PAGE P'OURTEEN ear. Fine bowling was turn- O ver 4,000,000 Ibs. Hglgto"teatvte were four boys over 700: Earl McQuade 718, Bill Polley 715, ILAI,,, coming up with 300 or better gmswr:Lwl 7~flpMacDougal 328, Jim Bell 323, Produ ed D ring YearMaurice Preston 316, Bill Pol- Over four million pou nds of weeks after the members' cnops. flue-cured tobacco was produced1 The restricted nature of the in Durham County this yearj Canadian flue-cured tobacco in- wîth growers receiving betweeni dustry especialy in its failure to 45 and 50 cents per pound for make a strong impression on the their cnops which averaged expont market bas encountered 1,500 pounids per acre. considerable criticism. With There was a steady demand Canada's tobacco industry grow- for the Durham tobacco with ing steadily it is feit that markets over 50 per cent of the crops in other than the domestic markets Northumberland-Durhamn being should be found ta absorb the sold f or export. One company tobacco. alone bought 36 of the 96 cnops. The overaîl marketing which was conciuded by November 6 T was, not quite sa stnong as in lo n ea ue previous years. At present the demand is for a stronger tobacco Êto houlriy ffi _H igh Sco e c~ta h oplrtyo erc e Top prices were received by / e F auc r Waler luson the two Dr. Mc- A e F a u e Derment fanms at Osaca whose (Intended for last week) tobacco brought 50i, cents per Ipound and 503/ cents per pound Scoring was heavy in Town The yield per acre was reas'_ League hockey Thursday night onably good this yean with some as the league-leading Miler's growers reporting as high as Taxi defeated Courtice by a 1.800 pounds per acre with the score of 17-5 in the final game. average being 1,500 pounds. Front St. won a 16-4 victony Due to highen wages and the aven Newcastle in the openen. increasing costs of matenials the In the first game action moved costs ta tobacco growens increas- at a fast pace and the finst peniod ed by 15 per cent this year. Suf- ended in a 1-1 tie . Front St. boys ficient help at hanvest time was soon took aven though and available. held a high margin as the sec- Combine Investigation ond came ta a finish. In the final the Main Streeters drove 0f deep concenn to the tobacco home a total of 12 points. growers at this time is the ne- Big sconers for Front St. were: port of the Restrictive Trade Bill Lyle with 4, Ron Burgess 4, Practices Commission at Ottawa 3 unassisted, and Chuck Kil- wbich is investigating the charge patrick 3. that non-membens of the Ontario Ta end the nighit Mille's in Flue-Cured Tobacco Marketing the opening period% took a 3-goal Association are being discrim- lead. Leading sconers for the inated against by the Marketing Taxi-men wene: Lloyd Hamilton, Board.. . 4; Don Childs, 3; Buck Cowle, In substance the Commission 4 and Bud Perfect 3. finds that the Association is ex -__________ ercising control aven the flue- cured tobacco industry withoutM the cloak of governmental c u d ' authonity, in othen wonds taking ~ d ' recommends modification or re- Fiis "s *';&kx2ation of these contrais by the woâ.ld be essential that the D r a La u l Asso,iation apply for a scheme under the Ontario Farm Products Tefis scdueo th Marketing Act.Th is ceu o teC Hawever, no provision is made bowling season came ta a close In the Marketing Act for acreage Friday night with top bonoursa contrai and since many other going to Banl McQuade's boys.d marketing schemes have not met Having battled right ta the 1 success, it is feit that the Associa- wire with Polley's team, the( tion members would veto any final game wvas the deciding jsuch scheme as was the case in one. As the figures show, the n 1951. best team won. Hats off ta Justifiable critîcism of the each member of the team.9 'Tobacco Association is found in Names being: Earl McQuade, 7 the fact that the Association did George Poulos, Walter Morris, inot allow new members ta join Alf. Marris, George Bebee, between 1950 and 1955. This Ron Therteli, Bill Leask. E situation was greatly aggravated The way the pins wene fall- in 1953 since non-member crops ing Friday nigbt gave theV wene not punchased until 10 league the best night of the SANTA CLAUSI arrives fr7 Io 9 p.m.I Free Candy and Balloons for &Il children accompanied by their parents. IIe rry Uhrs tna s and a J(appy Tlew ?Jear May we take this opportunitv to wish al aur friends and custners a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Mr. and Mrs. G. Beech Ma pie Grave Grocey i 200 Averages Bill Pofley ----- - - 227 AI. Perfect - - 211 Gea. POulos -_____ 209 L. MacDougal -____ 205 Jack Parker _______ 205 ColiWoolner ______ 204 Bert Engley- 204 Jim Murphy 2041 Bud Henning- 201 Mult Corsan - -201 Team Standings Pins J Earl McQuade 32067 Bilh Pohley 33392 Mult Corson 32908 Lowell MacDougai 31432 Stu Crago -- 31728 Jim Murphy 32479 Colli Woolner 32311 Don Bishop 31309 Bert Engley 31019 Chuck Disley- 30269 High Single - Loweli Dougal, 328. Points 5 , 53 49 42 1140 39 35 27 24 20 Mac- High Triple - Banl McQuade, 718. Jeen cÇJown Il -ews-1 . By Connie Osmond With the Christmas season [n mind I would like ta tell you that aur annual Christmas Dance is on its way. It will be held at the Lions Centre on December 21. Well, sa much for Christmas, and now a word about aur next dance. It is a handtime, and wirll begin at 8:30 at the Lions' Centre on December 14. Your f4istress o! Ceremonies is Con- nie Osmond. Badminton wil begin on Jan. 9. The games will be held from ':00 ta 10:00. Now, iback ta the Christmas Dance. As I was going, ta say, it is the second largest dance we will bave. It is considered next ta aur Easten Prom, which is also coming witbin a few months. The proceeds fromn this dance will be given to the' Salvation Army, whicb in turn Nill be gîven in tbe form, of "hristmas boxes ta the needy. rhe pnice is SOc straight. N3 rembership cards are necess- ýry. Dress should be better 1an ordînary. Funther details mil be 'put in next week's rticie. See you Friday nigbt with rur jeans and plaid shirta. We'll recognize you the min- te you enter so, don't feel shy, iou are assured the best o!0 mres, so please corne. 't d. ci I n ar th wi y' w ti j KEDRON Seventy-eight attended Suni Iday School on Sunday after- noon. Clarence Werny gavea fine report of the Township ISunday School Convention fol- lowing classes. The .White Gifts !wilh be given by the scholars Snext Sunday, with a speciai iprogram arranged. gWith annual meetings the or- der of the week, Kedron Aduit Bible Class elected the follow- iîng siate of officers for 1957. Past president, Harold Wenry; President, :Alvin Spencer; Se- icretary, Mrs. Howard Faran- dale; Treasurer, E. Mountjoy; Pianist, Mrs. H. Werny. Teach- ers for 1957 were also arranged and other business conducted. Lunch and a social bour con- cluded the program. Rev. R. H. Rickard- conducted the regular service on Sunday afternoon. The sermon deait with the real meaning of Ch ristmas. Proceeds for the Paper Drive held recentiy netted the Y. iP.U. an additional $22 for their M. and M. contribution Local Junior Farmers at- tended the meeting on Thurs- da eenn of the Brooklin CIlub. Neighbouring clubs are iv tat join in a Christmas party for Junior Farmers and their friends ta be hehd in Brooklin Hall on Dec. 27. Of- ficens were elected at the meet- ing. Past President, Douglas 1 Alvis; President, Ron Werry; Vice President, Bob Holiday; Secretary, Ron Neal; Treasur- er, Fred Taber; Press reporter, Ann Longland. Kedron folk are happy ta know of improvement in health for Mn. Everett Mountjoy,t who is able ta be up and about in his home. Visitons at the E. Mountjoy home on Sunday were Mrs. Walter Langmaid, Misses Sybil Langniaid and El- da Mountjoy, Oshawa. Sy mpathy of many Kedron i friends is extended ta the famn- ily o! the late Mn. Ernest W. Webber of Columbus, whose funeral service w'as attended by many from this commun- ity. The deceased was known ta older Kedron residents for many years, and bis passing is widely mourned. Mr. Frank C. Lee was a ne- cent visitor at the home cf bis sister, Mns. Andrew Scott, and Mr. Scott, Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. John K. Glover, Toronto, were visitons with ~heir parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. G I-, er. Ked.roa Recreation and Com. munity Club gathered ta fi Lower Hall of the Church Saturday evening. Mr. and ? Harold Bohaker, Mr. andb John Glover were the comi. tee responsible for a fine iety pragram, chaired by Glover, as fo'llows: Pianos June Davis; children's choi recitation by Ann Glover; cal trio with Murray Mot joy, Jack Francis and Mur Mourntjoy; accordion duets Jack Francis and son Alan; cal solo -Walking in the Par by Walter Davis. Pîanists w Mrs. R. Lee and Mrs. H. Wei An interesting musical ga was conducted by Mrs. J. G ver. Three fine films w shown by Mrs. Bohaker, and sistants. A social time w lunch concluded a pleas evening. Many of the commun farmens and their wivesi joyed the fine banquet in H mony Chunch Hall, served Harmony ladies on Tues< evening ta Oshawa Milk F ducens and their wives. Speý er Rev. Richard Jones, and variety program, completed happy evening. Many neighbours and frien of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Frasera glad that moving did not ta them any farther from us thI the Lansdowne area. Mr. a Mrs. Fraser and their childn have made many friends whi in the Ranger's home ait Can Samac. Always ready to hel these folk have lent a willi hand on numerous occasiar Their place will be difficult fi in the cammunity. Business Direcfory_ A c c ou nia ncy_ 1 RAY J. D1LLING Certified Public Accountant 93 Church Street MArket 3-3861 WM. J. H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant 64 King St. E. Bowmanvil (Above Garton's Bus Stat!onr 64 King Street E. MONTEITHI - MONTEITH RIEHL & CO. lop Chartered Accountants 135 Sirncoe St. N. 0shaw RA 5-4662 Partners: J. W. Manteith, M.P., F.C. A. B. Monteith, B.Comm., C. G. W. Riehl, C.A. (Licensed Trustee) G. E. Trethewey, C.A. R. F. Lightfoot, C.A. TALE, FRTEDLANDER, HUNTER & CO. Accountants andi Auditors 64 King St. E. RA 5-162 Oshawa B. L. Yale, C.A. F. Friedlander, B. Comm., C.P. J. Hunter, C.P.A. C.hir op r ac fic G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor Office: 15 Elgin St., cor. of Harsey Si Phone MA 3-5509 Office Hours: By Appointmen D enifal1 DR. W. M. RTJDELL, D.D.S. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. 40 Ring St. W. Bowmanvifl Office Hours: 9 arn. ta 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Saturday Closed Sunday Office Phone MA 3-5790 House Phone - Newcastle 3551 DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in bis home 100 Liberty St. N. - BownianviUe Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 P.m. daily 9 a.m. to 12 noon Wednesday Closed Sunday Phone MA 3-5604 DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. Office 23 King St. E. - Bowmanvffll Office FHours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Saturday Closed Sunday Telephone: Office MA 3-5459 L eg a STRIKE and STRIKE Barristers, Solicitors Notanies Public W. R. Strike, Q.C. A. A. H. Stnike, B.A. 4 40 King St. W. - Bowmanville Telephone MA 3-5791 LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor Notary Publie King St. W. - Bowmanville Phones: Office MA 3-5688 Residence MA 3-5553 MISS APHA L. HODGINS Banrister, Solicitor Notary Public Temperance St.. - Bowmanville Morigages LEROY HAMILTON - ORONO Phone 1 r 16 First Mortgage funds Residences - Farms Business Propenties Op o me fr y KEITH A. BrLLETT Optometrist 141 King St. E. Bowmanville Office Hours: By appointment *Telephone MArket 3-3252 Monday ta Saturday 9 a.m. ta 5 p.m. Wednesdays: 9 ta 12 Thursday evenings JOHN A. OVENS Optometrist Jury & Loveli Bowmanville Phone MA 3-5778 Piano' Tuning Professional Piano Tuning ARTHUR COLLISON 'Ohone 34 Prince St. Bowmanville i I I y e- the L n Mrs. M4rs. mnit- var- Mr. olo, rus; vo- 'ut- ray by vo- ere ýrry. ame ere as- vith ant uity en- ar- by day 'ro- ak- La nds are aka han and ken rnp aip, ing ns. to ile wza A.. .A. 21 nt. le Office -______6 Fan Belts -____4 [Iose __ _ _ 3 Top Scorers D~on Childs ____81 Bob Fairey _____8 Archie Crossey --9 Don Masters --___3 Bill Ellis --- 7 Bob Manjernison --- 6 I 1: c J c h e i f f f f f f f F 0 8 0 61 0 6 APts. il 19 9 17 3 12 9 12 4 1l 5 il 1WESLEY VILLE Severe colds and flu are laying havoc with school and Sunday school attendance. Banl Ashby bas recovered from a lengthy bout with the flu and children fromn several other tomes wenefil over the week- end. Linda Thorndyke is home fromn the hospital and with the Give a 19. The Buxton B ILLFOLD HOLDS ALL THE MONEY IN THE WORLD JURY Phone MA Mats Defeat Office Team ln Goodyear The bottom place Mats came on ta victory by defeating the heague leading Office team 6-2 in a harti fought game at Mem- anial Arena Suilay. In thýý second garne' the 'Fan Beits ne- tained their second place spot by downing the Hase by a score o! 4-1. Leading the Mats in scoring was Gerny Majerrison who tallied in two, with Bihiy Cole, Gond Sellers, Don Childs and Terny Masters *picking up singles. Don Masters and Bob Fairey drove in the -only Office goals. Mort Richards picked Up credit for tbree cf the Fan Belts points and George Sel- lers cashed in on the ather. The only Hase goal was tallied by Butch Cale. Goodyear Mercantile League Standing W L T Pts.. Give frd/oet @Ma~fr CHOCOLATES Giffs ~ta YARDLEY BA CHELOR SEAFORTH FOR THE MEN ON YOUR GIFT LIST Cameras and Accessories YOUR REXALL DRUG STORE 3-5778 aid of sisters and mumny là able to get out ta the neigh- boura, cast and ail. A few of the ladies were helping with a quit at Mrs. R. Best's on Tuesday. The very small fry of the community are practicing for a junior choir under the able direction of Mr. F. Theysmey- er. We are ahl looking forward to hearing them at candle light service on Christmas Sunday.: The annual white gift ser- vice was beld at Sunday choo1 Sunday morning when ailc littie folk showing the Christ-I mas spirit by giving a gift fromn which they expect no return. Service was conducted by the superintendent, Murray Payne, and accampanying music by Muriel Austin. Scripture les- sons were read by Roy Austir. and Yvonne Parnell, a story for the senior children was read by Bonnie Austin and anc for the little ones by Marie Austin. A poem "Jesus King of ahl the Earth"' was read by Donna Oughtred and offering was taken by Glen Clarke and Tujs Theysmeyer. Two nice little trees were brought on Satur- day by Ronnie and Larry Din- ner and werc decorated and arranged by Donna Oughtred and Pearl Austin. A box placed beneath them served as recep- tacle for the many brightly coloured parcels braught by everyone for later presenta- tion to Hillcrest lodge. There were very few at Church service but the small1 choir was appreciated ail the more for it's lovely message of song and Rev. A. W. Hard- ing's message for Christmas was the heart of the service. TICKETS TO EVERYWHERE Air, Rail or Steamship Consult JURY & LOVELL Bowmanvllle1 15 King St. W. MA 3-5778, élue OrnParfume Deluxe. frOeM FrOcce. A classlc fru. iuneo Iversally loved. $6-50 r. $45.00 Ladies Finish First Schedule Budai in Lead T'he ffrat achedule has finish- ed up except for the playoffs which will be bowled next Monday night. These are the 200 games-- B. Budai 298, 203. V. Miller 245, 229, 211; J. Engley 247, 206, 205; M. Wilcox 218, 212; 0. Etcher 211, 207; O. Patfield 209, 202; L. Wright 207, 202-. J. Baker 304; M. Leddy 262. V. O'Rourke 251; L. Bates 250; D. Crombie 250; H. Brock 249; A. Luxtan 239; J. Brunt 234; V. Coole 226- S. Bucknell 225; H. Vivian 225; B. Disley 222; A. Bickell 216; S. Davis 215; E Kerr 213; A. Richards 213; M. Slaght 210; M. Harrison 208; -K. Beauprie 207; D. JolI 206; E. Etcher 206; M. Cooper 206; H. Dunn 206; Dot Mutton 206; G. Luxton 205: A. Fletcher 204; D. Martin 202; E. Holroyd 201; W. Bates 201. Lemons this week are -D. Holroyd 99; A. Perfect 96; S. Bickell 96; M. Henderson 92; A. Osmond 90; J. Hodgkinson 86; M. Wilcox 84; D. Bell 83; M. My teva Perfume Déluge fromb Franc*. Delicate, very fem- Maine. In graceful plume bottle.-.....$8.50 to $6950 en bit Perfume Deluxe froit Franc*. lntriguinu, unfoiget. table, ln *xquisite figurine .50 e65.00 Mimo4 eChila. hllzbetf Arden'$ great new french peorfume. Perva ùve, evocahive. $9.50 t. $50.00 Mfi*eOro" fepetttlo*Pan. fume. Croated. packaged enmd seoled in Fronce. $5.00 te,$25.00 On Dit Repetitlon Penfume. Created, packoged end secled la Fronce. $ 6.00 te $27-3.0 My tove Repefîtion iparfum4. Croated, packaged end' sealed la franc@. $6.00 ta $27.50 Jawelled Perfumair. SIve Grass, My Love, Ilts You, On~ Dit, Nlght & Doy, White Orcdid ..............$3.00 Mémoire Cire.., .1.3 .50 Pure Atomîrer wlfth metered volve. GoId.colored metal re. fUi type outer container. Blue Gras$, On Dit, My Love$3.50 Mémoiro Chérie .......$400 LOVELL TEE CANADIAN SIATESMAN I. OWAIVffl .ONTAM OTRTJRsDAY, DEC. !lmh1lm Bowmanville Merchants APPRECIATION DAY DRAW EVERY SATURDAY - 3 P.N. Jackpot Valus - This Week - $320 This week's winner, 5% coupon - $13.75 Sylvia Abernethy, 33 Ontario St., Bawmanville DON'T FORGET - NEXT DRAW, SAT., DEC. lSth at 3 p.m. - Town Hall PROCLAMATION BOXING DAY, WEDN ESDAY Deceber26th 1 hereby prociaim that Wednesday, Deceniber 26th be designated as Baxing Day in the Town of Bowmanville and request ail citizens ta observe the "aMe. Nelson E. Osborne Mayor Town of IRnwmanville. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN FOR ALL by Kodak i aà ---- ------- -------n-v---- Perfect 92, 92; G. Rahrnc 91. 90.1 High Single- June Baker, 304. i 1High Triple- Berneice Bu. dai, 689. High Average - Berneice Budai, 214. Only those men and wom.n gain greatness wbo gain them-. selves in a complete subordina- tion o! self-Mary Baker Eddy. DANCING Saturday Nighl CY NcLEAN and His Orchestra VARCQE'S PAVILIO . 9 ta 12 $2.50 per coup /ID 1 - - Bowmanville