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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Nov 1956, p. 7

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r - - .- .-.--------------- - - .. t . *, '. . . .r -.- 'Y 4 - r r - , .. - - .- -. r. -t ~,- - jr THURSDAY, NOV. Sth, 1956 Mrs. L. Smith, Kitchener, le visiting Mr. L. B. Nichofls Carlisle Ave. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Edwards and girls, North Bay, visite. their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R B. Clark, over the weekend. Mr. Thomas Harris who le 89 years of age is convalescing at the Sidbrook Private Hos- Pital, Cobourg. Mr. Bud Pethick, Toronto, is speriding a few days' holiday, With his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F.C. Pethick.. Murray Winacott has mnoved Io Peterborough to take ut) employment in the accounting department of Canadiari Gen- wiral Electric. SHeartiest congratulations gc to Mrs. John Pringle at the Strathhaven Rest Home who on Nov. 7th celebrated her 92nd birthday. Mrs. Pringle is in fair health and able to be up for part of each day after suf- fering a broken hipi last year. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Winacott ST. JOHN'S CHURCH (Anlilean> Remembrance Day 8 a.m. - HOLY COMMUNION 10 and 11 a.m. - CHURCH SCHOOL 11 - MORNING PRAYER Church Parade off Branch 178, Canadian Legion B.E.S.L. 7 p.m. - EVENING FRAYER SOrga 71p _____________________________ TEE ÇANADMAN 5ATESMAK. EOWMANVfflXZ.OPTAPM - s and Sandra have moved to Ot. s, tawa where Lloyd has rejoineé the Defense Research Board is and will be engaged in th. d study of the Transmîsion ci 1. Radio SignaIs at Radio Physicç Laboratory, Shirley Bay. is Mr. Ossie Williams of 28 g Orchard Ave. says he would -appreciate it very much if the persan or persons who found the four hubcaps froni his car Swould give bum a cail. It seenis they were lost while his car was parked in front of his 3home last Friday evenîng. The officiai syllabus for the llth annual Peterborough Ki- .wanis Music Festival for Ma- 8th ta l6th is now off the press. Entries close Jan. 15, 1957. If interested send now for copy ta Festival Secretary, Mrs. A. W. Vaisey, 644 McKellar St., Peterborough. Congratulations to J. R. Heal »off Hampton, a first year studeni in the tool design course, mech- anical and industrial technol. ogy, at Ryerson Institute, Tor- onto, who recently won the sloo Link Beit Ltd. prize for highest standing and worth ini bis year. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Bagnel] and Gail attended the Ice Follies in Detroit last weekend of whicb their daughter Lynne is a member. They were ac- canipanied by Mr. and Mrs. Roland Gauthier of Roberva!, Que., who have been visiting theni. Dr. and Mrs. Howard Rundle, Col. and Mlrs. L. T. McLaugb-, lin and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. James were invited guests from Bowmanville who- attended the annual chrysanthemurn tea given by Colonel and Mrs. R. S. McLaughlin on Saturdayl aiternoon at their home "Park- wood," Oshawa. Mr. Glen Hughes, President of the Bowmanville Skating Club, acconipanied by Mr, E. R. S. McLaughlin, Osbawa, vice-president of the Canadian Figure Skating Association, flew ta Vancouver on Oct. 25 ta, at- tend the annual meeting of the governing cauncil of the Can- adian Figure Skating Asocia- tian. Mr. Hughes retûrned home Oct. 3th. The ve r warm Indian Si mer we have experienced Falbas. caused flowers garden plants to bloomi ag This week Mr. Thomas Go il Liberty St. S., Bowmanv brought in a sample off gr pea vines in biossom wit] number of pods formed. If wather only holds for a wl Mn. Gould may have greenp fresh from the garden for c ner in November. this anc gain, *uld, 'ille, reen the hie. peas din- k 'i tc p et th cScial &£/)ersonaI Phone MA 3-3303 ins uggestion as "nuawinic- ing the people" since munic- pal callection had been institu- ted with the thought in mind that collection wouid be fram the back af the bouse. Coun. Lathangue disagreed with the reeve.j Ma ' or Nelson Osborne re- minded council, "If the present truck can't pick it up in tume, we have the option of buying anather truck or having peo- ple carry the garbage out". Rather than pursue the ques- tion. counicil decided ta relin- quish the discussion for th-c night. Wuns Speaoking (Continued from »page one) en af Orono ta présent the Dur- ham Club shield ta the winner, David Williams. Mrs. Bowen ex ended ta David an invitation to attend the next meeting af th Durham Club in Toronto ao lot theni hear his speech. Bawmanviile Lions Club présent a shield for annual' onipetition aiso and David Brent, received this. Mîs. Baw- n then invited David ta attend ue Durham Club with David Xiliiams. Mr. Bryant, a nepresentative fronu the Por-t Hope Lions Club, preCented five silver cups and Mr. J. Roughley off Bawman- ville Lions Club presented the other five contestants with sul- ver cups. Mr. Alex Carruthers off Port Hope, expressed the apprecia- tion off the Durham Trustees and Ratepayors Association ta ail those who had in any way made this contest successfui. After announcing thtý' next contest ta be heid in Havelack on Friday, Nov. 16 at 1,30 p.m. where David Williîams and Da- vid Brent wili again speak in the district contest, the chair- man closed the meeting. Poteito (Continued from page one) Guelph in October. He also acknowledged cash and prize donations frotn the Manvers and Cavan Townships, the Durham Crop Improvement Assn. and several commercial firms. John M. James., M.P., brought gneetings and, for a few moments, discussed the international crisis in which the world finds itself and explained Canada*s stand on the dispute. Other speakers in- cluded Reeves Lloyd Hooton, Cavan, and Earl Argue of Man- vers Township. bath off whom expressed their pleasure nt be- ing invited ta attend and indicat- ed their support of the Potato Club. R. E. Goadin. who had been a Joint judge of the competition with Mr. Summens. introduced guest speaker James Whanry, genenal manager off the Quaker atsompany off Peterborough. Mn. Wharry provided a hum- onouz addness cancerning four farmers whose farms joîned at an old elm tree. Three had adjusted ta changing conditions and were doing weii, while the ffourth retained bis stubbornness rtoward change and was barely jmaking a living. In conclusion, he suggested that, with ail their problenis, farmers were much happier in their chosen profes- sion than were most people liv- ing in the towns and citiez. jMusic was provided by Mms. Lawrence Winslow who gave twa deiightful vocal solos, ac- conipanied by Miss Clary. Monday night the monthly executive mee.ang af the local Association was held at the home of Mrs. Dorothy Marlaw. The response ta Brawnies has, been sa well rmceived that we had ta divide into twa packs. Shirley Turner was pronioted1 to Brown Owl Na. 2, and Josie Hamilton, Brown 0w-i No. 1. Jessie Gunter and Jessie Bowles will be Josie's helpers until an- other Tawny OwI can be secur- ed. The two Jessies expect ta commence a Girl Guide Croup by the heginning of the year. The Brawnies met Manday night in one graup but next Monday will m-eet ini two packs in the Conimunity Hall. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Newton and Mr. and Mrs. W. G. New- ton, Toranto, visited Mrs. Geo. Crawford and Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Pearce Monday. W. A. of the United Church met Tuesday, Oct. 30, at the home of Mrs. Merrili Van Camp. Meeting was opened 'by the President, Mrs. Warner Brawn. Several thank-you notes were read. Discussion rc, at- tending the Blinco Mission in Peterborough. Final arrange- ments re the bazaar ta be held in the Sunday Schoal rooni Nov. 21. Mrs. Neil Werry read an item from the Sang af the Lazy E'armer. It had been previaus- ly arranged that at this mcet- ing instead af a prograni al bring their work and prolong the tume for visiting. A deli- cious lunch was served by the group. There were 22 ladies and 14 children present. Tuesday the polio vaccination, ciinic for pre-schaol children s being beld in the Recreation Centre. Several members af the ).N.O. service club assisted. MAPLE GROVE Mrs. A. Beech visited with 'Mr. and Mrs. Dan Blàck, Courtice, iast Tbursday. SMiss Carole Greenhani spent the weekend with Miss Carmnon Burrison, Gore's Landing. Miss Ethel Axford, town, spent tbe weekend with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Snowden. Mrs. A. Beech accampanied Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Beech, Janice, Bannie, Maple Grave; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lanieî-, son Franklin, daugbter Ruth, South Mona.gban; Mr. and Mrs. Austin Larmen, town, were Sunday visitons with the former's daugh- ter, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Carr, East Beach, Bowmanviile. - MANVERS STATION Mr. and Mns. John Muir, Ca4edon; Mrs. Jean Watson, Eng- land, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Johnston. Mn. and Mrs. Shepherd, Pet- erbonough, were guests off Mn. and Mrs. Sydney Powers. Quite a number from bere attended the anniversarv service at Pontypool, Sunday night. Rev.j F. P. Chisholm, Millbrook, the guest preacher, gave a very in- spining. sermon on "Building AI Church' taking bis text fromJ St. Matthew. The music was provided by the Maie Choir from Blackstock. Mn. and Mn,. Harold Thomp- son visited with Miss Lily Thompson, Bethany, on Sunday.1 A lange crawd attended the 500 Bushel Potato Club banquet J at the Millbnock United Church on 1rriday night. We would lilce ta add our congratulations ta Mn. Deibert Olan on wînning first prize. Mns. W. Bradey spent several days lust week in Oshawa with her daughter, Mns. Robt. Baker. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Porter were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crowley, Millbrook, Mon- day night. COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THIS WEEK PERTS OXIHDECA TOOSTTH PASTE Cou gh and CoId RemediesI Bronehida Cold Capsules 1.25 Vicks VapoRub,-.- 53c, 98e Bronhid Cogh Srup75e Va-Tro-Nol Nose Drops 53e Brochia Cug Syup 5e.Jack & Jili Cough Syrup 'OC, Idaphedrin Nasal, Spray 95c Pertussin - -- 6&Z, 1.19 Smith Brothers Idarub, Chest-Rub ---- 49c Cough Draps -___ 10eO Brand1 'AX PAPER -idispenser box with edge 12 inch x 100 foot roll -- mec National Kleenex Week Nov.'5 to Nov, il I.DA. TOILET TISSUE 750 sheet rall 2 for 25e Save 3le on Lady Esther 4-PURPOSE FACE CREAMI W*l .eisFE Ofe - Gillette RSUPER-SPEED aod faow MS5 I>CK 129 S$1.50 size Now only 1,19 I.D.A. PAPER NAPKINS 70's, white embossed S-PE I-A L or, 1 7c 2 orn33 MILK 0F MAGNESIA I.DA. IDOL-AGAR' LABLETS A palatable emulsion ta A pleasant-tasting promote regularity. Can laxative be taken plain or mixed 100' 300s 1with milk or water. reg. 39e reg. 89C 16 oz. 40 oz. reg. 98c reg. 1.89 29c 59c 79c 1.59 BEEF, MRON and WINE A.B.S. & C. TABLETS Containing Vitamin, Bi A reliable remedy for the He]ps buuld strength. eifo cntpto restore normal health rle fcntpto 16 oz. -__7c 100'8 9 reg. 1.00reg.23 Diabetic Suppies ... SPECIAL ON ABSORBENT COTTE 1 pound (grass weight) rall, haspital grade Absorbent 1, 2. 4, 8 ounce IDA 29e, 45c, 75c, 1.25 SACCHARIN TA Clinitest Regular Set- 14 Grain JIncludes 36 Tablets 3.45 100'8 500's Refi 36 Tablets 1.15 20e 55e Refil100 Tabletu -1*15 % Grain Insulin Toronto lOce. 100's 500*s 40-unit 83c 80-unit 10 23c 65e Protamin Zinc Insulin 10 ce. TESTAPE R 40-unit 96e 80-unit 1.85 * Convenient Insulin Needies 2,5e * accurat( Insulin Syringe ___ 2.75 Approximately 100 tests 3.40 PRESCRI PTIONS ABLETS 79e 1000's 98e ýE SUGAR ry Llly *Simple te p... Balanced Fitness - PLASANT TASTIOF UTrS HERIE! i THfhI SZES$1.5 *75 - 4 1 Alex. McGregor, We Deliver Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store Drugs Phone MA 3-5792 Wedding in Germany BETHÀNY Dr.tL. lB Wllam, etile, M.hndMIrh PMmorial ospand -Ameicaon the Verge of His- daughter, Mr. Stanley Fletcher, On Monday afternoon a Polio toy" on Thursday evening, Nov. Toronto, were Sunday guests of We ekly Report Prevention Clinic was held in 15. Canada will emerge froni Mr. and Mrs. G. Fletcher. For the week of Oct. 28-Nov. 1Bethany for children of the dist- the chrysalis of a dark, unknown Misses Gibson and Mitchell, ~ rict. with over 150 pre-schaol continent into the glare, of In- Bowmanville. are student teach- ~4 children receiving their innocu- ternational nationhood. Even ers at our shool his week from Births, 5 male, 3 femnale --8 lation with Salk vacciihe. Dr. the headlands of Canada's re- Peterborough Teachers' College. Dîscharges 67 Marion Henderson, acting for Dr. sources have scarcely been M Charlotte Horner of the Medical scratched. The program wilî I.e .adMs hne e-Mjroeain Heath oar fr Nrthnier-thenewwold' an 'warden and Wade were Sunday Minor operations 20 land and Durham Counties took first history lesson with gor- evren nd vsitrs ofdMrs. en. Emegenfcytents r10bise charge, with two nurses, Miss A. geous colored slides, music and ar hs at r ulse Robins and Miss N. Williams1 commentary. The Women's 1.1 Penwarden. weekly in an effort to acquaint assisting her in the wvork. Local1 stitute is ta be congratulae Mr. and Mrs. Murray Vea, ti omnt ihtesr assistants were Mrs. Douglas for sponsoring such a social wel- Bowmanville, were Sunday su iesopurhsptl Smelt, Mrs. N. Wood, Mrs. H. F. f are service to stimulateapegessoMradMs.Pu 1 Rayson and Mrs. Hugh DeGeer, greater interest in the history Vaneyk. graduates of the local Red Cross of our great country.-G.W.J. Mrs. A. J. McLaggan wasa Home Nursing Class. Friday evening visitor at the The adie' God Lck LdgePaul Vaneyk home. he L adiuesoofu ckprodgeve L NG SÀULT 1- Mrs. E. Murphy and Mr. and MA 3-3303 euchre party an Friday eveningI Mrs. Harold Murphy and fani- in the Orange Hall with 10 tables falwe at ily were Sunday Supper guests for tof players. Prizes for high iloenPat of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Murphy, Uuva score went to Mrs.- Verceda 1 One of the largest crowds Bowmanville. W frt Strong and Ra *y Porteous: con- ever attended our annual Hal- ------- solation prizes ta Miss Dianne lowe'en party Wednesday ev- Smith ado Miss Diane Bigelow; ening in thue school. The par- Through the wholesomne chas-SRVC lucky do prize ta Bruce Smith. ade gat oftoa great start tisements of Love, nations are Lunch was served and a social with Mrs. Don Davey at the helped onward towýards justice, hour enioyed. The ladies plan piano and the three judge.s: righteousness, and peace, which a similar event for Nov. l6th. Miss Elizabeth Knox, Miss are the landmarks Of prosperity. Guests with Mrs. Ina Palier Brown and Mr. RobertSi, -Mary Baker Eddy. during the weckendwee ad a hard time ta pick the and Mrs. H. McMahon of Peter- final winners. They were as borough: Mr. and Mrs. ElmerT follows: pre-school age- boy, Hart, Mount Horeb. Bruce McLaggan, as a pota'o M The sympathy of the commun- boy: girl, Heather McLaggan, ity is extended ta Mrs. Hazel as a Saturday night kid; school - __ er, Mrs. Edward Swanson of 'boy, Allyn Barrett; couple, Bawmanville, fornierly of Beth- Lyn Stainton and Shelagti any. Murphy.4 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rowland, Chinese girl, Margaret Theis- SUI Otwspent the weekend with burger; Indian Boy, Henry Van Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rowland. Beck; darkie couple, Stuart _________ Mrs. Florence Johnston and Hooey and Jim Woodlev- comîc her sister Miss Mary McKenzie child, Jimmy Youngnian as fat have gone ta Florida for the next ma,;' camic lady was Mis. four mnths. Gwen Murphy as Lady hn H v htC rsm sPrri ae o Sgt. Cameron Rowan of the Black. H v hiCrsm sPrri ae o Royal Canadian Motinted Police Tetobs rse ope United in a ceremony at Zweibrucken, Germany, on Force has returned ta his hcad- Teetwobstadressd coupls. B a htgpernedfrieporiue 'Sept. 15 were Nancy Edith Hagerman, daughter of Mr' and quarters at Halifax, NNS.. fol- waee mas ad and ,Mrs. Byapoorahrntd o iepotatr Mr. lonHgemaMal Govan ap.George la wing three weeks' vacation MblMyadadMs o Mrs Alon ageman MaleGroe, nd apt ~ spent here with his parents, Mr. ace Hall:. two labourers, Mrs. Nelson Truscott, R.C.D.C., son of Mr. and Mrs. C harles and Mrs. Walter Row'an. Effa Stainton and Mrs. Pauline Truscott, Battieford, Sask. The couple will reside in Metz, Mr. and Mrs. John Palmer Alldread. France, where the groom is a dental surgeon with the lst and son BilIy and Mrs. 1. Palm- Several games were played Division R.C.A.F. er visited recently with Rev. T. under the leadership af Mrs. S. Gault and Mrs. Gault at Fen- Jean Youngman, Mrs. Gerta elon Falls. McLaggan and Mrs. Audrey Gaibag BLACSTOCK Miss Lily Thompsan spent the Roseveaix Abundant lunch was P HO TO GR AP HE R G CoIb Cgge BL CKST CK eekend in Peterborough wit h served t everyone, winding u ,Mr. and Mrs. Walter Thonipson1 one of the best evening's en- <Cantinued from page one±) Mesdames Gwen Ballingýil, Editor's Note-Bethany is go- Itertainment ever hiad in the ~Smo t .OH W A505 the garbage out ta the front of Shirley Turner, Jessie Guniter ing Ia be favored wi th sanie- 1 school at Hallowe'en tume. j Parking in Oshawa is no longer a problemi their houses, possîbly three and Jessie Bowles attended a1 thing historically unique, edu- 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cook and men could be discharged. Guiders and Brownie Training cational and varied entertain- Lauraine were Sunday supperi Reeve id Litie la Course in Bowmanville Satur- - Rev i itelbelled day. TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Mlinister - Rev. T. Arthur Morgan, B.A. anist-Mr. Arthur Callison, Mus. Bach., L.R.S.M. ta A.31. - Bey. T. A. Morgan Rev. R. H. Wylie, B.A of Port Ferry $selyoL Christmas Cards of every kind Religious - Humorous - Traditional or Modern. Whichever type you prefer you'I find it in our big selection. CURRIER & IVES CARDS by Coutts - box of 12 $1. RUST CRAFT GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY as8 ortment - with modern deuigne In Pink! Box of 16 ________ 12 THE CHRISTMAS SHRINE, box of 14 ____79e JUMBO VALUE, box 50 RUST CRAFT CARDS $1.99 "THE SPORTSMAN".- A Man's Card- 12 for 81.00 BOXES 0F ONE DESIGN 25 foer $1.00 are just a few of the hundreds in stock. PERSONAL GREETING CARDS by Looart - Coutts - National Core ne » oo and choose your Lards at Rickaby's. -- 1 fmý àqà»Almiliq» ON THRÉE SIZES$1.25 - 75t .4ie SPECIALTY

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