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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Nov 1956, p. 3

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- y --.----- - ---- . - _____________________________ .---- ---- -. - -. --- - ----- ~ - -- '~. ~-- - - - - - .----- -~ - - -r.---.---- -~ - -.--.--.-----.--- .. ~.--..--------.---~- - - - -' ~URS~AY, NOV. Sth, 1956 Th~AN 5WM.ANWJLLaIONTAIM Courtice Girls' Softball Team -Receives Championship Trophy piece dress of rust and black4 taffeta with beige accessories and corsage of bronze 'mums. For their weddnig trip to j points in the United States, the bride donned a brown, wool dress fashioned on Empire lines, with turquoise and brown acces- sories. With it she wore a muskrat jacket and corsage af white 'mums. The couple will reside in Oshawa. Out-of-town guests were pres- ent from Orangevile, Sarnia, Shelburne, Toronto, Oshawa: Brampton, Orono. Newtonville, Castleton, Bowmanville and London. One of the mnost colorful presentations at the Darlington Football 1lAntil, Aldith Morrison, Gloria Phillips,r DJance on Friday at Newcastle was that to a softball team, the Courtice Marion Muir, Lois Antil, Marilyn Welsh, girls, who won the Darlington-Clarke championship af ter an exciting jCapt. Alice Taylor and Rae Brown, leagi summer's activîtv. They are, from lef t to right: Manager Lionel Mcntyre presentation; absent, Beverley Burgess. Dorothy Barber, Merna Peterson, Virginia Brown, Joyce Shearer, Shirleyi Bd e Honored At Many Events 'Newtonville: Mrs. Grant Ham- Elton Silvester, the former Don- na Marie Stark of Newtonville, was entertained by a number of friends prior to her marriage on Oct. 27. Mrs. William Harn- cn and Miss B. Angus held a mriscellaneous shower at the former's home, and Mrs. F. T 1CKRE TS TO EVERYWHERE Air, Rail or Steamship Consuit JURY & LOVEL L Bowmanville 15 King St. W. MA 3-5778 Barnum and daugh 1er also held a miscellaneous shower. A kitchen shower was given by Miss Ann Goodwin and Mrs. R. Lambert at the formers home wben many useful guifs weîle received. Girls from the Gen- eral Motors Parts Pnicing De- Partment wbere the bride is employed, gave a dinner in ber hanor and presented ber with guifs ai crystal and a cook book. Miss Marylou Dobson andI Mrs. B. Caswell each entertain- ed aI showers. The girls ait the Y.W.C.A. in Oshawa entertai o- ed the bride-to-be at lunch and' presented ber with several pieces ai crystal. Interrogate the pasî, Occupy the present, Trust the future. -W. C. E. Newbolî. REFRIGERATORS Largest Stock in Town 14 REFRIGERATORS Io choose from $10 will hold any refrigerator for Christmas delivery INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER 8.2 cu. ft. Refigerator, freezer across the top, shelves in door, fv erwarranty. $ 2 Regular $349 - OnIy $ 2 INTEJRNATIONAL HARVESTER 10.5 cu. ft. Refriglerator, 50 lb. freezer cbest, shelves in door, coppertone front styling, butter keeper, two large cRiers.a $395.95 - OnIy $289.95 TELEVISÎON WESTINGHOUSE 21-inch CONSOLETTE "Marquez". model 2V11K with coppertone front and front tuning Regular $299.95 - OnIy $ 7 PHILIPS'21-inch TABLE MODEL with swivel base $ Regular $295 - Only 2_7_ PHILIPS 21-inch CONSOLETTE with swivel base, with Focalite tuning- this takes the guess work out of tuning, focus on Focalite for picture perfect TV automatically. Genuine hand- rubbed harwood cabinet Regular $379 - OnIy $3w49 RADIOS W'ESTINGHOUSE MANTEL RADIOS with twin speakers ýow Down Payrnent - No P.nYments until 1957 i I I I c L 13 Recent Wedding of Interest - t.. . . ... . .-- - - ...' . . . Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Edward Caverly whose marriage took place in St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Saginaw, Mich. on Sept. 22, are pictured following the ceremony. The bride is the former Janet Ruth Brown, only daughter of Police Sergeant and Mrs. Warren A. Brown of Saginaw, JMichi., and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Caverly, Hampton. Weddings Q ELLIOTT DAVISON' 1 reci trfr", ted hat and white gloves. Her corsage xwas of In a quiet ceremonv in ehe white poms. Mr. andi Mrs. El- Manse of the Presbyterian liott will reside in Nestleton. 1C hurch, Port £err, on Satur - Prior ta ber marriage, show- day afternooon, Oct. 20, Rev.' ers were given for the bride by B. D. Armstrong united in mar- svrlfins nOt riage Margaret Joan Davisonsvrlfin.OnOt5a daughter of MVr. and Mrs. Rich s surprise shower and presenta- t ion arranged by Miss Beth Mc- arad Davison. Nestleton, and Mullen was held at the home Carl Alvin Elliott, son af Mr.a h rdesprns and Mrs. Harold Elliott f fthaiies aens Leaskdale. Schaol cbums presented the' bride with a chest ai stainless The bride wore a waltz length steel fîatware and an aluminurn dress of Dior blue crystalette dish. A decorated basket of mis- fashioned w,Àith low pointeci cellaneous guits was also brought neckline and three-quarter in andi opened by the guest ofj length sleeves. A crystal pink; honor. Girls taking part in the panne velvet pilI box with os- trich feather. and pink shirred1 pragram were Cathy Bailey,j gloves completed lher costume.;GloriandSJale, oce aoey. Her flowers were a corsage aiPtadoonHsfnadBt McvlMuIlen. A dainty lunch wal: pink roses.served by Mrs. Howard McMul The bride was attended bY len and Mrs. Davison. l Miss Beth McMullen af Janet- ville in Pink chramespun ace- SILVESTER - STARK tate on princess lines with small stand-up collar and three-quar- Newtonville United Church ter length sleeves. She wore was the scene of the marriagel wvhite shirred gloves and POw- on Saturday afternoan, Oct. 27,1 der blue velvet half-bat with af Donna Marie Stark, daughter ý a corsage of white carnations. of Mr. and Mrs. James W. Stark,; Mr. Douglas Davisan, Nestle- Newtonvifle, and Grant Hamil-' ton, brother ai the bride, was ton Sîlve ster, son ai Mr. and; best man. Mrs. Lloyd Sîlvester, Orange- A receptian was held for the ville. immediate families at the home1 Baskets ai white and yellow' af the bride's parents, the«Sat musadirns iormed brides mother weari ng a dark Sasakgrumnd fortecrmn blue dress witb white design wbich was performed by Rev. S.' and corsage of white pomrs. The Pike. Mrs. Ross Hallowell play- groomris mother assisted wear-; ed the wedding music and ac- ing charcoal blue wit h pink ac- .campanieci the soloist, Miss cessories and corsage ai Pink Marion Price. carnations. The bride, given in marriage For their wedding trip tO i by ber father, wore a full length Il N'ew York Ci1an ont ngown ai white handclipped, the Atlantic coast, ihe bride Cbantillv lace %vith bouffant' wore a beige wool eress w±is'kirt of peau de soie flowing intoj PRICED TO CLEAR SAVE SAFELY 'Guated NEW Was 379.00 1956 MARCONI 21"1- Now 319.00 NEW was 179.00 1956 MARCONI 17"- Now 149.00 NEW Was 419.00 1956 MARCONI 24"- Now 329.00 Surprie foris in Memorial Hospital, Bow- hmanville, with a heart condi- Co pe on 30 lion. For several erh cn el ducted a general store at Bur- ,,:Anniversary ý ~Practically vraaibl iman is employed cuttirig Christ- 1mas trees. Several loads have Mr. and Mrs. S. H. May (nee gone Out enroule to U.S.A. fWTinnie Ashton) of 91 Forest Lavely weather is welcorn- 11il Road, Toronto, were very ed by everyone. One tree cut- pleasantly surprised last Tues- ter discovered wild strawber- day evening when about 25 of ries in bloom with berrnes Mrs. MaY's immediate family, forming. and two spécial friends, Mr. and Mr. Lawrence Chapman bas Mrs. K. Byers, arrived at the purchased the fine Rittenberg Mrn or. l aoi o fteproperty in the north part of Mr ill ay, oni so of the the illage. M r. C hapm an's re- May's, who was in on the secret1 sidence and garage in Ballyduif receiveci the guests. Under are on the new 35 Highway false pretence he was just about. right of way and bas to be re- ta, take his parents and friend, moved. M iss Joan McGee, ta the Royal! L.O.L. 82 will hold its annual Alexandra Theatre for the'election of officers on Nov. 12. evening. When the honoured couple were sufficiently recovered from!C 1their surprise the gussjindS o e Given lnajolly sing-song wtMr.î Bill May as pianist. Miss Bet I Traveli favaured with two weliR c n Brd selected solos. Corsage P'Reen B id boutonniere were presented to A recent bride, Mrs. Williamc Mr. and Mrs. May and Mrs. E.Mir.tefmr olBdgr C. A hto , t e m the of th~ w as given a surprise show er b i' bride of thirty years ago, also a number of friends at the home Miss Joan McGee and -Mr. Bill May. of Mrs. George Thrasher o11 An address was given by Mrs Weçlnesday evening, Oct. 31. 0. C. Ashton and Mrs. 1. G Thinking' that the occasion Traveil presented the G.ule was a surprise birthday party copl for Miss Collette Cardinal, an with a beautiful floor lamp an depoeen Iebat sln several other gifts from the of which Mrs. Mairs is proprie- family and a Kenwood blanket tor. she found the tables turned from Mr. and Mrs. K. Byers. on arrival and herself the guest Mr. and Mrs. S. May expressed of honour. their apprciation and their soni The b rd %k sp e nt w h also made a very fine speech. acridge ofsrresnted th A movie film was taken of the a corstcagerof roe s ed open party.decrtechiwheseoe- Lunch was serv ed intlii-e er gifts of crystal. Miss ing h romwias lvelvin tedding Cardinal's birthday vas also cake as a table centre which wasreebedadsewsp- artistically decorated by Mrs. G. sented ,vith a number of gifts. Beech. Contests were enjoyed and a lovely lunch served by the bostess. The tea tablc presented a pretty picture with a decorated PONTYPOOL !cake and figures of a bride, groom %and flower girl, made b3y Congratulations ta our grand Mrs. Ted Miller, and bouquet aid man. Mir. Robt. Corbett, of bronze and white 'mumis. wha celebrated bis 9lst birth-- day recently. Anyone wanting 1.0 know the hîstory of our fair village couldn't find any better person to give the necessary U, information than -Robt." Our local butcher is ail] smiles these days and passing cusroM AC out the cigai's. He is the proud father of a baby bo. We also extend our congra- tulations ta Mr. Delbert Olan who was high man in the 501) Bushel Potato Club having aa yield of 663 bushels ta the acre. Other local men were amangI the winners. Our church was well filleci on Sunday al aur Annîversary sriewith Rev. Chisholm af Millbrook delivering a fine ser- mon with his text being "Re build My* Church". Blackstock MVale Choir under the leadership did a fine job in the service of96~~ sang. Wednesday, Nov. 7 will ibe the Ttrkey Supper. omW We wcre sary vta learn that Baskesof te andGEMA Bhyake aswiecoad e Prtsant hu eoratedo.theF Prten t RCapel Satio,3 (F * ',.~brucken, Germany, for the mari niage on Sept. 151h of Nancy Q Editb Hagerman, daughter ai Mr. and Mrs. Altan Hagerman, Maple Grave, Ont., and Capt.i George Nelson Tuscott, R.C.D.C., .,son of Mr-. and Mrs. Charles Truscott, Battleford, Sask. S. M. Parkhouse per- formed the ceremony. The wedding music was played by Mrs. Robert Allun and Mrz * Turk sang, " The Lord's Pray- er" and "Because." The bride, given in marniage by Capt. R. J. K. Pyne, wore an anikle length gown of wbite Nottingham lace wîth scalloped n eckline andi long sleeves end- igin points over the hands. Acrown of pearl leaves helci j er elbow length veil. She Nancy Brown, Carol Courtice,i carried a bouquet ai white car- iIricn Kehoe, Janet Phillips, nations w'ith a single mauve ýue pre.sident who made the orcbid and short streamers of ivy. Miss Margaret Hoselton, Bath, ________________________________Ont.. xvas bridesmaid, wearing an ankle lengtb lace gown ai a cathedral train. The fitted stycapge hd il bodice had a V neckline front alloPed neckline and three- and back and long sleees form- quarter. length sleeves. Her v s accessories were oi bottle green j ing points over the hands. With and she carried a bouquet ai il she wore a pearl choker and bronze chrysantbemums. earrings. S/L William Buchari, F raser-i A cî-own ai sequins and pearis burgb,, Scotland, and Vancou- held her fingertip veil and she ver, B.C., acted as best, man cried a white Bible crested and ushering were F/O R. Rowe1 with yellow roses and white and F/O K. Commons, bath ai spider 'mums with fern tipped 'Vancouver, B.C. streamers. At the reception held in the Miss Joan Luke was maid of Airwomen's Laungers R 1J honur nd ridsmads ereK. ynewelomd he gestsJ Miss Gwan Strk e adMiss ea.ring agr-lete-pet, Misrylou Serilae. A ioerss weaith pink acbessoie and b arllerina vleng owsAiUmize crsge ipinkacsrntions. f charm crystal with empire bodîce Leaving an a wedding tript i of lace. Streamers from match- through the Black Forest,N ing bows at the back fell ta the Southern France and Majorca,1 hemline. They wore crowns ai the bride wore a navy suit withy pearl studded petls and match- pink accessories and corsage ai ing mittens and carried nosegays pink carnations. On their ne-t obronze and yellow 'mums. turn the couple will reside in Mn. Stuart Silvesten was best Metz, France, until next July o man and ushers were Mr. Rog- when they will return to Can-& er Silvester and Mr. Elwood ada and take up residence in I Moore. Ottawa. i chuch were received in the The bride before ber mar-t nihr, parlours, the bride's rnage was a dental assistantIA mohrwearing a sheath dress with 3 (F) Wîng. R.C.A F.-, of aId gold taffeta witb tan an- Women's Division at Zwei- td beige accessonies, and corsage ai brucken. The groom is a den- s yellow 'mums. The groom's taI surgeon with the First Div- 4b niother assisted, wearing a two-! ision, R.C.A.F., at Metz, 1What ____ Give you more hours of Pleasure than E 'o4 'p e - but this Value 15 BIG! Marcon i 17" BIG ALUMINIZED PICTIJRE TUBE *Ail Front Controls *Cascode Tuneri * Free Trial - No Obligation m 195 7 SET- $199.50 Matching Base on 12" Legs Choose from the Largest Selection and Best Service 'in Bowmanville TeIyj 0 3 3 King St. W. ervie Serve c3m88 Phone MA 3-3883 USED WESTINGHOUSE Refrigerator - Only COWAN Equipment Co. $119 WESTINGHOUSE 21-jnch "San Marco" Regular $269.95- OnIy We only have a small picture $249 bd King St. e. Bowmanville Phon e MA 3-5689 . 1 ài a 1 1 qqm duàvÀLmlllr ýuý. m il Co*

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