IM~U MAT. DEC. 20th, ION PAGE 2MNEi'M CANAflIAI~ ~?AWMMAW UAWMA V~.?V 4%M~A UYI% the devotional. Several Chi Solin W .I.mas carols were aiso sung.1 Send Gifts tkn.10 wr f oa C.,unty Homie Blessings", with Mrs. Laird iz ing the commentary. These fit The annual Christmas mneet- were interesting and enjoy ing of the Sauina Women's Insti- by ail. Mrs. F. Jackson ga tgte was well attended on a "Christmas" piano so Thursday afternoon, Dec. 13. Lunch was served and a soc The ladies were happy te wel- time enjoyed. come a former member of the Rev. Jackson took charge W.I., Mrs. Charles Smith andi the election of officers withj friend, Mrs. L. Guy of Oshawa1 suits as follows. Pres., Mrs. who gave a very interesting Twist; Vice Pres., Mrs. demonstration of Christmas table Shackleton: Sec., Mrs. Bob C, centres, corsages, etc. They also lacott; Asshst., Mrs. F. Blac showed how te arrange simple hum:. Treas., Mrs. L. Wel! articles such as driftwc.od, with: Piani'St, Mrs. K. Shackletc tinted weeds and greens to make Flower Comm., Mrs. W. Wei an attractive decoration for the and Mrs. , Lloyd Richai home. Flowers were presented Group Leaders, Mrs. W. Cra te Mrs. T. Baker, Mrs. C. Turp- Mrs. F. Blackburn, Mrs. 'atra and Mrs. Ross Cryderman. Shackleton, Mrs. S. Butter Mrs. Gordon Leask, convenor Auditors, Mrs. W. Craiga of Group 1, presided for the pro- Mrs. Lloyd Richards. grain which opened with the Congratulations te Mr. a slnging of carols led by Mrs. J. Mrm. Ken Maynard on the ar: ]Baker. The motto "Christmas 1vlo ayby should be a pleasure and not a valrfa aby by.W.CagN burden" was well commented on Mand Mr r.W. Ba CbrMaiJ by Mrs. C. Hamer, and a read-an Mrs. . Wlackbee urM.Es ing "What Can a mother give Mr.L1es eeTe ber children?" evening visitors with Mr. ai ~r. E. R. Taylor, president, Mrs. Bruce Lehman, Oshawa. ~ducted the business peiod. A White Gift service w ~e dollars was voted for the held at Sunday School. ' Hospital for Sick Children. A Bible stories were given1 committee with Mrs. E. Vance Eric Shackleton and G'i as convenor was appointed te Blackburn. A story for t arrange for the entetainment of younger children by Gra husbands on January il Blackburn and for the old The roll cali "My Favorite ones by Mrs. E. Twist. Jol Carol" and "A Gift for one in Twist also read a poem. the County Home" was well re- There will be a Çhristn sponded to. Miss Lena Taylor concert at the church Fricý will deliver the gifts ta Cobourg. evening presented by. ti Duing the social hour the school pupils and the Youi group in charge semved delicious People's Union. refreshments. Congratulations te Mr. ai Mrs. Sain Buttery on celebma ing their 25'h wedding annive S~ALEM sary. A family dinner was h In their honour in the Licl Community Centre on Satu W.A. held their December day evening. leeting at the home of Mr-. Best wishes te Mr. Geo. S. Buttery. President Mrs. But- James for a speedy recovery tery opened the' meeting and Merry Christmas te ail. Conducted the business. It was _________ decided te give $25 to M. & M. 1,und. Mrs. Twist and hem group In 1955 Canadians spent $3,5: wýere in charge of meeting. million in grocery and oth .Mrs. Buttery gave the Sci- food stores, compared te $1,8 laire reading and Mrs. Twist million in 1951. ILENT NIGNI...a .may itbing wendrous loy fo your bIespsd Christmas H. C.--Pedweil Real Estate Broker NEWCASTLE H. C. Pedwell - M. H. Pedwell Las! Minute Gi fis FOR EVERLASTING BEAUTY' *ELIZABETH ARDEN *HELENA RUBINSTEIN *YARDLEYS * REVLON * KODAK * REXALL * SEAFORTH JURY & LOVELL PHONE NIA 3-5778 BOWMANVILLE rist- Mr. ýres- had in- ,our liv- lm eyed ,ave o01o. ýcial of me- E. G. >ol- ck- ýlsh; ton; rry rdE -aig, G. ry; and and rri- M4r. and day and Kas rhe by len the ace der hii nas To the Citizens of Bowrranville 1956 has been a good year - a year of substantial progress for our town - and a herald of even better years to corne. «'In union there is strength" is a time-worn but true saying and it is through the Chamber of Com- merce that mrchants, industry and private .citizens have united their energies to carry out many worth- while community projects. Whatever we have been able to achieve is due in no small measure to the active encouragement and support of many individuals and organizations. Accordingly the Bowmanville Chamber of Commerce wvelcomes this opportunity to extend sincere good wishes for a very merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year - - to the Mayor and members of Council whose confi- dent support has made possible our continuing program of industrial and civic development; - to the Bowmanville Planning & Development Board whose members have devoted so much time and thought to the orderly development of our com- munity; - to "The Canadian Statesman" through whose columns our fellow-citizens have been thoroughly informed of Chamber activities; and - to the citizens at large for their friendly support and assistance in many of our projects. We firmly believe that our home town stands on the threshold of great developments and as a New Year dawns the Bowmanville Chamber of Commerce rededicates itself tô building a better communitv. On behaif of the Board of Directors -' K. N. Morris, Secretary-Manager. read "The Road te Bethlehem". A Christmas candlelighiing ceremony, representing differ- ent ceuntries and given by Mrs. Gordon Strong, Mrs. Er- nest Larmer, Mrs. Fred Dayes, Mms. Ralph Larmer, Mrs. Carl Wright, Mrs. Roy Taylor, Mrs. Dalton Dormeli and Mrs. Cecil Hill, with Miss Phyllis Strong, Mrs. H. McLaughlin, Mrs. J. Carnaghan and Mrs. L. Byers singing the carols, made a very fitting close te the meeting. Llunch was served by the group. Sheep Breeders Win Prizes ln Chicago Durham County Sheep Breed- ers: Boyd Ayre, Oshawa, and Fred Trewin, Nestleton, exhi- bited this year at the Interna- tional Live Stock Exposition in Chicago and brought back a good line up of prizes for their respective breeds. Placings for Boyd Ayre in Cheviots with 10 entries, year- ling ram, 5th; ram lamb, 4th and 7th; pen of three rami lambs, 2nd; yearling ewe, 2ndi and 51h; ewe lamb, 6th; pen of 3 yearling ewes, lst; pen of three - ewe, - 4th; open, flock, 4th. Placings for Fred Trewin in Oxfords with 5 entries-Ram lamb, 5th; yearling ram, 5th, MORRISU At Sunday School a special White Gift Service was present- ed. The Caîl te Worship vvas given by the senior girls, the response by the senior boys. The Bible Christmas Story wvas read by Harry Lee and Joan Marvin. Prayer by Mrs. Wni. McHolm. A reading *'Jesus, King of Al the Earth" was nicely read by Diane McConnell. A silver basket flanked by candles was placed ready te me- ceive the gifts which were pre- sented by each class and teacher, $12.45 being the result. This will John Mitchell, Port Hope. - *~..~<i~<c.:-.-.Z---------------------- be made up te $15 and sent te the M'. and M. department of the United Church of Canada. -Painting the Christmas Story'I was read in two parts by Mrs. Wm. McHolnm and 'Mrs. Fred McConnell. The service closed with praver and benediction. Sunday School next Sunday will be at il a.m. There will be ne regular lesson but instead, hymns, camols, a quiz and story will be presented. Hostess for the social evening on Thursday, Dec. 13 was Mrs. Harold Osborne. The next social will be held on Thursday, Dec. 27, at the home of Mrs. We are very sorry te hear of the illness of our genial editor and wish him a speedy recovery and return to office. To him, and Mrs. James, the staff of The 1Statesman and ail our readers 1we wish a Merry Christmnas and Happy New Year. Mrs. Minnie E. McHoi(lm. TI1C KETS8 TO EVERYWHERE Air. Rail or SteanMahp Consult 3URY & LOVELL Bowmanville 15 King St. W. MA 3-5778 1 Iay ewe lamrb, l1st and 4,h; pen of the three ewe lambs, 2nd. 1v igBethany W.I. !W.M.S. Elects Club1\1 ,aHave Christmas New Officers O. N. 0. Clu er-Blakstck:W.MS.met at the P Dn.9 M etinghome 'of Mrs. Dalton Dorreli P e pare Gifts u-Wednesday evening. Openedi There were 36 in attendance with the President reading a Blaekstock: The Chistmas W. at the Women's Institute meet- Chistmas peem. Mrs. Roy Tay- meeting of the O.N.O. Club was held at the home of Mrs. R. R. Bonsteel on Monday even: lor gave a splendid Christmas held at the home of Helen Dor- ing, with Mrs. Thomas Je'nnings missionamy devotional paper and rell on Thursday evening, Dec.Aste hr kn bog hi if ote presiding. The roll eall was prayer. Roll was answered by 13. A letter was read by the Aste1reknsbogttergfst h 530 answemed with 'Your favorite the 12 ladies present with a secretary from the Children's > Christ Cid may we alli g to our celebra- her recipe." suggestion for putting Christ- Aid thanking the club for the e 78 Minutes of previeus meeting into Christmas. The Good Cheer knitted clothing sent te them. tinoIifitdy h pieesgfso oe -and reports of the Canadian. convenom's report stated 63 ~' onumrs Asocatonwerm3 boxes of fruit and 57 cards sent ThXlbwsmquse ecn understanding and good wîll toward all mankind. ead by secretamy, Mms. Ralph to sick te date. duct a March of Dimes Blitz; 8Preston. Mms. Hugh DeGeer me- Mrs. J. Canaghan presented Day in this cemmunity. TheW ported that the girls who went the following slate of officers possibilities of condueting a 8fmom deer te, door on Hallow- which was accepted. Presidentý nursery class for pre-school e'en had received contributions Mms. Ernest Larmer; Vice Pre- children of the United Church AU RYRCA D amounting te $9.010 which had sident, Mms. Cecil Hill; Secre- uuring church heusioheA DEnRCA D been fomwarded te the UNICEF tamy, Mrs. Roy Taylor; Treas- merning was discussedi. JIM MARR gfunds. Mms. Manseli Finney re- urer, Mrs. Stuart Dermell: Chris- It was decided te send ouï ported two meetings of the 4-H tian Stewardship and Finance, annual donations of $25 to the SClub. Mms. Ruper, Wood, Mrs. Mrs. Arnold Taylor; Commun- Northumberland and Durham Preston Neal and Mr5. R. W ity Friendship, Mrs. J. A. John- Tuberculesis Association and Price were appointed as a com- ston; Literature, Mrs. John $25 te the Salvatien Army. mittee te arrange for Christ- Canaghan; Tempemance and Ted Coss will be the orches- mas cheer for needy families. Citizenshîp, Mms. Ralph Lar- tra for the New Yeam s Eve ofMrs. H. F. Rayson and mem- Hill, Mrs. Harold Kyte; World ciation gave $25 te, the club R< bers of group three. Mrs. R. R. Friends and Missionamy Month- with which te buy and pack k ~ Bonsteel and Mrs. Rayson sang ly, iVrs. C. Hill; Baby Band, a cemplete Christmas dinner iv' iS '"' ' m Y a duet "Holy Night". Christmas Mrs. Dalton Dormel:. Supply,, including presents for the chil- R iX carols were sung in unisen. Mms. Mms. Jas. Henry; Good Cheer, dren of a needy family in this : Rayson announced the metto IMms. Geo. Fowler; Gmoup lead- community. Members also of- "lLive and Let Live" and told ers, Mrs. Gordon Strong, Mrs. fered te donate. seme- of the things that we Fred Dayes, Mms. Ralph Lar- With the arrivai of Santa couldi do te overcome intoler- mer, Mrs. Carl Wright. Claus in the persen of Mlains ance of others. Mrs. Bonsterd1 Mrs. Ralph Larmer gave a Bailey, gifts were distributed showed a film "Christopher reading, "The Shepherds' Ste- and a social time enjeyed. Meuse and the Christmas Ste- ry~' Miss Phyllis Strong and Lunch was serve<j by the hast- ry." Mrs. Harold McLaughlin sang ess and hem gmoup. Next meet- During the social-heur Christ,, "Sulent Night"; Mrs. Dalton ing at Noreen Malcolms. mas gifts were exchanged among the members and lunch was served by the hostess assistedç; by Mrs. J. C. Cummiskey, Mrs. Rupert Wood, Mrs. H. F. Ray- son and Mrs. Mansel Wright. A special gift from '"Santa Claus" went to Mms. Bertha Prestonî, 7 ~ U M 5 m KM E with Beth Bons teel drawing lt 1>> the lucky number for ber. ed the thanks of the members h rW il B te Mrs. Bonsteel for the use of ber home, the Christmas at- Smosphere provided with a tmee for the gifts and other decora- N ~!tions. i The January meeting 'Ill beN held at the home of MrsnW . Price and will feature Agricul- Sture and Canadian Industries.M I KDL VR jMANVERS STATION May the meaning of Christ- mas be deeper, its friendships <stronger, and its hopes bright- O n B oth Ser, as if comes te you this year. This is my Christmas message te, the readers and staffoth lCanadian Statesman and a spe- Ecial geeting te Mm. George W. James in the hospital. 'u s niWd 5a d2 irento, weme guests of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Logan on Sunday. Another successful card par- A d B t ty was held at Fallis school1î qMonday night, the prize win- iners being ladies high, Mms. AI- u s n e . - J n n jvin Olan; men's high, M. Te C.W eJ a.1rn r omeroy, consolation prizes go - in oMms. L. Argue and Mm. Henry Jakeman and cup prize to Mrs. Tom Ward. i Congratulations ta Mm. and Mrs. Wm. McGill (nee Shirley Bradley) on the arival of aYor oorrîo wIleaprca din rerha orSaf baby girl on Dec. 12 in Barrie orc-ý,rfo i b prcae in rd hfou Saf Hospital, a sister for Brad. terbomough, weme visitors witMrhn r.Sehr e_ may enjoy the festive season wifh iheir familles. Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Powers Saturday. The December meeting of the Woman's Association was held at the home of Mrs. Alvin Ola o Turda aienonTo Ail Our Friencs and Customers President Mrs. E. Cavano pre- siding. The meeting opened V with a Christmas hymn psalm read by Mrs. Maurice Bradley.W i h a V r Secretary Mrs. H. Thompson W ih a V r read the minutes of the last '~ meeting and called the rolV wich was responded to with a' Christmas message or favo, t quotation. Mms. Olan took the7 topic,' entitled 'Ced Indwell- I RY- C4I-A ~ -t .~ -' I. I a 1 TIM CAMADLAR STAIIMd". M"AMM