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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Dec 1956, p. 12

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PAGE -1WMLVE %0 fm le e MW oeu "à -q- imiNam~ TE CANADUAl STATMZMAI. OMZ'fZ.O!TV Pope Gives Audience to Weekly Editors Edf! or's Wîf e Describes Her Recent European Trip By Mrs. Geo. W. James Instalinent No. 5 Sept. 24. In Lucerne our par- ty had accommodations at thE Grand National Hotel and again we had very comfortabhe rooms In aur Overseas Tour book W(. had two hotels listed for Lu- cerne, The Carîton-Tivoli anJ the National. Our nephew frori New York wbo is attending a university at Zurich bad sent me flowers ta mny hotel at Lu- ccrne but they wcre returnec In the florist ho had ordered îhliz fromi in Zur ich as 1 didzi't j; cni ta hi' lisied at eilher ho- ici- This s a great disaui- r, intmjent Io nie when 1 heard 0f t on ni etuirnhornie. Iiithe niorniug aur Courier dl"u'e US aaunlid the city ta see places off intercst in a Buick car. o\ver the cavered bridge ard ta the shopping district when we had about an hour ta lcýýk around. Wle waiked back 't' ni-1 tram the stores as i a lovoy wo i-isnsîiiîy r'11__aliri we wan!ed ta see & nucl of this beautifful city -.At 12 o'ciock noon a number of t'Cur party left on a trip ta Moiiît Pihatus. Each member off our party was given, by the 1 ',a bal« witb aur lunch. The party left in two boat.s from 'he whîarf in front off aur hotel and after a haif hour trip oves 'beau iful Lake Lucerne we 'arnived at the village of Alpnacbstad, where we board- ed the famous electrîcally paw- ered ralway ta ascend the Southi lope off Mount Pilatus (7,000 feet). This railway pass- es througb many tunnels off Bsolid rock and is the steepest railway in the world. From the tor off the mountain there wereý rnagnificent views of the rug- ge nd snow cavered maun- tain Peaks, thie city off Lucerne and Lucerne Lake. Here also is an excellent hatel xith restau- rant accommodation. On the terrace restaurant outside thîo hotel vie oî'dered co ffee an- teijayed oui' lunch xvhile taking ini the beautifuil scenierv around us. A fforty passenger cabin aerial cableway took us down the n-9rtlh shape off the mauntain ta viere vie t-ans- ferred tao tiny four passenger cab'.a cabins vihichi swung over a series off high c'iiffs passing feet at that point. At the 6600- ft. evel a glacier field, at aur level, came inta view, and at 7470 feet we reached the sum- mit. At the other end of the pass, at Andermatt, we had lunch, and startech the climb ta the summit off St. Gotthard Pass, which measures 7,000 feet. Hairpin Turna a On this stretch off road there twere about 23 hairpin turns, but froni the summit down we itravelhed over a stihi more wind- 3 ing road, with 47 bairpin turns t ii the 3.000-lt. drop in altitude. %Ve could look out off aur win- dows and sce as many as six Ita eight sections off the bigh- w~ax'. as \viel as scveral off the iurns. an variaus levels, imme- diatehy below us. ç Our driver, Mr'. Fred Denton, ? andled aur bus in a superb tmariner and he taok us around )the winding curves as if we zwere on a magie carpet. In Eng- lard and Scotland we toak aur bus as more or less for granted buf ou the continent we con- sidered it mare as home. Be- sides having such an excellent driver aur' caurier, John Brown, looked after every litthe detail 1for us and belped ta make our trip most pleasant. If I ever have the opportunity for sucli a trip again on a conducted tour such as ours is the only wvay I would travel. We finally reached the bottom. From there inta Milan we travelled over reasonably straight raads. During aur ascent and des- cent off the mauntain vwe saw a lot off Swiss. catthe. Each eow had a bell hanging from lU neck. The stary goes that their purpose vias ta keep the ani- mals head down so that tbey would eat mare grass. We als>) saw a gt'eat many black and white and brawn mauntaiîi goats grazing. We left Switzerland at Chias- so, and entered Itahy at the fiontier tovin off Coma, a high c1a«ýs summer resort. located on a lake. The chief indusLry there, and on into Milan, is production off silk. Milan Milan is surrounded on three sides by vialîs and is entered by fourteen gates. Its' royal and archiepiscopal palaces are off regal splendon. On the walîs off the reffectory off the church in the Christian world. Huge Church The distance fromn the en. trance ta the altar at the baci is 500 feet, the widtlh is 18,e feet, and ta the paint is about 500 feet. The design natwithstanding certain alter. atians is the work off Michelan- gelo. The ellipsis farming thE vestibule cansists off four row.ý off columns, topped by statues In the centre off the square is the Obelisk off Caligahp, and a' each side is a fountain. We wahked ta, and up, the widce sLeps, into the entrance and through one off the huge door- wvays, inta Itie Basilica. The splendor of the interior ks be- yond description. There is rnuch gold in the decorations. The wvaoden furnishings are beau. tiffully hand carved, many art treasures are on the wvalls, and statues and other pieces off fin- est sculpture are numerous, Under the cupola, and above the spot w'here Ihe zelles of Saint Peter arr preserved, is the Pape's altar. The floolr is off inlaid onyx, marble and granite. Luncheon ln Rame Our visit was ail toa short ta take it ail in but we were fforced ta leave in arder ta get ready ta attend a complimen- tary luncheon, hasts being the Rame Provincial Travel Asso- ciation, at which we met M. Pierre Dupuy, ambassador from Canada. In the evenîng vie were guests at a reception at the home of the Ambassador and Madame Dupuy. Saturday morning being ffree I was in company with tbree ladies on a shopping expedi- tion. We started out but went astray an aur instructions on baw ta get ta the centre. One off the ladies stapPed two yaung men, I would say they would be anound twenty, ta sec if they could direct us. They snoole same Englisb and offfered ta guide us ta the centre and ta Cim's department store as we svanted ta visit this store. They were x'ery kind and di-ected us ta the door. We tbought we should tip them but they would- n't let' us. Tbey svislied uis pleasant shopping, shook bands witb us and were off. Even in a foreign city there is great kindness. l service, state ap iwhlchN !at thei ICarlo. It wai acroas t' where jParty op StaY, s( francs Jtables, 0 JWedni day at nearby and sitt alang th~ ly and m~ ta pay« off chair other. I stocking. the wal ean onj Thursc ed by1 through Lyon. V and arr: having, sorne 70 us at th~ striped costumes, were station-I bassador, ed at the entrance and at the veri. W door leading ta the auditorium Pis in which we awaited. On the (To be wall was a large and beautiful piece off sculpture depicting Christ as iie was being remov-T ed from the cross. The floor max of the auditorium was of in laid onyx and marble, in beau-.i Half Hour Ceremony k The audience lasted about a By J0 5haf-hour and was shared by One o ianother group. We staod in a things ai 1, smi-crcle toawai theen-luctance trance off His Holiness. He bless- ta forego ed those present and relatives revenueo eat home, as welî as possessions, hands an safter which he shook hands and which it canversed with those of the If there groups who were nearest him. ing thing tPictures of bath groups, with lic accept ethe Pope in the centre of each, suggestst were taken, and medallions inflation1 whic'h he had bhessed were giv- been con' en to us. As he retired from ing this1 ethe room, hie raised his hands gavernme: in bhessing. a favor in It was ail inforrnal and every- further ut one 'vas grcatly inîpressed with implausibt the vigar and clear voice of beens acce tthis great man nowv 81 yearsermt 1aod. This visit was a privil ege in t and experience which made a jeopardizi great impression an aIl of us.itnit > Beffore leaving the auditorium ItAs atres wi> slepped onto the balcony, be satisfie u'here we hadl a view of the tax relief. lake, Lago Aibano, and the ta be thec surrounding country. Returning ta argue ta Rome, vie passed thraugh contention several ohd villages in which in that spené many cases, churches and other increasing buildings of the days off Caesar caused, pi and the great Roman Empire costs not c were stillI n use, but many proved pi others were in ruins. spendingt Ville D'Este spendingc In the afternoon, a number market. e off aur graup took a tour t arkte Tivoli, the'*ancient "Tibur". a palace, buiît about 1550, con- taining fine paintings, but be- ing greater renawned for the extraordinary beauty off the garden, in wbich countless founitains, some of them monu- mental, cast their spray over the luxuriant vegetation. Ini Ti- voli îs a temple dating ffrom the second century B.C. Because off the "Festival off the Grapes," then being beld, crowds wersà milli'ng throughout ail places off inte-est, and in the narrow winding streets. Rame to Nice Oct. 1. We were up early ta bocard aur train at 7 a.m. for Nice, France. One of the mod- ern touches in Rome la the railway station, the largest in the world. It vras started by Mussolini and bias just been over taîi trees untîl vie reaýct- of Santa Maria delle Grazie Lost My JVay Two ffirst class coaches bad cd 'lie base at the vilhage off buiht in 1462 is Leonardo da I had anather experienc n been reserved for us and in: Krins.Swngig ii hiscabe incs LstSupper . Off still the afternoan. We went in a each section there was rooni cabin or chair lifft, gave nie the greater fame is the magnificent spécial bus with a guide an a for six people. The nailwav -ec :xhýled feeling thiat I iratheciral. The largest and mast tour off the church off Saint Pe- skirted the Mediterranean al] Lave vihen travelling in an air- complex gothic structure in ter in Chains, then ta Saint the way, son-etimes vie vere rlarie w'hich makes me reahize marbie in Italy. Paul's Gate and the Pyramid very close ta the edge. We more fî'lhy that "God is in His We arrived at 6 p.m. in Milan and entered the Basilica off passed through Geneva and Hleaven". too late ta sec the cathedral as Saint Paul. At the sarcapagus Pisa and caugbt a glimpse off <ur buses were waiting for it vas raining beavihy. The next cantainhng the Spoils off the Pa- the famous ieaning tower frona iis Lt Kriens and ,vie imimedi - marning previaus ta the tran we stopped as a service aur train viindaw. atehy eft for Interlaken via the trainî at Milan Mrs. Leavens wvas being canducted, affter The buses met aur train ah Lrunig Pass. aund I walked ta, the cathédral vhich I decided ta go back ta the Freuch border and brouglît Interlalien and izto its exterior with its aur bus as 1h was a warm day us ta Nice - appî'oxinîately 35 Ar-ived at Ilote] Beau Ri- woncherfful statues in niches and and I thaught I wouhd sit with miles. The jaurney along thc ~-p ,e about 5:30 p.nii. Intcrlâ- tchere are hundi-eds off turnets two off thelladies viho liad stav- Riviera at niLht wvas beautiful iio, îcr-niiig between tfniciiahe. Tewidw e i ue'u.I svent ont and wyith thie hiilsicles along the lakcs. is a vilai7e in the vallev preserit vonderful sianies pic- pas"tftie gate bu, I couldn't sec Meditenranean sea abiaze svithî of the Rivez- Aar, bctween lake., tured in staiuîed glass. It vas aur bus. Other buses with sighit- lights. 'Thun and Brienz. Ih is a fani- liez e in 1805 Napolean amid Iseers came ahong buit ours sva, Lig-urian Coast eus healhb and pleasure rcsart g-ea, pomp vas crowvned King mlissing so I walked un a ways aund its business section is mast- off Italy. but could only sec buildings so We stayed at Hotel Plazza. o ne long strleet lined vith We came back through the came back ta the gate. A cam-an trnau bacycud h ~î"~t~ys.Victor Emmanuel gallery konc -no swm lgtat look over a narrow city park tî e eîiiig I v.<cnt with a a- the grcatest arcade in Eu- Said. madam, yau haoking adte'ec atebu f gr Io a concert a,, the Ca- rope. for youn bus? Wlien I said s'es the Ligunian ses ihc i ihe ro~anif~atrin Mian t Rae h tol ni mybus ad onepar't off the 1\dternanean. vrograta teetback ff t he cehy uch adgnd <Our tour zîext morniiný took ft-lore. svithi the artists iZîbjjg jsept. 27. We left"'vlilan at t tht I ofhe ta go bacd us ta Antibes vibich bas a beau- d1ressed iii national costumes.- 10.15 a.m. by train. There vas thîrough th avte andodirct tful promenade aiong the san- As uenex dy sasfre, alittlhe -nix up about aur coach- me tbrough ta the back off dy shore off the Mediterranean. the nîanîingl I had the hotrh 1Fs vihen %ve t;t Mihan but this t We bad cofffee at a little inn cterk iiake a reservation for a Jw-as rectified whei vie chan.ýed tand czuînchthebere the bus ha hair- shampaa as they didi not at Fiorence anîd we had bvo gonc. I wahked back and a shortan itvsthbetcffe v ,hva euypanloi at ftle h-Il 'tcas ocesfrar a-wav inside the doors off th, ato urti.A ti lc -have a beocheautyor pr-Bas'ilica Mn. Kenny Hatton of tie man and bis viife wvi tel. le mîade the appoiiitnient ty for the z'est off thie journey. vontreal canie laoking farn m wedicooe 0tru'pse fit a -hiop a couple of blocks -e tloe fe spse cov. i flic street. I dont thîiîk Oni leaving Milan in aur coil- andi wvas he vrwlom!Iu ie figs picked thal. morn- I have evez- had a betcr bhaïrpatezto htrivsM' took a great deal off ibbinc ing wihichi vas quite a treat. ,shiazipoa andi iairdo. Atter luu-e,, and ti rs. Fra nk Prcndergasýt, froni this expenience IlU' We couilt onhy cat aea they %ve ha-oked thirou eh the stores. Mrs.' Leavens, nîysehf and 'a mîade sure that it didn't hapl- vere v r ich. M76 lefft there canme back ta hotel aîîd îested lhdy aiound thirtv-ffzve and bef, e gii.Ivsgeaî pr-ana veit on ta Cannes and fei, thie rest off aur joui"ney. mollhen xxho were goiîîg ta San- ncative off the kindness off th, our driver drove us ou, on the Iu Siteran îî ii er liii a .Mis. Pendeî'gast bad an csîavno -a ai~ docks ta sec the numerous niany w-e noticed houises being Itaian dictioîîary anti she wvould waqs an English man, a man lu yachts off aIl sizes that vierf, bu] - Sn many liadtihte franir- interpret for us viiat tbis yaung bis "Iflies. iing at anchor. A couple off wor atith rocf n iuî~lady viouhd tell about theé if- OuUetso usd h arships viere anchored further ]:ttle Christmas tzrces piac'd ilu eetscsw vre asng also oea aea h uit ta sea. i Werent cenesvevere pasznt asof ammasmai aCte From Cannes vie sent ta centre top off rcof. W'e inquirciWîda edp sattm atacombs, original buruial Gnasse h eteofpr aîîd foîînd thazt tliey a--e pi' 1 and w ere >orry-taIo"av-e them G astecnr fpr -ePi, , ,i: t 'zen. place for a number off carlY fulme manuufacturiiîg. We vient or ~~? 1(rFîra.ae1. 1t-e t h Pope.We returned over the througli are off the bigger far- t 5t'iCcmi on. - paz C-tzîî"al. tr1z-,a-,oendtorieýs with a personal guilde o h u-ikeual,(,Ilzlie :dm' unr \%ew e sicron a coz-iut- r 12 BOfC.. ihch k hîzîed w-i 1tlî -ÏLI l Il lealç relatiuves that lîcîpet i \Viiie cd torboni avicw Roine at îight i fc-sls oîîsiz-zgts il bbMcotis J ~~It ~ ~ \x'alsz. Aanv offthie aid Stonie tta oac 1)-rhcllli, and bfl iiitOSI- nt l uîic-d, un buuîdinga -hic- ve passed ai-e In flic affîeî-îoon vie ienttot bas a seceecInbb flic hiouise. W hrodfc eztt zîghtocîuin stilh in 1 use for homies -aîîd for the Izidependent state off Mon- Interlaken <o Milan i rc diw-aersnt ligigtaclubsbusinîeslocations.<Ouir hast stop aaota sisit the castle ivhere whic wassonethig t VISL 'as ah the Roman Capital, naw Prince Ranien III lives with bis Sent. -16. W\e leftInIzterlakenz once, aî-iviig back at aur ho- in use as the eity hall. bride. the former Grare Kelly. F.t 7.30 a.m. for an aIl day jour- tel arounit 2.30 Tecsl opie he r rot, the Siv'ss Alps ta On Fniday marning we viere Audience With the Pope Thoes vitastota caoussth100 Y '.'ln i1îsb:eîî on a sigli-seeing tour off On Sunday moruing, Sep,_ 30 zlooms, wl tocetreis aboetan-0 - 'e- bbc "ir ihi-i ~ 0:a-e auuj nto Vatican City. the Canad;in Embassey bati an- elrcu.fer vîofu r- I - -c c:e atir, but ve%% :n rni gop -r n 'n sectiins off the nalace- r i- ua.:pin îurzi..\Ve drove r were shown many intercstingj audience with His Holiness the e pivt aarmns tej wtrrui oodeti andi lakp siphls. Our Lst stop was in Pope ah Castel Gondolfa, bis state apartments, the chapel 1- -.î ie otî~ie roii r ~ant eti., rzpouzgnia- à.\tCi-'el Gouidolfo the ii -s bv :cConiisi lir General suatazuPas altitude being 24ou ble itr-ucýure, and i argest cburch guards dressed in colorful wide- off thbe Tourist anF Ifrmto our party was taken raducted tour through the >artments and one room private apartments, after we attarided a reception main offices, in Monte- ta short walk fro the the street tote Casino, most members of the >ent the last hour of our sorne wagering a few at the varîous gambling or at the siot machines. esday we enjoyed our leisure strolling in the park, window shopping ting on the promenade ,e shore, as it was love- varin, in the 80~s. We had 20 frjics for one type rand 30 francs for an- also took my shoes and gs off ta wade and feel ;ers of the Mediterran- my feet. sday, Oct. 4th we depart- train for Paris passing iAvignon, Valence and We left Nice at 8 a.m. rived at Paris at 9 p.m., travelled a distance of 00 miles. Our buses met he Paris station and wve to our hotel, the Amn- w, along the Seine Ri- thad three full days in concludt next week) Relief Costly seph Lister Rutledge :f the most disquieting àout taxation is the re- shown by government Io any part of the tax once it has came inta its md the blandness with tjustifies its attitude. re is an equally disquiet- iit is the too ready pub- )tan~ce of this denial. It that in all this talk of the average citizen has ivinced that in maintain- higli level of taxation int is really doing him nprotecting him against ipturns in prices. That ble argument havingc epted, the emphasis then lhe contention that gov- cannot forego income insettled world without 5ng aur security or lim. welfare activities. mult we have learned to id with mneagre if an ' d. That will continue case until we are ready seriouàly against these ýs. It is not quite true ding is the reason for gprices. Inflation is prim'arily, by growing compensated for by im- production. It is not that is inflationary but on a sparsely supplied That sparsely supplied xists whether we in- idividuals spend or not. If gov- ernment, well supplied with tax tmoneys, spends in our place, is there any reason to believe that the result will be different? Then there is the argument that, because of its obligations, government cannot afford to re- duce taxes. That argument is not saund. The facts are that a reduction in tax does not neces- sarily reduce tax incarne. Take the small concession made on the excise tax on cars at the last session of parliament. Actually it was a mere 5%7, but it was offered by a sober-faced min- ister, as if it represented a high hazard. The fact didn't turn out to be a hazard. Indeed the ex- pectatian is that the reduced tax will produce perhaps $8 million more than the higher tax. In 1954 the majority of income tax payers were given tax re- lief averaging a cut of about 12%. Again there were sober faces, but in fact the immediate improvement in business and industry that resulted provided more income than was lost by the tax eut. Indeed there is very little proof that reduced taxation relief secured at so littie hazard? the country. VIGOR SERVICE OIL Co., STATION Two miles North of Newcastle on Highway No. 35 PHONE 3881, NEWCASTLE VIGOR STANDARD GASOLINE VIGOR H1GH TEST GASOLINF 38 410 Gal. Taz Lue. GaL Tax bic. STOVE OIL - For your convenience, in smail quantifies available ai the station OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYSI f Turn turkey iiito a next-day wonder!4 Turkey 'burgers-such a super way to serv'e Ieft-overs. Broiled or aauteed turkey 'burgers, on a sUice off cranberry jeUy right inside aà'%urger bun! Make 'em as you would a meat-loaf-with beaten egg, breadcrumbs, aeasning. T7hen shape into generous patties. Know how the zest of Coke pepa up a hamburger? WeU, just wait 'LUI you try that great taste with turkeyl For Sparklingý Holidays ] -.Brin g"home -the Coke! n .. m KING sirsV --coke- il a regiUs,.od fyêde..mcr Hambly's Beverages (Oshawa) Ltd. Oshawa - OntariC Autorze . o. .l. tif imp.i- vnrç w... &L0"--- .o-aLtd AuthnrvaA ro6 ....,..-,.j. ...ier.... .., hCo-Coa.d ~rr It 4'*~ o~ 4~ I Meany, President of the APL« The Bible CIO said: "To us 'The Book of Lif e' can mean nothing other I than the Bible. The (mural Today shows) the Bible to be the one sure and certain guide we have For the second time in its history the United States has Only other such stamp issued In pictured the Bible on a Postage the U.S.A., in 1939, shows Wash-. stamp. ington taking the presidential Issued on Labour Day, 1958, oath with his hand on the Bible. as a special commemorative Recently Brazil used a Bible stamp, it depicts the labourera Society poster on a postage appreciation of the Bible. stamp. The British and Foreign The design for the stamp was Bible Society ca-operates close yý taken from a mural in the new with the national Bible Society AFL-CIO headquarters building there. in Washington, D.C. This giant Suggested readings for thé masaic mural 51 feet high and week: 17 feet wide pictures a worker Sunday - Luke 8 :1.21 with a pick, hammer and hoe Monday - Acts 17 : 18-34 over his shoulder, wlth an arm about his wife. She is seated Tuesday - Romans 8 :1.30 and is reading to their young Wednesday- Romans 12:1.21 son fromn what the artist'a titie Thursday......----I Cor. 13: 1-13 describes as "The Book of Life". Friday ---- Philippians 4 1.23 A spokesman for George Saturday - Hebrews il1 JAO dangerously curtails governmen- 0f about 25 species of apples tal income. There is much proof found in Canada, onlv two-the that reasonable reductions have sweet crabapple of Southern On- quite the opposite effect. What tario and the Pacifie crab-apple then is the matter with tax of the west coast-are native to ib

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