"---m ou T eANADYAN ~ATWRI(AN flflWA~LU ftN'PAM~ A LOOK BACK !InTr April, Book Week a Such s thenatue of ews-elcbrated across Canada, and Such i the atureai nevs- e nated wih regret the dror paper deadlines that we are in reading oi fiction as campar- * writing a New Vear colu mn, cd with non-fiction. W e also wbficb is really a look back a, ae u ahtchbayai the oid, befone we have cele- that Town Couricil bad turned brated Cbristmas. But with the dowvr the request for samething tree up at lest, giistenig in btter. beauty, and the fragrance aiof Sroasting tunkey fillirig the air. %%e think the look backward IN MIAY-VIRGINIA ' Will be rather picasarit. May of course, saw the high- k~,r Ever since we canr emember. light ai the yean for us, a ne- we have elways wanted ta keep tun a oelv Vrii le a journal on dàiary. but invari- freezing tilî the da,' ai depan- Sably we fell b.\ the aiaydctre here. it was woriderful ta, -~Since we have becri witinc this change ta summer clothes in column. howeven. we find1 that Was'hington. We reached Char- Sit perfonms much the samc 1Iottesvillc with the temperatune furiction erid looking back at 94 and thought it was pret- * thnough aur fileýý for a vear. tx' extreme. but the motel man niany pleasant events and ex- said seriously, "OCh, it gets neai Speriences are recallcd. hot here in the s;tmmah." ~-~ Pnoceeding chronologicaiiv. I Charlott.esville we saw the b6 we went skating on the marshj home ai that amazing and ad- mat Bowmarilie harbouir in mirable mari. Thomas Jeffenson, .iýJanuary, aur first time on ,w.ho %v'as statesmari, iawyer, lin- uskae in more v-et-.is than guLit. architect and. a dazen orhould be mentioncd. What ex other hns h ji.riva r i-laration, and %%-bat paralvzed Virýîoîa toa, ,Ahieh he designi- 0muscles ion two %veeks follow - d andfuedanotbat- inzl fui spot fîlled with peace, beau- m Febnuar-,' saw~ the death ai a ty' and the atmosphene a! the t t,~great and belvd write, A. A. south. e Milne. wha ,vill remain imimor- An unfargettable expeerice M1es tal ion his 'Poah" books. Lionel was being part of the large We- Shepira won the Governan Gen- crowd who sat in front ai Wil- ir eral's Award for bis novel, "Thej liamsbung's restored Capital 'r Sixth aifJîne", a fine book building on Vinginia's prelude Swhich made an excellent mavie. ta Independence Day, May 15, - I Febnuany and March Bow- and heard Dag Hammarsk- manville had an invasion of ijold speak while the suri shone Evenirig Grosbeaks, large ilocks pieasantl ' baht. The nooms ai remaining for weeks and keep- the Governor's Palace nevisit- r îng t1hein hasts rurining ta the cd. etched deepen the memory W ereýr for sunflower seeds and aif their ibeautv. (you caff delicacies. Another pictune on our mem- of yoursef""_ here); Latin Sorbonne( i ed; Notre '..s.".~ and naw ' ' I At nig ~ the theatI the Foli lbus ' L. A, PARKER & SON PLUMBING AND HEATING SPECIAL NOTICE! There will be No MiIk Delivery on Tuesday and Wednesday Januùary lst m2nd 1'our co-operation wlII e appreciated. Jiappy flew ?jYear 11W 4 »è 0 --Ii m m m 'oongras the New YearLi, be gles promise of good thLags to corne for you 1 Glen Rae Dairy Ma pie Grove Dairy iory la a bank of azaleas i bloomn in beautiful Arlington Cemetery at Washington; an Bu rketon Cf coming through the mounitains* g i o! Pennsylvania, the !lowering iflduest to dogwood. Beautiful southern bouses, flowers in bloom,. the fragrance of box, the atmos- A post-mortém examinationi phere of history left by great xvas held in Lindsay Dec. 17, on men and great eventÎ-these 11-month-old Richiard White, are Virginia. son of Mr. and Mrs. James * * White, R. R. 3, Burketon. Rich- ard was the youngest in a !am- A THREAD 0F DAYS ily of six. s June. and spri.g finaliy came Lindsay police said that on jta Southerri Ontario with blos- Saturday afternoon"% the Whitles somirig trees, but it was no~t came ta Lindsay in the family *warin yet. It neyer did get car, ta do some shopping. In warm. Julv, Newcastle celebrat- the car were James' White. 40; ed 100 vears, and for a wonder his wife, Joyce; their stkc child- July lst was a fine day. ren and a hired man, fpom their 9 In August, a highlight was farm, George Bittori, 55. attending the annual service IVife Was Mlssint at Hay Bay Church, built in Shortly after midnight, Mn. 1792, down Bay of Quinte way. White was pneparing ta leave We sat outdoors in a pleasant for home, when hie discovered sun and listened Io the, service that bis wife xvas missing. Fol- corne aven the amplifier frono lowing a bnief wait, hie left for r he weathered frame building, homne with Britton and the as wc'watched the waves on the chi]dren. blue xater of the hay. Near Janetville, on Highway The last Satunday in Septern- 35, the car developed mechari- ber, a warm, golden day, we headed nrth to see the tree- in autunin colours. How beauti fuI aur riorthland is. No wonderB th n y S Lartists paint and cameras click InTr Octoben, we had summer, I- dian summen. Blue huis. aridC hr st ia ( warmth; soit still days and mu-C h i t a tdcolours. Novemben, the thrill of see- Bethany-The children, teach- ing the Mounties' Musical Ride ers and parents aîl co-operated agairi at the Royal Winler Fair. ta mnake the annual Christmas and knowing that no one else concert ai Bethany school a veny has anything like it, anywhere. enjoyable event held in the December. and it can't be1 Town Hall on Wednesday even- Christmas yet. but it fa. Carols ing. float from St. John's Cýhurch Dianne Bigelow welcamed the tower, and King Street is gai- audience on behaif of the teach- ly lit with coloured lights and 1 ers, Mrs. Mary Wright, Miss Car- a big Christmas tree. ai l Iopkinson and the pupils. And now, nearly tume for ai and explairied that the first haîf new year ta corne in. StilIlaok- of the program was "Around ing back though, ,ve remember The Clock At Christmas" iritro- books enjoyed, like A. J. Cran- ducing Patricia Green with' ai mn'a "A Thing af Beauty"- Ru Christmas Eve necitation. The! mer Godden's "An Episode aof first scene was a group of the! Sparrows": "The Shenandoah" Junior Rooni pupils ini pyjamas by Julia Davis, to mention a hanging up their stockings on few. the fireplace and each deliver- And movies, "Mr. Roberts", ing a wish for Santa ta fulfill. seen for the second timne; "The Another group sang "'Twas The Sixth af Jurie", and neceritly, Night Before Christmas". "ýThe Battle af the River The scerie changed ta Christ- Plate", a very fine English film, mas monning and another gnoup Louis Bromfield died, and of Juniors examine thein gifts, fKatharine Hale, anid Dr. C. R. onl * vta ffnd HALF a Christmas Sanderson. The centenary of G. gift in each stocking. A dialogue B. Shaw's birth tvas celebrated followed, "Half A Christmas" and we discovered that we have bv Eleanon Porteous, Ronald something in common with the Jackson, Allan Bnistow, Patricia great man, so we are makirig the Davidson and Sheila Wood, i Imost of it. No we arer't a veg- which they receive a note iromj etarian. He typed with his knees Santa, who tells them af a needy crossed, and so do we! famul * yta whom hie has given the * * *other balf of their gifts. Aften much discussion thev decided THE BELLS RING OUT that they would give this family "Ring Out, wild belîs ..., the the other bal! ai thein giits. year is dying in the night; Ring Later, the scene chariged ta out the grief that saps the mind. "Christmas Breakfast" a dia- For those that here we see no Ilogue by Sharon Bigelaw, Dianne more . . .' New Year's-a time Mulligan, Mari ony Armstrngn af gaiety, and a time of sadness. Lxnda Davidson and Dian nef To aur mind, there neyer was a Smith and thev give their Christ- sadden sang than Auld Lang mas breakfast ta a needv farn- Syrie because it evokes so ii'. The whole schaol then sang many memonies. But we must "Jesus My Brother" and "Christ- 8il look ta a new year. We mas Morning". hope that in that yean you may "The Bethlehem Babe" by 20 find bore something o! interest. pupils o! the Senior Room w as We sincenely tbank you ail for the Christmas storv takeri direct- yaur interest, your letters and 1Y fnom the Bible, each child your comments in '56. giving'a quatation; ail jiining in singing "Jesus Laves Me". Donotby Armstrong recited B ETHÂNY "TheChristmnas Candle".r Visitors in the village for the told by Junior roomn pupils,. holiday season include: Dianne Bigelow and Patricia1t Demnis Challis, Rosemont, Bigelow sang "Silver Beils" with. with bis mother, Mrs. Richard the chorus in two parts.d Challice. The Tramp Drill was well r Mn. and Mrs. Ray Stinson acted by John Jackson, Bob'g anid sons Kenny arid Danny af Edmunds, Malcolm Smelt, Randya Osh3wa, with Mr. and Mrs. P. Long! ield, Ross Jordan and Jim. Mantle. ~~Nichais. with AllanSmtasf Misntle e owsMr adthe dinector. Sit a Mis Magart wes Mn an I the dialogue "Advice To Mrs. Frank Fisher anid family The Lovelorri. Bruce Wright o! Peterbonough, Mn. Norman stanred as "Dorothy Dix". (Dis- Lowes, Tororito,0 with Mn. andgusdaaldyhi pum ws Mns. Donald Lowes. 1perfectas aJimyNiscostuwas hi Mn. Howard Rowan, Maple poffic assm istat.L aneJadais Grove; Miss Eleanon Rowan,ofieastn.LoeJrd, Peterborough with Mr. and Mrs. adicw.i.. c ames ta himefan Clarence Rowan. lhe bad ta neveal bis masculinea Mn. ad Mr. Hanld Piliips. îdentity. Others in the cast were Peterborough, with Mr. and Tomsasn'MlomSet Mrs. Wm. Phillipa. 1Wiomy a A song Macomd et Mr. and Mrs. Arriott Nem Ilm ArmstrongadEshï ence Neal. ._ jRandyongfi . rceWi it Dr. William Bigelow and Mrs. Bigelow, Toronito. with Mn. aind Mrs. Frnrk Bigelow. Mn. anid Mrs. Gerald Mulli- gen and daughten Chanlyn, To- ronto, with Mn. and Mrs. Ger- vin Mulligan. Mrs. Bessie Edmunds and Mrs. M. McDowell, Millbrooic, with Mn. and Mrs. Reg. Ed- munrd s. Miss Lauretta Rowan. Iro- quais Fells, with Mn. and Mrs. Walter Rowan. Othens jaining their fami- lies elsewbere wene Miss Car- raIl Hopkinson with ber parents Iat Picton. Mra. Thomas Jackson, Mn. and nrs. Carl Smith arid !amily, w îth Mn. and Mna. Nanman Wil- sari at Yelverton. Mr. A. H. Watson and Mrs. Bris!ow Taylor witb Mn. and Mrs. Lioriel Monk un Peterbor- ough. Mn,.aand Mrs. Creighton Carn andfamily witb Mn. and Mrs. Harold Davis, Peterborough. Mrs. Elmer Rowan. Raiph Rowan, Harry Jabristori, with Mn. and Mna. Clarence John- stan at Springviiîe. Mn. Douglas Webster witb bis parents un Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, Gleri Wentivanth anid son Ricky wîth relatives in Brampton. Congratulations to Mr. and Mns. Shermari Montgomery on the arrivai ai a son in Peterbor- ougb Civic' Hospital on Decem- ber l9th. Sorry tO repart that Donald Smnelt is in Peterborough Civic Hospital &ain for tneatrnent. His mai-w friends are wishing ei aqeedy recovery. -- r e t b a ti s iý E a Fi i d Dies be HeId ical trouble. Shdrtly atter dawn, Sunday morning, White mari- aged ta get the car goi.ng again and drove home. Fmnd Child Dead White at this time noticed that Richard looked sick and. leaving Britton and four af the children at the !arm, ne- turried ta Lindsay whene he went ta the home o! bis father- iri-law, Ernest Bell, at 37 Sus- sex street north. As soon as be arrived at the house, Bell no- ticed that the cblld was dead. Bell contacted Sgt. Gardon Eberts, of the Lindsay Police Department. An inquest into the chiids death will be heid early in January. Mrs. White joined ber fam- ily Monday morning wben she made funeral arrangements for :hool Holds Concert "Sulent Night" in~ two parts. Mr. H. F. Rayson of the Trus- tee Board was chairman and ex- pressed thanks to the teachers and pupils for their efforts and the parents for their co-opera- tion; with special thanks to Mrs. Reg. Edmnunds, who had trained the musical numbers. Santa Claus made his official appearance ta help Wi dismant- ling t-he Christmas tree. 'Many Appeal Asse*ssments In Manvers Sixty-five taxpayers in Mani- vers Township appealed their assessment at the Court of Re- vision held in Bethany Town Hall, the Court sitting for a period of five days. G. F. Annis of RHR. 5. Bow-i manville was the presiding of- ficer and the other menibers of the Court were W. D. Haig, Col- borne; Grant Broatch, Trenton; H. Clark, Cobourg, and the Dur-î ham County Assessor, Garnet Shields..1 The original assessment for the township as returned by Assess- or Walter Rowland totalledl $1,967,870.60. Reductions made! by the Court amounted ta $12,-1 750.00 leaving the new roll total $ 1,955,120.60. Bethany Girl Is Honou'red By Community Miss Gladys Bigelow, whose marriage ta Robert Burgess o! Bowmanville takes place oný December 28th, was honored by the Bethany community with a miscellaneous shower on Mon-1 day evening. The Sundav School roomn of the United Church was gaily decorated for this occasion and the bride-to-be was seated under a pink and blue umbrella to receive the gifts which were presented by Mes. Harry Ryley, M!rs. Mansel Finney and Mrs. Hlarold White. Mrs. Ralph Preston read the address of congratulations and good wisbes, also expressing thanks to Miss Bigelow for ber past services in the choir and as a former organist of the Church. The choir members' gift was a set o! pyrex ware. During the evening Christmas! carols were sung, led by Mrs. Thomas Jennings. with Mrs. Clarence Rowan, pianist. Patricia Green and Jane Fallis sang 'Away In A Manger". Mrs. Ralph Preston gave two read- ngs "Real Christmas Givi ng" and "A Hindoo Heaven". Mrs H. F. Rayson and Mrs. Preston Neal sang "The Blue Sirti- Waltz" and "Forever and Ever". Mrs. Harrv Ryley conducteda 'antest "What Would You Do." Lunch was served by the com-1 mittee in charge o! arrange-j menits. Pj Best Food Buys WELCH'S Large 24-or. bottle 32-oz. tin WISK Liquid Miracle -92C Libbv's "Mammoth" Golden Rour RIPE OLIVES, 16 oz. jar --35e CHOCOLATES, lb. box 89e 2 lbs 1.75 Kraft Rose Brand Sweet1 CHEESE PARTY SNACKS, 4 oz. 25c MIXED PICKLES, 16 oz. jar 33C Kraft 8 oz. rol Libby's Fancy CHEESE RANDI-SNACKS 33e TOMATO JUICE, 48 or. tin -___34e Saratoga _____POTATO CHIPS, 7 oz. pkg.- 89e Planter's Weston's BLANCHED PEANUTS,, Ige. pkg. 43c CAPRI WAFERS, 8 oz. pkg. 22c Qualif y MEATS Branded Beef Swift's Premium - 1-lb. sealed pkX. Blad ReiovedBreakfast Bacon 85c BLAD 1b.d4 cParty Suggestions Swift's Prem ium - Fully Cooked W T' P EM M - 1.b cel Smoked Hams FianKrS 37c Butt lb A c Portion ib.6 3CSWIFT'S '-b __ _Portion lb. 6 9c.Pork &Tulrkey Loaf 45c Golden Hour Treosweet POPPING CORN, i lb. pkg. - 17e GRAPEFRUIT JUICE, 48 of. tin 35e White Swan Red & W hite .i~ SERVIETTES, white, 70's - 2 for 33e INTN5CFE oz. jar 5fv ALLS WEET MARGARINE, lb. pkg. 35e Red & White Orange Pekoe TEA ]BAGS, 10e off - 65 Bags 69e Swif t's Kraft Pimento or Canadian PREM-Luncheon Meat, 12 oz. tin 41 CHEESE LICES, 8 oz. pkg. - 35e Fresh PRODUCE Florida - Marsh Seedless 96's For parties and snacks.- Colvin Brand GRAPE RUIT California Fancy - Attractively wrapped GRAPfor UIT Dried Fruits 10 fr 49 lb. pkg. 95 c Florida - For hearty holiday appetites Zipper-skin Large size California - Fancy - Palm Garden Brand TANGERINES TOMA TOES 2 doz. 69c celle tube 2.5c BRSEELEMONADE, @-or. tin -- 2 for 39c BID EEGRAPEFRUJIT JUICE, 6-or. tin---- 2 for 33c FROZEN FOODS GREEN BEANS, 10-or. pkg._-- -- ý5 THERE'S MAPLE GROVE ORONO Recreation LE -Yeo's Marketeria - Maple Grove Groceteria -Cornish Market--ria Department REGISTRATIONS ACCEPTED AT RECREATION O FFICE OR AT FIRST SESSION For furiher information - Phone MA 3-5761 Activity Aduit Swimming Aduit Art Smocking Leathercraft Dancing Class Public Speaking Choral Society Teen Towni Stamp Club Millinery Children's, Jr. Variety Minor Hockey Instruetor Mn. W. Bagnell Mr. A. Hodgkin.q Mrs. L. High!ield Mns. L. Dillirig Miss T. Harvey Dawn Jones Abranof! Mn. E. Morley Mn. H. Martin Pres. Rena Dîlling Pres. D. R. Morrison Mrs. Y. Zavi Mna. F. Cale Mrs. R. Hailman Time Thurs. 7:00-10:00 Fri. 7:30- 9:30 Tues. 7:30- 9:30 Tues. 8:00-10:00 Wed. 3:00- 8:30 Sat. 9:00- 1:00 Wed. 7:30- 9:30 Mon. 8:00-10:00 Fni. 8:30-12:00 3rd Wed. 8:15 p.m. Thurs. 2:00- 4:00 1, Fnl. 4:00- 6:00 Mon. 5:00- 6:30 No Charge Sat. 7:00-12:00 Jan. S - Mar. 31 LocalitY B.T.S. Pool Lions Centre Lions Centre Lions Centre Lions Centre Lions Centre Town Hall Lions Centre Lions Centre Lions Centre Lions Centre MeAiail Arena Focs Dates. $4.00 Sec Instructor. $2.50 $2.5n Sec Instructor - Se Instruetor $3.00 Membership plus nightly admission $1.00 per vear $4.00 No Charge Jan. 10- Apr. 25 Jan. 4 - June 28 Jan. 8 - Mar. 12 Jan. 8 Mar. 12 Jan. 9 May.22 Jan. 3 May 18 Jan. 9 Mar. 13 Jan. 7 May 20 Every Other Tri. Jan. - June Jani. 16 - May 15 Jan. 10 - Mar. 14 Jan. Il - May 31 Jan. 7 - Mar. 25 No. et eson, 28 10 > A RED & WHITE STORE NEAR YOU Bowman ville WINTER ACTIVITIES -1957 An additional fee of S1.00O wiII be eharxed to ail out of town members -7 TM CARADL« EnATESSUR. SOWUAIfVffj= C"AM TRURMAT. VW. 2tth. 1938 TREESWEET 4-oz. tin LEMON JUICE 3 for 3 3c AYLMER FAeCY 20-o2. tin 35C 2 for 41 éwi DEW DROP PEAS BOWMANVILI