f/f ýgbe "Durham Coun(y's Gjr'eat Family Journal" t4te~ 411 .~ ~ .1.LA ' ÂIJAJ~.LVLJ.I.~J~ ~I LII~ L~7U ~ -'~Krill r lfln PT~!P fl( 'n.'? NUMBER 52 w 's ~ ~"-Ll~t- I - Teen Town Group Donates $85 to Salvation Army tFund Adding ta their many fine community efforts during the past Brown, Treasurer Marlene McDonald and Advertiser Connie Osmond; few years, Bowrnanville's Teen Town group of young people this year back row: Sandra Constable, Linda Mutton, Dan Cattran, John Lunn, dj nated the entire proceeds of their Friday, Dec. 2lst dance ta the Bob Marjerrison, Bob Fairey and Têd Fairey. Absent, Vice-President Çristmas Cheer Fund of the Salvation Army. Shown ýhere are the Ronnie Pollard and Ken Kelly. We ' regret that Douglas Rigg, the -jç.e~rs and executive of the organization with Capt. Wrn. Brown of the Receational Director, who had rnueh ta do with organizing and guiding SiIvati on 4rmy receiving the cheque for $85. From lef t ta right, front this group does flot also appear in the photo., row: Evelyri Brown, Seretary Donna Akey, President Rena Dilling, Capb...1-,11 Higgon EIec fric Chosen Top Merchants' Display For President's Trophy The Bowmanviile Chambere of Commerce this year inau- merchants to decorate their Fast Se vc store windows and exteriars in keeping with -the Christmas e uts W e festive scason, the winner ta be awarded thc Presidents Tro)- phy-a rose bowl presented foi, annual competition by Cham- ln s Stie ber President Elmer Banting. A judging cammîttee reprei- A sad pre-Christmas stary enting tbe Bowmanville 1Busi- produced some a maz i n gly ness & Professional Wamcn's speedy csu1ts here last week. Club was appointed by Miss Jan M .Swecp of Huni Street, \Telma Gay, club president, Bowmanville. received a cable and consisted of Mrs. A. J. from the Nethenlands early Frank, Miss Dorathy Virtue and Saturday afternoan saying his Miss Margaret Purdon. 82-year-old mother had suifer- Viewing ail stores in the cd a severe heart attack. Natur- downtown business district, the aily, he wanted to get there as committee unanimously award- quickly as possible, but the ob- ed the trophy to Higgon Elec- stacles were' many; -no Cana- trie Limited. Finding ils choice dian passport, no flight reser- a difficult one, the judges also vatians at a busy time of year awarded honorable mention to and cash funds in short supply. Riekabys Big 20 and L. A. He went to Jury & Lovell's Parker & Sons. %vhere James Stutt listened ia The Presidcnt's Trophy, pre- his problems and picked up the sently on view in Stuart R. phone ta caîl the Netherlands James' window, will be formai- Air Lines, K.L.M., wbo fortun- ly presentcd at a later date. (Continued on page seven) Ma-nagement of Farms Discuss ed at Meeting, The Durham County Farm will give instruction to those Management Association heid a 1 who have diffi(culty with their mieeting recently in the Ontario accounts. lb is al.so expected ieartment of Agriculture that the departmient will ex- Ildn.Ti-ere were 21 farm- amine each farmers books at 3tram the caunty in attend- tbe end of the ycar and if cer- nee. tain weaknesses oceur in same J, Prof. A. C. Robertson, af the of the operations the farni economies department at the program may be ehanged co O.A.C. was present to give in- improve on the annual income rîtruetian on the farm aceaunt of the farmers. books with special emphasis At the end of the meeting en setting up af a proper in- the executive for the association ventory. was formcd and consists af Wni. It was decided at the imeet- Allun, of Newcastle. as presi- ing that each member of the dent; Clare Allun. of Bowman- association wvill keep a cam- ville, as vice-president. the plete aecount of blieir farm op- three directors will be Bruce eratians in their farmi accaunt Taylor, af Enni.ýkillen, Ewart book. It is haped that the ecan- Lcask, of Taunton and Merrili omies deparbment af the 0.A.C. 1 Van Camp, of Nestielon. Bob Fairey Winner of Kinsmen Train Outfit Bowmanville Kinsmca's an M ýayor iOsborne also drew a a nual elccbric train draw came ta 3econd ticket for bbc doîl and -S a succcssful conclusion Saturday wardrobe wbicb was donated by a evening with Mayor Nelson E.I bbe Bawmanville Kincîbes. Win- %A Osborne drawing bbc winning ner ai bbc second prize is RaadvE ticket faliowing bbc Intermediate Jackson, 97 Hortop Street. Osha- hockeY' game. Iloldel' of' this wa. Proceeds firofi îh-. d'-ama env'iable ticket wa5 Rnh ar;, b'i- P' iacc'd ithe Kiasmen p 162 KiînR Street, Bowmanville. j Artificiai Ice Fune,. oi Santa Delivers Two Babies The stark and Santa teamed up ln the case af two Bow- manville families, bringing baby girls ta Memorial Hospi- tal on Christmas Day. The happy parents are Mr. and Mrs. Jake Buma af 32 Church Street, whase baby girl Nvas born at 3.30 a.m., Dec. 25; and Mr. and Mrs. John Yeomnans af 71 King St. West. Their daugbter arrived at 11.02 p.m. These little girls will have birthday as well as Christmas celebrations in years ta came. Special Pick -Up The Bownianville Roads and Streets Department are adding another service for Bowmanville residents this year. They are going to hold a Pick-up fer Christ- nmas trees. Trees are to be left on the boulevards in front of homes. The schedule for the pick Up ivili be aý, fol- lows: Friday, January 4-South Of and Including Church Street. Saturday, January 5th- North of Church Street. Persons living i Apart- ments on King Street are to place trees at their gar- bage collection points. f.ake advantage of this pick- p.The town garbage truck Santa ThriIls Fou ndry Holds Party y*çot ak 480 Children With Good Program HaptnLd A t Legin Party A fine program' of entertain- amang the boys and girls, He am t n L d mtL g o P ry ient kept 8 hlre n hir add u ntumnsac parents happy and amused at dresscd thern up in coats and W is $ 2 a One of tbc biggest and mosb the annual Chrisbmps Party bats. He led tbe resulting mu- i s 7 0 succcssful Christmas parties in giveni by the Bowmanville sic (!) on bis trumpet. Any- bbe district was staged by tbc Foundry Ca, for their employces. way, the kids hiad a lot ai fun. W eky ra local Canadiani Legion ,Banch lb was beld in the Legion Hall Climax ai this "beat tbhe e kl an Saturday aibernoon, Dccem- on Tucsday evening, Dec. 18. band" feature was wben Erno An unexpected Christrna ber 22nd. Oven 480 cbildren, af Wbile bbc crawd gatbered, led bis newly farmcd arches- bonus of $72 came ta Mrs. Berl ahl ages, were ententainced and Christmas canais were sung tra ta bbc rear and escorbed Dca Ouden, R. R. 1, Hampton visited by Santa Claus wba as with Mrs. Betty Laurie ai To- Santa Claus ta bbc platform wvho had anc ai ber 20 percent usual had valuable gifts for ail ranto at bbc piano. Mrs. Lau- ta tbc tune ai Jingle Belîs. Eacli coupons dmawn from bbc Baw- Jim Fair, lst Vice President rie aiso entertained laten an child under 12 years ai age re- manville Merchants' Apprecia- ai bbc Legion was chairman aof with piano selections. The chil- eeivecd a git from Santa. tion Day drum Saturday after- bbc cani.mittee in charge and Ild ren were deiighbed with tbe Union President Hugh Caubts noon and being present. l tlhe acted as master af ceremonies Puppet show Put on by The on ocehaîf oaitbbc cmployecs audience she promptly elaimec for bbc aiternoon. An excellent Puppetens ai Toronto, These presented Mn. Ernie Rehdcn bier award. pnagram ai enterbajament .was are twa young mcn teachens, wibh a gift. Another draw is being ar presented whiie bhc lange Mn. Johin Ryckman and Mr. Doar prizes were won bY ranged for this Saturday at 3 crowd awaited bbc arrivai af Johin Melnnes, wbo do puppet Mrs. Jean Kennedy, Mi.% Shir- p.m. in front ai bbc Town Hal. aid Saint Nick. shows as a hobby. ley Young, Miss Norma Cowle, at which time bbc jackpot will The pnagram gat uadcrway Erno, bbc clown, caused much Mrs. Alvin Staccy, Mms. Gilbert stand at an impressive $350. witb al bbc childmen lusbily bîlarity by forming a band Adcock, Mrs. Peter Wolncr. singing Christmas canais with Mms. George Graham Jr. at the piano. Other interesting items onth pora ieudd aDon Wilcox Wins $25 Statesmnan Wili Shirley Patiieid; aceordion soloBe i M al by Larry Vesna; accordion duet bySsa uxo adLarBest Home Decoration Thursday A.M. Vesna; canal singing by Suzanne and Georgeana Graham and God undie ittle vocal solo by Ju dges Praise Citizen s Next week The Canadian Lodaumie Lte iarvoalsolo by tesawilbisuds Launrie Little. The final icature usual on Thursday niorn- af thc aibernoon was a ventril- Donald Wilcox ai 58 Lamb's Higgon, 64 Centre Street; and Ilîg. oquist act 'Rad and Jerry" by Lane bas again wona bbc Annual Mr. E. T. Banting, Frcderick 'In order to produce this Rod Taylor. Home Decorating Contest span- Street." paper we again ask that Th rn fnl asbca-sored by bbc Bowmanville Formai presentation ai a correspondents and press Thiv al fintal a i b va Chamber af Commerce. cheque for $25 will be made secretaries liave their news piped la by Don Brooks and Contest judges wcre Miss ta Mr. Wicox at a later date. int this office at their Glen Thenteil. Bill Bates, Ah Dora Purdon, Mis. George Van- ___________ earlicst convenience. Mavin, Jim Faim and the ladies bridger, Mrs. George Vice, Phil- ai the Legion Auxiliary assîsted ip Passmone and AI Witbcns- with bbc distribution ai bbc paon *who rated every home in M t e sM rh La n S ft i lovelv Christmas presents and Bown-anville on bbc basis ai bags ai caady toalal the child- artistie menit, spirit ai Christ- mca. mas, originaiby and ingcnuiby. ln e Ag i The award-winning dispiay wvas designed and builb by Mr WjJeox who made use ai sameTus Ja.3'R r l H D ra\v V inners items iram last ycar ta which N be added many aew ideas and Thunsday, Januany 31st, 1957, E a new arrangement, bas been annaunced as 'Blîtz N o st T i Picke M on ay la annauncing thc winner, nigbt' for tbc Ontario Chapter retpoi':-i'Our bask bas been paliOmnyltis. ville Rural Braacb, Ontario Hy- - dro Commission were present- ableandrewrdig. fr nverderthecbairmaasbip af Mrs. 'bî in bbc Field of Safety, The large carton %vas again lbas bbc over-ali appearance ai Elmer Banting will again or- Tusa, e.18 iMm .G packed wîtb ballots at M\cNu!- our bown been so beautiful as ganizee cBawmnanvillc "M'voth. Gurnet: the East Centrai Re- ty's Spgrts & Cy cie thîs 'car at bhis Cbnistmas holiday sca- crs' March", and act as capi- gion Manager ion the Commis- frth bibg pie winningf draw~s son, tains for bbc fiîteccn Bowman- Sion. for Christmas. The actual selec- "It is eadiiy apparent that ville districts. As in previaus The award whicb is present- ion of winnems took place about interest in home decarating for ycars each captain will contact cd ta areas ivhose employces ix o'clock Christmas eve wben Christmas is spreading rapidly, appmoxïmately 12 marchîng have wonked a total ai 1,000 John M. James, M.P., dug fis and wve wish ta cangratulate thbc mothers, wbo in burn will cani- days frce ai losb lime due ta 'iandý ccp into the carton ta unam~ citizens wba, by bbe use vass not mare than L.5 homes accidents, was the second anc .o comne L.- with bbc tbnee wiri- ai lights and other extenior de- in their awni immediate dis-' he Lwarded in tbc egian. ierns. corations, bave addcd ta tbc en- tricts. Frankfort area receivcd bbe First pnize, a tricycle, wenb ta jayment and bcauty ai Christ- lb will be rcmembercd that othen. Gail Masters, Duke St. Second, mas ln Bowmanville. in bbc previaus campaigas, The presentabion was made a 'wagon, was won by June "It is aur unanimous opinian B o w ma n villc bad bbc at a Safety Award banquet held Stephens, 13 Saubhway Drive , that first place must again be bigbcst donation per capiba at tbc Balmoral Habel. Roy Lnd tbird prize, a beaubiful daîl, awamded ta Mr. Donald Wiicax 0f any place in bbc Dom- White bbc regional saieby off i- Aent ta Kabby Permis, King St. and that honorable -mention inion. Won't you bclp Club 15 cen acted as chairman. Al tbc East. must be given ta Mn. Kennebh maintain this record by leavir.g rural cmployces and tbeir This draiv. wbicb baý become Wrv Concession St. East; M.ar porchlight bumning frntm wic ab;ended and several I ii ann! al <vr'ni grcat pli- 1,rf kre É Ihcrl\, St,'7 -9 rni. on Janriarv. 31,t ta senior officiais from bbc mc.- onhn, V ' uN 't ý. was oî n rr Har' Depewv, 123 ; welcome the ncîgbbour vvho 9gr1n2l office in Belleville weie- )f he biggest ever heli. 'Liberty St. South; Mr. W. D.' wùl calilat your home. i guesta.e as rt Coun cil Seat FiIIed Af Friday Nomination Wesleèy Fice Acclaimed Wesley Fiee, Queen Street, 23, ail of the councîlmer, with Bowmanvlle, was elected by ac- the exception of Couns. Tom clamation to the sixth and final Rehder and Norman Scott sought cauncillor's seat on the 1957 re-election and were acclaimed Bowmanville Town Council, fol- to respective offices. At the lowing nomination meeting num- December 7 meeting one of the ber three at the Town Hall, Fni- cauncil vacancies was filled by day evening. Ross Stevens, 0. J. Presson while the second Scugog Road, was nominated was filled Friday by Mîr. FIce. and qualified, but rather than The new council to be installed cause an electian he withdrew at the inaugural meeting to be bis name. held Monday evening, January f the three poly-attended 7, is as follows: Mayor, Nelson ratepayers' meetings held for Osborne; Reeve, Sidney Little; thepupoe o îaingnoma Deputy-Reeve, Wilfrid Carruth. tions, Friday's jeting had the ers; Counillrs, Jack Brough, smailest attendance Wesley Fice, David Higgoi, Keith 1PA nis mnvme yd Preston. For New Year's Eve Advance notices af New Bowmanville Lions Club are Year's Eve celcbratians in also laaking forward to an en- Bawmanville point towards a jayable and memarable occasion great welcome for bbe ycar of at their dance ta be beld in the 1957 and an equally tremendous Lions Centre. L. R. Stevens- and farew-cIl for the parting year bis orchestra, Toronto, wvill ha af 1956, supplying tbc music for dan- Thiree clb dances- wiîî be ing from 9:30 p.mi. ta 1 a. beld this vear complee vîib Balmoral Hotel is acting as ca- orchestr3, noLse makers, bats, berers. balloans, favours etc. ta truly Besides the three local dances add a tauch af merniment ta many Bawmanvillc celebrants the holiday season. wýNiil go out af tawn for the The Bawrmanvillc Badminton evenIng or attend a hause party Club arc busily making prepa- which is still amang thc mast rations for their 25bb annual papular means ai ushering in New Year's dance iri the Bad- bbc new yean. Another papu- minton Hall wbich bas been Ilar local spot will be the Royal marveiaously decarated in a Theatre whieh bas lîned up a Winter Waîlderland theme. A speciai New Year's Eve dou- tunkey-buffct will be served hle bill. and bbc music by Bilil Webb Daîîces close ta Bawmanville and bis orchestra, Toronto, will are at Vancae's Pavilion and be pnavided from 10 p.m. ta 3 the Red Barn with bath advcn- a.m. A few tickets arc stil] tising fun galare and dancing available from club members. fram 9 p.m. ta ??? a.m. Cy Mc- Bowmanville Brancb of the Lean and his orchestra will be Canadian Legion repart a sell- at Varcoe's while aid time and out for their New Year's Eve modern music wili be featured celebratian a t the Legion Hall. at bbc Red Barn. Dancing ta the music af bbc In neighbouing Newcastle Jack Town's Orchestra is from bhc big event will i)e a dance 9 p.m. ta21 a.m. with refrcsh- in the Newcastle Community ments bcing senvcd thraughout 1 Hall ta the music af R. S. "Dick" the evcning. 'Walker and his orchestra. Local Peo pie Unhurt Wh.en Car -Truck Crash Near Port Hope Friday Mris. Helen Logic, 28, ivas The tr'ansport ran into the South killed and ber husband. Mal- ditch and rolicd aven, but Ma- colm Logic, 32, R. R. 3, Brock-' hcw \as not injumed. ville, citicaily înjuned wben Bath Mr. and Mrs. Logic were their car was in a bcad-an cal- thrawn out and bbc car wreck- lision wibb a transport truck cd. The matar endcd up on about 10:15 p.m. Fiday near anc side af bbc bigbway and the Mamisb cbumc' hbil an Higb- mast ai bbe car's body on bbc way 2, six miles wcst ai Part other. Parts ai bbc vehicle were Hope. A second car was indi- strewn along bbc bigbway for rectly involvcd. a cansiderable distance. Mr. Logic was taken ta Civie The third veicle involved Hospital in Peterborough oday was a 'car driven by William whee he ils epotd ta have C owle, Bowmanville. He told head and leg injuries. His con- polie that e was illowing dition is considered citical. Logic and la thc collision, the Logic car was tbrown back The Logies werc dniving west agaia.st bbc front ai bis auto. an Highway 2 wben Logic The car was damagcd but tunned ont on a grade and Cowie, bis brother and father crasbcd bead-on labo a Smith wene uninjured. transport vehie dniveîb Constable Ralph Tremnelis in- Jean Louis Mahew ai Comwalvestiîigtrde DId dro Staff Receive Tme Accident Award In a 1,000 day pcniod Which besb ai safety equipmcnb. Fre- ran fmom January 9, 1953 ta, que-nf.,the, bc mc are put October 6, 1955, employces set tbî'ough drills la iirsb aid and an outstanding example of Iwhaîta do if an accident should cane and cattion in their work accun. B o w m a,n v iii1 e Rural Thus they necceived the award Braîich bas a vcry effective sys- for bbc saicbt' measures they tem fai' carrying out these coastantly exercised. drills and bbc mca do their job *Annually bbc Ontario Hydro prfiiînbly. speads a considerable sum 'to Supiying bbc enterbalament present saiety prognams and at tbe banquet, David Stewar't baiks ta their cmployccs. Ex- gave an excellent performance tensive use is made ai filmis in hypnotisai, which the audi- that point out safe working ence cnjayed immensely. Aî1 practices. Once a month tbý addecl featume was the plcasing regional safeby officier distri- piano music supplied by Miss bute.3 reports on accidents inî Margaret Goheca. tbc region. These are uscd to Since Qebober of lasb year great advanbage la painting wbe h ,0 a eid ed ot mesues.fr ostn sf cd, Eawmanviiie Rural Branctn ty mesures hasmaintained its fine accident- Manday mornîngs priarta the free record, and constantîy 1men starting work a eview of continues ta point out ta ail safet.y points sbnezýed by tbhe cmployecs tbe need fer exer- commission are dîrected ta theut cîsing safeby nmeasures in theïw attention. Truack& carry the I work. I., Il ~ PER ir.r% t - _,ýt - 11, le >1 0 ý ý eanabian -Ivviiumhi luz 1 BOWMANVILLE. ONTARM- m'TTP.qnAv