TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. UOWMANVILLL ONTA~?fl Trophies Presenited at Darlington Football League- Dance ma 'Jhese fiî\e awxards xý,ere presented to the captainstotîs. Capt. Alice Taylor~ received the Darlington-Clarke.: of live differeni îeams on Fridav' evening ait he Darlington1 Girls' softbail trophy on behaîf of her Courtice girls' team.' Football Leagues annual dance in Newcastle Community 1 Capt. Barry Johnston bas the new Breslin Trophy replac- Hall. From lefi to righî: Capt. Grant Williams. Zion Senior ing one which xvas burned in the Solina Communiîy Hall football team, recei'ved the nexv football foi' bis leam s lire early this year and depicting the fact that his team achievement in winnin- top !ea,ýtie honois during regular from Courtice were finalists in the football playoffs. The season play. Capt. I\loî'ris Preston is holding the Jack, captain of Courtice Junior football team, Cliff Barber, Revnolds Memorial Trophy representing the champion- holds the E. A. Werry Family Trophv for winning the snLp viapie 7urove bIiorltba CUUi em wnNUliiin te Plid iiiUL '...-iiifJlU[lfll rom Eniklflitefl. ~*, . ~ A A V'TlT'DTO T jinsons and the Ralph Malcolms St. rauu's Evening VY.A. ~YJ-'IL±UI this weed Recnt îsiorsat he ormn fYelverton folk were Present ecen viitos a th Nomanat the Janetvi]le Anniversa.-y Pl ns B za r i d eaLsons were Mr. and Mrs, services to renew aqanac 1 Murray Thackery, Nanicy and %vwith a past pastur, Rev. A. W. The Evening W'.A. of St.,church on S(Anday in DecenmberHrdingoeeth hs ek . A~ Pail's United Church held a: bY Oîiiario, Jane, Liberty, El- JhnHarding Ti wpk . A N% general meeting in the lectue ,gin and Scugaog groups in thit I.sabelle (Mrs. Norîn) .oined Mis. Jakie Van Damn Sr., was room o hie hiirch Mo -order AiU grOUPS IxViII CO-opei - ber sisier at the bedside vigil 1h optbehots o h roomof t(- hurc, Mndav ate ini decorating the church of her niece. Miss Kerr in Ham- tehsial ots o h evening, Nov'. 5, wilh ihe Norlh trees for Christmias. ilton hospitai. INovember meeting of Yelver- Ward group taking the devo- Athe*g \ 1' t ton W.A., ample proof that ouri tionai period. J\Marv S> cr read tjh eea etnga&t Yletns ateiil aeDrtch - Canadian neighbours a psalm. Margaret Anderson ihe uhirh on Dec. 3, a turkev -Mr. Bruce Lawson, has ac-1have foiînd lheir niche in this gavce a reading on Fa ith. Bessie poiluck supper wilI be held cepted emplovment with "Sam'Il neighbourhood and have in- Martin offereci prayer. .With Liberty SI. group in in Oshawa. Soon be nuihin' but tegr-aled themselves loto church Dors elh,.1reidnt cn-charge of the dinner. The nom- lwe old" men and cripple.s left and communily in a manierý Dois d eth bui-sin von inïing committee wili present i armin' here. thai might welI be emnulat.edi Plans wte busimad e ito purch e < siate o! officers for 1957 ai On Thursday evening the t by New Canadians in other new efrgertorfor th b meeting and officers wiil David Wilsons and ourselves communities. Miss Em Henders a new efrigeator fr the stalled by the Rev. Harold bein represented the community ai, convened the devotional, the rnanse kitchen after the bazaar Turner. the monthly Federation meet- topic contributed by Mrs Geo.' is held. Margaret Welsh, con- venor of the manse, showed 'Pans were complefed for ing held ai the spaciotis home, Heaslip, followed by prayer by i folersnbiine a loal tors.the fal lea and bazaar tIo Le of the Russeli Earles, Cavan.j convenor. Minutes were read J Jean Rice will also continue to hedatechchoSaur- ý O Friday evening the faili by Secretary Peggy Stacey and ïiet on the manse committee. Clay, Nov. 10. season was opened for the Fam- roll caîl was answered by a It was decided to purchase. The Evening W.A. are cater- 11v Club (more appropriately much better than average at- extra bread and butter plates îng for the Lions Christmas1 mon ickered the "Racket" Club) tendance. Mones expended in- for the church kitchen. Flow- dinner on Dec. 17. I wiih a Hallowe'en party in cluded $10 to CARE", .$100 ers are to he placed in the Kay Porter spoke on the Chu rch Hall. The evening fol- towards Cemetery Expansion -* - fBlinco Mission to be held at lowing a short business session, Fund. December meeting to bet the Peterborough Arena on the under the direction or Pres. at Mary Moores'. evening of Nov. 15, for the 'Floyd Stinson, moved along On Wednesday evening local Look hiit ou p t women of the entire Presby- apace to culminate in a deluge pre-schoolers and their mamas L.k wh t ~ gt ery aceas o! Oshawa, Belle- of hot dogs and what not. were guests of S. S. No. 1, (Mrs. wtt avileCobourg and Lindsay. A very good atiendance wel- A. Williams, teacher) at. a Hal- Buses will leave this area for comed new arrivais Mr. and lowe'een party when some 40 Peterborough at about 6:30) Mrs. ogel and family living on children enjoyed a noisy,sticky p.m. and the fare is $1.15, with the lately acquired Walter Neals afternoon in organized play. O L E TE ! W.A. or WM.S. leaders this hand of fellowship to our new and Mes. Murray Malcolm and1 SÇan oUsad vn geoe it of O arm.Yevr;exîetn si OWMnil hno r. ........ te MthoistChuch f Grat ellrepesetedat he armparents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mc- Briainan a embr f te 1sae a Arhu Wrghts n Cn-Mullen of Janetville on the Bil rhaIsoiain esin1, avr. Ta occasion of their wedding an- Mrs.BlacheSteart, lcallovely warm .fai day and Mr. fliversary. atihoityonAfrican violets, Wright had an exceptionally Mise8 Anne, Norma and Who visited us in Novemnber,igood line-up of bovines-even Barbara Wilson spent part of EASY15.,I speak uponvilt andj if of the wrong color! this week with the Carl Smiths TER: conduct. a contest, returnedt Friday evening callers ai tLe Of Bethany (while Ma a *...........' e ad givrto en te a h Malcolm's were the Lio- away). Jeafshehad ive to achnetMonks, Peterborough. Miss -Small in siele .Te prize, a recentîy de-teween. randfo - sm a l i n vetoped violet, was awarded to teweed E T N IL price - giant Susie Graham, who Lad grown A very small atiendance of in perform- twelve large violets, mostîy in "old faithfuls' were on hand Miss Alice Nesbîtt, Toronto, ance! Pro- bloom from the one single leat on Wednesda.v evening ai. ihe, wiih ber sister, Miss Anne Nes- duc@& 32,000 BTUs o! heat per of Azure Beauty trenamed Ri- Prayer Meeting. A poor choice bitt for the weekend. hour. A really fne roomn heater c ochet Romance) given her one of nighis. biednt- Mr. and Mes. A. Pos. Orono. -a dandy auxiliary heater! Se vear ago. Tiiese violets will be lHallowe'en contibtdni- enSnaywhMradMs thlshaowexnhogny'eauy o1d ai the bazaar. ing to the nîîmber pre-sent. for ('rrdVlke for yoiirself. You'Il be amazed Mis. Stewart stated thai <bey 1 on thai evening an 'unsighti.v -ead eee ut is low prce-its high pomer! aie %working now more on don- gatbering of ghouls" were &il Miss Doroihy Siapleton, Kings- Con laan lupet tisheoer ble violets. Leaves from some the prowl through the neigh-tose hewkndwhhr o! these plants alreadY î'ooied, Lourhood. This animal o hos lIv paetM.ndMsGor, obmiwf ceftwere giveii oui to six lucky la- pilgi'image froin house to'hous ta p leton. IIi~* WIIÀ *dies pr-eseni. [lis commendable as a means of, r n Ms -ereiDe S mpathv wàs texpressed for : 'elease froni the humdrurn of and famnilv Who bave been liv-; jMus. Charlie Carruthers. in the life. More fun than a picnic. jigi h aibî !Ms ese I osq o!flier busband, an oui- Mr. and MVrs. Geo. Beaslip 1 Walke v's house. moved Lo Port' standing member of St. Pa uls. wee ecenfly xistors of Ihe!.Hope on Thursdiay.i L anaer as o rdon Heý*,î1 ps and nexýv'j, Miss G;oîia Lane spent thef or ranid -d aung htei o!f 'Toronto. weekeîîd with frienais ai Buffalo.t Neihe etem îîthng Last week with their t~ Mu. Bih Wýade and Miss Mai-- Hardware advantage to thee thai shalH Ke n and !amily in LindsaY.- 7 Kîn St.E. MAlose self-espet. -Mrcusdersori ralled on the Ras' Rob- Branmpton.Tfor, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _M r . a n d ir s . W i l l is J o n e s w it h l _______________________________________ tMi. and Mis. Carman Cornish, - Orono, on Sundav. iMI'S. Victor WKagg, Markham, g Who had file nisfortune to fallU and disiocate hec shoulder, is; REVLO NSith hr daughter andf J 'VMr. and Mrs. Rov BiirieN,,l Oshawa, .&ith Mr. and Me .s. - ~ Witlis i"aiîow ou Sunday. C O IOIr ] " ~VMr. and 11r1s. J. Pye-Finch and N ew C ol ur ;niat snt the week- ha enengaged bo look after sanding operations for the win.-! "Say ASF ier months in the Bronte district. J ~ ~ \â- Mr. and Mrs. J]an Veleke and %VT 1PTC son Jerr *y spent ftle weekend wii with M. and Ms. Van der REFILL Kwaak, &ýarboro.rt Rubies" Retfuis i'Iiek in and out Lo and Mes. Roy McKay and Mr'l and rs. eo.Inglehart, Bronte,ý eaII"DiON*T LET vour insurance oni Sunday. On Monday theyl A right réd rubhy1 probiems care for thensselves shopin . .a . gowprap oe orhoe lom wscast over our busnes, cr o oter ro- vilageFriayevening when it; edryresidents, M.Secr Cai o us Lt s jiv yur urey adben srUkmoved byMe I~WDE% I ESTusday fomth e Ghw er Fun tenton .. an proide terhme. nablancve waCrne- ResdecetevNeto7i5e FIV YERSTO PAN Heatîng Gai Equipanu I FIVE YEAE PAYNENT PLAN - ON ANY NATURAL GAS FURNACE, NATURAL GAS CONVERSION BURNER, NATURAL GAS WATER HEATER, WITH EASY PAY-, NENTS ON YOUR GAS BILL OVER THE NEXT FIVE YEARS. NO NONTHLY PAYMENTS UNTIL APRIL, 1957. y 1 - ~- ~- ~- ~- r- HI-Boy Forced Air Unit $314 $16.60 per nionth plus installation CONVERSION BURNERS $150 $8 per month Here are the benefits Natural Gas offers you! (1) Economy! (2) Elficiency (3) Silent Comfort! (4) Perfect Safety! (5) Free Annual Cleaning by Consumers' Cas Co.! (6) Free Annual Service by Consumers' Cas Co.! (7) Freedom front Maintenance Cosis! (8) No Heating Interruption Through Hydro Failure! (9) Free Air Filter Change by Consumers' Cas Co.! WHEN YOU BUY IENNOXLe.Dy». Grovity Gos Fwwme V y e ned a ean, quiet, capse mf economiesi gas heating unit . .. the you need the Lennor "Lo-Boy'1 Id",i mitsd for bamerent installation, it cou mrvmveluabîe apace. yet assures y" co.npWe connfort! Corrosion-resistij, "ed cabinet gleamae with rîch baked-<i eiaînel . . . exclusive Meilow-Warmi controib keep temperatures constant Cornes ini tbree sizes, one of whichi rigbt for your Lorne. LAt ue show it tm y.o TODAY! ZRNW.BU.WI MARACTIS lui -IMM *VM mL UfiTil uSIU From $270 $8.85 pernonth plus installatiot LENNOX Heating Equipment FIVE YEARS AIl items advertised payable on gas HOT WATER BOILER $549 Inistalled Conmplete mith Bmrner $18 per moîxth j i your monthly bill. ALSO ON DISPLAY A FULL LUNE 0F CLARE JEWEL GAS RANGES Buy from your local authorized Consumers I VISIT BOWMANVILLE'S FINEST HEATING SHOWROOM 5 5 King St. W. Phmone MA 3-3348 HOT WATER STANKS $129 inii slled $3.00 per tiionth G as Dealer bd en Dg te m For the Famous Lennox Motors, Transformers, Eleciric Controls, Heat Exchangers and Cas Burners are ail GUARANTEED m enox TIM CUADIAN *TATUBUAN, BOWMANVR-L& OSTAIUO a re . k