r ~- - - -~ ' _______ -. - -.. - -.-..-'~ ~*w - ---- -- THURSDAY. DEC. 2Oth, 1950 - ----. .-- - - -- - *~'-' *IA.~*.~ Y LJJAdJ.a. ~JÂ1 ,rI.afl., ?R! CANAnTA~,I ~TA'~W~~q&F3 Dfl!~&"J~mv f~~.WI~Afld% by Mrs. Syer frorn Mr. Lloyd soifle a'nsn xepsfo and Mrs. Higgs of Oshawa for the nus of 15 ears ago the ditty bags and toilet arti- when Mrs. Art Hiumpage waa cicr which the group had don- secretary. ated for the Little Red Door Mr. and Mrs. S. Butter y Hon oured by Family On 2.5th Anniversary On Saturday evening Dec.1 presented their parents with 15, a family pastv vas held at the gft of a siver cream and the Lions Communiîy Centre in sugar wvtb tray, and the broth- Seas on's Greetings As we drawv nearer with the accompanying hm. and preparing for familyj greetings and gifts with 0f ever increasing bubbling er peek surreplitiously at the under the gaily decorated transformation is takinr- p honor of Mr. and'Mrs. Sanfe-rs -and.sisters presented the1 -.-Týhproblmstha1 Btittery whose 25th wedding couple with a gift of silverThpobesta onniversary was the following flatwear. so bothersome during the ciay. A turkey dinner was en;- Brothers and sisters were fearsome aspects and wve a Joyed by the gathering. 'Joe Levett, Tom Buttery, Mrs. ing and constructive discul. Betty Welsh, a niece of the Ivison Mundav, Mrs. Chas. the mutual advantage ofa couple, presented Mrs. Buttery 1 Welsh, Bowmanville; Mrs. Wil- As we linger over oi wlth a pretty corsage, and an- 'lard Lockhart, Niagara Falls, and look hog the xvar other niece, Dorella Lancas ter, N.Y.:. Mrs. Sid Lancaster, New- Christmas tree to the evei pinn'id a boutonniere on the castie: Will Levett, Toronto; hwfruaew r groom.Mrs. Elwood Cole, Deep River. The children, Mrs. Bob Craig The last two were unable ti this wonderful country ofo ~ country are perf ect but any XI forgotten as we think of - . ~ through the unceasing eff c .*?" ** *numerous to mention. Unlike the unfortur e the Iron Curtaîn, the kno< gg piness, that friends are con i i ij us, flot terror that it may t I2 go about our last-minute \\ I1 bump in the street as w colord lights provided by 4 Chamber of -Commerce. A. St. John's Church burst 1Christmas music we think been made happier by thi Sgiven by the leaders of our men and women who chc to serve on Boards and ïï .Legion, Sei-vice Clubs and '~'4~ sj ~citizens and our town xiii Sthink of the officiais and e have labored so faithfully Seven better community. 2-à*AAlthough I have me 0 @ e % the One whose birthda3 SDecernber 25th, could an, Shave been attained if His R ail about us? 1It is with true xvar Rwish for one and ahl a vei Happy and Prosperous Ne' ter, the ibride's mother, vas Salso present. A pleasant social timewa enjoyed by ail. Mr. and Mrs. Butter-v also received a gift of1 et flowers from Salem W.A., and other gifts and cards of con- g 1ratulation. g WESLEVVLLE W.A. meeting #î1Mild wveather, muddy roads Our e;titre staff joins in wishingA1 andj fields make the weather as, 41 inucli upside down as the sit- you a Christmas ,that is filled wih ri1 uation throughout the world, but our flexible Canadian ell- peace and happiness! mnate can bring things bacK IL êt to normal overniglit by frost muand snowv. The overc-owded, D~Uu~E~I1 ~mailman's car brings tii2 an-1 John F . De W ithU nual messages of cheer to tel, usChristmas is near evcn if R eal Estate Broker the lawns arceen N EWVCASTLE fi-!berasme~eting o the cmn' As-ociation xvas held at the -home of Mrs. Harold Best witli ~ 14 ladies present. The seasonal1 Sprogram \vas in charge of Mes-I 1 1 dames R. Best, H. Best, A. J RHoldaway, and Mrs. Andersoni ~ and Berniece Best. Mrs. R. Best read the Scripture lesson of the Cýritmasstory from the re- vised version and .Mrs. Ander- s(on read an original paper on thuhsfor Christmas. Rev. iA. W. Harding gave, a fine talk IVL/ t1q 1the historical period. Mrs. L. W A.I Holdawav expressed the thairks of the association for his series ïi tiroughout the past year. X Election of officers \vas con- A ducted by Mr. Harding vi*.h 4 the following resuit: Ho11noray - P res., Mrs. L. Holdaway;- Past diPres., Mrs. H. Reeve; Pres., Mrs. Arnold Austin; Vice-Pres., Mrs. Ford: T-eas., Mrs. Ken Ashby; I ec'ty, Berniece Best; Corres- J ondence Sec'ty, Mrs. George Tufford. Ail committees will be y, Business conducted bY the president concerned plans for C e more Red Cross work with quilt L ýr and nearer to Christmnas, ustie and bustie of planning gatherings; as we exchange iir friends; as we notice the nergy of the kiddies as they te parcels that are piling up itree, il seems that a great place around us and in us. have arisen and have been year begin to lose their are sure that by clear think- ission, they can be solved to all concerned. )ur good-night cup of coffee, x'mly glow ing lîghits on the nts of the 'year, we realize be living in this town and ours. We know that neither ;neither our town nor our 7superficial filaws are almost 'the forxvard strides made >rts of men and women too nate folk who live behind 2k on the door means hap- ning to spend an hour with be the secret police. As we Sshopping we forget that Slook upward at the gaily the merchants through the Ls the beautiful chimes from forth with heart-warming of ail the people xvho have ie guidance and assistance Churches. We think of the eerfully give of their lime Commissions and in the 1other oî'ganizations so our 1have a better future. We 'mployees of the toxvn who j morake Bowmaniville an tde no direct reference to iy we will celebrate on iy progress and happiness ;great spirit had not been xmth and sincerily that 1 ýry Merry Christmas and a ýw Year. Nelson E. Osborne, M ayor of Bowmanviile. blocks 10 be started again a' next meeting. Donations w'erc made to Albert College, Sick; Children's Hospital: Ibis year's White Gift offering of over $12 wecnt to the Fred Victor mis- sion. Euhl reports of the year's activ4ties will bc given in Jan- uary. linere were 52 at Sunday Schoo] with Bill Barrowclough reading the mornîng Scripture, Final arrangements were made for their share in that annual Iiighiioht of'the children's year, the Christmas Concert wvith a message to be sent 10 Santa Claus remnding him 10 keep the night open for Wesleyvillc.i We are sorry to say Lindu Thorndyke had 10 return to Port Hope hospital on Saturday with complications following a broken Ieg. We hope a new cast wvill help and that she will soon be home. 'rwo shivering ,,and lhung,,' wvayfarers came to the doors of1 two local homes last week bcg- -ing for foodi and shelter. To tiny white terriers appeared fromn some unknown place and t households already welI supplied with canine pets bave given themn temporary shelter. Memorial Hospital Weekly Report MEMORIAL HOSPITAL IVEEKLY REPORT For the week of Dec. 9-15: A dm issions ---------------- 34 Births, 4 male, 2 female __6 Discharges - ---------- _ 49 Mfajor operations ------ _6 Minor operations --------15 Emergency treatments ----- 9 These facts are published *veekly in an effort to acquaint bhis community with. the ser- vices of our hospital. The Quenr Elizabeth Islands, rying north of the great east- west passage and belonging to Canada are the most northerly ands in North America. Ai MERYCHLRII to al our friendp r b old and new - niail bring the heFLt for youi JH. ABERNETHY PAINT AND WALLPAPER STORE . t glotious mz£msat of 0!d, »n&uy C/hiiina. aqaie Any nce fi,, nd (~Io a ll of o m 1 teOUailOurfrienda q LJOWIILIIViie~ ad wlshing Yeu r-. Frigid Locker System ii.UTT -ibn 111I1 P a -m SHOES Santa ut Lions Cllu b Brings Unusual Gifts Santa Claus was on hand at the Bowmanville Lions Club Christmas party Monday night. He was there to distribute many odd gif t items including an»- thsng from a set of blocks to pig banik which memrbers Kad qorought for each other. Foflnwing dinner the mem- bers Joined in a sing-song led by Lion Jack Ross. Lion Wal- ter Rundle did a very impres- sive impersonation of Elvis Presley as hie sang "Love Me SunshineGroup Provides HeIp To Cancer1 Unit A very enjoyable Christmas party ivas held at the home of IVirs. Marjorie Stout. Beech Ave., for the Sunshine Grotip. Gaily decorated rooms lent a festve air 10 the occasion. A short business meeting preced- ed enjoyable and hilarlous games, convened by Mrs. Bruce Heavysege. During the business, Preszi- ident, Mrs. Bert Syer, gave an account, of the înonthly meet- ing of the Ontario Coiînty Cani- cer Ut-it held ini Oshaxva'at the Little Red Door, 84 Athiol St.. on Dec. 5. The Order of For- esters hope to head up the April drive for funds in this district and it ,vas decided the Sunshine Group would offer their assistance wvhere needed. 5 "'cubar.-Dr-- he- at Apo --cklu C w 1q'y Tender" and concluded with y ear,- 563 dressinlgs were m;ade. ed, bringing to a close a suc- "Hound Dog'l. Minutes were read by Secre- cessful year for the Sunshine Maniy of the members cele- tary Mrs. Stan McMurter, R18o0 Group. brated their birthdays, they were Jimmy Marr, Ralph Amnes, 1oauu<tcIIll Bill Allun, Bob Mutton, Lou V Dewell, Art Constable and Jack Rss. Mclntyre in the per- I son of Santa did a fine job and \\. helped to Present Lion Art Constable with a rallier dilap- idated moose head, this beingan added gift from the club. f- The group jhas also voted ta l annual meeting of the unit, m-hich will be held at McLau s ghlin Hall on Jan. 10 when i guesl speaker will be Mr. Jack Brockie, Education and Publi- city Chairman of the Cancer Extending our sincere xishes for Society. A large attendance off the public is hoped for, as it y a Merry Christmnas' will b~e a privilege 10 hear such yf a fine speaker. A letter of thanks xvas read I NOTICE M A3-30 Notice to our custoniers and friends- fo rI Our office wilI be closed on Chnristrnas Day WAN"ADbctween the hours of 1 p.rn. and 3 pn SERVCE i KING'S TAXI whe- molu A Turkey slowly roaated and basted to a rich. wonderlul golden brown. A turkey so plump, so tender, so savoury that "imaginations- are already starting on second helpmngs. There will be "seconds" too. The firat sight o! a DOMINION TUJRKEY la truly a wonderf cI moment . .. but the first taste la even better. Many. many people bave already made sure they'll have a DOMINION TURKEY this Christmas by ordering early. If you haven't .. . please don't delay any longer. Get one nov 1 1Christmas Nuts andi ê%.j Vy I 1 A M - Tender and Sweet - Fancy Quality 15-oz. tin CfL -1I- IP, r 4% 1% QUALITY MIXTURE lb. cello bag btokeIy s I-eas Satin Hard MÎX 3,5 c Deliciouis Desse rt - DOLEBRN CRYSALLZEDlb. cello bag Fruit Cocktail iCreams and Gums 3.5c ROSE BRAND SEET Crystallized 12-oz. cello pkg. M ixecl Pick les t rencn Lreams LYc AYLMER SWEET Filberts and Pecans GherkinPike In Sheli - Fancy Quality lb. cella ag Mixed Nuts 53c Ir CALIFORNIA DIAMOND BUDDED l1b. cello bag 1Waln uts in Sheli 59C RICHMIELLO - Chuck full of fruit ,and nuts FRUIT CAKE16 Approx. 1-lb. piece Approx. 2-1b. piece 55C 1.10 Approx. 3-lb. piece A pIp ox. 4-lb. piece 1.6 2.19 FRESH PRODUCE .Make y.our Sauces and Jellies Now~! Cape Cod No. 1 - Red, Crisp CIRANDERRIIES California, Red Crisp, Emperor FANCY GRAPES Zipîer Skinned - Easy to Peel The Children love 'emn! Size 240'is T ANIfGJERINI E S Florida No. 1 Green, Pascal, size 48's CELERY STALKS "23C 2 Ls33C 2 <"39C 21 r 23C Sweet Eating, California, Seedless Navels, Newv Crop SUNKIST ORANGES Size 252's Size 176's oo.39C JOL59C DOMINION STORES LIMITED Grade "A" PRE-DRESSED TURKEYS Grade "A" PRE-DRESSED TURKEYS 5 Lfor37c -Fancy 20-oz. tin 31c 16-oi jar 33c 16-oz. jar 35c %,->uaan- eaA..ua..y m .is. 10 to 16 lbs. lb. Si1C Over 18 lbs. lb. 49C Mlaple Leaf - Sînoked - Whole or Ila If Fulv Skinned - Less Waste Per Pound COO'KED HANS b. 6C Nlaple Leaf - Ideal for Poultry Dressing - lb. pkg. Pure PorkSausage Meat -39c Spa rkling - Refreshing A31ERICA DRY Ginger Aie 30-oz. bottie 2 for 25c (Plus Bottie Deposit - Refundable) STOKELY'S - FANCY Tom ato Juice 20-oz. tin 2 for 33c Values effective in Bownmanvillc ,îîtil Saturday, Dec. 22 D OMINION Ail inechandise sold at your Dominion Store, il tinconditionally guarantced to give 100% satisfaction, - -- - I i 1 Lim-- THURSDAY. DEC. 20th, 1958 THE CANADIA.4 STATES'NIAN. nmMamm 1 PAGE TWENTV-TyMn dp 3% " AOM à A a dm 1