__________1_____ MMT CANADIA ISATESMAN. EOWMANVrLLP. ONTAMO AMIL An du m was ~ ~ ~ ~ % maemo ssliqk hoi e leaving the community to take J W M )up residence in Lindsay after jo the New Year. 3- There was an exchiange of FROZE f Christmas gifts and a social ýd hour followed. The hostesses I Minute Maid 1were the ladies of gsoup three.1 ýs Mr. and Mss. Ted Bone of i Toronto, were Saturday visit- r y, ors at the borne of Mi. and Mrs. Ir -R. Bone. 0 Mr. and Mis. A. Bryan, Cour- ,tice, spent Sunday with Mr. and' -Mss. -B. Hubbard., 2 s M> M Ward, brother of Mis.2 aW. Pedersen, spent the week- Mr. and Mrs. George Wallen, 3 Gormiey, spent the weekend Y II Siq 1with Mr. and Mrs. R. Bone. 1 Ms. and Mss. B. Siingesland,__ Oshawa, spent Sunday with Mi. L and Mrs. Merle Hubbasd. K EE,- Mr. and Mrs. E. R. White, Oshawa, enjoyed a moose din- ner at the home of ber sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mss. R. Bane, on Sunday. Mrs. John Carter is enjoying a litte holiday in New York. 1Hungary, as appointed b.,5 oust- M ni [i di t in hi '0 rt aý ui oa Radio station CHUC is th, caU sîgn reserved for the pro posed United Counties radi( station. The letters were ap proved by the department o transport in a letter receivec recently by Foster M. Russell head of the United Countie: broadcasting company. Tbe first two letters appi' ta ail private commercial bsoad. casting stations: the next twc may be chosen by the applicant and approved by the depart- ment 6 transport. UC stands for United Counties, the area fta be served by the proposecl station. The station is expected to go into operation next year. It wil bave power of 1,000 watts with a 1,500 kilocycle frequency. Stu- dio and broadcasting stations wil be but in Port Hope. HIGHLY STYLED 310DERATELY PRICED LADIES' WEAR La Vogue _Cor. Athol & Celina, Oshawa IAUTKE= I f 4. .55 s draw at the home of Mr. and ST R IL Mrs. Donald Lamb, Friday,, S A K IL December 14. The winners cf the turkey draw were Mr. X Mrs. E. Forrester, Westpo Richardson, Hamnpton: Miss at Mr. A. Dobson's and wil Jean Johnson, Tyrone; Mr. Wes spending a few. weeks wi nseLackie, 66 Drew St., Oshawa. them. mne Winners o the chicken draw, Many friends attended t tlled Mr. Lewis Wood, . R. 4, Bow- service for Mrs. Thos. Falls manville; Mr. W.%D. Ferguson, Bowmanville, Monday. M zda186 Division St., Oshawa; Mr. Falls was a resident of this d le an R. D. Taylor Kilmaurs*Ave. A triet for <any years and e inumber of violin selections member of Shiloh. Sympatl s ago were played by Mr. Lewis is extended to the family 1th, Wood . Lunch was served. Plan this time. and to attend next meeting at White Gift service was c Mrs. which the nomination and elec- served ai Shiloh Sunday wi e W. tion of officers for the coming ~.Gyi hre n ~fri- yer wl tae plce.Sunday School choir under tl ni- Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Beckett direction of M&s. WestheUSE foney visited hi5 mother at the Sani- The %tory of Christmas in Ma sand torium, Hamilton. thew's gospel was read by El thoda Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin Ann Robinson. "Painting tl has held a family gathering Sunday.I Christmas Story" and "A Drei hing Present were Mr. and Mrs. Roy ry Christmas" were readk en. Trewin and Carol, Mimico: Mr. Joan Bone and Linda Westhei the and Mrs. Fred Trewin, Lloyd ser. The gift offerings wei and Earle, Mr. and Mrs. Albert presented by the children an Wright, Blackstock; Mr. and received by Bruce Todd, beir I a Mis. Fred Toms, Enniskillen; dedicated withi the offerini 1 for Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Siemon, Christmas hymns were enjo, pera- Haydon; Mr. and Mrs. Edgar ed and a brief message by lM: Anfo Horn, Oshawa. Gay who asked that ail join tc have Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ferguson, gether for the Christmas sel David and Brian, Mr. and Mrs. vice next Sunday. bas Ross Adams, Bowmanville; Mr. Shioh W.A. met at the hors .os and Mrs. Donald Leê, Wayne, of Mrs. Ewart Robinson la the Terry and Kim, Oshawa, with week with a fine attendane( 1re- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ferguson. the cornmittee, Mrs. Jim Star] hfen. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ormiston, 'Mrs. Orme Fallis, Mrs. Ston ciat- were *ith Mr. and Mrs. Ross and Mrs. Etwell in charge. Thi .rch. Ashton, Haydon. business discussion was direct - Mr. and, Mrs. Len Cheeseman ed by President Mis. E. Robin and Linda, Oshawa, at Mr. and son. r M r.d Howell's. Gh~ It was decided ta give a sur M.adMrs. Cortney Gaat h work o missions. Mrs Purpie Hil1; Mr. Wilour Toms, Robinson thougbt that w( Purple Hill; Mr. Milton Siemon, should ail observe the missio. M.and Mis. Lloyd Slemonl,seto of ur church envelopeý Haydon; Mr. and Mrs. E. Tre- if we can. ýIrs.Doson gave ar win, Donald and Doreen, were article on the observance o: recent dinner guests of Mr. and Cbristmas in an Indian residen. Mrs. F. Toms. tial school. Mr. and Mrs. E. Carlson and Mrs. Orme Falls was elect. ay- family, Toronto: Mr. and Mrs. ed to take over the presidenc: H. Stainton, Hampton; Mr. Jim for the ensuing year with thE be McQuinn, Tyrone, with Mr. flower committee being. Mrs xed land Mrs. L. Stainton. IL. Todd, Mrs. Percy Farrow, ch- 1 Mrs. Herb Reid and Mis. Gor- 1'r G-r n r. o wte, don Trim, the other officers re- yrGates Milîs, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. maining the samie. A musical lulFloyd Pethick and Robin, To- selection by Bob Robinsor ual ronto, with Mr. and Mis, S. R. was appreciated by the ladies. ofr Pethick. try r. nd is. alp Vitue Exchange gifts were distri- fir- with Mr. and Mis. Earl Masters, tree. A delicious lunch, includ- Mr. and Ms. WleiFru ing Christmas cake and ice Mr.andMrs WaterFeru"cream was served by the la- son attended the Hay -Hender- dies of the committee. Mrs. ýUS- shot wedding in Oshawa Satur-j Robinson was tendered appre- the day. ciation for the pleasant even- af- Mr. and Mrs. Norman Colla- ing at ber borne and Mrs. Per- tocutt, Bowmanviile, with Mr'. cy Farrow invited the ladies ol- and Mrs. Wallace Griffin Sat- ta bier home next month. 97 The Enniskillen correspondent Christmas Greetings D-wishes Mr. Geo. W. James, Mr. Again it is Christmas, be John James and ail the staff And the Story is told ,tand readers of this paper a very 0f the Babe in the manger tr Merry Christmas, and Happy And the Wise Men of old. r-New Year. It's time for rejoicing, W.M.S. Christmas Meeting And carols we are singing; The W.M.S. met for their May peace and good wil ,x Christmas meeting at the borne Fi oui' hearts with Thanks- ýey of Mrs. R. J. Ormiston, Decem- giving. 70 ber 12. Mis. L. Wearn presided. With parcels ta tie wrapped, ýor Roil caîl was answered by And concerts ta attend, as- Christmuas carois and verses. A Of others we are thinking bv discussion was held on how to And rnany cards we must e- me et our allocation. Meeting send. ir. day is to be changed back to 'Tis a season we love ]y Tuesday. Mrs. Roy McGill pre- And we think of each friend, rit sented a devotionai with the And oui' greetings to ail, seasonal theme. Mrs. A. Werry We herewith extend. hiad charge of the prograrn. To all,-"Merry Christmas", Mrs. A. Brunt gave a Christmnas With its fun and good cheer reading. Members enjoyed sing- To sLaff, readers and friends- ing carols with Mrs. G. Yeo a,, "A Happy New Year". the piano. Mrs. M. Stainton -A. B. H. gave up-to-date information on eChistian stewardship. For the study period Mrs. M. J. Hobbs BU RKETON Ygave an article on the Mission- nary of Northwest River, Labra- t- dor. Rev. Lester Burry, show- (Intended for last week) as ng several icue of his ieW A. Meeting n, there. Group in charge scrved The W.A. of Burketon United ra deliciaus lunch. Church heid a very interesting n- Mss. F. Toms and Mrs. M. J. meeting ini the church ontI Hobbs were guests at the Thursdax', Dec. 13. An invita- ie Christmas meeting of Haydon t' on to ail mebroftecn W. A Decmber13.gregatian was ex1tended, but - ExPlorers Meeting unfosrtunateîy very few availed d The Explorers held their themselves of the offer. How- -Christmas farnily party in a ever a very lovely time was gaily decorated chusch base- enjoyed by ail those present. ment on Wednesday, December Rev. Mr. R. G. Green called 19th fromn 7 to 9 parn. with an the meeting to worship whichà excellent attendance of parents. was followed by The Christmas The opening- ceremony and1 Story, Luke 2:8-20. rend hby :4 e .4 b May this coming year treat you and yours to good health, abundance and prosperity. Not only in sincere gratitude for past Patronage but to help ensure a more coinfortable standard Of living for ait. The Of nienbers of the Independent Grocers' Alliance pledge their every effort to serve you better throughout 1957, in accoimodating yourbu needs, presenting only quality merchandise and by offering low, dda low Prices. IGA CHOICE 48-oz. til, .APPLE JUICE 25bit AYLMER CHOICE 15-oz. tin M BARTLETT PEARS 21cce STUFFED MANZANILLA 8-oz. jar V I.G.A. OLIVES 41it TREESWEET 6-Oz. tins LEMON JUICE 2 for 2.3C --4JFresh PRODUCE Selected for Quality, Golden Ripe BANANA&Slb. Ic, Now at their best! Florida - Good size #1 Theys- iîndows GRAPEFRUIT10 for 4 candles Crisp, Green Large 24 sizEe1~a California - Large- Origial Bunches BROCCOLI Ec Quality MEATSh As .You like it! Serve it Rareé! Serve it Mediumi! Serve it wclI done! Trimned the TableRite lVay - First 5 Ribs PRIME RIBlb ROAST____ Maple Leaf - Ready to Eat - Shankless, Skinless No Centre Slices Removed C OOKED HAN Ib69c TableRite Rindless SUICE» SIDE BACON Lb. Plkg. 83c PART Schneiders SliceÉ SUMlNqlqE Sciîneiders B A CON Schneiders Rolis 1BRA UN 5 Sehneiders Meat S AND WI Sehneiders POLISH Greenspans - A] POLISH Greenspans - A] S AL AMI1 Greenspans S LI1CE D TableRite COGKED TableRite SLI CED FANCY KERNEL iblets ed t.nurch. Mis whereabouts RrT JIif after the Russian invasion is fi ~ I 7Y TIME SUGGE.. &LIVER ROLL Roils 8- CH SPREAD BR0L L STIONS' 6-oz. pkg. Il U AG RING Il Beef 1 CHURS HAN* ý A . 1- oz.- - g. 14-o2 -oz. roll moz. roll -oz. roill IGA SWEETENED Bien ded JUICE IGA Gherk.in PICKLES k M 35c 25c 29c Lb. 63c Lb. 59C Lb. 69C 6-oz. Pkg. 6-oz. pkg. 29c 47c z. Vacuumi Packed Tins 2 FOR33C Swift's FOR 3PREM way 29ed fr3 39C IGA DELUXE 51 6-o:. jar 1 4 5c Off Reg. Price 2-oz. jar DIAMOND LARGE WALNUTS IGA GARLIC DILL PICKLES EN FOOD FEUTURES! 6»,oz. tins 3nge Jice *FOR35c 90KED FILLETS L, 41c 5 9c 29c 12-oz. round tin FANCY Mixed NUTS 41c 45ç Prices effective December 27, 28, 29 SAVING I,..A. CASH RECEIPTS f! FOR RE E >5 GIFTS! EXTRA TO PAY 1 0FERS F1fi - ~- 'Il) n H 'f ýi 1 1 20-or. tins pkg. 24-oz. jar i 1-1b. cello pkg. c7. 1