PAGE ZYGET TEE CAYADIA!I S'!'ATESMAIi. gOWMANV!LLE. OftA~XO '¶'WT7W~1~.&V. ?~?f~V~ 9quâ ISSU ,fored n iporantfunction!was held at the home of Mr. History of Olyrnpic G~ain the athetic world and have and Mrs. Wm. Stephenson, Fri- Itrsig !rm a History of O ympic Games.created wide appeal to ail sport dav evening. Maneesig Prga Champonshp Addess oyers. Saturday evening Mrs. Peter'GoeI t Ch mpon hi A drss 'Winter sporzs were first Gatcheli entertained severalM pie G ovnsiuue started in the Olympie Games neighbors and a shower of giftts 1vn b D v d WpIrairs f~ogram in 1924 and this adci- for Mrs. Norman McKeen (e Maple Grove-Guests of Ma- h usind wehrte G i e y D v d W li m dseventeen more events. The Marion Haines), pie Grove Women's Institute on mother facing the hazards cf 1952 program covered nearly Nv 2h nldd e.T r1ince ieo h oe The OlI\npic Games wh;cni veloped. more races and diffen- 30 different types of a.hletic thrN o rga2t. n, Tninie.T . Chr-h, j other fciog the p oderno are eîn hed t:s earin us-enttyps o cotess wre fl.COf tets..I' L ETOLLUi Bowmanville: Mr. Ron Brooks an advanced civilization such tralia, starting this month. are' cluded sucn as oratorv. paint- A great deal more int~estps n resen eae o a'l a s pwrul machines, liquor, beîg pbliize cosieral'.~ îg. cultue ad m~îc ba beenshon snceRusia Mrs. Gordon McLean and Miss pie Grove boys clubs, Mrs. narcotics, etc., faced the great- in the press these daYs as tho Foilowing the period of the entered her first Olymp ie tearn EidKned Ubrde std'BokCrsCrdma. fetta teas ae eirg raiedand Roman dlomina.,ion the Olmp- foryasag tteg mes iss Rose Mountioy. 1954 championship soccer team; lime spent ini watching chl-i le.aving for this greatest o! ail pie Games became even more held in Helsinki, Finland. The Ul liofre ri tterfe lyad world sponting events. papuIar Th copttRuss u fldot -win a ige Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Harris are BhAlsn omrTalRn rna hi repa n goul .Te cmei o l rea ntakad il iiigtiswe ihhssseger. end 13 bysof the newly in studVing them and encour- For those of our readers who.I were required ta go through a glevent ta nveaandHoweld1'er Mr tiswekvt hs. .M Nclo!Mdc n rgaie yogap gn tersl xrsint are flot familiar with history of strenuous ten month period o vnsta er oeeMs .M io fMdcad rs. eeu Jeffgre.cnvne' iscoverasel expriticla the Olympic Games we are training in a gymnasium. since 1952 these same Russians.' other relatives. 1 i .CclJfry ovnrýdsoe hl' atclr not ta be outdone by' anv other Misses Shirley Bumstead of oIf CommunitN' Activities and need is betten spent than in. pleased to publish the address The fifth or final day o! the cuty aewre ieba oat n aiy isno Public Relations Committee, regretful memnonies. Whr Wnithiamsubj-ear in whichDaid festival was set apar-i for pro- vers ta, improve and taday Greenbank, were reirent guests %vas in the chair for the pro-chnddren areconveainomeri- Willias, 12year-ld puil incessions and banquets ta, the loom as a neal threat to the;of Miss Eunice Wiso.gram. Mns. E. (Ted.) Foley n aivcnvraino i Grade 8 at the Bowmanvilla viclors. Each winne~r as also United States for to Olympie opened the prognam with cami vil national and world affairs, Central Schaol. and son o! Mr. presented with a garland Of honours. aMn. and Mrs. Frank Symons munity singing with Mns. C. H. thy rmel Mkely to be well in- an Ms.Doal wild olive cwg ut froom a But what of aur own country ndfmlBwavle ad Snowden nt the piano. omdadls prejudiced. won the Whm ion iams f or -sard twigads llmbrnc, r. Gib Marlow visited Mrs. The niotto-"The light that thus wil their social attitud esj chmponhi fr ur scrd re ad plmbrncCanada? How do we measuýe Nelson Marlow. .hnsfnhssie ngt be influenced. Mns. McGuirk 1 bain County in the recent Pub- cignifvinc, peace while bis name iUP with these aýhletes from ail sconcIudertwith the thought It lie Speakin-g Contests. His most ,%,as being proclaimed by the 1 vrtewrd9WyhsCn Mr. and Mns. Marvin Nesbitt estathm" copoe a n htCh andit hes t home.' informative and 'entertaining heralds. Henceforth these men .îm~ were guests o! Mr. and Mrs.ta C riybgna hm' address follows: lad a neyer held the *lrný read by Mrs. Thos. McGuirk, isDrtyjoe otiu were treated like heroes. Games in this country? Why' i L rovd Slemnon, Haydon, tC> cele- asked. what is home? Is it just Ms ooh oe otiu Ladies, Gentlemen, Boys and Next came the period of mod- it that -ehae abg o brate two wedding anniversaries a bouse or a place where chu- ted two much enjoyed piano Gil-ern Olympie Games which enough money ta send our littîl -Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms Of dren find love, protection, un- sls Tbis aflernoon I would like wene brought about by a French gnoup of athietes ta Australia Eniskillen and Mr. and Mrs. M. derstanding and seeurity? Over Mn. Brooks spoke of bis wonk ta speak ta you about the Olym- Baron named Pierre de Couben- this vear? These are ahi ques- Nesbitt. the centuries the obligations of as a.'leader of boys' groups and pic Games ta be heid ;in Novem- jtin. The first of these games tions-that we should be think- Mn. and Mrs. H. Eliiott and motherhood have ehanged very co!sde the ay on ple air ber o! this year in Melbourne, w'as he!d îb Alhens. Greece, in ing about. family a! Leaskdale wene Sun- little, Mrs. McGuirk said and dfftee n aegougpeopdle o N~eutra] Olympie Stadiumn in the vear 1896. The eontes:s be- To me, the Olympie Games day supper guests o! Mr. and lack o! eade rusHe ain-h .Aust~Aia fewcame mare modern in charac- represent csamething good and Mrs. Carl Ehiiatt. --acRe eifesedaserehip.! aH-F i -1 I would like ta tzrke a e ter and brought together ath- xvholesome in sport. First, andj Mrs. Perce Leal, Joanne ad ReeU grd oo io!fanageiFi beee minutes ta tell you about the letes from almost Fil parts o!f most important, is the faet i Sh aron and a neighbour, ah]o opof eGnT.SimaCand bthe Y. onIgin and histonical back- the civilized worid. John Coni- tha, anly amateur athietes are Lakefield. were necent callens in Cp .I.T. S pease ad tahans- ground of the Olynie Gamnes. noll.v o! the United States be- allowed ta campsete. Fellows the village. A ward Pw erovn a queosdfro nsh The earliest record of these amne the finst Olympir Chamn- and girls compete because they Mn. and Mrs. Jas. H-arris and esvraqutinforth games dates back ta the 19th p ot be cnawned in more trulY love spart and not for Mrs. Alice Farder were Sunday , ' ladies. Centurýy B.C. They were organ- ',han 15 centuries by winning nloney they wil 0e paid if thc2v supper guests of Mn. and Mrs. R. Mrba's ornkfo rt drict, ized bv a Gneek called Iphitus the hop, step and îump. olbwn otikthyet ol"sot en'., I wasînrduedfo rhs. desfreyt, Ia town ealled Olympia. 1 Since 1896 many caunitnies wa" ta foster more interest in ,Svmpathy o! the eammunity ' esa in thedru ras hee [he purpase of s:aging thee! have piaved hast ta these Olympuc Games, and ail typesj is extended ta Mns. Harold Bea-Hesdithrua estee games was ta establish peace, Olympic Games. They have jo! 'amateur spart, is ta start cock, Mn. and Mrs. Allen Bea- ~ smr iefnteral m ibetween ail Gneek States. Thev' been held tin PariF. S*:. Louis, ight here at home with aur cock and othen relatives and portent things o! life. None ot' were held every four years! London. Stockholm . Amnster- awn scllool field da: .f iends in the passing o! Mr k-ut possily nduecta tr h pres- during a festival period wxhichi dam, Berlin, SNvitzerland, Non- Let us get as mauîy boys and Harold Beacock in Oshawa Gen-* u osbydet h rs las:zed fix'e days. and the onîx' wax', and many other places, girls as possible 'nterested in ieral Hospital. The funenal was . sures o! life taday we seek aur artual race that xvas run wasj bu:' ne\'er in Canada. , taking part in. the vaniaus 1 held froni McDermott - Pania- i1 own com!ont and do negleet a two hundned yard foot race. Fo th de bgn ing vns ar i lnrai ae alust ieGoe Howevn, a thegame de-0f te moest ogining vent. Cary hs pln nigt baer pnlous taPineGrav: - atisied hildmax obe tdis- owvrastegmsd of1896 the games have per'- thnough High School and Uni- Cernetery on Saturdav. jsutit f i id-st epping epret, ----vensity and get aur parents in- Friends also extend svmpathy Nltof ami-ty ihfupayents-, terested in this program ton, tao the famiiv and fniends o! the letkt an pol n e IlJ dad is sufficientlv interse ae Mrs. Norman MountjoY who e its oes.polead inorefrsh ilgetaother passed away at the home o! ber i os Fojtein alu i . . 1m n t oeffot an e wihlidLihti Between the ages of 8 ta 181 F o t e er b si ~ . en ta m. n eu nd fwth isi daughteux bils r te r, eyears thee is more influencel A LL ALUI NUM tecair o aâd' thesq il a J ame aclmSn-din te aumteside t ted will gradualy imprave ta the dayv. The funeral was hehd in Hence the importance of the point where people wan't won- Cobourg on Tuesday. Sympathyý aueo h ag V IN ) )V S der whether Russia or United is extended tram the cammunity. From bis experience asa1 JI\./\IVI,%,REIN W N D W States xiii win-it xiii be Patrons of Colonial bus lines boy's leader in earlier years. "WthotfrCnd. rmPr eroPtbruh!Mr. Morgan told o! a gang of! " X V ~ t c h a u t f o r C a n d a . t r a P a t P n n y t a e n a o u gt u g h i e s w h o o n e d a y l e t o n an D O In clasing. let me remind you will be disappointed ta learn Bert ,Yhnston thtte . o and UU~)K~S~~-"that the original idea o! these that as of last Wednesday ahi eei i:Israc htte i o ealy like Let us hope that the thletes bus west at 3 a.m. on Friday and Company o! Canada announced better ruies for themsehves r epresenting this great country east at 12:57 a.m. on Sundàay. rcn htMn. BrtJohoston Only one !ailed and he rd CiGet laa! ours will aiso bean this iii Your correspondent xiii be o! omnil had attained' uated ta Kingston possibîx' for ind and do thein best to not pleased ta renexv vour States- membership in its Master and lite, There are nat manv years joniy win gold medals, but alLa. man subseniption or order them Privileged Corps which is the for sport as a rule in life and AL-LMNMspnead the gospel a! peace on asi pnsents for 3'aur friends this bighest production club o! the there is oe ail imporxant rui,1, company.Second best is flot wortb the STORM-SCREEN WINDOWS 'effort. Morgan and ohers who assist- SThe. Most avncddesignpuet i vr u-Harvey Partner B ow m anoville Mrs. Chas at à prce Co it nvry bud-dent, presided for the business (Set Conrac le Y SC Utwhn a1mstleasant feature ami, o! the meeting was the presen- 'emi ForWV ashroomns ' ~ ' tation ta Mn. and Mrs. Brooks M Trip.L-Trat i'as no diang. TrusteesI LII of a waih mirror and threef ing oj storinq problemL The Orono Police Tute pieces o! crystal. An address o! heid a speciai meeting neeentlyi ~Changes instandiy 4rM for the purpose o! openîng apeitint o1wsra stormi t screen window tedr1o h ahom f lsn onGde n rn the Onono Municipal Building.i-- m~Fît! rsne W e tnes ee eevM!1Flno- rsetdthe gi!ts on * Exrude alurnu Ivae j bneeteners vma"recex e M D R IV EW jbehaîf o! the 1954 soccen teamri sives ire-time serviceeord Amtin a II1955 Trail Rangers, 196irm a1 passed ta open the tenders. CBook ad e so .M. andpnis * neiokn shgvsfnom a sum o! $834,37 to $982.34. trigIl6pm weather-tiglit protectionIAtene for$the.0ob ange sarin a 6pmtbank yous. bsns eso, MAnodized traclu assures teretc taved, hd owe thesîe O lOEMERoan invitation ta visit Hamptoni - th sepie ank ouldnatmeet RDIW.I.on Dec. 4th was accep-,ed. smokoeainwith the requirements set by thei FNV ME30Amto acriet dne Counties Depatment of Health. lne n w rdt o S.the 'Trip-L-Tree'windows NOWa .I After due consideration the olad wool to the Afternoon Aux-' Trustees awarded the contnact 1 Citîzens are asked to have their old papers and iîîarv o! the W.M.S. Fifteen I CLLUSFO FRE STMAESfor the sum o! $834.37. On mo-1 dollars was voted ta the Men- CALL S FO FREEESTIATEStion by Rutherford and For-j magazines tied in bundies and placed on the tal Health organizatian. Mns rester thboulevard frontahomes. t artve contnacoft ws red olvadi fotof their hms H. Alhison and Mrs. C. Kerr Harve Pannen ! Tyone.were appointed ta contact thej instllaionof wo, ashbasnsHome for the Aged at Cobourg, C ovian E quiprnent Your co-operation is sincerely nprcatd e, Christmnas suggestions. f 13 Kng~.E. Company 1sure system, septic tank, digging, Crydermiran were aked to stu- jwiring, and the cannecting toalai -d h asblte iF Baw m anvil Phone ciTemn Trustees are ta provide g o p and instali a cistern along with 1Iolcl,"ha stetu a tule bed. I rail o! the woman in theI It is the hope o! the Trustees j"e o e" j pioýc"a1ir fi,.+Refnes-ments 1e.'e-1ei.Ad ~ I IMn. nd Ms. Sm GrntjMns. Aima Yellowlees o! Ty- 1 Oshawa, with thein parents, Mr. rnwihaIrl- lb ed A GOOD 1 Mr and Mrs. Orville Green anj ds M L !ers were us othDea- D R V Eon the sick list, aisoMr m At any age, milk is your best fod I ..rlvZ Economies Service for two days D R V RMcLaughin. Best wîshes for'>,1od'It11tuî at the Royal Winter Fair in their reeivery. 4 fature's most perfect food. rich in riboflavin for elToranto and also at a I'închean. Mr. ohnWoton> ~Mn. and MNis. Ralph Davis I ihMr. and Ms.Bi Johnsoton, vitality and a sense of well-being, calcium for strong ' and Pat called at Mrlî. Douglas IFP YOU FOLLOW TOO CLOSELV Tyrone. Jsi ae' saa bones and teeth and for serene nerves and other 1 Nesbittfs on their silver wed- ding annîvensarv on Sundayj wihMrs. B. Hubbard. I,è, health-building minerais and vitamins. afternoon at Brookiin. A udnso y h a nfon a h aaa edb h .' / Bradlei"s Comm rnunity Club A sudenstopby he cr i frnt cn W4~hh baaarheldbx'theh.A.j Z A daily quota of milk is vital toalal growin- elo nia'ngtNv on Novemnber 14 in the cuc resu'It in an accident. If you fail to stop 1 -,as very well attended. with a ,' youngsters, a real health-arud-energy booster for ail j2'. Pictures wili be a feature in time, that accident is your fault. j od variet 'v of cooking and :~ groxvn-ups and a miracle food for aider peapile, 'ï o!he' pragnam prepared by the Good drivers make cr ~ hypnoceeds amounted ta $150 and,,- helping themn maintain youthful vigor. Remember ý'" .r. anà ri î. Don Taylor much mare sewung. etc., ton a l o ee ugo ou edfrml!Kei' anl, ahrn t have lots of stopping roomn, whatever later sale.Rex'. R. B. Green yo eyrougrwyo1riedfronk!',îne ai . tEnig at thi pe.was chairman for the occasion 0* * when MUrz a'r parents. ther ped.anci welcomed ail for a success- ;11 Be sure every maember of your family gets his 4 M". nnd Nînsr. A. F. Abernethx' ful bazaar. The programme Coïtý" daily quota of aur pure, fresh milk. Order it home 114,ir N1ac :î. w guests a! sisted of a piano solo bv l\Irs .j ,*"r i he 30th wedding Godn ednsbv a' l jfdelivered td !ann H 0W GOOD ARE iGardnrading. s. Aroldî; todye, ;; Id Mrs. Percy Deweli vocal solo by Mrs. Henrx' w ot 4 "r and faiîyý,. Harnton, v;Fited ýn VOUR DRIVING HABITS?1 ten, accompanied bv Mrs. Gai # Sujndfay'at MnI Bruce Tink'n. don Strong, vocal solo bx' Mrs FI -E..;. Yi:nSaem1,a Adams andi Mrs. Rabhun at piano.'àVUS.-,iý.% jtv' r PtMr. Rox, jWe extend sympathy to the , .G en R ieDMr DIEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS, ON ARO afmIî'< o! the late Mrs. Norman , Il41 Nr. ind Nl- h. Cros.- j Mount.iový who died Satuirda -11' NIA 3-5444 Bowmanville k man of T n ~ni ~Nov. 7tb. ' >* d.nner gues».s at Mr.. Cec.iPs SL ý ë, zt? y' Z ~~ForINE DRI VING You Con Save on these ROBSON MO TORS SPECIALS tDear Motorist: As a special service ta aur customners and friends, we are again offering eight special Fali and Winter service operations. These aperations are cheap insurance for safe, trouble-free dniving during the tough Winter months. You'll enjay the peace of mind that goes with knowing aur trained person- ne] have checked your car for peak Winter per- f ormance. Incidentally, if vau want a further saving, operations 1, 2, 3, 4. 5 and 6 can be done as a package ta save 'sou even more money. Drive in any time - we have the equipment and the trained men ta make any and ail repairs ta yaur car or truck. ROBSON MOTORS LTD. ED. BISCH, Service Manager. TUNE MOTOR Includes: Clean and ad.just spark plugs and breaken points. Set ignition timing. Adjust carburetor idie and cleanfuel bowl. Remove, clean and replace carburetor air cleaner. 6 Cylinder $4.90 8 Cylinders, slightly higher GENERAL LUBRICATION Includes: Change ail in motor. Change transmission and differential ta wint- er grease. Grease front wheels. $*540 TIGHTEN CAR IN GENERAL 3 rIncludes: Adjust bodv boîts and tighten door hinges. Tighten floor boards, buimpers, license plates, fender boîts, running board boits, radiator baits, haod boits, spring boits, shackle springs, U-bolts,, tie rod. steering arms, pitman- arm, rnuffler exhaust pipe, and toe-in. $5.20 ADJUST SERVICE AND 4 EMERGENCY BRAKES Includes: Remove brake drumns to dlean out dust. Free Up ail brake parts. Centralize shoes. Fi master 4 ~cvlinder and h]eedi brakes. Lubricate and adjust pai-kinÉg br'akes linkage and cables. $8.10 Check 5 front-End Alignment 5 $1.00 Flush Radialor Check Ail Hose b Connections Test Thermostat $4.50 7 A Combination of Operaions1, 2) 3, A 5,É Two telephones ta serve you - MA 3-3321 or 3-3322 'i-% 1 'p PAGE MET TffUMIDAT. WOV. 22nd. Itqi 1 for TIM CANADI" STATMIL&M. BOWIMMILL& CINTAPM 1