-- . . - - e.~.. ~ ~ ~~* V ~ 4~~bAt. 111UIL1A , LJL. Iliii, lutV W. A. Pot Luck Supper New Off icers Elected lKedron Womans Associati( beld their Christmas meetir on Wednesday afternoon in tI Lower hall with a fine atten( ance. Worship was led by Mr J. Gloven, with Mrs. Stai Winist Othens taking part wer Mns. A. Spencer, Mrs. C. Hol kins, and Mrs. M. Waiterq. Mrs. Grant Glaver was1 the chair far business. A donm tion of $10 (additianal doné tian) was vated ta Albert Cal lege, and it was decided t nake up aur Missianary con tnibution ta $60. Mrs. H. Cros. mnan and Mrs. Starr' were ap pointed ta be the W.A. Chnisl mnas cheer cammittee. Mrs. H. Werry presented th pnagnam in which Mrs. E Crossman gave a fine paper ai "Christmas Customs", Mn! Douglas Lave sang two voa solos, Christmas readings weni given by the prograin canven or, and Miss June Davis con cluded with a piano solo. Tables xere decoràted ir Chistmas motif for the houný t!*ul pot-luck dinner, enjayec by 'ail. Rev. R. H. Rickard presideè lt..r election of 1957 W.A. offi. cens as foliows: Past President PUMfPS & SOFTENERI, 1 LIMITE» pF 8 tONDON -CANADJ JACK BROUGH PLUMBING MA 3-5615 Division and HEATING BOWMANVILLE Street South ýon ng ci- .s. rr ýre p- a- n- ýs- ;t- e Li. )n 'S. al .e ,n 1- Mns. Grant Glaven; President, Mrs. Wm. Werry; Vice-Presi- dent, Mis. Howard Farndale and Mrs. Harold Werry, Secre- tary, Mn.. Clifford Hopkins; Corn. Secretary, Mrs. Harvey Pascoe; Treasuners, Mrs. Lorne Tregunna, Mns. Harvey Cross- man. Missianany convenons, Mn.. M. Walters, Mrs. E. Mauntjoy; Pianists, Mn.. Starr and Mns. Douglas Love; Temperance, Mns. H. Pascoe; Manse Com., Mn.. G. Gloven and Mrs. W. Werny; Flower Com., Mns. W. Snowden and Mrs. D. Love; Friendship Convenon, Mrs. A. Spencer. January W.A. meeting date la changed ta Thursday, Jan. 3, at 2 p.m. at the home a! Mrs. Gar- field Trevail. Mns. N. Vaillancount was pre- sented with a silver spoan, as a taken of good wishea fram W. A. membera. ýÀ SOLINA As the happy Christmas time once &gain draws nean everyane -anticipates with pleasure the *schoal concerts. The dates are: Baker'. on Wednesday evening LD ecember 19 in the scl-xoi; Bradiey's on Decemben 20 in the Community Hall, and Solina sehoal an Decemben 21 in the hall. Several couples from Salina *attended the Holstein Breed- ers' banquet at Newcastle on Friday evening and the Mxllk Producers' Banquet at Har- many on Tuesday evening. Congratulations ta Mn. Frank~ Westiake Sr., wha on Dec.3 abserved his 8th birthday an- nivensary. The missionany pnagnam for Decemben included a vocal duet by Evelyn Hockaday and a stony read by Mns. E. Hock. aday. Next Sunday, Dec. 16 at 2.45 a 'dock a combined service will be held when White Gifts will be presented. Let us nemember it is mare blessed ta give than ta receive. The Wamens Institute will meet an Thiwrsday, Dec. 13 (ta- day). Mn.. Chas. Smith o! Osh- awa, will give a demanstration on Christmas deconations. A family gathering and tur- key dinner wene enjayed at the F. Westlake's on Sunday when Mn. F. Westlake Sr. was the guest of honor having ob- served his 8th binthday an Dec. 3. Those present on this occasion wene Mn. and Mis. Tom Westlake and sans, Miss Betty Lau Westlake and friend, Millbnook; Howard Westlake and Ron Cochrane, Oshawa: Mn. and Mns. Nelson Fice, Douglas and Keith, Mn. and Mrs. Fred Dant and chil- dren, Zion; Miss Dat Barber, Courtice; Miss Marilyn Fice, Zion; Mr. George Cochrane, Raglan, and Mr. and Mis. Per- cy Westlake and chidren. Mr. and Mn.. Roy Langmaid, Mn. and Mn.. J. Yellowlees, Miss Gladys Yellowlees, Mn. and Mns. H. Yelawlees, Karen and Brenda, wene Friday tea guests o! Mr. and Mn.. Russell Gilbert in Bowmanville. Mr. and Mis. Russell Rab. bins, Mn. Chas. Aluin, Bow- man-ville, were Sunday tea guests at Mn. Wes Yeilowlees. Mns. Reg Land and childnen, Mrs. F. R. Cook, Bowmanvile, wene Friday visitons at Mr. Frank Westlake's Jr. Mn. and Mns. Lloyd Broomne and sons visited on Sunday at Mn. John Bnoome's, Tynone. Mr. and Mns. Hilton Tink, Ebenezer, were Sunday visitora at Mr. Harry K.nox's. Mr. and Mrs. Deniiis Abbott, Ronnie and Janice, Oshawa, visited at Mr. E. Spires'. Mr. and Mrs. A. Beavor, Oshawa, visited Saturday even- ing at Mr. Rae Paacoe's. The C.G.I.T. group, leader Mrs. Ralph Davis, and several of the Explorer girls attended the C.G.I.T. Vesper service Sun- day night at Trinity United Church, Bowmanvllle, when Miss Lois Boast, Girls' Work Secretary of the United Church Board of Christian Education was speaker. Master Dean Knox spent the weekend with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Tlnk, Ebenezer. Mç. and Mks. Murray Vice rand daughters were Saturday evening visitors at Rau Cryder- man 's. Mr. and MNI. E. Cryderman were Sunday visitors at Mr. Helmer Freitag's, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. George Knox and family, Eldon and Russell Sloan were Sunday visitors at Mr. Ken Pascoe's, Brougham. Mr. and' Mrs. Bruce TlnIc and Mrs. Addie Tlnk attended the funeral. service on Mônday of the late E. W. Webber of Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hardy and Stanley, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Snowden attended a family gathering honoring Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hardy o! New To- ronto on their 4Oth weddingl anniversary, at the home o! Mr. and Mrs. Roy Slack, Eben- ezer, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wes His, Car. ai and Anne were Sunday tea guests at Mr. David Craig's, Tyrone. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lang- maid and Sally were Saturday evening visitors at Mr. Joe Snowden's. Mr. and Mrs. Don Taylor were tea guests on Sunday at Mr. E. R. Taylor's. Mrs. S. E. Werry is visiting her sister, Mrs. H. Grooms and Mr. Grooms in Toronto. Trustee Board lAnnual Meet 1 Soluna: The annual business meeting o! the Community Hall was held on Thursday Levening with a fair attend- ance. For a short period, pre- viaus ta the meeting, progres- sive lest heir was played wlth Mn.. Wes Wenry and Joe Craw- fard receiving prizes fan high- est ýcores and Mn.. Roy Lang- maid and Isaac Hardy, receiv- ing consolations. Chairman a! the Trustee Board, Wes Yellowlees, presid- ed for the business meeting when financial statements were distributed toalal present by Ernest Hockaday, treasuren. The Trustee Board mm bers for 1957 are Chanle; Langmaid, Wes Werry, Ewart Leask, Tom Baker and Wes Hilîs. They wil elect a secre- tany treasurer and the prognamn committee. A detailed report a! the finance cammittee was given by the treasuner, Hanry Knox. A brief discussion a! sevenal matters pertaining ta the busi- ness o! the hall followed. Mn. J. Baker, who pneslded for the electian o! officers commended ail committees for the fine co- aperation in the building of the new hall, o! *which we shauld be justly proud. The ladies wene also given special. praise for their financial as- sistance through vaniaus pro- jects. Followlng the meeting everyone retined ta the lowen j hall where refreshments were senved. Mr.- & Mrs. C A. Johns Mark 40 Years Married At a quiet ceremony an Dec. 6, 1916, Elvie G. Frayn and Charles A. Johns were uniteà ini marriage. Mr. and Mns. Johns were dinner guests Thursday even- ing Dec. 6, 1956 at the home of their eldest daughter, Mr. and Mns. John Broome, R. R. 4, Bowmanville. Later In the evening the other membens of their faxnily, and relatives about 60 in num- ber, congnegated at the Broome home ta honour this bride and groom o! 40 years. Rev. Stanley Snowden, Ban- croft, called the gathering to onder. Mna. Larry Dewell and Miss Ruth Pascoe, daughter and grand-daughter respective- ly, of the bride and groom, presented them with a very pretty corsage and boutonniere. Mrs. Lorenzo Truil, Hampton, read an address cleverly com- posed In verse. At the prôper time Ronnie Broome, Solina, presented h is grandparents wlth à lavelY wrought iron hostess cart fromn the grand. children, and Mr. Lewis Truli, LESKARD Mr. and Mrs. A. Dewell, Bow- manville, wlth Mr. and Mrs. H. Davey. Mn. and Mrs. Ed Youngmnan, Pontypool; -Mn. G. Camneron and lîoy, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. E. Green. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Rabbins and Gail, Toronto; Mn. and Mns. Robert Moffatt, Orono, with Mr. and Mns. Art Rabbins., Mrs. E. Wanbunton, mother of Mrs. A. Loucks, has retunn- ed, £rom hospital and is staying with her son, Mn. E. Waxtur- ton, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. E. Spny with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Spry, Orono. We were sorry to hean that Mr.,Harny Davey fell and broke his arm and injuned his head. We wlsh him a speedy recov-. ery. be Mrs. G. Chaterhas aiso be on the sick list. F.U7 RN at a silver tea service, a gift from family and relatives.- Mn. and Mrs. Johns each expressed sincere thanks fan their g'l!ts, and the pleasure o! *having thein six daughtens, hus- bands and 15 gnandchildren, al present with the athen relatives as one happy famiiy. A deliciaus lunch including wedding -cake which wîth white tapera decorated the dining- room table, was senved and brought this happy event toaa close. Mr. and Mrs. Johns now ne- aide in thein lovely new honme on Liberty St. North, Bowmn ville. Mn. and Mns. John Oke and family, Oshawa, wene Sunday visitons af Mn. and Mn.. Wal- ter Oke. Mr. and Mna. R. J., Ormiston visited )Ans. Verna Fonsyth and Ronald, Toronto. Mr. and Mns. Ivan Sharp wene Sunday visitons of Mns. W. A. Bnownlee's, Leaside, and Mn. and Mns. J. A. Aikenhead, Ta- ronto. Mn. and Mns. Arthur Stain- ton, Peterborough, Mn. and Mn.. Rass Lee, Kedron, were Fniday cailens at Mr. and Mns. Alian Werry's. Miss Vida Langmaid, wha has been very iii in Màidland haspital, has returned home ta Oshawa. Mn. and Mn.. Roy Mc- Giil visited Mns. W. J. Lang- maid and girls, Oshawa, an Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Wearn Clanemont, were visitons with Mn. and Mns. A. L. Wearni and family. Mn. and Mns. R. Stainton and !amiiy, Bowmanville, with Mn. and Mrs. L. Stainton. Mn. and Mn.. Alian Werry and Sandra wene tea guests of Mr. and Mns. J. A. Wenry. Mn. and Mrs. Fred BiiiettI and boys, Scanboraugh Bluffs, were Sunday callers at Mr,. and Mrs. Roy McGiII's. Mn. and Mns. N. E. Wright là visiting- with their daughter, Miss marguerite Wright, St. Catharines. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ferguson and family with Mr. and Mna. Don Carr, Bowmanville. Congratulations to Mr. and Mns. Ted Werry and Mn. and Mrs. Bill Werny who wene mar- ried on Fniday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ailan Henry and Beth, Gaît, wene weekend guests af Mr. and Mns. Ros.s Sharp. Mn.. A. Beech, Maple Gnove,; Mn. and Mrs. Walter Smith, Oshawa, with thein brother, Mr. Claude Smith and Mrs. M. Hunt.f Mr. and Mn.. FloYd Pethick and Robin, Toronto, with MnL. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick. Mns. F. Spry and Mr. Harold Spry, Rochester, N.Vt., with Mr. and Mrs. E. Wright and famiiy. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Griffin and family with Mrs. Geo. Squibb, Churchill. Mn. and Mrs. Elwyn Dickey, Bowmanville, with Mn. and Mrs. M. Stainton. .Miss Heather and Master Dale Gniffin, spent Saturday with their grandpanents, Mr. and Mns. N. Collacutt, Bowman- ville. s - -. ...~ -- -- - *~ :~axi~c~.. .~ - - -- O NESTLETON Mr. and Mn,. Ivan Prautt visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Milbourne Hutchinson, Lindsay. Mrs. George Johns ha. been relieving at S. S. No. 1 Car,- wright while the teacher was absent through illness. W.I. Meeting Nestieton Women's Institute met Wednesday afternoon for their Christmas meeting at the home o! Mns. John Rayer with splendid attendance. Mrs. M. Emerson was co-hostess. A!ten the usual opening, president Mrs. Emerson wel- comed ail present and reviewed several helpful suggestions made by the necent speaker Mrs. Armstrong. Generous don- ations amounting to $10 were received from Mns. Jas. Sam- ells, Miss Ethel Thompson and Mrs. Wiimer Fitze. A calendar signed by ail the members of aur adapted Institute in Eng- land was passed around. Plans were made for completing the quilt with patterns and pleces distributed. Pnizes fon Grades 7 and 8 pupils for the nxost im- provement. in wrlting wil be given as usual. Mrs. Davison, Mrs. Johns and Ens. Bowers are in charge of the Christmas cards and cheer boxes. Gêt- members o! labor unions. I M 15 Dec. 56 saturday Bc sure to tl tc ýýtow"n ý1]F% RCýmcýa T T h ý RCAF and échniciain well carda ta four iii memberp were algned by ail.- Mn.. Ce cil Wilson, eonvenf of Citizenship and Educ&tion, enlarged an the motta, I"Make Eveny Day a Christmas Day" and Mrs. Kenneth Samells ré- viewed current events for the previaus month, prepared by Mns. Hanny McLaughlln. Splen- did papens on the day's theme wene given: Mrs. H. Samelis, "What is Citizenship?"; Mns. R. Davison, "Do Canadians Ap- preciate Canada?" Mrs. H. Vine and Mns. C. Wilson ad- vised us to know our schoola, learn the joys of inteliectual companionship and thus fal back on our own nesources for aur entertainment. The Raol Cail, "Some fine thing youth has done", called forth excel- lent nesponse and enthusiasm. Mns. R. Davison was in charge o! the usual Christmas drawr and ail recelved a reflmem- brance. Mrs. Hoyer and the members ai Gnoup 2 served a deliciaus lunch and il dispens- ed ta meet in Januat-y in the basement of the Presbyterlani Church. At mid-August the numb of Canadians wlth, jobs was es- timated at 5,823,000. About 20 per cent of job holders were DON#T STICK YOUR NECK 'fOUTI ~ONLY 10 RONSON DISTINCTIVE TOP-QUALITY. L 1G HT ER S Choose from many beaut.i!ul styles . . . Priced 400-DAY CLOCK $21.50 Guaranteed TRA%iÉL CLOCKS 7.95 as above Othcr models to 13.50 Copper insulated caver TEAPOT 2.95 Eulova Clock-Radie 69.50 Bulava Portable 39.50 Swiss Corneil 17J Unbreakable mainsping 19-95 Io 25.00 COMPACTS 2.95 up Large selection IPORTED BINOCULARS Indlividual focussing. Case i. 8.95, from 5.00 Up SWISS MUSIC BOXES fromn 4.95 Io 6.95 Assorted colors Cora Necklaces ______1.09 Cora Bracelets ______ 1.00 Cora Earrings -1.00 Please drap in and look around, you are under no obligation to buy. We are sure you will be interested in our 98e English Cups and Saucers and hundreds of attractive pieces in Costume Jewellery selling for $1.00 Everytbing will be attractively boxed for yon and gif t wrapped free on requeat. MARD Ys 43 King.St. W. Bowm ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- -- hft-- -3hM-- - - - - - - - - - -kubxm --Mwàdwm Genuirie CULTURED PEARLS 27.50 Guaranteed a lifetimne ELECTRIC RAZORS Packard ___ ___25.00 Sehlck 25 *___ 31.95 Remington Rollectric 33.95 Remington Auto-Home _ 33.75 JEWEL BOXES Assorted colora 3.95 6.50 complet* A SPICIAL RCAF CARER COUNSELLOR wiII b. la ohave a chat with hlm while he's ln nd out how you, too, can joie tthe i train a ia lt, Observer or Aircraft L! Therc's a great future in aviation!l ARR'9S MARR'S oo1 Je weller y ianvllePhone MA 3».5463 1 ý 0 1 ýq NWIC milu 1 1 "M CANABUN STATMMAx- itnwu*mvmTlp- nmm,&WTn opmm«nlw VVPO 111416 Imm * 1 - ENNISKILLEN ille ýown Haýl