kindness in many ways for over two \'ears in bospitals from Mis. Carter and entime familv. Husbands 1 Wives!a Cet Pop, Vint; Feel Younger Thouunds of couples ame weak, worii-out, ci- hawsted just because body Iaeki iron. For eww ougrfeeling after 40, try Ostrex Tomie ;r'blgezContain iran for pep; supplemerst doses %itamin Bi. 'Get-acqtiainted'" size costs little. Be wi e t i. health. quick Uu~dy ~ta>. r> Otre day. At 4)1 duuts. 5fr-, WEvl'vSLEY VILLE Ail of the parents and sev- eral fmîends of the six local students et Port Hope higl school attended the apening o! that fine institution af learning last Wednesday night, and Mm, and Mrs. Carrall Nicholîs weme Priesent et the banquet. preced- ing the programme for thegni emal public.1 Miss Skibinskî and sebool pu- 1 pils entertained the pme-schoo] cbuîdren and mothers at a Hehiowe'en Party on Wednesday aiternoon. Mrs. F. W. Hayden, Toronto, a former resident bore, spent the weekond with Mr. and Mrs. E. Bamrawciough and those who calîed ta sec hem on Saturday were Mrs. K. Tutt, Mrs. A. Aus- tin, Mis. H. Reeve. Mis. L. Holdaway, azid Mrs. H. Barrow- clough. Mrs. Hayden recently celebrated hem 87th birthday. The new East York market apened on Saturdey and the Oughtred's who hed built up a fine business in fruit and flowers et the aid market were on hand ta meet their former customers. Sunday mornings celm and beautiful weatbem, sa peeceful and stiil that the Port HopeI chimes could ho heard cleer iy here, e distance of five milps tvest ai town, wes entirely out ai sympathy with the tragie weekend. Heartfelt sympathy isV feit for unknown peopile in P othem lands who suffered Io-zsin of liberty, for oui own, people n the eat and et home, ta thev families ai Mm. and Mis. Mal- F] colm. known ta many in this M~ community, and of Mi. C. Brand in the loss ai their bro- S them. t Assistant teachers took charge 0 if classes at SundeY School on Sunday mnorning but ait ar teachers were present in ar he Bible ciass. Larry Ashb*y 0O read the morning Scripture M and.. there were 54 present.- Church service was in charge of Rev. Bonsteel of Janetvili e whule Rev. Harding conduLcte dj nniversary services in thatj bumch. Mr. Bonsteel had been ne of five Canadien delegates to a course in rural sociologyI t Evenston, El1., lest summer, nd gave just a iittleofaithe .esuits ai their stuidy. In Europe I ridge, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Edf and Mrs. Donnie Reid, Banar- Cox, Isllngton; Mr. and Mrs. Fred, law. Toms were recent dinner guests ýMr'and Mrs. Walter Oke with w4th Mm. and Mms. Earl Trewin. M r. and Mms. Bruce Ashton, Mm. and Mrs. L. Fowlem and Pumple Hill. family, Waodville; Mm. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. C. Fergusan and H. Copeland and family, Oak- Bemnice were visitors with Mm. wood; Mm. and Mrs. E. Carlson and Mmâs. W. Laviolette, Port and iamily, Toronto; Mr. and Perry. Mr. H. Stainton, Hampton, with Mm. and Mms. David Malcolm. M. and Mms. L. Stainton. Haydon; Mm. and Mrs. F. W. The Service Club had a Hal- Werry were recent visitars with lowe'en Party et the home of Mmvi. and Mrs, E. A. Wermy. Mr$. R. Virtue on Oct. 30 with Mr. and Mrs. Adami Sharp eight members present. Evemy- with Mr. and Mrs. EarlMasters, one 4rrived gaily dressed andt Bownanville. pizes, for the best costumes Mra. John Griffin spent a day' were won by Mrs. R. Lamb and last wveek with herm muthem, Mrs. Mms. W. E. Rabson. Pl ans f or, E. Fi.nnettFnlnFls card Party et Mms. R. Virtue',M;&dMs.FeneJ.n Fai. n werecomlete. Eeryoe 1were visitors with Mm. and Mrs. welcomne ta this evening aif Hosken Smith, Hampton. cards on Fiday, Nov. 9th, et1 Mrý.'Godon Werry, Toreiite, 8 p.rn. Lunch was served by ispeiffing a week wlth 14r M r. W . Howeils, M rs. W . Grif- and . M s. R. J r it n a d fin ad hotess other relatives. Mr. R. Burgess. Tyrone, Mm.' and Mrs. Carl Ferguson spent Sunday with hem brother i and »eniCe* weme cailes at Mm. and Ms. H.* Stevens. Mrs. N. Smith's and Grant% Mm. and Mms. Geo. Irwin, Brooklin.. Donna Gail and Raciney visited Mms. Ge. Squibb, Churchill, Mm. and Ms. Ros Irwin, Nor - visite. with Mm. and Mrs, John wood.1 E. Griffin. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Reid and Mme.* Thmas Stevenson, Mr. family spent the weekend with Harold and Miss Alice Steven- Mm. and Mms. Francis Reid nd son, Willowdele, were visitomi family, Harold, Ont., and werelwith M. and Mrs. R. J. Ormis- Full and Part Time APPLY B3rookda Ie-Kingsway A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE Buicil Roadmaster 4-door Rhsiera YTou know all that talk you've been hearing Iabout the 1957 new car models being really new? WeJl, in the case of the 1957 Buicks its truc- gospel true. And we bring them to you now with a soaring enthusiasm we can hardly contain-the neuest new Buicks ever buit. Ail New-andl Then Somel WVe meen these 1957 Buicks are new ini the precise and literai sense. We meen new from the ground up, and from gieeming grille to sassy taillights. We mean new lowness, new styling, new bodies, new windshields, new contrôis, new safety- padded instrument panels, new safety steering wheels, new seating, new fabrics, new colors. We mean new front end, new rear end, new frame, new braking, new steering, new handling, new riding, new roadahility-a whole new chassis of greater solidity and safety. We mean V8 engines new from the crankshaft up-engines that poise on new nodal-point mountings for peak freedomn frorn vibration- that "feed" through a rust-free fuel system-that breathe freer and deeper to deliver an ail-trne h ;gh lnhospoe sud compressioo £rom th*l 364-cubic4inch dispiacement. ON DISPLAy TOMORROW ROBSON Bowma nvi île Phnn~ MA L~I~,1 - - -w. .w -w ww~~-u -~ w -. 166 King -St. E. PhneMLd.1' MOTORS sic VER l Buick for 1957 introduces to the Canadian motoring publie all-new, roonlier bodies bolçlly designed in "Dream Car" styling, new and bigger, V-8 engines,' and a new front end suspension that Iniproves ride and handling. The new styling includes a new front end, bigger panoramie windshields with a more rakish siant to the pîllars, three pieée rear windows, new rear end design, new sculptured sweepspear molding and new bumpers both front and rear. Ail models have been reduced in height without loss of headroom. Shown here Is the Special 6-passenger, four-door Riviera. E NNSKILENMr. and Mrs. Lamne Lamb, Miss Sheila Murphy, Tyrane. ENNSKLL N Ruth anid Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. . and Mrs. Norman Wright Ralph Lamnb with Mr. and Mrs. spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Penfound and Mrs.1 Don Larnb. Mrs. Fred Wright, Maple Grave. W.* E. Crago, Ronald and Leland. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms, ac- Providence, spent the weekend and family, Vivian, Ont., were compariied Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd ýn Meaford. ýwith 'Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cox. Siemon, Haydon, and Miss Dor- Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lee.' Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Oke, een Trewin were tee guests of fayne, Terry and Kim, MissijMaster Alpha Bender, Oshawa' Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Moore's, Francine West, Oshawva, w ith1 xvere tea guests with Mr. 'n Shirley. ad Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Bell and [r. and Mrs. Walter Ferguson. Mrs. Albert Oke. famîî3', Toronto, with Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. E. Wright werel Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lamb, Mrs. A. L. Wearn. ;unday callers with Mrs. MeIr-1 Port Credit; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McLean, ha Wright and Mr. Wm. Malley, Lamb, Caesarea, with Mr. and Uxbmidge, were visitors of Mr. rono. MIvs. Lorne Lamb. and Mrs. Alvin Boyd. Little Miss Barbara Beckett Mr. and Mrs. Fred Billett and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ferguson ýd brothers Ton'rnv and Bn an. boys, ScarborouIgh Bluffs, withI with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Masters, shawa, visited withMrn Mr. and r. RyM al. 1Bomnvle _____F._Bekett.P,ý! -- ETis vjsited with1 Mr. and Mis. Austin Brotvn-, m ie4 lb Ltde Bowmanville

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