PAGE Mx Tm em"LfflUTATESMA. EOWMANV=xLE014TAMO THURSDAY. DEC. 2mtih. Suggestions for Keeping- Canada's lOth Province Described to B.&P. club At Christmas Meeting Il. annual Christmas mccl- ai Santa Claus, or rather Mrs. lzig of the Business and Prof- Santa Claus, wbo annaunced essional Women's Club heid et that she had came because bus- the Balmoral Hotel on Thurs- band Kris Kningle was slated dlay evening was a very enjay- for an appeanance elsewbere. able aifair. The tables were Medlyn Wilcox in Ibis raie, as beautifully deconated in the last year, had the assemblage Christmas Iheme ion the occa- in gales oi laughter witb ber sion by Mabel Bagnell, assist- Christmas greeting, which she ed by Florence Tomliison. read from a long scnoll, and Thirty-three attended the din- runnîng cammenlary as she zien meeting, gave out the guIfs which mcm- Rev. R. B. Green ai Enniskil- bers had brought ion eacb len was guest speaker, and other. taking part in the progrem - Canais Sung were Kanlie Palmer, with twa In keeping with the Christ- tap dance numbers, and Mrs. mas season, carols were sung A. Payne with two piano num- with Myrtie Hall ieading and bers. Ina McNaughton aI the piano. A bighlight was thc arrivaI The members made individual The Ontario Hydro Branch - 277 presents TORONTO'S DANCE 0F THE YEAR featuring (Direct from New York) COLUMBIA'S RECORDING STAR LES ELGART and bis SBand with the Dancing Sound Amcnica's No. 1 Dance Band and CANADA'S TOP "TV" BAND BERT NIOSI New Year's Eve, Automnotive Building- Exhibition Grounds *Continuous Dancing 9 p.m.* 2 *Tantalizing Buffet *TTC Service to Grounds * Reservations *Parking Facilities* Noveities ADMISSION---------------$6.00 per person Proceeds for Veterans Hospitals and Canadian Olympie Training Plan Royail Theatre BowmanvillE THURS. m SAT. Nqalinee Sat., 1 p... Last Complet. Thurs., Fr1., 8:40 Sat., 8:15 - DEC. 20 ,ihose sîory r i Sîoy or the fairground- .W i the skili and dari '1, or the perfomers... OMMi~èdjâ îDIANE CILENTO * GEORGE BAKER DAVID KOSSOFF - MAN STAVISUON m f A i AIHUI RAX OV.ANIZATIO$tqPRIS[N A joA Santa will he ai the Theaîre this Saturday, 1 p.m. Natinee MON. and TUES. - DEC. 24 0 '?îDAI P. BERUN'S .. 0BUSINESS _ 0 Q O ~ £ _ (70an 9:15pHOW Tues. Nid-Nite ICALN ..I Dec. 25 - Only I JIO IING L 12 o'clock HOMME UOÎ aise AN AtLIE O ARTISSI ICTU., IRRY MOOKE I ~ FRANKLOEJOY U3 MARV WED. - THURS. - DEC. 26 Children': Matinee Thurs. 2 p.m. * 1 i WALTER 8RENNAN- PHI[ HARRIS BRANDON de WItOEtÉ (7 and 9:10 p.m.) Dec. Caiendar 1828 ivorth $10. Expires Dec. 23 M 'I Christmas Customs Of intercst at this Christmas seasan was the information given by the speaker on cus-. toms abserved there. Christmas begins on Christmas Eve and ends on Jan. 6, Twelfth Nigbt I This is an aid English custom'.I with Jan. 6 being known aiso as Oid Christmas Day. Ail the churches bold service on Christ- mas Day, except the Roman Catholics wbo have a midnight1 service on Christmsas Eve. In smailer cammunities an aid EngIish custom is stili ob-1 senved, ai dressing icostume and visiting neighbors and iriends. The castumed visitons are callcd Mummies on Jannies, whyp Mn. Green did not know. Also somelimes there is an Or-. angemens' panade, which seems odd ta us. Question Period A liveiy question period foi- lowing Mn. Grecn's speech sbowed that he bad held the intercat ai bis listeners. The I speaker was introduced b Marion Jcffery and thanked by E Victoria Frank. Mrs. Green was 'also a head table guest. Gifts were presented ta Mn. and Mns. Green, Mrs. Payne and Kanlie Palmer, and club membens pnesented a git ta their president, Velma Gay. Tbe minutes read by Helen Nelles, revealed that the 'an- nual pnizes for higbest standing in Grade 8 Malhematics were 15resented ta Doug James andI Rager Meadows ai Centrai and Ontario Street Schools, at the High School Commencement recently. A note ai thanks from Doug James was read by Cor- nesponding Secnetary Anna Wat- 'c a t: n o il As a number ai teachers are membens ai the club, it was interesting to learn that schools in Newfoundland are cntirely denominational, the United Churcb, Anglican, Salvation Army, and Roman Catbolics each having their awn schois. Hawever thene is nat as mucb religiaus instruction given in Newfoundland schools as Mr. Green finds in Ontario schools. The scbools are supponled di- rectly by grants fromn the pro-j vincial gavernment, but when a ncw building is ta tic erecled. about bal.! the amount is raisedI lacally, witb the church con- cenned leading the iund-raising efforts. Newfoundland bas made great pragress in recenit years. Trave] is casier and more industries are coming i. "Many people believe that Newfoundland will make great stnides in the ncxt 20 years," Mr. Green sta- son. Loses $128 Cash! When Absent If you are wondening what il migbt feel like ta lose $128 s0 close ta Christmas, you may ask Ross Prout ai R. R. 2, Newcastle. For that is jusl what Mn. Prout did on Saturday. His coupon was the firsl one drawn at the Mercbants' Appreciation Day draw and was a 40 percent ticket which would have net- ted him the sum had be been in attendance. As a consolation pnize Mn. Prout will reccive $3. Second coupon ta be dnawn was that af Mrs. H. Dunn, 37 Base Line Rd. and Mrs. Dunn was present. She won $16 for the 5 percent coupon, a suin which will cert.ainly come i handy at this time. NexI veek's draw wiii be fon $360, with as much as 50 per- cent going ta saine lucky person. fdonations toward the Christmias l fund of the Salvation Ary, J fc J&fM I the sum amounting ta $10. Pre-j sident Velma Gay also suggest-* . ed that mefnbers show their IfIn e st g thoughtfulness ai shut-ins dur- e e tn lng the approaclling ChristmasI The Christmas meeting af season by going to visit them. Jack and Jili, was held in Trin- The club for the paît fewI ity Sunday School room on years bas helped a New Cana- I Dec. 4. dian family at Christmas time. The parents have now received Agairiat a beautiful back- thein citizenship papers and graund of the Star and the with the family moving into a Stable and a babe i the man-' new house, the club is this year ger. painted by one of our mem- huying something for the home.I bers, Merle Slute. The devotion- Mn renspk o is n a- ai was taken by Doug and Ethei tive province of Newfoundland, aW iBiand une Bragg, telling much of interest about adS n ee rwn the climate, people, eution A numben of members took and industries. It is common- part as a choir and opened devo- ly thought that Newfoundland tional with a hymn. Doug read is the island alone, but its ter- the Scriptuie, the Christmas ritory on the ml*inland, -Labra- Story. Doris Topping and Jean dor, is as large as the island Billett favored with a duet. which is approximately 300 Jean Stevens gave a reading miles from north to south, and 'ILet's Keep Christmas", fol- an equai distance from east ta lowed with prayer by Bll West. There are as well many Bragg. Arlene Ayre sang a smaller islands, some afi Whlch solo. Gerda Scblingensiepen are anhabited. told of how Christmas is kept in A question frequently asked Germany, and the choir sang a is how the name of the tenth Carol "Sulent Night"'. Then, province is pronounced. Most Marie Grueneveld told of how people in Newfaundland put they kept Christmas in Holland, the emphasis on the last sylla- followed by a canal by the choir. bIc; some empbasize the second Lisa Miller told of how Christ- syllable, and it is said that the correct pronunciatian plades equal emphasis on ail three syl-1 lables, s0 you can take your W o r d Quaint Names The quaint names found in which intrigues the visiton. One finds for instance, Corne- By Chance, Seldom. Corne By, At New Sol Heart's Delight; also names which are a legacy 'from. the The annual Christmas dinner days of the Spanish, Portuguese and dance for Oshawa Wood and French fishermen who came Praducts Ltd., employees, their fnom Ourope. There- is Port wives and friends was held at au Basque, Spanish Room, Por- the Solina Cammunity Hall on' tugal Cove, Ile de Mort .(a place Wednesday, Dec. 12, witb about noted for shipwrecks). Baie 70 present. The dinner, which d'Espoir is another whose mean- has become a bighlight of the ng the local people have dis- year for evenyone connected orted fromn its original mean- witb the Company, was held in ng of Bay of Hope, by pro- the new Solina Community Hall nouncing it Bay of Despair. I which was necently rebuilt fol-t There is littie agriculture,1 lowing the disastnous f ire one owing to the rugged terrain. yean ago. Lumbening and paper making The guests were greeted at t with two tremendous milis, the the door by Mn. and Mrs. J. Ce- t one at Cornerbrook said to be cil Found and Mr. and Mrs. ( the largest in the world, are the Wm. Henry. Catening for the most important industries econ- roast turkey dinner was done V omically. Fishing is another by Solina Women's Institute h ipor-tant industny. - Denominational Sehools - ýn We extend sincere gaod wish- , es for a Joyous Christmas Sea- -son and a Prosperous New Year rta aIl Statesman readers. Wc -would also express our thanks ýe for the ca-aperatian af every- d ane in sending us items of new. eIl is only by your shaning with n us youn knawledge ai births, deaths, marriages, anniversar- ies, visitons, birthday celetina- tions, etc., that we in turn -can make up aur weekly column. Mr. and Mrs. Garth Manley and son Garry ai Bewdicy àwere Sunday guests with Mn. Dand Mrs. Clarke Pamcroy. r LAC Gardon Wood witb the RCAF at Bagolville, Que., and Mrs. Wood, are home for two weeks' vacation visiting wilb bis parents, Mn. and Mrs. Ru- ingtanWood, and with Mr. Well- j Larry Lamb arrived home from Civie Hospital, Peterbon- ough, on Friday and is making igood progress fallowing bis op- ieration. j Mrs. Ina Palmer was In To- 1ronto for the weekend visiting with Mrs. Neta Farnswartb and an Manday altended the funenal service for ber sister, Mrs. Olive Donnelly. The Junior W.A. ai St. Paui's Church met et the home oi Mrs. G. E. Meade and had their mo- thers as guesîs for théir Christ- mas party. The Juniors enter- tained witb canal singing. Games and cantests were eniayed. Gifts were excbangea and lunch was served. Miss Marie Canr wha bas been in hospital for the past aroup Hus Vule Party mas is kept in Czecho-Slovakia and devotional closed with the carol "The Fîrst Noel". Election of officers followed with Anna and Allan Strike bcing elected presidents for 1957. While the ballots were being counted for the executive, Dick carried on with the business. minutes of last meeting were read and approved and treasur- er's report given. The Jack and Jili Clubi would again decorate the Church this year. When the ballots were al counted the executive for 1957 were Arlene and Lloyd Ayre, Elmer and Lynn Banting, Jack and Evelyn Dunn, Joan and Ted Mann, Merle and Emily Slute, Bob and Jean Stevens, Roy and Doris Topping, Doug and Ethel Wight. To the slnging of Jingle Bells Santa arrived in bis new suit, and each couple recetved a gift. Lunch was served aixd the meeting closed with "Abide With Me" "«It isn't fan to Bethlehem Town, It's anywhere that Christ cames down And finds in people's friendly face A welcomne and abidmng place. The road ta Bethlehemn runs night through The homes af folks like me and t~son were in Toronto on Wed- W'ishing youalal the loys of the Seasots nesday attending the funeral Sservice for his brother, the late Good health, good friends, good cheer! 1 red Sanderson. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Driver, Reg. Edmunds Dirk Brin man nd Erdley Malcolmson also at- irk rink an iMr. and Mrs. James MeKin- Mill St. N. STATE FARM AGENT Newcastle nn r n Mrs.VicnJak StN PHONE 367NE CSL son, Mrs. Bruce Ryley and Mrs. ~~'Harry Ryley, motored to To- ronto on Sunday and were guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ce- cil MeGili. The United Church Sunday SSchool held its annual Christ- mas party on Friday night, Rev. SR. R. Bonsteel led i singing Christmas carols. The Kinder- Sgarten group tralned by Mrs. V. Jackson and Mrs. G. M.i Longfield sang "Away Ina Manger". Barbara Angiers sang "St Nicholas". Eleanor Por- teous and Patricia Davidson sang "I Saw Three Ships Corne SSailing". Leone Jordan gavea ta Claus". Dianne Mulligan, Lynda Davidson, Jane Fallis and Patricia Green sane "There's a Song In The Air' and "Santa Claus Is Coming To Town".* Moving pictures "Shor- Maythety, The Chimpanzee on The May theFarm" and "A Pony For Christmas" were shown by YXa i Mra ede nadBruce C~oming ner ring éA Wright. Ernest Beer, Marguer- 2 ite Beer and Peter Beer acted ~ Çi11 'and sang "The General's Fs foL u afu ll maure A Asleep " Earl Weatherilt, Sun- day School superintendent was ;of chairman. Mrs. MervynPot of cous accompanied the musical Helhnurybers. SantaClu rie iin time to dîstribute the gifts H at a n appiness n1ta each child. Lunch was serv- ed by the senior members. xi St. Paul's Sunday School held Ilheir annual Christmas Party 4in the Town Hall on Wednes- day evening. While the chicken P%; pie supper was being prepar- ed L by the Senior members, the en s n s echildren were entertained with K M W ar games and contests. Following Ken s 'len W ear the supper hour, Rev. G. E.J Me ade led in the singing of and Staff Christmas carols and motion deortd re a laden with gifts .for every child of the school and Santa Claus arrived 0 in time to assist ini distributing the presents. I The Bethany Community% Band, directed by Ernest Vie- tors of Peterborough held a concert ini the Town Hall on Sunday evening, featuni-ng Christma.s carols and commun- ity carol singing. Special selec- tins by the Band were "Pacific IGrandeur", "The Little Irisli- mari" and "Deep River Rhap- the snare-drummer, also gave two piano instrumentals, "The 1 Fîrst Noel", and "Deck The l-iaaHalls With Boughs of Holly". iu 20 years. Mr. Courtice express- cd bis pleasure and surprise at receivîng this beautiful gift and said bis yeans with Oshawa Wood Products bad been veny happy ones because of the fine type of employee wlth whomn he had been assoeiated. Dancing and Cards The latter part ai the evening was spent in dancing upstains in the modemn hall where Bob Fowler,~ an employee af long standing, acted as convener and organizer. Bath round and square dancing were enjayed by the younger members of the organization while croquinole and cards were the order of the evening for the more mature employces. Durlng the dancing evenyone took advantage af the bioxes af candy and nuts which wene frequently passed amang thase present. It was tfie feeling of ail pres- ent that this year's Christmas panty bad been the best on re- cord and many remarks about the next party in 1957 were beard fromn the Oshawa Wood Praducts employecs as they left the hall after a most enjoyable ev.ening. SER VICE STATIONI 1 TO LEASE 1 container as the tree absorbe water.I 4. Be sure the tree is firmiy supparted and away irom fire- places, radiators, space heaters or other sources of heat. 5. Ligbted candies or other open ilames sbould neyer b. used' on on about Christmas trees, or those decoratlon.s which include evergreen boughs. 6. Check eiectric lights and connections: worn or frayed wining should not be used. 7. Avoid overloading electrie circuits. c/o Canadian Statesman Stating age, marital status, references, etc. i g g Electric Shavers Philishave -___ 19.95 1ucîs Firm cy Dinner fina Hall who had decarated the tables in suitabie Christmas fashian with miniature Christmas trees, imitation snow, hally and can- iy canes. Following the dinner Mrn. Found, as master ai cere- manies, introduced everyone present and gave a bnief and amus*ng explanation oi the part each employee played in he Oshawa Wood Products. Long Service Recognized Mrs. Wm. Henry presenteJ the ladies with a charming brooch wrapped in colonfu Christmas boxes. Mr. Found presented a golc watch ta Kennetb Courtice whc has been witb the company for ELECTRIC IfHeaiing Pads 4.95 - 5.95 AAiAr O *JJLa witn a package of good wishes for your joyous Holiday Seasont IACK BROUGH HEATING AND PLUMBING -------- ---- - - - - \~ g' kàdkldkàtbk» il - if Chrrisntmas Trees Fresh euan r ghten twhehoare erautl an boug h itftaerhome gadual oise astheir s fragane Christmas seasan pass by These trees lase their moisture by evaparation thraugh the folsage, with resultant needle dropýand lass ai colour. To help keep your tree fresh and aie the foflowing suggest- ions are made: 1. Select a fresb green tree. 2. Cut the butt diagonaily about one inch above the orig- inal cut. This wili aid the trca to absonb water. 3. Keep the butt end stand- ing in a container af water while UtilitY Manicure Ladies' Boxed Kits j Sots Brushez Soapi 3.95 -5.95 1.00 f.. 5.0 596 - 3.95 soc t. 1.50 Lades' Ladies' Dresser Sets Savn p Mirror Brushes 3.75 3.49 - 4.95 - 6.95 - 9.95 1.00 t. 5.00 YardIey Toliet Sets- Ferfume 1.95 - 2.35 - 3.35 - 5.75 Men's Atomizers BiIIfolds 3.9 - .50Yardley Lotus -- 1.75 - 3.25 25 o69 Ladies' Toilet Cases, Red Soap and Blue -- 5.00 hvn Mitt Buble Bth -59o 1.2 hBolng 750 - 1.00 Red Rose Soap -___ 1.50 19. - 1.50 Gift-wrapped Chocolates 1.00 - 1.25 - 1.95 - 2.50 - 3.85 Christmas-wrapped Cigarettes COWLI NGS ]PHONE " '>ESTREFIT MA 3-569,5 DJI STOR TRUSSES Box 597 M 1 apply #À9e A// eÀ1xý*»4 /y/mée/. From Draw i