- ut.. TM CANAD!A!< STATESMANff. IOWMM1VffL. ONTAPM TTT!TRSDAY, DW. 2'Ttb, 1,5. 8rlonI guaw, Edilo Santa Visits Lions ut Christmas Meeting Christmas celebrations start-1 that tickets for the Lions spOl ed early for the members cf sored Valentmne dance wit the Newcastle Lions Club -is Mart Kenny and his ban theY gathered at the Qtteenis would make a most acceptabl Hotel on Thursday evening for gift ta find On the tree o their regular bi-rnon4hly meet- Christmas rmarniflg. The fift: ig. fifty club draiW was made wit In a dsning roorn, tastefullyI Lion phil wîiliams taking hom decoritted for the season, thir- the bacon. Two 'Ta[ent Schem< tF-tWo minbers and three 1 draws w;ere made with the fa' iref '»t down to a delicious lawing iucky winners: Turkeý Sturkey dinner wlith ail of the John Meneilley; duck, Ro. trimmnings. Between courses Dickinlson and 10-lb. 1ýox ndfollowing the meal corn- Cooae i ry mnunity carol singing was led, At the close of the busine, by Lion Frank Riekard with meeting, Santa Claus himse. Mrs. John Scott guest pianist arrived ta distribute ChristmE for the occasion. gifts toalal present and a ga During a short business per- time wvas had by al br th iod, conducted by Lion Presi-j rernainder of the evening. Txw S dent, Brentan Rickard, it \vas mremnbers,ý, Howard Toms an announced that ail was in read- Chas.Mî. were the recipieni iness for the annual Chiristrnas aot extra gifts ta commemarat party on SaturdaY afternoon and their hi rthdays. ail Lions xere requested to ne on hand toa asist. A donation of $10 was voted ta thie u Chas. Knox suggested thia t tck Base bali1 Draw et sellers shouflcl bear in mml * i , St. George'f s Church News Members of the Altar Guild cf St. George' Chu:ch met in the Parish Hi1l on Fhursdav afternaon ta nak-E, wrrathing of evergreens tadcPcorate the church for Christnias following which, the dfrawx was made on the Chimas cake so kindiy Lnade for the Womnan's Aux- iliary by Mrs. Ernest Alldread. T w gticket was that SLockhart. W Oweug the Christmas ser- on Sunday, Aifie Allrireaçl and Georgie Hendry, on behaîf cf the membPrs of St. George 1 Choir, presented gifts ti Mr-. John Garrod, Organist and Mrs. Thos. Spencer, choir mother,1 apeciation of their faithful âe-ra tes throughout the year. -this week incuck ýM 'hristmas tree ancP' on- e Sunday Schoal being- s Thuesday evening in sh hall ta which ail are St. George's Annual s Carol Service will be the seven o'clock ser- Sunday evening, Dec- Sth. 9 B. Mclntosh vi11 ne to the members of the con Branch of the Wom- Auxiliary, for their annuai at her homne on Janu- 1't 2.30 p.rn. "DcONT E ANYBODYS PARDocN FOR SBEINGIN, NEWCASTLE GARAGE FRANK ROAR, Proprietor Phone 2671 [ARL 33,26- NEWCR;STLE C. G. GOULD Heating and Eavestroughing Autborired Chalco Dealer Newcasîle 3686 rJriza Vvinners Announced The Annual Christmas Dra, sponzsored by the Newcast' Merchants' Basebali Club f( Turkeys, Chiekens etc., prave most successful financially fc the club this year. Winners of the ten px*mzr drawn for on Friday evenin. are as follows: 1. Arnold Wadi Newtonville; 2. Vance Coope. Oshawa; 3. Edward Gertz, Ost ava: 4. George Stonebur, Newcastle; 5. H. Westawaj Bowmanville; 6. Gus Long, Ost awa, 7. Jack McGininis, Aja> 8. Francis Sager, Oshawa;1 W. Dale, Oshawa and 10. Joh Baker, Bowmanvilie. 'Renfrew Man Has Highest Potato Yield Arthur Budarick af Palme Rapids, Renfrew Caunty wit. 865 bushels per acre, had th highest officiai potato yield ii Ontario for 1956, reports th Field Crops Branch of the Or taria Department of Agricul ture. With 130 entries in nin, contests organized by variac caunty and district branches c the Ontario Soul and Ccop lm provement Association, thý average estimated yield was 39' bushels as eompared ta thi average for the province of 20: bushels per acre. Mr. Budaricks crop was higi in quaity*4s well as quantity having scored 92.5 points an tested 20.7% dry matter in ai international class at the Roya Winter Fair for caoking pota toes which were judged for ap pearance and dry matter con tent. He grew Green Mountair variety, one which is stili pop, ular for its coaking quality an produces good yields, particu larlv in Eastern and Northerr Ontario. In the 1956 high yield potatc competitions for Ontario f iv( grawers produced more thar six hundred busheis per acre They were Egan Anderson Cochrane, 689 bushels: Russel Thompson, Strathroy, 668; Del- 'bert Olan, Milibrook, 1663;Rab, ert Rieux, Pendîcton, 627. 0O the top winners t\vo grew Chip- pcwa variety, tivo Green Moun- tain andi one Sebago. 1(dehou- at The bright idea af a New 'York Fire Comrnissioner gives us an idea, 100. FHe iked his dress cap; dislikcd the reguiation fire bel- met - but lie recognized the ever-present danger ai faling debris. Sa he sinmply had an in- ner shield ai aiuminumn made and fitted int the cap. And that's where our idea cornes in: A lightweigist alu- minum shield thmit wouid fit under a hayward husband's fedora and save Iim many a skull abrasion when he sneaked in late at night la a rolling-pin recciption by the little %%oman. Ah' ahtýinuin, the îs/iImetal! ALUMINýJM COMPANY 0F CANADié.\.(ALCAN) ~Fought in Revoit SE ____ere-1 Lan Live Fre st Phno361 States Hungarian Youth w OnI 3 %ofWoen First to Arrive in This Area w Vote in Canada SI-- ~~ n- Newtonville WlI. meeting cent, U.S.A. 81 percent, and inM th was held Dec. 12, at the home Canada oniy 31 percent. Can t rdof the president, Mrs. Milligan, we &s W.I. miembers not do Ms le who conducted the business. samething about this? >n The treasurer reparted a bal- Our world needs, a little more y- ance on hand af $47.40. 0f this love, a littie less hate, a lit- h $5.00 was donated ta the Sick le more kindness, a littie less 4 ne Children's Hospital. bittecness: a little mare pati- Ri' e' Mrs. Johnston took charge of ence, a littie iess blame.s l- the progcamn and with Mcs. Activities suggested for Wom- ýy, Gilmer at the piano, ail jained en's Institutes included hobby r ~in singing "Silent Night". Mrs. shows, giving ai scholarships, of ohnston, aur delegate, gave a forming historical societies and ~ very interesting account of the local museums, wher4Q we canM ss Toronto W.I. convention. The prateet aur heirloams. u theme of the meetings she at- After the rail naîl with 2Ct atended was the value of aur niembers and a visitor present, ~Ji y Canadian heritage, wvhich is a MVrs. R. Shaw read a humorous mti ne priceless treasure, entrusted ta article. vaoaur care. Mrs. Johnston conducted a Bi id Chief speaker xvas Mrs. hat-trimming cantest. This G ts Houck, a member ai United was lots of tun as the busy fin- re te Nations. Thoughits from hiec gers warked with paper plates. etc talk were: We should be thank- flowers, ribbons, etc., and the ~ ~ ~ rE fui that we live in Canada. cesuiltF were smmprisingly pret- w he n sa mueh af the worid is tv. The cantest was wvon goy cavaged by war, tycanny or Mýrs, Cox. Mrs. S. Rowe won Pt hunger. the lucky chair prize. As Canadian women we Th-~ hostess and lier group should miake better use ai aur scrvedi a verv deliciaus lunch. M franchise. Other nations do. In Mrs. Redknap moved a vote t Sý Gecmany 90 percent ai the of thanks ta Mrs. Milligan for vi 1 %vomen vote. ini Japan 88 per- 1 lhec haspitality, hî a w Dl or i ~ ~.IqjIi.., £'in ýor Telephone 127 le, Mcs.L. Halfy ard, Miss Au- guests ai Mcs M. Shetwin and dcey ouise Halfyard and Mr. Laurence cri Sunday before h- Robt. Hall ard, Barrie, werc leaving ta spend Christmas in gChristmas guests af Mc. and Luckîioxx, Ontaria. Y, Mrs. Wm. Miller. Miss Shirley Porter, Oshawa, Johan Straub and bis aunt Mrs. L. Mikios h Mr. and Mrs. Jack Davis and with Mc. and Mrs. Neil Porter. dagtrx o1ni«e iie Ms etrd illad"li Here I can ieam-n. Here I had happened ta them. has flot wocked, and lie is anx- Mc auhs. . N.Menannvsdaiss evaue, as.,i itn lr a can work. Hece can I live free." "I saw people swept up off the louis ta get a job now ai-d gel in MrD . Art Clonh, Belleviee, SMr.,nd Mrs. AnldrGîl -These were the words sprenstreet too and put inta armaceci cstablished in a normal rou- Mc. and Mrs. Arthur Claug'n, liland. bv a y oung 19 year old Hungar- cars. It could liappen ta any- tiîie. -Make some moiiey taa,ý' wit Mc an Mc. Jm Mjor Mc.andMcs Wm M ian f tom Budapest who landed body." lie said with a grin. wih.and mly.ajr M. ndMs.Wm alleji, in Canada at Malion Airpoci "Sa you decided ta try and "Ifpassible, i would like ta adfml.Mr. Orm Malley and Mrs. Chs Wedinesday night, Dec. 12. get ta Canada?' go ta university. But 1îrst 1 Mr. and Mcs. Ronnie West Harris, spent Christmas with He is Johan Straub, nephiew *XCs. November 2th I ci- attwok nderism and daughter, visited Mc. and Mc. and Mrs. T. Hardy. of Mrs. L. Mikios of Newcastle. cide alae uaet e money, aisa iearn mare Eng- Mca. Wm. Cacc, Port Hope. Miss Marie Lewis, Toronto, As we sat in the peaceful, gra- wee able ta take a train. I lis, ecp~n Miss Josephine Armstrong, with hiec parents, Mc. and M\rs. clous living roomn of Dr. and wasfle fpolelaigHnr Johan's Lnghish xvas learned West Dennis, Mass., is visiting T. Lewis avec Christmas. Mrs. Mikios, lie gave a first- wsfl fpolemaigHn n twa yeacs at schol, and is Mc. and Mrs. John E. Arn- Mr. Frank Harris and son ihand accaunt ai the revoit in gary foc godc." remackably goad. stcang and other relatives. Franklin, Stouffville, visited bis Hungary when in October the Sad Parting Toronto More Moderni Mc. and Mrs. Neil Wood and m-othem', Mcs. Chas. Harris on people rase ta thcaw off the Johan left bis parents ait the Dr. and Mrs. Mikios did not ec daughtecs, Lakeiieid, Mrs. Geo. Sunday. Communist yake. This good station and that wvas a veîy kimow tisai themc nephew wa.; th Ccowther, Charles and Jamie,j Parties foc Donald and Doug- looking young man took part sad parting. Three timles his carning, but they had wander- MeNecandleMs.e ChsmaWood la Sherxvin, Brandon, Manil in the ficst fighting in Budapest, father lias lost ail h li ad, but cd anctlioped. When the plane in M. an Mr. Chs. Wod. were hieid at Mr. Jim Tamb>- helping bis campatriots ta gain at 49, hie could not make np armved' at iVaiton an Wednez. e Mc. arîd Mcs. Fred Eagle, lyn's ai-d Mr. A. L. Hooey's contrai ai the radio station. his minci ta take the big step diay niglit, Dec. 12, the Red SToronto, were weekend guests homes for their former school H e fonght; lie saw and ex- tawacd a new worid. His fath- Cross officialis put through a oe MissdMs Hrl esri hm fOrn col perienced the things we read er kept a spocting gaods shop phone caIl ta the Mikios nome ie MissAudirey Billings, Osh- Lacty Luxton, Bowmanviîîe, about in ot.r newspapecs. At b:efore the Russians took aven. in Newcasde. Unforuniately I isawa, witli Mc. and& Mcs. Carl is visiing Mc. andMaH last lie decided ta leave Hun- Beca.se hie was a **capitaiist" by bath were ont, but the message >~Billings. Mercer. Ms . gary and escape ta Austria victue of owning a shop, he was taken atter a littie misi- Mrs. John Morris and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brvson whece lie lioped ta gel trans- was imprisoned for two> yeaxis. dccstanding about a coUlect cai lemas.Dea WtM. n Cs- and daughters. Coîbarne, speîîtipactation ta Canada, join bis Everything is awned and mun until it was known that il was )7 ms Dy wth r. nd rs.Christmas with Mc. and Mcs aunt and uncie and begin a new bv the state, inciuding the the Red Cross pbaoning and lJack Stapieton and famiiy. Ernest Bryson, Kirby. * lufe in freedom. Thousandio s iai facmst.noe ttwby. Then caciy next marri- )3 Mc. and Mrs. M. Chatterton, üliers made the same dicisin. farsitcsigt oeta ing Dr. and Mrs. Mikios went Mc. and Mrs. Orville Chatter- Mcs. Johnm Patton passed away the larmers co-operated in the ta Toronto ta gel Johan. ýh ton and Carole, spent Christ- at ber*residence Dec. l8th. Full- Ail Took Part revoit hy bcinging in truck Thicy sliowed Inin a bit of Tmas with Miss Gwcn Chatter- eial 'was on Friday from Orono Joban, or Johnny--Just cal loads of produce ta Budapest the cty, whmcli lie said was dton, Toronto. UJnited Chucch. Interment in himn Johnny," Mrs. Mikios saîd for the revolutionists. more spcead out, witli mare ýn Mrs. D. N. Myies and Mc. Le- Ocono Cemetecy. happily, lie is in Canada na\v But ta return ta Johan's es- motor cars and mare moderni il Roy Myles spent Chiristmas To the Editors, Staff and -speaks English xvcll enough cape, a change of trains took laaking stops than Budapest, I a-with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Myles Readiers. may 1957 ibring Health, that we could foilow bis story, sanie ai the cefugees ta withini which is howex'ec, a city af ane and famil,,y, Whitby. Happine.ss and Prasperity to with occasionai help froin bis a few miles ai the Austrain and a hall million people. Miss Edra Best, Toronto, YOu and yaucs. aunt. He also speaks Germ3n border. With eight others, in- Hope l'or Victory n spent Christmas with Mc. and in addition ta his native Hun- cîuding two womnen, Joban set Is lhe glad ta be here? Abi Mr.Hrc ètadfMc.v garian. .01ont ducing the night ta walk sînile is tise answer ta that ques- SMiss Jili Chapman xith Mi.IM Ni Women, young boy s and girls,1 the distance ta frecdom. The tion, A final question, "Do y ou -and Mrs. Jack Chapman and as wvcii as the menfolk 100k crassing look eight boucs, but tisink tihe Hungarians wiii win isson, on Christmas. (neddfrls ek part in the figbting in Budapest this was becau.se they gaI losteetaîy"bwnsbckasc Miss Bectha Catn, Mis. M. Mrs. \Ves Camecon w~as hast- streets. Ail waiked openly, de- at one point. Once they saw tihe ions look. Shecwin and Lauirence wce ess for a i-iscellanieous sîsowcr fiantly, where shaoting was go- lîghts ai a town, but thcy wcre .. 1 don t know," lie said. t ge Cbpma on Cr. icisMs. Sa lai'o Miss Shirley Dove, Oshawa. ing on, wliethec they had acnss nat sur'e whelhcc 'they were is dîffîcuit ta tell. The Russian. 'e Camrs E. Murymas. HcldjMc. Facbes Fisher ha4 ce- or~ not. stillinil Hungary, sa thley did have sa many troaps, and MurphyMrodTer, turned home from Saskatclse- "Before the revoit, evecyone not dace go in. arms.' SLong Sanit, Mcs. David Plia- csi dFshr et,îaht. Bta wlien the etArrive In Austria Wmîli Johan, and his cm Ml. lfrd Fshe, Moia thu.gt. ut hei th reoitpatriats, Canadiaîs and indeed sey, spent Thursdaî' wit c Saskatchecwan, is visiting his broke, evecyone was juîbilant, The two wamner in tise part,.i, tecewri anoi -and Mcs. Chas. Wood. T1 ý++1 1C 1 l h.feewrdcnol Mr. nd rs. . M D,,,11i Mr Alred ishr viite Mr ians that the Russians brought culations, an x-ray and mcdi- a rdcdt and ilicce chiidren spent Suis- and .Mrs. Harvey Webster, Port in a whoic new contingent ai cz.l check up. d da. w it h Mc. and Mrs . Fec, Peccy. . îoaps ta tcy and control thp A o Leskard. 1 Mr.aad enoi an~ id Mrs. Russell Stain revoIt. Off To Canada INIr. n i rs.Harld e ton l\ îSted at Albert Balcon's, Many of these wvere 19 vear Af<er receiviîsg permission ta " Cate Fo and Cramg Hvîses spent CIribtý Sauna.te' - kowicoe îî asn laef mas ith c. nd Ms. More Sansta Claus was on band ta olds, and thy dm otknv rocteewanopac y IToronto. 1 osake tise utile folks happy at whoin tisey liad beqn sent ta iing direct ta Cansada onvi i n 3N U T Mc.ams Mc. Rbt.Macaistie Cscîtisas oîsectal hefi gis. They couid not read1 lie conli get passage, but the ~ B i ndfailwith Mrs. John Tuî- (huci is '1 nFciday night spn-Huingarian and did not eveni Canaciian Coîssulate advised R iser. Ms et sorcd bY' the C.G.I.T. and Ex- knaw whece thcy sce. They himm ta tcy tise Scandinasaîn Ut IININEK - R M.andîsd e Vs*. vis-: placer girls who put on the lsad been tld they' wecc gaing Air Lunes. Thece, lie and three U iîted Mr. and Mcc. ,ss . Armit- ' caram.taG maya figist tise Fa.3- other ringees fonnd places on f ag, aan o ncstsc. iMcs. RnŽceIl Staiîston visited I ists. It is intercsting ta learmi a plane, aîsld at îast îisey we'ie ~Wc specialize ini catering far M gC.amsd MnCis.tebDm alMs 1 sn apto %,byncws hroadcasts this past off, ieavmng ihei- native land receptiùiis, dinners, lunch and famivMc. and Mc . Miss Beverley Bal.lon, Osch- weckend tt 'ayRsin n i în ie a eintither in the hi Du-avîd a.lspiiCrs - a, .speimt last wcek %with ber arc going ove t he sHungar- thise ~faces t _nd towacd a leW nti\-land \ mi'.i. îs il Ei1 ra; piemt Mcrn-Mr.ian side. lufe'ns a new land. Du~ai, eskad;'-b't Kilin. 'ls Budapest, Johami finished Dii\a.lLeadç. JmsBTIMs areKleH~I1rainloads Taken ' wiat he rcferced to a AI\Y LOC Mr. nd i-ý Jaes a iss arietKillens îaphl Johan caw Russiais trao.,s Technical Middle Scisoolfo andt Mrarn, BwmmîvLene. tonQii. oetKle' , re ais xeli identifed Red whicli, if the Communîst-s had Utthe interested partie m-s Macleimne Coxan, 'toron-s-z institutions in Budapest. isot been is contrai, he couîd N ahrn o n w 'eounded wcre thrown n have gone onta university. A to, ith lier parents foc- Chcmit. PIi]anthcnphv isrima, i cks. jpresent, bowýever, tIse chldrenU iaiti r.mi Mc. Huk mi itm wil ss im I Iwas it trime about lIme train-of' torner 'rapitalists" are nul B MccF. W. Sherwin and :Oi55 Thoreaui. adý o eol being sent onteligihie for university traininsg. I I K Don, -ado-appcerî an by îssanfi d. i n laade.Joa aý.Io oa wn o ki ili an Doijpa,ý, i !"ýithaï,happens o.Thcsee people large-: furni;uire facai v. He omn0l \1,mnp 't' ic I i c aI«~ ezm nrx' her I 'l- a r H aIlr 'ce rarünt 4Mtr. and Mrs. H. %EeeUend ançL Wete cli abro)ad.-Cuii berland tieâ wouîci b ifrmd .hd I broke ont in i tbeJahanlpj ~1 ee our heroine corne rushing il~ vith sornething srnall wrapped dcep in '-swaddling clothes" where in due time the aforemen. ioned chunk of goulash was rushed into a less modern but nore effective cook 4ove. Re. sults-Time will tell as the proof of the puddingz is in the eating. Christmnas Concet Yelverton Christmas Concert was held on Wednesday night, Dec. 19 in Church Hall with a b record attendance. The programn was ably ernceed by Trustee Howard Malcolm. Prograrn con- sisted of: Brief Chairman's re. marks, school chorus, "On Christ. mas Day" and -Christmas"; reci- tatian, Carol Staccy; play, -The ;ick Baby"; recitatimi, Vaughn vlcGill: puppet show, ~he Little Kittens"; recitatian, Terry Malcolm, solo, Vanetta McGill; piano duet, Elizabeth and Linda Rowvan: puppet show "Snowv White". recitation, Judy Robin- son; sang, ** Little Miikmaids"; ecitation, Margaret Young. Rev. R. R. Bonsteel spake briefly but adequately, a pattern w'e hope he copies at next board meeting. Play, 'Making a Cake"; reci- tation, Bruce Kerr, sang Juniors, "Santa Clans"; rec ion, Marguerite Wilson; 1p a' Getting Even with Siste' Beau"; recitatian, Marlene ME- Gill; "The Christmas Story", recitation, Gary Bristow; school horus, "Jolly Old St. Nicholas"; recitation, Gordon Stephenson. Trustee Fred Stacey thanked pupils and teacher Mrs. Arnold Williams for fine performance. "*God Save the Queen" and We Wish You a Merry Christ- mas" concluded the program. Santa arrived in a rush, terror- iing a few, soon ta make thern happy as he doied out piles of presents. A pre-Christmas gift package, a]ittle over 7 lbs.. arrvived early Dec. 19, a boy for thie Ray Rab- insons. Congratulations! The Super-Efficient DILO - MAGIC Oil Heating MAKES YOUR PRESENT HEATING EQUIPMEN'r TIVICE AS GOOD Saves Ton Money on Your Fuel Costs l 1 Phone or consult JACK DROUGH[ PLUMBING - HEATING Division Street South Bouse Phone MA 3-3964 hone - Office MA 3-5615 BOWMANV[LLE L o To Pay Past Due Bis To Consolidate Monthly Paynients For Holiday Expenses For New Purchases For Einergency Expenses Corne in Today Try The Beilvue Way on a Pay frorn Incarne Plan BELL VUE FINANCE CORP. G. H. li'LSON. Mgr. 291'j Simcoe S. Dial 5-1l11 OSHAWA WEDDINGS ECEPTIONS )r ail types of banquets, -eons and weddings t hotel or at "ATION ies May choose. nail or too large LHOTEL Phone MA 3-5081 ï. WoolIey ( I M - -I TMMSDAT, DW- 27th, lidà